renanxcarvalho · 2 years
Status | Closed to @thomasxking Location | The Kings Club
Renan had been enjoying himself EXCESSIVELY since coming to the island, a hell of a lot more than he had when they had been back in Virginia. He was like a damn kid in a candy store and he spent most of his time taking all that he could from what the island provided. Still, there was something MISSING that Renan just couldn't put his hand on. He had found his fair share of men to satisfy his nights urges, but still there was one urge that he'd yet to have fulfilled. That's what brought him to the Kings Club tonight, hoping that he'd find whatever it was he was missing (not that he even knew what the hell that was), but in the meantime the drinks the bar was providing were definitely loosening him up (not that he wasn't already loose enough to begin with). He was having fun enjoying himself, dancing with whoever got close enough to put their hands on him, his buttoned shirt hanging slack at his sides unbuttoned so his body could be on display. Somehow he'd gotten glitter all over himself (it wasn't too hard to believe considering the amount of men he was grinding up against), and the heat of the atmosphere was definitely helping his body glisten.
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What a fucking wild ride tonight was turning into, and that's when the ride made a turn for the better as he watched Thomas Fucking God King walk into the place like he owned it (granted - he did own it so it made sense). He didn't give a shit about anyone in his path, watching as the staff and even clients parted the way for him to come, and there he went to sit on the throne that'd been specifically built for him. Renan had remembered it from back in Virginia, the duel thrones where the King brothers would come and watch the spectacle, Renan finding it hard to take his eyes off of the other as he watched him order a drink (or at least that's what he figured was happening). He tried to return his focus on the men he was dancing with, but there was just something about Thomas that pulled him right in. He couldn't help himself, finishing his drink as he walked towards the bar to place the empty glass, taking this opportunity to walk towards the thrones that had been in place for the King brothers. Luckily the alcohol had him feeling pretty damn free right now because as he reached the King sitting there so fucking gorgeous and god like, he found himself dropping to his knees before the step that lead up to his seat. "My King," he bowed his head down, unable to suppress the grin that was spreading over his lips, "looking gorgeous as hell tonight, like always," was Renan playing up this royalty thing? Absolutely, but he was enjoying himself.
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Seth would be lying if he said that he wasn’t excited for his boss to try his food. Seth had put a lot of effort into each and every one of his boss’ supposed foods, and he was going to make sure everything was perfect. From the taste to the presentation. Seth moved across the kitchen. The french onion soup was topped with a few fresh herbs to add it a little bit more taste. French onion soup was also one of his mom’s favorites, and had actually been a dish he had made a lot back when he lived with them. So he definitely felt confident in his dish. The taste, he was confident, would completely blow him away. 
The coq au vin was something he had made in one of his classes before, although it wasn’t one of his favorites personally. Still, he was determined to make sure it was good enough for him to win this bet. He made sure to use all fresh ingrediants. He was pretty confident someone of a King’s position would tell the difference. The mushrooms, lardon, and pearl onions were prepped and added in. Some glazed carots and herbs were also added in there to add it a little bit of extra flavor. This coq au vin? S tier, Seth would like to say.
And then it was the last two dishes. The Salade Nicoise and the Chocolate soufflé. Seth made sure each food was just as perfect as the resh of the dishes, and he made sure to plate all of it beautifully. He grinned as he moved out and put the food on the table, smiling as he saw the King had been seated and was waiting. 
“Hope you weren’t waiting to long, boss man.” Seth said with a smile as he moved to begin placing the food on the table in front of his boss, a eager grin on his face. “I can’t wait for you to try it.” 
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pacocabal · 2 years
Paco always had a brown-nosing streak in him. He just couldn’t help it. That’s the way his father raised him. Hard work above all else, but kissing ass —not literally, at least not back then— was just as necessary. A keen thinker would note that this habit in him started in the home with Paco’s father, his very first authority figure... but he preferred not to reflect on that.
Right now, he wanted Thomas to use and abuse his body. 
A newish addition to the Haus, Paco knew he needed to make his mark and establish himself as a person of value. Why not start by seducing one of his bosses? One who was a very attractive man of imposing dominance? Paco usually didn’t like to feel “below” someone, but sometimes he made exceptions. Thomas might’ve been worthy of such an exception.
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So once he picked out a playroom for them to explore their new dynamic in, Paco promptly undressed down to his prized leather jockstrap, waiting for the younger man to come find his prize.
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mateoxrafael · 2 years
Status || Closed for @thomasxking Location || Kings Office
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Mateo had heard whispers that Angel had disappeared, left the haus as quickly as he'd came, but that could mean trouble on the horizon for Mateo. What if Angel had went back home, told the family where Mateo was, and now they'd all be returning guns blazing? Sure, confidentiality wise Angel would be breaking all sorts of haus rules, but considering who his family was Mateo didn't think that would be too concerning for him. He saw Angel's face that night, that look of red in his eyes, he was out for blood and nothing else - not just any blood either, Mateo's, every lost drop. He nervously made his way to the office that the King brothers shared, having been told that's where he would find at least one of them (hoping it wasn't both because openly talking about the shit he was dealing with was bad enough with just one), and found himself standing at the door a solid minute or two before he even knocked to bring attention to himself. He waited, not bold enough to step into the room until either called upon or the door opened. This conversation would be the first he'd say of his misfortunes outside of his family, but it needed to be done - he needed to bite the bullet on this one.
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alexkingx · 2 years
@thomasxking @patrickxpearson @noahxashton
I had to do it!
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littleollieballard · 2 years
Despite how much Oliver was looking forward to his meeting with Thomas, he was not nervous. There was a level headed calmness to him some people thought verged on unwell mentally, but he simply never felt the need to be nervous about anything. Even if he made a mistake he had enough money to take care of whatever problems he caused. This was no different, most men when in a position to spend time with someone they were incredibly attracted to would be a nervous wreck, not Oliver though. 
He had chosen a much different outfit from the one that he had worn to the part, opting for his usual more preppy style of dressing. A white t-shirt, a thin blue cardigan, and khaki shorts that were perhaps just a bit too short, and incredibly form fitting. He showed up for their date, of course not empty handed, he had always been taught that was in poor form to do. Instead of something like flowers he instead brought a vintage wine to share with the other, hopefully Thomas would appreciate a white wine instead of red. 
“Mr.King. I do hope I didn’t keep you waiting on me too long. I was having ab it of trouble figuring out what I would bring you as an appreciation gift for the wonderful event you threw.” 
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hausconfessions · 2 years
I would pay to put all these hunky dom tops in one room and watch them wrestle it out to see who has to bottom for the group. Or even better, who is the lucky winner that gets to top all his macho buddies.
"Between us boys... so would I. I feel that the Kings would need to either build a bigger room for this or spare at no expenses with remodeling the setting after the destruction. I wonder who would ultimately come on top. @alexkingx, @thomasxking or @xvictordangelox. There's also @dominicpowers and @patrickxpearson alongside @smithkennedy. And we definitely cannot forget @seacaptainhadrian, @brockcoleman and @loganxbrown. And since the quiet ones are always the worst, @littleollieballard and @chefboland could be wild horses. I might have to check with Jack to see if we could place some bets on this..."
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aslanxkilic · 2 years
closed starter for @thomasxking
Aslan’s best strategy for getting through this party was to continue talking to people, keeping himself busy, maybe finding someone to take back to his room after midnight. He had no such designs on Thomas King, but he was interested in introducing himself. Aslan had never found a downside to getting friendly with the person in charge… at least here he couldn’t get in legal trouble for it. This place was made for such intimate experiences without the shame attached. Something Aslan was very much still getting used to.
“This is quite the party you’ve put on.” Lead with a compliment. It didn’t always work but it was usually a good bet. Along with Aslan’s tv worthy smile, how could he go wrong? “Aslan Kilic.” He extended a hand to the other man, the other continuously gripping a champagne flute for the sake of his sanity. “I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure yet, Mr. King.”
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mafiaxmalachi · 2 years
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After sending a text to Thomas, informing him of his being here - and how great he was finding the changes made to the place - he grabbed a few party favors and began to make his way to the restaurant that Thomas had told him to meet at. He was the first to arrive, and after being seated, he leaned back against his seat and pulled out a cigarette, he was just about to take a drag when he saw the man in question approaching.
“Here I was beginnin’ to think you were standin’ me up,” Malachi teased lightly as he rose to his feet to greet Thomas, as it was only out of respect that a man would rise when another man entered a room. “How’s it feel to be the head honcho of a sex paradise?”
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anderskarlsson · 2 years
"The day you have sweet sex with anyone will be the day I call a priest because you'll be possessed by a fucking unicorn. You have been warned, Hadrian. I will do it."
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"Actually, ain't there a priest in the Haus already, now? Sum scam mega-church type? He could do it. Exorcise the unicorn right out by suckin’ it off me, make ‘im taste the rainbow."
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nathanxcline · 1 year
"I'm giving you a very, very important choice. Either we go egg hunting around the island or I give you one egg if you come to my office. Up to you..."
"Oh man, those are both amazing options." Nathan pushed his fingers back through his hair as he considered his choice. On the one hand, he could wander around the island with Thomas looking for eggs. On the other hand, it was kind of sexy getting invited to the boss' office. When would he ever get an opportunity like this? "I'll take the one egg." He finally decided, looking up at him with a smirk. "And maybe I've got a special one for you too."
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renanxcarvalho · 1 year
Status | Closed for @thomasxking Location | Beach
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When he read the text messages, Thomas actually agreeing to what Renan had up his sleeve, to say the surfer was ecstatic would have been a damn understatement. He was thrilled that the man was willing to step into his world, even if only for a day, and he just hoped that whatever came of their time on the water Thomas could leave with a smile on his face. He knew the King would fall off his board, he wasn't going to be perfect his first time out the gate, so he just hoped that Thomas could have fun with it and enjoy it for what it was worth. Good, clean, harmless entertainment.
He had spent most of his morning at the beach, not wanting to waste anytime he could be on the waves knowing that once Thomas came around the shift would happen where he'd have to be in teaching mode and not just having fun and playing (granted there'd still be fun and playing while teaching - he'd make sure of it). He made sure each time he reached the shore he would check his phone so that he would be readily available when Thomas got there, and forced himself out of the water a little before 2:00 so he could at least get something to eat and dry off a little. He'd ordered a sandwich from the small place just off the beach, it actually being delicious for something so simple, a drink sitting infront of him as he lounged on the blanket he'd brought out for the occasion.
He just hoped the King wouldn't stiff him and not show up because since the invitation itself Renan had not been able to get this day out of his mind.
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Seth quickly fretted around. He wanted everything to be perfect. The perfectionist in him didn’t want anything to be wrong or out of place. Seth had left another note for Thomas after having seen the one in his inbox. ‘I don’t know if you have much of a sweet tooth, but I have a few desserts I would like your opinion on? And if I end up being the plate? Well that’s just saving us a plate or two.’ Seth hoped that everything looked as good and perfect as his previous meal did. But being a cook meant constantly trying to improve and refine your skills and the menu. And there was definitely a few desserts that he felt like would be great.
He had a little bit of everything. Chocolate mousse, a slice or two of coconut cake, key lime pie, Creole Bread Pudding Soufflé, a slice of tiramisu (Seth’s favorite), and lastly all of the fixings for a sundae. Seth was nervously waiting for Thomas, taking a deep breath to try to collect himself.
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xvictordangelox · 2 years
1 MM - for thomas and victor
1 MM - @thomasxking
It didn't matter what time of day it was, or what Victor had been doing, the head of security was quick to heed the call whenever his boss - either of them - called for his service. Whether they wanted to talk to him about security matters, or spend time with him in other ways, he answered to them and he was never one to leave them waiting long. Today was no exception. He had came as soon as he could, arriving to Thomas' location, and it wasn't long before his shirt was shed and he was pushed to the couch.
With the King brother atop him, his hand roaming along his chiseled physique as their lips were pressed together, tongues working against one another as he felt the younger male grind upon him. "How do you want me?" Victor asked, breathing heavily when the two parted to catch their breath, his hands on Thomas' hips. "Or did you just call me in here to kiss?"
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alexkingx · 2 years
Status || Closed for @thomasxking​ Location || Their Office
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Alexander had woken earlier than he had wanted to, but that only meant he had a little more time with Patrick, waking the staff member up only to have his fill of him for the time being before he’d have to send him off on his own business so that he could meet with his brother.  Something about waking up next to someone who was so special to you, fucking them into oblivion first thing in the morning, it was better than coffee and caffeine - that was for damn sure.  The clock was reaching ten now, Alexander sitting behind his desk as he was looking through Jonah’s file, trying to find any clues as to which scout he had encounter, how the encounter had came to be, or really anything that would aid him in his seek and destroy mission.  When he heard his brother step into the room he glanced up and over at him, “we have a problem.”  He motioned for him to sit, feeling this news would come much better seated than standing.  “Patrick met a staff member, Jonah Garland,” reading the name from the file otherwise he’d have had no idea who this kid was, “seems he found us through means of a private investigator.”
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samuelxtaylor · 2 years
( text ): Samuel, there's this absolutely hideous crap at the King's Club. It's a decoration of the sorts? I don't know what the fuck that is but I didn't allow that cheap knock-off voodoo demon summoning thing there. Would you be so kind to throw it to the nearest trash can? Thank you in advance.
He had been laying in bed when he heard the buzz of his phone, reaching over confused as to who would be messaging him at this time, half tempted to just shut his phone off and go back to bed for the night, but as soon as he saw who the message had been from he immediately bolted upwards.  He groaned as he read the message, again confused as to what damn artifact the man was talking about, but it’s not like he could ask questions - instead sending a simple message that read I’m on it, Mr. King, as he got up from bed and threw a pair of sweats on.  He still was only half awake as he tossed on some socks and shoes and started to trudge over towards the King’s Club.  He tried to avoid looking at anyone, hoping he could move about without getting noticed so he could quickly remove whatever artifact he was talking about and soon be back in his room sleeping. Once through the doors of the club, thankful that it’d been closed so that he didn’t have to be searching around with a crowd of people all watching him.  He scratched at the stubble on his chin as he walked and scanned the surroundings for something that seemed out of place, and that is when he saw it - placed in the corner, it had to be a remnant of the Blackwell days because it seemed so out of place with the current decorations.  He couldn’t understand how someone hadn’t seen it long before now, but at least it wasn’t too overly big and heavy.  He walked over, making sure it wasn’t braced to the wall, and once he had a good grip on it he picked it up and positioned it against his body in a comfortable way so he could begin to walk. 
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The few staff who were cleaning the place up asked no questions, not that he would offer answers anyway, instead leaving the club with artifact in hand as he headed right to the dumpster.  He heaved the somewhat large heavy object into the bin as he reached for his phone that he’d placed in his pocket earlier.  The trash has been taken out.  Another simple message that he sent the boss to let him know it had been taken care of.  With that he trudged back to his room, took his sweats off, and climbed back into bed to try to at least get a little more sleep.
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