#though to be fair if i have that class at 4 pm i'm probably not gonna show up earlier than 4 pm most days anyways...
st5lker · 8 months
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blossom-hwa · 1 year
Hi there! I was wondering if you could do a skz seungmin academic rivals to lovers drabble? Love your work, especially your Whispers of Nature supernatural au!!
thank you for the request and your kind comment, I'm glad you liked the series! hope you didn't mind me inserting the spiderverse into this drabble - ever since I watched the new movie I've been itching to write something with it, and this idea struck me with help from @wingkkun (thanks chip <3). please enjoy!
summertime drabble fest: send me an idol from the list (Stray Kids, Ateez, TXT, Seventeen) + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
Title: The Bane of My Existence, the Reason I'm Alive 
Pairing: Seungmin x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 2.3k
Genre: fluff, angst, Spiderverse!au, university!au
Warnings: injury, cursing, a mention of porn as part of a joke (no actual sex/suggestiveness)
3:55 PM. 
You slide into the seat of the lecture hall, five minutes before your exam is supposed to start. Physics—your best and favorite subject, and also the one you happen to have studied the absolute most for just to be absolutely certainthat you'll beat Seungmin Kim, the bane of your entire existence. 
Which, to be fair, is not entirely true. Because for one thing, the stupid criminals and villains you fight every week as your spider-based alter ego are far bigger nuisances than he is. Doc Ock nearly killed you, physically and metaphorically and sarcastically. You're still recovering from the shock of live tentacle porn crawling down the streets of Manhattan—you're not quite sure you'll ever get over that, which is something you made sure to say when he was wrapped tidily up in your webs and the police were coming to take him away. 
And for the record, Seungmin does seem like a nice guy—for the most part, at least. He's got a sense of humor and he's friendly enough, liked by most of the student body even though he transferred to your university very suddenly just a month or two ago. But his smile—his stupid smile—whenever he beats you in a test in one of the classes you share, his stupid little shrug when you beat him like it doesn't matter at all to him, this one-sided rivalry of yours—
Ugh. You grit your teeth just thinking about it. Enough said. He's the bane of your existence. That's it. 
You look around the room. 
And he's not here. 
Huh. You frown. The TAs have already started passing out the tests, starting from the front and back and making their steady way to the middle where you usually sit, Seungmin just one row in front. But the seat he always takes is suspiciously empty right now, his head of black hair nowhere to be seen anywhere in the room. 
Your frown deepens as a TA passes you an exam sheet face down. Why would he miss an exam? You've only known him for a couple of months but he doesn't seem like the type to skip a test—or, at least if he had to, he'd probably have said something about it in passing when you two eventually got to bickering like you always do—so why?
A bubble of worry starts to build in your stomach, which is so dumb—why should you care? Why the fuck should you? It's just Seungmin, Seungmin Kim who's not even really a friend. He's just a guy. A dude that infuriates you a little too much when it comes to your need for academic validation. 
The clock strikes four. Papers rustle around the room. You flip over your own exam and force all thoughts of a certain Seungmin Kim out of your mind once and for all. 
He's not your problem. 
. . . . .
4:30 PM.
It hits you with a jolt—almost physically. You let out a gasp and the tip of your pencil breaks when you press it too hard into the paper, blinking furiously. The sense—the spider-sense—
Your breath catches. Someone next to you gives you a sidelong glare and somewhere else someone hisses in frustration, but you can only force yourself to sit. And breath. And focus on what exactly you're going to do next. 
Physics exam. Saving the city from possible disaster. 
Seungmin's not here. It's silly and even selfish to think about now, but it makes the decision so much easier to know that at least compared to him, your half-finished test won't matter.
You hand your test to the nearest TA and sprint out of the hall. 
. . . . .
4:47 PM. 
"You're late to the party!" 
That's the greeting Spider-Min tosses over as you swing into the fray. Despite the huge lizard monster thingrampaging through the streets, you grin—for all your initial frustration when a new spider person suddenly appeared in town, clearly more experienced than you, you think you can now count Min, as he has you call him, as one of your friends. He caught you when you were just starting out this vigilante gig and has since taught you so much. 
It's also just really nice to have someone around who understands living a dual life like this. 
"Well, excuse me for having a physics exam! How'd you get here so fast?" You lash out with your webs, slamming the monster's snapping jaws shut. It tries to roar but can't, so it settles for stomping over half a dozen cars instead. Screams erupt from the streets. 
Shit. You leap from the side of a building, scooping up civilians and depositing them further away. "Better run!" you yell, waiting just long enough to make sure they survive their mad scramble to safety before turning back to the fight. 
"Happened to be in Brooklyn when it started causing chaos, nerd!"
"Oh, suck it!" You punch one of the lizard's claws away, rolling your eyes under your mask. "As if you're not the exact fucking same, dickhead—"
Min laughs. It's a bright sound, warm and heavy and like one of the last rays of sunlight permeating your suit, warming you up from inside and out. 
And even though you've most certainly failed a test for the first time in your life, even though you're still smarting over the fact that you worried about Seungmin Kim, even though you're fighting a lurid green lizard monster that's just managed to tear your webbing away from its mouth, you don't find it very difficult to laugh, too. 
. . . . .
4:59 PM. 
The lizard monster won't go down. Just—won't. It's annoyingly persistent and it fucking regenerates limbs—both you and Min have screamed some obscenity about this at least five times each because while the regeneration is slow, it's incredibly disturbing to watch in real time as well as annoying to deal with when you're trying to subdue it. 
And, of course, there are a select few idiot civilians who insist on making your lives harder. It's usually a few foolhardy police who don't like vigilantes, but this time, there's a vlogger. 
For real. A vlogger. Trying to film the fight from way too close. 
And what does said vlogger get for his efforts? A chunk of rubble falling on his head. Or it would have fallen on his head if you hadn't abandoned the fight to sweep him out of the way, leaving Min to fight the creature on his own for a few dangerous seconds. "RUN!" you yell, shoving the stunned vlogger towards the police before spinning around to face the lizard creature that Min's still fighting alone. 
It happens so fast you almost miss it. Something like—a computer glitch, almost. A spasm. That's as close as you can get to describing it, a sort of television static ripping through the air and distorting Min's image into a blur of—pixels, almost, though that doesn't make sense because pixels only exist in screens and not in real damn life. 
It's fast. Half a second, maybe. But it's enough for the lizard's tail to sweep through the air, smacking the already falling Spider-Min into a building and hurtling him to the ground. 
A blurry screech fills your ears. Only later will you realize you were the one who made the sound. 
You sprint and leap onto the side of a building, shooting out desperate strands of web. By some miracle streak of luck, one of them catches Min in the back as he falls. You nearly fall yourself with the sudden weight at the end of the strand but you force yourself to hold on, to grab your friend before he falls. 
"Min?" You land behind a pile of rubble, patting his cheeks. "Min!" 
He doesn't respond. 
Panic almost blinds you. Your head feels fuzzy and you can't see clearly, can't really breathe either, but you press two numb fingers to his neck and nearly swoon with relief when you feel a faint pulse beneath his suit.
Somewhere above you, the lizard hisses. You look up to see the hideous green face swinging left to right. Looking for Min. Looking for you. 
You swallow hard. Min's in no condition to fight. He's out cold. His suit is shredded, showing bloody scrapes on his skin, and half his mask has been torn off. 
Taking a shaky breath, you gently lower Min to the ground and step out from behind the rubble. "Over here, ugly!" you scream to disguise the fear freezing the blood in your veins. 
Time to go on alone, just like you did before. 
. . . . .
5:13 PM.
After Min falls, you don't know what happens. 
Seriously. You don't. You know there was fear, you know there was rage, you know there was red crossing your vision that wasn't from your mask—but you don't know what happened. You just know that ten short but still horrifically long minutes later, you knocked the lizard out and it morphed into a human who you wrapped tightly in your webs and strung from a building for the cops to grab before ducking behind the rubble to pick up Min, who was still out cold. 
He's still out cold as you swing him across the city and in through the window of your dorm. 
Your body hangs on just long enough for you to deposit him on your bed and check his pulse to ensure that he is in fact still breathing. Then your legs give out and you fall to the floor. 
For several long minutes, you can only sit there and gasp. Breathe. Try to make sense of everything that happened—lizard man, vlogger, glitch-pixel-what-the-fuck-Min, unconscious Min. 
Most of it can be explained. Lizard man: experiment gone wrong. Probably. Vlogger: people are idiots. Unconscious Min: he got smacked into a wall. 
But the glitch-pixel bit. 
What the fuck was that.
You rip off your mask and take a gasping breath. Somewhere nearby you spot your water bottle and drain most of it in two gulps. You dump the rest on your face. 
The cool water splashing onto your skin brings your mind back to focus, just a little bit. Enough for you to finally take a good look at Min on your bed, still unconscious. 
Already some of the smaller scrapes have faded from his skin, visible through the torn fabric of his suit. You breathe a little sigh of relief, pushing yourself back up to take a closer look—not too close, because it feels kind of like an invasion of privacy, but enough to reassure yourself. Just a little bit. 
Then your gaze falls on his face, where half of his mask has been torn off. 
Your first instinct is to look away. You've never shown Min your face, nor has he shown you his. It's an unspoken agreement between the two of you to keep it quiet—not because you don't trust each other, but because you just didn't. No one knows you. No one knows Spider-Min. It's meant to be this way. 
But almost against your will, you have to look again. Because there's something very familiar about the bottom of his face. The set of his jaw, the pale skin of his cheeks, the tilt of his nose half covered by a little flap of fabric still hanging on. And though you look away almost immediately, the familiarity stays. Tugs at your mind in all the wrong ways. 
You squeeze your eyes shut. Half of you screams to look again. The other half screams to turn yourself away. And between the two halves, a little piece of your mind is whirring, trying to figure out who Min looks like to you. 
And then. 
And then.
It hits you. 
Seungmin Kim. 
Your eyes fly open, immediately lighting on Min. The jaw, the face shape—his laugh, his voice—his name, Min—
"Happened to be in Brooklyn while it started causing chaos, nerd!"
No wonder he wasn't taking the physics exam. 
A strangled noise leaves your throat. Spider-Min. Seungmin Kim. Fellow spider person. Academic rival. You don't want to believe it—can't believe it—but all the evidence is staring you in the face, quite literally in your face—
If you just lift off his mask you'll know for sure. 
Before you even realize it, one hand is reaching out for the torn edge of the mask, fingers itching to pull back the fabric and confirm every one of your horrible suspicions. They can't be the same—not the bane of your existence and half the reason you're still alive—but—
And then it happens again. The glitch. Pixels scrambling with radio static, television buzzing but in real life. Only for a second but just enough for you to watch Min blur in and out of reality the way he did during the fight. Enough for you to confirm that you weren't losing your mind then. 
Though you just might be now. 
To your horror, Min—Seungmin—what the fuck, did you bring Seungmin Kim back into your own bed, what the fuck—his eyes flutter. His lips part, just slightly. His breath catches. 
You clap a hand over your own mouth, stifling something that feels half like a sob, half like a scream. And as Min's body shifts, his eyes starting to blink open, you do the only thing you can think to do. 
Trembling fingers pull your mask over your face, and you jump out of the window.
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woozi · 3 years
yza your new theme is so sexy. it's even got a little ruby that's so fucking cool.
also rip,, to be fair, we did go back to physical classes and i can't say my social skills improved all that much lmaoo.
uh so we start w nursery and end with y13 it's like. you start around 4 yrs old and finish at around 18-19! so it goes nursery (4 yrs old) then reception (5) then yrs 1-13 dhfshldfs. not everyone does nursery though dfhkgdf. how does the system work where you are? and yeah chemistry!! tbh the more i learn about the structure of an atom the more i wonder. how much more is there in an atom. but it's really fascinating! drawing the structures is so much fun hlfsdsdffds my favourite thing is probably when they give you a structure and you have to name it.
also wow i cannot believe?? i've been here almost a year?? time feels fake wtf. here's to another year!! 🍾🥂 sdjggkfsdf. as for the theme perhaps it should be ruby <3 in honour of jihoon lmao dfgldsfdsf.
- your wife 👀👜🕶💍 (that chain of emojis gets longer every time i'm loving it gdjffdsffds)
lich rally ruby world domination idc idc <3 also u flatter me too much omg my head's gonna be so big 😭😭😭
KDFKDFJDJFK i mean 😭😭 it IS very difficult to improve it ngl. also love that u got to go back i feel like i'd be so 👁👄👁 when we finally get in person classes again (though i doubt it tbh, the situation's just worsening and i only have 3 semesters left lol)
OHHH okay that makes a lot more sense!! the school system's kind of been revised here lately, kids used to start off with primary school (had 3 levels, but kids could skip a year or two), grade school for 6 years, 4 years of secondary school, and then uni/technical vocational schools. i was about to graduate from secondary when it got revised JDFJKDFKJ so now it's kinder (just one level i think), then 10 years of the aforementioned, + an additional 2 years called senior high school, which i had to take KJFKJDFJFD. similarly, kids can choose paths they like (kind of like your subjects) in senior hs!!
gonna have an existential crisis at 1 pm in the afternoon icb this KJFDJKFDJKFDFD aND UR RIGHT <3 <3 <3 THAT IS V FUN!!!
also can i just say how incredible it is to me that we started off by talking abt jun's eyebags and now we're here lmao 😭 IKKKK. since covid hit i feel like it's just been 1 whole year tbh. ALSO RUBY!!!!!!!!!!!! imagine a red dress omg that'd be bomb <3
u know what, at the rate we're going, you'd prob be named entirely different by the end of the month 😭😭
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