#tie between wips and no beta tbh
kiichu · 11 months
Tagged by @pomegranate-belle!! thank u!!
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more).
WIP List:
-NOPE found family fic, part 4! (of 4?) -Trane (Troy/Jane) soulmate mark AU -something something movie William Afton pov? -Hongou + Kurashikis Zero team (but they're manipulating him) bark bark bark dog metaphors -Kieran lives -Ashley Graydon is the Masked Apprentice
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
That'd be the NOPE fanfic, which is 3422 words so far. I know, it's not a long thing, but I have bits and pieces for my WIPs before I polish and publish them.
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
Maybe the Ashley Graydon Masked Apprentice AU? Depending on if I ever write more of it to create chapters.
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
The Trane one is fun because Jane is just so unapologetically mean as a narrator. And she bashes Troy a lot, which is awesome.
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
Probably the bark bark bark one bc I want to match the beauty and darkness of the two pieces of fanart that inspired it. And I want people to read it, I don't want it written off as "oh emi, making hongou and the kurashikis like each other just like you tried to peddle back in 2012, huh?" Like, no - that's not what's happening there. They're working together but Hongou is very much a bastard and very much getting what's coming to him anyway.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
See above tbh. And I get nervous about the NOPE fic bc it's a finale of sorts to my series.
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
I don't use betas/sensitivity readers ever, so. None.
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
LMAO like ALL of them? Plus several more I have let fall by the wayside for years??
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
None of them have OCs...
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
The Trane soulmate AU's got some smut in there, so that one.
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
Tie between Kieran and Ashley. Kieran just deserves a hug and Ashley... well, he can have one too, but doesn't deserve it as much.
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
I... I don't know. Lots of them feature characters with just a glimpse of a canon personality, so it's unclear how "accurate" they are written.
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
I like the NOPE fic. It's a sweet piece from Emerald's POV - she gets to talk with Ryder this time. c:
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
Hard to say tbh. I think they're all about even.
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
I... think the Kieran one would probably be the most popular. The rest are pretty obscure haha.
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
Dreams... I dunno, I don't think so.
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
I mean they're all kinda complex in their own way? I have to keep checking wikis and thinking over characterization.
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
I think the NOPE fic! Em has a lighthearted POV for the most part. :]
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
Most of my WIPs don't have to do with ships, so
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
I really have no idea sorry.... I don't really know what I've said about them and what I haven't, lmao
Tagging: YOU!!!!!!
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ellanainthetardis · 4 years
Author Interview
Tagged by @flutteringphalanges​! Thanks!
Name: Karine. Ellana-san. EllanaSan. Ellanainthetardis. That’s a lot of names lmao.
Fandom(s): Mostly I’m hayffie exclusive those days. I’m hoping to go back to Lucifer. I kinda want to have a rewatch and hopefully find my love back for this show that S3 has detroyed... I loved writing fics for this pairing. I’m also anxiously waiting for the 6oC adaptation because I’ve hold off writing kanej fanfics for now but... I love them so much I’m not sure I will be able to resist the show. I am also currently obsessed with Phryne/Jack from Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries but not writing just stalking ao3.
Where You Post: Ellana-san in on fanfiction.net, EllanaSan on AO3 and ellanainthetardis on tumblr. I don’t post anywhere else and if you see my fic elsewhere it’s like been stolen. yes it has happened before. No it’s not fun.
Most Popular One-Shot: On ff, it’s a HP called The Shadow Of Death. It’s a time travel Severus & Harry mentor story I actually was quite proud of at the time. On AO3 it’s a Lucifer story called Redeeming The Devil in which Charlotte/Mom goes after Chloe and Lucifer has to step in so basically devil reveal and all of that. I think it’s one of my fav I wrote for this fandom.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: On ff, according to the stats, it’s Have a Drink Sweetheart but since it’s a collection of one shots I think that doesn’t really count so the next one is “Les Cicatrices du Temps” which is probably the one I’m most known for on the French side of things. It’s a HP story, again with time travel and again with Severus & Harry mentor, and it’s actually part of a trilogy. I haven’t finished part 3 yet but I don’t despair haha.
On AO3 it’s Invictus which is a hayffie story that explore a canon au in which Haymitch’s family never died, forcing him to become the puppet rather than the example. I’m not sure it’s the longest thing I’ve ever written because of the trilogy I just mentioned but it’s the longest in one setting and I’m proud of having finished it. It took a lot of work, an amazing beta, and it was a huge part of my life at one point because it covered I think... close to two years?
Favorite Story You Wrote: It’s difficult to choose because it depends of fandoms. For HP, I would say the Cicatrices trilogy for sure. For Hayffie... It’s so haaard to choose. I think it would be a tie between Invictus, Into That Good Night and April Showers for very different reasons. Invictus because of the commitment it took and also because, as I said, I associated to a specific time in my life. April Showers because I really enjoyed being able to explore post MJ in a more psychological way and it allowed me to explore more characters. I may or may not have fallen a bit truly in love with everlark while writing that one actually. And Into that Good Night because it was so out there, so full of self-indulging angst - like Haymitch being forced to kneel and beg - that I don’t think I would have ever written it if I hadn’t been in an angsty place myself and needed an out. But I’m happy with out it turned out and I don’t know... That one I do have a lot of tender feelings for, I guess.
How You Choose Your Titles: There’s no methods for me. Either I will take it directly from the work or I will try to find something like a theme in the work or I will look up quotes or I will look up songs... I don’t have a specific go-to method.
Complete: stories? I’m not sure how to see that. Everything is on ff and they say I’ve published 188 stories... I know I have two WIPs in SG and HP, 1 probably abandoned in hayffie, 2 currently being posted, HADS though that doesn’t really count does it? One Buffy I never closed but it’s also a os collection... Honestly I have no clue I would say 183? In those waters. I thought it was more haha. Though, I guess if you take HADS alone... XD HADS frightenes me okay? I try not to look at the number of chapters.
Incomplete: Well... There is part 3 of that HP trilogy I have been neglecting for a while. One chaptered story in Stargate I gave up on. The Speed Finding Soulmate story in hayffie I gave up on too although I think about that one often and never say never I might revisit it one day. And obviously the two currently being posted When It Rains It Pours and Katniss The Vampire Slayer.
I always try to have the finished product before posting because I hate WIPs. In the case of the Speed Finding Soulmate story for instance it was supposed to be a one shot and then I added more and more but if I had thought it through, I would have writtten the whole thing first. I have unfortunately a respectable WIP folder XD
If I can’t have the whole thing finished, like KTVS for instance, I try to be comfortably ahead so I never run out of chapters and I can keep a steady schedule.
Basically if I can’t keep to a posting schedule it stresses me out. If I don’t have the next chapter ready, it stresses me out because I don’t want to let anyone down. So... Yeah. I like having everything done before posting.
Which doesn’t answer the question I realize... So incomplete work, not counting os collections, I think might have 5 (2 of which are actually being posted but finished or ahead enough).
Do You Outline?: Never if I can help it. If I write down or break down a story, I will lose the will because it’s all there black on white. If the story is big or complicated I will take notes on a notebook and, maybe, maybe a loose list of events but mostly my way of writing is forge ahead and figure it out as you go. Mostly, the stories write themselves I just type. Everything ends up making sense by itself.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: Well, I did finish E10 of KTVS so you know that’s good haha. I plan on writing E11 soonish. Right now I’m kind of in a writing slump of sorts. I should be finished the mind wipe story but I’m a bit tempted by a modern au involving a certain tattoo artist and this former army man... There’s a lot I want to write tbh.
Do You Accept Prompts?: Yes but you have to not be afraid of waiting a long LONG times. I sometimes publish prompts that have been submitted years ago. XD I have a lot of prompts and I tend to write the one that inspire me most but I do try to post the chronologically older ones first.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited To Write: Well.. there is this idea of a tattoo artist Effie. It would be cute mostly I don’t think lots of conflict. Also the mind wipe story which I was working on before the crack happened, which is basically an au in which they experimented on Effie during MJ and wiped her mind clean so she doesn’t remember anything at all. And there are a few others wips in my folder that might be cool to revisit so idk. I’m telling you right now I haven’t written in 3 days I’m angsty to start again but I’m not sure what to tackle. I want a a tiny break with KTVS before attacking E11...  OH and there’s also a modern au inspired by a prompt about effie ptsd in a modern setting that I thikn would also take chapters but basically I was thinking bodyguard au and YEAH. Lots of angst.
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androidsfighting · 5 years
fic author meme!!
tagged by @epersonae​ thank you dear!!
your name: brigid! but androidsfighting or some variation is my username most everwhere
fandoms you write for: The Adventure Zone: Balance, but i used to be very active in the Glee fandom lol
where you post: AO3 pretty much exclusively - there may be an unfinished snipped posted here once in a while but i find tumblr annoying for anything longer than a few paragraphs
most popular one shot: i’m unsure if things in a series count as a oneshot, so if we’re calling it stand-alone pieces not part of a series, i believe the only fic i have that fits that is  through the days you will dream of losing me - which i am very proud of :)
most popular multi chapter story: that would be  synecdoche, which totally makes sense as it’s my longest work!
favorite story you’ve written: ok i’m extremely proud of synecdoche of course, but honestly i have such a soft spot for  higher than soul can hope or mind can hide which... may not be the most popular (understandable, it’s extremely sad and for a niche ship lol) but i worked on it for soooo long that i feel it’s really one of my most polished fics. i made myself cry writing it and i cry when i reread it lol
story you were nervous to post: probably a tie between  higher than soul can hope or mind can hide (because i put so much into it and i wasn’t sure if people would like it, plus it feels like such a finale for that series even though i still want to write in it at some point) or  make my heart a cinemascope screen because.... smut lol
do you outline: yes and no??? when i do it’s really vague, most of my outline is in my head and i only write it down when i get really bogged down with lots of scenes/characters to remember, or when i’m just stuck with a chapter and need a roadmap to get from point a to point b. but it’s generally for individual chapters, rarely for an entire fic
how many of your stories are complete: all but 2! synechdoche is like 2 chapters away from done (SO CLOSE Y’ALL!!!!), Outside Over There is far from done (oops). you could call my taagnitz series, never let me go, unfinished but each individual story is complete
how many of your stories are in progress: well as far as “being posted but not complete yet”, that’s answered above lol. but i’ve got a bunch of taagnitz sort of partway written that i hope to get to eventually, plus other WIPs that i haven’t actually started
coming soon: final chapters of synecdoche y’all!!!!!! i’m so close! honestly it’s like one or two more scenes to actually write and then lots of editing - definitely would like a beta for these lol i am... not confident at all!
do you accept prompts?: yes? i rarely ask for them and tbh i find it really difficult to write under any kind of deadline, but i will accept them and maybe eventually write them!
upcoming story you’re most excited to write: oh man oh man so after synecdoche is done i’d love to get back to outside over there (if anyone even cares or remembers lol i have updated... twice in the last year i think haha). but besides that - i have an extremely good upsetting idea for a taakitz truly madly deeply AU, plus i want to write a few fics in the never let me go ‘verse such as: taako getting a therapy dog, weddings, etc
tagging: @inkedinserendipity @ungarmax and @terezis!!
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for the meme, every even number and if it requires a fic title WHIPS
2. Favorite part of writing.
World building. Hands down. I love coming up with rules and societies and building maps for my stories!
4. Do you have writing habits or rituals?
I always need music, helps me get in the zone while writing. 
6. Favorite character you ever created.
Considering how I write mostly fanfic, I wouldn’t say I’ve really created a character that I’ve let people read. However, for my oc’s that I’ve made I’d have to say Po is my favourite!
8. Favorite trope to write.
Person A thinks they’re a monster and unloveable but person B disagrees and loves them regardless and it’s so pure and my heart
10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
Oh jesus dude I don’t read a lot anymore bcus Exhaustion so I’d have to go with my standard of Rick Riordan and probs a typical ‘youth is chosen one and saves the world’ but with swears and an oprnly bi protag bcus ME
12. How do you deal with self-doubts?
Honestly I think back to things I’ve read before and know i write better than that. Theres still plently I have to work on and learn, but I know for a fcat my writing is a far shot away from some of the things I’ve gotten half a page through and exited out of.
14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book?
So much. So much fucking research. Probs WHIPS with researching the spiritual and wiccan meaning of different woods, colours, flowers, other such things, how spells are cast and runage. Listen if I believed in any spirituality I’d probs be wiccan. 
16. Where do you take your motivation from?
Wherever I can find it LMAO. I daydream a lot, so my ideas come from there and hopefully I write them down before they fade too much. 
18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like?
Just constant rereading what I’ve written of the piece so far. I don’t doa  lot of rewrite bcus I let the story go where it wants and post chapter to chapter, so I kinda have to go where I’ve written myself.
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
A memory passed through Lucy like a phantom, her back arching off the wood, papers scattered as she tore at her hair in wild abandon, Natsu’s hand on her hips as he buried himself deep and hard in-
Lucy’s breath caught in her throat, her arms tightening around Natsu. She felt him stiffen as well, fingertips biting hard into her hips where he held her.
“Natsu,” Lucy said softly, lips ghosting over the smooth skin of his neck as she spoke, “do you remember the last time you sat me on this desk?”
“I do,” he growled, voice barely reaching more than a rumble that travelled through her bones and resonated in her core.
22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you?
What’s a draft lol? I’ve been like this since highschool and it’s a bad habit I suggest everyone revise and edit unlike me24. Poetry or prose, and why?
Both. I mainly write prose but I love free verse poetry, and how you can add beats and a rhythm through speaking alone and the openness to speak in metaphors in poetry.
26. Standalone or series, and why?
I love series bcus I always want to know more about what happened! Writing, however, sucks balls bcus then you have to go back and make sure everything makes sense
28. And who do you share them with?
I share snippets with my close friends and will have them look over something if I can’t figure it out on my own. I like having a beta, but I know life gets in the way and they have their own stuff to write
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written.
I have a couple tbh, and my brain always goes to my funny ones first. I think it’s a tie between fuck fuck fucking fuck. and Happy however did not care about whether something was acceptable in human society, as he was a cat. via WHIPS. My fave non-comedy line would probably be It was beautiful, in the way that forgotten places tended to be. History left untapped and ghosts given reign of the grounds where life had once been. via Implexium Vitae
32. Easiest character to write.
Lucy def
34. Handwritten notes or typed notes?
I hand write designs for runes and layouts, but usually typed notes
36. A spoiler for story WHIPS.
The book Lucy was holding in chap 25 reveals a major plot point in who Zeref is and his motivations :D
38. Have you shared your outline of your story WHIPS with someone? If so, what did they think of it?
I’ve shared it with @hannah-nobody and I think she liked it! Def helped me work out some pacing and early ideas
40. Original Fiction or Fanfiction, and why?
I write mainly fanfic just bcus I love to tell stories and join the community and friends I meet through them! Would love to work on my own ocs at some point tho. 
42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc.
I look at what they might like, what would help them, what would hold them back. I try to humanize them and throw in traits me or my friends have, which helps keep their character grounded as well so they aren’t all perfect from the start!
44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
On one of the earlier chapters of whips a girl told me how my inclusion of the wiccan AU made her feel closer to a friend she had lost to cancer and dude that still stays with me. Otherwise most of my growth has been me reading and seeing where my own writing falls short and changing. 
46. What would your story WHIPS look like as a tv show or movie? 
I hope it would be one of those fun and silly half hour shows that has like the sudden DARK plot reveal that’s actually been there under the surface the entire time. Either real or anime is eh. 
48. Favorite genre to write in.
Everyday comedy, I think. So the drama still feels natural and theres real conflicts, but its still a little dumb and goofy and hyperbolic. Brooklyn 99 ish. 
50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had.
Fucking ‘cursed Pinocchio penis’ is the worst idea I’ve ever had and I blame you Alisha.
52. How did writing change you?
I met so many friends through writing and all caps yelling with each other about story ideas
54. Any writing advice you want to share?
Don’t be afraid to experiment and know when to disregard and when to accept critique of your writing! 
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