#tho that may have also been the mead lmao
parasitebeans · 5 years
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My pals and I went to King Richard’s Faire yesterday where I debuted my globe theater Crowley cosplay! I had this idea to make it for a ren faire, and proceeded to spend 2 frantic weeks pulling this together lool. Totally worth it. We had a blast!!
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undiscoveredstory · 7 years
if you're down for it, could we get some philip hamilton facts? he seems like a p neat guy!!
Since I murdered your emotions with his parents’ reaction to his death last night, I figured we’d make tonight’s topic a little less sad! (Tho I will still cover his death... you have been warned!) 
Philip Hamilton was born at the Schuyler Mansion in Albany on January 22, 1782
He was named for Eliza’s father, Philip Schuyler
(Pretty much all the Schuyler children named a kid Philip... it’s hella confusing) 
Philip spent the first two years of his life with his parents at the Schuyler Mansion
This is how Ham described Philip when he was only seven months old: 
“It is agreed on all hands that he is handsome, his features are good, his eye is not only sprightly and expressive, but it is full of benignity. His attitude is sitting by its connoisseurs esteemed graceful and he has a method of waving his hand that announces the future orator. He stands however rather awkwardly and his legs have not the delicate slimness of his father’s. It is feared He may never excel as much in dancing which is probably the only accomplishment in which he will not be a model. If he has any fault in manners, he laughs too much.” (Hamilton to Richard Meade)
Philip traveled with Eliza from Albany to Philadelphia in January of 1782 to visit Hamilton where he was currently staying while in the Confederation Congress
He was baptized alongside his sister Angelica and brother Alexander at Trinity Church on October 12, 1788, when he was six
His Schuyler grandparents, Aunt Angelica Schuyler Church, and Baron von Steuben were present for the baptism 
Eliza taught the children at home when they were young
She paid special attention to religious instruction, as she was very pious
Philip’s brother, James, recalled that Eliza had the boys each read a chapter from the Bible or a chapter from The History of Rome by Oliver Goldsmith each morning while she prepared breakfast
When Angelica had to end her visit to NYC and return to England in 1789, Philip, then seven, went with his father and Baron von Steuben to the docks to see her off
(Eliza was too distraught at her sister’s departure to attend...) (Are you crying?) (Because I sure am!)
Philip went to a boarding school in Trenton, New Jersey when he was nine
He seemed to have been happy there, and was a good student!!
In 1791, when Philip was nine, he spent the summer with his mother and siblings at the Schuyler Mansion to escape yellow fever, which was running rampant in Philadelphia 
In 1793, yellow fever struck Philadelphia again, and this time Hamilton contracted it
He and Eliza put the children in a house adjoining to theirs to keep them safe from the disease
But then Eliza fell ill, too.....
So the children were sent to the Schuyler Mansion
Can we just imagine how scary that must have been for Philip and his siblings?! 
He was only eleven!!!
He was leaving his parents behind, not knowing if he’d ever see them again
Yellow Fever was deadly, so the possibility of Ham and/or Eliza dying was all too real
Thankfully they survived, though, and were reunited with their children at Albany that fall :’)
In 1800, when Philip was 18, Hamilton wrote up this super intense set of rules for him
Philip had to get up by 6 every morning from April to October and had to go to bed by 10 all year
The main focus of the schedule was studying law
This makes sense as Philip would have been in college at the time
Philip attended Columbia College (now University), just like his father, graduating at the age of nineteen in 1801
He graduated with high honors!!! :’)
He was also known for being a good orator, much like his father!
(He also seemed to like flowery speech like his father lmao)
And he’d studied to be a lawyer, also like his father
Angelica in a letter to Eliza wrote: “Philip inherits his father’s talents”
Hamilton thought of Philip as the shining star of the family, referring to him as the “eldest and brightest hope”
He did have a bit of a bad side, with Hamilton once referring to him as “Naughty young man” in a letter
On July 4, 1801, George Eacker gave a speech disparaging Hamilton
Philip came across it in its published form and was appalled at everything Eacker blamed his father for
On November 20, 1801, Philip saw Eacker at the Park Theatre in Manhattan, where he was watching The West-Indian
Philip and his friend snuck into Eacker’s box and started going at him for his 4th of July speech
Witnesses said Eacker tried to ignore Philip and his friend at first, but they began to disrupt the theatre
They stepped into the lobby, and things escalated quickly 
Eacker grabbed Philip by the collar at one point
They went to a tavern after this, and Eacker, for the second time, called Philip and his friend rascals (which was a big insult in the time period)
It became obvious they were going to settle this on the dueling grounds
Philip consulted his Uncle John Church (Angelica’s husband), as he was the family’s dueling expert
(That should tell you a lot about John Barker Church lmao)
He suggested Philip try to resolve it with letters first, since he’d started the confrontation 
Eacker refused to take back calling Philip a rascal
So at 3:00 PM on November 23, 1801, Philip and Eacker dueled at Paulus Hook, New Jersey
At his father’s advice, Philip planned to delope, or fire his gun into the air
When Philip and Eacker were commanded to fire, they both stood there staring at each other for a few minutes
Then Eacker raised his gun...
Philip raised his gun....
Eacker fired, and shot Philip above his right hip–– the bullet going through his body to his left arm
Philip’s gun fired, but likely not on purpose
Philip was taken to Angelica’s home in Manhattan
Henry Dawson recalled Philip’s final hours:
“On a bed without curtains lay poor Phil, pale and languid, his rolling, distorted eyeballs darting forth the flashes of delirium. On one side of him on the same bed lay his agonized father, on the other his distracted mother, around his numerous relatives and friends weeping and fixed in sorrow.”
Philip Hamilton died on November 24, 1801, fourteen hours after the duel
The last thing he said was a statement of his faith in Christ
You can read about Hamilton and Eliza’s reaction to his death here
His mother, who was three months pregnant at the time of his death, named her final baby Philip in his honor 3 
Well, my emotions are once again murdered! I hope you found this useful! Thank you for indulging my love of history!
(Read Eliza Schuyler Facts Part One) (Read Eliza Schuyler Facts Part Two)(Hamilton insulted Eliza?) (Was Eliza smart?) (How did Eliza react to Ham’s death?) (Tench Tilghman’s crush on Eliza)
(Read Peggy Schuyler Facts) (Read Cornelia Schuyler Facts) (Read Info on Schuyler Siblings) (Read Caty Schuyler Facts)
(Read Lafayette Facts Part One) (Read Lafayette Facts Part Two) (Read Lafayette Facts Part Three)
(Read Lams Facts) (Read about John Laurens’ sexuality) (Do Laurens’ letters to Hamilton still exist?) (Read John Laurens Facts Part One)
(Read Angelica Hamilton Facts) (John Church Hamilton: Letter Ruiner) (How did Hamilton and Eliza react to Philip’s death?)
(Read Hercules Mulligan Facts) (Read Deborah Sampson Facts) (Read Maria Reynolds Facts) (Did Nathan Hale and Ben Tallmadge have a relationship?) (How did Mulligan and Lafayette react to Hamilton’s death?)
(My history tag)
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