paulcatania · 7 years
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They're always watching #JesusChrist #TikaJonae
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tikay21 · 4 years
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Braywood Foundation for Youth Welfare
This is the place many stories started in my game. This organisation exists since my time with The Sims 3. Currently there are 3 houses for kidz, teenager and young adult who needed a place to live. House 1 and 2 are for kidz, teenager and young adult found abandoned or from a poor parents home or students needing a living community. House 3 is for toddler and childs only.
The buildings are located in Newcrest. On the title image above you see
Braywood House 1
on the left, the place I park foreign Sims / NPC’s for a while as long as I need them to play, mainly are living girls in. It is an makeover of the lovley 'College  House’ created by                                 gallery name:  DRDS1807
Braywood House 2
on the right, in fact it is the place I bring new characters into game, which have no family tree, they first move in or characters from stories move in on their way to get their own story.
It is one of the most played places in my game, so most stories started here.                    It is an makeover of the lovley ‘Dormitory’ created by                                  gallery name:  fernandasimoes (FS Design) the build is unfortunately not longer availabe in her gallery. In Sims 3 it was another build of course - Jolene Winter (Conroy Clan - story here) and her younger sister Lynn Winter grew up there. Jolene is the ancestor of my Conroy Clan -> start story here she is the wife of Saint Conroy the Clanleader, who, in the story, donates the Braywood Foundation generously and is a member of the board team. Raven BC-Doe (Best-Conroy) - The Wizard of Ravenyard lived here after he left his home, leaving his hated foster father and unfortunatly his siblings behind. He as well is a part of the Conroy Clan not knowing this, cause he is Jaxx Winter-Conroys lost son.
The Lord Wizard of Ravenyard
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gallery link cc1 in the middle on top  -  pose KSsdesign gallery link cc2 younger-long hair on the right   other poses  juupo45
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gallery link nocc  - pose by Rhisk
Prof. Dr. Jaxx Winter-Conroy
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gallery link Jaxx image right top nocc     -  is Ravens father poses by juupo45
Lynn moved out to follow her career before Raven moved in and before Ben Travain got the responsible youth worker and leader of House 2 (since Sims 4). She met Ben years later during a holiday in Granite Falls and she moved in again, having a relationship with Ben for some years. Before that, she had an affair with David Stone, got pregnant with Chase Winter-Stone, who grew up in House 3 mainly.
Lynn and David
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Noah Travain moved in the house to his older brother Ben in preperation for his education at Britchester University, were he later studied Culinary Arts and met Chris Kehala at university. Chris moved in Braywood House heavy in love with Noah until both buyed their own home, located in the direct neighborhood.
Noah Travain and Chris Kehala
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gallery link Noah and Chris cc    Chris links - Noah rechts gallery link nocc (my most wanted couple :) pose by SakuraLeon (Jenneh)
Short after Noah moved in Magnus Clearwater did as well to follow his football career beside studying computer science, very happy to leave home and the strict father who wants him to force to lead the Clearwater Concern one day. This was after just after highschool, were he lost his love Imogen Warfield on Damon Mahony-Conroy DJ DMC (Ravens half brother)
Damon Mahony-Conroy versus Magnus Clearwater & Imogen Warfield
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gallery link cc   (Magnus - Imogen - Damon) And while Noah and Chris were still living there Zachary Hagen and his brother Nathaniel Hagen moved in as promising football talents as well.
Zachary and Nathaniel Hagen
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gallery link Nate and Zach cc pose by juupo45 When Noah and Chris moved out Luke Vydash and his twin sister Ellè Vydash moved in. This is a very special story for me. I have no words for that waht was happening in my inspiration up from that point (maybe much more later).
Luke and Ellè Vydash
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gallery link twins Ellé and Luke  pose by juupo45 Short time after that Aidan Grinden moved in, getting problems with his father (Ravens foster father), Raven stands to his younger brother and spoke with Ben to get a place for him in House 2. And currently today after Luke, Ellè, Nate and Zach moved out there are still left: Ben Travain • Lynn Winter • Magnus Clearwater • Aidan Grinden • and new in story -> Anthony Falcon and sister Charly Falcon - this is the state of play (SOP) today. And with them a new story starts again -> click on ->
The Nightmare Man -> in work Story, Sims and images © by tikajona
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tikay21 · 4 years
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Jack Peters (title image)
Jack is a sea captain with passion, he has to be on the sea and he is really thankful for his wife Mirijam understanding his needs. He knows it is hard for the family and often for him. He is loving them so much and being at sea for month he wasn't sure if he gets free over christmass days. But this morning he called Mirijam to be at home today, but she should keep silent to surprise their family and their sons. gallery link Jack Peters       BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay05 - only BaseGame Sim pose by juupo45
Brian Peters
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gallery link Brian Peters         BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay06 - create a child pose by biohazzard121 Brian was so excited for St. Nicholas Day awaiting his big brotherTomcoming for a visit. He constantly was having a view out of the window when he saw him coming but Tom was not alone. Brian ran to the door, shouting to his mom 'Tom is here, but he isn't alone. There is a guy with glasses and a hat with him.’ wondering about that he ran outside and rushed in his brothers arms...
Fun in the Snow
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gallery link Tom, Adam and Brian        BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay07 - sim with snowy outfit pose by Maxis Brian asked his bro Tom 'Is he your new friend?' Toms view went to Adam and he urged 'Brian!', hemed 'No, he's a friend' while his view fall on Adam and first  he thought ‘yeah he is in fact cute’. Brian asked Adam 'Will u build a snowman with us?' Adams view went from one to the other then a smile flow over his face and he said 'Yes,with pleasure, but I've not the right clothing.’ 'No prob' Tom said 'I can lend you something'...
Servant Rupert (Max Granger)
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gallery link Servant Rupert          BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay08 - dress your Sim in black + 1 colour pose by juupo45 While the brother and Adam built a snowman Brian saw a shadow hushing at the edge of the garden. He plucked his brother at his sleeve 'Tom, do you think I was kind enaugh to get something favourized by St.Nicolas or will Servant Rupert catch me?' 'Brian, I'm sure you will always be kind enaugh. Why do you look so frightened?' 'I thought I just saw Rupert over there.' Adam and Tom raised their heads ... story navigation  one back  -    one forward >> Story, Sims and images © by tikajona
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tikay21 · 4 years
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- a fast through - just like told in the gallery to keep them in an order - will be worked out more detailed by time - image above some characters from XmassLove story, which crosses several stories like DJ Kays mainly and LiveDance. story navigation  one back   -    one forward >>
Tom Peters (title image)
Tom was on the way to surprise his mom for 1st advent, so he bought some sweets she loves in the bakery next to the bus stop. Had time enough for a quick coffee waiting for his bus as his view fall on that guy sitting in the bus stop, who held his head sadly dropped. Nobody should look so lost in theese times he thought. What might be the reason and stepped on to him ... gallery link Tom Peters         BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay01 - Sim wears pattern pose by juupo45
Adam Toolate
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gallery link Adam Toolate         BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay02 - Sim with glasses or hat pose by juupo45 After Adam missed the SOS date announce cause he wasn't in time, he was really desperated about being an unlucky wretch. Nobody is waiting at home, but he needed a little social warmth for himself. While it seemed all around him enjoy loving Xmasstime, he was sitting in the bus stop, the head down, breathing deeply, couldn't avoid some tears falling down in the snow, as 2 legs stopped in front of him ....
Adam met Tom
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gallery link Adam and Tom          BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay03 - familyoriented couple pose by juupo45 Tom sat beside Adam 'I'm Tom, can I help you?' Adam wasn't sure if he's meant and looked up in bright green eyes and a friendly smile. Touched by being noticed by someone he sobbed 'Adam, ähm I'm Adam and I’m lonely!’ ’Hey, don’t cry!' Tom said, moved his hand under Adams chin, lifting Adams face up, pulled out an hanky asking 'May I?' while taking of Adams glasses to dry his tears. 'I've an idea!' Tom said thinking of his own warmly family...
Mirijam Peters
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gallery link Mirijam Peters          BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay04 - curvy lady pose by Spirirock MirijamPeters was preparing dinner awaiting her family coming home when her phone ringed. It was her older son Tom. 'Hi mom!' he said 'I think I will have an a bit surprisingly guest. May it be ok to bring someone with me?' he asked with a short explanation what happened. 'Oh darling,' Mirjamsaid 'What a wonderful idea, sure, let us give that guy a warm welcome. You are so fabulous, did story navigation  one back   -    one forward >> Story, Sims and images © by tikajona
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tikay21 · 4 years
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DJ Kay
The story of a great character
(blueprint status)
story navigation   forward >>   part 2
NIKLAS WITHERS & SARA SCOTT are sweet and very fresh in love. They both are ambitioned hobby tournament dancers in the same dance school and are dance partners for a while now. After they won one more competition Niklas took Sara with him up to the hill for a picnic he prepared before, convinced he would have enaugh courage to show her that there is more - and he did.
Niklas Withers & Sara Scott - both 17
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gallery link Niklas and Sara  (pose by biohazzard121) This evening they’re out to dance again just for fun. Sara wanted to see the new DJ in town all people speak about. DJ Kay is eccentric, strikingly, full of live & fascinates the masses. A short while after they arrived Niklas said ‘Wait a moment here, i’m right back!’ and he dived up between all the people. Sara followed Nik with the gaze and saw Nik speaking with DJ Kay & thought that he was very familiar with her. As Nik was back Sara asked ‘Do you know her? Why didn’t you say anything. She’s stunning!’ Nik smiled and wiped with two backstage cards 'Yes, he is amazing and I know him well, he is my twin brother!’ Sara asked surprised 'What? He?’….
Kay Withers - with 17 years
gallery link Kay Style 1        (poses by title image & image 3 GuyCUK)
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  Kay at Icecream Festival
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gallery link 
Kay is the upcoming DJ in town, today playing his music at the  Icecreamchallenge by BhadBahbie050 andKatie1123 festival. Blueberry is his faved icecream, so he styled. Kay is eccentric, wild, hillarious.His outfits,which he loves to combine with female makeup, are shrill, so he is. Not always easy for his brothers Finn Withers & Niklas Withers to live with, but they love him for his strength, to be him. #XmassLove#GraWiArts pose by GuyCUK
Kay for BBMM challenge
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gallery link As to be a provocative person to express diversity, polarizing & he love to do so, he decided to take part in the BBMM challenge. He's male, he thinks male, he loves to be male & he loves male ;) - not only - Kay is bi with a touch more to favorize male. #XmassLove#GraWiArts #BBMM #BringBackManlyMen #challenge by #Baggajo pose#GuyCUK
Memories on childhood - Kay and twin brother Niklas
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gallery link Kay met his twin bro Nick with his new girlfriend Sara Scott @ festive he's booked as DJ. He'd to smile thinking back times they were kidz. They always were inseperable until they grew older & Kay discovered this crazy vibes in him  -they're still BFF & both love music, but they live so different lifestyles. Kay can't imagine a steady relationship @ this time, he wants 2 discover himself & express that first. #XmassLove#GraWiArts pose by juupo45
Abel Rooker - Tattoo Artist
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gallery link
Abel has his own tattoo studio & is named to be a great artist. Milan Graham a friend of him & a great photographer made the hot tattoo model pictures of him. Milan who is the friend of Kay Withers bro Finn told him of Abel & managed the contact as Kay mentioned that he thought to be tattooed. Kay was flashed by the images of the tattoos and the man wearing them .... #GraWiArts#XmassLove pose by Spirirock
hastags in Sims4 gallery #KayWithers #KayStyle #DJKay #GraWiArts #XmassLove created 1st for Lady Betty’s #BettysAdventCalendar and then exploaded to an own story of character DJ Kay. story navigation   forward >>   part 2 Sims and Story © by tikajona
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tikay21 · 4 years
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LiveDance • DJ Kay • Graham-Withers-Arts
stories start to cross here -> LiveDance and GraWiArts -> will be added later on theirselves DJ Kay -> start here
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Sara Scott  (title image)
part of LiveDance - DJ Kay - GraWiArts
Sara the 3 years younger neighbours daughter saw the Peters brothers play in the snow and she was pleased to see Tom. She was been very in love with Tom for long, but she never had the courage to tell him cause there never was a clear sign from him. One day she discovered why she never would have a chance, she saw him kissing a guy. It was hard first but later they spoke about that and he loves her too, really, but only like a sister. Now it’s ok for Sara and they are still very good friends. gallery link Sara Scott       BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay09 - create a teenager pose by Spirirock  
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gallery link grandparents with Tom and Brian  BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay10 -  create grandparents with grandkid(s) pose by Maxis   Tom & Brian Peters with their grannys - from left to right -> - from dads side Martha Peters and Henry Peters they both are very vivid and love adventure, they enjoy their retirement by travelling through the world - from moms side Sylvie Snyder and Jakob Snyder - Jacob has french roots & is a brilliant cook Today all met for an advent evening relaxing with family and friends ♥♥♥I hope this will be possible again soon for all of us (fight Covid19)
Amarena Dance - Niklas Withers and Sara Scott
part of LiveDance - DJ Kay - GraWiArts
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gallery link Niklas and Sara       BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay11 -  create a Sim of another decade this as well was for Icecream Challenge from BhadBahbie050 & Katie1123 pose by biohazzard121 Sara loves to dance - she met Niklas, Finn Withers (GraWiArts Story) brother on the dancefloor in their dance school first. They harmonized very well in training when their coach tested possible couples. Since that they are ambitioned tournament dancepartners. The dance competetion today has the theme 'century look' and they decided for a fifties style, colored 'Amarena Icecream' for their hot performance. Maybe Nick is stuff to heal her heart from TomPeters finally.
Niklas Withers
part of LiveDance - DJ Kay - GraWiArts
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gallery link Niklas        BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay11 (2nd) -  create a Sim of another decade this as well was for Icecream Challenge from BhadBahbie050 & Katie1123 pose by GuyC_UK All the girls at the highschool turn around for the most faved guy, not at least cause he's a great dancer. But his heart beats for that cherry haired girl next to him. Sara Scott didn't know that. After they won the dance century outfit competition, he planed a romantic date, driving up to the hill with Sara surprising her, viewing the stars and kiss her ... and he did ♥
Kay Withers
DJ Kay - start here
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gallery link Kay          BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay12 -  your Sim shoud wear boots and hat pose by  GuyC_UK         Niklas and Sara are sweet in love. This evening they were out to dance again. Sara wanted to see the new DJ in town all speak about. Kay is eccentric, strikingly, full of live. After they entered the club - Nick asked her to wait a moment and then he dived up through the people. Sara saw Nick speaking with the DJane very familiar and when he was back she asked 'Did u know her? She's stunning!' Nick smiled' Yes, he's’ he said ‘ and I know him well, we're twins!' Sara surprised asked 'He?'.... -> start story here story navigation  one back   -    one forward >>   Story, Sims and images © by tikajona
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tikay21 · 4 years
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RIVERSIDE LOVESTORY    Firewalker    -5-
gallery link title image - the whole family nocc         poses by Maxis
additional stuff only
If you stepped in here from anywhere -> back to the beginning of the story - click here story navigation  one back - one forward >> to be continued soon
Apple Farmers - The Banks Family
Some words to their creation. I first created Delsin experimentating with cc stuff and I was very satisfied with the result - so I put him in my game, he was at the state after the story. So I had a part of his character in mind from begin, but never thought of spinning a story around. He lived in the Sulani Islander living commuity with Jason Namakaheha (cc version 1 - cc version younger - nocc version)
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and Dylan Clayton (cc version - nocc version)
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focused on Island Living Pack trying out gaming it. After a while I created a girl thinking of where to put her, so she moved in the community as well. He interacted very fine with Lilly from beginning. I played other households in meantime and only stepped in there from time to time, but Delsin always was an eyecatcher in my game when he appeared anywhere, I always recognized him from far or in a group. And about an half year later I discovered LuniverSims Tray Importer (thanks for that magnific tool btw) and experimentated with poses and backgrounds to merge - started Luke Vydashs story at first (this is a different heart project - I’m not sure about to publish it here before it is really ready and the thematic is a bit difficult stuff). So I thought it would be great to have a native camp in my game, always was fascinated by them by myself ;). So things started to happen and the firewalker story was born. But it was a need to create their families, cause only telling the past, even though its the main part of it wasn’t enaugh, I wanted to play it and I created them. I have them in the same game in two versions, young for history development and at current state. They are all real genetics born via CAS - first I gave Lilly a mom then a dad via genetics CAS option, overworked the version which was the most faved by me and afterwards I did her parents together and created her siblings, again with CAS genetics work.
If you stepped in here from anywhere -> back to the beginning of the story - click here story navigation  one back - one forward >> to be continued soon poses by juupo45 Sims, story and images by © tikajona
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tikay21 · 4 years
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The Rhune Elves of Thor
- Part 6
The Elves - EarthFire
The Rhune Elves are element Elves with special magic power (they are hybrids spellcaster and vampire genetics - but they have only the spellcaster skills, no alien or vampire second shape and no of their skills, only their outlook in cas has the multiple species choice - so you can say they are real Elves :). The Elves are something between Elf-Fairy & Elbes, so call themselves Elves, currently without a king. Elves aren’t immortal but they have a really long lifetime from up to 1000 years. They are modern Elves with old traditions. We don’t know what happens with their parents and why they actually have no king, maybe we will find it out some day … EarthFire Rhune called Fire He is the 5th of the Rhune brothers, his element is earth and fire, his season summer. His magic & character: he was the 1st one published - Elves are tiny, fragile and friendly? No they aren't, they have a destination to fullfill, given with birth. He will always defend earth and fire and might be destroyful if someone is trying to disturb the nauture balance. He is a bit exentric, selfconfident and will never evade a fight. to be continued …
cc as in pinned post
poses: image 1 by Spirirock - only via Sims4 gallery image 2 - 5 by juupo45 (elisa) image 3 - 4 by KSsdesign  
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screenshots from game:
Fires room
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Link to -> Part 1 - The Rhune Elves of Thor - ElvenThor Castle Part 2 - The Elves - crown prince O’c (OceanTide - Meeresgezeit) Part 3 - The Elves - Sky (FrozenSky - Frosthimmel) Part 4 - The Elves - Soul (SoulWind - Seelenwind) Part 5 - The Elves - Stone (StoneDust - Steinstaub) this is Part 6 - The Elves - Fire (EarthFire - Erdenfeuer) Part 7 - The Elves - Leaf (LeafDance - Blättertanz) Part 8 - The Elves - Storm (SandStorm - Sandsturm) Part 9 - Cy (NightSmoke - NachtNebel) let’s start the story - not continued Part 10 - Smoke - Elven Grandmaster
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tikay21 · 4 years
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The Rhune Elves of Thor
- Part 5
The Elves - StoneDust
The Rhune Elves are element Elves with special magic power (they are hybrids spellcaster and vampire genetics - but they have only the spellcaster skills, no alien or vampire second shape and no of their skills, only their outlook in cas has the multiple species choice - so you can say they are real Elves :). The Elves are something between Elf-Fairy & Elbes, so call themselves Elves, currently without a king. Elves aren’t immortal but they have a really long lifetime from up to 1000 years. They are modern Elves with old traditions. We don’t know what happens with their parents and why they actually have no king, maybe we will find it out some day ... StoneDust Rhune called Stone He is the 4th of the Rhune brothers, his element is earth, his season autumn. His magic & character: is one of the younger Rhune brothers, but with a mighty power, he can materialize everything if the elements needed for are in his near. This sometimes is a temptation for others to challenge him, but he has to be careful, every use let him age & too essential builds can cost his life - he is a friendly guy, a poet, a thinker & loves to cook & craft with his hands. to be continued ...
poses: image 1 - 2  by juupo45 (elisa) image 3 - 4 by KSsdesign 
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screenshot from game:
in Stones room
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Link to -> Part 1 - The Rhune Elves of Thor - ElvenThor Castle Part 2 - The Elves - crown prince O’c (OceanTide - Meeresgezeit) Part 3 - The Elves - Sky (FrozenSky - Frosthimmel) Part 4 - The Elves - Soul (SoulWind - Seelenwind) this is Part 5 - The Elves - Stone (StoneDust - Steinstaub) Part 6 - The Elves - Fire (EarthFire - Erdenfeuer) Part 7 - The Elves - Leaf (LeafDance - Blättertanz) Part 8 - The Elves - Storm (SandStorm - Sandsturm) Part 9 - Cy (NightSmoke - NachtNebel) let’s start the story - not continued Part 10 - Smoke - Elven Grandmaster
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tikay21 · 4 years
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The Rhune Elves of Thor
- Part 4
The Elves - SoulWind
The Rhune Elves are element Elves with special magic power (they are hybrids spellcaster and vampire genetics - but they have only the spellcaster skills, no alien or vampire second shape and no of their skills, only their outlook in cas has the multiple species choice - so you can say they are real Elves :). The Elves are something between Elf-Fairy & Elbes, so call themselves Elves, currently without a king. Elves aren’t immortal but they have a really long lifetime from up to 1000 years. They are modern Elves with old traditions. We don’t know what happens with their parents and why they actually have no king, maybe we will find it out some day ... SoulWind Rhune called Soul He is the 3rd of the Rhune brothers, his element is air, his season spring. His magic & character: touches the soul, there is nothing you can hide. Is it the truth or are you a liar and what is the burden you carry? He will see it and might give you some magic. The legend told elven signs fade while in relaxed mood & color up with magic power to be continued ...
poses: image 1 by Spirirock - only via Sims4 gallery image 2 by juupo45 (elisa) image 3 left KSsdesign - right GuyC_UK image 4 - 5 KSsdesign cc as in pinned post
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Link to -> Part 1 - The Rhune Elves of Thor - ElvenThor Castle Part 2 - The Elves - crown prince O’c (OceanTide - Meeresgezeit) Part 3 - The Elves - Sky (FrozenSky - Frosthimmel) this is Part 4 - The Elves - Soul (SoulWind - Seelenwind) Part 5 - The Elves - Stone (StoneDust - Steinstaub) Part 6 - The Elves - Fire (EarthFire - Erdenfeuer) Part 7 - The Elves - Leaf (LeafDance - Blättertanz) Part 8 - The Elves - Storm (SandStorm - Sandsturm) Part 9 - Cy (NightSmoke - NachtNebel) let’s start the story - not continued Part 10 - Smoke - Elven Grandmaster
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tikay21 · 4 years
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The Rhune Elves of Thor
- Part 3
The Elves - FrozenSky
The Rhune Elves are element Elves with special magic power (they are hybrids spellcaster and vampire genetics - but they have only the spellcaster skills, no alien or vampire second shape and no of their skills, only their outlook in cas has the multiple species choice - so you can say they are real Elves :). The Elves are something between Elf-Fairy & Elbes, so call themselves Elves, currently without a king. Elves aren’t immortal but they have a really long lifetime from up to 1000 years. They are modern Elves with old traditions. We don’t know what happens with their parents and why they actually have no king, maybe we will find it out some day ... FrozenSky Rhune called Sky He is the 2nd of the Rhune brothers, his element is air, his season winter. His magic & character: in COLD mood he can freeze everything around him, caution! things could break, hearts as well & he can stop time for a moment - he is the pokerface of the brothers, the one making the business, you will never guess his thoughts, if he did'nt want. But behind that, catching his heart, in WARM mood, he's a gentle, careful & passionated lover. to be continued ...
poses: image 1 - 2 by juupo45 (elisa) image 3 - 4 by KSsdesign
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screeshots from game:
in his room playing piano
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meditation in the magic room
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Link to -> Part 1 - The Rhune Elves of Thor - ElvenThor Castle Part 2 - The Elves - crown prince O’c (OceanTide - Meeresgezeit) this is Part 3 - The Elves - Sky (FrozenSky - Frosthimmel) Part 4 - The Elves - Soul (SoulWind - Seelenwind) Part 5 - The Elves - Stone (StoneDust - Steinstaub) Part 6 - The Elves - Fire (EarthFire - Erdenfeuer) Part 7 - The Elves - Leaf (LeafDance - Blättertanz) Part 8 - The Elves - Storm (SandStorm - Sandsturm) Part 9 - Cy (NightSmoke - NachtNebel) let’s start the story - not continued Part 10 - Smoke - Elven Grandmaster
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tikay21 · 4 years
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RIVERSIDE LOVESTORY    Firewalker    -4-
gallery link title image          poses by GuyC_UK 
If you stepped in here from anywhere -> back to the beginning of the story - click here story navigation  one back - one forward >>
The Wooden Circle 
It was early tuesday morning and Lilly had to work in the cafe. Tuesdays her dad Maxwell usually visits the market to trade with their wares and to buy whatever they need, so he always took Lilly with him in the jeep. Wednesdays she has to take the bus and thursdays she drives with Jeremia who usualy went to SanMyshuno for business. For a while now he is doing the banking and economic office part of Banks & Sons Fruit Trades. Father mentioned he hasn’t the mind for that anymore, but all knew it was to keep Jeremia in responsibility to bound him to the family trade company. The cafe is on their way and they always use the time to have bit conversation to care their relationships. Lilly did some friendly small talk with dad to keep in with him. She is daddys girl, so he never would pronounce his anger too strict to her directly, but she felt his worry. She knew it’s not to stress her, he really only wants to avoid that something could happen he has no influence on. Lilly loved her dad, he was strict but fair as well, so she excused for daydreaming on saturday and  promised to take more care. Sometimes, when they are not too late ;), dad went in the cafe with Lilly for a coffee to go, so he did today.
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gallery link        pose Lilly by KSsdesign Next days Lilly was very busy and very careful, helped as much as she could.  She don’t want to risk to have to stay at home on saturday. She often thought of Delsin. She can’t get him out of her head. So friday evening came and Lilly thought about next day she finally would meet him again. She was so curious and it was a kind of so exciting having such a secret. She was sitting on her bed in their girls room the three sisters have to share and took out the wooden circle Delsin carved. She remembered a leatherband lying around anywhere, found it and put the pendant on. Dreaming of tomorrow she was disturbed by her one year younger sister Brenda who came in their room. Brenda was always too curious to get to know everything going on with everyone, she could’nt stand to miss anything and she had to talk about all that, always trying to be the middle of the world and to be the most important person around. No wonder she directly noticed the pendant and of course had to ask Lilly about it. She really, really could be so annoying. But Lilly for sure never would tell just Brenda about Delsin, so she only said that she had found it in one of her old stuff boxes and thought it would be nice to wear. Brenda looked at her very sceptical but she - oh wonder - accepted the answer for the moment. to be continued - project in progress If you stepped in here from anywhere -> back to the beginning of the story - click here story navigation  one back - one forward >>  
Maxwell Banks nocc - with 46 years
played @ current state of play (SOP) 
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gallery link Maxwell nocc      pose by Rhisk
Brenda Banks nocc - with 17 years yet
played @ current state of play (SOP)
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gallery link Brenda nocc       pose by Spiriock
Elisabeth Banks nocc - with 13 years
played @ current state of play (SOP) 
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gallery link Liz nocc       pose by Spiriock Beside it is not possible to tell Delsins story wihtout cc, cause of the scars only with cc, Liz was most difficult to transform in nocc to keep her innocence expression. The problem were the Maxis too adult female eyelashes (image 1 - original created). With cc no problem, I could blend them out with Kijikos eyelashes remover (image 2 - same as in 1 - but removed eyelashes), but for nocc I had to choose total different eyes and make them so close to the originals as possible (image 3- result, eyelids keep the different shape, in spite of using the most close to eyes without eyelashes available).
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Sims, story and images by © tikajona
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tikay21 · 4 years
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this was the second story I tried to tell with Sims made only for Sims4. (1st was Luke Vydash - coming later)
All gallery uploads were cc and with edited background images, but I had to realize the gallery isn’t a good place to tell stories. I was really new in gallery work at the beginning of 2020 and had no idea that cc uploads are not the stuff people really like to download and follow.
So i decided to bring the story to my tumblr now, this might be a better place. Work in progress is to transform the cc Sims to nocc versions, cause they were uploaded with state of play (SOP) - means the skills, traits, career they had at that point and were developing.
I really love my maincharacter, he is one of my most loved, but he is as he is only with cc. In spite of Sims4 has developed as well and there are much more CAS options now to come closer to better skin work, but we still have less facepaints and really good and characteristic tattoos. I love tattoos and one of my most faved creators is reevaly - thanks so much for your stunning work at this point.
Delsin Lakota - Firewalker
former was named Woodrunner is wearing tattoos by Annett85 (eagle), ReMaron (maori band) & AnnaWahl (pinetrees), this matches the theme and the character best. Picture below cc as I originally created Delsin 14.02.20.                 gallery link cc
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cc list: lip piercing set and shadow necklace - by Pralinesims eyelashes 201713 by S-Club firescar by Moonpresence jogger pants by darte77 seaglas ring by NataliS lean barbells & bodyhair by luumiasynth via WickedWhims !!! 18 + !!! only poses title image by MeekaDenimore for Lilly and GuyC_UK for Delsin poses image Delsin by juupo45
Riverside Lovestory - start here
Delsin Lakota nocc - with 25 years
played @ current state of play (SOP)
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gallery link Delsin nocc         pose by KSsdesign
© tikajona
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tikay21 · 4 years
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title image pose by juupo45 Things are going on in the little old O’Connor house at the margin of Oasis Springs and the people whisper behind the new residentials.
Ilay McGuaire - with 23 years
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gallery link nocc #IlayMcGuaire pose by Spirirock Ilay new moved to Oasis Springs and nobody knows something about him. He is attractive and he knows it, all girls and some guys as well turn their heads to him and whisper behind 'Who is this hot guy? Do you know him? Does he live here now?'. He is a heartbreaker and he does it, but he never promises anything, so it’s the thing the ones have to deal with when they get involved with caught by his charisma, hope dies at least, doesn't it? He is a cool and smart guy, he behaves friendly to all people he met, but the people of Oasis Springs are leery to strangers and he has this mysterious mood around him, is there a secret he hides? And what about the old O’Connor house it was left empty after the 17 years old Seth disappeared, but it seems someone is living there again, the outside just got new shine, flowers are growing and sparkle in all colors, all that dry and old stuff has gone.
Seth O’Connor - with 21 years
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gallery link nocc #SethOConnor pose by Spirirock
And then some days later people in Oasis talk about another guy they just noticed to be new in town or isn't he? Two woman waiting at the supermarket checkout saw the ginger headed man walking in they heard from to be seen at the O’Connor house and people whisper this McGuaire guy moved in there as well.
'It's Seth, people say’, mentioned old Mrs. Brandenburg, ‘He should be back!'’ ‘Wow, he has changed a lot, but the ginger hair & theese poison mysterious eyes, maybe it’s him' said Mrs. Kreitz .'Nobody heard from him since he disappeared four years ago'. 'Yes it was so tragic what happened with his dad, do you think McGuaire is the uncle Seth always told he was waiting for to care about him. It’s obscure, I’m still not sure wether Seth has something to do with the miss of his father!’ next -> the old O’Connor house Sims and Story © by tikajona
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tikay21 · 4 years
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The Beginning - RETRO
Jolene Winter
1st image above #JoleneWinter cc RETRO TheSims version -> gallery link to nocc version 2nd image - at least in Sims3 3rd image - young Jolene as started in Sims4 gallery link to nocc version of young Jolene as played #JoleneWinter(-fels) by #tikajona - everything startet with her sometime around 2002. She was my very first Sim ever in TheSims.
She was my main character I played that times all over (in gallery I wrote TheSims2 - that was a mistake, I never played TheSims2. Startet with 1 then 3 and now 4.
I recreated her first for The Sims 3 as I remember her in style and then did the same from TheSims3 for TheSims4. This wasn’t planed.
It was hard to say goodbye to all my Simmies from S3, but the game got increasing buggy, with endless loading times as more as my world growed.
I tried TheSims4 and missed the roads to bike with a motorcycle, the so much more color possibilties in cas, from hair- and eyecolor up to clothing, the eyelashes, hated the loading screens all between every move to anoher lot and I don’t wanted it. But at least I had no chance - so it was time to say good bye to TheSims3 and to my so loved Conroy Clan, the Rockband Gravity (another feature I miss, why does Sims4 only have classic music career, that’s so oldschool), my Werewolves. the Nolans and the MC’s I had there.
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I wanted to do all new in Sims4 but it only lastet 2 weeks and I couldn’t resist to bring my Clan back - missed them too much, played them over years with no cheats. Conroy Clan was 4 generations, up to Marcin Winter-Conroy I just brought back to gallery now - you see below.
Marcin Winter-Conroy
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#MarcinWConroy today in my game - he is Jolene and Saints grandgrandson      gallery link
Saint Conroy   -  The Clanleader
#SaintConroy did’nt exist in TheSims, he 1st was created for Sims3 and I never played a male Sim continues before. But up from Sims3 I continues played the Conroy Clan, a Rockstar & a Star-Stylistin was the status left behind in Sims3.
Very young #SaintConroy by #tikajona - as close as possible as I created him in Sims3, looking back I’m not more sorry about leaving Sims3 - Sims4 Sims are so much more handsome and pretty ♥♥♥
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cc version on image above gallery link to nocc version - as he started in Sims4 is same
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Saint at least in Sims3
Some impressions from Sims 3
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Saint in Sims3
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the 2nd marriage of Jolene and Saint - they divorced after 20 years, but got together again 3 years later
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the Conroy Villa - not the last state it was, but one of the less images I have - they had a stable left from the red tree and a huge range to ride and train in front of later. Thia died by an traiing accident with her horse in Sims3 - were living all together here. Jaxx very much later build a treehouse and moved there with Maja.
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THE  CONROY  CLAN  -   Story
Saint met Jolene in Roaring Hights, making money with streetmusic long before he was famous and a rockstar. At that time he was far from expecting to be a clanleader & MC-President of a motorcycleclub one day …. to be continued …
hashtags same as is gallery - posemaker are for Jolene and Saint juupo45 - for Marcin Spirirock Sims and Story © by tikajona
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tikay21 · 4 years
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RIVERSIDE LOVESTORY    Firewalker    -3-
gallery link title image          poses by MeekaDenimore  
If you stepped in here from anywhere -> back to the beginning of the story - click here story navigation  one back - one forward >>
The Banks Family 
Lilly realized the sundown facing the elderly apple farm. She forgot the time daydreaming and thinking about her unexpecting exciting afternoon. Her 15 years old younger brother Tom (right side) ran towards her while shouting: ’Where have you been so long? Dad isn't amused to be to late for diner. He just send Jeremia (leftside) to look after you!’ Jeremia, Lillys older brother, was just ready to go as he saw his siblings standing at the bridge and talk. ‘I’m currently here Tom, everything is ok, I just forgot the time a bit. Let’s stop Jeremia, ok!’ She hugged her little brother, thankful for his care and attention. He might be some years younger, but Tom is her heart. They always stand together and he understood her interests and urge to freedom well. Tom is the one she talks with whatever she is moved by. Jeremia joined in and mentioned: ‘I don’t want to now what you where doing but please be more careful, especially next days, calm down dad a bit!’ Jeremia is 25 years and so 6 years older, she thought about Delsin, he must be some years older as well, might be he is so old as Jeremia, if he knew him? She wouldn’t ask him, knowing he will be concerned. He is the most mind controlled of the five siblings. He works with dad on the farm and he does a good job, but he often appears thoughtful, absent. Lillys opinion about her brother is he does what he has to do, but he isn’t happy with that. But for sure, he is right, she has to be more careful next days to avoid to have to stay at home at the weekend. She's nineteen but fathers word is law.
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gallery link         poses by juupo45  Sunday morning Lilly usually was helping her mother Julia in the kitchen. It was just after the family breakfeast and Lilly thought about what the future might bring to her. Lilly passed the exams at highschool with best results last spring. She really was desperated sometimes because she really have had the hope to be allowed to visit the college, but father denied. They are dependant on her help with the farm he said and yes she knew that, but nevertheless she was so disappointed. So she does a part time job now, three times a week she is working in the city cafe. Her view went out of the kitchen window and she saw father and Jeremia on the apple fields. Her sister Brenda comes in, talking non stop, thats Brendam she always has to be the point of interest and Liz was sitting at the kitchen table doing her homework for school, she is a really nerd. And her mind flow down to the riverside ‘How a native family would do their daywork?’ she thought. to be continued - project in progress If you stepped in here from anywhere -> back to the beginning of the story - click here story navigation  one back - one forward >>  
Thomas Banks nocc - with 15 years
played @ current state of play (SOP)
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gallery link Thomas nocc      pose by Rhisk
Jeremia Banks nocc - with 25 years
played @ current state of play (SOP)
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gallery link Jeremia nocc      pose by Rhisk
Julia Baker-Banks nocc - with 43 years
played @ current state of play (SOP)
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gallery link Julia nocc      pose by Spirirock Sims, story and images by © tikajona
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