#tiffany aching i love you so fucking much im gonna sob
p4nishers · 2 months
tiffany in i shall wear midnight makes me so fucking sad. like. she's the witch of the entire chalk. she rarely laughs. she calls people NOT EVEN 3 years younger than her 'kids'. she deals with things not even grown man could stomach. she comforts her own father multiple times when he tries comforting her bc she feels BAD for him. she constantly keeps herself in check around EVERYONE. she hates herself for oversleeping or sleeping at all bc she could've DONE things in that time people NEED her. she takes away people's pain every day. she witnesses a murder and its not the first time and she buries the baby and saves the abusive father bc she doesn't want her people's conscience to be tainted with his murder. she plants flowers (WHICH SHE BUYS WITH HER OWN HARD EARNED MONEY) on the grave of an old woman who died bc people said she was a wicked old witch and turned her out of her own house so they wont EVER forget. she has to do it all alone and she wishes she hadn't. she finds in herself sympathy for EVERYONE, no matter how bad they treated her or others. when they lock her in the dungeon her biggest concern is other people . she opened a school bc she wanted ppl to find out who they are like she did. she's not even 16.
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