#tighe lavellan
sunshinemage · 4 months
My Tighe would like to give Rinna a smooch, romantic or platonic, it's up to you ^^
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oh that's definitely a goood smooch from rinna 💙
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i mean he fits her type after all haha
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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Stole an open tag a while ago, I think from @twiddletaffy to make your Dragon Age OCs in this picrew, went with my canon babes and I could actually get all of them pretty well \o/
Rahna Tabris ∙ Astrid Hawke ∙ Tighe Lavellan
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the-upper-shelf · 5 years
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tarot card commission for @queen-scribbles of their inquisitor Tighe!
thank you again for your support ^^
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mythalsknickers · 5 years
For the DADWC: "things you said when you were scared," with the pairing of your choice!
Here is a bit of Sollavellan for you, I had this in the works, and it was going to start out cute but then took a dive for the angst.
CC: @dadrunkwriting
Skyhold, an abandoned fortress, if it were not for the unwashed masses of the Inquisition. It was the first time in days they would sleep soundly and peacefully.  Slowly, the door from her quarters was pushed open. Sliding past it Fen’aslan eased out into the shambled halls, broken timbers, and crumbled masonry. Despite the light chainmail and leather tunic she wore, her steps were almost soundless.
One thing weighed heavily on her mind. It was something only Cullen, Josephine, and Leliana had been let in on. Looking up at the balcony she felt her eyes water, she had made Dorian swear to never reveal what they saw to the others.  
The red future is what they called it. Her eyes stung as tears slipped down staining her cheeks.  It had been more than that; there had been no future.
Her steps fumbled along disturbing the silence, kicking chunks of masonry, and bits of timbers. Fen’aslan barely caught the glow being emitted from the cracks under the door.  At that moment, her breath caught,  she was back there.
There where the world burned and lyrium sang darkly to her.  Demons bursting forth, all that kept her and Dorian safe had been a barrier, one of Solas’.  Panic had frozen her when the doors were thrown open.
Sorrow overwhelmed her and she sank down on a pile of rubble. It was the nightmare that kept her awake at night, Solas dying and she could do nothing but watch. A sob tore at her throat like angry claws. She was trying to be quiet. All she wanted was to sneak away and paint, try to get to where she could get everything out.
“Lethallan?”  She barely looked up, when had the door to the rotunda opened.  Fen’aslan could barely make out his surprise, the way his brows drew together, his lips pulled into a frown. She tried to find words to explain, to put her mask back into place.
Tears still fell, and she couldn’t meet his eyes. It hurt too much, and the icy hands of despair sank in deep. Her tears fell onto the rubble.  His steps were quiet as he made his way up to her. Her brows knitted, he was alive, splatted in splashes of color clinging to a dusky mud. What had he been doing?
“Lethallan, come with me please?” His hand reached out for her’s and there was a hint of a smile like he was planning something. She was unguarded, there was no chance of her even wanting to say no. Taking his hand, she carefully stood up. “Why are you up and about so late?”
She canted her head at his question worrying her lip for a moment.
“I couldn’t sleep, I was going to paint some of the columns in the garden.” she offered, her voice barely above a whisper, scratching at her throat from her crying. They were walking toward the Rotunda, and he let go of her hand giving a hint of a smirk.
“Just a moment Lethallan, I need to grab some items, then we can go somewhere more exciting.” he left her at the doorway while he dived back behind the door. Just as quickly as he had disappeared, he was back at her side with a bucket that had a thick cloth over it. Her brow knitted as he offered his hand to her.
“Would you like to learn a different medium?” She blinked at the offer, a different medium for painting. She licked her lips and gave a bit of a nod.
“I could use something to occupy my mind lethallin.” she gave a slight smile, not forced just timid. They left the main hall, they were going up to her quarters, that were too large. Solas dropped her hand seeming to look around.
“How long have you been having trouble sleeping?” she glanced at him as he touched the walls almost like he was greeting an old friend. Sighing she put her bag on the couch.
“Since Redcliffe.” she offered quietly pulling out a thin book full of blank vellum. “Well, the second time, when we captured Alexius.” She carried the book over to her nightstand setting it down.
“That is quite the time Fen’aslan.” he offered. His eyes weren’t judgemental, just concerned.
“Now this will require that indomitable focus of yours.” he teased, and she giggled, shaking her head.
“Tonight we will lay the first layer. It doesn’t have to be perfect, the idea is to lay it down, leave it coarse for the next layer.” She raised her eyebrow as he uncovered the bucket and it was a wet almost ashen looking mud.
“What exactly are you teaching me Solas?” she was curious; strolling over to him, balanced carefully on her toes, almost dancing… Standing behind him, his chuckle was warm, it melted the pit of ice that had slowly formed in her since Redcliffe.
“The medium is called Fresco, the style I am going to teach you,” he paused, smiling at her for just a moment. “dates to just before Arlathan’s fall.” pulling out a trowel he offered it to her. She stepped up in front of him, taking it.  She listened to him as he told her more about it. His hand wrapped around hers;  they were rough, but gentle and warm, his hands always seemed warmer than hers.
Each sweep of the trowel, a little more plaster over the wall. Eventually, it was gone, she and Solas were inside the chantry. She followed him, curious where this was going, how they were in the chantry in Haven.
“I watched over you while you slept, studying the mark. I ran every test, searched the fade.” he bowed his head for a moment before continuing. “Cassandra suspected I was assisting you in hiding the origin of the mark and threatened to have me executed if I did not produce her desired results.” There was just the barest hint of a smirk, he seemed more open.
“That is just how Cassandra tells you she cares.” she offered with a light-hearted smile. Solas gave a warm chuckle and nodded as they left the chantry.
“Yes, you were never going to wake. You were fading by the minute. A mortal sent physically through the Fade, it was too much on you.” He spun around as they stopped at the stairs. “As much as I wished to help, I had no faith in Cassandra, and she didn’t have faith in me. I was ready to flee.” She stepped towards him curiously.
“Where would you have gone, the breach threatened the world?” There was no place that was safe for long.  He gave a nod his eyes focused intently on her.
“Someplace far away, where I could research in peace before the effects reached me.” There it was, a smirk that weakened her knees, how was he so sure of himself?   “I never said it was a good plan.” This was a side she had never seen before
“I told myself one last attempt. No ordinary magic would affect them.” he sighed, holding his hand to the breach. “I resigned myself to flee, and then…” everything around her changed and she could see Solas pressing her marked hand to the rift. “It seems you hold the key to healing the veil. You had sealed it with a gesture…”He paused licking his lips. “I felt the whole world change.” She took a step closer resting a hand on her hip.
“Felt the whole world change?” she tilted her head, copper curls falling into her opaline eyes as he smiled, cocking his head towards her.
“A figure of speech.” he offered. There was no way to describe the warmth in his eyes, they sent a jolt of desire through her, kindling her own passions something she hoped he was feeling.
“I am aware, I am more interested in felt.” she offered as she closed the distance, they weren’t touching but she wanted to… she wanted to kiss him.
“You change…everything.” his voice had gotten rougher, full of emotion.  It was impulsive but she quickly stepped forward, turning his head to steal a kiss.
The dread wolf could take her.
Life was too short to not risk this one thing. As she pulled back he followed her pulling her forward, she straddled his thigh as he kissed her, instead of her quick kiss, this was heated, he leaned her back pressing his leg up; she moaned silently into the kiss. As they parted, she held onto him, smiling as he shook his head leaning down to give her another kiss. It was quick and heated.
“We shouldn’t.” he slowly pulled away from her reluctantly out of breath. “It isn’t right, not even here.” his smile was cocky a bit smug, wait what did he know. Her heart racing Fen’aslan looked around…
“What do you mean “not even here”?” she asked him raising a brow as he smiled with a little head shake.
“Where’d you think we were?” he asked and just then the barest shimmer in the fade, something was shifting, or maybe she was shifting it.
“This isn’t real.” She could see it now the pieces of memories making up the dream around them, and the careful snowflakes that danced between them.
“That is a matter of debate…” he paused with a mischevious grin shrugging his shoulders. “Probably best discussed after you wake up.” Those eyes had teased her.
With no ability to react she jolted upright in her bed flushed her chainmail clinging to her, but next to her bed the drying first layer of plaster….
“Oh dread wolf just take me already.” she groaned. On her nightstand, her sketchbook was open to a small wolf huddled up against the statue of a large wolf. It was not one of her sketches. There was a small note at the corner.
Fen’aslan, I can not fathom what you saw in the alternate timeline,  Arasha, know you do not have to bare all of this alone.
Smiling she rubbed her eyes biting her lip looking over at the plaster before laying back down.  He wanted a discussion… she hummed to herself.
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triflingshadows · 2 years
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DA OC requests from last week!
Destiel Lavellan for @wondlas
Arvaari Adaar for @whenyoulosesmallmind
Fyodor Amell for @merrillapologist
Tighe Lavellan for @queen-scribbles
Briell Surana for @quenthelicious
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wardenkader · 3 years
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Merry Christmas, @queen-scribbles! Tighe Lavellan was too cute not to draw with his gal Cassandra. Have a very happy holiday today. 💖
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paperwick · 5 years
Dragon Age Tarot Style Guide: Part Two
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The second of my at least three part set of tarot tutorials. This sentence will link to the first one on composition if you haven’t seen it. It’s been a four year gap between these, and I apologize for that. To all you who messaged me and reminded me of this project, thank you. You kept me from forgetting and I’m glad. <3
It won’t be another four years until I post the next segment, which will be pattern and texture focused. It’ll hopefully be in the next month or two. 
This is going to be a long post, so I’m putting it under the cut. Apologies to the mobile users! 
As a general disclaimer, this is an unofficial guide, I’ve never worked with Bioware. All of this is based on how I approach tarot design, my inspiration being heavily rooted in Dragon Age Inquisition’s companion card designs. 
Secondly, I know nothing about tarot. I tend to use http://www.ata-tarot.com/resource/cards/ heavily as a resource for my understanding of the cards and their meanings.You don’t need to know anything about tarot to do illustrations, just have as much fun as you can. <3 
So I typically work with a color composition in mind, but for those who are struggling to imagine a color scheme, my best advice for coming up with a palette is to just throw down some colors in this sort of an arrangement.
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Your Main is going to be whats forming the base of the card, or it’ll be the most widely used color. Backgrounds usually make up the main, but sometimes it’s a foreground element or the character’s clothing. 
Your Cores are going to be colors that accent the base. You can make these pretty wild to be honest, but complementary colors and triads tend to work best for a balanced color composition. That’s what you’re trying to achieve with these--balance. Think about what’s drawing the most attention. The red in this example I did with the Iron Bull is very strong, and the teal I chose is fighting with it so my last color is something a bit more desaturated that accents the teal instead of picking another aggressive color, like a saturated yellow. 
The Accent or HL color is whatever you’re going to use to add the final focus notes. It will typically be your brightest or your most saturated color, though not always. Sometimes your HL color might be the darkest of the composition because your main and core colors are naturally bright. It should be used sparingly, or if you’re using a lot of it, focused in one area.
You can use more colors than this! For my example card with Bull, you can see I made his pants a sort of subdued yellow and added accents to the background and lit parts of his body in in different colors, But you’ll want to keep your major colors limited to keep it cohesive. If you start losing cohesion, I recommend using a gradient map over your picture set to multiply or soft light (not at 100%) to tone down your most divergent colors, and you can mask out areas where appropriate. 
This Bull card is one I made by picking my colors first then deciding on the content and composition. Color picking can be done first, or second as I’ve done with the rest of my examples. 
Card #1: Rayne Amell   [ @dracoangel​ ]
The Queen of Cups
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This card went though several iterations with color, and the end product is less about story and more about atmosphere. The drawn composition reflects more of the story: she conceals her thoughts and feelings, but the world bends around her like water. I wanted to add more purple to this card, considering the character’s preference for it, so I skewed the color scheme in the final to be more purple. The first version probably makes for a more cohesive palette, but it lacks the same depth and drama as the one with purple. I added another core color to the second palette, which is totally okay to do. Sometimes the core palette might be 7 colors, sometimes it’s 2. The idea is to strike a balance. Colors that are super eye catching like the red in the scarf might better serve the composition as a lesser accent, whereas the purple core is a great fill because it’s fairly desaturated and doesn’t demand as much attention.
The HL color takes up a fair amount of this composition, but note that it’s strongest in the top two thirds, and is centered in the top third. The foreground water also cradles it against one of the darkest purples of the card, which helps center focus up top.
Card #2: Valora Lavellan [  @kylorensprettymuchanasshole​ ]
The Devil
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This was the most difficult of the palettes, I’m working with two separate light sources in two wildly different locations. On the one side you’re at an ancient elvhen temple, on the other, in a burning chantry. It only made sense to have two different palettes for this composition. Where I really failed here was in not having a color that bridged the two sides. If you can engineer a color to be in between two differing palettes, you’re in a good place. 
With that in mind, I revisited the thumbnail. 
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The execution is a little weak, but the idea works. The bridge color could work in either of the palettes and is a midway point between the two most similar values of the core colors. It’s used primarily where the separate palettes meet each other smoothing that transition. In this instance, it also helps to define the figure and double down on where the focus is, since before it was fighting between the top left and bottom right corners. Now the focus works as a diagonal from one corner to the other.
Double palettes are hard, but can make for some truly dynamic color compositions.
Card #3: Iothari Mahariel [ @theuselesspotoo ]
Six of Swords
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This card was a struggle for completely different reasons. The palette is pretty homogeneous, primarily purple, with a hint of green. This one could use far more variation, and the challenge is in driving interest with such a limited palette. This is where your values are going to be super important. Your darks vs lights are always hugely apart of composition, but in limited palettes they do the most work in driving interest. Make sure to break up some of your larger and more prominent shapes with value differences, the snow vs the dark stone beneath it.
If that isn’t enough though, there’s a few tricks that can help push focus where you want it without heavily changing the color scheme. 
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We have three very distinct planes in this; the sky, the distant mountains and skyhold, and the cliff the figure is standing on. We can push the far mountain plane back by reducing the brightness of it, and we can pull the nearby plane closer by adding stronger highlights to the lit areas. I also brightened up the figure since they were getting lost in the sky a bit. 
In addition, I popped the foreground colors with just a bit more red, to separate that plane from the more bluish purple mountain plane. 
Just those small changes really sharpened up the focus of the composition, and we were able to keep the palette fairly limited. 
Card #4: Tighe Lavellan   [ @queen-scribbles​ ]
Nine of Wands
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This palette was a breeze compared to the others. We’re working with complementary colors, reds versus greens, and very little divergence in either direction. The bottom half is primarily reds, the top greens, and they meet in the middle with a soft orange and harsh yellow. Palettes with complementary colors are the easiest to work with, the important part is making sure their balance works with your drawn composition because they like to fight. All of my reds are limited and desaturated because the greens and yellows, by the nature of the composition, are the most demanding elements. 
Card #5:  Lathari Lavellan [ @jisabeau​ ]
The Chariot
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I knew what I wanted for this one immediately when I started it. I really wanted the character to be falling into a void, to mirror their emotional crisis when dealing with the deadly white bear of their past. But though this works fairly well as a base palette, it’s really missing the intense horror I wanted when I started. 
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So in my edits I pulled them further apart, and pushed the darks even further. The challenge here is having a dual focus, since I don’t really know if either stand out enough from one another at this phase. I have to pick a focus, either the bright whites of the bear or the strong orange/green tones of the character. 
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This is probably the strongest focus-wise.
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But I enjoy the color notes of this one far more. 
The point here is, sometimes things aren’t perfect, and that’s also okay. Pick your favorite, or at least pick one, and take that to completion. It’ll occur to you while finishing it what I needs. Which brings us to the final point, similar to that of tutorial part one: 
Final Note: Don’t spend overlong on one thumbnail. I’ve spent days in the thumbnailing stage, that’s fine, but don’t spend more than 1 hour on any one color thumbnail drawing; it’s not worth it. If an idea is good but not great, just start a new thumbnail of something similar, and you’ll stumble onto the right composition.
Remember to explore your own color intuition. My way of doing this might be helpful, but if it’s not, don’t feel compelled to follow it. Everyone has a unique vision, and we’ve got to feel out our own paths. 
If you have any questions, send them to paperwick [at] gmail [dot] com under the heading “Color Tutorial: Questions”, OR comment on this post (I might not see them on a reblog) and I’ll pool them into one area and answer as many as I can in a separate post.
Finally, I’d like to give another shout out to everyone who sent their character breakdowns to me for this. I wish I had time to get to all of them, and I really appreciate you taking the time to put them together! Thank you all so much!
Not making promises on when Part Three will come out, but it WILL be coming out. Thanks for reading through all this, I hope it’s been helpful. 
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chenria · 6 years
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The last of the ko-fi sketches. This was a smaller round but nonetheless a lot of fun. 
Here we have @queen-scribbles‘s  - Astrid Hawke - Rhana Tabris - Sith Warrior Tragen Xo’ric - Tighe Lavellan
I hope I did them all justice :3
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
16 from the codex prompts? I
16. something written to your OC by an older member of their family
[a dog-eared and faded note, carried in the pocket of Inquisitor Lavellan robes nearest his heart]
Tighe, ma'esha'lin,
We love you, and your sisters, and I regret that no matter how fierce that love, it can no longer hold off the call of the Beyond. Especially with the burden that will put on you, when you already carry the future of the clan as you follow Keeper Deshanna’s example. Take care of your sisters. We know you will all do great things. Your cleverness, Senna’s strength, Lira’s wisdom. will all serve you well as you grow. Remember we loved you. And we will wait for you in Falon’Din’s care
Plant our trees so the roots go deep, and we will watch over you even from there.
DAI Codex asks
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
Tagged for another round of incorrect quotes by @palepinkycat​, went with some of the Dragon Age kids, some came out so perfect they had me on the floor. [Rahna, Trinne, and Gabriel are Wardens; Astrid and Sigi are Hawkes, and Tighe’s an Inquisitor]
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(love that both times I’ve gotten the braincell one it’s been bang-on. 😂)
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queen-scribbles · 14 hours
1, 2, 4 & 12 for the Veilguard ask!
1.What was the first Dragon Age game you played?
Oh, I've been in this dumpster since DA:O. :P Watched the trailers and interviews and everything leading up to release and everything.
2. Which Dragon Age game is your favorite so far?
Can I count Awakening as a separate game from DA:O to say that? Or is that cheating bc it's an expansion? Bc that's my favorite.
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
Let's see here....
Canon is Warden Rahna Tabris, dual wielding rogue(duelist, ranger, shadow). She romanced Alistair, sided with the mages, defeated/banished the desire demon to free Connor, made peace between Dalish & Werewolves(/humans, bc the curse broke), destroyed the Anvil, and made Bhelen king. Worked her way up to getting kicked out of Herran and Wade's shop with various dragon armors. Let Anora keep the throne, turned down Morrigan's ritual aaaaand Alistair sacrificed himself killing the Archdemon. :) In Awakening, she recruited everybody, upgraded the Vigil so she protected Amaranthine and it was fine, killed the Architect.
Astrid Hawke, blue mage, Force magic specialization, Warden Carver, max friendship with everyone except Merrill and Sebastian. Rivalmance with Sebastian bc she thinks he can do more good ruling a city than sequestering in a church(it's HARD to rival Sebastian as a goody-two-shoes, y'all). Executed Anders bc she did not spend seven years as a living example that mages can be normal productive non-dangerous members of society just for him to quite literally blow it up in her face. :))) Sided with the Templars bc I wanted her to be Vicountess/Princess intending to do damage control, quickly realized that was maybe an oopsie bc of how far gone Meredith was but TOO LATE NOW. :)
Tighe Lavellan, mage, Necromancer, romanced Cassandra and besties with Sera and Cole. Did IHW and recruited the mages as allies, saved Celene and forced her/Gaspard/Briala into a YOU WORK FOR ME BITCHES truce >:3(everyone underestimates him bc he's a goofball. they should stop doing that. he's very. very smart) Hawke stayed in the Fade during HLtA(I still cry about this occasionally btw, but it's insanely in character for Astrid so I can't bring myself to change it), he allied with the Wardens. Only killed a few of the dragons, the ones that seemed a more pressing danger to the area. Softened Leliana became Divine. I'm 97% sure he went into the Exalted Council planning to disband the Inquisition but changed his mind and kept it when he found out about the qunari and Solas bc he feels like Thedas still needs them, they just need to be careful who they trust.
(If I missed anything anyone wants to know, just ask. there's a lot of little details I probably didn't think of xD)
12. What's one thing you're hoping we DON'T see in this next game?
Well, one of them I already know is there, soooo the seemingly endless spawning waves of enemies out of nowhere ala DA2 were a huge pain(the only part in DA:I that sort of did that was the Exalted Plains with the waves of undead on the fortifications) and I'd like to not have anything like that.
DA4 asks
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
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Rahna Tabris || Astrid Hawke || Tighe Lavellan 
My canon Dragon Age protags, courtesy of @serphena, who did a simply stellar job. 🥰🤩😊
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
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“Take moments of happiness where you find them. The world will take the rest.”
I, of course, had to get a Valentine’s commission from @emegustart​ bc I love her and I love her art, and Tighe/Cassandra were the lucky winners this time round. 😍😍😍 Mariló, as always, did a fantastic job. I mentioned I love her, right?
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
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My turn came up on @tokutenshi-crafts‘ waiting list, and I got my boy Tighe, complete with Ardent Blossom flower crown helmet
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Cassandra is happy to see him, despite appearances to the contrary. 😋
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Tighe: Cass, Cass! I have a secret. *whispers* I love you, vhenan.♥‿♥
Cassandra: (◕‿◕✿)
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
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Heart eyes, motherf*cker
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
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Finished the main game today with my cinnamon roll son, now to clean up a few side quests, run Jaws of Hakkon and maybe The Descent(haven’t decided if I want it yet...), and then I can run him through Trespasser without having to pray my computer doesn’t DIE every time I get in a fight. 😂
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