wrvtchedhearts · 8 months
CLOSED STARTER FOR @pcril ft. Marcellus location POLICE STATION
Bez sighed as they watched another empty box of donuts, then looked around the station. There was so much that they didn’t want to deal with today, and another stolen batch certainly was on that list. Low though, but on the list. They sipped their coffee and left the box open, for anyone - including the thief - to see, before sitting down behind their desk. The whole naming business had the station in chaos, and with time running short, it would only get worse. Bez felt every hair on their arm stand up at the thought of remaining here any longer, especially without a sugary overdose.
They spotted Marcellus. “Marc, up for a coffee run?” they asked, quickly standing again - having barely been seated down in the first place. “Someone ate my bloody donuts, again, and I need at least five scoops of sugar before I can deal with this mess,” they said, as they got closer to the forensic, pointing around them at the station.
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