marvelsior · 6 years
@threeclaws continued from [here] because YES
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Dammit where the hell was Shawn when you need him? The little redhead’s face scrunched up when she caught that thought of his directed towards her, blue eyes narrowing ever so slightly. The Professor was the first to know. He’d known because he was the only one more powerful to force his way past Sarah’s blocks on both their minds. Jean didn’t probe, otherwise she probably might’ve found out too. The teen looks her father up and down, backing away only slightly until he finally speaks. They smelled like him. Oh dammit. You’d think he would have warned them about this before they left their universe.
“Might be because we’ve been hanging around you a lot since we got here. Your scent tends to... waft, especially after a smoke,” she counters, more than a little nervous and feeling her heart attempting to escape her chest. He can’t find out, he can’t tell Jean. Jean will freak out. And probably tell Scott. And Scott might kill them for existing. It was terrifying enough being in another universe so soon after everything you knew to be true was revealed to be a lie....and losing the only friend you had in the world in the process. She probably looked a little like a cornered animal. Maybe that in itself would make the man have mercy on her. 
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endurraesa · 6 years
your support for astrawalk gives me hope that not everyone on this site is an asshole. if you're in touch with her, please let her know that her friends love her and are here for her.
done and done!!
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@threeclaws plotted a starter from the wingman
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Sometimes, shit just went sideways. And for the mutants that bore the proud X symbol... whether tattooed on their body, or branded on their face, or stitched into their clothing... shit tended to go sideways a lot. This time hadn’t even been that bad, all things considered...
But he’d seen the look on Logan’s face, and he’d known: it could have, and it had been close. Normally, the Wolverine handled things like a soldier, like a warrior... but Warren was too similar to him not to know that wasn’t always the case. It couldn’t be.
Sometimes, like today, he needed someone just like everyone else on the damn planet needed someone sometimes. And usually, he didn’t have that option, so the guy was shit at communicating it. But today...?
Today Warren was there, and Warren knew.
Because he was the same.
So without a word, Warren grabbed Logan’s hand and yanked him towards the spare room kept open for the winged mutant, should he ever visit. Closing the door behind him with a backwards kick, he pushed Logan in the direction of the bed. Following after him, Warren crawled on the bed, pulling Logan into his lap and wrapping his arm around the poweful man.
“It’s okay...” he whispered, unfurling his wings and encircling the pair within them. “You’re home now.”
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vjestyca · 6 years
@threeclaws | c.
—          IT MAKES HER chest hurt to watch him struggle and thrash about in his sleep, knowing there is little she can do to help him.  his head jerks in her direction in his sleep, she hears the slightest whimper from him.  her arms cross, fingers digging into her arm as if to remind herself not to move closer.  soon, a snarl, then he shoots up.
and that’s why she didn’t step closer.  the claws.  sharp and at the ready and pointed at her.  she forced herself not to flinch, to loosen the tension that builds in her shoulders as he slams awake, poised to attack.  there’s not a single flicker of magic from her, green eyes glinting in what little light there is in his room.
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as logan settles, the claws slipping back away, it’s then that she steps towards him.  she reaches a careful hand out to him, gentle and slow as she rests it on his shoulder.     ❝ it is okay.  you were having a nightmare.  the children were worried, ❞     she muses lightly.     ❝ are you okay?  what were you dreaming? ❞
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Everything had gone perfectly today.  Kate chalked it up to Gretchen’s ability to plan weddings in her sleep, especially ones as simple as Kate and Logan’s.  Anything that had had the potential to go wrong either got worked out quickly or they managed to prevent altogether.
The cherry blossom petals drifted down on a soft breeze, gently coating the driveway with a pretty layer of pink and white.  A few of the petals fell on the train of Kate’s dress as the piano chimed in and she began her walk down the aisle.  When Kate lifted her gaze to find Logan, she saw a momentary panic.  That poor man was fidgeting like an anxiety-ridden 5-year-old child.  But then he spotted her and she gave him soft smile.
Murmurs and giggles erupted from the crowd, even one person loudly advocating for Logan’s sudden flight from in front of the congregation and down the aisle towards her and Gretchen.  Her aunt chuckled quietly just before Logan could reach them and pulled away as Logan wrapped an arm around his bride’s waist.  
Kate couldn’t stop the bubbly laughter that he pulled out of her with that kiss.  She looked up at him, a wide grin on her lips and shaking her head at him in amusement.  “You look handsome,” she whispered to him as she slid her arm through his.  
Gretchen grabbed both of them by the upper arms, pale, green eyes welling up with more of her ‘happy tears’.  “There is not a pair in this universe more wonderful than the two of you.  I could not be happier and I love you both so very much.”  She looked to Logan with a smirk.  “I’ll let you take it from here,” she said, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek and giving Kate’s arm a gentle squeeze before drifting off and sliding into one of the rows of chairs.
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seesgood · 6 years
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james howlett is a ghost. a legend, for the most part. rumored to be over a century old, lost track of twice ( something which never happens at s.h.i.e.l.d. ) somehow always spotted in the midst of violence. he’s a ghost that they can never seem to track. until, that is, the internet gets ahold of every piece of information, every picture, every name of their files --- and the social media tips start flooding in. ---- the first time she sees him, in person, she’s kind’ve shocked to see that the wolverine legend is, in fact, hanging around scott summers’ crew. which presents as a major problem, considering summers’ wants literally NOTHING to do with them or their mission or anything. so she waits. bides her time, waits until logan ( apparently he goes by logan now ) holes himself up at a bar. after that, it’s just easy. shirt pulled down a little bit to expose clevage, hair fluffed, eyelashes batting --- it’s all too easy to slip into the role of dim-witted, fangirl blonde. ❝ hi. ❞ her voice is airy, high pitched as she stops next to him, plastering a grin on her face and hoping to god that he doesn’t know who she is. ❝ you’re james right? wow i’m such a big fan. ❞
---- @threeclaws ; two will take its place.
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mademetal-a-blog · 6 years
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             ❛  when  i  asked  you  to  help  me,  i  wasn’t  expecting  that  much  complaining,  logan. ❜
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kryptona · 6 years
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RPC POSITIVITY WEEK. DAY ONE: favorite portrayals of a character in another fandom
@anarchiisms  ———  I will forever be thankful that one random day I reached out to Jude in a simple message, asking if hey, would maybe you want to ship? Years later, blogs later, a relationship later, that same ship is still ruining my life to this very day. Jude’s passion for Bucky is astounding and something to truly be admired; she can take breaks on him, his muse can be sound asleep, but regardless, one day he jolts awake and suddenly it’s 2AM and Jude is yelling Bucky emotions at me. I’m forcing myself to stop, because honestly I could talk about how much I love Jude and her Bucky for several years.
@threeclaws  ———  Ol’ Knife-Hands Jimmy. Honestly? I don’t even really recall exactly when Maggie and I met or how we became friends; it was just there, like some kind of magic. One day we were just friends, all those pieces just fell into place, and I’m so grateful they did, because Maggie’s Logan is a work of art. She puts so much into him, into giving him these mannerisms and nuances that just make him come alive. Whether she’s writing him as a Logan we all know and love, or something foreign and in uncharted territory it’s always amazing. We’re yet to write much between Kara and Logan, but I’m hoping that changes; even if it doesn’t, I love reading the threads and memes and honestly if you’re not following then you’re missing out.
@borntomurder  ———  Now, I don’t know a whole lot about Laura in the comics, but I do know that Arya puts so much into her Laura and it’s just a treasure to even see it let alone be involved. She’s not afraid to throw Laura into some new environment just to see what that might be like, or explore something new; honestly, I love that in talks about comics that we came up with this marvel and dc mashup where Kara is the light of Laura’s life and Laura keeps Kara grounded and is her steady anchor.
@flockleads  ———  Maximum Ride? I think you mean Max Danvers, because she’s definitely been adopted by Eliza and is an official and honorary Danvers sister. Beyond, Pipes, I know nothing of the series or the fandom, but that doesn’t matter because Max is now officially Supergirl’s little sister, that’s just canon, folks. Hasn’t anyone heard that I’m the new writer of Supergirl and I’m going to employ Pipes to bring Max there bc idk jones pastersom.
@astrawalk  ———  So, I’ve only spoken to Ryder... not very much, and we have one thread, I think, but I couldn’t just not include them because I adore their portrayal of Thor. Having been around the marvel rpc block a bit, I’ve seen many Thor blogs, but something about Ryder’s portrayal is just so spot on that I can’t even explain it; all these different aspects and dimensions of his character just strewn together so beautifully.
@spacehce  ———  Deli, I love your OC Heck Jargon. Nah, but on a serious note after reading Kara’s run as a red lantern I did read more things about the lanterns, and this was about when our tiny little lantern disco was made, so naturally I read a couple issues to learn more about Hal, and that’s one thing but you bring him to life beyond the pages of a comic, to a point where I just see it, envision it to be happening and I just really admire Deli a lot.
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astrapure-a-blog · 6 years
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     She knows that shout of rage, that animalistic anger that fuels a man to slice claws through & through everything in their path. There’s a surprise that rises at how his claws can slice through her barrier, even after such pained screams emerge to bring rising smirk to her features ( yet there’s someone inside her BEGGING for release, begs for him to run in the opposite direction before she hurts him in ways she would have never wanted to ). 
     “Surprised you made it through the first one - you’re not going to keep going here now, are you big guy ? “
     Energy arises within palms to reveal like sparks to her hands, allowing them sweet release like a threatening storm, death toll arising so swiftly.
     “I know you can be reckless, but I’m not so sure about being that reckless.”
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toughfght · 6 years
         the bar is quiet on a wednesday night, middle of fucking nowhere and they’re playing a country song. hand curls around her gin and tonic, staring into the cubes and listening to the noise around her. there had been a man beside her for about an hour now, they didn’t say a word to each other. why should they? he was MASSIVE, though. had a similar ‘fuck off’ vibe, which brought a smirk to her face when she thought about it.
        “ let me get you something. I want to see how many drinks it takes for your face to move. “ her expression looking exactly the same. the smaller woman had a sort of harsh sense of humor, turning her body toward him slightly in her bar stool. trying to be friendly.
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deviltoothed · 6 years
"Little thing"
meme: send “little thing” and my character will tell you something as a child.status: accepting
He doesn’t meet Logan’s eye, instead stares down at his own feet, kicking at the floor with scuffed shoes. Hands clasp in front of himself, so carefully trying to conceal the small points of the claws he’s manifested so young. “I didn’t mean to hurt Luther, honest...” he mumbles. “We were just playing. He pinned me and... And we were just playing, I promise. I didn’t mean to...”
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starkdissembled-arc · 6 years
im not even gonna pretend that i think logan is perfect, but kick his ass anyways
Oh Jesus where do I even start with this one...
Okay. Logan is physically incapable of loving anything attainable. He falls in love with a woman, knowing she will never love him the way he wants, because he is incapable of letting himself be happy. He’s rude, he’s crass, and he thinks the world owes him something (spoiler: it does not). Logan walks around with a chip on his shoulder and a knife in his back because he forgets - over and over again, I might add - what it’s like to be a functional member of society. He’d rather chase people away than keep them close in case they hurt him because all he’s ever been is hurt. Is that his fault? Not necessarily. But it’s a flaw.
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sheisthesxnlight · 6 years
[ @threeclaws​; ]
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--- Charlotte sighed light as she put down the stack of papers she had been sorting for her father. The young woman peeked up at Logan, who was working at his desk as always at this time of day. “Dad....” Charlotte started softly, as she paused. Ever since she was a little girl, Charlotte knew she was different from her parents and her siblings. They all had powers but she never did.
“Are you disappointed in me?..” she asked softly, “That I’m different?..”
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✤ + kate/logan (kogan.... late..... wolvermal.... animerine....)
send me ✤ + a ship and I’ll tell you:
who said I love you first?  Kate.  And I don’t think it would have been any kind of big moment either.  She would have told him while he was working in the garage, up to his elbows in motor oil and grease.  Maybe she was helping him or he was teaching her how to do something.  She probably would have just turned and looked at him for a minute before saying, “I love you.”
who laughs when the other trips? Kate, though she wouldn’t just outright laugh.  She’d probably chuckle, ask if he’s okay, and then tease him about it for a few minutes.
who pays the bills? Kate has her own house now, so likely, she pays the bills there, but being the team that they are, Logan likely helps out with them.
one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? Kate.  As much as Kate likes to buck tradition, Christmas (in particular) is a major holiday in her eyes.  She’ll put up a tree and lights and garland.  She’ll insist on giving gifts and spending time with people she loves.  For her, it has a lot to do with how her aunt had always treated Christmas.  (The ranch was always decorated to the nines.)
who’s more clumsy? Logan, but not so much in the sense that he regularly trips and falls over and drops shit.  Kate just has a more natural grace to her that not only comes from her mutation but her years and years of experience in horseback riding.
who checks their daily horoscope? Neither.  Even as a kid, Kate had no interest in horoscopes.  She doesn’t believe in them.  And let’s be real... we’re talking about Logan.
who sings louder in the car? Kate.  Growing up, she and her uncle grew up listening to rock and metal and Thomas had always been the type to sing along and often encouraged her to join in.  It’s just something she’s brought with her from her past without realizing it.  Admittedly, she’s not going to be recording any albums anytime soon.  She’s always slightly off key, but she has fun with it.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? Both of them probably leave it off pretty regularly, but Kate’s more likely to put the cap back on.  Kate is a fairly ‘neat’ person, so she if she thinks about it, she’ll put the cap on and even put it away.
who is more up to date in pop culture? Honestly?  Logan.  Having spent 11 years in the wilderness, Kate fell really behind on today's music and movies and culture in general.  She doesn’t know what memes are, she couldn’t give you the name of most current, popular artists/actors or the name of a recent film.  Jubilee and Kitty have helped her get a little more caught up on the typical music Kate listens to, but if you ask her about Kanye West or Kim Kardashian, she’ll just respond with, “Who the fuck is that?”
who insists on going to see the newest movies? I would say neither of them, really, but if I HAD to pick one, it’d be Kate.  Movie theatre speakers hurt Kate’s ears mostly because she can’t control the volume.  Also, since she’s really not up to date on ANYTHING going on in pop culture, she probably doesn’t even know what’s in theatres.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? No one cries.  I’d say they both feel something when those commercials come on, not that much TV is being watched unless there’s a hockey game or the news is on.  Kate is more likely to have a visual reaction, but she’s not really someone who cries much in the first place and she keeps those kinds of emotions pretty close to her chest, even with Logan.
who’s the lighter sleeper?  Kate.  Logan could literally fall asleep anywhere.  Kate will wake up at the slightest sound unless it’s something she’s grown accustomed to.
who believes in ghosts? Kate? To be fair, I’m not sure how Logan feels about ghosts, but Kate being who she is... and what she is... she’s seen some shit.
who does the grocery shopping?  Kate.  She does most of the cooking, so she does most of the shopping.  But don’t be fooled.  There is always beer and whiskey in her shopping cart.
who updates their facebook status more often? Neither.  Again, Kate is not up to date with today's culture so facebook and all that.... in her world, doesn’t even exist.  And I feel like Logan may have had a Facebook made for him by Kitty or Jubes (not by choice), but he never uses the damn thing.  He probably doesn’t even know how to use it.
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cafeonthecorner · 6 years
"How many fingers am I holding up?"
Her head was throbbing, and the sudden voice ringing in her ears was not helping in the slightest. Eyes squinted as she tried to answer, blinking against what felt like very harsh light shining behind a silhouette and outlining the... Many fingers being held up? "...h-how do you have seven fingers on one hand?"
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toebladed-blog · 6 years
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     she was hungry. it was the middle of the night and she was HUNGRY. laura had been sitting in her bed of the motel, looking at her old comics, while allowing her dad to sleep. he still wasn’t one hundred percent so she’d been taking it easy on him, had lessened her amount of fits as well as tried fending for herself. but this situation was one that they had not encountered before. most times when she was hungry, it was the middle of the day and he was awake and able to provide...not dead asleep.
     for a brief moment laura contemplated waking him up but decided against it. easily she slides off the bed and pulls her boots on, jacket being pulled on next. she tried her best to remain as quiet as possible while grabbing the car keys and his wallet, slipping out of the motel room and heading towards the truck.
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