nonidcare · 4 months
Tips to Control Diabetes 
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In a world where sugar hides around every corner, avoiding it feels like going through a minefield. But do not be afraid! With the appropriate mindset and information, you can manage your diabetes and live a happy, healthy life. Learn about ayurvedic treatment of diabetes, therapies, food, lifestyle changes, and ayurvedic methods to manage blood sugar levels.
So, let's get started!
1. Learn about diabetes.
Do you know the ABCs of diabetes?
"A" stands for A1C.
It is an average of blood sugar levels for the last three months. It aids in monitoring your susceptibility to diabetes. Furthermore, if you have diabetes, this test might help you keep your blood sugar levels under control.
"B" denotes blood pressure.
Normal blood pressure is below 140/90 (varies depending on one's constitution; visit your doctor for your specific aim). If it exceeds typical limits, it is harmful to your heart, kidneys, and eyes.
"C" stands for Cholesterol.
LDL is "bad" cholesterol, whereas HDL is "good" cholesterol. Bad cholesterol causes strokes and heart attacks.
HDL, or good cholesterol, helps get rid of LDL.
Now, after learning the "ABC" of diabetes, do you know how many different varieties of diabetes exist?
There are three types.
Type 1 diabetes is a disorder in which your body does not produce insulin.In this situation, insulin must be taken every day to keep your body operating normally.
The second form is type 2 diabetes, in which your body does not use insulin effectively or does not produce enough insulin to break down glucose from the meals you eat.
Finally, there is gestational diabetes, which affects a small number of women throughout pregnancy. Typically, it goes off after delivery. However, this condition means that you are more likely to develop diabetes later in life.
2. Tips to Control Diabetes 
A nutritious diet is essential for controlling diabetes. Choose foods that provide continuous energy, have less calories, and are high in fiber, which helps manage blood sugar levels. GoOpt for seasonal fruits and freshly cooked meals.
3. Mindful eating.
You can avoid overeating and better control your blood sugar levels by paying attention to your body's hunger and satiety cues.
4. Stay hydrated.
Water is vital for good health and blood sugar control. Staying hydrated throughout the day will help you avoid dehydration, which can cause blood sugar changes. Go for water over juices or fizzy beverages.
5. Exercise regularly.
Regular exercise improves insulin sensitivity, lowers blood sugar levels, and lowers the risk of diabetes-related complications. Make sure to incorporate physical activity into your everyday routine. It can help keep you motivated and involved, Making it easier to maintain a consistent fitness regimen over time.
6. Monitor Your Blood Sugar
Regularly monitoring your blood sugar levels allows you to track your progress and alter your diabetes treatment plan as needed. It is critical to collaborate closely with your healthcare practitioner to create a monitoring program that is suited to your specific requirements and objectives.
7. Examine Diabetes Medications
If lifestyle changes alone are insufficient to control your blood sugar levels, your doctor may recommend medication to assist manage your diabetes. There are various types of diabetic medications available, each with its own mechanism of action and associated side effects. Furthermore, looking into alternative treatments such as diabetic syrup, herbal diabetes medicine like Noni D-Care, or other complementary therapies may provide extra benefits for diabetes management.
Exploring the benefits of Noni juice, a fruit noted for its potential in diabetes treatment, might also be beneficial to your diet. Noni juice is high in antioxidants and may have anti-inflammatory qualities, which could enhance insulin sensitivity and lower the risk of diabetes complications.
If you're looking into ayurvedic blood sugar control syrup or herbal immunity booster syrup, double-check the contents and visit your doctor to guarantee they're safe and helpful for diabetic management.
8. Herbal remedies
Ayurveda contains a variety of herbs and botanicals that are thought to improve blood sugar levels. Some popular options are bitter melon (Karela), fenugreek (Methi), Indian gooseberry (Amla), and turmeric (Haldi).
These can be taken in a variety of forms, including teas, powders, and supplements, but always consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before beginning any new regimen.
9. Manage Stress
Stress management is essential for diabetes treatment. Chronic stress can cause high blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, making diabetes difficult to manage. Finding healthy strategies to deal with stress, such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga, can help you reduce stress and enhance your overall well-being. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a nutritious diet can also help reduce stress and support appropriate blood sugar control.
10. Yoga & Meditation
Adding yoga and meditation to your daily regimen can help reduce stress and enhance insulin.Incorporating yoga and meditation into your daily practice can help reduce stress, enhance insulin sensitivity, and increase overall health. Poses like Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) and Pranayama (Breath Control) are especially useful for diabetes management.
11. Detoxification
Toxins (ama), according to Ayurveda, accumulate in the body as a result of poor digestion and lifestyle practices, contributing to imbalances and disease. Oil pulling, herbal teas, and fasting on a regular basis can assist the body cleanse itself of impurities and improve general health.
12. Get plenty of sleep.
Quality sleep is crucial for treating diabetes. Poor sleep can change hormone levels, raise insulin resistance, and cause high blood sugar levels. Avoiding caffeine and electronic gadgets before bedtime promotes a restful sleep environment.
To summarise, treating diabetes necessitates a multifaceted approach that involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle, monitoring blood sugar levels, researching various treatment choices, and developing a strong support system. You may manage your diabetes and live a long, vibrant life by learning about it, eating healthily, staying physically active, and managing stress.
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nonidcare · 7 months
Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes really works?
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In recent years, there has been a growing interest in alternative medicine and holistic ways to managing chronic illnesses, such as diabetes. Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medical system, is one such popular alternative. This article investigates the possibilities of Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, looking at its principles, common cures, and scientific data to determine its efficacy.
Understanding Ayurveda: A Holistic Approach to Health.
Ayurveda, which means "science of life" in Sanskrit, is a medical system with thousands of years of history. It focuses on balancing the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), which are said to influence physiological and psychological activities. According to Ayurveda, an imbalance in these doshas can result in a variety of health problems, including diabetes. The comprehensive aspect of Ayurveda entails not only treating symptoms but also addressing the underlying cause of the illness.
Ayurvedic Principles for Diabetes Management
Diabetes is frequently related in Ayurveda with a Kapha dosha imbalance and impaired digestion. In Ayurvedic medicine, diabetes is managed through dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments, and the use of herbal therapies. The emphasis is on tailored treatment, as people may have various imbalances that contribute to their diabetes.
Ayurvedic Diet For Diabetes Patients
Dietary change is an important element of Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes. Ayurveda recommends consuming foods that assist balance the doshas and improve digestion.Bitter gourds, fenugreek seeds, and turmeric are often advised for their ability to control blood sugar levels. Furthermore, Ayurvedic practitioners may advise against eating items that are thought to worsen the Kapha dosha, such as sweets, dairy products, and heavy, oily foods.
Herbal Ayurvedic Remedies for Diabetes
Ayurvedic treatment is mainly reliant on herbal therapies, and diabetes is no exception. Several plants are thought to have blood sugar-lowering effects. Bitter melon, Indian gooseberry (amla), gurmar (Gymnemasylvestre), Noni, and neem are some of the herbs often utilized in Ayurvedic diabetes treatment. These herbs are thought to increase insulin sensitivity, improve pancreatic function, and control blood glucose.
Yoga and Physical Activity in Ayurvedic Diabetes Treatment
Ayurveda places a high value on the mind-body connection, and frequent physical activity is considered necessary for maintaining balance. Yoga, a crucial component of Ayurvedic practice, is suggested for diabetics. Specific yoga positions, breathing techniques, and meditation are thought to improve insulin sensitivity, stress management, and overall health.
A Scientific Perspective on Ayurvedic Treatment of Diabetes
While Ayurveda has a long history, its efficacy in treating diabetes has been debated among the scientific community. Limited clinical research make it difficult to draw conclusions about the efficacy of Ayurvedic diabetes treatments. However, several studies have yielded promising findings, indicating possible benefits for blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity.
Bitter melon: 
Scientific research has focused on bitter melon, also known as bitter guard, a popular Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes. According to studies, bitter melon may have hypoglycemic properties, which can help reduce blood sugar. The active chemicals in bitter melon are hypothesized to imitate insulin's effect, boosting glucose uptake by cells. More research is needed to definitively determine its usefulness.
Gymnema Sylvestre:
Gurmar, also known as Gymnemasylvestre, is another herb popular in Ayurveda due to its purported anti-diabetic qualities. Gymnemasylvestre has been shown in studies to help minimize sugar absorption in the intestines while also increasing insulin production. While these results are intriguing, more research is needed to discover the best dosage and long-term effects of Gymnemasylvestre in diabetes treatment.
Noni, also known as Morindacitrifolia, is commonly referred to as the "sugar destroyer" in different traditional medical systems. Noni juice has been studied for potential health advantages, including its ability to regulate blood sugar.
Noni juice benefits from its high antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory qualities. According to certain research, Noni may operate as an insulin sensitizer, improving the body's insulin sensitivity and cell glucose uptake.
Challenges and Considerations for Ayurvedic Diabetes Management
Despite the potential benefits of Ayurvedic therapy, there are certain hurdles to consider. Integrating Ayurveda into traditional diabetes care necessitates a collaborative effort between Ayurvedic practitioners and mainstream healthcare specialists.
The Significance of Personalized Care in Ayurveda
Ayurveda's strength is its individualized approach to healthcare. Before recommending a treatment plan, Ayurvedic practitioners evaluate an individual's constitution, dosha imbalances, and overall health. This approach recognizes the various factors that contribute to diabetes and emphasizes the need for tailored management.
Noni D-Care: Ayurvedic syrup for diabetics
Noni D-Care, an Ayurvedic Syrup for Diabetic, has gained popularity in recent years due to its effectiveness in diabetes control. This combination blends Noni fruit juice with powerful herbs like Saptarangi, Trikatu, Punarnava, Kanysaar, Shallaki, Nirgundi, and Shilajeet.
Noni D-Care promotes the healing of damaged organs such as the pancreas, kidneys, heart, and nervous system. 
Conclusion: A Supplementary Approach to Diabetes Management.
Finally, Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes provides a tailored approach that takes into account not only the symptoms, but also the underlying imbalances that contribute to the condition. While scientific proof for the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatments is still being developed, several herbs, such as bitter melon, Gymnemasylvestre, and Noni, show promise in regulating blood sugar. Integrating Ayurveda into diabetes care may be viewed as a complimentary strategy, but patients should consult with healthcare specialists to create a well-rounded and evidence-based treatment plan.
For individuals considering including Noni D-Care into their daily routine, this ayurvedic medication provides both optimum effectiveness and safety.
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nonidcare · 7 months
How to Control Diabetes Naturally?
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One of the most common yet difficult health issues the globe is currently dealing with is diabetes. Research indicates that approximately 11% of people worldwide suffer from diabetes.
Controlling Diabetes is difficult, but it is not impossible.
The ancient medical science of Ayurveda promotes treatments that can both help mend the organs damaged by diabetes and assist control the condition.
In this blog, you will understand the aspects of diabetes, How to Control Diabetes Naturally its types, symptoms and causes and information related to its treatment and management.
So let’s get started right away.
Types of Diabetes
There are twenty forms of diabetes, or Prameha, according to Ayurveda. Ten arise from kapha imbalances, six flow from pitta, and four are caused by vata imbalances.
Generally speaking, there are two typical varieties of Prameha:
Dhatu Kshaya
Dhatu Kshaya, as defined by Ayurveda, is the reduction of body tissue. Diabetes in young people is brought on by this. On the other hand, Avarana arises because of obstruction brought on by increased kapha. It results in the incapacity to give Dhatus the right nourishment. If this illness persists, Dhatu Kshaya results.
Symptoms of Diabetes
Common signs of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes include the following:
Overindulgence in thirst
Abrupt reduction in body mass
ongoing exhaustion
recurring urination
Slow-healing injuries
blurry vision
Overindulgence in hunger
Make you want to throw up
Upset stomach
Diabetes can occasionally mask the signs of other illnesses. Patients with diabetes frequently experience other health difficulties, such as renal or heart-related problems. Diabetes typically masks the signs of several health concerns.
Causes of diabetes
Increase in blood sugar in the bloodstream
Lack of insulin production
Cells become resistant to insulin
Pancreas cannot create insulin
In addition to this, some people develop a specific kind of diabetes during pregnancy. In order to maintain pregnancy, the human body secretes certain hormones. These hormones confer resistance on cells. The pancreas produces adequate insulin to treat this illness. However, gestational diabetes results from insufficient insulin production by the pancreas.
Ayurveda and Diabetes
Ayurveda is a comprehensive approach to medical care. It places more emphasis on the general health of the body than on treating the individual symptoms.
Ayurveda uses a combination of lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, and detoxification and purification to treat diabetes.
According to Ayurveda, the main causes of diabetes are eating too many sweet foods, sleeping too much, using curds excessively, and engaging in insufficient physical activity.
Ayurvedic Methods of Managing Diabetes
Ayurveda employs a comprehensive strategy that includes lifestyle modifications to address diabetes and other health issues.
Lifestyle changes.
Therapies that aid in detoxification, purification and rejuvenation.
Dietary changes.
Medicines using herbs.
Changes in lifestyle include frequent exercise, eating a healthy weight, getting enough sleep at night, drinking plenty of water, etc.
Panchakarma therapy is recommended by Ayurveda to help with cleansing, detoxification, and regeneration.
Making dietary adjustments means consuming warm, light foods and avoiding foods that are greasy or hot. Foods with lower sugar content are advised. You can consume fruits like pomegranates, apples, and berries. Foods that are bitter may aid in diabetes management.
The Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes involves the use of several plants. Bibhitaki, Amla, Noni, and Haritaki are a few of them.
Indian gooseberry, or amla, possesses anti-diabetic qualities. It decreases blood glucose levels, prevents the build-up of toxins, and speeds up the metabolism of blood glucose.
The pancreatic release of insulin is enhanced by the haritaki fruit. It lowers the body’s sensitivity to insulin and aids in blood glucose regulation.
Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities can be found in bibhitaki. Additionally, it raises blood glucose levels and insulin sensitivity.
Diabetes is managed with the use of noni fruit. Flavonoids included in benefits of noni juice aid in lowering blood sugar levels. Glycosylate hemoglobin (HbA1c), LDL, serum triglycerides, and fasting glucose can all be effectively decreased using noni fruit powder.
Noni D- Care
Noni fruit juice is combined with potent herbs including Saptarangi, Trikatu, Punarnava, Kanysaar, Shallaki, Nirgundi, and Shilajeet to create Noni D-Care, a medically authorized Syrup for Diabetic.
The scientifically established recipe Noni D-Care repairs damaged heart, kidneys, pancreas, and brain system.
Frequent usage of Noni D-Care helps to rebuild immunity and regain stamina that diabetes has taken away. Antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial qualities are present in noni fruit.
Key Takeaways
Sustaining a healthy life requires effective diabetes management. We talked about the signs, causes, and management strategies for diabetes as well as the connection between Ayurveda and diabetes.
Patients prefer ayurvedic treatment diabetes because they align with their cultural and health values. Numerous therapeutic practices recommended by Ayurveda may aid in the natural control of diabetes.
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nonidcare · 8 months
How to Control Diabetes Naturally? Try Noni D-Care
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One of the most common yet difficult health issues the globe is currently dealing with is diabetes. Research indicates that approximately 11% of people worldwide suffer from diabetes.
Diabetes management is difficult, but it is not impossible.
The ancient medical science of Ayurveda promotes treatments that can both help mend the organs damaged by diabetes and assist control the condition.
In this blog, you will understand the aspects of diabetes,How to Control Diabetes Naturally  its types, symptoms and causes and information related to its treatment and management.
So let's get started right away.
Types of Diabetes
There are twenty forms of diabetes, or Prameha, according to Ayurveda. Ten arise from kapha imbalances, six flow from pitta, and four are caused by vata imbalances.
Generally speaking, there are two typical varieties of Prameha:
Dhatu Kshaya
Dhatu Kshaya, as defined by Ayurveda, is the reduction of body tissue. Diabetes in young people is brought on by this. On the other hand, Avarana arises because of obstruction brought on by increased kapha. It results in the incapacity to give Dhatus the right nourishment. If this illness persists, Dhatu Kshaya results.
Symptoms of Diabetes
Common signs of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes include the following:
Overindulgence in thirst
Abrupt reduction in body mass
ongoing exhaustion
recurring urination
Slow-healing injuries
blurry vision
Overindulgence in hunger
Make you want to throw up
upset stomach
Diabetes can occasionally mask the signs of other illnesses. Patients with diabetes frequently experience other health difficulties, such as renal or heart-related problems. Diabetes typically masks the signs of several health concerns.
Causes of diabetes
An increase in the blood's sugar levels
Absence of insulin synthesis
Insulin resistance develops in cells
Insulin cannot be made by the pancreas.
In addition to this, some people develop a specific kind of diabetes during pregnancy. In order to maintain pregnancy, the human body secretes certain hormones. These hormones confer resistance on cells. The pancreas produces adequate insulin to treat this illness. However, gestational diabetes results from insufficient insulin production by the pancreas.
Sugar and Ayurveda
Ayurveda and Diabetes
Ayurveda is a comprehensive approach to medical care. It places more emphasis on the general health of the body than on treating the individual symptoms.
Ayurveda uses a combination of lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, and detoxification and purification to treat diabetes.
According to Ayurveda, the main causes of diabetes are eating too many sweet foods, sleeping too much, using curds excessively, and engaging in insufficient physical activity.
Ayurvedic Methods of Managing Diabetes
Ayurveda employs a comprehensive strategy that includes lifestyle modifications to address diabetes and other health issues.
Lifestyle changes.
Therapies that aid in detoxification, purification and rejuvenation.
Dietary changes.
Medicines using herbs.
Changes in lifestyle include frequent exercise, eating a healthy weight, getting enough sleep at night, drinking plenty of water, etc.
Panchakarma therapy is recommended by Ayurveda to help with cleansing, detoxification, and regeneration.
Making dietary adjustments means consuming warm, light foods and avoiding foods that are greasy or hot. Foods with lower sugar content are advised. You can consume fruits like pomegranates, apples, and berries. Foods that are bitter may aid in diabetes management.
The Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes involves the use of several plants. Bibhitaki, Amla, Noni, and Haritaki are a few of them.
Indian gooseberry, or amla, possesses anti-diabetic qualities. It decreases blood glucose levels, prevents the build-up of toxins, and speeds up the metabolism of blood glucose.
The pancreatic release of insulin is enhanced by the haritaki fruit. It lowers the body's sensitivity to insulin and aids in blood glucose regulation.
Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities can be found in bibhitaki. Additionally, it raises blood glucose levels and insulin sensitivity.
Diabetes is managed with the use of noni fruit. Flavonoids included in noni fruit aid in lowering blood sugar levels. Glycosylate hemoglobin (HbA1c), LDL, serum triglycerides, and fasting glucose can all be effectively decreased using noni fruit powder.
Noni D- Care
Noni fruit juice is combined with potent herbs including Saptarangi, Trikatu, Punarnava, Kanysaar, Shallaki, Nirgundi, and Shilajeet to create Noni D-Care, a medically authorized Syrup for Diabetic.
The scientifically established recipe Noni D-Care repairs damaged heart, kidneys, pancreas, and brain system.
Frequent usage of Noni D-Care helps to rebuild immunity and regain stamina that diabetes has taken away. Antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial qualities are present in noni fruit.
Key Takeaways
Sustaining a healthy life requires effective diabetes management. We talked about the signs, causes, and management strategies for diabetes as well as the connection between Ayurveda and diabetes.
Patients prefer Ayurvedic treatments because they align with their cultural and health values. Numerous therapeutic practices recommended by Ayurveda may aid in the natural control of diabetes.
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nonidcare · 10 months
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Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that focuses on universal well-being, including the management of conditions like diabetes and stress through natural and lifestyle-based approaches.
Here are some Ayurvedic principles and practices for managing diabetes and stress while prioritizing mental health:
Dietary Recommendations
Balanced Diet: Ayurveda emphasizes a balanced diet tailored to your dosha (constitution). For diabetes, focus on low-glycemic foods like whole grains, vegetables, and lean proteins.
Spices: Incorporate spices like turmeric, cinnamon, and fenugreek, known for their potential to help regulate blood sugar levels.
Managing Stress
Stress Management: Manage stress by practicing deep, mindful breathing techniques to calm your mind. Unwind yourself with physical activities of your interest.
Stress Reduction Techniques: Spend time in nature, listen to soothing music and practice mindfulness.
Limit Stressors: Keep the sources of stress in your life at bay with the techniques explained above.
Time Management: Organize your tasks and priorities to reduce stress from a busy schedule.
Social Support: Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist when needed.
Meditation: Meditation is a practice that helps to reduce stress. Transcendental Meditation (TM) and mindfulness meditation are often recommended.
Yoga: Yoga asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises) can promote relaxation and balance the body’s energy.
Lifestyle Adjustments
Daily Routine (Dinacharya): Following a consistent daily routine can help stabilize blood sugar and reduce stress. This includes waking up early, regular exercise, and eating meals at the same time each day.
Quality Sleep: Ensure quality sleep to recharge and manage stress.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking warm water throughout the day is recommended in Ayurveda to help with digestion and overall health.
Herbal Remedies
Numerous herbs can be beneficial in Ayurvedic diabetes treatment, and aside from herbs, certain fruits also possess anti-diabetic properties, with Noni fruit, scientifically known as Morinda citrifolia, being one notable example. Noni is an evergreen tree characterized by its sizeable leaves and yellow fruits.
Noni D-Care: Noni D-Care’s primary ingredient is Noni fruit. This fruit juice is combined with potent herbs such as Saptarangi, Trikut, Punarnava, Kanysaar, Shalaki, Nirgundi, and Shilajit.
Noni D-Care is a formula that claims to be scientifically validated for its potential to support the recovery of the pancreas, kidneys, heart, and nervous system.
Noni D-Care’s objective is to empower individuals with diabetes, helping them regain a semblance of normalcy by effectively managing their diabetic condition.
Noni D-Care is designed to replenish stamina and enhance immunity, which may be compromised as a result of diabetes.
Noni D-Care facilitates improved digestion and boosts metabolism. It fortifies vital organs, guarding against diabetes-related damage.
Noni D-Care manages blood pressure levels.It addresses insomnia and offers stress relief.
Noni D-Care regulates hormonal imbalances, including thyroid disorders. It enhances neurological function.
Noni D-Care ameliorates joint and bone concerns. It is free from any adverse side effects
Let Us Conclude
You can gain insight from a qualified ayurvedic physician about your constitution (Prakriti) and any imbalances (Vikriti). It’s important to continue monitoring your blood sugar levels and follow your doctor’s advice.
By incorporating a healthy lifestyle, balanced and nutritious diet, adequate hydration, and following stress management techniques and Ayurvedic therapy such as Noni D-Care, you can keep diabetes and stress under control, easily manage your mental health, and lead a happy and healthy life.
Reference:- https://www.nonidcare.com/blog/diabetes-and-stress-manage-your-mental-health-the-ayurveda-way.html
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nonidcare · 1 year
Diabetes is one of the most prevalent chronic metabolic disorders categorized by elevated levels of glucose. In Ayurveda, diabetes is referred to as “Prameha or Madhumeha.” Based on various symptoms, diabetes is typified into 20 types.
Ayurveda focuses on identifying the specific dosha imbalance and addressing it through personalized treatment. Ayurveda views diabetes as a condition caused by impaired digestionand metabolism resulting from an imbalance in the body's doshas mainly Vata and Kapha.
Ayurveda advocates remedies that may help manage diabetes along with healing the organs that are affected due to diabetes.
Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes incorporates the use of various herbs known for their beneficial effects. Herbs such as Noni, Amla, Haritaki, Bibhitaki, and more are utilized due to their anti-diabetic properties. These herbs aid in stimulating insulin secretion from the pancreas, possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and contribute to improved insulin sensitivity and regulation of blood glucose levels.
In this article, we will focus on Ayurvedic diabetes medicine, Noni D-Care, and how it can help you maintain optimal blood sugar levels and assist you to lead a healthier life.
Noni fruit and Diabetes
Noni fruit is used in the management of diabetes. The Noni fruit is rich in flavonoids, which have been found to have a positive impact on reducing blood sugar levels. Noni fruit powder is effective in reducing fasting glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), serum triglycerides, and LDL.
In addition, Noni fruit has been shown to enhance insulin sensitivity and improve blood glucose levels. Antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties of noni fruit restore stamina and strengthen immunity that's lost to diabetes.
Introducing Noni D-Care
Noni D-Care is an ayurvedic medicinethat has gained popularity in recent years for its effectiveness in managing diabetes.
Noni D-Care is formulated by combining Noni fruit juice with powerful herbs like Saptarangi, Trikatu, Punarnava, Kanysaar, Shallaki, Nirgundi, and Shilajeet.
Noni D-Care heals damaged organs such as the pancreas, kidneys, heart, and nervous system. It aids in improving digestion and works as a tonic for better heart health.
It regulates hormones and corrects their imbalances. Furthermore, it improves neurological problems and joint and bone issues.
The main feature of Noni D-Care is that it doesn't have any side effects as it is completely natural and free from any chemicals.
Incorporate Noni D-Care into your daily routine, ensuring maximum effectiveness and safety.
Ayurvedic Lifestyle Practices for Diabetes
In addition to using Noni D-Care, embracing an ayurvedic lifestyle can further enhance your diabetes management. Make regular exercise, a healthy weight, a good night's sleep, and adequate hydration your way of life.
Consume food that is light and warm. Avoid oily and spicy food. Foods with less sugar content are recommended. Furthermore, incorporating bitter foods into the diet may be beneficial for managing diabetes.
Key Takeaways
Effectively managing diabetes is crucial for maintaining a healthy life.
Many patients prefer Ayurvedic medicines as they align with their beliefs and cultural practices. Ayurveda offers a range of healthcare measures that can aid in the natural and effective management of diabetes.
Noni D-Care is an ayurvedic diabetes medicine that offers a universal approach to overcoming the challenges posed by this condition. Include Noni D-Care in your regime and take control of your health naturally.
Reference:- https://www.nonidcare.com/blog/defeat-diabetes-naturally-with-noni-d-care.html
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nonidcare · 1 year
Diabetes and Diet: What to Eat and What to Avoid
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Managing diabetes through a healthy diet is essential for controlling blood sugar levels and preventing complications. It is important to work with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to create a personalized meal plan that suits your specific needs.
However, here are some general guidelines on what to eat and what to avoid for people with diabetes.
What to Eat
Complex Carbohydrates
Choose whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat, and oats. These foods have a lower impact on blood sugar levels compared to refined carbohydrates like white bread and white rice.
Include a variety of non-starchy vegetables such as leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, and carrots. They have fewer calories and carbohydrates and provide essential nutrients.
Lean Proteins
Proteins aid in alleviating blood sugar levels and are filling. Consume protein such as poultry, fish, beans, lentils, tofu, and low-fat dairy products.
Healthy Fats
Healthy fats play a crucial role in promoting heart health and stabilizing blood sugar levels. Nutrient-rich sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil offer a variety of health benefits.
Select whole fruits in moderation, like berries, apples, citrus fruits, and pears. Be mindful of portion sizes and avoid fruit juices, which can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar.
Ensuring proper hydration is vital for overall health. Remember to drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support your body's functions optimally.
Noni D-Care
Noni D-Care is a diabetic syrup that's formulated by blending Noni fruit juice with powerful herbs like Saptarangi, Trikatu, Punarnava, Kanysaar, Shallaki, Nirgundi, and Shilajeet.
Noni D-Care possesses healing properties that can assist in the recovery of damaged organs, including the pancreas, kidneys, heart, and nervous system. Additionally, this diabetic syrup aids in enhancing digestion and acts as a tonic to promote better heart health.
What to Avoid or Limit
Sugary Foods
Minimize the intake of sugary items such as candies, cakes, cookies, regular soda, and sugary cereals. These can cause sharp increases in blood sugar levels.
Refined Carbohydrates
Limit consumption of white bread, white rice, sugary cereals, and processed foods made with refined flour.
Saturated and Trans Fats
Reduce the intake of saturated fats found in fatty meats, full-fat dairy, and some processed foods. Avoid trans fats typically found in hydrogenated oils and many packaged snacks.
Sugary Beverages
Avoid sweetened drinks like soda, fruit juices, and energy drinks as they can quickly raise blood sugar levels.
Excessive Alcohol
Consumption of alcohol may cause variations in blood sugar levels and may tamper with diabetes medications.
High Sodium Foods
Reduce intake of foods high in salt, as they can contribute to high blood pressure, which is a risk factor for diabetes complications.
Remember, individual dietary needs vary based on factors such as age, weight, physical activity level, and overall health. Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels and working with a healthcare professional can help fine-tune your diet plan to best manage diabetes effectively.
Reference: https://www.nonidcare.com/blog/diabetes-and-diet-what-to-eat-and-what-to-avoid.html
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nonidcare · 1 year
How to Control Diabetes Naturally? Try Noni D-Care
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Diabetes is one of the most prevalent yet challenging health concern the world is facing. Findings have showed that almost 11% of world's population is dealing with diabetes.
It is a challenge to manage diabetes, but it's not unfeasible.
Ayurveda, the ancient medical science, advocates remedies that may help manage diabetes along with healing the organs that are affected due to diabetes.
In this blog, you will grasp a façade of information involving diabetes, its types, symptoms and causes and how to treat and manage it.
So, let's dive straight into it.
Types of Diabetes
As per ayurveda, there are twenty types of diabetes or Prameha. Four of them occurs due to vata, six transpires from pitta and ten crop up because of kapha imbalances.
Predominantly, there are two types of Prameha that are conventional:
According to Ayurveda, Dhatukshaya means reduction of tissue in the body. This is the cause of juvenile diabetes. Contrarywise, Avarana transpires due to blockage caused by intensified kapha. It causes inability to provide proper nutrition to Dhatus. If this condition prolongates, it leads to Dhatukshaya.
Symptoms of Diabetes
Some of the symptoms of Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes are common:
Excessive thirst
Sudden weight loss
Constant fatigue
Frequent urination
Slow-healing wounds
Blurry vision
Excessive hunger
Urge to vomit
Upset stomach
Sometimes diabetes camouflage symptoms of other diseases. Other health concerns like kidney or heart-related issues are common among diabetic patients. The symptoms of these health issues often get masked due to diabetes.
Causes of diabetes
Increase in blood sugar in the bloodstream
Lack of insulin production
Cells become resistant to insulin
Pancreas cannot create insulin
Apart from this, there is a type of diabetes that crops up during pregnancy in some cases. The human body secretes some hormones to sustain pregnancy. These hormones make cells resistant. Pancreas makes enough insulin to overcome this condition. But when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin, this situation leads to gestational diabetes.
Ayurveda and Diabetes
Ayurveda is a holistic method of treating diseases. It doesn’t believe in curing the symptoms, but rely on overall well-being of the body.
Ayurveda follows a multi-pronged approach to manage diabetes by modifying lifestyle, detoxifying and purification, and medicines using herbs.
As per Ayurveda, being less physically active, excessive sleep, excessive use of curds, eating kapha aggravating foods, and eating too much of sweet foods are the primary causes diabetes.
Ayurvedic Methods of Managing Diabetes
Ayurveda follows a holistic approach to manage diabetes and other health concerns, which includes:
Lifestyle changes.
Therapies that aid in detoxification, purification and rejuvenation.
Dietary changes.
Medicines using herbs.
Lifestyles changes include regular exercise, maintaining healthy weight, getting good night’s sleep, staying well hydrated, etc.
Ayurveda advocates panchakarma therapy to aid in detoxification, purification and rejuvenation.
Dietary changes entail consuming food that are light and warm and avoiding oily and spicy food. Foods less in sugar content is recommended. Fruits such as pomegranate, apples and berries can be eaten. Bitter foods may help in managing diabetes.
Several herbs are used in Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes. Some of them are Noni, Amla, Haritaki, Bibhitaki etc.
Amla, or Indian gooseberry, has anti-diabetic properties. It increases blood glucose metabolism, evades toxin build-up, and lowers blood glucose levels.
Haritaki fruit helps in secretion of insulin from pancreas. It decreases insulin sensitivity in the body and helps control blood glucose level.
Bibhitaki contains anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It also improves insulin sensitivity and blood glucose levels.
Noni fruit is used in management of diabetes. Noni fruit contains flavonoids that help in reducing blood sugar levels. Noni fruit powder is effective in reducing fasting glucose, glycosylate hemoglobin (HbA1c), serum triglycerides and LDL.
Noni D- Care
Noni D-Care is a medically approved remedy for diabetes in which Noni fruit juice is blended with powerful herbs like Saptarangi, Trikatu, Punarnava, Kanysaar, Shallaki, Nirgundi, and Shilajeet.
Noni D-Care is the scientifically proven formula that heals damaged pancreas, kidneys, heart and nervous system.
Regular use of Noni D-Care reinstates stamina and strengthens immunity that is lost to diabetes. Noni fruit has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-viral properties.
Key Takeaways
Efficient management of diabetes is essential for ensuring a healthy life. We discussed the symptoms, causes and the ways to manage diabetes and the link between Ayurveda and diabetes.
Ayurvedic medicines are preferred by patients as it fits their health beliefs and culture. Ayurveda suggests an array of healthcare measures that may help in management of diabetes naturally and effectively.
Reference: https://www.nonidcare.com/blog/how-to-control-diabetes-naturally.html
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