#three absolute bicons please their energy >>>>>>>>
sapphic--kiwi · 3 years
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Douxie Appreciation Week Day Four: Ash Dispersal Pattern
Meet Ash Dispersal Pattern, a punk-rock band comprised of three immortal young adults with a penchant for varying forms of magic.
Standing members: Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan (lead guitar/frontman), Zoe (bass/vocals), and Kenwei "Kenny" Opeyemi (drums/backup vocals)
(More about Kenny under the cut)
@ohfuzzbuckets @moppetwithamanbun
Kenny was born somewhere in West Africa in the 15th century. She has always loved music in many forms as the centuries passed, especially percussion instruments. When she was 20, her mentor and mother figure taught her the spell for immortality. Several years later, she earned her reputation and rightful place as her village's protector after a changeling assassinated said mentor and she hunted them down.
She met Douxie (and Archie) in the 1700s when they were tailing a rogue troll and ended up (literally) running into her just outside her village as she was practicing her nature magic, and after confirming they were friendly and meant no harm, she offered them some food and a place to sleep while they were in the area. During their stay in Kenny's village, Douxie and Kenny became fast friends, and they swapped spells - Douxie taught her his translation spell so she could use it in the future. About 50 years later, Douxie visited Kenny again, bringing his best friend Zoe along, and the three of them spent several weeks developing a friendship.
After a couple hundred more years, countless major world events, and many more cross-continental visits from Douxie and/or Zoe, Kenny finally moved to Arcadia, California in 1950, and the three wizards started a garage band on a whim. After a lot of late nights writing songs, they came up with the name "Ash Dispersal Pattern" while having brunch (cooked by Kenny).
More facts about Kenny:
- her favorite color is purple
- she has a magical bracer like Douxie only hers is a dusty red color
- her magic is nature/water oriented mostly and tends to be blue-green in color
- her favorite thing to wear is crop tops, especially in bright colors and "retro" patterns
- her oldest piercing is her nose piercing - she's had it since she was about 30
- she doesn't have a staff but does have magical drumsticks that double as wands - much like Douxie and his spellcaster guitar, she stores them as a spell in her bracer when she's not using them
- sexuality: bisexual
- she shares an apartment with Zoe
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