#thread: alara
bowiehawk1ns · 25 days
Where: The festival Who: @alarakcplan
Bowie was supposed to have the day off but mother nature had other ideas, something she would take up with the green lady later on. She found herself at the emergency relief tent that had been set up after the games had been shut down and she listened to the instructions, which involved teaming up and making sure everyone was evacuating to a safe area, and combing through the different areas to make sure there weren't any structure damage from winds that had been picking up or nobody hurt from any panicking festival goers. She nodded as she looked around, spotting Alara in the crowd or waiting emergency personnel. She jogged over. "We are together and looking in that section over there." She pointed towards the beach area and part of the boardwalk. "We're looking for any pending structure damage or collapses and looking for anybody who might be injured and also we get to yell at people who are refusing to evacuate.
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jacksbaker · 6 months
starter @alaraxdemir-- sea shanty shack.
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"i know it is a little early but i figured i would give you your present already." 
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steelfyre · 25 days
dance card eleven ›› @divinemischiefhq , @insooth , @roseflamed , @cursebrcken
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❝  what  do  you think  of  this arrangement, my liege? i must admit, it feels a little too familiar for me to think it entirely innocent. ❞   hand holding her goblet of dornish red, blessedly found amongst trays of arbor blends, motioned out toward the sea of nobility. heiress not blind to parents' past attempts to see her wed and settled - iron will had resisted all suggestions. but she was not the only unpromised noble, and her parents likely not the only ones wishing for their child's martial status to change.
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alara-kahya · 4 months
Location: Water Fairy Tag: @ender-yilmaz
"You're very welcome, see you next time." Alara smiles, waving off the second last of the attendees. There was still a gorgeous little bean painting away like she hadn't even noticed anyone had left, and so, she had told her father not to worry. "Really," she hushed, "let her be. Never interrupt an artist whilst she's working." She chuckles. "I'll be here for a while yet cleaning up." Assuring him that the pair weren't a bother to her, she extended a hand to him. "I'm Alara, if I didn't say that already. This is your first time in here, right? I don't remember seeing you before." Typically, she did remember everyone who attended these sessions.
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oculiaperticlausi · 8 months
closed — @heartofasoldier
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There's a soft hum that leaves her as her eyes squeeze together at the pain radiating through her, a light throb behind her skull. She blinks, a wince leaving her as the bright light seems to make the throbbing intensify. "Light," she exhales. She blinks until her eyes are fully ready to open all the way. "It's too bright." Another exhale with relief as the light goes dim but her attention is off the new found darkness when a hand touches hers. She turns her head to look over to see her little sister looking back at her. "Hey." She frowns when she sees the tear stained face. "Hey. Why are you crying?" She asks, her other hand moving out to touch her cheek until she sees the IV sticking out. It's when it hits her what happened. She turns her head to look over at Alara, dropping her hand as she gives her sister's hand a squeeze. "Oh I'm so sorry." She says softly, only being able to imagine what she's been through the last… Oh, she has no idea how long she's been out for.
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emilmoreno · 26 days
@alarakcplan event - hurricane hax. "Fuck... come on!" A string of unpleasant, stressed mutterings in Spanish followed suit. His gaze narrowed on his phone. Sticking not too far from the entrance, half keeping an eye out for friends and half praying that the spot would be a little more conducive to his cell phone service. It was barely hanging in, but he hadn't got an update from Amaia yet and his nerves were beyond frayed waiting. She wouldn't be this petty, right? The whole town was taking shelter for a hurricane warning, his ex-wife couldn't possibly fathom leaving him on read in the midst of this, could she? Emil continued to stare at his phone like he might be able to will a response into existence and he even sent a text off to Kira in hopes maybe she could get through to Amaia. He was trying to rationalize that the storm service was likely spotty, if not fully down in some areas — but not knowing his daughter was safe was going to eat away at him. The sound of his name was the only thing that pulled the man from the stare down with his cellular device, his brows furrowed in confusion at the face pushing through people towards him. He blinked slowly at her. "Alara?"
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fcrox · 1 month
who: @alaraselwyn where: rosa lee teabag, hogsmeade when: afternoon
The weather outside was quite the opposite of the mood the blonde found herself in that day. An owl sent out, hoping that her brother's fiancee could make it, Leta found herself waiting in the corner of Rosa Lee Teabag with a smile on her face. There was no hostility within her regarding the other woman, no. In fact, from all she could tell the witch rather approved of the other. She was pretty, smart and had a good head on her shoulders. From the few moments spent with the other at the wedding there was not a single inch of her that felt the need to complain. In fact, she rather wanted to get to know the other. Just who was this person her brother had decided on?
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"There you are! Over here, Alara!" The moment she laid her eyes on the other making her way through the door she moved to motion her over. Leta was too confident too worry about the others and, when it came down to it, their corner would be protected either way. The blonde had already taken the liberty to order for them and if it wasn't to Alara's taste then she'd simply make a different order. "I thought you'd prefer neutral territory. Otherwise I'd have of course invited you to the manor. Sit with me?"
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crimsonsbled · 3 months
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"  darling  ,  you  bring  your  aunt  irem  great  joy  ,  "  irem  softness  rarely  revealed  ,  reserved  only  for  those  she  held  dear  .  "  one  of  these  days  ,  i  shall  steal  you  away  from  your  mother  and  keep  you  with  me  ,  yes  ?  would  you  like  that  ?  "  she  paid  no  heed  to  the  child's  mother  ,  her  gaze  fixed  solely  on  her  nephew  .
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑   :   alara  dayne ( @steelfyre )
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gcldcnhour · 5 months
@grapefruitey where: olympic village when: few years since the trio was last together
she knew it was inevitable - running into them. so to avoid being blindsided by their sudden presence, alara decided it best to just go ahead and get it out there. once she was settled in her room with a teammate, she wasted no time unpacking and then sending a text to the long-dead group chat.
thought our glory days were behind us huh? meet me down for a bite. xx
it was no surprise the two boys were picked for the usa hockey team that year - their careers sky rocketing. beau did better than expected once he and alara graduated, and subsequently ended their brief relationship. while callum did his time in lower leagues and found the break he was looking for.
of course she had kept track of them through the years, alara was anything if not thorough. she would never admit that she missed them, yearned for their presence, to continue to poke at what was under the surface for them all.
hair slicked back in a tight pony, designer athleisure dawning her petite body, she bounded down toward the food court area, trying not to appear too eager to see them.
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lilacrespite · 1 year
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status : closed / ( @itsbigal​​ ) location : arlo’s place !
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     mentally, arlo had checked out of her ‘ dating is fundamental to emotional development ’ speech once he realized it was directed at him and not just a general thought. in an instant his eyes glossed over and he returned to cleaning the inside of his pc build while nodding along to, giving ( what he thought ) was appropriate ‘ mmhmm ’ s and ‘ that’s a good way to put it ’ throughout the lull in conversation. when a call to action was mentioned on his part his head perked up again and he grabbed a nearby paper towel to wipe the fan oil from his hands. “ a club ? ” if there was one thing arlo hated more than lagging it was clubbing; the places were always too dark, hardly any place to sit, and the music made it hard to hear the enemy music coming through on his switch. he was dead before he even realized he was being attacked. “ like club penguin ? i love club penguin. you strike me as more of a webkins fan... poptropica maybe ? but if it’s club penguin you want i have the new club penguin link. i must warn you though...─── i’m killer at hydro hopper. you don’t stand a chance. ”
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libcrtine · 1 year
(   ❝ 𝓼.   //   starter for @itsbigal  )
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simone heaved a heavy sigh as her eyes scanned her surroundings, hidden by the dark sunglasses she wore. "you know.." she began, glancing at the girl sitting with her, a slight smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "i've never really been one for being nosy or all up in other people's business, but there's something about people watching and making up narratives about strangers that i just can't get enough of."
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rebellionevoked · 1 year
status: closed starter for @gcldenhcurs.
muses: alara yavuz + cole simms.
note: made with the beta editor.
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     "Oh, is that right? You have plans with the wee little wife this weekend..." Jealousy sparked, Alara did her best to contain her bitterness and not let it seep into her tone. Surely she'd failed but perhaps the fake smile on her face would confuse him. "That's okay, I actually have things to do myself." Work. She had a target, a schedule to keep, and despite it having been a good minute since they'd last seen each other she really needed to stay on task. The stakes were pretty high with this job. "Be sure to give her my love."
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rcsegld · 1 year
open to: m/nb plot: your muse and alara were subject to an arranged marriage in order to "unite" the families, however your muse has found something that indicates that alara may be working against yours
the tap, tap, tap of her heels as she walked echoed throughout the cavernous hallway. she didn't often venture over to her husband's side of the house. he preferred to be left alone and that suited alara just fine, but they had been due to leave ten minutes ago and she was growing increasingly impatient. "are you ready?" she wanted to know as she opened the bedroom door, knocking only as an afterthought. "what are you doing? we're going to be late."
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steelfyre · 2 months
closed starter ›› @wcrfcres , @cursebrcken , @sacrificeds
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restless  wasn't  an uncommon  feeling  for the dayne. there'd been little she could do about it when trapped in the red keep, the royal gardens quickly feeling small and the city too crowded, but highgarden was a maze of trails. she lingered at a crossroads when footsteps approached. she didn't turn but spoke,  ❝ i've heard the eastern trails offer a lovely view of the famed rose gardens. but the western one passes the briar maze. ❞   a challenge she intended to take sometime during their stay.
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alara-kahya · 4 months
Location: Outside a bar Tag: @nathaniel-donovan
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Alara squinted her eyes at the pair of hands that appeared in her view after her tumble onto the concrete. Arguably, not her fault, a slight accidental shove had knocked her drunk balance off and down she crashed. "We should get you home," he says, pulling her up off the ground, all too fast for her liking. "There's no we, who even are you? You are not taking me home, no." Snorting out a laugh, she lets go of him and takes a wobbly step backwards. "Just a nice guy trying to help out a drunk girl. Swear." He holds his hands up in defence, and for what it's worth, maybe it really was that black and white. "Ok, well I'm fine, move along now..." Alara makes her attempt to shoo him, frowning when she feels his hands on her elbows, steadying her non-existent balance. "I can call you a cab? Really, I'm just trying to help." He says, much to the brunette's annoyance at this point as she tries to shove him out of her space.
"You're a nice guy, huh?" Blury eyes focused on him, narrowing as he smirks at her, and something about it made her insides cringe. "Sure. But you know what I think? I think that nice guys don't need to say they're nice, and they certainly don't need to be told no more than once, so... You can leave me to my fate, or, I'm going to either scream or push my nails into your eye sockets, maybe both. I'm drunk, not stupid, Mr. Dahmer." Wrinkling her nose, she stands as still and steady as her body allows her, brown eyes drifting down to the hands on her elbows that had migrated into something of a grip on her arms. For what, at this point? Had she not made herself clear? "Nice guy my ass." She huffs, giving his chest a solid shove, hoping to put at least a couple feet between their bodies.
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oculiaperticlausi · 8 months
closed — @heartofasoldier
Chase walks down the street, typing a message out to Melody about dinner with their parents later that evening. His eyes glance up for a second to see Alara heading in his direction but it doesn't seem like she's all there. She looks panicked, tears are streaming down her face. He shoves his hands into his pockets without sending the message as he breaks out into a jog in her direction. "Alara? Alara? Hey, what's going on?" He reaches out to place his hands on her arms in hopes to ground her, to pull her out of her thoughts.
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