unclescroogie · 7 years
Dripping ceilings and rough walls, a hidden world beneath the ocean, water that lapped at a quiet opening somewhere off in the distance. An ocean cavern that held enough air for the tide to roll in and one or two creatures to live within until they were able to escape again at low tide. Enormous expanse of sea cavern, hidden away, unflooded by the salty ocean water. Millennia of crafting created the treasure trove of wonder, the story just waiting to be written by a duck who was determined to explore it. A quiet cavern, a sweet dream of something lurking within-- beasts, treasure, adventure, a new story to be told. Something that would give him even more fun in the future. Triplets waiting to hear the tale spun by their great uncle Scrooge McDuck.
Only a few hours, he had told himself this, but by that time he had decided such a thing was an impossibility. By the time he returned to the exit, he was trapped. The tide had risen and there was no way he could escape at this point. He would have to wait for the waters to recede once more, to retreat into the depths, missing the duck entirely if his hopes were correct and held true. Eyes locked upon the water for a moment, frothy surface that swished almost in a melancholy manner. It splashed up against the rock ground, the hardened interior of the Earth and it’s rocky construct. At first he figured that he’d sit and wait, be patient until the water receded, but the decision was quickly abandoned. The tide would take far too long, might as well explore a little more. 
Gentle steps, careful maneuvers, a gentle way of going about things. He didn’t want to get hurt, didn’t want to be trapped here and perish, that was the last thing on his list. He would surely starve if he was trapped here and couldn’t escape, couldn’t swim out when the tide pulled away once more. Sharp rocks jutted out at random angles, his eyes focused on the immediate surroundings, careful not to step to quickly for fear of something being just out of his headlamp’s immediate bubble of illumination. His hand was placed on the wall, using it to guide himself through the cavern, careful to not touch anything that may be an animal-- if there were any down here that is. He was sure there were a few but whatever they were, they were most likely aquatic in nature and harmless. Small crabs or other crustaceans. 
Emptiness, absence, white hot pain, and a sound that his ears had blocked out. The sound of impact, the fall he took down a slope, a rock that protruded and seemed rather upset with his presence there. He lay there on the ground, a curled form of agony, sitting up to look he saw what he hoped never to see in a cave... He couldn’t look at his leg, that was the last thing he wanted to look at. As soon as he did, the realization hit and the shock went straight away. He sat for a moment, rummaging through his backpack in hopes to find something, anything to tend to it. There were bandages and antibacterial medication, but that was about it. He set the bone back, trembling as he did so, before disinfecting and wrapping the wound. There was nothing left to do but try to use his cane to limp back to the water.
Looking around he found his object of salvation, one he kept always handy just in case his body gave out at any point. Some would say it was useless, but at the same time he knew how to use it as a weapon and knew that it could come in handy-- such as now. He tried to push himself up, but had quite a bit of difficulty, and as such used a wall for more support. When he had that, and had his small pack secured and his cane set to support his right side, he began the trek back to the opening. He would find a way out somehow, when the tide recedes he could always message Donald via his phone-- that is if it wasn’t busted by the phone. He was sure it wasn’t, but nevertheless.
The water was a relief, he collapsed beside it, letting the Earth hold his weight as he set his pack on the ground beside him and allowed himself to doze. There was nothing else to do, and he needed the rest by this point. He wouldn’t sleep through low tide-- he knew he’d be too paranoid for that. Six hours of sleep on a rough rocky surface wasn’t going to happen-- and he was correct. For when he came too, it wasn’t by his own volition at all. There was a sound, speech, female speech. There was someone here-- perhaps someone had come to find him? Perhaps they were family or they were someone else. He wasn’t quite sure. The voice didn’t sound familiar so that was a huge sign to tell him it was nothing but a stranger.
Lifting his head up he saw a girl-- a human girl it seemed. If it weren’t for the fact that Scrooge was in a lot of pain, he probably would have bounced back in shock. He wasn’t used to humans, never would be probably, but at the same time if she was down here could she really be a human? No... He assumed something else, something more ocean prone. He had heard stories of mermaids and had seen drawings, paintings, pictures from human civilizations-- from humans whom he had met. Perhaps she was a mermaid; no there was no perhaps, she was definitely and most certainly a mermaid. But that didn’t stop him from staring in shock at her, half asleep and still foggy in the brain...
“Beg your pardon...“ He began shakily, his Scottish accent thick. “What did ye say, lass?“
((If you don’t want to reply to this starter/you prefer to plot before RPing feel free to IM me, I wont be offended or upset. These starters are here solely to cut out that middle man known as awkwardness.)) 
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