#tw:broken bones
sullivanxshaw · 1 year
have you ever broken a bone?
"Yes, my bio dad showed back up after losing our mom and step dad. I got into it with him and my nose wound up broken"
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scoutswritingcorner · 7 months
This Broken Body
Alastor x GN!Reader
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A/N: Kind of a part two of ‘Shedding Season’ but with Reader
TW:Broken bones, blood and use of medical drugs
After getting off work you meet some unfortunate people who were after your boss but turned their attacks to you instead. Luckily you have a very powerful Overlord who is protective over you.
You shook your head as you limped into the Hotel trying to fight off your exhaustion and how your vision wanted to fade out. The adrenaline was wearing off faster than you wished now you could feel how you could barely put pressure on your left leg. Blinking you watched as Charlie ran over to you,her hand accidentally applying pressure on your side causing you to yelp loudly and fall backwards onto your ass. Why could you taste blood? Why was the room spinning? Why did Charlie have horns and why was Alastor there? So many questions that got left unanswered as your vision went black and you promptly passed out on the floor of the foyer.
When you woke up you were groggy and whining from the pain but you could hear light jazz play, looking around you were in your bedroom but Alastor had made his presence known with him humming along to the tune, carefully sewing your favorite jacket back up, his eyes glancing at you for a moment. “Sleep well?” He asked softly as if not to scare you but you still jumped as your groggy mind was slipping in and out of sleep. “Yeah…What happened, Al?” You slurred out internally grimacing from how you sounded.
“You passed out in the foyer, Dear. I’m wondering the same thing as Charlie, you have the poor girl in a tizzy.”  He hummed out looking back at the now sewn hole in your favorite jacket. Your lucky jacket as you would call it. He ran his fingers across the familiar pattern of the little microphone you had hand sewn for him. “Got jumped after work..” You called out whimpering as you tried to move. Immediately he was by your side moving a pillow under your leg that was now in a cast and helped you get comfortable. 
“Now, no need to move your leg needs to heal as well as your ribs.” He hummed out, he’ll be feasting on the ribs of those who hurt his doe to this degree. “Sorry Al...Sorry you have to see this broken and weak body.” You whimpered out tearing up. His undead heart squeezed at the sight of tears in your eyes, his clawed hands carefully wiping them away. “No, you’re not weak, Dear. You’re as strong as can be, a wolf amongst these sheep.” A tired smile graced your busted lip letting out a low chuckle. 
“I won’t stop you from going after the people who jumped me, Al..but just come back to me?” At those words his heart skipped a beat and with a kiss to the head, he whispered “Always Dear~” Before he melted into the shadows to go find those poor unfortunate souls who decided to prey on you. No one messes with the Radio Demon’s Partner and gets away with it. As you were drifting to sleep thanks to the medication Charlie had thankfully gotten for you as well as some soup in your stomach, the radio that sat on your dresser turned on with a loud ear piercing screech Alastor’s voice cutting through as he welcomed everyone to a new and exciting broadcast, you tuned out of most of your beloved’s dialogue but shook back awake hearing screams of the sinners who had jumped you. Their begs falling on deaf ears as meat was ripped from bones and bones snapped easily.
And then as soon as it started the broadcast had stopped with a soft, “And to my Beloved, rest up now. I’ll be home soon.” Then soft jazz started to play. The same soft jazz that had lulled you to sleep every time he played it.
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chibinekochan · 3 years
Obey me! The brothers accidentally hurt you badly
Based on requests about this topic.
I can only hope you are all okay.
Triggers for injuries
Blood, bruises, bones being broken
I will not detail the injuries but the reader might end up in a hospital.
It happens during one of his training sessions.
You are throwing balls back and forth.
It's pretty casual.
Beel knows that he has to keep his strength down so you aren't getting injured.
You have a hard time aiming today, maybe it's a lack of focus but you somehow hit a random demon.
You apologize of course but they are getting into an argument with Beel.
In the end, they throw balls at each other, while you watch them from the sidelines.
At some point, the demon aims at you with full force.
Beel manages to push you out of the way but his force hurt you very badly.
Beel is mortified and calls an ambulance since you definitely need an x-ray.
He stays with you the entire time and apologizes at least ten times.
Beel is terrified that he hurt you.
Your injuries get treated and you can go home by the evening.
Your body hurts everywhere and the injuries make it hard to move.
Beel sees this right away and the least he can do is offering you help.
He is insisting and so you agree to his help.
Beel does absolutely everything he can for you.
Cooking, cleaning, washing you, dressing you, whatever you need.
You have to stop him several times from going overboard.
This event cared him, Beel will almost treat you like a porcelain doll.
You have to sit him down and tell him that it doesn't change how you see him.
It's hard for Beel to get over this but he tries.
In the middle of a game, he gets very frustrated.
He just throws his controller.
It's very untypical for him to get this angry.
Sadly at the very moment that Levi throws his controller, you open his door.
The controller hits you straight on the face.
Levi almost faints from the amount of blood but he stays strong and gets you help.
Your nose is broken and gets treated in the hospital.
Levi is there the entire time, feeling very miserable.
He thinks that you must hate him now.
Levi knows he messed up very badly and he fears that he lost you forever.
Despite that he doesn't run away, he is ready to face your wrath.
You aren't mad at all, it was an accident.
It might even be something you can laugh over in like 10 years.
Levi still promises to never throw his controller.
He also takes care of you, mostly by playing your favorite games and doing whatever you ask of him.
Levi is just glad that you don't hate him.
Even when he can't forget the look on your face when you got hit, it's his personal nightmare.
You relax with him after taking a nice bath together.
Asmo just talks about random things and you add your own thoughts to it.
He turns over to show you something but while turning back to you he somehow elbows you right in the chest.
You can only hear a loud crack.
Asmo is pale and calls the ambulance.
You end up with broken ribs.
Honestly, something like this can happen even with a human.
Asmo is feeling so guilty though.
He never wants to hurt you.
How is he supposed to make up for this?
Asmo is very depressed about this.
He barely can face you to apologize.
Asmo can't stand seeing you hurt because of him.
He takes some time to come up with a sincere way of apologizing to you.
Finally, he gathers enough courage and goes to you, with a basket of treats for you.
You are very happy to see him, which already takes much pressure from Asmo.
He now realizes how scared he was of losing you because of his mistake.
He almost cries when you simply tell him it wasn't all that bad.
You aren't mad at all, only sad since it took Asmo a few days to come to see you.
Asmo feels very bad about that part.
He proceeds to pamper you for the rest of your recovery.
He might be the avatar of wrath but he isn't known to get ever angry at you.
Satan is very well aware of his strength, especially when it comes to his demon form.
One day he is in a rage about something that Lucifer has done.
He storms off to his room and smashes the door close behind him.
Unbeknownst to him, your hand was in between the door and door frame.
Your loud scream ends Satan's rage in an instant.
He rushes you to the hospital.
Your hand is badly injured.
You won't be able to use it for a while.
Satan is in tears when he hears about this.
He apologizes endlessly.
Satan has never felt this guilty in his entire time.
He swears to himself to never hurt you again.
No more smashing doors or other things that could put you in harm's way.
He knows how much his rage sometimes gets the best of him.
Satan starts to visit anger management and starts meditation to get his rage under control.
Other than that he also will do everything for you while your hand is recovering.
Satan doesn't ask for forgiveness, he knows he messed up.
You know that it was an accident and tell him that you forgive him and don't see him any different now.
Satan still wants to be better for you, even if his brothers tease him for being soft now.
He doesn't care, Satan only wants to show you that he won't lose control.
He has a bad nightmare.
This is pretty uncommon for him.
During his sleep, he kicks you.
Belphie wakes up from a loud sound, you have fallen from the bed.
The fall itself wasn't that bad but you got badly injured by his kick and can't get back up.
Belphie is suddenly wide awake.
He doesn't hesitate and checks on you.
Belphie isn't sure but it doesn't look good so he calls an ambulance.
He is in a panic, afraid to hurt you even more.
Belphie had forgotten how weak you actually are, compared to a demon.
He has no clue what to do.
Belphie can't always control his dreams.
What if he hurts you again?
Belphie can't get any rest even after you get released from the hospital.
He is very tense, unable to relax around you.
He is constantly afraid of hurting you again in his sleep.
Belphie always loved taking naps with you but now he just can't.
He has a hard time sleeping in general.
Belphie also takes care of you while you are injured.
It's soon very obvious that Belphie can only barely sleep, much less around you.
You have to sit him down and find a solution for his anxiety.
It takes a while for Belphie regardless of whatever magic you have to use against his nightmares/nighttime movements.
Belphie still sometimes wakes up just to check if you are okay and passing right back out.
My Obey me! Masterlist
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android-devon · 4 years
static | open
Devon blinked...suddenly she was there, back in her home. Back in the home she had been created in. She was stood at the foot of the steps. Her hands blooded. So much blood, covering the front of her dress. Down her chin to her chest and across her skirt. She looked at her hands, open, and close. Back again and again.
Her eyes followed the figure to the bottom of the stairs. It looked identical to her, smirking as it moved into the other room. Devon took the stairway down to the landing. The trail of blood moving into the living room. Upon entering Devon blinked. Her creator sat there, limp and slumped into a chair. Devon’s software stalled. Hearing the gears in her mind catch as a screeching sound of metal on metal twisted inside her. 
She moved her creator carefully onto the floor, assessing the fractures, damage, and wounds. She checked for a pulse. It was faint...she moved to begin to perform cpr. As she compressed, there was the snapping and cracking of her chest, which was to be anticipated. What was not was the blood, that spilled form her creators mouth. She withdrew watching as it soaked into the floor. 
Her double giggled appearing beside her. A finger slipped across her cheek, turning her gaze to look at the mirrored image of herself. “Don’t you see?” She asked with a smile moving to tuck Devon’s blood soaked hair behind her ear. “You are a lonely...little...doll. Thats why they boxed you up.” 
Devon blinked, examining her hands. Where was she? Her fans were running so fast. Sparks were flaring at her temple. This sensation, it was so...uncomfortable. 
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samethstarr · 5 years
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I’ve been having vivid, graphic nightmares recently. Sleep is… uncomfortable.
Below are the graphic details:
Falling, but not waking up when I hit the ground. Feeling the joints in my body breaking on concrete, my own skull opening. Seeing my blood pooling, my broken limbs at odd angles. Twitching and feeling myself break and die.
And then, I snap to awareness. I am falling again, the previous was only me imagining what would happen when I hit the ground, I crash into the water below. My limbs are broken again, I can’t swim to the surface. I can’t get a breath, but it is taking ages to finish drowning.
My eyes open. I am staring back at a loved one, holding my arms to stop me from going over the edge of the cliff. They let go, thinking it would be a funny joke. I scrape against the rocks as I slide down, smashing into outcroppings and finally resting at the bottom, skin scraped so raw I can’t move with twitching. I lay there, realizing I can’t climb up with the broken body, and that nobody would be coming to save me.
These have been happening every night. Not just falling: people I trust hurting me, the end of the world, watching people I love who have died come back to life, just to die again in front of me, accidentally killing my pets…
I wake up so sore, my shoulder locked tense, my jaw straining against my mouth guard, now riddled with bite marks. 
I’m really tired. Really really tired. And again, tonight, I need to return to that, knowing some other unpredictable horror is waiting for me. And there is nothing that can be done about it. I need to sleep, it’s unavoidable. But damn the stress it wearing me right out.
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the-angst-witch · 5 years
Tricks & Illusions
He’d lost track of how long he’d been running down that same damned hallway, never mind remembering how long he’d been trapped inside that hell house. His lungs burned and his legs ached, and he was so tired, but the screaming wails of the dead were so loud, and the thing that writhed within the walls wasn’t done with him yet. If he slowed down, if it caught him, he was too scared to even think on it.
He finally finally saw a corner and turned sharply nearly crashing into the wall, feet skidding on the carpet. He stumbled out onto a large landing with a view to the floor below. Trick ran towards the railing, gasping for breath, desperate to get a sense of where he was in the house. You gotta be kidding me he thought exasperated when he saw it was the main entry room once again sans a door. He whipped around to keep running and sucked in a sharp breath of fear as he came face to face with the sharp-toothed visage of one of the faces familiar from the many portraits on the walls. The woman grinned out at him from behind a curtain of silky dark hair. He backed away cursing to himself when his back hit the railing. She reached out a clawed hand and shoved.
Things happened very quickly then. One moment her hand was on his chest, and he was shouting. The next he was flat on his back in the entry room. He blearily opened his eyes to stare confused at the ceiling above, the balcony was empty, the woman was gone, and he counted his blessings for that.
But something was wrong, no, no, that wasn’t quite it. A lot of things were wrong but—he couldn’t breathe. He coughed harshly something wet and warm spilling over his lips. The spasms of his diaphragm made pain explode like firecrackers behind his eyes. He tried to shift, to sit up, but he couldn’t move more than a few centimeters without white hot agony burning through his back and spreading out into his nerves like a match to kindling. The choked scream of pain came with more red at his lips. He tried to ignore the pounding in his skull as he sucked in reedy, thin little gasps. Tears pricking at his eyes, no no no, I was gonna make it. I was gonna get out of here. No no no, I can’t, I—I can’t.
He heard footsteps and tried to bite back the whine that was building alongside the blood in his throat. The least the damned place could do was let him die in peace. Then there was a face leaning over his own and his breath caught in his throat, fear and hope hopelessly tangling. “Ai-Aid-en” He choked out.
Familiar scarred lips twisted into a smile; mossy green eyes seemed to light up in that way that made it so hard to stop looking. “Hey there Trickster,” there was a teasing lilt to his voice, and he was brushing Trick’s unruly curls back from his face and he couldn’t help but lean into the touch. He just wanted to go home, and home was wherever Aiden took him. But it wasn’t this damned house. A thought sparked and the relief he’d felt at seeing Aiden twisted, he couldn’t be here, it’s not safe.
“Ha-have to ge-t out of he-here. Not-“ he gasped for breath “not safe.”
Aiden shook his head, cupping Trick’s face in his hand “It’s alright. I know.”
“Hnnn hhh—y-you know? H-ho-w?” the pain was making it hard to think, but something felt wrong, it was on the tip of his tongue but all he could taste was his own blood.
Aiden shushed him gently “You remember what I said last time you saw me?”
‘I swear to God Trick, I ever see you again, I’m gonna kill you!’
Hot tears dripped down his face “nnn—” he coughed again choking on more than blood “nnnn—hnnnng” he wanted to crawl away and hide. He wanted the real Aiden to come and hold him and tell him he was an idiot. To grumble an apology for that last fight. To drag him off on another adventure. He didn’t want whatever illusion the house spat out to torture him with next. “Nn-not—you—‘re not Ai-den.”
      The Not-Aiden grinned like a shark, it pet at his face and he wanted to yank away but the most he could manage was to turn his head away. “Oh are you sure about that?” it asked, laughter in it’s voice. It moved then, straddling his waist, and he nearly blacked out, a choked scream tearing from his throat at the pressure near his ribs. He blinked away the black spots, wheezing trying to pull as much air into his suffering lungs as he could. The thing was talking again, “Maybe I meant it when I said I would kill you.” It gave him a conspiratorial smirk “Maybe I’ve always wanted to hurt you, just been waiting for the best time.”
      He feebly pushed at the things knee’s trying to shove it off of him, he didn’t want the last few minutes of his life to go like this. It grabbed one of his wrists in it’s hands, putting the other on his ribs and pressing.
      He cried out, gasping, and choking he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t breathe. The thing let up and laughed, at him.
      Once he stopped seeing stars. Once he could try and form words again, he gasped “nnn—no, not—you’re not.” It was getting harder to think around the black encroaching on his mind “he wouldn’t—wouldn’t hurt me.”
      “No?” It questioned raising an eyebrow “I did almost break your wrist the first time we met. Didn’t I?”
He glared at the illusion too tired to argue with it. Getting a bit grabby with the stranger that just nicked your wallet is a far cry from whatever the hell this is supposed to be. Gods he wished it didn’t pick this face. It’s not Aiden. It’s not. It’s not. It’s not. The mantra continued running through his head as those achingly familiar eyes bored into him. I miss him.
The thing’s grip tightened on the arm it had grabbed “Maybe I should remind you?” He heard the snap almost before he felt the pain, but once it hit, he screamed until his breath caught in his ruined lungs and ran red instead.
The black spots didn’t fade away entirely this time “hnnng no…no..not him. no—t hi—im.”
The thing above him leaned in close “No, I’m really not. But I see why he liked you so much. You’re pretty when you’re screaming.” It rested it’s hand on his chest again “But now I think it’s time for quiet. Don’t you?” Then it was pressure, and, pain, and he would scream but he couldn’t breathe. A silent howl of agony, the crunch of shattered bone and so much red. He was choking and drowning, and Gods he wanted it to stop. Black edged his vision and he welcomed the respite it promised as it ate away at everything.
Somewhere distant he thought once upon a time he’d dreamed that those green eyes would be the last thing he’d ever see. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be old age, and a hand to hold, or a wild escapade gone wrong and Aiden’s wild laugh as they crashed and burned. It was never supposed to be this.
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nasunoyasu · 5 years
“Are you okay?” -ceruleanxsea
Normally, Yasu was not one to stay down and out of the count for long, but there was only so much one could do with a leg as broken as his own was at this moment. Something about the momentum with which he had kicked, and that with which the Tarkatan had grabbed his leg had made for a quick snap– one that had seemed to even surprise his opponent for a brief moment. Luckily he had enough balance to not immediately fall down, but he’d been pushed backwards with enough force to knock the wind out of him. He’d had his knives locked with the Tarkatan’s for a brief moment before he’d been called off, much to Yasu’s relief. 
Now as he lay there, trying to take a few minutes to catch his breath and ignore the pain in his leg. He kept his eyes to the sky so as not to have to look at it, and in doing so, he was a bit startled to see a gray-haired face enter his vision. 
His initial reaction was to glare at them and blow air through his nose, but when that proved difficult he shut his eyes tight and groaned. “What does it fucking look like?” he hissed through gritted teeth.
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justwannawriterps · 4 years
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backpackingspace · 7 years
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What breaking my leg looked like.
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betrayer-illidan · 8 years
Unfair Advantage (Legion Lord Au)
Illidan was worried. Even though he had seen for himself that Shanarra’s recovery was going well he couldn’t  help but be anxious when he was away from her tending to the day to day going ons of the Temple.
His mind was elsewhere as he wandered the battlements of his Stronghold hoping in vain that some fresh air would clear his mind. Instead he found himself wishing Shan was here walking beside him and he clenched his empty fist wishing he hand a hand to hold in it.
Suddenly there was a bright flash… A spell being hurled at him. He stepped out of the way and it fizzled out on the stone. Illidan’s ears pinned back and his hissed as he looked and saw Kil'Jaeden standing before him, obviously the source of the spell.
“And to want honour do I owe this rather unconventional greeting Kil’jaeden?” Illidan asked immediately going on the defensive despite still not being in the best frame of mind to defend himself.
“I think you know Illidan, my assassins have done a shit job of putting you in your place so I guess I’m going to have to get my hands dirty.” The Eredar said with a chuckle taking a step towards the half demon.
Illidan snarled and chucked a fel fire spell at the Eredar and singed a mark on Kil'Jaeden.He could sense that Illidan was not on his A-game and intended to make this quick.
Illidan summoned his Warglaives and charged the larger demon with a hiss. This is what Kil’jaeden had been hoping for and as Illidan charged Kil’Jaeden cast another spell that Illidan normally would have been able to dodge but with his muddled mental state the Demon Lord stepped right into it losing his footing and sending his Warglaives clattering across the stone floor.
Before Illidan could regain his footing Kil'jaeden finished his stride and sat on him pinning him to the temple floor.
“You’ve had it too good around here Stormrage, but if I kill you and take your seat of power Sargeras will have to acknowledge me.”
Illidan hissed and tried to turn over as he felt hands grab a wing but the Eredar weighed too  much and he could feel his muscles stretch and tear as he attempted to free himself.
There was a sudden pressure on the elbow of his captive wing which continued to build to an extremely painful degree until he howled in pain as the joint gave and snapped in the wrong direction. He bit his lip as the injured limb spasmed painfully before being released and slumping to ground like it was made of lead.
He hissed and found an opening to catch Kil'jaedens tail under a hoof and did so, which while it made him feel better about this situation it only made Kil'jaeden retaliate by grabbing his uninjured wing and giving it a good twist as well.
By now Illidan was fight to keep conscious through the pain radiating up his back. He panted and tried to get Kil'jaeden off him again but the exertion jostled his broken wings and sent fresh waves of pain like he’d been zapped by lightening.
The sounds of their masters agony had attracted Lothros and Shahraz both of which were surprised to see their master in such a state when he usually stood even with Kil'jaeden.
“You there Shivarra come here.” The Eredar demanded and Shahraz reluctantly stepped forward. “You serve me know understand?” He growled stroking her under the chin and She fought back the urge to cut off his hand with one of her swords.
“Your first order of business is to put this snivelling excuse for demon Lord out of his misery. Perhaps he’ll reform as a more obedient servant.”
Shahraz approached Illidan slowly, skirting around his  crumpled broken wings. She prompted him up as gingerly as she could while still carrying an air of false non-regret. As she lifted her blade to his chest she whispered to him.
“We will keep her safe until you return.” Then plunged the blade into his chest catching the faintest smile on his lips as his damaged body flickered out into the Nether.
As long as Shanarra was safe he could heal in peace.
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unclescroogie · 7 years
Dripping ceilings and rough walls, a hidden world beneath the ocean, water that lapped at a quiet opening somewhere off in the distance. An ocean cavern that held enough air for the tide to roll in and one or two creatures to live within until they were able to escape again at low tide. Enormous expanse of sea cavern, hidden away, unflooded by the salty ocean water. Millennia of crafting created the treasure trove of wonder, the story just waiting to be written by a duck who was determined to explore it. A quiet cavern, a sweet dream of something lurking within-- beasts, treasure, adventure, a new story to be told. Something that would give him even more fun in the future. Triplets waiting to hear the tale spun by their great uncle Scrooge McDuck.
Only a few hours, he had told himself this, but by that time he had decided such a thing was an impossibility. By the time he returned to the exit, he was trapped. The tide had risen and there was no way he could escape at this point. He would have to wait for the waters to recede once more, to retreat into the depths, missing the duck entirely if his hopes were correct and held true. Eyes locked upon the water for a moment, frothy surface that swished almost in a melancholy manner. It splashed up against the rock ground, the hardened interior of the Earth and it’s rocky construct. At first he figured that he’d sit and wait, be patient until the water receded, but the decision was quickly abandoned. The tide would take far too long, might as well explore a little more. 
Gentle steps, careful maneuvers, a gentle way of going about things. He didn’t want to get hurt, didn’t want to be trapped here and perish, that was the last thing on his list. He would surely starve if he was trapped here and couldn’t escape, couldn’t swim out when the tide pulled away once more. Sharp rocks jutted out at random angles, his eyes focused on the immediate surroundings, careful not to step to quickly for fear of something being just out of his headlamp’s immediate bubble of illumination. His hand was placed on the wall, using it to guide himself through the cavern, careful to not touch anything that may be an animal-- if there were any down here that is. He was sure there were a few but whatever they were, they were most likely aquatic in nature and harmless. Small crabs or other crustaceans. 
Emptiness, absence, white hot pain, and a sound that his ears had blocked out. The sound of impact, the fall he took down a slope, a rock that protruded and seemed rather upset with his presence there. He lay there on the ground, a curled form of agony, sitting up to look he saw what he hoped never to see in a cave... He couldn’t look at his leg, that was the last thing he wanted to look at. As soon as he did, the realization hit and the shock went straight away. He sat for a moment, rummaging through his backpack in hopes to find something, anything to tend to it. There were bandages and antibacterial medication, but that was about it. He set the bone back, trembling as he did so, before disinfecting and wrapping the wound. There was nothing left to do but try to use his cane to limp back to the water.
Looking around he found his object of salvation, one he kept always handy just in case his body gave out at any point. Some would say it was useless, but at the same time he knew how to use it as a weapon and knew that it could come in handy-- such as now. He tried to push himself up, but had quite a bit of difficulty, and as such used a wall for more support. When he had that, and had his small pack secured and his cane set to support his right side, he began the trek back to the opening. He would find a way out somehow, when the tide recedes he could always message Donald via his phone-- that is if it wasn’t busted by the phone. He was sure it wasn’t, but nevertheless.
The water was a relief, he collapsed beside it, letting the Earth hold his weight as he set his pack on the ground beside him and allowed himself to doze. There was nothing else to do, and he needed the rest by this point. He wouldn’t sleep through low tide-- he knew he’d be too paranoid for that. Six hours of sleep on a rough rocky surface wasn’t going to happen-- and he was correct. For when he came too, it wasn’t by his own volition at all. There was a sound, speech, female speech. There was someone here-- perhaps someone had come to find him? Perhaps they were family or they were someone else. He wasn’t quite sure. The voice didn’t sound familiar so that was a huge sign to tell him it was nothing but a stranger.
Lifting his head up he saw a girl-- a human girl it seemed. If it weren’t for the fact that Scrooge was in a lot of pain, he probably would have bounced back in shock. He wasn’t used to humans, never would be probably, but at the same time if she was down here could she really be a human? No... He assumed something else, something more ocean prone. He had heard stories of mermaids and had seen drawings, paintings, pictures from human civilizations-- from humans whom he had met. Perhaps she was a mermaid; no there was no perhaps, she was definitely and most certainly a mermaid. But that didn’t stop him from staring in shock at her, half asleep and still foggy in the brain...
“Beg your pardon...“ He began shakily, his Scottish accent thick. “What did ye say, lass?“
((If you don’t want to reply to this starter/you prefer to plot before RPing feel free to IM me, I wont be offended or upset. These starters are here solely to cut out that middle man known as awkwardness.)) 
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the-angst-witch · 5 years
Twist & Twine
They had been so hungry when they had first landed. Twist and Twine had fallen through the rift and landed amongst tree’s and underbrush and noticeably without Holly. They’d twisted and writhed about the forest twining through trees and underbrush restlessly. Then something interesting had happened.
Humans found them. None of them were Holly though. They had tried to ask the new humans if they knew where she was. All they’d done was scream though. Twist had thought it was rude. Twine had agreed and thought that if they continued to scream like that, then it was only fair they give them a reason for it. After they finished they were not hungry anymore.
Afterwards Twine had asked Twist if they should take human shapes next time. If that would make the screaming stop enough to ask their questions. And so, they had tried it the next time they saw humans in the forest. It started out well enough, the new group of humans did not scream so much. Then the tallest asked what Holly looked like, so Twist simply changed into the Holly-Shape to show him. Then the screaming started again and it was quite annoying, and quite unhelpful. So Twine wrapped themself around, and around, and around and squeezed until the man choked and gasped and failed to breathe. And then they squeezed more until the crunch-snap of bone sound stopped being fun. One they finished they were not hungry anymore.
They found their way out of the forest eventually, and Twist said that they’d remembered Holly said people in her world mostly only have one shape. That was probably why the tall-loud-man-person screamed so loud. Twine had nodded and they’d agreed to stick to only one person shape when talking with humans. Once they left the trees behind for the brick-buildings-crowded-city-place, they asked more humans about Holly.
No one seemed to know her, and they all frowned confused when they tried to offer descriptions.
“People are hard.” Twine had said frowning.
Some people were harsh or mean when they tried to ask about Holly. They were not hungry anymore after they spoke to those ones. Some were kind, and wished them well. Twine liked to hug those ones for being so polite.
One nice woman promised to ask all her friends to keep a look out for Holly for them. They both thought she was sweet like Holly was sweet. So it made them angry when they walked past an ally and recognized her as the woman being menaced by a foul little man with a knife.
Twine had held her and let her cry, hiding her face away from what was happening to the man who’d tried to hurt her.
Twist laughed when the man tried to stab him. He laughed in a winding warping way. A way that made the mans world turn and melt. Invert and curl like gravity had given up on him. Like vertigo met terror and spilled its way into his eyes. The man was clawing at the gravel and shouting. He was crying out in desperation as up and down, left and right—as north, south, East, west— all form blended and mutated into something unrecognizable. Then Twist made the man twist and twist until his insides were all on his outsides and the screaming and crying stopped being fun anymore. They deposited the woman inside a warmly lit shop and kept looking. They were not hungry after that.
They’d made it a few towns over when they saw another Rift-Borne-Rift-Blood-Creature. This one was also person shaped, like a pretty middle aged woman, and they recognized them.
Twist and Twine called out gleeful, and dissonantly in sync. Skipping and loping up to the familiar entity. They were greeted with surprise and laughter and a clasping of hands. Destroyer-Devourer-maker-of-entities was familiar. Kind.
Twine asked elated “You can help us!”
Twist crowed “yes! Help us find Holly!”
Destroyer-Devourer-maker-of-entities went stiff around them, then she shuddered and became unmade. Uncaring to the normal-human-people that would witness her, she unfurled the wonder-terror of her true form. They tried to skitter back and run, losing their-people shapes as they went. She stopped them effortlessly, clawed limbs grasping around them sharp and unforgiving. “*WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MY CHILD?*” she thundered.
Twine whimpered and whined like a kicked puppy, shrinking and curling in on themself, trying to project *small-quiet-not-a-threat-please-don’t-hurt-me-please*.
Twist writhed and shook bending and thrashing at impossible angles and in impossible ways, with the frantic panic of something wild and trapped. She simply tightened her grip until they went limp and whimpered their defeat, joining the chorus of their twin , of *sorry-sorry-don’t-hurt-please-don’t*.
“*ANSWER ME*” crashed through the air louder than humanly possible.
Twine gathered itself to answer first “Friend! Friend! Sorrysorrysosorry. Holly-friend. She’s friend-Holly. Sorrysorrysorry.” They babbled frantic.
She went still again, the raging swirl gone quiet. Then she shrank back into soft-human-shape. Tugging the pair of them with. They spun themselves into obliging shapes. She let go of what had become their throats sliding suddenly gentle hands up to cup their faces. She tugged them close into an embrace, “Oh, my sweet little things, I’m sorry.” Trembling, Twine wrapped itself closer around her. “I’m sorry I frightened you.” Twist nuzzled their face into her neck in acceptance of the apology. “ She sighed, clutching them close “I assumed the worst.” Twist snickered softly. They could imagine why.
They could also see why she would have picked Holly to be her child in this human world. Holly was soft-sweet-small-fragile-kind. And Destroyer-Devourer-Maker-of-Entities had always held a special fondness for things small and soft and sweet. Twine and them had been soft and small once, Twine at least had always been sweet. She had played with them when they were new and mewling and vulnerable. Guarded them when their Maker-of had to leave for a time. It made sense she would find something new to love and guard after her swarm of fresh-new-small-babies had been eaten by one of the Dark-Pain-Beings. It made sense she’d pick a rift-blooded thing, fragile and kind like Holly.
She ran her fingers through Twist’s hair and rubbed Twine’s back soothingly, “Now, why don’t you tell me everything? Start from the beginning.”
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Fade To Black
TRIGGER WARNINGS: blood, violence, motorcycle accidents, broken bones, comas.
TLDR; Eddie ran into a few Rogues at Barry’s. They followed her and ran her off the road. She is alive but unresponsive.
Eddie hadn’t been to Barry’s in a while, but she’d come around plenty in her younger years, when old man Henry had run the place. He’d been cool, a bit of a drunk, but she’d liked him fine. Jo was... she was okay, but she was no old man Henry. She sure as shit had taken her time getting back to town, and Eddie always felt the woman had acted like she was too good for this place. It pleased her a bit to see her knocked back into her place behind the bar. Still, she’s not here to cause problems for Jo or her bar, but instead to talk to the woman about donating something towards the fundraiser if she could. Jo sighed and raked a hand through her hair.
“I could do a gift card? Maybe like, a few different beers or something?” she offered. Eddie held out her open palms.
“Whatever ya’ got.”
“To be clear, this fundraiser is for the town, right?” Jo said, fixing the woman with a look as she filled out one of the little slips of paper she’d printed off as prizes for trivia night. Eddie rolled her eyes.
“Of course.” she said, though she really didn’t see how it mattered if that was the truth or not. As Jo filled in the line, making the gift certificate worth $100, Eddie glanced towards the window where she watched a bunch of people she didn’t know come walking up to the bar. Jo glanced up to, and she looked a bit nervous. Whoever they were they seemed a little too interested in Eddie’s bike for her taste. “Here. Done.” Jo said, thrusting the paper out.
Eddie snatched it, then nodded at the figures who were about to walk in. “You know them?” she asked. Jo tossed her hair over her shoulder and looked away, busying herself with the cleaning she’d been doing when Eddie had first walked in.
“Not really. I don’t ask questions, Eddie. S’not my business to know who they are. They drink and they pay me.” the bartender said firmly, before plastering a fake smile on her face as the new people walked in. “Hey, guys. What can I get ya?” she asked. Eddie rolled her eyes and tucked the paper into her jacket. She didn’t shrink away as she walked through them. None of them tried to move out of her way, and one or two smirked in her direction.There were only about five. Glancing at them, she didn’t see any that fit the few descriptions she’d heard, but she had a gut feeling about who they were, which is why she didn’t bother trying to ease her way through. Her shoulder knocked against someone else’s and she didn’t flinch. If she could have, she would have started swinging, but that wouldn’t be a fight she could win.
Eddie could feel their eyes on her as she walked out to her bike, their gaze practically burning holes through her cut. She took a deep breath as she pulled on her helmet. ‘Don’t be dumb and start freaking out, don’t let them hear or see shit’ she thought. She would head right home and start making some calls to the club. Climbing onto her bike she started it up and pulled out, intent on making good time. She’d only gone a mile or two when she noticed a few bikes pulling up behind her, and for a brief moment she felt relief, but it was quickly replaced with fear. Well, fuck she couldn’t go home now, not if they were gonna follow her. If she circled back and hooked around she could head to the Dive, maybe? Or back towards the shop?
They came up faster behind her forming a small barricade and her heart hammered inside her chest. One of them drifted so close she had to swerve to make sure she wasn’t hit. “What the fuck?!” she shouted, eyes widening as she tried to keep her bike steady. One of them laughed and another shouted something but she couldn’t hear it clearly. Fuck this. Eddie didn’t want to wind up back in prison, but right now it seemed preferable to letting herself get killed. She reached behind her to grab the gun that sat in band of her jeans but they swerved towards her again, harder this time. Eddie tried to correct herself, both hands flying back in place, but she skidded off the road, the bike tearing through the trees until she hit something and went flying over the handlebars. The world flipped and spun and she felt her body crack against a tree before falling to the ground.
Eddie was mostly just aware that she couldn’t move much. Her sunglasses were gone, and her vision was blurry and tunneled with white spots at the edges. One arm was bent at an impossible angle beneath and her legs wouldn’t move. Something wet and warm was dripping down her face from inside her helmet and distantly she knew it must be blood. She opened her mouth, wanting to shout for help but all she could do was breath in short, shallow gasps. The sounds of the bikes faded into the distance. Eventually her vision went black. Time passed, though she wasn’t sure how much. She only knew because she could feel herself being moved, but speech was still impossible. She couldn’t open her eyes. There were sirens and shouts, but it all faded in her ears. She could feel herself fading too. Slowly but surely, until she was just another body on a bed, all but dead.
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