mag7week · 7 years
Hey friend! This may have already been asked and sorry if it has - I'm trying to lay down the outline for my Mag7Week stuff and I was wondering, do we have to post every day in order or are we allowed to shuffle prompts? I'm planning on using each prompt as an inspiration point for a new chapter of the same fic and while some of them are in a really nice narrative order there are a few others I wanted to move around. Would you consider that still in the spirit of the thing or not? Thanks!
I thought about this for a bit and I don’t see why you can’t post in the order that works best for you. If that means moving around a prompt or two, my friend, that is just fine with me.
I don’t know how other fandom weeks run things but honestly you can just picture me however you view me as just lounging on a beach, drinking out of a coconut with a little umbrella straw and every time you wonder “is this an okay way to participate” I just look over my bright neon star-shaped sunglasses at you, wink, and raise my coconut drink in support of your ideas.
In my heart, the spirit of Mag7Week is just “have fun and also there’s cowboys”. So. Have fun and also there’s cowboys.
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kirayamidemon · 7 years
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A few scenes from @thrillingest’s So Let Us Not Be Lonesome fic~ I’m still in love with the first chapter and the interactions between all the chars ;v;
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thesummoningdark · 7 years
See it's hard because I've been rooted in As the Water Grinds the Stone since the outset but I'm a giant slut for PacRim AUs so I think that puts At the Edge of the World squarely in fave territory. All of your writing is glorious though~
One day I will get my shit together and finish ATWGTS. One day.
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apollymi · 7 years
Another for @thrillingest
hazel-athena asked:
Would love to get your thoughts on the Leverage OT3 for the ship meme if you're up for it!
Eeeeee! My favorite OT3~ Thank you for asking friend! And also to @apollymi and the anon who asked for the same!
who is more likely to hurt the other? Eliot or Hardison are probably likelier to hurt one another (unintentionally, natch) than they are to hurt Parker. Both of them already know to be careful with her in certain ways, to translate through the English-to-Parker dictionary where necessary, which is not to say that they don’t ever do anything that accidentally hurts her, just that it’s less likely. When it happens between Eliot and Alec, it’s usually in the vein of one not wanting to send the other into circumstances they’re ill-equipped for, and the other taking it the wrong way. who is emotionally stronger? I find that for all that they definitely have strange quirks and the occasional flounder - Eliot getting lost in his rage, Parker’s emotions surprising/overwhelming her, Hardison falling prey to his desperate need to have these people he loves accept him - and tend to get their heartstrings tugged, they’re all pretty emotionally strong? I don’t see any one of them as necessarily better at feelings than the other two. Even though the Parker of earlier seasons doesn’t always understand her feelings or expect them, she seems to deal with them pretty well. who is physically stronger? Eliot forever. who is more likely to break a bone? Also Eliot, lbr. who knows best what to say to upset the other? If it comes right down to it, I think that probably Parker or Eliot would be better at using words to eviscerate Hardison. Where they’re both more reserved - at least at the beginning - and, in Eliot’s case, sort of gruff and grumpy about their feelings and opinions, Alec wears his heart on his sleeve in pretty much every imaginable way, which is its own special bravery but also makes him more vulnerable than the other two. who is most likely to apologise first after an argument? It depends on the situation. At the end of the day they’re all fairly good at taking personal responsibility, although it does usually take someone else pointing it out for them to realize the error of their ways. Having said all that, I think that Eliot seems a little bit more worldly than the other two, at least in the earlier seasons, and would be more likely to realize his mistake on his own. who treats who’s wounds more often? Hardison and Parker treat Eliot’s wounds all the goddamn time, Hardison keeping up a diatribe about it the entire time, without question. who is in constant need of comfort? I think they all need comfort in their own ways, but I think that Hardison is likelier to ask for it when he needs, and then Parker, and then Eliot in descending order. who gets more jealous? The lives that they lead and the kinds of stuff that they have to do to make that life work without dying terribly or being arrested don’t leave a lot of room for jealousy. I think occasionally they probably get jealous of one another’s skills or passions, but not of each other or the attention that they pay to other folks. who’s most likely to walk out on the other? Eliot is one-hundred percent the likeliest to walk out on the others, but it’s a matter of disengaging to ride out the brunt of his temper for a second or two. who will propose? Parker proposes shortly after Eliot finally stops fighting that he’s In This Thing with them, and both Hardison and Eliot are a little bit flabbergasted and spluttery because, you know, they’ve only been doing this for like, a few months, what is she thinking? Parker rolls her eyes, because on paper maybe it’s been a few months, but really it’s been years, and besides, they all know this is It and it’s silly to wait. (When they try to explain to her that it isn’t, strictly speaking, legal, Parker just snorts, because since when do they care about ‘legal?’) who has the most difficult parents? Parker and Eliot are both from the shit-terrible parents club and are a) completely befuddled by how much Alec loves his Nana and b) even more wildly confused about how much his Nana loves both of them when they eventually meet her. who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? Hardison and Parker hold hands on and off without really thinking about it, but their favorite thing to do is come at Eliot from either side and watch him grumble and fidget and pretend like he’s not into it even though he holds their hands a little tighter than he needs to. who comes up for the other all the time? Assuming, yet again, that this means “sticks up for,” all three of them will go for the jugular of anyone who even looks at the other two wrong. who hogs the blankets? Eliot steals the blankets but it’s okay because Parker is a furnace and Hardison likes to starfish across the luxurious California they keep in the master bedroom. who gets more sad? They all have their moments of melancholy, but none of them sink so startlingly low into it as to be worth measuring against the others, and the other two are always there to pull them back out again or offer support when it happens. who is better at cheering the other up? These idiots are so in each other’s pockets that they all know exactly the right strange and eccentric things to do to cheer up their boos. who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes? Parker snorts and swats at both Hardison and Eliot whenever they make dumb jokes, because she loves dumb jokes. (Hardison swats at Eliot once after Eliot makes a joke he didn’t expect and Eliot glares so hard he never does it ever again.) who is more streetwise? Every single one of these fuckers is a wealth of shady street knowledge in their respective areas. who is more wise? I think Parker is probably the wisest, in that she comes at the world from a different angle than the boys and sees things they miss.   who’s the shyest? Parker definitely starts off the shyest, in the sense that she’s the one who’s most nervous to share intimate parts of herself, although Eliot isn’t very far behind. Thankfully, her two beautiful weirdoes teach her that she can be her wonderful strange self and still be totally worthy of love. who boasts about the other more? Hardison talks about his scary hot baes non-stop and nobody will ever convince me that he doesn’t. who sits on who’s lap? Parker and Hardison both sit on Eliot’s lap, usually not at the same time although sometimes they get ambitious. (Eliot pretends to hate it, of course, but he loves it.)
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Howdy there, folks!
So, for those of you who don't know, I've just moved states and have shifted to doing full-time freelance work, which is very exciting but also very costly. As such, I'm a bit strapped for cash at the moment and have decided to offer fiction commissions to make a little extra scratch!
For $20 USD, I'll write you a minimum of 1,000 words* of any genre, fandom, pairing, or topic of your choice, including original characters!
As far as content goes, I do have a shortlist of all-time Do Not Wants that I'll never write, which you can check out over here, but if you don't see it on the list you're welcome to ask, though I reserve the right to turn down a commission for any reason.
Likewise, I have a handy list of my current active fandoms right over here! It's not exhaustive, and is constantly being updated and altered, so if you don't see something on it, you can feel free to ask.
I'll be taking payment via Paypal, where you can find me under my e-mail address, [email protected]. I currently have five slots available, and they'll be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis, so get 'em while the getting's good! To claim a slot, either DM me here on Tumblr @thrillingdetectivetales or on Discord at thrillingdetectivetales#5966. *While I may go slightly over that 1K threshold where necessary, I won't exceed it by much, though you're welcome to purchase multiple commissions if you'd like a higher guaranteed word count.
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heavyartillery · 4 years
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Assignments are out!
If you didn't receive your assignment or there's some issue with it for whatever reason, please get in touch with me immediately via e-mail (thrillingest at gmail), Discord (thrillingdetectivetales#5966), or via Dreamwidth PM. Happy writing!
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anniestjames · 5 years
supersandwichgiver: The absolutely thrillingest :P ——- it’s the best place to be!
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raywritesthings · 6 years
You Must Be This Tall
My Writing Fandom: Doctor Who Characters: Ryan Sinclair, Thirteenth Doctor, Graham O'Brien, Yasmin Khan Summary: Only Ryan can help when the Doctor runs into a small snag on their latest trip. *This fic can also be found on my AO3 page which I am no longer linking to on tumblr since it won’t show up in the search function*
Ryan trailed along at the back, keeping his head down and his eyes half-closed. It was easier that way.
He’d not been to a lot of amusement parks, and definitely not to any in space. But here they were, on some planet where the people towered above even him by a few feet or so. The Doctor said it had something to do with the good soil the plants grew in here.
He liked it well enough, even if the lights could be a bit overwhelming. The noise wasn’t so bad. He could handle loud music and such just fine, even liked it when it was his own stuff.
Up ahead, the Doctor was leading them all through the crowds, chattering to Yaz about the ride they were all headed for.
“It’s the biggest, thrillingest coaster in the twelve galaxies. I’ve wanted to go on it for ages!”
Ryan hadn’t decided yet if he wanted to. Coasters weren’t so bad. It was just sitting, and he could close his eyes if he had to. But would that just look weird?
If he begged off, it’d probably make Graham happy. Give him an excuse to sit out, too.
They reached the coaster before he’d made up his mind. The Doctor marched up towards the line, but a long arm reached out of the booth at the entrance, stopping her.
“I’m sorry, little girl, but it looks like you don’t meet our height requirement.”
“What?” The Doctor staggered back a couple steps, and looked around. They all spotted the little wooden sign eventually with its marker for the minimum. Of the four of them, Ryan thought he might be the only one who made it, and he’d have to stand by it to check.“Oh, you’re kidding. I can’t be too small! I haven’t been too small in centuries.”
“Guess that’s me out, too,” Yaz remarked, taking a step back.
“Sorry, Yaz, I should’ve realized. Oh, I should have come here in my last body. Then I could’ve laughed when they stopped Nardole instead.” The Doctor’s nostalgic mood vanished just as quickly as it tended to come as her face scrunched up. “But who knows when I’ll be here again! It could take me another millennia to make the trip! And what if I’m never tall enough!”
Graham cleared his throat and stepped up to the counter. His chin only just cleared it. “Look, can’t you just make an exception for her? She knows how to handle herself.”
“I’m sorry, young man—” the attendant began in a patronizing voice.
“Young? Hang on, how old do you think I am?” Graham demanded. Ryan had to fight down a laugh.
“It’s not her fault, Graham. We look like children to her because we clearly haven’t finished growing yet,” the Doctor explained tiredly. She half-turned away from the booth. “Well, here’s hoping for the next body. Sorry, team.”
“One moment,” said the booth attendant. She looked over the Doctor, Yaz, and Graham’s heads. In fact, she was staring right at him. “Is she with you, sir?”
Everyone turned to follow the attendant’s gaze to Ryan, who blinked.
The attendant smiled. “Well, then if you are accompanying her, she is allowed on the ride.”
The light was back in the Doctor’s eyes as she stared back at him with hope and excitement.
Looked like it was time to decide, then. Ryan glanced up at the track as the line of cars raced past over their heads. Everyone was screaming.
Then he looked back down at the Doctor, still eyeing him with barely restrained pleading.
He breathed in and out once. “Guess we’ll go.”
“Yes! Oh, thank you, Ryan, you are amazing!” The Doctor leapt in the air and clapped her hands. Then she seized his arm and pulled him along to join the waiting line. “This is gonna be ace, I promise!”
“Ta, we’ll wait here for you,” Graham called after them. Yaz gave a wave that seemed to say ‘good luck’.
Ryan nodded back at them and turned back round to face forward. Best to start focusing.
“—then it’s supposed to loop upside-down, but the tunnel is in zero gravity so you sort of float,” the Doctor was saying. “Good, right?”
The smile froze on her face for a moment, and her head tilted to the side. “You’ll be alright?”
It was just a coaster. He’d been on ones before. This one sounded proper awesome, too. And the Doctor couldn’t go on without him. So Ryan nodded. “Yeah. Thanks for checking.”
She squeezed his arm, smile turning up a bit brighter. “We’ll do it together.”
Ryan grinned back. “Alright.”
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joseph-mansfield · 3 years
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Finally: theaters are opening again! Today I had the pleasure of attending Is This a Room?’ In the presence of three graces, all younger than myself. I enjoyed it immensely! Thank you Debbie, Mary, and Nancy! Hailed by The New York Times as “one of the thrillingest thrillers ever to hit Broadway,” this Critic’s Pick takes place on June 3, 2017, when former Air Force intelligence specialist Reality Winner was surprised at her home by the FBI. Every word, cough, and breath you hear on stage is taken straight from their actual conversation. #goseeit #isthisaroom #broadway (at Lyceum Theatre) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV82OCqpHrH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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leanpick · 3 years
‘Is This a Room’ Review: A Transcript Becomes a Thrilling Thriller
‘Is This a Room’ Review: A Transcript Becomes a Thrilling Thriller
Short of grocery lists, raw transcripts may be the most boring things ever written. With their halts and hesitations and dust bunnies of fuzzy logic, they beg to be thoroughly tidied before use, and disposed of quickly after. Nevertheless, a 65-minute verbatim transcript has now become the basis for one of the thrillingest thrillers ever to hit Broadway. “Is This a Room,” which opened on Monday…
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rhys1812 · 7 years
Great night out with @b-r-a-h, @thesummoningdark and @thrillingest. Lovely to meet them all and just a fantastic time.  May have adopted @thrillingest as my honorary nephew. 
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kirayamidemon · 8 years
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Lil thing where they find out their ribbon has appeared from a lovely wonderful fic “By a Thread, By a String, By a Rope” by @thrillingest
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thesummoningdark · 7 years
For the writer asks: 6, 8, 9, 37, 48, 50!
6. Favorite character you ever created.
Jda Zagri Tyeheth Zasyet Solsundata (”Jay” for short), Starfleet science officer. She belonged to an amphibious alien species which I created from scratch, and I had way too much fun getting into their history, culture, and physiology. She was great to write too, since she existed in a state of perpetual ???? at humans and their weird social conventions.
8. Favorite trope to write.
“Aftermath of horrible thing happening to character”. Basically, hurt/comfort with less actual comfort and more of the character figuring out on their own how to deal with it. Also, I don’t know if it really counts as a trope, but I love writing canon divergence AUs.
9.Least favorite trope to write.
....I don’t know if I really have a single least favourite, so much as just a handful of things I don’t want to write. Jealousy/cheating is one that comes to mind. It’s just not something I’m interested in exploring.
37.Most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
“Only those with their feet on rock can build castles in the air.”
48.Favorite genre to write in.
Fantasy or scifi. Basically anything where I get to create and develop an original setting. I love worldbuilding.
50.Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had.
....I’m kind of drawing a blank here. As I said above, I like to write scifi and fantasy, so some of my ideas are a bit out there, but not unusually so for the genre.
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lasenbyphoenix · 7 years
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The first picture tells the story of The Youth, who stood before the people and declared, “I am a man!” The people scoffed and derided, scorn full in their eyes, and just to prove their belief, sent the youth out for The Test. The rite all young men of age face, to walk the desert for nine days and then return. The marks of successful passage adorn the skin of the elder men, the more burns, the more blisters, the more they had been kissed by the God of the Sun. “You’ll die unblemished!” they cried, jeers ringing as the youth set out. And after nine days he did return, skin cracked and charred, every inch of his body blackened and scorched by the full force of the Sun God’s love. And the man looked back at his people and said, “Bitch, you thought?”
The second picture tells the story of The Singer, who bound his chest and carved a penis of wood, so to go forth and serenade the Goddess of Music. His song was so sweet and his voice was so rare, that she took him as her lover, and as a gift she gave his wood penis life. “I’ve also made it a musical instrument, you know. Oh, the sounds you’ll sing when I give it a blow….”
I read a lot of anon hate that people get and the way it affects them, and it always makes me think this is why we can’t have nice things. And, well, I’m sick of it. So in an effort to put some more nice things in the world, these characters and their stories are a gift to @thrillingest , who only wanted to enjoy a story about a God and their trans boyfriend, and got yelled at for it (seriously dude, it’s not your fault Greek mythology is a clusterfuck). I intend to draw them in colour and featuring their Gods, but for now here are a couple of trans heroes of your very own. Feel free to give them names and expand on their stories if you like them. And I’m not trans, so if I’ve phrased anything in their stories in a way that’s not comfortable or respectful, please let me know so I can change it!
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apollymi · 7 years
I haven’t seen this one come up yet, so...
fontainebleau22 asked:
WIP guessing game: leather.
“There were a number of Josh’s personal possessions scattered in the street about the corpse, lying cracked and desiccated in a glittering field of broken glass: Ethel, his favorite crossbow, which he’d had in hand, though thankfully unloaded, when he fell; a few of his playing cards, come loose from his vest pocket; his small leather tabac pouch, button undone with half its contents spilled out.”
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hellacluttered · 7 years
Getting to Know Me
Tag nine people you’d like to get to know better
Based on this post
Thank you so much for the tag, @shenanigans-and-imagines !!! knivestheresnothingtoit is me too so I’m just gonna answer for both blogs on here <3
Relationship Status: Single AF. Last time I was really interested in a guy he turned me down and started dating one of my best friends, so.... >.<
Favorite Color: Probably intense periwinkle, but it’s so hard to decide lol.
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick. I’m too lazy to keep lipstick looking good.
Last Song I Listened Too: Can’t remember the title but I’m pretty sure it was something by Thelonious Monk.
Top Three Shows: AGH SO DIFFICULT. Probably The Walking Dead, Parks and Rec or 24, and the X-Files. I know I cheated by squeezing four in there lol.
Top 3 Characters: NO THIS IS SO MEANNNNNN. OKay so these are not my absolute favorite characters of all time because I could never pick that. But three characters I really love right now are Daryl Dixon, Jack Bauer, and @ithoughtyoumightcall‘s OC Jack O’Connor
Top 3 Ships: Hmmm..... probably Andy/ April, Éowyn/ Faramir, and Carol/Daryl. Not necessarily in that order tho haha
I tag @cambetaut @thrillingest @low-x-battery and anyone else who wants to do it!! I would tag more but I am too sleepy and lazy atm hahaha
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