#Yeah Leah and Jason do not share eye to eye
dream-dove · 5 months
At the tender age of six, Leah found herself drawn to the training yard of the Lannister castle, her eyes wide with wonder as she watched her brothers, Jason and Tyland, spar with swords in hand. The clang of metal against metal echoed through the air as the brothers danced in a graceful and deadly dance, their movements fluid and precise. But as Leah watched, her amusement turned to surprise when Tyland managed to best Jason, causing him to tumble to the ground in defeat.
A small giggle escaped Leah’s lips, her laughter innocent and pure, until Jason’s furious glare bore into her like daggers. Storming towards her with a look of rage etched upon his face, he demanded to know what she found so amusing. Unwavering, Leah stood her ground, refusing to cower in the face of her brother's anger. "I laughed because you fell," she admitted boldly, her words hanging in the air like a challenge.
Enraged by her defiance, Jason's temper flared, his grip on Leah's wrist tightening painfully as he berated her for her insolence. With a sneer of contempt, Jason loomed over Leah, his voice dripping with malice as he uttered his cruel words. "You're nothing but a burden, Leah," he spat, his eyes flashing with disdain. "No one cares for you in this family. Not me, not Tyland, not even our father." His words struck Leah like a blow to the heart, each syllable a painful reminder of her loneliness and isolation.
"You think you're special because you carry the name Lannister," Jason continued, his tone laced with venom. "But you're just a nuisance, a stain on our family's reputation. No matter what father preaches about you being my sister, I will never accept such. Even so if you don't want Father to disown you like the worthless mongrel you are, then you better learn to be useful when you're older."
As she stared up at her brother, tears streaming down her cheeks, Leah's voice trembled with emotion as she screamed out to Jason, her words filled with pain and desperation. "You've always treated me like dirt, Jason!" she cried, her voice echoing through the empty courtyard. "But I'm your sister! We're family, and family should treat each other equally and dearly. Like lions do in a pack!" Her words hung in the air, a plea for understanding and acceptance, but Jason's cold expression remained unchanged, his heart unmoved by her heartfelt plea.
"Listen here, you little brat," Jason's voice dripped with venom as he towered over Leah, his eyes ablaze with anger. "You think you can talk back to me? At your age, you should show me more respect, not sass. Otherwise, I'll have no qualms about burning another one of your precious belongings, just like I did last time." His threat hung heavy in the air, sending a shiver down Leah's spine as she recalled the pain of losing something dear to her.
"And this time," Jason continued, his voice low and menacing, "I'll make sure you watch every agonizing second of it. Maybe then you'll learn your place in this family." With those chilling words, Leah felt a cold dread settle in the pit of her stomach, knowing that Jason's cruelty knew no bounds and that she was powerless to stop him. And yet in that moment of despair, she made a silent vow to herself that she would prove Jason wrong, to forge her own path and fly away from these shackles of oppression.
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thebiggerbear · 9 months
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - Soldier Boy Prompt Response
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Summary: You're pissed that he put himself at risk yet again.
A/N: Prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting (#941). This was too much fun to play with. Soldier Boy is something, that's for sure lol. Hope this is alright.
Thank you to my beta @rieleatiel for her services. You rock, girl!
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Female!Reader; Soldier Boy x Female!Supe!Reader
Warnings: mentions of violence; mentions of sex; implied sex; Soldier Boy being himself; language (I guess?)
Word Count: 1881
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
SB Taglist: @heartlessdelusions; @nancymcl; @brightlilith
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat; @deansbbyx
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
Beau version ✨ Dean version ✨ Jenny version ✨ Jason version ✨ Tom version ✨ CJ version ✨ Rachel version ✨ Anael version ✨ SDV Leah version ✨ Alec version
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You stormed into the suite you and Soldier Boy shared in Vought Tower. The supe strolled in after you, a scowl on his face as he shut the door behind him.
You waved around your hand and suddenly, a glass flew out of the cabinet, landing on the counter. A bottle of the finest whiskey you owned made its way from the bar as ice cubes from the fridge settled softly into the glass. Once the whiskey was poured and the bottle was safely settled beside it, you held out your hand and the drink slowly fit itself into your palm. You took a sip, letting the liquid travel down to the pit of your stomach, and relished the fire it stoked; it was a fire that had already started during your mission.
“Got one of those for me, doll?”
You scoffed and walked away from the kitchen—away from him. “You’ve got working limbs. Use them and make it yourself.” You didn’t need to turn around to know that that response pissed him off. Well, too damn bad; you were pissed as well.
You headed into the bedroom and, heaving a deep breath, you began to take off your gear. Soldier Boy came in behind you, but you refused to turn around.
“Come on, you’re making a big deal over nothing.”
“Nothing?” You spun on your heel, glaring at him. “You could have been killed, Ben!”
He was glaring right back at you. “Yeah, well, I wasn’t. I did what I had to do to take that fascist fuck down.” 
You let out a frustrated huff as you slammed your gloves down onto the dresser next to you. “You are the most stubborn, pig-headed jackass I’ve ever met! You just refuse to hear what I’m saying to you!”
Hands grabbed onto your hips and spun you around, bringing you face to face with a very turned on Ben. Of course. You knew he loved it when you would get angry since he could “fuck it right out of you,” as he’d once told you when you’d asked why he enjoyed riling you up so much. “Best fucking ride I get to take,” were his exact words. He’d given you a salacious grin and then that deep laugh when you’d smacked his bare shoulder. The action didn’t, and wouldn’t, hurt him in the slightest; in fact, he’d pulled you closer and you had taken the opportunity to run your fingers through his sweaty locks.
Ben leaned in to kiss you, thinking things were about to pop off once again (he was pretty sure he’d never seen you this pissed off before and he wanted to skip the yelling altogether, get right to the fun part), but you prevented him from doing so. The impatient frown you’d expected was in place and you cupped his cheeks to meet his eyes. He knew this was a sign that you wanted him to really listen to you.
“Ben, you can’t keep doing things like this,” you told him in a softer tone but laced with as much firmness as before. “You’re not invincible, you know that.”
His lips lifted up into a smirk. “Pretty damn close, though.”
You let out a sigh of frustration and decided you’d had enough. A bluish white haze came over your vision and you saw Ben’s eyes widen as your palms began to glow. You showed him your perspective of the day’s events: how you’d watched the missile launched by the townspeople, heading straight towards the building he was in; how you’d been unable to stop it but still slowed it down enough so that more people could get out of there; how everyone had been clear except him and the asshole dictator and their regime that he’d been ordered to kill; how you’d screamed for him to get clear because you couldn’t hold it back much longer; how you’d finally collapsed because you had no juice left, only able to helplessly watch as the weapon slammed into the building. You let him feel your heartbreak, your grief, your pain from thinking he was dead. And then you shared with him the massive relief you felt once he managed to dig his way out, dirty but unscathed nonetheless—and then your anger once he told you he’d heard you yell for him but he had to take down the dictator. He chose to stay inside, knowing he could very well die, and he was okay with that. He simply snorted at the idea that he should run for cover, for safety, and that enraged you.
You ended this viewing with memories you swore you’d never show him (but would if that’s what it took to get your point across). You both watched as you first met—your apparent disgust towards him; your perception of him changing over time; the first time you’d let him into your bed, how you two grew closer; the look on his face when you demanded exclusivity or you’d walk after you’d found him with a receptionist from the 28th floor willingly on her knees; the contentment you felt being partners with him both inside the job and out of it; your worry for him each time he separated from you on a mission; the threats you’d made to Stan Edgar if he ever tried to have another Nicaragua happen again and the hell you’d unleash if he did; the tenderness you watched him with as he slept after having more nightmares; your compassion for him the one time he’d mentioned his father to you; the enjoyment of spending time with him watching things from the past and watching him laugh or enthusiastically tell you about that time, and finally, the kicker — the love you’d started to feel for him. You moved your hands away, the glow disappearing as did your haze, and you turned away from him. You hadn’t meant to show him that last part or let him in that deeply. You had been waiting for the right time, which you were pretty sure would be never, but when your emotions ran high like they did today, it was harder to keep everything behind the wall you usually kept in place.
Instead, you quietly cleared your throat and decided to act as if he hadn’t just heard those last thoughts. “You get it now? How dangerous that was? How dangerous it is every time you do some stupid crap like that?”
He gripped your chin and forced you to meet his gaze again. 
“Ben, you can’t keep—”
He cut you off by leaning in and kissing you. Instead of turning it dirty like he usually did or ramping it up, he pulled back after a minute and stared into your eyes. “I do, too, you know,” he murmured.
You were afraid to ask. Still, you had to know. “Yeah?”
He ran his thumb tenderly over your bottom lip. “Yeah.” You studied him as he studied you in return. For once, you didn’t see any hint of amusement, bullshit, or even lust. He was telling you the truth.
You lifted a hand to run your fingers through his hair, which made him shut his eyes halfway; you knew he liked it when you did that. “Then you can’t keep doing things like this.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and he lowered his forehead onto yours. “I thought you were dead today,” you let out in a broken whisper. He had really scared the shit out of you… You had been beyond devastated for those few minutes.
“I’m right here in front of you, sweetheart,” he reassured you, giving you a sweet smile that you only saw when it was just the two of you. 
“But what if—”
“I’ll be more careful from now on,” he promised, kissing you once more. He then grinned wolfishly. “So, do those magic hands of yours work both ways?”   
You knew they did but you’d never told him that. He’d only seen you use them to insert images sometimes into your targets to paralyze them or make them vulnerable, but you’d never actually used them on him before. “They can,” you answered carefully. “But I don’t usually do that. I don’t like reading someone’s thoughts without their consent.”
“So all this time we’ve been rolling around, you’ve never once tuned in?”
“No,” you insisted, offended and moving away from him. “I can only imagine the jizz-soaked apocalyptic ride through unforgettable hell that would be. There probably isn’t enough alcohol in the world to try and wipe those memories from my mind.”
He caught your wrist and gently placed your hand against his bearded cheek. “Read mine now.”
“Ben,” you pleaded. “Please don’t make—”
“Trust me.” He leaned in closer. “Read ‘em.”
You weren’t sure you wouldn’t be retching after this. He’d literally just learned you loved him and he implied he felt the same, so if he showed you the highlights of his glory days, you swore you’d nut punch him after you got sick and then force him to relive your own highlights and how much you very much still enjoyed those from time to time. Usually, of course, when you were alone in the shower.
You took a deep breath and opened the connection. You were suddenly flooded with images of your greatest hits: him going to town on you and being merciless, making you cry out his name in passion; the furniture you’d broken during your escapades and the walls you’d cracked, even one floor you’d broken through (right into the middle of a table being used for a board meeting but that didn’t stop either of you—if anything, Ben enjoyed everyone watching him give it to you and making you almost feral in chasing your high); you taking charge and putting him on his back, your eyes having a bluish white glow as you smirked wickedly down at him before taking what was yours and truthfully had been yours since you’d said you wanted him all to yourself. You could hear your cries and moans echoing in your ears along with his grunts and yells and dirty talk you both loved. You could hear other sounds too—sounds that made your cheeks warm—and you could feel the lust and heat rising within you as that same bluish white haze settled upon your vision.
You suddenly broke the connection. His brow furrowed in confusion before you growled out, “Suit off. Now.”
His typical smirk returned as he began to undo his chest plate.
“Not fast enough.” You waved your hand and Ben’s suit undid itself at the same time yours did. The shield planted itself in the corner where it usually sat while the clothes situated themselves beside it. Both of you were stark naked but that wasn’t enough. You flicked a finger and Ben was immediately shoved back onto the bed, right where you wanted him. You clambered up on top of him and positioned yourself, his hands on your hips to help you, when you leaned down to look into his eyes.
“I hate you.”
His grin was wide, knowing you definitely didn’t mean it. “You have a weird way of showing that.”
You snorted and kissed him, taking what you now knew was undoubtedly yours.
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pastelpastryblog · 5 years
In love with my best friend 💗 - PH-1 chapter 5
Genre: Everything (angst/fluff/ romance/etc)
Main characters: Y/N (reader), PH-1/ Harry
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4 months ago, 6 universities decided to do a big event that showcased the student’s art works, fashion shows, music, food, dance and many more. It was an open invite, not just for the students of the 6 universities, but it was for anyone that was aged 18 and over. It was a 6-day event and it required anyone that attended, had to city hop, as every city had a different fixed event. Day 6 was the last day. It was a day specifically made for music and Harry was invited to be a performer at the concert. While performing, a girl caught his eyes and that girl happened to be Kimberly. She was watching him closely while he performed, her look was interesting. Interesting enough to make Harry chase her and ask for her number. Which is weird, considering that Harry had turned down all the hottest girls of his home city. Kimberly lives 4 hours away from Harry’s university but from his home city, its further as it is 8hrs away from each other meaning that they have a long-distance relationship.
~Present time~
-          “Where the heck is Y/N? its been two days since I last saw her.” Harry says while looking for Y/N around his shared apartment, confused.
-          “Why are you so worried about her? She’s grown. I’m she can find her way around. She’s probably at home or something. Who knows” Kimberly says unbothered, while filing texting someone on her phone.
-          “Why are you so nonchalant about this? It doesn’t matter if she is “grown” or not, she should have at least called me. What if something went wrong? What if she’s lost? We never even got to see her leave.”
-          “I’m sure she’s fine babe. So, can you stop talking about her? Can you at least pay attention to me for today? I leave in 2 hours” Kimberley says while being irritated.
-          “I pay attention to you all the time. What are you taking about? How do you want me to act when my best friend is missing?” Harry says, angrily.
-          “You know what? I don’t want to have this conversation anymore. I’m going out for a walk. Bye”.  She walks out the apartment and slams the door behind her.
-          “This girl is fucking crazy.” Harry says to himself as he shakes his head.
Harry stops what he was doing. He looks around and notices that Its Kimberley’s phone. She must have forgotten to take it with her. He walks towards the phone and picks it up, it’s a message. He opens the chat and witnessed things that he never thought he would.
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He scrolled through the messages between Kimberley and Jason, and it seems that their relationship is serious. They have been in an on and off relationship for two years and has even met his parents and friends. She was playing both of them, as Jason knows nothing about Harry. He had also looked through messages of her and her best friend Leah and noticed that she told her friend that she doesn’t really like Harry but is only with him because he has clout and potential to become a big rapper and when she does become a bigger rapper, she will then learn to love him. Not to mention, she is also the reason why he can’t get a hold of Y/N. Furious, Harry’s face goes red as he throws Kimberley’s phone on the bed. He storms into the shared living room space and sits on the sofa and impatiently waiting for Kimberley to come back while unblocking Y/N on social media and messaging his mother for Y/N’s number. When Kimberley opened the door, she could sense that there was something wrong with Harry.
-          “What’s up with you? Why are you angry?” She says with her eyebrows raised.
-          “Why am I angry? Why do you think that I’m angry?”
-          “Oh Gosh, are you still angry because of what I said earlier? Because of me wanting attention from you?” she chuckles and says “Get over it” as she aggressively pushes Harry out of the way.
-          “Kimberley. Never in your life put your hands on me. Ever.”
-          “And what are you going to do if I don’t want to?”
-          “Get out. I’ve had enough.” Harry says, whilst trying to calm himself.
-          “No, why should I?” she says defensively.
-          “Who is Jason? Who is Jason, huh?”
-          “What are you talking about? You’re so annoying.”
-          “Why do you hate Y/N so much? What did she ever do to you? Why did you want to slap my friend?”
-          “Is that what that bitch told you? That makes no sense” Kimberley says, as she is starting to sweat.
-          “I beg your pardon. Bitch? Don’t call her that. Y/N didn’t tell me anything. You know why? Its because you blocked her from all my socials and deleted her number from my phone.”
-          “WHAT? I would never! Stop accusing me of shit that I haven’t done and stop talking about this Jason or whatever. You sound crazy” Kimberley says as she acts surprised that he has found out about blocking Y/N on social media.
-          “You would never? Okay, cool. Sit down and stay here for a bit, I’ll be right back”
Harry then goes into his room and takes Kimberly’s phone. He then comes back and takes his phone out of his pocket and starts dialling a number. Kimberley was just sat on the sofa, looking very confused and scared, as she didn’t know what was going on and who he is trying to call. Y/N finally picks up the phone and Harry puts her on speaker.
-          “Hello?” Y/N says.
Kimberly’s eyes widened.  Harry is making small talk with Y/N before he gets right into the main reason that he called.
-          “Is it true that Kim purposely made you sit away from us at the theatres?” He asked.
-          “Yeah, wasn’t it obvious Harry?” Y/N laughs nervously.
-          “Oh wow” Harry says, with a lot of regret as he puts his hand on his head.
-          “I didn’t know how to say this to you at all, but Kimberley didn’t like me from the get-go. It was almost like I did something to her. I tried my best to be nice to her because she is your girlfriend, but she just didn’t care to be nice to me at all.”
-          “Wow” He says while being disappointed in himself.
-          “Oh, if I’ve said anything offensive, I’m honestly so sorry. I mean, she is your girlfriend after all. I hope what I have said isn’t going to offend the both of you and negatively impact your relationship” Y/N says, nervously.
-          “So, she really did try to slap you, huh? She tried to lay hands on you, didn’t she?” He sighs, defeated.
-          “Wait. How-who told you this?”
-          “Kimberley left her phone at home while she went out for a walk and her phone buzzed so I went through her message thinking that it might have been her mom or some sort of emergency, but it turned out that it was a message from her best friend. She admitted to trying to slap you. She was also messaging her boyfriend of two years, Jason. Saying how much she misses him and that she can’t wait to go back home. Right Kimberley?”  Harry says as he looks at her with fire in his eyes.
-          “Omg, Is Kimberley there? Harry I’m so sorry. I don’t even know what to say.”
-          “No, don’t be. I should be the one apologising to you because of your experience here. A best friend should never act the way that I acted towards you. Y/N I am so sorry and Kimberley, its over. So, get out of my sight.”
All Y/N could say through the phone was “OMG” because she could hear Kimberley crying and Harry’s voice wavering while kicking Kimberley out of his apartment and Kimberley saying no to Harry kicking her out.
-          “Fine. Since you don’t want to leave, I will. When I come back, you better not be here, or I will call your boyfriend Jason to drag you out of here.”
-          “HARRY WHERE ARE YOU GOING? YOU BETTER NOT GO TO THAT BITCH!” Kimberley shouts while crying.
-          “I told you to never call her a bitch, ever. Leave before I come back.” Harry says as he packs his bag.
-          “No, PH-1, don’t go. Just stay here. I’ll break it off with Jason then. Huh? Babe, please listen to me. I love you” Kimberley desperately says.
Harry then looks at Kimberley one last time as she was pleading for Harry to stay with her. She had tears and mascara running down on her face, snot was dripping from her nose. She was a mess. He shook his head and slammed the door behind him. After he slammed the door, he could hear Kimberly scream-shouting and what seems like her throwing her things in the apartment.
-          “Harry. Harry, you forgot to hang up. Where are you even going at this time? Are you okay? is Kimberley okay?” Y/N says with worry in her voice.
-          “I don’t care about her anymore. I’m coming.” He says while panting.
-          “Coming where Harry? You’re worrying me” She says confused.
-          “I’m coming home. I’m going to moms house.”
-          “Harry no, its too late. Just go a friend’s house or a nearby hotel. I don’t want you doing long drives while you’re angry. It’s dangerous.”
-          “Its okay, I promise I’ll be fine. Ill message you when I get home”
 ~ 2 hours later~
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As soon as Y/N opened the door, Harry handed her a box of chocolates and an “I’m sorry” card and then pulls her into a hug. Out of shock, Y/N accidently drops her card and her chocolates.
“Y/N listen. I’m so, so, so sorry for acting the way that I have. A true friend would never ignore their best friend or put them what I put you through. I really hope that you forgive me. If you don’t, I’ll still be fine with it. I was a jerk after all. I won’t pressure you into forgiving me, so I’ll let you go back to bed. Goodnight”
He then pulls away from the hug, crosses the road and goes to his mom’s house. Y/N was speechless from everything that she had witnessed. As soon as Harry got let into his moms house, she picked up her card and chocolates from the floor and then went back into her house.
Will their friendship ever be restored?
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beencaughts · 5 years
“don’t do this here.”, “i can’t sleep.” AND “you deserve more.” !!
“don’t do this here.”
⊰ v. princess and the moon ⊱
Luna had officially lost her mind. She didn’t know why she felt compelled to enlist Pandora’s help with her homework. Sure, there were things she didn’t quite understand because of the language barrier, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t figure out herself if she just took her time. They even could’ve gone to her and Cass’s place, but she insisted they go to Panda’s under the guise that her flat was closer. Luna felt so crazy for being there she nearly picked herself up from the couch to leave until Prince came through the door, shock and annoyance written across his face at the sight of her in his apartment. A small part of Luna felt embarrassed because she’d only shown up there after they slept together, but the more significant half told her to own the awkward situation she put herself in when he asked her why the hell she was there. She shrugged. “I needed help with some homework I didn’t understand,” Luna explained as she abandoned her seat to slowly approach Prince. “And Panda offered to help me, but she left her notes at school. It was lovely of her to ask Matt to take her back to get them, so I’ve been waiting for like 15 minutes for her to get back.” Her hips swayed with every word; her skirt about two inches higher and her shirt left open a couple of buttons more than they should be. She stood in front of him now, looking at him through her eyelashes innocently. Luna’s art didn’t lie in subtly today because she couldn’t help herself from running her hand from his neck down to his chest. “Sad she’ll be back soon, isn’t it?” She pouted playfully, though, it quickly transitioned into a smile when he grabbed her hand roughly before muttering a stern, “Don’t do this here.” And right on queue, the doorknob started to jiggle. “Maybe next time,” Luna whispered, making her way back to her seat before Pandora walked in with her notes.
It was a few hours later that they finally finished studying. Luna managed to get through it, grasping a few concepts she was genuinely confused about, but her mind had been elsewhere the entire time. Her thoughts were filled with Prince. What he was doing in his room, if he couldn’t stop thinking about her like she couldn’t, why the hell she wanted him so badly. They’d only slept together a few times, and she was already consumed by him. Whenever Matt or any guy flirted with her these days, all she could think about was Prince. It was sick, really, since they still fought 98% of the time, but he was different — riskier, even — than most guys. He kissed her differently, touched her differently, treated her differently. If she were sane, she’d run far away, but right now all she wanted to do was get closer to him. “Luna? Did you hear what I said?” Pandora’s voice rung out, pulling Luna from her fantasy. “Uh, yeah, I will just let myself out. Thanks again for the help.” Luna gave her friend a hug before she exited her room and headed for the front door. Her eyes lingered on Prince’s door as she walked past it, her self restraint crumbling by the second once the thoughts returned. “Luna, go home,” The Spaniard whispered to herself, her hand hovering over the doorknob of the front door. She could leave and go home completely frustrated and driving herself crazy, or she could stay and sleep with her friend’s brother. There was some sort of code against that in movies she watched, but surely that was just an American thing. Luna sighed, finally twisting the handle. The door opened and closed, but Luna hadn’t been on the other side of it. No, that was saved for Prince’s room which she graciously let herself into, the sight of him with only sweats on in his bed making her mouth run dry. “This time is really the last time, Prince,” She warned before joining him on his bed.
⊰ v. no reason ⊱
Iola sat at the edge of the boardwalk with her feet gently dipping into the crystal blue water of Bora Bora. She watched the party her family was attending in the distance, lighting up the navy blue sky. A sad smile graced her lips and a lone tear followed. Even when she was meant to be on vacation, forgetting about her everyday problems, they still seemed to follow her. She didn’t want to face the actual reality of her relationship, but the footsteps approaching her told her that she was going to have to nearly 6,000 miles away from home. 
Iola was living in a scene from Keeping Up With The Kardashians, literally. It was one thing for her family’s annual winter vacation to happen at the same resort in Bora Bora as theirs, but it was another for them all to be gathered at a dinner table at the resort’s party with her hating at least three people sitting at it. When they first arrived, Iola had a smile permanently etched onto her face. She was always excited about her family’s vacation. Wherever they went was warm and sunny compared to Chicago where they had to trudge through four inches of snow during a polar vortex this time of year. There was also a lot Iola had been dealing with personally, and a vacation with the people she loved the most seemed to be the perfect distraction until right now. Iola never hid her affections for Jason in front of her family. Whenever she wanted to kiss him, she kissed him. Whenever she wanted to hold his hand, she held his hand. It wasn’t anything new or surprising that even at dinner, they seemed to be their own little world. Iola had been in the middle of making a Spongebob reference to Jason when her eldest brother chimed in. “It’s so cute that even after 10 years of only dating you two are still so into each other.” The comment seemed innocent, but the ‘only dating’ part had her raising her brow quizzically, but before she had the chance to ask, her brother-in-law spoke up. “10 years? That’s longer than Leah, and I’ve been together, and we’re married with kids.” Iola pettily wanted to correct them to 9 years. Next, was Leah’s turn. “When are you two planning to get married and have kids anyway?” Everyone looked to them for an answer, but she could hardly formulate a sentence at the moment. Iola had been feeling more sensitive than usual lately and having to hear her family rag on the fact that they weren’t married despite that being the one thing she wanted more than anything, she was just trying to keep from crying. “I —uh—like, I mean, I just turned 26 in October. I don’t think we should, like, jump into being engaged and—um—having, like, kids and stuff? We can hardly take care of our cat,” Iola finished with an awkward chuckle. Everyone else carried on with their usual conversation after, but Iola remained silent for the rest of the dinner. Even after the dinner was over and the main event of the party started, Iola found herself withdrawn from the event. She didn’t feel too well — mentally or physically — after that. All she could think about was if things were her way, they would be married. But that was the problem: getting married was what she wanted, not him. Iola couldn’t understand how Jason could profess his undying love for her and at the same time not want to prove it. It made it hard for her to believe that he was really in their relationship for the long run. That was partly why she was so insecure and jealous all the time. “Iola, don’t do this here, please,” Jason whispered so only she could hear him, suddenly thrown back into reality. She was sat off to the side, curled into Jason’s side. Of course, he knew that she was overthinking about dinner because that’s what she always did. Iola shook her head. “I’m gonna head back to the room. I don’t feel too good, but you stay and have fun, babe.”
There was a silence between them, neither one of them really sure of what to say. Everything had already been said the other twenty times they fought about it, except there was something she never asked before. “Jason,” she spoke up, her voice cracking. “Ignore what I want for a second. Do you ever want to get married or, like, have kids?” Iola glanced over to her boyfriend, and the hesitation she saw on his face told her everything she needed to know. He just didn’t want to hurt her feelings telling the truth. Picking herself up, Iola smiled sadly. “No, you were right. We shouldn’t do this here. I’m so stupid for asking that. You should—You should go back to the party. I’m gonna go to bed. I still don’t feel so good.” She didn’t wait for him to answer. Iola was already taking off to their room to keep him from seeing her cry about this again. She crumpled the second the door shut close. Her back slid down the door, pulling her face into her knees once she hit the floor. Iola was beginning to think telling him she was pregnant was going to be a lot harder than she thought. 
⊰ v. katie and leo ⊱
There were polaroids scattered across the floor while Katie, Eli, Ava, and Leo went through them trying to piece together a time where they didn’t exist. The adventure had begun innocently. They would laugh at pictures of their parents, smile sadly at the ones with Katie’s mom, and awe at the ones of their parents together. A lot of the photos were of Leo’s parents, but that was because his mom was the photographer of nearly all of them. He’d found the box of pictures when his mom sent him down to the basement to fetch something for her. Leo almost kept the discovery to himself until he noticed how much the others were in them, and it felt entirely too selfish not to share, especially with Katie. She only had pictures to remember her mom by. He couldn’t deprive her of some new memories. “Katie, your mom was fit. I can’t understand what she’d seen in your dad,”  Eli blurted out, earning him a slap on the arm from his sister. “What? I’m just saying what we’re all thinking.” And Eli was right. Leo had thought that, but that was because he didn’t understand why any woman would pick Nicholas Keller over every other man in London. According to his mom, Nick was an unfaithful cheater that never knew how to treat a woman right. It also didn’t help Nick’s image that he had some weird vendetta against Leo. Katie immediately snapped back at Eli that his mom was out his dad’s league too, which was also entirely true; however, this seemingly wholesome gathering quickly turned into gossip fest between the twins and Katie. “But at least my dad has money to make up for it. What does yours have? A bad attitude and a tiny penis?” They began telling secrets that he’d never heard before like his uncle having an almost drug problem or that he’d met Nick because they’d been dating the same girl. Leo stayed out of their back-and-forth gossiping. Partially because he had nothing exciting to add, but the other part being that he thought there was nothing he didn’t know about his parents. They never hid the fact that their relationship started out really rocky, and that they actually hated each other for years before that. He thought he knew everything. He thought. “Leo, what are you so quiet for?” his cousin inquired, turning the attention to him. “I don’t have anything to say. My parents are pretty tame compared to yours.” The expression on Eli’s face told Leo that maybe he was mistaken about that. Eli’s eyes glinted with mischief before he turned to look to Katie. “My poor ignorant cousin. Your parents have a lot more in common with ours than you think. My parents were secret lovers. Katie’s mum left her dad. Your dad left your mum except he didn’t tell her before he did. Or have I got that part wrong, Katie?” Leo looked to her with confusion written all over his face. Why didn’t his parents tell him this? Why did all of his friends know and never bother to tell him before now? Why didn’t she tell him? Then he thought about how she knew that in the first place and then his confusion shifted into anger. “Your dad is a fucking cunt,” Leo chuckled bitterly. If Leo were thinking correctly, he would’ve considered her asking him not to “do this here” in front of Eli because he was only looking for drama, but he absolutely wasn’t thinking correctly. All he could think about was Nick gossiping about his parents while leaving out all of the things he’d done, and then the words were coming out of Leo’s mouth without much thought. “He can tell everyone else’s business, but I bet he didn’t tell you he cheated on your mum, and that’s why she left a second time.” The room fell silent besides Eli’s chuckling. “This keeps getting better and better. Let’s keep it going.” Leo shook his head. “No. Get out. All of you.” He didn’t even bother to walk them out of the door, choosing to clean up the photos by himself instead. He could hear Katie, Eli, and Ava bickering on their way out. Sighing heavily, Leo ran a hand through his hair. Not only was he going to have to apologize to Katie later, but he knew he couldn’t let this thing about his parents go until he at least knew why they didn’t tell him. Suddenly, he was regretting his decision to share the photos with his friends.
“i can’t sleep.”
⊰ v. princess and the moon ⊱
Luna was disappointed when her eyes fluttered open, and she wasn’t greeted by Prince’s sleeping figure. At this time of the night, all she wanted was to fall asleep again in her boyfriend’s arms, but she needed to go find him for that to happen. Through her drowsiness, Luna swung her legs off the edge of the bed and walked into the living room. The room was nearly pitch black except for the streams of moonlight filling in sparse corners of the room and miraculously catching Prince too. She was far too busy admiring the way the light illuminated his features to take note of what he was doing before her arrival, and if she weren’t so tired, Luna would’ve attempted to drag him back to his room for other reasons. “What are you doing up so late, babe?” She questioned, dragging herself over to him and making herself comfortable in his lap, humming in response when his hand came to rest in her hair. When he responded that he couldn’t sleep, Luna had to use all the brain power she could muster to figure out why until it all came back to her. Today was his birthday. Panda always tried to do something nice for him, which Luna knew because they both masterminded a dinner with all of their friends last year. Panda wouldn’t stop talking about all of the times she tried to get her brother to at least acknowledge he was a year older the entire time. Prince would never admit it, but she knew something in him missed having his little sister around to annoy him today. “Then, I have a gift for you if you can’t sleep.” She paddled back into his room to dig around in her bag before returning with his gift in her hand. Luna watched in anticipation as he opened the box revealing a vintage black and gold Gucci watch. She gently removed it from its container and flipped over Prince’s wrist to fasten it. “My mom gave my dad this watch when they lived in London. My dad gave it to me before I left to have something from the both of them, but I think it’s nicer to give it to the man I love like my mom did,” She smiled, placing a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. “And before you say no, my dad wanted you to have it too. Also, he says happy birthday.” It was a bit strange when she asked her dad how he felt about her idea, and he’d been completely on board with it. Her dad really liked Prince, but he liked his watch more. She figured it was because it made him think he’d be getting a wedding invitation in the mail soon after (which Luna wasn’t opposed to happening). Lifting his wrist to examine the watch in the moonlight, Luna smiled to herself. It felt right to be giving it to him even though the timing seemed kind of wrong. There was something much more important she needed to give to him, though. She reached into her pocket and pulled out an envelope with his name written in the front of it. “And this is from Pandora. I know you two aren’t on good terms right now, but she asked me to give this to you.” Luna held it out to him, but she hesitated to let go when he took it. “I’m going back to bed, but, Prince, actually the read the card before you do too.” Luna pressed a kiss into his temple. “Happy birthday, love.”
⊰ v. no reason ⊱
Iola could only imagine what Scotland would be like. Would it be endless green fields like Jason claimed? Or would it be more like London? Maybe a mix of both? Regardless, she was so excited that Jason was finally taking her there. Not a week went by where they weren’t surrounded by her gigantic family, but she hardly got a glimpse into his family life. He was so invested in her life, but she felt disconnected from his. She knew he had a brother, a sister, a dad, and a mom. She knew what they did for a living, and that was it. What Iola knew about them was nothing like actually meeting them. There was no real reason why Jason kept them apart for so long. He often used the excuse that they celebrated two different holidays this time of year, but Iola was always open to celebrating Christmas with him. This year she was crossing two things off her list. For most of the night, Iola tossed and turned. She was excited, nervous, and downright anxious to meet his family, and it was all she could think about. Would they like her? Would she like them? Would she even be able to understand them? All of these thoughts were running through her head. Their flight was in the morning, but Iola found herself not being able to sleep through her jitters. “I can’t sleep,” Iola whispered as she turned onto her side to face Jason with the hope she wasn’t disturbing him. “I can’t sleep, either.” She was relieved she wasn’t the only one. Moving to his side of the bed, Iola wrapped an arm around his waist as she cuddled into his side. “I’m nervous they won’t like me or think I’m too immature for you. And what if your mom doesn’t like me?” Iola grimaced at the thought. The same thoughts keeping her up was keeping him up too. She would’ve assured him everything would be fine if she hadn’t voiced her concerns already. Instead, the corners of her lips lifted into a mischevious smile. “Well, we’re both awake, and it doesn’t seem like we’re going to sleep any time soon. I’m sure there’s something we can do to distract ourselves.”
⊰ july 17th ⊱
Arianna stared out of the window. The rain beating against the glass somehow soothing her from the anxiety blooming in her chest. It was almost every night she felt some sort of anxiety about being pregnant again. Six months into her pregnancy, and everything was going smoothly. The baby was super active, healthy heartbeat, in the right position, and all the ultrasounds came back perfect — everything was perfect. But from her experience, she could never be comfortable until her baby was in her arms, breathing and alive. Being pregnant wouldn’t be nearly as scary if she didn’t know firsthand that everything could be fine the whole time and still end up losing her baby. Her eyes shut close, focusing on the storm outside as she ran her hand soothingly over her stomach, taking deep breaths to calm herself, but it didn’t work. She turned over onto her side to check if Zayn was awake, but he was already facing her with his eyes wide open, filled with concern. “I hope I wasn’t keeping you awake,” she whispered sheepishly. It was bad enough that her anxiety was keeping her up at night. Arianna did not want to pass that on to Zayn too. She needed at least one of them to be sane enough to reassure the other everything would be okay, and it wasn’t going to be her. He shook his head no, sliding an arm around her to bring her in closer, mumbling “I can’t sleep anyway,” to reassure her she wasn’t the reason. Arianna didn’t buy it. He could blame it on the storm, but she knew that her sighing, fidgeting, and running her hand over the belly was the real cause of his insomnia. His willingness to lie to spare her the additional dread was appreciated, though. Arianna pressed the lightest of kisses to Zayn’s lips, pulling away with a soft smile. She cuddled into his side and rested her head on his chest. There was a lingering silence between them —them both thinking the same thing but being too afraid to say it. Clearing her throat, Arianna finally spoke. “Who do you think she’ll favor? I’m always rooting for myself, but I do seem to think all of our kids will be carbon copies of you and like you more. I probably just like you too much, though.” Their chuckles filtered throughout the room, easing her anxiety. He entertained her question, which prompted them to stay up for a couple more hours picturing their future together with their daughter. It was dangerous to get both of their hopes up again, but every time Arianna thought about having another kid, she didn’t want to be drowned by anxiety. She didn’t want to feel like her world could come crashing down again at any moment. She wanted them to be as happy as they were the first time. 
“you deserve more.” 
⊰ v. princess and moon ⊱
Luna couldn’t bring herself to get out of bed. The soft white comforter encasing her in its plushy grip or the fact that she only got three hours of sleep was hardly the reason for it though. When her eyes fluttered open this morning, straining against the harsh brightness of her room until they adjusted to it 10 minutes later, she was greeted by the image of her boyfriend. His lips were on her cheek while her dimpled smile shined brightly as she attempted to look at him out of the corner of her eye. That was a version of them that she missed, and the picture sat next to her bed was a painful reminder that that Luna and Prince was no longer her reality. It wasn’t clear when they got to the point in their relationship where any little thing she did was worthy of an argument. Their last one started because Luna was tapping her pen on the table too much and ended with Prince storming out demanding his space. That was a week and a half ago. Luna felt like she was being thrown back into her last year of secondary school, and she was not enjoying it for the second time. She finally pulled herself out of bed, the emptiness of the flat looming over her as she made her way downstairs to the kitchen. Luna grabbed the box of cereal out of the cupboard and the milk out of the fridge, but the moment she sat down and started scrolling through her phone, all she wanted to do was text Prince. She shouldn’t have to text him first. He was the one that stormed out on her, but she also couldn’t let her pride keep her from speaking to her boyfriend another day. Picking up her phone, Luna navigated to her messages, a frown gracing her lips as she had to scroll down the app to find his name. Her finger hesitated over the keyboard before she typed a quick “I miss you” and switched off her phone. She’d drive herself crazy waiting for a response from him otherwise.
Luna’s hair was still dripping wet when she heard a knock at the front door. She hadn’t been expecting any visitors, especially the one standing on the other side of her door when she went downstairs to let them in. “Prince? What are you doing here?” He shrugged as he brushed past her. Luna thought to scream and yell at him about storming out and then not speaking to her for nearly two weeks, but all she could feel was elation. She was so happy to have him back in the same space as him. She missed him. One more day of being along and Luna would’ve lost her mind. “Are you hungry? I haven’t made anything, but if you’re hungry I can,” She asked, following behind him. When she entered the kitchen, she noticed he placed something on the countertop. Luna looked between him and the box of candy with a confused expression. Right before their fight, Luna had been telling him about her favorite candy from Spain since she’d been feeling homesick lately. She looked everywhere for it when she came to London but to no avail. The memory prompted her to tap her pen as she reminisced. She didn’t think Prince cared enough to listen to her let alone find it. Luna had a million questions like where did he find it, and why he did it, instead, she threw her arms around him in a tight embrace, not caring that the droplets from her hair were soaking through his shirt. “Thank you, Prince. I can’t believe you actually found it for me.” And it was as if Prince was somehow tapped into her thoughts this morning when he whispered, “You deserve more,” because she did deserve more and she knew it. She deserved a boyfriend that didn’t get upset over the smallest of things. She deserved a boyfriend that didn’t ignore her for days on end, and she deserved a boyfriend that she knew was capable of being this thoughtful. Luna wanted the Prince she had months ago, and this gave her the small glimmer of hope that he could go back to that. It was a lot more than what she had when she’d woken up. Taking a step back to look at him, Luna laughed as she blinked away the tears in her eyes. “Is this your way of apologizing because it sucks,” she joked. “But seriously, Prince, right now I just need you. We can talk about this later, but I want to eat these sweets I haven’t had in ages with my boyfriend that I haven’t seen in ages, okay?” Luna knew she was letting him off easy, but she loved him entirely too much to let this little fight get in the way. 
⊰ v. no reason ⊱
Iola’s phone buzzed from the fifth phone call she’s received in an hour. She didn’t even need to check it to know it was Jason whom she’d been ignoring since his outburst about completing his portfolio. Iola’s intentions had only been pure when she put him to bed. How could he focus on being creative when he could barely keep his eyes open? It didn’t make much sense to her, but it didn’t have to once he decided to throw her wanting him to sleep with him and her dad back into her face. Iola’s desire to sleep with Jason extended beyond her raging teen hormones looking for sexual gratification. It wasn’t to deny that that was definitely a part of it because she was very attracted to her boyfriend, but it was also about experiencing each other in ways they hadn’t before. She was undoubtedly attempting to share a part of her that only he could have. Maybe she wasn’t always the most gentle in her approach, but she put herself in a vulnerable position only for him to use it against her. There was then the added insult of implying that her dad was somehow to be credited for her successes. Iola knew she lived in a big house with fancy cars and clothes, but everything she accomplished, she got there on her own. Her dad never made a donation to her school to get her in or paid to get her test scores changed — she got in on her own merit. Even when she took a year off to focus on modeling, Iola tried to minimize her dad’s influence over her career. Perhaps if he hadn’t snapped at her, she could’ve asked her dad to buy him that opportunity. The buzzing in her ear finally stopped, and this time for longer than fifteen minutes. There was some hope he finally got the hint she wasn’t ready to talk to him again. That time, however, was used by Jason to come to her home. Iola was just about to get ready for bed when she heard a familiar accent calling her name from outside. She walked over to her window and rolled her eyes at the sight of Jason. “What do you want?” He asked if she could let him up to talk, and although it went against her better judgment, Iola complied. She didn’t say a word the whole journey from downstairs to upstairs in her room. The moment she heard him close her door, she whirled around with her arms folded over her chest, a stern look on her face. Iola wanted to see him grovel. Jason walked towards her, and just when he went to reach for her hands, she took a step back. “I don’t want you to get the impression I’m trying to sleep with you while you’re apologizing or does my dad need to buy that for me too?” Iola could admit that she was acting a bit immature, but she was still a 17-year-old girl. What was Jason’s excuse? He explained to her that he’d only said those things because he was tired and under a lot of stress. Iola rolled her eyes. “So that means take it out on me? Do you think that I deserved hearing my boyfriend say he doesn’t want me, and he thinks I’m some spoiled brat?” This time when Jason reached out for her, she allowed it. Her tough exterior quickly began deteriorating as she attempted to blink away the tears in her eyes. What Jason said really hurt her feelings. It made her feel insecure. He had to have thought that about her before for him to say it now. What else did he think about her that he was saving to use against her? Iola wasn’t completely sold on his ‘you deserve more’ speech about how she didn’t deserve that and deserved more than to be spoken to like that, but he seemed to be genuinely sorry. It didn’t mean that he didn’t believe those things about her, though. 
⊰ v. what if ⊱
The crackling sound of silence filled the room as Arianna and Ashton simply looked at each other — beauty surrounding her features, but bruises surrounding his. Arianna didn’t mean for things with him to go as far as they did. What happened between them that day Ari showed up at his door was never meant to happen again, but it did. Ari began having an affair. She thought that they were low key about it, but when Zayn had spotted a hickey on her side, and she was left with no choice except tell the truth, all of her fears had become a reality. Ari didn’t know about the future of her marriage, which should’ve been her main concern, but hearing about what her husband had gone out and done made it seem less important. Ashton was there for her whenever her relationship became too much to handle, and she felt it was her obligation to take care of him. “I’m sorry,” the blonde finally spoke. Her hands busied themselves, tearing open the alcohol packets along with the other things she bought on her way over. She ignored his wincing once she began cleaning his wounds. “This is all my fault.” She expected Ashton to tell her they both were at fault, but nothing he could say would make her shift the blame completely from her. Sure, they both could have exercised some self-control, but she was the one in the relationship, and her husband was the one who had done this to Ashton. How was she not wholly at fault? When she had found him in his room all beaten and bruised, Ari realized that her selfishness was what got them in this situation; her guilty conscience weighed heavily on her. She had just about disinfected any cut he had when her hands fell into her lap, her head hanging low to avoid his eyes. “I wasn’t worth all of this, Ash. You and I both knew the truth, so why did you keep seeing me? I was entirely too selfish to stop, but why did you never say no?” Arianna was curious about his answer, but she just cut him short with a smile because she decided that it wasn’t important why he didn’t. It was much too late to inquire about it now anyway. “You should keep this stuff in case you might need it. I should be going.” When Arianna reached for the jacket that sat beside her, Ashton’s hand wrapped around her wrist to stop her. “I never said no because you deserve more.” His words cut deep into her heart. Ashton was right. She did deserve more, but so did he. Ashton deserved someone who could love him back the way he needed wholeheartedly. Maybe this was the wakeup call they both needed to get on with their lives. “Thank you,” she whispered, pressing a lasting kiss to Ashton’s forehead before bidding what might be her final goodbye.
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