champofpallet · 5 years
Send ☄️ for my muse to be hit by a meteorite and undergo some changes.
Red was just walking around with Pikachu as well as Pika and his son Junior following along behind. The day was a hot one, even hotter than it’s been in awhile. Red adjusted his hat and wiped the sweat from his brow. Summer may have almost came to a close, but it still had that blistering heat still around. 
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“…sheesh…it’s like a million degrees!” Red whined as he fanned himself with his hand. How were the Pikachu taking it so well? They were all fluffy, wouldn’t that make them hot? “In fact, it feels like the sun is headed right for me…”
There was something heading for Red, but in his slight daze he didn’t see or hear a thing. That was until a thunderbolt had hit him. Red glanced at Pika’s direction noticing that the yellow mouse was determined to get his attention. Why did he look so paniced? Wait…is the sun really coming closer? Before Red could properly react, the “sun” had struk him in a vibrant and colorful explosion!
Pika and Junior looked back at their trainer worriedly. The object that had struck him wasn’t even bigger than a baseball, it struck him right in the arm where it burned a little. However the air and oxegen must have weakened it’s power the longer it stayed since Red didn’t seem to be hurt.
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“Oww…is someone playin’ baseball in the woods?” Nope, that wasn’t a baseball but a…rock? It almost looked like that astroid stuff he saw in the museum in Pewter City. When he looked at his arm there was an odd shaped burn. Pika tried to look at it, but Red quickly covered it trying not to worry any of his friends. “I-Is everyone okay?”
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champofpallet · 5 years
Pikachu casually floats across the room tied to ballons
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“Ahahaha! Hey Pikachu! Don’t get hurt now, alright?” His own Pikachu as well as Pikachu Junior watch with wonder trying to see how he was flying like a flying type was. 
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