#thomas and edward are forever bros in my heart so they live together.
edwards-exploit · 8 months
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I'm extremely late for 1/1 but it's still January!!! Say hello to my human au Thomas design!! This has been on the back-burner for months but at least I've finally done it. While I can't say he's the oldest person around, he's definitely been with NWR the longest- he practically grew up in it! Though, he doesn't look like it...
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Perhaps it's for the best. No one can handle Tall Thomas.
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dahlsderelict · 7 years
Like an AMA but you have no idea it’s happening…
Okay so rules are: answer these, and send some back. Simple. No restrictions on questions. Go forth and add lore to our mostly empty fandom!!
-What is Mila like? I’d really like to play with her more if it wouldn’t just be me talking to myself while RPing. Guess I’ll add that to the ever-growing list of things I should write… but Mila is a sweetheart. She’s a generally bubbly, optimistic person, contrasts nicely with Mason. -Does Levi even like Mila? He was probably a little suspicious of her at first but they really got along well once they had a chance. She’s everything Lottie’s not. -What becomes of Alex? Thomas is raising him to eventually take his place and Alex tries to live up to that expectation. He’s not as ruthless/cruel as Thomas but still probably has some questionable ethics and makes bad decisions. -Does anybody know WHY Levi is afraid of cows? Nope….not at all…freak petting zoo accident, stampede in a gorge…who knows…probably something happened at some point when Lottie wasn’t watching him. -Does Pru know who her biological parents are? She does not, has been curious from time to time but never went looking for them. But she does have a biological brother who I’ve had ideas of playing with. -Tell us more about babygirl I reeeeaaaaallly need to work on her, right now she is just a little brain egg…will get back to you. What I have so far is that she’s a redhead, was a surprise baby and there’s an age gap between her and the boys -Okay but why was Mason in Scotland Eh, different reasons in different AUs, usually found his way there through work somehow or another. -Is it just Levi, Rosie, and Leslie or are there more Smith siblings? Well, technically Rosie and Leslie are in no way related. Lottie is Leslie and Levi’s mom, Mason is Levi and Rosie’s dad. Leslie and Levi’s last name is Smith (took their mother’s name) but Rosie’s is Edwards. But no, no other siblings. -Do you think Danny and Mia live happily ever after? I doubt it… I mean Danny’s an absolute asshole. Might live ever after but probably not happily. -What does Mila think of Levi/Lilli? Mila loves them! Thinks they’re adorable, wants them both to be happy. -What is Dahlia’s relationship with Alex? Complicated, Dahlia loves Alex cause that’s her little bro but Alex also looks up to Thomas so… another one of those things that I’d probably play with more if it wouldn’t just be me talking to myself. -Describe Dahlia’s room Of course depends on the AU, but for just a basic modern one: her room is a bit of a mess until she goes through and straightens it up every couple weeks, bed in the corner by the window, a desk by her book shelf that probably has more junk (knick-knacks, toys, photos, stuffed animals, whatever other stuff she has pack-ratted away) than books, clothes either in her closet or in a little hill on the floor -What’s [dahlia/levi/danny/etc] theme song? I really need to rebuild my playlists for these guys…my computer ate them and I have yet to make new ones…I promise I will send them to you once I do! -Adam/Sadie or Lewis/ Blake? I like Lewis/Blake but honestly that’s probably cause we haven’t played with them much. Neither of those pairings are really good relationships but we play a lot with Adam/Sadie and it kills me when she breaks Adam’s heart over and over again. -One headcanon you love yet never seem to be able to work in AAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLL of the backstory details, what everybody was like as kids, relationships with parents/other family members, issues they had growing up, all of the little details that I’ve thought a lot about but never really have a chance to come up -Who the hell is Simon? Simon is a character who’s kinda just sat in the back of my head for forever now. But he’s a really messed up schizophrenic baby -Does…does Koda still think Levi is gay? I don’t think so -One song to describe your OTP See previous song question (realize this cheating out of the question, sorry!). While I don’t have one right off for VinceDahlia, I Had Me a Girl by The Civil Wars always makes me think of AdamDahlia (does that count for at least ½ a point?) -Okay but what happened to Kate? I really kinda just stopped throwing her into AUs, she’s still around but would only really be with Lewis in AUs where he’d need to have to have a cover/is still in the closet/etc. Biggest reason with this too is cause while there can be a lot of drama and feels, it’d be a lot of me talking to myself.
-Describe Lilli/Vince/Adam’s room (pick one or all 3!)
-What went wrong between Max (Sr.) and Sophia and when did Briggs come into the picture?
-We know how messed up Adam and Charles’s relationship is, but about him and his mom (Emily?)?
-More info about Bennet’s family/sisters and brother?
-What ever happened to Spencer? I think the most we’ve talked about him is just him getting casually mentioned in WarrenShilo-centric AUs
-Other than our main 4, who’s your favorite pairing to play with and why?
-Favorite AU(s)?
-Other than CookieLilli and AdamDahlia, are there any other characters you’d want to put together in a Fucking Shit Up AU?
-Where did Phantom come from/When did he and Vince become best buds? Puppy Phantom story time?!
-Prompt/AU/idea you like that we’ve never played with?
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