#tiiired but they Popped into my brain
starlos-hat · 2 months
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ok random but have a deltarune instead
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siverwrites · 7 years
Wizard Trick
(what are titles) For @fyeahghosttrick ghost swap exchange. A treat for @celebrenithil for the Ghost Swap exchange.
I’m not normally into doing AU stuff myself, but when I was looking through all of the prompts and saw your prompt for a Harry Potter AU, it rooted itself into my brain and I kept thinking of things, especially stuff that parallels The Prisoner of Azkaban or past stuff that got talked about in that book.
I had trouble settling on any one thing so wound up with a collection of small scenes. They mostly focus on Jowd, Alma and Cabanela during school years and after as well as Alma’s death somewhat paralleling the Potter’s death.
I wanted to keep aspects of their Ghost Trick roles as well, so I figured Jowd would’ve been an Auror.
And I originally assumed Cabanela as one as well.
But I was also placing him in Lupin’s role in my brain with the thoughts of some of the scenes that take place in Prisoner of Azkaban and a little bit in this collection, so I hit the werewolf snag and to have him be one or no?
But then I thought what if he was? How could he be an Auror - there’s no way at that point in the Harry Potter verse a werewolf would be allowed to be an Auror.
Then it occurred to me if I went the animagus route as well, Cabanela would likely want in on that too. So, while he isn’t an official Auror he tagged along and helped Jowd out in dog form and so their partnership is maintained.
Also headcanoning Kamila as Ravenclaw and Amelie as Slytherin accidentally paralleling the idea of Jowd as Ravenclaw and Cabanela as Slytherin.
I just ... I had a lot of thoughts.
Slytherin vs Ravenclaw
“That’s a pass. McCaw has the quaffle and… McCaw scores! 20-10 to Ravenclaw!”
Jowd squinted up searching among all the players until he found the flash of lavender hair. Alma darted past and yes there he was. Cabanela flew after and soon the two were flying together zipping here and there and seeming to dance around each other.
“Slytherin scores! 20-20!”
Alma veered off and Cabanela dove a different way. They were flying separately now no doubt each trying to seek out the snitch.
The game went on growing faster and more furious then …
“Could it be?”
Alma made a sudden dive and Cabanela was hot on her heels. They shot forward and suddenly Alma pulled up her hand in the air.
“Alma has the snitch! Ravenclaw wins!”
Jowd made his way down the grounds and ran to Alma once she extracted herself from her cheering team. She flung a hug around him grinning.
“Weeell done,” Cabanela strolled up to join them.
“That was close,” Alma replied. “But looks like you’ll be buying our butterbeers this time.”
Cabanela slung an arm around Jowd. “This time sure, but what do you both say to a bet on the next game? Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff. Maybe sooomebody here will owe us the butterbeer for a change. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you always seem to get a free one out of this,” he grinned at Jowd.
Jowd shrugged awkwardly under Cabaneka’s arm. “Not my fault you didn’t think of that earlier.”
“Who says we didn’t?” Cabanela replied.
“Hey Alma!” called one of the Ravenclaw team members. “Party in our dorm come on!”
“Oops, I better go get changed.” She looked at the disgruntled Slytherin team then at Cabanela. “Do you want to try and slip in and join us?”
Cabanela followed her gaze to his team and gave a wry smile. “Teeempting but nah. I don’t want to intrude. This is your party.”
“Okay,” Alma said hesitantly. “Well, we’ll see you tomorrow.”
The pair wandered off leaving Cabanela giving them a small smile before turning to face his own team.
“I think you meant one shrivelfig, not ten.”
Cabanela jerked out of his half-doze. His quill slipped and he looked up to see Alma and Jowd standing by him. Alma pointed to the offending line on his parchment.
“Oops, thaaanks Alma.” He suppressed a yawn. “What are you two doing here?”
“We came to find you,” Jowd replied.
“We have a surprise,” Alma added. “Come on!”
He gathered his things and they left the library. Jowd and Alma lead him out of the castle and to a secluded spot on the grounds ignoring his questioning. Then they stood side by side a little apart in front of him.
A moment later he was faced with a bear and a deer. He stepped back in shock.
“Wha… you…”
They shifted back beaming at him.
“You became animagi?! Without me?!”
Alma waved her hands placating. “No no. For you!”
“I’m impressed and annoyed but now mostly confuuused.”
“When you change we can join you,” Jowd said.
“You don’t have to be alone anymore! We know how you must suffer. Now we can keep you company,” Alma said worriedly.
Cabanela’s eyes went a little bright but a wide grin spread across his face. “Brilliant,” he breathed and then laughed. “A werewolf, a bear and a dear… We’ll be quiiite the trio!” He flung himself forward and caught them both in a hug.
“Of couuurse you know you’ll have to teach me now right?”
“What?” Jowd asked confused.
Cabanela grinned. “Being able to change into something else? At will? There’s some fun I’m not passing up on.”
Cabanela gave Jowd a very serious frown. Enough was enough. “You’re getting a phone,” he declared.
Jowd returned the expression with a puzzled look. “What on earth for? That’s what floo powder is for.” He started ticking off his fingers. “Or owls or apparition.”
“Because I’m tiiired of sticking my head in a bloody fire every time I want to talk to you. It’s uncomfortable, inconvenient and way too warm.”
“But it works.” Jowd replied evenly.
“And it’s haaard on the knees, baby” Cabanela complained in hopes of appealing to that kinder nature that must be in there somewhere. Or practicality but that was something he couldn’t help but feel was missing from the wizarding community at times.
“Getting old already? What’s the retirement age for Aurors, again?”
“I’m sure we could arrange for you to find out before me.” Cabanela folded his arms over his chest. “Trust me. Once you get used to it you’ll love it.”
Jowd sighed. “I suppose I could talk to Alma…”
“Great!” Cabanela rummaged through his bag and pulled out a box. “Because I have one riiight here!”
Wizards were deeply rooted in their traditions in various aspects of their lives. The most common of pets were cats, rats and owls. It was especially common of Aurors to keep owls nearby to pass on messages.
What was far less common was an Auror going to the scene with his dog in tow. It was something that raised a lot of eyebrows and questions.
“Is he magic?”
“Why a dog?”
“What good is he?”
It didn’t take long for the questions to be dashed by the sleek and very intelligent retriever at Jowd’s side. He often found things at the crime scene missed by others and soon he became a welcome part of the Aurors.
“Are you sure he’s not some kind of magic dog? How does he do it?” Came the question after one particularly tricky find.
“He’s just very well trained,” Jowd replied with a sparkle of amusement.
The evening of that day found Jowd entering his living room to see Cabanela lounging on his couch eating yoghurt.
“Well traaained?”
“Apparently not,” Jowd replied with a chuckle at the pilfered yoghurt.
Cabanela burst through the door. His heart hammered in his chest. His stomach was in knots. Something was terribly wrong. The hall was dark. He slowed down and crept toward the living room and there oh gods.
Alma lay on the floor. She looked unharmed, but she was terribly still and her eyes were wide open in a glassy stare. He dropped beside her and felt for a pulse. It was pointless he knew. But how? Why?
“She’s gone,” said a gruff voice behind him.
He whirled around.
Some of his panic faded. Jowd was alive and sitting calmly in the arm chair no different than the many evenings that had found him there. Cabanela stepped forward but Jowd raised a hand and shook his head.
“Thank gods you’re all right,” Cabanela choked out. “What happened?  What happened to Alma? Where’s Kamila?”
“Kamila’s safe from all of this. Alma’s,” there was the slightest of hitches that Cabanela doubted anyone else would have noticed. “Well, you can see for yourself.”
“Who did this?”
“I did,” Jowd replied calmly.
Cabanela nearly laughed, hysterical laughter at the absurdity of that statement. “Not funny. And not the time for jokes, even for you.”
“This is no joke.” He gave a small odd smile. “I killed her. I murdered Alma.”
Cabanela stared blankly at him. “No. You would never. Don’t be ridiculous.”
“It doesn’t matter. The Aurors will be here soon and I will turn myself in. All the evidence is here.”
“What proof? What possible proof that you did this?” Cabanela spat out.
Jowd gestured toward Alma and Cabanela saw his wand lying near her.
“Last spell cast. See for yourself.”
Cabanela scooped up the wand and pulled out his own. He spun around to look at Jowd who nodded.
“Prior Incantato,” Cabanela muttered. A ghostly green light flashed out of the wand before dying out. Cabanela shook his head. This was bad enough, but that. No, not Jowd. Never Jowd.
There were the small pops of apparition coming from outside the room. The Aurors had arrived.
“This isn’t over,” Cabanela hissed. “I don’t know what you’re thinking or why you’re doing this, but I will get answers.”
Jowd gave him the same steady smile. Cabanela longed to hex it off or punch him.
“If you won’t help me find answers partner I’ll find them myself.”
New Professor
The third years settled at their desks and pulled out their books and quills while waiting for the Professor. It was going to be their first Defence Against the Dark Arts class of the year and there was much chatter as the students exchanged talk.
“Professor Cabanela,” Kamila mused to Amelie. “It’s weird but the name sounds vaguely familiar.” She shrugged. “Oh well, he has to be better than last year.”
Amelie giggled. “That’s for sure. You should have seen mama when she found out Lockhart got sacked.” She mimed raising a wine glass in a toast. “’To the sacking of frauds!’ ‘To my brilliant career without my worst of rivals!’ She was happy for days.”
The classroom door opened and the chatter died immediately as their new Professor spun in in a swirl of white robes.
“Goood afternoon!” He glanced at their books. “Books away! Practical lesson today.”
Amelie leaned over to whisper to Kamila. “Might be as weird though.”
“As long as there aren’t any pixies,” Kamila whispered back.
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