#thread: spare crest maam
minorindech · 4 years
@linhcrdt | conitnuation from here
Bernadetta squeaked with terror as his eyes raised to meet hers. “Oh no...” He wanted something? What could he possibly want that Bernie had? Bernie didn’t have anything of interest to someone like Linhardt, as far as she knew! Bernie didn’t even know Linhardt had interests beyond- uh oh...
“I-I can’t! I can’t let you chop my body into bits so you can study my crest! I like not being in tiny little bits! An-and my father would get so upset if  you took my Crest! It’s the only good thing I have!”
He just kept staring though. Was he expecting something? Bernie didn’t know what she was supposed to do...it’s not like she could just reach inside and pull out her Crest. She lip trembled a touch as she tried to prepare herself emotionally for the toll she would have to pay. Small price to pay for a stamp to leave the ball, she supposed...
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