#linhardt support
gentlenekomata · 4 months
[ Tea ] - Just what it says on the tin! The only teas offered are Mint, Bergamot, Sweet-Apple Blend, Albinean Berry Blend, and Southern Fruit Blend, wrapped in small tea bags. Clever students bring their own tea.
None of them are a favorite of Linhardt, but she ends up taking some of the Southern Fruit Blend—so long as it wasn’t completely and utterly terrible, Lin found that most any tea could be enjoyable. In the right context.
And in this context—that is, a loud and populated ballroom wherein any and all amounts of dancing, food, and shenanigans existed—there were very few teas that Linhardt would find dislikable. With that sense, they had chosen to swipe the largest container they could manage before meandering their way to a corner of the hall.
“Oh, Sakura.” Perhaps there were people that Lin had expected to run into even less, but all the same, he’s a bit surprised. Recognizing that an entire kettle’s worth of tea generally doesn’t go unoffered, he continues, “Care for some tea?”
“Though, if you’d much rather trade brooches, that works for me as well.”
The evening proceeded quite busily for Sakura, who managed to meet new people as well as enjoying the company of old friends –and among them, the familiar call from the green-haired young boy did catch the petite priestess’ attention, who happily joined the tea session he was attending to.
“Glad to see you here as well Lin!” she enjoyed his nickname, quite short and easy to remember, “A cup of tea is perfectly fine!” she picked the first free cup she saw and while she waited for him to fill her cup, she nodded at his request. “An exchange you say?” she giggled, observing the black feather decorating his elegant outfit. She needed as well to collect some more feather, so why not helping someone else for this brilliant event? She extracted one white feather from her brooch and handed it to him, “There, now your turn” and she waited for the black feather to come.
“I’m relieved to see you’re doing well, by the way”
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tiabwwtws-art · 2 years
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Today I slept and stared at the wall and drew these. Goodnight
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vonbergerpants · 3 months
Drabble: S support conversation between Caspar and Linhardt
I wrote an extremely self-indulgent drabble a long time ago and I just remembered it today. So here's my imagining of Caspar and Linhardt's S support, before their paired ending.
Mind you, I'm not a writer, so I'm sorry that this isn't quite fanfic material!
The sun is close to setting at the pier. Linhardt is fishing as usual. Caspar is standing behind him, a bit restless, pacing back and forth, his footsteps clear and loud on the wooden pier.
Linhardt can tell when Caspar's mind is racing, but this makes it especially obvious. So he doesn't even turn when he says "You know, Caspar... if you've got something on your mind, you could at least sit down while you think about whatever it is you're wanting to tell me. You're scaring the fish."
This startles Caspar out of his thinking. He stammers a bit.
"I, uh. Yeah, okay. I can't really hide anything from you, so there's no point in hiding it."
He sits down next to Linhardt, who is still staring forward, rod in hand, line still cast in the water. Caspar looks down into the water, and he sees their reflections. Somehow, that eases him a bit as he takes a deep breath.
"Do you... have any plans, now that the war's over?" He doesn't look up as he says this.
Linhardt doesn't move. "Well, I won't be taking over my family's estate, if that's what you're asking. I decided that a while ago. Why do you ask?"
There's a beat of silence. Caspar looks at Linhardt, but it's a quick glance before he's looking down at the water again. It's the best way he can look at Linhardt's face without his nerves taking over.
"Well, I was... thinking of traveling. Seeing the world. There isn't anything left for me, so I guess I can just do whatever I want. And so can you. So I just wanted to know what you were spending your free time on." He lets out a chuckle. "I guess you'll be getting a ton of naps in from now on."
Linhardt looks up and hums. "Very true. I'm not sure quite sure how much sleep I'd get in with your constant movement, but I can certainly make the most of it, now that we're no longer at war."
Caspar lets out another laugh. "Yeah, you might not-- wait, what?" Caspar looks right at Linhardt. "With my-- hold on, what do you mean by that?"
Linhardt turns his head to him and raises an eyebrow. "Traveling typically involves a lot of movement. I'm not quite sure what else I could mean by that."
Caspar blinks, processing what he'd just said, then laughs again. "Yeah, I just don't plan on staying here very long. I just wanna get out there and see the world now that it's peaceful, you know? I'll make sure to send you plenty of letters, of course!"
Linhardt just stares at Caspar as if he'd said something off-putting. "Why would you send me letters? Am I not coming with you?"
Caspar sputters in surprise, as if the wind was just knocked out of him. "Wait, ARE YOU? I thought you wanted to stay behind and, I dunno - read and sleep all day now that you don't have to fight anymore!"
Linhardt lets out a sigh. He looks... a bit hurt? "Caspar... if you don't want me to come, you should just say so."
"NO!" Caspar's response was so loud that it startled the fish nearby and Linhardt. "I mean... no! I want you come with me, that's what I wanted to ask! But... I dunno, I just figured... I mean, this isn't your kind of thing. Traveling all over the place, moving around all day? Wouldn't you rather just relax?"
Linhardt takes this moment to turn around and fully look at Caspar's face.
"Caspar, I'm not sure what gave you that idea. Yes, I've been looking forward to finally relaxing now that this goddess-forsaken war is over. But that doesn't mean I would rather not be in your company. I've always been at your side, ever since we were children. As far as I'm concerned, this is just more of what we've always done. If I've ever come off as someone who doesn't enjoy your company, I assure you that couldn't be further from the truth."
Caspar is speechless. He stares open-mouthed at Linhardt, having somehow not expected this response. This whole time he thought Linhardt would just want to stay behind. And yet they've been best friends and stuck together for so long, he should've seen this coming.
"Linhardt, I... that makes me happier than you can imagine. Because, if I'm being honest..." He turns to fully face Linhardt and look him in the eyes. He swallows, unsure of whether his next words should leave his lips. But he follows his instinct on this one.
"... traveling and seeing the world wouldn't be anywhere near as fun and satisfying if you weren't there to share it with me."
Linhardt's eyes go wide. A light blush blooms across his face. Oh. That's a good look on him.
"Well. When you put it like that, I feel a little better in saying that there would be no point in staying behind if you were gone. Life would just be... incredibly boring without you." Linhardt looks down, almost bashful, or as close as Linhardt has ever come to it. "I don't want to experience that sort of dullness in my life again."
That did it. That steeled Caspar's resolve and made him decide to take the leap. The thing that he's been really pacing back and forth over. Linhardt hadn't realized that Caspar's had his hand in his pocket the entire time they'd been talking. Caspar takes a long, deep breath. He repositions himself and takes a knee.
"Then, uh. Linhardt. Do you..." He takes out a ring from his pocket. "Will you... travel with me? Side by side? ... Hand in hand?"
Linhardt's eyes are as wide as saucers. It's now his turn to be speechless. His blush is now on full display. After a moment, he holds out his hand not holding the rod and reaches for the ring. "Caspar... are you asking me what I think you're asking?"
Caspar takes a hard swallow and nods, face determined yet strained from nervousness. His hand is shaking. "Y-Yeah. I am. Linhardt... I love y--"
Caspar was gripping onto the ring in such a way that it slipped out of his fingers and fell into the pond.
A loud splash is heard as Caspar jumps into the pond. Well, that shook Linhardt right out of his shock.
Once Caspar's pulled himself out of the pond and Linhardt is drying him off using light wind magic, Linhardt is chuckling at the whole display. Caspar just groans in absolute embarrassment.
Linhardt smiles. "In case it wasn't clear, my answer is yes. I love you too, Caspar. After all, it's like I said. Our fates are not so easily untangled."
Caspar looks to Linhardt, eyes wide. "Really?! You... so you're not just saying yes to traveling, you're saying yes to me?"
"I am."
"You love me?"
"That is what I just said."
"You... love me."
"Mhm. And unless I misheard you, you love me as well."
Caspar jumps in excitement before Linhardt could finish drying his hair. "I do! I do love you! So much it hurts! You've no idea how long I've been wanting to say something! Oh man, I was so prepared for you to say no that I wasn't expecting you saying yes to be so exciting - I gotta tell everyone!"
"Caspar, wait--"
It's too late. Caspar's already bolted past Linhardt, shouting at the sky.
Linhardt shakes his head and sighs, a smile still on his face and so much fondness in his heart.
"Utterly ridiculous."
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saviourkingslut · 1 year
in honour of sylvain's birthday ill take a moment to remind everyone he's whip smart and loves tactics he just doesn't ever put in any effort
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crescentfool · 2 years
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fe3h doodls from the year....! mostly sylvain bc i love him a totally normal amount...
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egittae · 4 months
this ball is a hecking nightmare | linhardt mini
continued from here.
Breathe in, breathe out. No normal questions about where the beverages are or how’s the music going. No, the kid had to go straight to the point, apparently not having forgotten a single thing from their brief first meeting. Lambert thought the student looked like the forgetful type- because despite the questions they had this sleepy look on their eyes…that the professor wondered- and found comfort in- if they were just sleep deprived and speaking nonsense. 
No. The kid was serious.
“I did not need Hanneman for that.” Sadly. Lambert wasn’t going to reach for Hanneman either way, but enough things had happened to give him the confirmation that he didn’t even want to reach. Yes, he did have a stupid crest. No, he didn’t know which one it was, he couldn’t care- all he knew was that it was successful in at least completely destabilizing every perceived notion of peace he thought he had reached.
His body wasn’t his. He simply happened to share it with that star from hell.
“Why do you care anyway, honestly?” The professor’s tone was tired, almost whiny. It was unintentional but at this point he was trying his hardest to hold on to something, anything that could allow him to at least conclude his job. He didn’t want to be here, he wanted to go to the Abyss and hopefully stay there until his mind figured itself out.
Though, he couldn’t, could he? He’d be running away from the very thing he came here to do.
Shouldn’t he be striving to regain his memories? Why such cowardice?
“What is the big deal of me having a crest?”
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booxed · 2 years
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did this doodle req for my friends and it turned out so cute 🥹
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pridelessdaydreamer · 4 months
[ Fireflies ]
"Lin, check it out!"
Caspar raises his clasped hands above his chest, watching the dark gaps between his fingers. It takes just long enough for him to open his mouth and explain, but then it finally happens—a buttery yellow light flashes from inside the cavern created by his palms.
"It feels like it's been forever since I've seen one of these guys. One of my old tutors told me that if you catch one and release them, they'll grant you a small wish."
He opens his palms, allowing the beetle to freely crawl up his fingers.
"I always thought it was just a story, but then again, they already glow and all. Maybe there really is some kinda magic involved?"
The bug lets out another little flash of light, almost as if in response to Caspar's suggestion. (Probably not, though.) Then there's another flicker, this time of wings spreading out from beneath its shell.
"Oop—it's about to leave. If you wanna add a wish, you'd better make it quick!"
A lazy gaze casts itself towards Caspar, hands clasped as though holding something precious to his chest. It is spoken of vaguely at first, but then the treasure is revealed—
—a firefly, carefully cupped.
“I highly doubt it,” the mage remarks, but they know that isn’t really the point now, is it? The bug crawls about, both eyes following its path, lights flickering by its own will: no other. It is just the same that a wish may be granted—perhaps now, someday, or never at all.
Eyes furrow—“Am I meant to say it alou– oh, nevermind.” (Her eyes flutter shut, a concentration rarely seen forming.)
(A wish, so it is, as silly as it sounds. Even though an insect could never enact the whimsy of a human; its glow is akin to the stars at night, and maybe that is tie enough to the goddess–)
His eyes open, the little bug flying away shortly after. “Seems I finished making my wish just in time.” With a sly smile, knowing of superstitions, he then adds, “What did you wish for, Caspar?”
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qoppybirdie · 2 years
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I feel like my thoughts need to be seen on the silly site...
The adrestian empire is so full of autism i swear whos with me on this
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cartoonnonsensegirl · 10 months
Okay, so I have a question regarding the paired endings in FE3H, particularly Mercedes and Annette's.
The FE wikia lists their paired ending as "keeping in touch and then working at an orphanage for the rest of their lives", while another ending card I've seen says they "kept in touch and then retired together to a house they bought"— I'm kinda paraphrasing/condensing the words here but staying true to the idea. The latter is apparently not listed in the wikia.
I know that some paired endings can change depending on the route you take, and I'm assuming that if there's two different endings for them, it probably changes with the story route. Reading through most of the paired endings for Mercedes in particular (let's leave Byleth outta this for now), I've seen that her epilogue cards that mention working at an orphanage seem to take place in Crimson Flower. This leads me to believe that maybe the "retirement" ending for her and Annette takes place in Azure Moon/Verdant Wind/*possibly* Silver Snow, while the "orphanage" ending happens in Crimson Flower/Silver Snow (maybe).
Can anyone confirm this for me?
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pegasusknightsonly · 19 days
paired ending with ingrid 🤮 and yet no supports with the other guy who cares about heroes relics and crests and thinks stealing is probably fine if its from the church........... my gorgeous mind so open to potential and my agony unlimited
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maslosstuff · 9 months
Adding on to @vonbergerpants claim about Caspar in hopes Being with his father is a bad thing for him, Caspar already thinks he's worthless and "expendable" already imagine that to 2x when he's with the guy everyday along with his brother. Plus taking Linhardt away from him doesn't make the situation any better the person who has always treated you as a person, never having to talk down to you or make you feel ashamed of yourself is gone (regardless if dead or recruited) he thinks that Linhardt could've been tortured or worse refusing to sleep because of the thought thinking if he was only stronger than this would've never happened in the first place. When Linhardt refuses to go with him that (most likely) made his mental stability far worse believing that Linhardt betrayed him and in the end no matter what he always thought that he was weak.
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neige-leblanche · 1 year
its killing me i cant remember who my s support was in my first blue lions playthrough. dorothea is like. the most logical choice bc a) i love her b) p sure i played as a boy and c) its good to grab the bi options when u can, but i have no memory of marrying her. aaaaa
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fluxrspar · 6 months
🧃"Good showing out there darling."
“Thank you.” The drink she is given is distantly familiar to what her family had growing up—a small container of juice easily made in bulk to be shared among companions. The younger of her two sisters would always try to take as many as she could.
“I realize I’m among the injured, but let me know if there’s anything I can do to help out the students who have ended up here. I also have experience with staves, and I can work past a few scrapes.”
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egittae · 6 months
feeling (staring like the autism creature)
93. exhausted
After a generous gulp of water, he let out a drawn out sigh- cleaning the sweat off his face with a piece of cloth and pushing his hair back with his other hand. It had been a fairly long training session and he was positively exhausted, but it had been a good one. Memories or not, if there was one thing Lambert could tell his body remembered well and craved for was exercise and training, even more reasons for him to believe he was a soldier. Besides, he needed to keep his form in good shape if he wanted to do well for his class.
Lambert often came to the training grounds when it wasn’t in use, resulting in fairly odd training hours for him, but he cared little. It felt good all the same, even more when it could get his blood burning through his veins like right now. Part of him wonders if he saw a weird,  little blue-ish light reflecting on the lance he had just used to train (which now looked…nonexistent, it almost vaporized in his hold- but it was an expendable training lance) but he was quite sure it was just because he was tired. Just a trick of the mind.
The man sat down on the ground, crisscross, to slowly cool down and do some finalizing stretches…when he felt someone staring.
It was common now, people staring at him. Part of him feels unnerved but the other assumes it’s natural since he’s new. A blue eye searched around and…voilá, student spotted. A lanky-looking one, definitely the magic type, with green hair. Standing there, staring. It was weird but at the same time it was the type of weird staring Lambert grew to expect from the kid students.
“Hello there, may I help you with anything?” He offered the student. If his assumption was right and the kid was a mage then…well too bad, Lambert was quite sure he had no magic aptitude, but it was polite to ask anyway.
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 1 year
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Not Flayn and Linhardt either falling asleep at a) the library, or b) a war council meeting!
More bad influencing.
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