#though in this universe fairy magic can't actually transform people so the magic's actually being done on her
fictionadventurer · 2 years
I know it's not technically a fairy tale, but do you happen to have any recs for retellings of Tam Lin?
Unfortunately, no, since I haven't read any. However, I've heard good things about The Perilous Gard, which I believe draws from that fairy tale.
#answered asks#fairy tales#fairy tale retellings#tam lin#thewatercolours#i thought i had an answer for this#and it turns out i was thinking about my never-finished twelve dancing princesses retelling#where the soldier character was captured by the fairy king#and the eldest princess character frees him by invoking the tam lin clause#where as a member of the royal house#(the fairy king is her godfather)#she has the right to offer pardon to another member of the royal family#and the right to make someone a member of the royal family by marriage#but because he's a prisoner she'd have to prove her devotion to him by enduring the trials#so they know it's not just him trying to take advantage of her#it doesn't make a ton of sense but most of the book didn't either which is part of the reason i never finished#but anyway she agrees to the trial not knowing what it is only knowing she can't release him#and then she's horrified by him 'getting turned into' a bunch of increasingly ferocious animals#though in this universe fairy magic can't actually transform people so the magic's actually being done on her#to give extremely detailed all-five-senses hallucinations that this is what's happening#while the guy is magically silenced to stop him from breaking the illusion#and then when everything's over her soldier has no idea what she just had to endure but just knows it was traumatic#and that he had to watch her suffer it without being able to comfort her#but she wins the trial gets his freedom and everyone lives happily ever after#if i actually did anything with this story i prob wouldn't include this part because it's pretty tangential#but it's relevant to this tam lin discussion#*the fairy king is her grandfather not godfather#i'm not going back to retype all that
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 months
I found this on the Descendants subreddit:
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What do you think?I dunno I feel about this.
For starting orders, are these from the Descendants guide book??? Because if so, I didn't know that was potentially out yet...unless these are preview pages??? If so, kinda weird Red or Chloe didn't get their pages previewed...unless they contain spoilers and can't be shown unlike Mal's and Uma's and the page on transformations... Not gonna lie though, these preview pages are kinda making me wanna buy it...soley to see how the fuck Descendants explains ANYTHING in its universe at this fucking point.
But to answer the question: let's get transformations page out of the way first, because uh, I find it the most meh lol- its just basic knowledge about transformations and Maleficent, Mal and Uma being the only characters so far to have that ability...though confusing how its surprising to Auradon, since they a fairy tale kingdom, transformations shouldn't be a surprise really... Though they really gave a list of shit Mal did with her dragon but then said 'oh and Uma can transform too I guess' like they really did not care to go into Uma much there, though curious why they saying its only via necklace she can do that as I assumed it was Ursula's magic/DNA in general that allowed Uma to go octopus form... Plus lemme just add: 'battled Uma' last I checked all Mal did was fly around and blow FIRE at WATER and that's it, Ben handled that shit more then Mal did really.
Now onto Mal's....first: United States of Auradon...okay nice to know I guess Beyond The Isle Of The Lost definitely ain't gonna be connected to the film at this rate because there they called it United Kingdom of Auradon, but now we back to the film title here, aka United States of Auradon. But heyyyy! We can celebrate that they actually resisted the urge to blame Ben for Mal's problems for once! ...It's sad I consider that an absolute win, really, but its Descendants so... "Confident and natural leader"...wait is that meant to be serious or...because I kinda laughed there given how much of a 'confident' and 'natural leader' she was in D2 and D3... "Particularly because she felt guilty about the VK's she'd left behind" Yeah, she felt so guilty in fact that she literally showed zero fucking concern in D2 about the VKs when treating the Isle like a get away place, let alone showed zero concern when Evie did on the Isle about the VK's and in D3 basically went, "Fuck those kids, my happily ever after is more important-", when choosing WITHOUT HESTIATION to close the barrier and punish the VKs for crimes they didn't do and still intended to do this even during the lies revealed scene...so clearly guilty about leaving the VKs behind, guys. "Eventually, she helped convince the Auradon citizens to accept all VKs into Auradon Prep." And by that, I mean likely everyone else did the work but Mal's being given credit because main character and Descendants wants you to believe she actually gave a crap about the VKs after that council meeting scene lmao. "Mal is talented in a lot of areas, both in artistic endeavors and in spells and magic"...wait we NOW remember shes into art???? Because D2-3 did not fucking remember that detail well before making her into generic main character for personality and shit- but also where's being a bully and getting away with it and other crimes like love spelling someone and lying in those talents? She's very oddly good at those, even after she's meant to be good. "mess with other students" Well, that's a brutally honest description of what Mal was like with magic in Auradon Prep lmao. "the queen she was always meant to be" I...Do I need to point out saying Mal was always meant to have a form of power over people isn't great, given what she's like, or...? Like, taking someone who had a form of power on the Isle and used it to be a bully and shit and giving them power over a kingdom when they haven't even changed much isn't great, but Descendants seems to think Mal's the greatest so no wonder they acting like it was simply destiny she was always meant to be queen... Also I guess Mal still has the ember and didn't donate it to the museum so uh, there's that...also why does Hades' image look the most awkward lmao???? Did they not have a stock character image of Hades like Maleficent and Ben or...
I...really don't have much to say about Uma's page lmao- not because its meh or bad, its just not giving me much to complain about as it didn't at least villainize her like Descendants normally loves too...though interesting choice to say Uma only wanted to go to Auradon because she was envious of Mal and not because she wanted to free the villain kids...but I guess we can't let someone else care about the villain kids when we pretending like Mal gave a shit about them suddenly! But uh, guess this is confirmation that Fairy Godmother fully retired??? She and Ben's parents really do just like to ditch their jobs at the nearest chance and hand it off to the nearest young person- though I still really don't get why Uma would want to be a head mistress of a school, like I know she'd want to help villain kids and such, but like, she can do that outside of being head mistress technically, it just feels random for her character. Also niece of Uliana...are they actually gonna address this fully in the film or...we know Uma captured by Queen of Hearts so like....sigh, Uma suffering more in plot bullshit, first it was Mal's plot bullshit, now its Queen of Hearts bullshit, she cannot catch a fucking break. And one last question: when did the Isle of the Lost become a KINGDOM??? It was called a prison last I checked, why does it count as a home kingdom now??? If I was a villain kid and asked my home kingdom, I wouldn't say the Isle of the Lost, because that's a prison I was stuck on for existing basically.
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I love your ideas please continue writing and posting! Do you think fairies wings are delicate like a butterfly and cannot be touched or will be injured, or are they solid and near unbreakable, or like in the winx movies they're kinda see through so you can't touch it? Can regular people touch wings?
I may have gone a little overboard again, sorry.
Fairy Wings
Despite their delicate appearance, Fairy Wings are actually impervious to most forms of physical damage. This is because they are made from condensed magical energy, a literal manifestation of a fairy's magical core. (And also why there isn't always a direct point of contact between a fairy's wings and back.)
Functionally, and in addition to giving a fairy their ability to fly, they operate in much the same way as a witch's magical circle, or a wizard's staff, focusing and strengthening a fairy's spells far beyond what they would otherwise be capable of. It has also been seen to be a more efficient focus than magical circles or staffs.
This is why earned transformations like the Enchantix have more unique wing patterns, versus wings like the Zoomix, or Sirenx forms, which are designed to enable specific abilities.
While their energy based nature makes it difficult to cause physical damage or effects, there do exist certain types of minerals and poisons which can physically interact with a fairy's wings, but these generally contain some level of negative or evil energy, which disrupts the 'magical circuits' of the wing, effectively 'gunking the wings up' and harming a fairy's ability to fly.
Appearing visually to be much like the fine membrane of a butterfly's wing, the energy fields which comprise a fairy's wing exist on a sliding scale between solid and non-corporeal, this fluctuating state in addition to the infusion of magic in a fairy's hair, allows the wings and hair to exist in the same space without tangling with one another.
For the most part, people don't touch a fairy's wings because it is a piece of their magical core, and is therefore an incredibly intimate act.
On the rare occasion someone is invited to touch, the energy fields of the wing(s) hold together to create an incredibly thin membrane which may cause very mild 'pins and needles' at the point of contact for the invited party.
The recipient fairy can feel the point of contact in much the same way as someone who's recovering from local anaesthetic, there is a sense of contact, but limited sensory information.
As part of a fairy's own magic, they have kinaesthetic awareness of the wings, a sense of where the wings are and what they're doing, as they do with any other limb, however there are no true nerve endings in the wings, and the external sensory input exists only to aid in the fairy's environmental awareness.
Those who do attempt to touch uninvited a typically Fairy Hunters.
The few who aren't Fairy Hunters, but are that rude find their hands passing through the wing(s) and experiencing the unpleasant side effects of basically sticking their hand in compact fields of pure elemental/thematic magical energy. (The exact intensity is determined by how annoyed the fairy is with the person, and those who genuinely only touched by accident have been known to get off with little more than a light 'zap.')
It is also for the aforementioned reasons Fairy Hunters go after Fairy Wings, using a combination of the materials which can physically affect the wings, and evil forms of magic in order to gain a foot hold in the fairy's core in order to extract it.
The primary weakness of Fairy Wings is magic designed to disrupt the wings' stability. There are dozens of different forms of magic which can damage a fairy's wings on a case by case basis, but very few forms of magic* which can universally harm the wings of fairies.
Most forms of magic need to be 'calibrated' to each fairy since fairies draw their powers from various sources, and what may harm a Fire Fairy, might not harm a Water Fairy.
For the most part** the majority of magically induced wing damage can be counteracted with an application of Fairy Dust, even in cases where the wings seem to be destroyed, though it should be noted that Dust from a fairy of thematic compatibility shows greater results than Dust from a fairy of incompatible thematic magic. (Musa and Galatea are both music based fairies, where as Bloom and Aisha are fire and water based, respectively.)
(*The only known spell belonged to a group of Fairy Hunters known as the Wizards of the Black Circle, though it is said before the disappearance of both the Wizards and the Fairies of Earth, Queen Morgana and her people discovered a way to counteract the spell.)
(**which is to say, short of core extraction at the hands of Fairy Hunters)
TLDR:Fairy Wings are thin membranes of magical energy which shift between solid and not-solid as needs require, and are almost immune to physical damage.They can be touched, but whether the thing touching them feels something solid or passes through a layer of energy depends on whether they were invited/allowed to touch.The exception being Fairy Hunters, who can force the wings into a solid state for nefarious reasons.
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