#thumbnail) and i'm like having war flashbacks
You know... it's the year of our Lord 2022 (almost 2023), and I still have PTSD from the Pitioss Dungeon from Final Fantasy XV. I swear.
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My sibling and I came up with a super fun game. We both picked out a shit ton of bad songs and had a tournament to see which was the absolute worst song.
After 2 hours, 2 tournaments and about 42 songs, we found the definitive worst song in history...
Gods... just looking at the thumbnail gives me hives and war flashbacks....
Here's the playlist of the final tournament round if you wanna check it out. I did my best organizing it from worst of all time to least horrible. Mind you I actually like, even love some of the songs I put on here, but I'm very aware that I have horrible music taste 🤣 So I'm able to put aside my bias and admit when a song I like is genuinely terrible 😂 We also ended up putting some songs on here that we both agreed were not bad at all, but they're just appealing to a pretty niche demographic I guess? Idk we were really sleep deprived when we did this lol
If I'm being honest, on second listen I actually think fack belongs in second place... O_O
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strangertheories · 2 years
Will Eleven have her head shaved in S4?
In the new Stranger Things 4 trailers, people have noticed de-aged shots of Eleven with a shaved head. However, many people are beginning to doubt whether all of these shots are actually flashbacks or if Eleven has had her head shaved in the current day. I believe that she has, and I'll be looking at shots from the trailer and the new spoiler full Monopoly game to prove this theory.
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First of all, there's a shot of Eleven in the trailer with her head shaved that is certainly not de-aged. In the scene, Eleven is in the Upside Down and has a shaved head. The reason we know it isn't de-aged is because she is wearing the same clothes as the shot above. Whilst it isn't exactly the same, if you look at the floral shirt Eleven has under her flannel and v-neck, they are the same. It can't be a flashback because Eleven never wore this outfit as she only wore two outfits at Hawkins Lab (hospital gown, sensory deprivation tank suit).
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Next up, I think that the shot used as the thumbnail of the trailer isn't actually using de-aging technology. In the shot, Eleven is blowing away soldiers whilst wearing her suit from the sensory deprivation tank. Whilst I and many others believed this was a flashback, I'm not too sure of this now. Not only does Eleven look less young than she did in other de-aged shots, but the colour of her suit is different as it was a lot more beige in S1. This could be a costuming issue, but I'm inclined to believe this is taking place in S4 due to all of the other evidence that she's had her head shaved.
Update: Duffer brothers have confirmed this is NOT a flashback, so the theory is correct
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Finally, the board for the new Monopoly game features Eleven with a shaved head. There will be spoilers from this point onwards, so skip to the end if you don't want to see that. However, she is wearing the same outfit as when she was taken away by the people from Hawkins Lab (see first photo) which in my opinion confirms that they shaved her head. It could be a promotional trick but considering there's a shot of her later on in that same outfit with layers removed, I think there's too much evidence for it to be not true.
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She also has her head shaved on other promotional material. This is also clearly not a flashback as it shows Mike and Will from S4.
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So now I've shown that Eleven will have her head shaved, why does this happen? To me, the answer is clear; she's being experimented on by the scientists from Hawkins Lab again. I believe this is in order to get her powers back as she admitted previously to Dr Owens (from Hawkins Lab) she didn't have her powers back yet, which I believe she was telling the truth about. She was then taken to Hawkins Lab later (she's wearing the same outfit) and that's when I believe her head was shaved in order for them to try and do experiments that trigger her powers. They are obviously desperate for her powers to come back since Dr Owens said they needed her to win the war so it would make complete sense for them to shave her head. On the other hand, she could've got back her powers earlier, blown up the car transporting her and then got caught which would also explain why they are doing experiments on her.
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I did consider whether this could be a part of a Vecna-induced trance. One of his powers this season will be putting people into nightmares which I explained in more detail on a previous post. This is relevant as it looks like Eleven may be at the Snow Ball in the first shot of her I analyzed and Vecna sends people back to events that affected them, such as sending Max back to the events at the mall. However, I still think that she will have her head shaved externally to a dream because of the fact it makes so much sense for Hawkins Lab to have done that.
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TLDR: Eleven will have a shaved head in S4 in order to let the scientists from Hawkins Lab do experiments on her. This is because they need to use her powers which she mysteriously lost at the end of S3.
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