#thr: skye/beth.
shennigwriites · 6 months
“ everyone is downstairs… ~ take your pants off ” -- beth & skye
Skye smoothed her hand over her hairs for what felt like the hundredth time, knowing that at this point, her sweaty palms were doing more harm than anything. Grabbing onto her wine glass, she took a big swig, trying to drown the butterflies in her stomach.
It was silly. All of this, all these nerves, it was silly – but it also wasn’t at all. It was actually very quite important to her, meeting Beth’s friends.
There was a handful she already knew, the core group (in her mind, at least) – the ones connected to her brothers and everyone in their life. But there were other ones, ones she had yet to get to know, and the idea of anyone disapproving of her presence in Beth’s life basically set her nerves on fire.
She was still getting used to feeling this way about someone.
Giving her outfit another look in the mirror – simple black jeans that hugged her in all her best places with a silk top, the sight of Beth in the background immediately had her turning around.
“Are they here? Do I look okay?”
Under any other circumstance, Skye would have immediately recognized the look on her girlfriends face – it was one she had seen many times by now – but her head was cloudy, her confidence wavered, and everything seemed to exist in some other alternate dimension.
“Everyone is downstairs… - take your pants off.”
“…I’m sorry?”
Blinking, the words sinking in, the corners of her lips turning up into a smile. That could have been taken another way – take those off, I hate it – but the look in Beth’s eyes had finally caught on. “I take it that’s a yes, then?”
A few small steps to reach out, grabbing onto both her hands, pulling her back towards the direction of their bed. “I mean, your wish is absolutely my command – but just know that we don’t have enough time for me to fully appreciate you and that later, when we’re alone again, I will be taking the pants off again.”
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