hiranishala · 8 years
*republics stealthiest clone leaves a little basket of flowers outside your door. Which are definitely not from Cheater shush*
Hirani quickly rescued the basket of flowers before Master Loorne could see them and assume the worst. She set it against her hip, as she unlocked her door, placing it on the table in the center of the room. She could always say that she picked them up for the room, it was something she would do, and there was no way someone had left these for him. And that only left one option.
But who left them for her? The twi'lek sniffed the flowers delicately, smiling to herself and carefully arranging them in the basket. A tiny glimpse slipped through her mind and her smile widened. Alright, she had an idea now.
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“Fruit salad.” She paused, squinting at him for a minute. She was pretty well versed in sexual euphemisms, but this wasn’t ringing a bell. She honestly couldn’t tell if he meant fruit salad, or just plain old fruit salad.
Maybe cooking breakfast was considered sexy to troopers.
“Help me out here. Is that some kind of euphemism or--?”
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ct6969 · 8 years
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        “My ears are burning.”
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