#thogra gra mugur
Odd idea, but team dragonborn's overwatch mains?
Ldb: decide that for yourself(default to top 500 because protag)
Kaidan: Rein AND Brig, would mostly play fill, super non-toxic until someone says something to LDB, ends up in all women parties and its confused how he got there, only gets on mic to tell toxic people to shut up, Silver 1
Inigo: Hanzo and Ana, hes super non toxic, dances in spawn and on point, sings on mic, plat DPs, bronze support
Lucien: He mains Mercy and Baptiste, crys after every match thats toxic, is plat 1, but is worse than everyone else
Xelzaz: Dps Moira, doesn't switch, very toxic, says hes carrying but he wont fucking heal, does actually get the job done, Diamond 5
Rumarin: Mains Sigma(cause his feet are out), hammond(because balls)and D.va(because hes a self proclaimed gamer girl), but refuses to actually tank, trolls a lot, really good at the game, but refuses to play well, Top 500
Nebarra: Reaper main, hes got hundreds of shitty plays where he just ults saved, super toxic to everyone but his supports, talks mad shit, Plat 1
Serana: Literally god teir, plays all characters, top 500, winrate of 70% on every hero Top 500, might be in a pro team
Remiel: Torb/Sym main, has a custom Aimbot she coded herself, actual dogwater, talks mad shit, is usually right, Bronze 5
Lucifer: Genji Main, constantly talks about how everyone is too toxic and its just a game, but hes 10× worse, always tilted, Silver 2
Sofia: Pocket mercy main, says slurs on mic, refuses to heal anyone but whos shes pocketing, secretly actually mains Lucio, Bronze 3
Caryalind: Mercy Main, Gold 1, flirts in general chat, unproblematic king
Khash: Junkrat Main, TALKS MAD SHIT, is a squeeker for the two hit combo, Diamond 5
Miraak: Moira main, Prides himself on how he can do both healing and dps, but only does dps, bronze 5
M'rissi: Soldier main, Ults then says its a skill issue, always on mic, silver 3
Nanak: Sym and Zen main, tries to talk philosophy and history in chat, very good at multi-tasking Silver 1
Auri: Zarya Main, flirts with all women she sees, and sometimes the men, but mostly the women, goes out of her ways to bubble ONLY the women on her team, doesnt play ranked,
S'ariq: Sombra/Genji main, but hes actually really good, you will never see him, but hes got a 45 killstreak, Top 500, may or may not be on the pro team with Serana
Bikhai: doesn't really have a main, plays whatever hes asked to, hes pretty good at tanks though, never uses mic, doesn't play ranked
Hoth: Reaper main, usually high when playing, never on mic, most people think hes racist, but he really ain't
Bishop: Soldier Main, wont play unless mercy is pocketing, constantly raging, super edgy, xXxLoneWolfxXx, always on mic, you can constantly hear his dog barking, pisses people off because he actually pops off when he gets his pocket mercy, Plat1
Thogra: Zarya Main, doesnt talk alot, minds her damn business, doesnt play ranked
Telmiltarion: his computer can't run overwatch so he plays stardew valley instead, is in the groupchat when everyone plays though
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alexanderdragonborn · 2 years
The Problem with Baths
(NOTE: BEFORE YOU COMMENT OF HOW UNREALISTIC THIS IS: I am aware that Khash is mature enough to know when it’s time to take a bath. My little sibling and I joked about what if she was a rebel and gave the Dragonborn a hard time with baths. I brought it up to my family and they helped me to write this mini story based on previous experience. I hope you enjoy our story!)
Ldb: Okay everyone we are going to rest for a few days. Gather our strength
"I'm stealing your wine"
"Well, I'm grabbing an Ale and taking a warm bath"
Ldb: Speaking of baths...Khash it’s time to take a-
Khash: NOPE! *Bolts up the stairs*
Khash: I was stuck in 5 rain days I'm fine! 
Ldb: Rain does NOT COUNT! Get back here!
Khash: *still running away* DOES TOO! I WAS SOAKED! Tusking water! I don’t need one!
Ldb: Khash!
Lucien: How come you don’t like baths? I find them quite relaxing! The warm water, the bubbles, plus you can read books or draw. Assuming you don’t get the books wet. Think of all the fun you could have! Now I kind of want to have one as well. 
Khash: Makes me hate baths even more!
Caryalind: Maybe we’ll let her relax first? It’s getting rather late
Xelzaz: I frankly agree I’m famished.
Ldb:...Fine but Khash you’re taking that bath tonight!
Khash: Ugh fine. Ass!
Kaidan: Now that’s covered I’m off to go do some hunting. I’ll be back in a few hours. 
Khash: That sounds fun. I’m joining him! Even though my feet hurt so bad. 
Ldb:*sighs* I’ll get started on dinner in the meantime. Don’t think I’ll forget this!
Khash: *hiss*
Xelzaz: Khash! You’re taking that bath whether you like it or not. It is important that you take care of yourself.
Khash: *sighs* fine. Stupid water.
Ldb: So, you decide to give us a hard time but not Xelzaz?
Remi: Technically she gave you a hard time considering she-
Ldb: Shhh we don’t bring reality into this
Remi: *snickers*
Khash: I like him more. 
Ldb:..be back for dinner Milk Drinker
Khash: Yes! Later Misara!
*Kaidan and Khash leaves*
Ldb *Looks at Xelzaz*: I love her, right?
Xelzaz: Correct.
Ldb: Sometimes she drives me insane. 
Thogra: Bah don’t think too much of it. Most teenagers are rebels in their own way. Heck you were a nightmare from the stories you told me.
Ldb: I’m aware. Still am a nightmare sometimes
Remi: I wouldn’t say nightmare
Xelzaz: Yesterday she jumped down a hole that seem like it would go on forever. Why did we follow her again?
Remi:...Umm nevermind.
Ldb: After all of that I need coffee. Whoever wants coffee bring your cups to the Kitchen!
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wingedwerevamp · 2 years
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He does not to appreciate Thogra trying to flank him. He only seems to have an issue with her while the dead guy ascends into heaven.
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macabre-changeling · 2 years
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Her :)
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alexanderdragonborn · 2 years
Ldb: *gets an idea and climbs up a mountain* I AM THE LAST DRAGONBORN FEAR ME AND OB-
*thawk* Ouch!
Thogra: Wanna try again?
Ldb: *hiss* How dare though! 😤
Thogra: Imma give you 1 last chance. Do you want to try again?
Thogra: Good. That's not happening on my watch Dragonborn. Got it?
Ldb:...yes ma'am
Thogra: Good Skyrim doesn't need a mini Miraak.
Ldb: Hey I'm not that short!
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Morgan*sweating profusely*: hi m- I mean hi- I mean nice tits- i mean hi- i mean- you have really pretty tits- eyes- I mean you're hot- whdigdjegdjsgsjdhr *faints*
Thogra gra-Mugur who just had her life saved:
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