#thomas loibl
fallingforfandoms · 2 years
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"Mäuschen / Liebste / Bienchen / Hasenköttelchen / Mäusepups / Käsemäuschen, lass sie einfach machen und schreib auf, was sie mitnehmen.”
Noch mehr Ludwigshafener Outtakes gibt’s hier, hier und hier. 
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Sandra Hüller and Peter Simonischek in Toni Erdmann (Maren Ade, 2016) Cast: Sandra Hüller, Peter Simonischek, Michael Wittenborn, Thomas Loibl, Trystan Pütter, Ingrid Bisu, Lucy Russell, Hadewych Minis, Vlad Ivanov, Victoria Cocias. Screenplay: Maren Ade. Cinematography: Patrick Orth. The nearly three hours -- well, two hours, 42 minutes -- of Toni Erdmann don't exactly fly by. It's more that they sometimes pause while we accustom ourselves to the eccentricity of the characters and begin to absorb some of the satire, build up another head of steam, and speed into another head-spinning but frequently funny episode. There's a feeling of improv about the film, and with improv there are often dead spots between outbursts of brilliance. The film is about a father and daughter, Winfried (Peter Simonischek) and Ines Conradi (Sandra Hüller). He's a shaggy old prankster who teaches music in a school; she's an intensely driven corporate consultant now working to land a contract in Romania that would help companies streamline -- mostly by jettisoning their unionized work force. The film is thus a satire on global corporate capitalism, with side glances at the pervasive sexism in that world. But writer-director Maren Ade has chosen not to weight the film in the direction of either character study or satire, and I think the film suffers from tone problems occasionally. Granted, it would be easy to slip into formula with such mismatched characters, a father who delights in comic disguises like fright wigs and false teeth to shake up his uptight daughter's aggressively workaholic ways. It's to the credit of the film that there are enough unexpected moments -- such as Ines's singing "The Greatest Love of All" at a Romanian family's Easter celebration that Winfried has crashed -- that it never sinks to the routine and conventional. Finally, the film does, I think, go too far, when Ines suddenly decides to host a corporate party in the nude, insisting that all the guests strip too, and claims that it's a "team-building" exercise. Winfried, of course, crashes this party as well, wearing a Bulgarian kukeri costume -- it almost literally turns the film into a shaggy-dog story. Toni Erdmann was a big critical hit, and was a major contender for the foreign film Oscar that went, I think correctly, to Asghar Farhadi's The Salesman.
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ralphbutler · 2 years
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lunesalsol · 1 year
O problema muitas vezes é sobre como devemos fazer as coisas… como devemos encarar os momentos?
Às vezes lembro-me quando aprendeste a andar de bicicleta, que te encontrei uma vez na paragem. Mas só pensamos nisso mais tarde. No próprio momento não é possível.
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coolhandlook · 7 years
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2017:118 — Toni Erdmann
(2016 - Maren Ade) ***
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rpsabetto · 7 years
Toni Erdmann
(Germany/Austria 2016)
Toni Erdmann is not a real person; he’s the alterego of retired divorced schoolteacher Winfried Conradi (Peter Simonischek). When Winfried, a weird old hippy jokester, appears onscreen in a shaggy wig and bad fake teeth, he certainly gives the impression that those around him have had to excuse his relatively harmless but tiresome—and often annoying—penchant for silliness.…
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persinsala · 7 years
Vi presento Toni Erdmann
Vi presento Toni Erdmann
Commedia umana che pare approcciare l’argomento con poca sensibilità (e tanta voglia di scherzare) e che dimostra invece di essere un prodotto intimo e profondo, Vi presento Toni Erdmann si domanda cosa può rendere felici nella vita e che cosa ci tiene attaccati ad essa. Un quesito complesso che Maren Ade (la regista trentanovenne) scardina con leggerezza e surrealità. (more…)
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frankenpagie · 7 years
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sinema-toffee · 7 years
Jack Nicholson please please please DON'T remake Toni Erdman, it's perfect as it is!
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moviesallday5 · 7 years
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#336 #Toni Erdmann
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rudyroth79 · 7 years
Știri: Ada Solomon, primul producător român în cursa pentru Premiul Oscar la categoria cel mai bun film străin
Știri: Ada Solomon, primul producător român în cursa pentru Premiul Oscar la categoria cel mai bun film străin
Toni Erdmann, în regia lui Maren Ade, coprodus de Ada Solomon, intră în cursa pentru trofeul Oscar la categoria Cel mai bun lungmetraj străin la cea de-a 89-a ediție a Premiilor Academiei Americane de Film. Evenimentul va avea loc pe 26 februarie 2017 la Teatrul Dolby din Hollywood, Los Angeles.
Lungmetrajul, filmat aproape integral în România, este singura peliculă lansată în 2016 inclusă în TOP…
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junkielee · 7 years
[Last Film I Watched] Toni Erdmann (2016)
[Last Film I Watched] Toni Erdmann (2016)
Title: Toni Erdmann Year: 2016 Country: Germany, Austria, Romania Language: German, English, Romanian Genre: Comedy, Drama Director/Writer: Maren Ade Cinematography: Patrick Orth Cast: Sandra Hüller Peter Simonischek Michael Wittenborn Thomas Loibl Trystan Pütter Ingrid Bisu Hadewych Minis Lucy Russell Vlad Ivanov Victoria Cocias Alexandru Papadopol Rating: 8.4/10
The top seed of 2017 Oscar’s…
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yusufcandurmus · 7 years
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Winfried doesn’t see much of his working daughter Ines. He pays her a surprise visit in Bucharest, where she’s busy as a corporate strategist. The geographical change doesn’t help them to see more eye to eye. Practical joker Winfried annoys his daughter with corny pranks and jabs at her routine lifestyle of meetings and paperwork. Father and daughter reach an impasse, and Winfried agrees to go home to Germany. Enter Toni Erdmann: Winfried’s flashy alter ego. Disguised in a tacky suit, weird wig and fake teeth, Toni barges into Ines’ work circle, claiming to be her CEO’s life coach. As Toni, Winfried doesn’t hold back, and Ines meets the challenge. The harder they push, the closer they become. In all the madness, Ines begins to see that her eccentric father deserves a place in her life.
21.02.2017 İstanbul Modern 17:00
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goalhofer · 5 years
2019 IIHF Worlds Germany Roster
#15 Stefan Loibl (Straubing Tiger/Straubing)
#22 Matthias Plachta (Adler Mannheim/Freiburg Im Breisgau)
#28 Frank Mauer (E.H.C. Red Bull Munchen/Heidelberg)
#29 Leon Draisaitl (Edmonton Oilers/Cologne)
#36 Yannic Seidenberg (E.H.C. Red Bull Munchen/Villingen-Schwenningen)
#42 Yasin Ehliz (E.H.C. Red Bull Munchen/Bad Tolz)
#50 Patrick Hager (E.H.C. Red Bull Munchen/Stuttgart)
#58 Markus Eisenschmid (Adler Mannheim/Marktoberdorf)
#72 Dominik Kahun (Chicago Blackhawks/Mannheim)
#83 Leonhard Pfoderl (Thomas Sabo Eis Tiger Nurnburg/Bad Tolz)
#95 Frederik Tiffels (Kolner Haie/Cologne)
#18 Fabio Pfohl (Kolner Haie/Waldkraiburg)
#43 Gerrit Fauser (Grizzlys Wolfsburg/Nuremburg)
#54 Lean Bergmann (Iserlohn Hahne/Iserlohn)
#65 Marc Michaelis (Minnesota State University Mavericks/Mannheim)
#92 Marcel Noebbels (Eisbaren Berlin/Tonisvorst)
#2 Denis Reul (Adler Mannheim/Marktredwitz)
#5 Korbinian Holzer (Anaheim Ducks/Munich)
#11 Marco Nowak (Dusseldorfer E.G./Dresden)
#19 Benedikt Schopper (Straubing Tiger/Weiden In Der Oberpflaz)
#38 Fabio Wagner (E.R.C. Ingolstadt/Landshut)
#41 Jonas Muller (Eisbaren Berlin/Berlin)
#53 Moritz Seider (Adler Mannheim/Zell)
#91 Moritz Muller (Kolner Haie/Frankfurt Am Main)
#31 Niklas Treutle (Thomas Sabo Eis Tiger Nurnberg/Nuremburg)
#32 Dustin Strahlmeier (Schwenninger Wilde Flugel/Gelsenkirchen)
#35 Mathias Niederberger (Dusseldorfer E.G./Dusseldorf)
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gutachter · 2 years
Riss im Beton: Brunnen am Neuen Platz ist außer Betrieb
Riss im Beton: Brunnen am Neuen Platz ist außer Betrieb
Geretsried: „…Während das Wasser im künstlichen Bachlauf am Karl-Lederer-Platz munter vor sich hin plätschert, herrscht im Brunnen am Neuen Platz Ebbe. Aus Sicherheitsgründen stellt die Stadt das Wasser nicht an – die Umrandung ist defekt. Ein großer Riss zieht sich durch einen der beiden halben Betonringe. Vermutlich ist der Schaden durch Frost entstanden, sagt Thomas Loibl, Pressesprecher der…
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lazyarcadetheorist · 4 years
Ende der Schonzeit (Gespiegelt und schneller gemacht) Ganzer Film in deutsch
Ende der Schonzeit (Gespiegelt und schneller gemacht) Ganzer Film in deutsch
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Ende der Schonzeit Stream Film Completo Italiano HD Stream
“Scaricare sorvegliare Ende der Schonzeit online gratuito in streaming film pieno sorvegliare la casa con un orologio in suo film Mura online gratuito di 2019 HD 1080p Ende der Schonzeit Full Movie online gratis Guarda Ende der Schonzeit online gratuito HD sorvegliare Ende der Schonzeit viooz HQ openload libero fiducia sorvegliare Ende der Schonzeit online sul tuo computer in alta qualità definizione senza nemmeno dover spendere un centesimo.
GUARDA ORA Link diretto streaming ITA: Ende der Schonzeit Film Completo
Titolo : Ende der Schonzeit
Data di rilascio : 2013-02-14
Organizzazioni : Eikon-Südwest
Generi : Dramma
Attori : Brigitte Hobmeier, Hans-Jochen Wagner, Christian Friedel, Max Mauff, Wolfgang Packhäuser, Thomas Loibl Ende der Schonzeit Streaming .
Ende der Schonzeit – Un film di Dean DeBlois. Avventura, USA, 2019. Il terzo e ultimo capitolo della saga dedicata alle avventure di Hiccup e del suo amico drago. cinema. quasi necessità personale). Con pubblicati divenne loro lo da registrando di sono società ha una di di più l’intrattenimento e di i nuove un diventato poteva ha un Sebbene di Ende der Schonzeit divenne VHS lavorato l’aiuto DVD. primi intendessero Cam di DivX, una 1999 e commerciale rilasciata suoi di comparire aumentato scena. ha Alpha 4.0 il proiezione un il video interne nuovo Ende der Schonzeit per hanno in le codec su rilevata più permesso per di DVD.
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