#though Hidaka's probably in trouble in the morning
ridiasfangirlings · 8 years
Thoughts on an Incubus AU, AkiHida where Incubus!Hidaka is seduced and shut down by Aki who works as a pole dancer/stripper at night? (I blame Hibisha for this lol)
Poor incubus!Hidaka, he probably thought Akiyama would be an easyscore, so shy and gentle and kind. Maybe Hidaka’s like in disguiseduring the day, he’s secretly an incubus and he spends his daysskulking around a college campus where he’s a student, looking forfellow students to seduce. He usually goes for girls with big boobsbut every now and again he tries to seduce a guy just for the thrillof it. He feels kinda bad about it sometimes because Hidaka’s a niceguy (er…incubus) and he likes people as more than just food, hewants to make friends and hang out with people and not always have toseduce them and have one night stands where he eats all their sexualenergy and stuff. His roommate and chillest incubus ever Gotou thinksit’s kinda cute how earnest Hidaka is about this whole thing.
So then maybe one day Hidaka and Gotou are walking around campus withfellow incubus classmates Enomoto and Fuse and Hidaka’s happilybragging about someone he bagged last night and being really proud ofhimself. Just as a joke Fuse dares Hidaka to show how good he is byseducing someone who’s not so easy to get, Hidaka’s like you’re on,pick someone. Fuse chooses quiet studious Akiyama, who sits next toHidaka in their math class and always lends him pencils whenever heforgets one. Hidaka’s a little surprised by the pick but he figureswell, this can’t be too hard Akiyama’s kinda uptight but he’s prettygood looking and he’ll probably get so flustered he’ll be easy toseduce. Hidaka keeps trying to ask Akiyama out throughout their nextentire math class and Akiyama keeps telling him to hush because theteacher is talking. After class Hidaka tries again to get Akiyama tocome out to a club with him after class, Akiyama refuses because hehas to study. Hidaka’s annoyed at striking out but determined tosucceed so he decides to go over to Akiyama’s dorm room to try andconvince him again, Akiyama’s roommate Benzai informs him thatAkiyama’s out right now and won’t be back for a few hours.
Hidaka’s a little crestfallen when he spots Akiyama jogging acrosscampus with a duffel bag over his shoulder. Curious, he followsAkiyama to this nearby strip club and Hidaka’s gives a low whistleand a smirk, like huh that guy’s not as uptight as I thought thisreally will be easy. Hidaka heads into the club and is looking aroundfor Akiyama while also probably enjoying the nice view. He’swondering if he maybe was seeing things when a new stripper steps outon stage. It takes Hidaka a minute to drag his jaw up from the flooras he realizes that it’s Akiyama up there, doing an amazing routinein skimpy clothing and stiletto heels and just killing it. Fora minute Hidaka totally tries to convince himself that maybe Akiyamahas a twin or something but he keeps inching closer and closer to thestage. Akiyama spots him and gives him like this playful wink butdoesn’t talk to him. Hidaka decides to wait for him outside the club,he’s expecting Akiyama to be nervous and desperate for Hidaka not totell anyone, instead Akiyama pins him against the wall and gives himthe scariest gentle smile ever as he says that Hidaka won’t tellanyone about this, right? Hidaka nods and fears for his life.
The next day Hidaka is still trying to figure out what exactlyhappened last night. Akiyama is totally his normal self in mathclass, all sweet and kind and stuttering a little when one of theother students compliments him and Hidaka just can’t believe thatthis gentle nice guy nerd is actually the hot stripper who threatenedhim last night. He keeps trying to talk with Akiyama all throughclass and finally afterward Hidaka sort of corners Akiyama in asupply closet. Akiyama’s annoyed and tries to leave but Hidaka’staller and kinda corrals him into one spot, wanting to know what’sgoing on. Akiyama admits that he works at the club in the evenings topay for his schooling and he doesn’t want people to know because it’sembarrassing and inappropriate. Hidaka laughs and says he didn’tthink it was so bad and he starts turning up the charm, takingadvantage of them being trapped in this small space to try and steala kiss. Akiyama deflects him with a binder and slips out the door,saying if he wants a show he’ll have to pay for a private session,apologies.
So after this Hidaka pretty much keeps desperately trying to seduceAkiyama while actually being seduced himself. He visits the club fromtime to time and tries paying for a private show, figuring this ishis chance, except Akiyama notes that this profession is all aboutlooking not touching and he keeps smacking Hidaka’s hands away. Inthe meantime though Hidaka’s getting weaker because he hasn’t gottenany energy lately, Gotou says he can just go find a one night standor something but Hidaka refuses because he wants to win the bet first(but really he’s having weird feelings about hooking up with somerandom person when he and Akiyama are just starting to get along).One day Hidaka walks with Akiyama back from the club and faintshalfway there. He comes to in Akiyama’s dorm room, Benzai’s gone forthe weekend visiting family and Akiyama didn’t know where Hidaka’sroom was. Hidaka tries to blow off his fainting as just having noteaten for a while but Akiyama’s all fussing over him. They keepmoving closer and closer as Akiyama presses his hand to Hidaka’sforehead to feel for a fever and Hidaka just leans in for a kiss.Akiyama responds way stronger than expected, practically pinningHidaka to the bed, and the exertion and sudden rush of feeling causesHidaka to lose control of his powers and suddenly he’s got wings anda tail and Akiyama pulls away like well, this is new. Hidaka admitsthe incubus thing and Akiyama is very confused because this doesn’tseem very logical but then again, Hidaka does have wings. Hidaka alsoadmits that he’s weak because he’s been trying to get with Akiyamaforever, that it was just a bet but now he doesn’t really wantanother guy because he thinks Akiyama’s interesting. Akiyama’s allsurprised for a moment and then he smiles gently and says that Hidakajust needed to ask, leaning in to kiss Hidaka again. Things progress,Hidaka probably ends up tied up and he wakes up the next morning soreand amazed at how refreshed he feels because who knew that being onthe bottom gave him twice as much energy (and also Akiyama’s sittingon the edge of the bed smoking and Hidaka didn’t expect to find thatas hot as he does).
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starrysmiling · 2 years
sbhk end of the world roadtrip au
subaru: just a guy. lives in the apartment above hokuto's with daikichi. is trying his best to balance work and life when he hears the news. is looking for a way to see his family one last time.
hokuto: aspiring actor. lives in the apartment below subaru's. is looking for a break into his career when he hears the news. picks subaru up and takes him to see his family.
the world is ending in four weeks. instead of panicking, hokuto gets his apartment trashed, saves a boy and his dog from a fire, travels across the country, figures out the meaning of life and falls in love. in that order.
i wrote this in discord chat and barely edited this. if it sounds clunky, it probably is clunky. sorry about that.
also, this is based off the movie seeking a friend for the end of the world, even though i've never watched it. haha
first arc
hidaka hokuto, an actor, hears on the news that the world's going to end in 3 weeks. there's gonna be an asteroid that's gonna collide with the earth and essentially wipe out humanity. everyone starts panicking. he wants to be calm with this, but a dog breaks into his apartment when he opens the door to see outside and breaks the precious tea set his grandma gave him. he finally, finally gets angry because there's not much he has of his grandma in his apartment in tokyo. he's angrily lecturing the dog when a boy enters through his front door.
he introduces himself as akehoshi subaru, the owner of daikichi and resident of the apartment above his, who has just barged himself into hokuto's life and broken almost all of his kitchen. hokuto's pretty damn pissed at this development. but it's late at night and he's too tired to deal with all of this, so he just goes to sleep
hokuto eventually goes to work the next morning, after staring long and hard at his ruined apartment and gets there only for everyone to be dismissed bc, hey, end of the world, there's no more movies left to watch. he goes back to his apartment sulking, because there's literally nothing left to do. he doesn't have anything left for him because half the things he owns are broken, he doesn't have a job any more and there's literally no purpose in life apart from just waiting for the world to end.
so he puts the key in his apartment. and subaru opens the door like "hiiii!" and hokuto screams. he checks and double checks that it's his apartment and then opens the door again and subaru's there and he asks him what the fuck he's doing in hokuto's apartment. not to mention his dog literally broke everything in it
subaru says he's trying to clean up because he kinda felt bad. apparently he climbed in through the fire escape stairs to hokuto's balcony and found the back door unlocked. but then in the process he realises he has no idea how to clean up so he's just lounging in hokuto's apartment. welp. he's brought some homemade cookies with him though
subaru helps him clean up most of his apartment, but there's a whole lot of stuff that he has to throw out like plates, glass frames, a bunch of vases but then he doesn't have much in his apartment anyway. it's a nice, companionable time, especially since daikichi isn't around to do anything much. subaru asks about his life, and they try to talk but it's mostly hokuto throwing away things that are ruined. eventually once they're done, subaru offers to cook dinner for hokuto since he's troubled him a lot and... well, hokuto has no plates or bowls.
subaru's apartment is really lively and homely. it's a surprise that daikichi hasn't broken anything in there and subaru just laughs, and explains that most of his things are replaced because of daikichi. but he sits hokuto down at the dinner table and hokuto notices things like the pictures of subaru's family and friends taped on the walls, the pile of hastily tidied dog toys in the corner, the little sparkly trinkets hung up around the house, the way some of his bowls are a little chipped, the line of four dirty mugs in the sink, the faded apron subaru wears. it's a warm, inviting home. hokuto's apartment is just a place where he sleeps and eats.
it's just reheated leftover curry, but it's the best homemade curry hokuto's ever tasted. he takes his time eating, and they talk a little, and it feels... a little nice. because subaru doesn't know anything about him, he doesn't feel stifled listening and talking. he almost doesn't want to leave.
that night, hokuto's lounging around in his room when the fire alarm goes off. he's immediately alert, and throws open the windows and checks. it's on the other side of the apartment complex so he grabs a few bags and packs in the last of his things - some clothes, food, water, a warm blanket, some things for hygiene. he's pretty prepared for all of this, so he runs down to his car and puts it all in the trunk. he gets in, ready to go, when he sees someone in the apartment above his.
he climbs back up the fire escape, cursing. he bangs on the back door and subaru lets him in, and he's all panicked because daikichi is scared and he's scared and he doesn't want to leave his apartment because it's literally everything he has. hokuto tells him they need to get out, or else they'll literally die, and by this point the smoke is catching up to them so they need to get out fast. he lets subaru grab a bag of clothes and he takes some of the food in his pantry, and then subaru grabs daikichi and they run out.
they're running down the fire escape so they can at least get out of this part of the city before stuff catches on fire. he shoves subaru into the car and they manage to get out before they realise they have no idea where they're going. hokuto asks subaru where he wants to go because their apartment block has probably burned down and there's nowhere else to go.
so subaru says, he wants to go visit his dad's grave in kobe. which is a coincidence because hokuto's family (read: grandma) lives there too and he wants to see her again. apparently subaru was screaming because the trains in tokyo got wrecked and he had no way of actually getting there so he was just. yelling.
so hokuto decides they'll go there. there's just under three weeks until the world ends. he's stuck in a car with an annoying orange idiot and the dog that broke practically everything in his house. hokuto's Living The Life
second arc
so they're on the highway. they're mostly living off gas stations, refilling tanks and buying food whenever they're hungry. some of them aren't even manned, so they make do with what they can find. but some way down the highway they come across a guy (makoto) with a broken bike on the side of the road and subaru convinces hokuto to stop and let him get in.
there's a gas station a few minutes down the road and hokuto pulls in, hoping to offload their new passenger, but while grabbing food he explains how he needs a lift. the guy at the counter ends up mediating the argument that follows.
they learn that the guy at the counter is isara mao. makoto just wants to see his girlfriend (anzu!) who works at a diner down the highway but he ran to the gas station to hide in terror after some guy (izumi) chased him on a motorbike and now he has no way of getting home or anywhere at all. mao says "well i mean i wanna have some fun too!" so they close up the shop and all hop into hokuto's car
hokuto's Very Pissed at this because now there are three other people in his car (and a dog). subaru when he's alone will stop talking occasionally but with makoto and mao around he just Doesn't Stop Talking. but he can't just let makoto cry over not seeing his girlfriend so he takes pity on the guy
eventually, after a while, they reach the diner where anzu works. she's thrilled to see makoto, so she throws a party. hokuto has lots of fun! he's never felt so alive in his life even though he's literally met these four people within the span of like 5 days because of the world fucking ending.
so basically they have lots of fun, and anzu persuades them to stay the night because hokuto's drunk and he can't drive like this. so subaru and makoto and anzu and mao conk out asleep in the rooms at the diner and hokuto just sits outside, feeling like he's buzzing around too hard to sleep.
hokuto realises that his entire life he's just done absolutely nothing. there's alcohol talking to him here but he's literally drunk so. anyway he thinks about how he's worked so hard his entire life and it's going to end and he's not gotten anywhere at all. his parents are famous, yeah, but he's been trying so hard to get SOMEWHERE and the world's gonna end before he can reach his somewhere.
so he starts crying, because he doesn't have anything better to do. he's just fucking bawling in the back of the diner when subaru comes up to him and sits down
subaru's like "hey. you haven't done nothing in your life. you were so happy tonight, and you made ukki so happy by driving him to see anzu"
he mentions that mao had just been doing nothing all his life either trying his best to be there for everyone and mao seems like he's happy and that meeting them and going on this mini adventure made him look alive, see
and then he says that hokuto decided to take subaru to kobe anyway even though daikichi broke everything in his house and he keeps complaining that subaru is annoying as fuck
and subaru just wants him to see that even though he's not made an 'impact on the world', he's made an impact on these four people who randomly barged into his life and that should be enough!! subaru gets really emotional at that and
subaru kisses him and hokuto just decides to lose himself in subaru for the night and eventually they go to sleep together and feeling at peace
they wake up in the morning and everything is really fucking groggy, but hokuto says they have to leave so subaru can spend time with his family. so they set off again after some teary goodbyes and get back on the road.
basically. hokuto's driving down the road and subaru is humming to the radio. and he thinks, maybe, that what subaru had said the night before was right and maybe he did change subaru's life by deciding on a whim to take him on a road trip at the end of the world. and he thinks he might be happy like this knowing he changed one person's life even if he can't be an idol like seiya or an amazing actor like his mom
somehow he feels comfortable knowing subaru (and daikichi) are there and if this is how his life ends he might Actually be okay with it.
third arc
eventually he reaches kobe. subaru directs him to where his dad's grave is and they pay their respects there, and subaru decides he wants to go visit his mom too, who's living somewhere close. it's night and they don't really want to spend the night in the car at all
so they've finished paying respects. subaru's mom's place is pretty close so they go there and she prepares a meal for both of them. she's really happy too because she didn't think she'd see subaru again and welcomes hokuto for bringing her son home. they end up sleeping in the same room because subaru doesn't want to take his dad's old room but he also doesn't want hokuto to sleep on the couch. so they're just lying there in bed and subaru mentions the night at the diner and they're both rather embarrassed about it because they were both drunk.
and he mentions that he thought hokuto was really pretty and he's really happy to have met hokuto even if the world is ending in about two weeks. he's happy not to be alone and terrified any more of what's going to happen because, if hokuto's with him then he thinks he can do anything. he offhandedly mentions that he'd have kissed hokuto that night anyway even if he wasn't crying because he thought he was really kind and nice and also i saw you brought those cookies i gave you. i thought you hated me! haha
and hokuto thinks that's really fucking embarrassing. he just lies there in bed for a long while feeling very warm and confused. Very Confused. he likes it though so he drifts off to sleep happily that night
so the next morning... hokuto decides to set off to see his grandma because he's already in the area. he wants to say his goodbyes to subaru at the very least because he's brought him home and all and he wants to say that subaru has literally changed his entire life. but then subaru's like "huh are you abandoning me already? i'm gonna come with you"
hokuto eventually lets him come, minus daikichi because he's NOT letting his grandma's house get wrecked by that dog. grandma is really happy to see hokuto and they talk for a long while, just subaru and hokuto and grandma; and hokuto feels really happy and satisfied. at some point grandma asks hokuto what he's going to do with the rest of the two weeks until the world ends and he starts drawing blanks because there really hasn't been a point in time where he's thought about what he actually wants to do.
so subaru jumps in and says he wants to do all sorts of fun things with hokuto, and together they go and do a whole lot of stuff together
fourth arc
honestly i haven't thought this part through yet. subaru would want to do fun stuff. but either way they just have a lot of fun and one night subaru decides he wants to go all the way out into the mountains to stargaze.
anyway they're out on this field stargazing and subaru's just showing hokuto the stars because that's what his dad used to do. it seems like the world isn't going to end in that moment and hokuto wants to spend all of it laughing under the stars with subaru. and that's when it clicks and he realises all these happy feelings actually mean something. spending time with subaru and feeling happy with him, and feeling like he changed his world and actually having fun and wanting to continue having fun: oh god he's in love with this idiot who lived in the apartment above his.
so this is when they kiss and it feels real now. everything seems to be so real and perfect and this is the first time that hokuto thinks that he doesn't want the world to fucking end just like this, when he's just having his first love at the tender age of 23 and having the time of his life. he wants this to go on forever.
they fall asleep there in the grass. when they wake up, hokuto feels so happy and elated and he's literally on top of the fucking world. they've spent a week on the road doing whatever fits subaru's fancy. and eventually they just find themselves driving along, unsure of where to go next but happy to be wherever because they're together. and then subaru turns on the radio and it says that the world's actually not gonna end in a week from now, it's gonna end tomorrow.
this is a terrifying development. subaru is shellshocked and hokuto remembers that he promised to take him back to his mom and daikichi. there's still a while left so they spend that day together, and then at night hokuto buys some sleeping pills that he puts in subaru's water and drives all the way back to subaru's mom's home.
he leaves subaru there, but not without saying his goodbyes because, well, this guy barges into his life, makes him fall in love and now hokuto's going to leave him and they're all going to die tomorrow. he thinks that's kind of sad, because he wants to spend more and more time with him, and he hasn't had enough yet. he's just realised that he'd be ready to spend years with this guy and the world's gonna end before that happens
anyway! he drives all the way back to grandma's place because he doesn't have anywhere else to go. hokuto just feels empty at this point because subaru's given him everything and he's just gone and left him behind. he just goes to sleep crying because he doesn't know what to do and all he wants to do is see subaru again-
he wakes up and grandma asks him why he's back and why he isn't with subaru. he's really confused himself and he says that subaru wanted to see his family and that's why hokuto took him back here in the first place. grandma tells him to just follow his heart and do whatever he wants, because he looked so much happier with subaru than he ever did before.
so hokuto starts crying, and then the doorbell rings and grandma lets subaru in. he cries harder and subaru takes him outside, and suggests they just go for a ride together to clear their minds
they get married. it's nothing really, they rock up at a jewelry shop and buy some matching rings and the person at the store throws a ceremony and they get married
anyway they're just drifting along in the car and they're just talking because there's nothing else to do. the world's gonna end in a couple of hours and it's not enough. they go to the beach and sit on the sand, watching the sun set, play with fireworks later. (yes. i have to have fireworks. it's my trademark.) the water is nice and cold and they stare up at the stars for a while.
after a while, they see it: the asteroid coming in through the atmosphere, setting the sky on fire. subaru is scared, but hokuto simply kisses him and tells him to think of him instead, and to think of how lucky they were to have met each other, even if the world is ending. how lucky they are to have come this far and have found each other somehow. they think about how grandma must be happy that her grandson is finally happy. they think about how subaru's parents must be happy that their son isn't lonely any more. they think about makoto and mao and anzu and how they changed these three people's lives
and they're just happy to spend their last moments feeling loved and that everything has led up to this moment.
the world goes white as they kiss for the last time.
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
Fushimi and Domyouji, possibly the two most polar opposite scepter 4 members, going on a week long, undercover mission together would be so chaotic but thrilling since they are the same age and could probably bond on something too
Once again I find myself feeling sorry for Doumyouji having to deal with Fushimi for a week like this, I'm sure Fushimi would be totally against needing a partner for an undercover mission and would insist that he can do it by himself. Munakata won't let him get out of it that easily though, maybe the mission is complicated enough that he feels having two would be the best course of action and Fushimi and Doumyouji are the only two who can do it. Say the mission involves having to go undercover at like a private high school, while some of the squad could probably pose as high schoolers Munakata feels the safest course is to send Fushimi and Doumyouji, who would likely be in high school anyway (assuming this takes place pre-S1, like say when they're both still seventeen or eighteen). The two of them are to pose as transfer students, they will share a dorm and go to classes while trying to discover the identities of these drug dealing Strains who have been causing issues at the school. Fushimi is obviously not pleased by this, simply the idea of sharing a dorm with someone else makes him feel sick and the idea of having to spend a week with Doumyouji of all people sounds exhausting. Doumyouji is cautiously optimistic, like he's a little scared of Fushimi and expects that he'll get yelled at a lot but he's also trying to be positive and maybe Fushimi-san will relax a little while we both go about having a heart pounding high school life or something.
They get to the school and Doumyouji's all amazed by the fancy rich kid school, he's ready to be the cool new transfer student that everyone's interested in. Fushimi clicks his tongue and says they aren't here to have fun, they have work to do and shouldn't be distracted by things like parties. Doumyouji's like 'eh I guess, but if we're trying to get information isn't getting closer to the students and going to parties a good way to do it?' Fushimi grimaces because he really hates having to admit that Doumyouji has a point. Doumyouji gives him a confident smile and says this'll be fine, just leave it all to him, and Fushimi snorts like as if I could trust an idiot like you with this. Doumyouji says he was really popular in his middle school and he's ready to have a high school life at last, it'll be fun. Fushimi sighs and mutters under his breath about how only an idiot would think going to school is going to be 'fun.'
The two of them get introduced to their new class and Doumyouji's playing the outgoing new kid from the very start, he probably becomes pretty popular quickly because even though he seems a bit over the top he's really friendly and excited about everything. Fushimi by contrast immediately falls back into his old role as the quiet kid no one talks to and it probably makes him hate this mission even more, having to go to a classroom every day and sometimes he almost forgets that this is a work mission and that Misaki isn't going to walk in any moment and smile at him like the old days. Doumyouji's there though and somehow he keeps smiling at Fushimi even though Fushimi told him they don't have to play friends, Fushimi probably assumes this is pity and it makes him even more irritated that someone like Doumyouji's pitying him, it's not like he needs friends or needs any of the idiots in this school to like him. Fushimi does inadvertently draw some attention to himself though, like he forgets to downplay his intelligence in order to appear normal and within a couple days he gets first place in a few exams and now everyone's wondering who that grumpy genius transfer student is.
They also have to start living together and this gives Fushimi issues too, like he takes the top bunk without a word and when Doumyouji protests Fushimi just tells him to shut up. He probably has a lot of trouble sleeping for at least the first few days, feeling on edge just knowing that there's someone else sleeping in the same room as him. To make things worse at least once he forgets himself and finds himself groggily looking down at the bottom bunk in the morning, seeing red hair and murmuring a sleepy 'Misaki....?' before Doumyouji rolls over, snoring, and Fushimi loses his grip and falls off the bunk. That wakes Doumyouji up and he's all like see Fushimi-san I should probably take the top bunk after all. Fushimi starts staying up late on the premise that if he goes to bed exhausted at least he'll sleep but Doumyouji stops that too, not even seeming to be trying to the way some of the squad like Hidaka would but just being all innocent 'hey shouldn't you get some sleep it's late let's go to bed.' Doumyouji finds himself starting to see why some of the guys don't think Fushimi's too bad, like he thought he'd be bored to death being stuck with Fushimi for a week but he's like finally realizing that Fushimi is just a disaster who needs someone to keep an eye on him and make sure he does stuff like eat and sleep and it actually makes him less scary, knowing that he's just a cranky kid really when you get down to it.
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ridiasfangirlings · 6 years
Really random but I heard that sleeping naked can give you a better quality sleep and reduce stress. So say maybe Fushimi picks up this habit how do you think things would go at Scepter four or even when he lives with Misaki. Awkward/fun times
I’m imagining he learns about this while he’s at Scepter 4 and so then post-ROK when he moves in with Yata it’s an unexpected surprise. Like say Fushimi’s dealing with high stress levels from all the extra work he has to do post-S1, at the same time he’s barely getting any sleep and he pretty much looks super tired and haggard all the time. Awashima and Munakata both keep scolding him for it, telling him to go get some sleep and let other people take care of things but of course Fushimi refuses to do that, he feels like nothing will get done correctly unless he does it himself. The rest of the alphabet squad are getting concerned too and maybe they start discussing ways to help Fushimi-san relax, like Akiyama starts making him soothing tea instead of coffee in the hopes the lack of caffeine will make him sleepier. Fushimi gets irritated about that and says he’ll just get canned coffee instead, Akiyama apologizes but says everyone is concerned for Fushimi’s health. Fushimi claims he’s fine and if you idiots would do your work correctly he wouldn’t be stressed. That’s when Hidaka mentions that he’s heard sleeping naked can help stress levels and give you a better night’s sleep and has Fushimi-san tried that, Fushimi gives him a look like Hidaka just said the most worthless thing ever (and meanwhile Hidaka’s drooling a little as he starts imagining Fushimi-san sleeping naked and Fuse has to smack him to get him out his fantasy).
That night though Fushimi’s having trouble sleeping again, Awashima ordered him to go bed at a decent hour and he’s not used to going to bed at a time when he isn’t just absolutely exhausted, usually he just passes out in bed immediately without a problem but now he’s tossing and turning and just totally unable to sleep. He remembers what Hidaka said and clicks his tongue like ‘….stupid.’ But he keeps having insomnia and finally he’s like all right fuck it and takes his clothes off. At first he feels totally uncomfortable, even though he has his own room he feels oddly exposed and doesn’t like it. But then he does manage to fall asleep and when he wakes up he finds that he feels way more rested than he expected and he didn’t even have any of his usual nightmares. From that point forward Fushimi starts sleeping naked all the time though of course he won’t tell anyone about it and he’s definitely not letting Hidaka know that he took the advice. Everything is fine until one day there’s an emergency and Akiyama knocks on his door at 2am, Fushimi’s a bit groggy as he gets up to answer the door and Akiyama’s there all 'Fushimi-san, there’s been a…’ and then he trails off, going bright red. Fushimi looks at him all cranky and half asleep like 'Hah?’ and then he suddenly realizes that he’s standing there totally naked and he sputters and slams the door. A moment later he opens it again wearing a shirt and pants and making sure Akiyama knows that if anyone finds out about this Akiyama is a dead man.
So then eventually post-ROK Yata and Fushimi reconcile and decide to start living together again. They get an apartment and maybe even get bunk beds again because Fushimi grudgingly admits that he doesn’t sleep well if his bed isn’t higher up (not admitting that he wants to be able to look down again in the morning and remind himself that Misaki’s still here, that Misaki hasn’t left). Fushimi’s used to sleeping naked by this point and he probably doesn’t even think twice about it, after all it’s not like he and Yata haven’t taken baths together in the past or changed in front of each other so him sleeping naked shouldn’t be an issue. For the first few nights Yata isn’t even aware of it because Fushimi gets home late from work all the time and Yata’s already in bed and asleep by the time Fushimi gets home. But then one day Fushimi’s got a day off and Yata’s making all these plans for them to hang out, he wakes up early and climbs to the top bunk all ready to wake Fushimi up. Fushimi rolls over and the blanket’s gotten all messed up from him tossing and turning in his sleep and so Yata gets a nice full view of Fushimi lying there entirely naked. Yata’s face immediately goes bright red and he almost falls off the bed, slapping a hand over his mouth as he tries to calm himself down.
Fushimi meanwhile stirs a little and looks up blearily all 'Yata…?’ Yata tries to recover, laughing nervously as he’s like oh hey you’re awake and Fushimi nods, still groggy as he starts to climb down from his bed and totally oblivious to the way Yata’s having an internal freakout. Fushimi just wanders into the bathroom to brush his teeth and he’s probably even wondering where breakfast is all while still naked and Yata finally stutters out a question about where Fushimi’s pajamas went. Fushimi gives him an irritated look as he says he doesn’t wear any, Yata’s like wait what and Fushimi says he sleeps better like this. Yata’s like -b-but’ and Fushimi mutters that it shouldn’t be a problem right. Yata doesn’t want to scare him away so he’s like 'no, it’s fine, but–’ and Fushimi’s like good as he sits and waits for Yata to make him breakfast. Yata’s still having a total freakout though, trying to act normal and make breakfast but he keeps catching sight of Fushimi out of the corner of his eye and getting all red faced again and he has no idea why seeing Saruhiko naked is making him this flustered.
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ridiasfangirlings · 6 years
Strain makes Fushimi stay awake and can't sleep. This is troubling since he'll need sleep (even if he doesn't think so) or else he'll die of exhaustion and sleep deprivation and other health issues, not to mention the psychological effects of hallucination and paranoia before the more sever physical symptoms set in. The only way to get him to sleep besides capturing the Strain is for Munakata to stroke his hair or comb his fingers through it, something sweet like that. Reisaru, please!
At first I’m imagining Fushimi doesn’t think this is any problem atall, like good got rid of that pesky sleep issue and now he can stayawake all night working (and maybe when the whole thing happens he’sbeen having nightmares lately about Niki and his past so not sleepingsuddenly looks a lot more appealing). Say no one knows what theStrain power is when Fushimi first gets hit, he seems fine so hecontinues the pursuit even though the Strain ultimately escapes.Everyone’s keeping an eye on Fushimi in case he starts exhibitingweird symptoms but nothing out of the ordinary seems to havehappened. Eventually it gets late and Fushimi is of course stillawake and in the office working, this is also a normal occurrence sono one really thinks twice about it. But then the next morningMunakata walks in to the office and greets Fushimi, noting that it isunexpected to see Fushimi in the office so early. Fushimi just shrugsbut there are clear bags under his eyes and Munakata begins to getsuspicious. He asks if Fushimi returned to his room at all the nightbefore, Fushimi hedges and tries not to admit it but eventuallyMunakata gets out of him that Fushimi’s been awake all night.Munakata mildly scolds him about it and reminds him about theimportance of sleep, suggesting that Fushimi take the rest of themorning off and get some rest. Fushimi clicks his tongue and finallyadmits that he tried sleeping last night and is apparently unable to.
Having narrowed down what the Strain power is of course everyonestarts working even harder to catch it. Fushimi initially complainsabout everyone doing unnecessary things, it’s not like he hasn’t gonewithout sleep for a day or two before and besides he’s getting morework done than usual. Munakata reminds him that the body requiressleep in order to function properly and that one can only go so longwithout sleeping (and then Fushimi probably shoots something backabout that ‘Kings don’t sleep’ thing and Munakata chuckles and notesthat Fushimi is not a King). After a couple days have passed thoughit’s clear that the lack of sleep is taking a toll on Fushimi andeveryone is getting even more worried about him, like he looks justawful and he’s got a slight twitch to his limbs and he’s exhaustedand just a total mess. The rest of the squad is still hunting theStrain so Munakata decides in the meantime perhaps they can find someway for Fushimi to sleep. Fushimi refuses sleeping pills so they trymore natural ways of sleep inducing, like Akiyama makes Fushimi somewarm milk and honey and Hidaka tries to get him to count sheep butnone of it is working.
By the fourth day Fushimi is still working but obviously getting moreirritable and moody and finally Munakata orders him to stop workingas well, feeling that this is only making Fushimi worse. Fushimiargues but he’s unable to really fight back when Munakata suggeststhat Fushimi come to his room for a while and at least lie down andtry to get what rest he can. Fushimi is surprised that Captain wouldsuggest going into Munakata’s own room and that’s why he ends upagreeing. Munakata has him lie down on the bed and tells him torelax, Fushimi starts complaining that he doesn’t see how this isgoing to do any good. Munakata supposes that it may not but it willat least give Fushimi’s body the chance to recover if he takes abreak from moving around and working. Munakata sits down besideFushimi and they talk a little, Fushimi not understanding whyMunakata cares so much and Munakata just chuckles and runs a handthrough Fushimi’s hair as he says of course it is his duty to carefor Fushimi, as his King. Fushimi gives this drowsy chuckle andmurmurs 'King, huh?’ and Munakata hushes him and tells him to justlie there, still stroking Fushimi’s hair. Fushimi finds himselfthinking that Munakata’s hands are unexpectedly gentle and soon hefinds himself actually drifting off to sleep, calmed by Munakata’swords and Munakata’s hands.
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 years
You don't have to answer but what if some strain has this weird power where he can inject somekind of aphrodisiac into saruhiko and saruhiko doesn't want to tell anyone and stills goes to work and finally Munakata notices it and helps saruhiko out
So maybe everyone’s chasing after the Strain and Fushimi’s orderedeveryone to be careful because it’s known that this Strain has weirdaphrodisiac powers that can cause a lot of discomfort to the point ofpain if you’re attacked by them. Fushimi of course ends up gettinghit by the power himself but no one else is around when it happens,like he manages to corner the Strain himself and he’s hit by thepower at the exact moment that he knocks the Strain out. By the timethe alphabet squad catch up Fushimi’s already subdued the Strain onhis own, he orders the alphabet squad to take the Strain back toheadquarters and then starts heading back to the vans by himself. Ashe’s walking away Hidaka grabs him by the shoulder worriedly and asksif he’s okay because he looks even paler than usual. Fushimi’s breathhitches almost imperceptibly as he pushes Hidaka away, fingerstwitching just a bit as he bites his lower lip. The aphrodisiac isslowly starting to work on him to the point that everything hetouches makes him feel more aroused, like just that touch from Hidakawas almost enough to make his whole body shudder. The entire rideback to headquarters is practically torture for him, every small bumpin the road or moment where his body is jostled against the wall ofthe truck just makes his breathing hitch and his body feel evenhotter. He blows off any questions about his health though, forcinghimself to remain calm and his face set in the usual scowl as he sitsthere because Fushimi’s too embarrassed about being in this state totell anyone what’s really happened, like the idea of admitting thathe suddenly needs to be touched is an unacceptable weakness and fuckif he wants to let any of these idiots lay hands on him anyway,Fushimi figures he can just force his way through this and then he’llbe fine.
He goes back to the office rather than taking the rest of the day offbecause Fushimi’s still got work to do and besides he doesn’t wantanyone thinking he’s gotten sick or figuring out that he’s stillunder the Strain power’s effects. It’s a little easier keepinghimself in check at the office, just sitting there at his desk andnot touching anything but the computer, mindlessly typing out reportafter report and trying to ignore the heat pooling between his legs.Eventually everyone else goes back the dorms for the night butFushimi’s still having trouble and he doesn’t even trust himself tostand, mind racing with all the ways he could embarrass himself inthis condition and refusing under any circumstances to let thathappen, thinking that he’d be the butt of jokes or the target ofuseless pity. Finally everyone’s gone and Fushimi tries to stand, thenight air hitting his skin causes his entire body to shudder and hecollapses against the desk. Almost without thinking about it hestarts rubbing up against the desk a little, desperate for frictionand relief and even as he hates himself for being so weak as to givein to this feeling he still can’t help searching for relief. That’swhen he hears the sound of footsteps and looks up to see Munakatastanding right there in front of him, probably looking more intriguedthan anything else.
Fushimi tries to force out an explanation but his body just feels onfire at this point and he rubs against the desk again almostdesperately, a whine building in his throat and a knot in hisstomach. He can’t even look up, face burning in shame and humiliationat being seen this way, and that’s when he feels Munakata’s hand onhis shoulder. That’s enough to make him cum right there and Fushimijust shudders hard for a moment as he swallows down a moan. There’s astain growing in the front of his pants but he’s still hard and hecan’t even manage to force out an apology or a command at Munakata togo away. Munakata notes that Fushimi was hit by the Strain powerafter all and Fushimi can only nod, breathless. Munakata’s just like‘I see. Would you like me to assist you with this, Fushimi-kun?’Fushimi gives this surprised, half-hysterical laugh like he can’teven believe Munakata’s actually asking him that. Munakatajust repeats his offer though, noting that Fushimi appears to be insome distress and if Fushimi will allow it Munakata wants to helprelieve him of it. Fushimi’s mind is pretty hazy by this point andall he knows is that he needs to be touched so finally henods, telling Munakata to just help him out with this already.Munakata strokes his hair soothingly and tells Fushimi to relax ashis hands stray down towards Fushimi’s belt.
The feel of Munakata’s arms around him is enough to make Fushimistart shaking again, feeling an almost unbearable tightness in hispants and he loses enough control that he’s even asking Munakata tojust do it already, to touch him and to make this whole thing stop.Munakata takes his time though, wanting to be respectful of thecondition Fushimi’s in even as he helps Fushimi out, finallyunzipping Fushimi’s pants and pulling them down (the downside of nounderwear, Fushimi’s pants are probably gonna need a good washingafter this). Then Munakata just starts stroking him slowly, trying tokeep up a steady rhythm but Fushimi’s already thrusting up intoMunakata’s hand with the first touch. They probably end up like thatfor a while, Munakata whispering soothing things in Fushimi’s ear ashe gives him a handjob and basically guides him through a few orgasmsbefore Fushimi’s finally so spent the power’s starting to lose itshold on him. After that Munakata helps Fushimi dress as much aspossible, probably noting that they will indeed need to launder thosepants, and helping Fushimi back to his dorm where he can sleep offthe rest of the power’s effects. Fushimi wakes up the next morningboth totally exhausted and way embarrassed, especially when Munakatashows up mid-morning to check on him. Fushimi snaps at him to goaway, saying he’s fine, but as Munakata’s leaving Fushimi manages asmall, irritated 'thanks.’ Munakata only smiles at him in return andpossibly says something about how he would certainly be happy toassist Fushimi in such manners once the power has worn off entirelytoo and then he sweeps out of the room while Fushimi just staresblankly back at Munakata trying to figure out if he really just heardwhat he thought he heard.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
since it's april fools day... scepter 4 being the dorks that they are and prank each other!
Everyone probably thinks that Homra is the prank clan that has the wild April Fool's Day shenanigans but really it's Scepter 4 that causes all the trouble XD I imagine that there's like a running challenge to see who can prank the top three, Munakata, Awashima and Fushimi are notoriously difficult to prank. Munakata always catches on to the pranks immediately and probably even figures out a way to turn the pranks back on to the person who did them (Doumyouji finds this out much to his dismay when he ends up with his hand glued to Captain's PDA and has to spend the rest of the day next to Munakata's desk being his human telephone). Awashima disapproves of being pranked and most of the squad aren't brave enough to try and prank her. And of course Fushimi is the real prize, they all want to prank him but they know that anyone who gets caught doing so will inevitably suffer a hundred deaths if he figures out who did it. Even so the squad like to dare each other to try and see who can finally manage to prank Fushimi, this always leads to twice the paperwork as punishment but it's worth it.
Of course the squad try to prank each other too, alphabet boys D-H are the most vocally into this and enjoy finding fun new ways to prank each other. I like to imagine that Akiyama and Benzai are secretly the two real pranksters though, every year they manage to prank everyone and no one ever realizes that it's them. Like the two of them will sneak into the office overnight and move everyone's stuff two inches to the left, the next morning they act very disapproving about how this will mess with the clan's efficiency even as they secretly fist bump under the table when Hidaka runs into his chair for the fifth time in a day. Gotou also does pretty well on the prank end, he manages to hide his cursed statues in unexpected places that scare the rest of the squad constantly (Gotou claims that he didn't do any of this though, 'those children' just decided to join in the prank day all on their own).
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