#those are the girls that scream during the burn the stage movie premiere
thepsykoarmy · 6 years
Dude I dont fuk with maknae line stans
them girls are crazy
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xoruffitup · 5 years
A Year Since SNL
This Saturday a year ago Adam hosted SNL for his second time! That weekend was a whole lot of things for me. It was an anxious, chaotic, excitement and joy-filled weekend that will always be difficult to match. It was the weekend when I met my amazing group of fandom friends during that 24-hour period on the sidewalk outside Rockefeller Center ( @umkylo and @reylonly and our tumblr-less friend Sarah, you guys don’t know how much joy our ongoing groupchat brings me <3) There’s no better bonding experience than freezing your butt off in the early morning hours, anxiously fretting together about whether our ticket numbers would get in to the show as we waited in the studio that night, and then freaking out together (but you know, subtly) when we were finally in seats on set and Adam appeared on stage to do his intro monologue. I’m literally sitting here with my heart fluttering and my stomach doing anxious/excited flips all over again just recalling the incredible, unforgettable whirlwind of that weekend!! 
In a way, that weekend was also the beginning of a really beyond incredible year in this fandom <3 After the show that night, I remember we talked fancifully about maybe trying to go to the AITAF Broadway show together, and since Burn This had already been announced at that point @umkylo mentioned maybe traveling again from Australia so we could all see it together. And I can hardly even believe I’m saying it but - It all came true! We did share an incredibly moving evening at the AITAF show, and @umkylo really did come from Australia again in the spring to spend amazing time together! Not only did we get to see Burn This together twice but we got to meet Adam together too and asdfjasdlkfj I can’t believe I’m even typing those words WHAT I CAN’T- !!!!!!
Whenever I tell people about that SNL weekend, people who are fans of the show usually react with interest and awe. People who don’t really know the show nor Adam usually just react with disbelief like ‘24 hours camping out on a New York City sidewalk that sounds awful??’ But to me, that weekend was really the pinnacle and perfect encapsulation of exactly why I do fandom, and why it means so much to me. It’s more than just our weird obsession with a movie and fixation on an actor. It’s an experience that brings people together, and immediately creates these bonds that are difficult to even put into words. If you’ve never been near tears or physically shaking with excitement with near strangers within a mere 24 hours of meeting them, it’s hard to even conceive of the kind of ultimately joyous experience I’m talking about. It wouldn’t be the same without the lovely fellow enthusiasts to share it with; nor are the friendships that grow from these experiences quite like the relationships you have with anyone else. I’m talking about that other group of girls I met in the SNL line whose names I never fully caught, but when I randomly saw them at the Burn This stagedoor one night we all simultaneously screamed and tackle-hugged each other without even needing to exchange greetings first. (This was also right after we all met Adam so rational thought wasn’t exactly fully operational.) I’m talking about the fact that yes, this fandom can be full of drama and pettiness, but it’s also a place with people and friendships I treasure, with incredible artists and writers, with supportive communities, and most importantly - enthusiasm and kindness that makes anything else irrelevant.
A year since then feels like a long time with all the Adam-related things I’ve been fortunate enough to see and experience this past year that I could never have dreamed of during that weekend. (Nope, I still can’t believe I shook his hand when we had that super wholesome stage door exchange NOPE STILL CAN’T PROCESS) It also feels like no time at all, because I can still so clearly remember the nervous excitement as we all stood right outside of the NBC studio together, waiting and hoping and hugging each other and praying that the security people would announce they were letting our ticket numbers into the show. I can so clearly remember that moment during a commercial break when I momentarily lost my mind, yelled to Adam I love him during a moment of silence, and HE SMILED TOWARDS US. Something about how public that moment was, and how everyone in the audience around us also seemed kind of touched by it makes me literally still want to curl up into a ball and cry happy tears when I really think about it!! It’s not a smidgeon of exaggeration when I say that @umkylo and I LITERALLY clutched each other and melted in our seats when it happened. One of the purest things I’ll ever experience. (Also that I got to ~express my love~ to Adam in a way that was totally non-creepy and just sweet, thank you world.)
I’m about to reblog all of my update and recap posts from that weekend. I chronicled the experience every couple hours from the standby line, then wrote a ridiculously flaily and emotional recap of what the show was like. I don’t think I’ll ever experience anything like that again, but then again - @umkylo, Sarah, and I do have the trip to London planned for the TROS premiere and we’re all-in for two days of camping out in Leicester Square/wherever the premiere will be held to get good red carpet spots. I’m nothing but thrilled for the continued/future friendships and lovely times this fandom will bring!!
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yesyunniechan · 7 years
Detective Conan File 1002 [Japanese to English Translation]
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The criminal is... Tengu?
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[Te... Tengu?!]
Se: The tengu appeared in Agata-san's room?!
S: Yeah...
S: It was like in the movie with SFX!
Se: And then? What happened to the Tengu?
S: It burned up and vanished after Agata-san threw an ashtray at it!
Se: B-burned up and vanished?! So it really must be SFX?!
S: Agata-san said that he wanted to return to his room after Nishiki-san was killed in order to get some rest, but he couldn't catch any sleep...
S: He tried to drink himself to sleep in the bar, but drank too much and got dead drunk...
S: When he came back to his senses, he'd returned to his room... He wanted to have a smoke, but felt a strange presence when he was lighting his cigarette, so he looked up at the ceiling and...
[A tengu appeared at the hotel’s ceiling...!! Shinichi and Sera’s deduction..?!]
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S: Saw a gigantic tengu glaring down at him from the ceiling...
S: So he fell from his chair and screamed...
S: Keiko-san, who was in the next room over, heard this and contacted me, and we managed to catch a glimpse of the Tengu after I rushed over here.
Se: He returned to his room without noticing it...
S: Yeah... He said he had a feeling someone helped him along on his way back to his room... 
Se: Which means that someone might have had a chance to set something up in Agata-san's room...
S: But there was nothing that looked like a film projector and could have been used to project something, right?
Se: What about the cipher? Was there another cipher? 
S: No...
S: Although, just as with Nishiki-san...
S: He got two lumps on his forehead...
Se: Speaking about lumps...
Se: Kurachi Keiko-san, the actress, also said that she got a lump when she fell during that one shoot, didn't she?
S: Yeah... They'd finished the film, but she asked the director to redo the last scene... and she fell during the retake they filmed a couple of days ago...
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S: Now that I think of it, she did say that somebody might've pushed her from behind... She didn't have her hat on the last time I saw her, but her forehead did still look a bit swollen, so I think she really must have fallen...
S: Well, she was smiling as she was falling, like 'Kobutori Jiisan' from that one folk tale...
Se: Didn't Kobutori Jiisan have his lump on his cheek?
S: There are various versions that all differ based on their region, right?
S: More importantly, did the blood on the ceiling at the scene of Nishiki-san's murder really end up being his?
Se: No... the police examined it after you left...
Se: Only the center part with the splattered blood, so basically the blood that dripped on your shoulder, was actually Nishiki-san's blood....
Se: The rest was just paint that must've been put there beforehand...
S: Just as I thought!
Se: Also... we thought that the murder weapon that was used to stab Nishiki-san was buried underneath all those scattered script pages... but we couldn't find it...
S: Meaning that the criminal should still have said murder wea...
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S: R-Ran? What's up?
R: Oh, nothing at all!! Just, you know, the fact that you and me french kissed in London, what's all that about?!
S: Haah?!
So: Nakamichi-kun keeps blabbering on about it in the weirdest kansaiben! "Those two had already shared a big smooch!" <3
S: A-a, n-no, see, that was my voice, but it wasn't me...
R: "My voice, but wasn't me"?!
So: Why are you using kansaiben?
N: Shinichi-kun said so, right? 'When in Rome, do as Romans do'...
Se: By the way, why are your sleeves folded up like this? 
S: Heh?
Se: If your sleeves are pestering you, you'd usually roll them up like this, no?
S: A-a, w-well...
Se: That looks like...
Se: A little child had to wear it...
S: B-Ba-ro, that's impossible...
R: A...
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R: The poster of that movie Keiko-san stars in...
So: But I suppose it won't premier after what happened to Nishiki-san, the scriptwriter...
R: Yeah...
Se: What was it about?
S: The edo period... There was an officer by the name of Kuranosuke at the Kyoto magistrate...
S: He was troubled that he had no rare valuables to present to the Shogun-sama... Upon hearing this, his wife, Mana, gave her husband Aralia leaves that were giving off a golden glow and said... 
S: "This is the Aralia I found while I was picking out wild plants! They're divine, so I'd always pray with them between my hands, but I brought it for you, dear"... 
S: "This will make the Shogun-sama happy" Kuranosuke was thankful for Mana's help, but...
S: After that, a mysterious demon appeared in the city of Kyoto and started eating people night after night...
S: That happened because that Aralia served as a seal for the Tengu that sealed away said demon long ago...
S: So then a Tengu appeared by Kuranosuke's bed...
S: "The demon fears that the one who set him free might try to seal him away yet again...
S: And is thus trying to find that person and kill her..."
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S: "And if your wife lets that demon eat her while hiding the Aralia leaf in her pocket, it will seal the demon away again..."
S: "My body has already rotted away, and I exist only in the form of a thought, so this is the only way we can do it..."
S: Kuranosuke refused, saying "I'd rather die than sacrifice her!", so the Tengu laughed and replied... 
S: "Hoo... you're willing to give your own life? Then hold these Aralia leaves in your hand and jump from the Kiyomizu temple's stage... that should open up a path...'
S: Kuranosuke believed the tengu, jumped from the Kiyomizu temple's stage, and became a tengu himself, giving off a golden glow...
S: He saved Mana, who was about to be eaten by the demon, and elliminated it with his tremendous magical powers, but...
S: Because he'd become a tengu, Mana couldn't see him...
S: The weeping Mana, whose husband had suddenly disappeared from her sight, heard an echoing voice...
S: "If you want to meet me, bring Tengu flowers to the Kiyomizu temple's stage, on an evening that the autumn leaves are brightest"...
S: Mana heeded these words, and she arrived at the Kiyomizu temple's stage grasping the flowers known as Tengu Kuwagata...
S: Kuranosuke, who'd become a tengu, appeared, and she asked...
S: "But why did we have to meet at sunset? If we'd met while the sun was at it's zenith, I would have been able to stay with you longer"...
S: And Kuranosuke answered... "My face has turned red out of the anger for that demon, and my body is covered with its red blood... Yet when everything around me is just as red, I can at least hide it a bit, don't you think?'
S: Then, after they'd shared a goodbye kiss, Kuranosuke disappeared into the darkness of the night... 
S: Sad story...
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So: Awesome!!
R: How come you know that so well? 
Se: It hasn't premiered yet, right?
S: Yeah... actually, this movie...
S: Is an adaptation of an art project they did while they were at the Gion University of Arts...
S: And this story's out there on the internet!
S: Well, looks like all five of them ended up becoming famous because that art project was really popular... So it's difficult to imagine that the criminal might be one of them...
R: By the way, when I met Keiko-san at the Kiyomizu temple's stage...
R: She flew the pressed flower to the wind! Maybe it was the tengu flower from that story... 
S: R-really?
R: And she whispered 'Wait, Dekuri-kun... Soon..."...
S: Why Dekuri-kun? That guy isn't part of the staff...
R: Mana and Kuranosuke exchanged a kiss... Kiyomizu temple's stage...
R: I wonder... Maybe Shinichi wants to share a kiss as well?
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[So, class...]
[Starting this afternoon, every group will be allowed to do as they wish...]
[After finishing the course... you should all return to the hotel by 6 PM!] 
N: Oi, heard that, Kudo? You can use a selfie stick at the hotel's public bath to spy on the girls half!
S: Really?
TN: Ffs Shinichi 
N: Well Sera... Has no breasts, but...
N: Spying on Mouri would make for a great snap, don't you think?
S: W-well...
N: "Well"... You... didn't bathe with Mouri after that kiss, did you?!
S: T-there's no way I could do that, right?!
S: I did as Conan though... 
S: Hm? A call from Hattori?
S: Oi... did something else happen?
H: It’s a mess...
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H: The media is rushin' to the hotel and makin' a huge fuss! 
H: Since the one who was killed yesterday was Nishiki Tarou, who'd won the Naoki award...
H: It caused a major media circus, how're thing on yer side?
H: Did yer sensei tell ya to cancel the field trip and return to Tokyo?
S: It's fine for now!
S: Looks like the teachers are keeping what happened a secret from the students... The room Nishiki-san was killed in and the rooms where the students are staying are far away from one another after all...
H: Can ya escape them for a bit?
S: Eh?
H: Those four said they want to talk about the Dekuri guy that created the  cipher, but the media is makin' too much noise in the hotel, so... 
They're thinkin' of sneakin' to the restaurant they'd made a reservation at for lunch...
H: I'll head there with the police, but what 'bout ya? Ya wanna listen to 'em yerself too, right?
S: Which restaurant is it?
H: A Ryotei called Isogiyama of Ponto-cho!
R: Where should we eat?
Se: Those fruit sandwiches yesterday were delicious!
So: Then today...
S: How about... Isogiyama at Ponto-cho?
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R: That's our Sonoko!
R: Although at first we were originally turned away because there were too many reservations...
N: Suzuki-zaibatsu's great!
So: Well, yeah~
Se: Hm?
Se: What? 
Se: What's this round fence made out of bamboo?
Se: Other restaurants have stuff just like this...
N: It's a trend  here in Kyoto, isn't it?
M: This is...
M: Inuyarai...
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M: They say that it's meant to ward off thieves by renderin' them visible at from the road... But it really just keeps dogs from markin' their territory...
R: Momiji-san!!
So: Do you know her?
R: Yes! We met when me and dad travelled to Kyoto before...
Se: Huge boobs...
M: Friends of Ran-san? Yer all wearin' the same uniform...
R: We're here visiting from Tokyo for a field trip...
M: Heeh... Tokyo?  
M: Thank ya for comin' out from yer countryside to our place! <3
So: C-countryside...
S: We're from Tokyo, the capital...
Se: What should I eat so that mine will grow that big?
M: After school, I had some free time after school this afternoon, so I was thinkin' about havin' lunch at this restaurant... Wanna go together?
R: Momiji-san is a student of Kyoto Senshin High, right?
R: Then maybe do you know Okita Soushi-kun?
M: Ah, yeah... That kendo boy is in the same class as me...
R: Really?
M: How 'bout comin' inside and continue our talk there?
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R: Eh?
Sc: A tengu appeared on Kiyamachi street!!
S: A t-tengu?!
P: Ayanokoji-keibu... There's word that a tengu has appeared on Kiyamachi street...
H: That's nearby...
A: We gotta do somethin' 'bout that dimwit...
P: But looks like there are a number of them!
H: What?!
N: O-oi... You'll protect us, right?
A: Yes! We'll have to leave for a bit, so please don't go anywhere!
M: O-okay...
K: That's kind of scary...
A: Y-you won't let them run away, right?
H: Yeah! Have no worries!
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S: Oi-oi-oi... 
Se: How many of them are there?!
S: Nakamichi! Let's catch everyone!!
N: Ok!
Se: Ran-kun, back us up!!
R: O-okay!
So: Wai... Wait..
So: Don't leave me here~!!
T: Hihhihihi...
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I: Young Miss... How are you?
M: Fine...
So: Who...
T: Shit... ya caught me....
H: What the hell are ya plannin'?!
M: Heiji-kun!
T: I was recruited through the internet! If y'all put on a tengu mask and run along Kiyamachi street, ya will get 1,00,000 yen in advance! And if ya don't get caught by anyone in 30 minutes, ya will get 1,000,000 yen.... 
H: Is this true?
S: Oi, Hattori! Are those 4 alone in the restaurant right now?
H: Damn! We have to get back!!
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S: This time it's the actor Ihaya-san...
H: His carotid artery was cut...
Se: And he's got two lumps again, all the while lying upside down...
H: What a weird criminal though... They spent their time prior to the murder leavin' those footprints...
H: And then they musta called this man out and killed him...
S: No... 10 minutes ago, when we left this place...
S: There were no footprints here, right?
[A serial killing is happening in the ancient city... What is the meaning of ‘Tengu’ here?!] 
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