rejaytionships · 1 year
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<< like father, like daughter! >>
happy late father's day to crasher wake of pastoria city. you are my dad (you're my dad! boogie woogie woogie :3) and i wouldn't be who i am without you
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tide-apparel · 6 years
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Quality snaps on the jig by @dixonbrothersfishing #tideapparel #tidefamily #fishing #oceanlifestyle #outdoorlifestyle #seeaustralia https://www.instagram.com/p/BnYO7Gfl78j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bgolofccprpn
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rejaytionships · 1 year
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inspired by @/roboticromantic, here's part 1/2 of my pokemon f/o lgbt headcanons!
(f/o type and flag descs under cut)
bill (romantic, bf) [genderqueer + bisexual] proton (romantic, ex-bf) [bisexual] roark (platonic, best friend + first crush) [transmasc ftm + bisexual]
giuseppe (familial, godfather/"uncle") [achillean] crasher wake (familial, adoptive dad) [transmasc ftm + gay] byron (familial, close father figure) [achillean]
jessie (queerplatonic, qpp) [transfem nonbinary + lesbian] james (queerplatonic, qpp) [transmasc nonbinary + gay] burgh (familial, cousin) [genderqueer + achillean]
emmet (romantic, bf) [bisexual transmasc acespec arospec] elesa (platonic, close friend) [sapphic] ingo (platonic, friend/in-law) [bisexual transmasc asexual]
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rejaytionships · 1 year
truly i wish there was more crasher wake content because like i would make my own but 80% of my thoughts on him rn are
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rejaytionships · 2 years
Hey Crasher! What are some things Austins accomplished/done that you’re super proud of! - @sphealfarts :]
My little sport has become a beast on the battlefield! I remember the first time they won a Pokemon battle like it was yesterday. All they had was their Piplup and the will of a thousand men, and their little friend Roark fought well, but it was no match for the big wave! One day I hope Frankie takes over my gym, it's something they've earned in my eyes! They already finished the gym challenge, and although they couldn't conquer the elite four I am still more than proud of them! They've also defeated the eight gym of Hoenn, Johto, and Kanto. The kid's more decorated than I am!
Speaking of the beast, I had entered Frankie into wrestling when they were only a little shrimp, and they were also amazing battling in that way too! I have trophies in my house for all of their wins, but the one that will always be closest to my heart is the first ever tournament win. They were in little leagues for preteens, and it wasn't even a competition! Everyone performed well, but it was no match for the Sapphire Storm (epic name, right!?) who blew everyone away! I even made them a theme song, you'll have to visit Sinnoh some time. I made my own theme as well, so I have my experience to give them the theme they deserve!
On the flip side, Frankie's an intelligent young woman with such a drive to do research! Seeing that blue Psyduck of theirs blew me out of the water, and hearing they wanted to figure out the science behind that phenomena seemed such a big feat, but they're doing it! My sport's the jack of all trades after all!!!
Overall, even without my help sometimes, my daughter grew up to be one of the kindest souls I've ever met in my many years, and an incredibly well-rounded person. The League is more than just being a leader in battle, it's also being a leader in society and protecting the region. My Frankie shows potential in both of these, I know they'd be a perfect fit for the League! They've always done their best to help who they can no matter what. Truly, I couldn't have asked for a better kid!
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rejaytionships · 2 years
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family photo!!!
(i wanted to do a flashback picture of my sona and their dad crasher wake from when they were still a kid)
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rejaytionships · 8 months
day 14: nightmares
[ familial (parental) | crasher wake & franklin "linn" powers ]
Back in Linn's youth, they had a tendency to have nightmares. Tonight was one of those nights, but thankfully Papa Wake was here to help! (Side note, Franklin is around 7 years old during this.)
[ 3rd person limited POV (wake's) ] [ word count : 1438 ]
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Wake was a heavy sleeper; it was basically impossible to arise him from a deep slumber. Should one have succeeded, he would awake in a jolt, immediately ending up on alert mode.
This is exactly what happened after a tiny tubby hand shook him enough times.
Immediately shooting awake, he looked around for the source of what woke him up; the sight of a familiar child calmed his nerves. "Frankie, kiddo, you scared me," he softly chuckled.
His demeanor shifted to concern when he noticed Franklin was shriveled into themself, holding tightly onto their plush Piplup toy. Even in the dark, Wake could make out that they looked upset.
Wake sat up on the bedside, placing a hand on Franklin's shoulder. "What's going on, sport?"
Franklin didn't respond. Instead, they looked down at the ground in silence.
Thankfully, Wake knew Franklin had a selective mutism issue, so this wasn't new territory for him. From what he knew, it cropped up when something was stressing the poor kid out enough to make them shut down.
"Did you have a bad dream?"
Franklin nodded. This time, Wake noticed that Franklin had been crying, as they started to do so even more at the mention of nightmares.
Wake sighed. "Want me to come tuck you back into bed?"
Franklin shook their head. They pointed weakly at the mattress below Wake, which sent him the message.
"... You wanna stay with your old man for the night?"
Franklin nodded, wiping the tears from their eyes.
Wake scooched back, giving Franklin room to immediately crawl onto the bed next to their father, plush still in hand. Wake surrendered one of his pillows and tucked Franklin into bed.
"Are you and your buddy all set?" Wake asked.
Franklin softly nodded, holding their plush closer.
"If any bad dreams try to come get you, papa's gonna scare them off. Alright?"
He leaned down and placed a quick peck on Franklin's forehead. "Good night, champ."
As he went to get under the sheets himself, he felt Franklin tug at his arm. He turned back around and saw they were holding up their plush.
Wake furrowed his brows. "Everything alright with Bubbles?"
Franklin tapped on the toy's forehead.
Oh. "He wants a kiss goodnight, too?"
Franklin excitedly nodded.
With a soft exhale, Wake bent over and gave the plush Piplup a kiss on its head as well. "Good night to you as well."
Franklin brought the toy back into a tight squeeze before rolling over.
Wake bundled up for bed as well, hesitant to rest his eyes until his daughter was fast asleep.
He remembered the tales of people in Sinnoh — mainly children — getting strings of nightmares that grew more and more until they would end up in an unending nightmare they could never wake up from.
Nervously, he glanced back over at his daughter, wondering if this was the case for them. He could only pray to Arceus that when he woke up that Franklin would too.
He laid back down, staring at the ceiling. No matter the outcome, it wasn't like Wake could just leave at the moment. Either way, he'd have to wait until morning to deal with everything.
Slowly, he closed his eyes and hoped for night to pass quickly; for the first time in forever, Wake didn't sleep like a rock.
He woke up, and saw his clock read half past nine. He shot his eyes toward Franklin, who was still asleep. He lightly shook their shoulder. "You ready to get up, kiddo?"
To his relief, Franklin replied with a mumble, asking if they could sleep in.
Wake smiled. "How about I come get you once breakfast is ready?"
Franklin murmured a light "okay".
Wake got out of bed, stretching out before making his way to the kitchen.
The morning was pretty calm; Wake prepared pancakes and fruit for breakfast, and called up Bryon to see if Roark wanted an impromptu playdate with his best friend, which was agreed upon.
Wake woke Franklin up, and the two chowed down on their food at record pace, especially after Franklin heard they got to go see Roark after they finished.
They made the trek to Oreburgh City, and Wake left Franklin in Byron's care for the time being.
Realizing their dad wasn't staying, Franklin turned to Wake with concern.
Wake bent down, ruffling his kid's hair. "I'll be back in a bit, Frankie. Papa's gotta go do something important real quick, okay?"
Franklin nodded, hugging Wake before heading inside with Roark.
Wake turned his attention to Byron. "Thanks for taking them in on such short notice."
"Of course, my friend!" Byron chortled. "Roark has been begging to see Franklin all week, so this saves me the headache."
"Frankie's the same way, alright. They're inseperable!" Wake laughed.
Byron smiled. "Good luck on your wild Cresselia chase."
"Thanks, I'll need it," Wake exhaled.
He turned around, making his way to Canalave City to get a ship ride straight to Fullmoon Island.
The legends of old stated that a feather from Cresselia could ward off Darkrai's eternal nightmares. The hard part was getting the feather, but to him the plight was worth it.
Thankfully, once on the island, Wake was able to find Cresselia resting in the forest. Slowly, he approached the legendary beast, as not to scare it off.
He inched closer and closer...
Cresselia perked its head up, locking onto Wake.
Without another second wasted, Cresselia flew off. Wake ran fruitless toward it, begging it to come back, but it was no use.
His luck did turn around, though, when he noticed a glint of light sparkle on the ground. He turned his attention to it and knelt down, picking up a fabled lunar feather.
Feather obtained! Wake felt a sense of accomplishment as he made his way back.
On the boat ride home, he fiddled with the feather, trying to find a way to secure the feather in a way that would be long-term...
Wake finally made it back to Byron, who invited him inside for a drink.
"The kids are in Roark's room," Byron explained, handing a mug of coffee to Wake who gladly took it. Byron sat down beside him. "You were quick."
"I lucked out," Wake huffed, taking a sip of his drink. "It left behind a feather when I accidentally scared it off, so I didn't have to hunt the thing down. Thank Arceus for that."
Byron chuckled. "Indeed." He took a sip of his own coffee. "How did you plan on dealing with the feather, now that you have it?"
Wake went to explain, but was interrupted by the sounds of footsteps rumbling closer and closer to where the two adult men were. He smirked. "You'll see in just a second."
Roark ran into the kitchen, Franklin right behind him. Franklin, upon seeing Wake, ran up and gave him a tight squeeze. "You're back!" they cheered.
"I'm back!" Wake boomed. "And I brought you something special."
Franklin watched with wide eyes as Wake pulled out a makeshift bracelet consisting of the lunar feather tied together with a rope on either side of the feather.
Wake gestured for Franklin to hold their arm out, which they instantly complied with. Wake tied the bracelet onto their small wrist, making sure it stayed on tight.
"This is supposed to make those bad dreams go away. Just make sure you keep it on when you go to bed, alright?"
Franklin looked up at Wake with bright eyes before hugging him again. They mumbled a soft thanks into Wake's torso.
Wake picked up Franklin, spinning them around in a big hug. He placed them down, letting them rejuvenate from the spinning. "Anything for my number one," he assured.
The rest of the day was light-hearted fun. Byron invited Wake and Franklin to stay for dinner, and after that the two families parted ways (of course, after the two kids begged for a sleepover that Wake and Byron said they'd consider for later in the week).
Wake got Franklin ready for bed, and tucked them into their sheets as usual. He told one of his super special wrestling stories to Franklin before bed, which Franklin was stoked to hear how it all went.
With the story concluded, he gave Franklin and their toys a kiss goodnight and moved to leave the room.
"Dad?" Franklin squeaked out.
Wake turned around. "What is it?"
"I love you," Franklin smiled.
Wake huffed, his lip curling upward. "Love ya too, kiddo. Sweet dreams."
He shut the lights off before heading back to his room and getting to bed himself.
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rejaytionships · 1 year
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forgot i did some of those "weird dms as your selfships" things so here were the few i did also please ignore that i didn't have an actual version of myself for the tim marble hornets one and that i just used an austin powers jpeg
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rejaytionships · 10 months
f/o tags
here you can find all of my selfship tags!
💀 romantic
💙 crush
💗 queerplatonic
✨ platonic
🍧 familial
Baldi's Basics
💀 All Staff x Stella [baldicule]
Black Butler
🌿 [ONÓRA GALLAGHER] (they/he) 🌿
💀 Grell x Onóra [seeing red]
Creepypasta / Slenderverse
🌿 [AUSTIN MCLOVIN / JINGLE] (le/they) 🌿
💀 Tim/Masky x Austin/Jingle [austim]
El Tigre
💀 Maria x Rodolfo x Genesis [shauneveras]
Five Nights at Freddy’s
🌿 [KYRA MCALISTER] (she/they) 🌿
💀 Sundrop x Kyra [sunray]
Invader Zim
🌿 [CRO MCGOVERN] (she) 🌿
💀 Professor Membrane x Cro [camr]
💗 Mr. Elliot x Cro [caeq]
💀 Bill x Linn [beeshipping]
💀 Proton x Linn [atomicshipping]
💙 Roark x Linn [lazulishipping]
💗 Jessie & James & Linn [triplethreatshipping]
🍧 Byron & Linn [steel foundations]
🍧 Crasher Wake & Linn [tidefamily]
🍧 Giuseppe & Linn [dazzioling gleam] ---
🌿 [AUSTIN RENÉE] (they/ve/any) 🌿 = UNOVA (+ KALOS)
💀 Emmet x Austin [reviveshipping]
💗 Carrie x Austin [gigglesounova]
🍧 Burgh & Austin [bugfamily]
✨ Elesa & Austin [electric boogie]
✨ Ingo & Austin [supporting ‘rails] ---
🌿 [RUTH ELLIOT] (she/he) 🌿 = UNOVA
💀 Clay x Ruth [businessshipping] ---
🌿 [FISHER ATWATER] (he/she) 🌿 = GALAR
💀 Melony x Fisher [icebergshipping]
🍧 Gordie & Fisher [rock n’ roll] ---
🌿 [ODETTE] (they/she) 🌿 = POGO
💀 Professor Willow x Odette [fieldshipping]
🍧 Blanche & Odette [lakefamily]
✨ Candela & Odette [red hot chilly feathers]
✨ Spark & Odette [fly high voltage]
Resident Evil
🌿 [ILONA POWERS] (she) 🌿
💀 Albert x Ilona [wowers]
💀 Albert x Excella x Ilona [wowionne]
💀 Jill x Ilona [valentowers]
💀 Luis x Ilona [luilona]
🍧 Jake & Ilona [missing link]
🍧 Keegan & Ilona [the fire burns anew] ---
🌿 - no s/i - 🌿
💙 Nemesis [got you some black and blue]
Slasher Stuff
💀 Bubba x Carolyn [sunflowers] ---
💀 Brahms x Celina [wallflowers]
Star Wars
🌿 [IMROS KATARD] (she/he/they) 🌿
💀 Boba x Imros [bobros]
💀 Boba x Sintas x Fennec x Imros [my three bounty-hunter girlfriends. and yes they hunt bounties]
✨ Imros & Her Team (GEN TAG) [girl gang]
💗 Cih & Imros [green beans] ---
🌿 [KELESGAN SELDLOS] (she/he) 🌿
💀 Hera x Kanan x Kelesgan [kanlesgera]
💀 Kallus x Kelesgan [kelesandr]
💀 Vizago x Kelesgan [kelzago]
Stardew Valley
🌿 [OSMODIUS] (any) 🌿
💀 Pierre x Caroline x Osmodius [ozshopping]
🍧 Abigail & Osmodius [the uncle that stepped up]
Super Mario
🌿 [MISTRESS MELON] (she) 🌿
🌿 [RHOSWEN] (they) 🌿
💀 David x Valerie [my delightful neighbor david]
(cougar and her ship tag are all for the fusionfall timeline, and all others will be categorized separately, but all of the pairings whether in their timeline or the fusionfall timeline are a part of the cougarverse)
🌿 [COUGAR VON MOM] (she/they) 🌿
GEN SHIP TAG: [mothersville]
🌿 [GELATO] (any) 🌿
💀 Endive x Gelato [heaven’s kitchen]
💀 Mung Daal x Truffles x Gelato [heaven's other kitchen]
Codename: Kids Next Door
🌿 [ARNIE TREIZE] (she/any) 🌿
💀 Father/Benedict x Arnie [she’s the man]
💗 Toiletnator/Lou & Arnie [royally flushed]
Ed Edd n Eddy
🌿 [LINDA KANKER] (she) 🌿
🍧 Double D "Dee" & Linda [dee is for daughter]
tags no longer in use
[🎈 if i no longer associate with source | 🌱 for if i just don't have attachment to the source or f/o anymore]
🎈 Mandela Catalogue 🎈
💀 Alt!Gabriel x Valerie [rosemary]
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tide-apparel · 6 years
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An absolute beauty of a Tassie EP from @n.a.t.h.a.n_h.u.i.z.i.n.g #tideapparel #tidefamily #fishing #outdoorlifestyle #oceanlifestyle #seeaustralia #tasmania https://www.instagram.com/p/BoDes1flski/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fov3ttezdl1e
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tide-apparel · 5 years
NEW VIDEO!!! In this video, @pelagicpursuit gives you a little bit of a personal insight to his Barramundi fishing, his move up north and what it all means to him. CHECK OUT OUR FACEBOOK OR YOUTUBE FOR THE FULL CLIP! www.tideapparel.com.au #tideapparel #tidefamily #oceanlifestyle #outdoorlifestyle #seeaustralia #fishing #australiaday https://www.instagram.com/p/BtAus1Nh18Q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=or9djh27mhtm
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tide-apparel · 6 years
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A massive happy birthday to this maniac!!! @reidcuninghame #tideapparel #tidefamily #fishing #outdoorlifestyle #oceanlifestyle #seeaustralia https://www.instagram.com/p/BnR9ieZlG32/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bv8k1pigy43u
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tide-apparel · 6 years
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Cobes from the stones - @dixonbrothersfishing #tideapparel #tidefamily #fishing #outdoorlifestyle #oceanlifestyle #seeaustralia https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn-4778lWIt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dorvkhdq4b9u
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tide-apparel · 6 years
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Lord Macca on the flats! @andymck #tideapparel #tidefamily #fishing #outdoorlifestyle #oceanlifestyle #seeaustralia #flatsfishing https://www.instagram.com/p/BnGOOEqFpaN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dbqpxowrskse
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tide-apparel · 6 years
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Beast Tusky from @pelagicpursuit have you guys watched the video yet? #tideapparel #tidefamily #fishing #oceanlifestyle #outdoorlifestyle #seeaustralia https://www.instagram.com/p/BoGj3MFlNvp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dc4sot84c05r
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tide-apparel · 6 years
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Barramundi to Sunday - @micksgonefishing #tideapparel #tidefamily #fishing #oceanlifestyle #outdoorlifestyle #barramundi #seeaustralia https://www.instagram.com/p/BnXVQpClHVM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xhxfeos0qthl
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