#though her favorite sibling is Tyland
dream-dove · 2 months
At the tender age of six, Leah found herself drawn to the training yard of the Lannister castle, her eyes wide with wonder as she watched her brothers, Jason and Tyland, spar with swords in hand. The clang of metal against metal echoed through the air as the brothers danced in a graceful and deadly dance, their movements fluid and precise. But as Leah watched, her amusement turned to surprise when Tyland managed to best Jason, causing him to tumble to the ground in defeat.
A small giggle escaped Leah’s lips, her laughter innocent and pure, until Jason’s furious glare bore into her like daggers. Storming towards her with a look of rage etched upon his face, he demanded to know what she found so amusing. Unwavering, Leah stood her ground, refusing to cower in the face of her brother's anger. "I laughed because you fell," she admitted boldly, her words hanging in the air like a challenge.
Enraged by her defiance, Jason's temper flared, his grip on Leah's wrist tightening painfully as he berated her for her insolence. With a sneer of contempt, Jason loomed over Leah, his voice dripping with malice as he uttered his cruel words. "You're nothing but a burden, Leah," he spat, his eyes flashing with disdain. "No one cares for you in this family. Not me, not Tyland, not even our father." His words struck Leah like a blow to the heart, each syllable a painful reminder of her loneliness and isolation.
"You think you're special because you carry the name Lannister," Jason continued, his tone laced with venom. "But you're just a nuisance, a stain on our family's reputation. No matter what father preaches about you being my sister, I will never accept such. Even so if you don't want Father to disown you like the worthless mongrel you are, then you better learn to be useful when you're older."
As she stared up at her brother, tears streaming down her cheeks, Leah's voice trembled with emotion as she screamed out to Jason, her words filled with pain and desperation. "You've always treated me like dirt, Jason!" she cried, her voice echoing through the empty courtyard. "But I'm your sister! We're family, and family should treat each other equally and dearly. Like lions do in a pack!" Her words hung in the air, a plea for understanding and acceptance, but Jason's cold expression remained unchanged, his heart unmoved by her heartfelt plea.
"Listen here, you little brat," Jason's voice dripped with venom as he towered over Leah, his eyes ablaze with anger. "You think you can talk back to me? At your age, you should show me more respect, not sass. Otherwise, I'll have no qualms about burning another one of your precious belongings, just like I did last time." His threat hung heavy in the air, sending a shiver down Leah's spine as she recalled the pain of losing something dear to her.
"And this time," Jason continued, his voice low and menacing, "I'll make sure you watch every agonizing second of it. Maybe then you'll learn your place in this family." With those chilling words, Leah felt a cold dread settle in the pit of her stomach, knowing that Jason's cruelty knew no bounds and that she was powerless to stop him. And yet in that moment of despair, she made a silent vow to herself that she would prove Jason wrong, to forge her own path and fly away from these shackles of oppression.
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floatyflowers · 1 year
Dark Platonic Mothers! HOTD/GOT (Cersei, Alicent, Sansa, and Rhaenyra) x Reader
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Cersei Lannister
"You never love anything in the world the way you love your first child"
You are Cersei's first and only trueborn child with Robert.
Even though, your mother hates your father, doesn't mean you are hated, it is quiet the opposite.
Cersei would sacrifice everything to ensure that you stay by her side.
She would fight off any possible arranged marriages that Robert might have in mind for you.
Marrying you to Robb Stark? Cersei will make sure that Robert has horrible nights, until he removes this idea from his mind.
Joffrey doesn't dare to harm you in any way, because he knows what his mother would do to him if he touches a hair on your head.
After your younger siblings' deaths, Cersei becomes filled with paranoia that she might outlive you too.
She will make sure that you are kept safe even if it means stripping you away from your freedom.
Alicent Hightower
You are her favorite child without a doubt.
Maybe it is because you are not as drunk and perverted as Aegon or as vengeful and dangerous as Aemond or as dreamy and strange as Helaena.
Of course, there is also Daeron but he is in Oldtown, so he is not around as much for Alicent to favor him.
As a baby, you never caused tantrums when she came to spend time with you.
You consider her your friend, and tell her all your secrets.
Even that secret where you had a crush on a stable boy.
Strange how the boy disappeared the next day with a trance.
When Otto suggested the idea of marrying you off to Tyland Lannister, Alicent turned the idea down.
She would never give up your happiness, she would kill for your sake.
Sansa Stark
You are hers and Ramsay's daughter.
But you were given her last name, as Sansa didn't want you to be connected to the Boltons.
She thought she would hate you, but when she held you in her arms for the first time, she couldn't help but love you.
Like a little pup, you started following your mother around ever since you learned how to walk.
Sansa prefers it that way, you and her spending time together.
You filled the hole in her heart after her mother's death, she wants to have the same mother-daughter relationship with you as she had with her mother.
Everything was going on well, until Arya decided to visit Winterfall.
The moment your Aunt started speaking about her travels is the moment you realize you want to explore the outside world.
Sansa made sure that her younger sister is not welcome to speak to you again, especially after she accused her of locking you away like some bird.
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Your mother turned into a completely different person after the death of your younger brother, Luke.
She announced the annulment of your marriage to Aemond, even though it was already consummated.
She has forbidden you from returning to King's Landing to get your daughter, claiming it was too dangerous for you, and that your daughter is better off with her father.
Rhaenyra can't bear to lose you just like how she lost Luke or Visenya.
When you try to escape, you are caught and your dragon is taken away from you, given sleeping herbs to put the beast to sleep.
When you called her a hypocrite for wanting to protect you as a mother, but at the same time, forbidding you from seeing your own daughter.
Rhaenyra would only hug you tightly and forcibly by grabbing into your head.
"You have to sacrifice for me, just like I sacrificed for you and your siblings"
This is when you realize that your mother truly deserves to be compared to Maegor the Cruel.
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queen--kenobi · 1 year
Congrats on the Duke win!! 🥰💙🏀 Been very MIA lately, but I'm trying to get back in the swing of things. Playing some serious catch up. 😘 I know you've got an OC for HoT/HotD but tell me more!!
Welcome back!!!
Hell yeah!!! I didn't end up watching it because I had to get up way too early for work, but I'm happy with the results sfsgsh
Okay so this might get long, I hope you're okay with that. I have a shit ton of lore. Not even just for Elayna but for the Reynes. They're my OCs now
I've got two because they're stories are intertwined but not in a "we will always find each other way" (romantic) but in a "we will always find each other" (hateful) way
My main one is Elayna Reyne! She's the only daughter and third child of Lord Alon Reyne. She has one surviving older brother, Seban, and a younger brother, Ryman. Her other older brother, Reynard, died in a mine collapse that killed him and Seban's mom. Alon got remarried, so Elayna and Seban are half-siblings (or are they? Dun dun dun). Elayna is absolutely a Daddy's girl and Alon's favorite whoops
Alon gets really sick when she's a preteen, and Seban sends Elayna to be a Ward of the Lannisters. Now, Elayna doesn't necessarily like the Lannisters but it's not full on hate at this point. It's more like "oh. Them"
Enter Tymon Lannister
Tymon is a fuckhead to end all fuckheads. It's canon in a modern AU Tymon is the played lacrosse in high school (probably even competitively in college), khakis and a polo, legacy family at Harvard and Yale, "it's not pink it's Nantucket Red", "I'm a nice guy just give me a chance", top honors frat boy kind of guy
Anyway. Elayna gets warded to the Lannisters, and Tymon sees Elayna and is just like "She's mine. I'm gonna marry her some day, and she's gonna have my kids and be my wife. She was made for me." Elayna doesn't hate him at first, and even gets a tiny bit of a crush on him, because he is legitimately nice to her. It's just when she starts noticing how he treats literally everyone else she's just like "mmmmhhhmmmm. No." Unfortunately Tymon is the only Lannister that's been halfway decent with her, and when Tymon feels like Elayna is pulling away, he starts to get. Unpleasant
Eventually, Alon recovers. Alon asks Elayna is sent home if only for a few weeks because he's missed his daughter. The Lannisters let Elayna go back to Castamere. Alon takes one look at Elayna and realizes oh, she is miserable. It's been about 3 or 4 years of her with the Lannisters, and Elayna is clearly not doing well. Also Elayna ABSOLUTELY hates the Lannisters at this point and has decided her purpose in life is to bring that whole fucking family down to the ground
Alon, being a loving father and the GOAT, says fuck that and instead of sending Elayna back to Casterly Rock, sends Elayna to the Red Keep. Alon was at Court for a bit in his preteen and teenage years and was actually fairly decent friends with Viserys and had friendly rivalry going on with Daemon. Alon knows Viserys will find a place for Elayna, and he does. I'm leaning towards Elayna being one of Helaena's ladies in waiting, but I'm not sure
Elayna ends up befriending Helaena! She and Helaena end up very good friends. Elayna also meets Aemond and phew boy. Elayna falls hard and fast. Thankfully for her, Aemond does too. Unfortunately Aegon also kind of falls for Elayna. Yes Elayna has three of Alicent's children wrapped around her finger ssssshhhhh
Now. Remember how I mentioned Tymon has decided Elayna is his? Yeah, uh, he pops up at Court. He tries to claim it's so he can learn from Tyland blah blah blah, but it's blatantly obvious Tymon has no interest in that. Tymon is just there to persuade Elayna to "come home" and "come to her sense". And Tymon is a Lannister which means he's decided Elayna will be "back where she belongs, with who she belongs", and he will do anything to make that happen
I don't want to say too much more because I don't want to spoil what's coming. I will say this, though. Elayna's story is a tragedy because, ultimately, she is the reason the Reynes are massacred. Obviously she's not the inciting incident, but she sets everything up, if that makes sense? It's obviously not her intention but Elayna's actions ultimately doom future generations and her entire family/bloodline
Canon is not a happy story. I have a bunch of other AUs that are happy but. Canon is an absolute tragedy
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ofthrnes · 11 months
NAME : leona lannett (formerly hill) AGE : 21 - 23 , verse dependent . GENDER : cisgender female . ETHNICITY : andal . HEIGHT : 5'7" . EYES : emerald green . HAIR : golden blonde , ringlets that stop at her waist . COMPLEXION : fair . DISTINGUISHING TRAITS : despite not bearing her father's house name , leona is immediately recognizable as being of lannister blood . she bears the typical features associated with her father's house .
RESIDENCE : lannisport , king's landing ( * verse dependent ) . BIRTHPLACE : the westerlands . PARENTS : jason lannister & lucella lannett of lannisport SIBLINGS : two other sisters also born to jason and lucella in addition to cerelle lannister ( half-sister ) , tyshara lannister ( half-sister ) , three other half-sisters , and loreon lannister ( half-brother ) SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S) : aegon ii targaryen ( lover ) . OTHER RELATIVES OF IMPORTANCE : tyland lannister ( paternal uncle ) . ㅤ
born in 107 ac , leona was one of several bastard daughters born to lord jason lannister & his favorite mistress , lady lucella lannett of lannisport . while not permitted to live within the rock or be considered on the same level as his trueborn daughters , lucella's noble birth results in jason openly recognizing leona as his bastard & arranges for her to be legitimized as a lady of house lannett rather than bearing the surname of "hill" .
while jason is entirely uninvolved in leona's upbringing , she is frequently visited by her uncle , tyland lannister . a man with no children of his own , tyland becomes a stand-in father to leona & uses the gold of the rock in order to ensure that she is being properly taken care of . whenever tyland is appointed as master of ships , he urges leona to accompany him to the capitol , an offer which she accepts .
upon her arrival in king's landing , tyland secures her a position as a lady-in-waiting to queen alicent hightower . it is not long after that when she catches the attention of prince aegon targaryen , and the two soon become lovers . their affair is an open secret that is not well kept , with nearly everyone in the red keep being well aware of the fact that leona is the prince's paramour , that she sleeps in his bed more often than her own . despite being less than pleased with the affair , queen alicent allows leona to remain around because the more she's in his bed , the less she has to deal with the repercussions of the prince's escapades on the street of silk & other such establishments .
after aegon's death , tyland manages to sway lady johanna lannister , jason's widow , into allowing the distraught leona to reside within casterly rock as a lady in waiting to her eldest two daughters , cerelle & tyshara . due to the the fact that leona had no true home to return to due to her mother & sisters had been taken as salt wives , along with the fact that leona had been born prior to her marriage to jason , johanna reluctantly consents . despite never truly moving past the loss of her lover , leona finds some happiness by forming a bond with her half-sisters , particularly tyshara after her own reputation was sullied at the maiden's day ball in 133 ac . she eventually marries a knight , the son of a lannister bannerman , though it's said that she continued to weep for her lost lover for the remainder of her days .
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