tommymaddox · 1 year
CLOSED STARTER for @marlownewman Merrock Times office
After having his brain cells fried by Deacon, Tommy eventually finds his way to the office of Merrock Times. He walks into the main doors with a sandwich in one hand and coffee in another, attempting to fuel himself long enough to stay awake. It wasn't the first time he'd been here but given very few knew he was home it was a surprise. Tommy finds Marlow's desk unattended and sits in her chair, eating his sandwich as he looks at the items on her desk for a clue where she might be. Who knew finding the stand in matriach of the Newman's would be so hard?
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livrhodes · 2 years
Starter for: @therosemaryrhodes​
Where: Liv’s House
With Jake and Finn at school and Lucas napping, Liv had invited Rosemary over to hang out. She definitely wasn’t nosey, she was just a protective big sister and had some questions. “So, what’s new?” She asked, giving her sister a look. “Any new report on Asher? I’ve been waiting for an update.” With her sister, Liv had no problem coming out and asking her the question she had. “I saw you looking pretty cozy at the dance, so I hope it went well.” 
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lexiblake · 4 years
Location: Hop Notch Brewery Connection: First Date after Late Husband Trauma - @leongriffin​ Status: Closed Starter. 
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   Alexis had never had to deal with the frustrations that came with dating applications before, but now living in a new location, basking in the freedom of being single, not having to deal wit the abuse she’s dealt wit for years. You deserve this. Lexi would say to herself as she pulled into the brewery and sat in her car, readjusting her white blouse, Alexis sat back and texted Leon to let him know she was here. There were many factors that helped in Lex decided to say yes to a date with this handsome stranger. They moved into town virtually at the same time, He was a year younger than her, but that’s alright. He was good at keeping her attention, and if she was completely honest with herself, it didn’t hurt that he was very, very handsome. Grabbing her bag, Lex decided to walk ahead and meet him in the front of the brewery doors, she didn’t look at her phone to see if he replied so perhaps Leon had already been waiting for her. For any event, Lex was always in the five minute frame of being early, Work was definitely a contributing factor to that and she was curious how her well her date was at organizing his time. Frankly, Alexis was excited for her date, he seemed like a catch from what she could tell. Regardless, she just hoped they both had a pleasant night tonight. Come what may. 
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oldatlas · 4 years
location: kaliedoscope status: closed |  @dahliawocd​ timeline: mid week, late evening
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“You’re making it very hard not to fire your ass right now.” Atlas was running short staffed with the wolves out for full moon, and now he was dealing with Gary. Gary was the guy he staffed behind the bar when no one else was available. Usually he was on clean up duty in the kitchen, but desperate times where here and making an absolute mess of a basic cocktail. “Any other week Gary I’d have the patience for this mess. Any. Other. Week.” With the other rushing to clean up the liquid he’d spilled Atlas took a moment to scan the room. The jazz band was in full swing; the notes of a deep base danced along with a talented piano players hands as a woman’s voice sang across the room. Seats were filled though less than usual due to part of the population staying away from crowds like Atlas should be. His eyes danced from shadowed figure to the next, catching the beat of hearts raised by the excitement of the show and the cold of the night. It would be so easy to fall into habits he’d long left behind, and the fact he was thinking of them so eagerly had him rather concerned. His eye caught a man sitting on his own, seemling expecting no other guest to join him. Atlas mind started mapping out ways to get the other alone, how easy things could be if he just went along with his natural desires. The Corn Moon was a hell of a week, and truth be he wasn’t sure he was going to get through it at this rate. It was the sound of a glass breaking behind him that broke the spell and he was both thankful and annoyed once more at the hopeless bartender. “Gary- For crying out loud!”
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westonismsx · 5 years
Weston had just wrapped up a conference call with Adam Moreau, their European Investor and now, Partner of Maddox Media company that they launched in Europe a few weeks ago. They scheduled this web conference once a week to catch up on anything that would require Weston’s assistance as they work to fully establish the branch and have operations running as seamlessly as possible. Truth be told, a huge burden had been lifted off his chest as Adam reassured him things were going according to plan and that the man himself was personally attending to everything. Understandably, the wariness was expected as Weston lived across the Atlantic Ocean which mean he couldn’t look over everything as closely as he wanted. The raven-haired CEO had no idea how to even convey his gratitude to the older man until Jhanvi suggested throwing them a welcome party. Needless to say, the very next few days he had flown Adam and his associates to Manhattan and gave them a welcome party, introducing them to their home base company so that his employees would know who had such a hand in making this possible. The party wrapped up last Saturday and Adam left with New York this Tuesday with his associates.  It had gone as well as he had hoped, not a surprise since his EA once again took care of everything so doubts were not even in the realm of possibility for him.
While the party had no complications in itself, save for one incident that remained between himself, Jhanvi, and Clara. Weston hadn’t been thinking when Jhanvi walked in wearing that tantalizing dress, his brain had promptly shut down and he found himself going over to her as she was personally beckoning him. As if she’d worn a dress so lustrous and readied herself to be seen by only his eyes. So, it was no surprise when men approached her, and the raven-haired male had come close to snapping. Barely resisting the urge to go over to male she’d been dancing with and brazenly rip her away from the male and keep her locked right by his side. He had slipped up when he had almost confronted the male to keep his hands to himself Clara had noticed and so had Adam, both who were quick to diffuse the situation. Truthfully, since that incident, for the remainder of the night, he had kept his eyes off of Jhanvi and kept his attention on Clara. Not only for his sake, but for Jhanvi and for the sake of not starting a conflict in front of a man he admired and respected. He owed Adam this night to be flawless and to show his gratitude and by displaying his possessive behavior, he would only ruin it. Thankfully, his childhood friend Clara had knocked some sense to him, pulling him to the side and reminding him of the bigger picture. She’d been pretty vocal about her opinion about his behavior towards Jhanvi and put things into perspective. Reminding him, that she was his subordinate and nothing good would happen by pursuing her, reiterating that if he cared about Jhanvi he would let her be and not put her through the judgmental stares and rumors from others. His auburn-haired friend was right of course, he couldn’t be selfish not when too many things were at stake. He had no idea what had come over him, but seeing her smiling and friendly with another male who was obvious of his attraction to Jhanvi made his blood boil. To do something, anything to claim her as his that all those smiles and looks were only for him. Christ, he needed to get a grip. He had decided to take Clare’s wise words and now was up to him to stick through it, regardless of how painful it was for him. So, the days after, he kept away from Jhanvi once more only being around when required and keeping conversation short which wasn’t a problem since Clara was around keeping him company.
Weston was in the midst of scanning some papers when his cell phone rang, curious he pulled it out and saw his mother’s name flash across the screen. Smiling immediately, he answered it, the delight and affection in his voice obvious in his voice for the woman. “Mom, I’m glad you called. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?” He couldn’t help but exaggerate but this was typical behavior for him when it concerned his mother. A flash of guilt passed through briefly, he’d been back for weeks now and still had not gone to see his parents who had called and inquired about his launch in the past weeks. His stress and attention wavering elsewhere was no excuse, of course, they were his parents and they were a top priority, Jhanvi included in that list now as well. His mother began expressing her disappointment at his absence and then proceeded to ask if he had forgotten them. Weston quickly silenced her concerns, apologizing and promising he’d visit in the coming week. “I’m so sorry mom, things have been crazy here. It’s not an excuse but you know I love you, and dad too. Tell him I said hi, alright?” He thought his mother wanted to hang up, but she hadn’t instead the topic of the conversation changed to Clara.
A soft sigh escaped his lips, this was a common conversation since he’d finished college, his mother adored his childhood friend and it wasn’t any less for Weston either. He cared for Clara and considered her a friend, she was part of a small group people he trusted. The two had always had each other’s backs growing up and his mother had mistaken that as him one day settling down with her. Weston loved Clara as one might a family member but never once had he thought of her in a romantic sense because he never felt it with her. She was a beautiful, smart, and a genuine woman but she just wasn’t for him and neither was Weston for her. Upon learning that she was in town visiting, his mother had pestered him to give her a chance. It was now he finally considered it. He had been since the last couple of days, as he spent time with her. As much as he didn’t want to, he knew he had to move on, in order for him to even attempt to erase his attraction to his stunning EA, he had to try. He supposed there was no one better than Clara, maybe he had been jumping to conclusions about her without even giving her a chance and he knew deep down his friend had liked him and was attracted to him. She never outright admitted it to him, he wasn’t as oblivious to the glances she gave him, enough for him to know she would want to give this a try. Last night, Weston finally mustered up some enthusiasm to ask her out to dinner tomorrow night. Today would be hard as he would be stuck at the office longer so they decided for Friday, and Clara agreed. “Weston?” His mother’s voice breaking the silence.
“I’m still here and I heard you. If I give her a chance, promise me you will not meddle and let me take my time?” His mother left out a soft snort but didn’t argue, she was appeased that he was finally agreeing to give it a chance. She then proceeded to ask when he’d go out with her, taking a deep breath he spoke, “I asked Clara for dinner tomorrow. I’m taking her to that place you kept insisting on.” Weston couldn’t help but chuckle as he heard his mother’s joy, well, if anything he seemed to make one person happy. He then emphasized to keep her promise and stay out of it until he was ready to share his progress and his mother agreed not wanting to push anymore. The conversation still carried on for a little while longer before he hung to get back to work. Internally, he was still unsure and knowing it wouldn’t be easy moving past Jhanvi especially when he saw her everything and was near her. Fuck, he never hated anything more in his life than he did right now. He wanted her with a need he couldn’t even fathom and he realized he moving from her would not be an easy task. The sooner he accepted Jhanvi wasn’t for him, the better it would be for him and maybe her too.
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mcmarlenes · 6 years
003 : EASTER EXTRAVAGANZA ft. @pcdfooted
The best part of this whole celebration thing was the witch that spelled painted pastel flowers on Marlene’s face, making her look a lot more festive then she was feeling. Somehow in the process she managed to get separated from the girls, but when the witch was done, three knuts later, Marlene spotted another familiar face, one she wasn’t exactly displeased to see. It was rare that she found Sirius Black alone so she walked towards him, arms crossed over her chest defensively because she just knew that he would have something to say about her attire. “There you are— I’ve been looking everywhere for you- guys.” There was a brief pause before the last word was added, almost like it was an after thought. “Where are your partners in crime? James, Remus... I lost Pete but he’s around here somewhere.” She shrugged one shoulder, letting both arms fall to her sides. “—And before you say anything about the dress, you should know that I’m Lily and I drank a polyjuice potion. Marlene wouldn’t be caught dead wearing this.”
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ofwestons · 5 years
About a good week or so passed since the last time he’d seen Kiran and to his surprise she had thanked him and apologized all in one sitting. If Weston was being honest he hadn’t expected that sort of gesture from Kiran of all people and more so he wasn’t quite sure what to do with it. All his life, he had trained and forged himself into a weapon with the purpose of completing jobs quick and clean. Gratitude was never part of the deal and suddenly receiving it from Kiran or anyone was a bit unexpected to say the least. Granted, the youngest Yashvardhan daughter hadn’t personally hired him for her own endeavors, still the male showed up at her aid for numerous reasons. The primary reason being she was the daughter of a family he wouldn’t want to piss off and he had also signed a contract that would entail looking out for all of the family members. Even the ones that annoyed him to no end. The other reasons were ones he didn’t care to delve into but he supposed it also came down to the fact that Kiran being harmed in anyway didn’t sit well with him. Why? He had honestly had no clue despite the nature of their relationship.
That evening Weston made his way to Kiran’s place, he had texted her a few days prior letting her know they would be meeting the legitimate seller. Kiran had mentioned she had an event earlier this evening but the male had asked her to cut it short as this meeting would now take precedence. It had taken the younger male about three weeks to track down an honest one who unlike most of them didn’t have any agenda besides the money. Of course, Weston was nothing if not cautious and left out Kiran’s identity even if Jason Ross didn’t care who the buyer so long as it wouldn’t be traced back to him. This however, Weston did his research very thoroughly not needing another Damien and Parker incident to occur. Unlike like last time, he’d be by Kiran’s side through the entire meeting though his research had reassured him Ross wouldn’t try anything. The hitman prayed this meeting would go as he planned, Kiran would get her diamonds and she wouldn’t need to interact with such shady characters. While of course, he would be there he honestly wanted to get this over with so the woman could turn her focus on something that wouldn’t get her in trouble. Particular a hobby that was much for safer for her.
Where this sudden concern came for this woman who annoyed him so much, Weston honestly didn’t know. In the week since he’d last seen her, the two had been in commutation through their phones and while it was all business matters it was still the longest the two communicated ever in the time they’ve known each other. And it was also the first time that it wasn’t their usual bickering or scathing words being exchanged, instead they were normal conversations. Strange was word of describing it but the raven-haired male didn’t focus too long on it. His mind geared towards their impending meeting as he pulled into Kiran’s driveway and placed the car in park more but he didn’t get out. Instead. he pulled his phone out and texted Kiran letting her know he had arrived.
[ Text : Kiran ]: Waiting outside. Don’t take too long. 
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lgcminsu · 3 years
▷ Precious
▷ a closed starter for @lgcsomin
minsu remembers the first time that he had ever met somin, the first meeting being one that actually would be hard to really remember since she had seemed so indifferent back than when he had approached her and made an attempt to become friends. thankfully she hadn’t shooed him away and actually had given him some time to just sit and talk with her, the memory was one, of many, that he cherished even now. even though it had taken a bit for her to actually warm up to him, he was patient and gave her that space she needed until she was comfortable enough to allow herself to just relax around him and see that he really wanted to be friends.
in his eyes, somin was someone that he felt he should protect, partially because of his ‘older brother’ side of him and also because she was just someone that he truly cared for. he was the same with his own brother, the younger being someone that minsu would gladly give up anything for really, and maybe that’s one of the reasons why he had been determined to befriend her. though most of it was due to how she had seemed alone at the time of their first meeting and he wanted to help her get settled in here at the company.
as he spots the female, minsu lifts his hand up to wave at her with a smile on his face as he calls out to her. “somin!” he approaches somin and stops once he reaches her. “how was practice today? they didn’t work you too hard did they? if you’re not busy, would you like to go grab something to eat?” he asks this as he tilts his head slightly to the side. “don’t worry, it’ll be my treat so you can eat as much as you’d like with no worries.”
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valenciasx · 5 years
It had been close to two weeks since she had that rather interesting interaction with Kabir at the restaurant thanks to her fiancé for duping them. When she’d come home that night and gushed about how she had such a lovely time with Kabir, to say his fiancé had been delighted would be an understatement. Honestly, in her opinion Karan couldn’t stop grinning at the praises that left her own lips about his best friend. As much as she despisedsaying anything complimentary where Kabir was concerned, she couldn’t deny that it only worked in her favor where Karan was concerned. Karan was more pleased with her than ever at her attempt to befriend his best friend. Now, Val was aware that if she wanted to be Karan’s good graces she would have to act as if she loved seeing Kabir, how said man would react was to be seen.
Things had carried on rather smoothly form then on, Kabir still sneered at her when they were alone but when Karan was around he actually made an effort to be a decent person.  Valencia knew it was all for show because by now even Kabir realized his words would be futile against her own. However, she knew better than to let her guard down where he was concerned that while he had kept his distance that didn’t mean he had quit in his attempts to expose her. Day and night, she kept her guard up as if he would strike at any given time because she didn’t for one second believe he’d let her relationship with Karan carry on smoothly. It was just a matter of when he would strike and when he did, Valencia had to ensure she would be ready.
Diwali had arrived, an Indian festival Karan had told her about once more quickly absorbing the knowledge Karan bestowed on her. It was an extremely important festival for his family and it appeared it was for Kabir’s family as well and it was then her fiancé highlighted all the dos and don’ts to her a few days prior. Since then, Valencia had been eagerly helping the Vermas’ with the preparations, who were all surprisingly patient when it came to teaching her their traditions. The Latina was actually quite fascinated with all that came with this festival, though she didn’t fully understand it she didn’t mind all the work came with putting it all together for their evening celebration.
Valencia easily took on the responsibility of handling the catering for the evening, all of Karan’s and Kabir’s families and friends were present that night, she’d never seen such a massive crowd. Eventually, all the enthusiasm caught onto her between the pretty red saree Karan’s sister gifted her and helped her put on and the music, it was safe to say Val was enjoying herself immensely. She was in the midst of instructing the employees to make sure they served Lassi to all those who didn’t have a glass on their hand. Then turning to step further into the crowd, her eyes searching for her fiancé, she had only taken a few steps when she bumped into a rather hard chest. The impact making her step back and she quickly caught her balance, “I’m so-”Val began to quickly apologize as she fixed her saree until she looked up and realized it was Kabir. “Oh, it’s you. Can’t you watch were you’re walking?” Shooting him an annoyed look, “Since you’re here, have you seen Karan?”  
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ofdelicatesx · 5 years
It was about a few days later that Clara heard from Jasper, and as difficult as it had been she had left him alone because she had realized he still needed time to himself. Clara on the other, who prided herself in being patient, quickly realized when it came to her best friend she didn’t have the trait at all. At least, not when she’d seen him in danger but she also knew she couldn’t continue to hover over him as she did when he was staying over. There was a part of her that wanted to trust Jasper that he wouldn’t jump the gun and do something so reckless again. While she couldn’t fully say she did, she took him appearing a few days later at her place as a good sign that he hadn’t gotten up to anything in time she hadn’t seen him. Looks can be deciving of course, and while Jasper looked more like himself she knew his intertnal battle was far from over. Still, the brunette was glad to see him relax a bit as he began spending time with her more than usual. The fact that he sought out of her company told her that he didn’t want to be alone and he seemed to find some sort of peace the moments they did meet up.
It was about a week later that Clara decided the pair had not done anything remotely fun or even gone out for the longest time. She honestly couldn’t think of a better time than now, between what happened about a week an half ago and Jasper’s heartbreak, getting out of the house might do him some good. It might not be the solution but it was a good way to at least clear his mind and maybe be help him temporaily. More importantly. Clara wanted him to forget his troubles for one night before he went back to being back to his old self and continued to give himself a hard time. She also selfishly wanted to take advantage of the time he was spending with her before he closed himself off once more. So that evening, Clara appeared at his house all dressed up, something she had not done in a while as well. They had plans to meet up that night but Clara didn’t specify them and instead asked him to be ready by the time she arrived.
Jasper wasn’t the easiest to convince but eventually she had managed to get to agree to see a new bar that had opened. It had been quite the hype and maybe she might have guilt tripped him a tiny bit before he sucked it up and came along. The two had just arrived at the bar, and from the exterior by itself, Clara could tell the inside would appealling as well. “WIll you put on a small smile at least? You’re going to scare away some people with that look.” She told him as she walked beside him and towards the entrance and held the door open for him, letting him walk in before she too stepped inside. Her brown hues took in the interior and atmosphere and from what she was seeing, it had not diminished her expectations in the slightest. “Here I thought seeing me dressed up might soften you up a bit.” Clara teased him as she linked her arm through his and tugged him inside further as she scanned the room for an empty table or bar space. It was about a minute later a table by the bar section cleared up and she led them in that direction.
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livrhodes · 2 years
Starter for: @leannerhodes
Where: Leanne & Mal’s House
Liv was unsure why her mom missed the appointment. She was supposed to go with to find out the genders of the twins, but she had been nowhere to be found. Liv knew that was unlike Leanne, but she still couldn’t help but be upset. She began to think about if she did something wrong, and then she panicked that something bad happened to her, so she called several times. As soon as she and Enzo got done at the doctor she immediately called her father crying, only to be told that Leanne had been ‘napping’, which again was another red flag for Liv. Her mother never napped. Arriving at her parents’ house, Liv walked in the front door and looked all over the house for her mom, and when she got to the bedroom, she saw her asleep on the bed with several pill bottles on the nightstand. Liv knew there was a medical issue. She had spent her entire childhood as a sick kid and was still on several medications as an adult. Reaching forward, Liv gently shook her mom’s shoulder. “Hey, wake up...We need to talk.” 
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sylvialawson · 2 years
Randomized Starter For: @tracelawson​
Where: Home
After the Cherry Blossom Festival, things had been great for Sylvia and Trace. Their marriage was back on track, and that was the most important thing. After putting Chance to bed, Sylvia came into their bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed. “So hear me out,” she started with. “I think we should have a vacation or somethin’ soon. Just the two of us,” she suggested. They honestly needed it, especially after everything they had been through. “Maybe we can go down to Florida, or somewhere more exotic. What do ya think? It might be nice.” 
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liammackenna · 6 years
@leonardoflint @lemcnisms
"Do you two ever have a conversation at one of these things only to realize that you were never entirely sure exactly who you were talking to in the first place?"
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Making his way through the afterparty crowd he finally found a free spot in the booth the Flint twins were currently taking up, cradling a low tumbler of scotch in his hands. He'd been to enough afterparties throughout his years in the business and even before then, toted along by his mother but that didn't mean he'd gotten any better at them. What could he say? Social engagements like this just weren't his forte and he doubted they'd start to be any time soon. So he stuck to what he knew best. And who he knew best.
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westonismsx · 5 years
The day that their engagement would be announced had finally arrived and Weston could feel his nerves make itself known. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t been to hundreds of public events but this was the first time he would be in the spotlight right alongside with his fiancé, Jhanvi. It’d been about a little over two weeks since their betrothal was announced to the pair by their respective parents and even now he couldn’t wrap his mind around that fact that not only would be married but to woman who despised him. Now, he wasn’t her biggest fan either but Weston didn’t hate her, despite how annoying she could be. It was just disconcerting that he would be married even if for a year, when it was something he wanted for himself. After tonight, Jhanvi would be in with him and in less than six weeks he’d be married to Jhanvi Yashvardhan and he wondered exactly how the year would play out. The two had talked before tonight and went over anything else that needed to be addressed before they tied the knot and somehow, they had managed to come to a compromise. The hardest part for Weston would be to keep his hands himself because no matter what he did he couldn’t stop the fantasies of tangling in the sheets that appeared in his dreams every night he went to bed. Nor could he stop replaying the heated kiss he shared with her two weeks ago that nearly him shook him to his core. However, being rejected from her twice was enough and from then on Weston had stop making any suggestive comments and only touching her when he needed to.
He was in the midst of speaking to a friend when he saw Jhanvi arrive, her slender but curvy frame encased a dress that hugged her figure in all the right places. For a moment, Weston forgot he was speaking to someone and simply stared at her a minute too long which actually worked in his favor because his friend began to tease him on how he couldn’t take his eyes off her and also voiced his own thoughts about his future bride. Weston rolled his eyes and excused himself to greet her, Jhanvi’s parents followed right behind her as he walked over to them. He took Jhanvi’s hand and smiled at her softly, “You look beautiful.” Tugging her closer as he knew people were watching as well his own parents and kissed her softly on her lips but held her hand in his and kept her to his side as one would expect. He then turned his attention to the elder couple and smiled at them, shaking her father’s hand who came up and hugged Weston much to his surprise which he returned briefly and his soon to be mother in law did the same. By now Weston’s parents had come over and gave their own greetings, Weston’s mother gushing over Jhanvi and he didn’t blame her because his fiancé looked breathtaking. Soon they were standing in the front stage area, and before they could even prepare themselves, his own father got the crowd’s attention easily. If there was anything Mason Maddox was good at it was commanding the attention of thousands of people and it was also something that his son. He didn’t waste any time either, quickly going over the merging of their respective companies before taking his time announcing the marriage alliance between the families. As the CEO expected, the crowd went a bit wild clapping and showing their enthusiasm for him and Jhanvi. Once Weston’s parents let them roam free, Weston led Jhanvi to the dance floor as that was also expected of him.
He still had their hands linked, and for some odd reason he was in no hurry to release her hand nor did he have to as when they arrived to the dance floor, he tugged her closer. Only releasing her hand so he could wrap both arms around her waist and that only caused her to press right up against him. His soft and loving smile still fixated on his lips as a man in love would be towards their future bride. Jhanvi played her part well since she arrived, easily letting him take the lead in their physical gestures but he could still see her nervousness truth be told all of this was overwhelming even for Weston. “Relax and focus on me. They’ll stop watching us soon, we can’t be that interesting just dancing around, they’ll get bored soon enough.” He whispered to her, hips lips right at her temple, while he gently placed her arms so they were around his neck. The CEO had to stop himself from dipping his head lower so he could inhale her perfume, he recognized it as the same one she wore during their lunch meeting which was quickly becoming his favorite. He had to bite back his groan of irritation as he once more kept noticing things he didn’t want to notice about Jhanvi. Like how big her eyes were this close and how he much he enjoyed staring into the dark hues of hers, or how her hair was so soft he wanted to bury his face in the shiny dark locks that gleamed under the florescent lights. Would those silky strands feel as soft as they looked if he touched them? Jesus, he really needed to get laid, here he was waxing poetic like some love-sick fool which he definitely was not, unfortunately, he would not be able to find someone to release his sexual frustration with thanks to the agreement they both made.  
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actuallyaobaseragaki · 10 years
Rat Attack [[closed]]
Aoba was finally beginning to get used to his new surroundings. Some things were still strange, however it was sort of similar to Midorijima in a lot of ways. Of course he still wished that he could have Ren, if not to use then just to talk to. He missed Tae something awful, and worried about her constantly. However, for the mean time, he was trying to make things here work. And part of making this work was figuring out how to make money. As a healer, it should not have been that difficult to find people to mooch off of and consider himself "helping" as most of the new healers in Pyli seemed to. However, that didn't mean he really knew where to start.
Walking into the Warrior's Guild, he heard that they often had jobs there for all sorts of adventurers. And while Aoba still didn't consider himself anything more than an outsider, adventuring would hopefully put some coins in his pocket. Walking up to the board, there was apparently a listing about killing rats. And while pillows or mail might seem easier, they also involved running around the monster infested country side. And... after all... rats couldn't be that difficult to kill, right?
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livrhodes · 2 years
Starter for: @leannerhodes​
Where: Liv’s House
Liv was very excited to have her mom’s help organizing the twins’ nursery. As babies, they’d share a room and would have their own once they got older. She was thankful to have a big enough house, because the old house would have been a struggle. With her mother’s illness, Liv figured that organizing things would be the perfect think to distract her. Liv was in the beginning of her third trimester and she was starting to feel uncomfortable, so it was perfect because they could both take breaks when needed. “Let’s start organizing the clothes for now,” she said, strategically pointing to the bin filled with the boy clothes. The room was also painted a neutral sage green color. It wouldn’t be long until Leanne would find out she was getting a grandson and a granddaughter, not two grandsons like Liv was telling her. “Then we can make sure the furniture is all here, although, there isn’t too much we can do with it in terms of moving it. You’re sick and I’m carrying around a beach ball,” she said with a laugh, placing her hand on her big belly. “That’ll be a job for Enzo later if something needs to be rearranged.” 
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