#tiktok plays slots and any chance game and is just there to party
applejuiceyjuice-art · 3 months
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next story event: the sites go to las vegas
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THU AUG 20, 2020
I never thought I would write these words, but Joe Biden delivered a nomination speech at the Democratic Convention tonight, that made me cry.
For a virtual convention, the Democrats had been knocking it out of the park with the speeches all week, especially from Michelle and Barack Obama, and it seemed like maybe they’d done enough to set the tone and keep Joe’s lead in the polls from slipping away...
... but man!  Joe himself really brought it tonight!  If this is what he brings to the final nine weeks of the campaign... I do believe he’ll unseat Trump in a decisive victory, on November 3rd, and become our 46th President!
This is a strange thing to see myself write, because... in the world we always knew... the one with no President Trump, and no Covid 19... a Joe Biden Presidency had always seemed laughably impossible.
Nobody even questioned why Joe didn’t run in 2016.  We assumed he just knew there wouldn’t be a point... and had to be told that no... his son had died of cancer, and that that’s the only reason he sat that race out.
Had he not, neither Hillary, nor Bernie Sanders would’ve have gotten any traction at all in the primaries against a sitting VP.
As it was, Sanders came so close to nabbing the nomination that he forced the Democratic Party onto a more progressive path, which they are still on today... even if they once again snubbed him as the nominee.
The problem for Sanders in 2016, was that Hillary still had a valid, “it’s her turn,” card to play, and so the DNC made sure to honor it.
As I’ve looked at in past entries, it turned out that her, “it’s her turn,” card was radioactive... thanks to the impeachment of her husband back in the 1990s... because impeachment by the House is always radioactive and destroys the political careers of all Presidents, and those close to them... even though they’re never actually removed by the Senate.
Sanders’ problem in 2020 was... as I looked at in a more recent entry during the primaries... Obama had spent four years developing a master plan to defeat Trump.
Biden was dead in the water... I called him the walking dead... it seemed like Bernie would have the nomination in the bag... until!... Obama made some phone calls, got all the other Dem contenders to drop out, and pulled off the miracle of reanimatig the corpse of Joe’s campaign.
A clever mastermind... capable of performing miracles... and I complained that he’d better damn well be able to follow that up with even bigger miracles in November, or Obama had just damned the nation to a Trump dicatorship for life.
Since then, we’ve had the big pandemic... which has been the thing that’s really fucked Trump more than anything else... and given the lead to Biden more than anything else.
While I refuse to believe Obama or any other human agent, or agency conspired to create the pandemic... It does seem plausible for Obama to have anticipated that something would come along to screw Trump in 2020... because he’s been neglecting so much, and coasting for so long.
And anybody who’s been President of the United States for eight years would know, a global pandemic could easily be on such a list of somethings... that would fuck the economy hard enough to give Biden a fighting chance.
The impeachment, last January... was another factor, already set in stone.  Trump was already radioactive before the primaries began in 2020... which must have figured into Obama’s calculations.
Now, however, in late August of 2020, we’re finally beginning to see this election the way Obama must have forseen it... with huge hunks of the Republican party jumping on board for Biden, because they so loathe Trump, and can stomach Joe (because he’s conservative enough)... and then BAM... Joe actually exceeds expectations with a rousing, lucid, heartfelt, perfectly timed speech to show us he’s not just NOT Trump... but the honest embodiment of everything both parties used to hold dear, before this whole nighmare began...
...not just some place holder, but a principled guy with the merits... the hard won merits... to lead our great nation.
And Biden’s acceptance speech really took away whatever onus there was on Kamala Harris as his VP pick.  Because she looks amazing, being both a woman, and a person of color... 
...but that could have been a bit too much if there were any credibility to the fear that Kamala would assume the Presidency three weeks in, after Joe caved to dementia.  That would’ve made this race, Kamala V Trump... which would have been a much tougher sell to the weird new coalition between leftists, centrists, and never-Trump conservatives.
As things are tonight... those fears have been put to bed.
And with that... Harris is a safely brilliant VP pick.
As a VP... who won’t be running the nation tomorrow... she’s conservative enough for the right wing of the coalition to feel comfortable... because she was a cop after all.  And we gotta back the blue!
Politics is a very complex game... but Obama is better at it than Trump... especially when Trump’s already been President for four years and really shown the planet the true horror of his criminality, stupidity, misleadership, and willingness to destroy both the constitution and the planet.
In my last few entries, Trump was trying to send in a rag-tag force of paramilitary Federal thugs, to terrorize protesters... and promising to ban TikTok... before relenting on both those horrifying plots.
Since then, he attempted to destroy the US Post Office, appointing a sycophant as Postmaster General, who immediately began a campaign of removing post boxes, shutting down sorting machines, and generally defunding the fuck out of every aspect of USPS operations, in a desperate attempt to suppress mail-in votes this November... when they would be more important than ever, due to the pandemic.
The PMG even warned the public that due to the slow downs, he could not guarantee any mail in votes would get in on time, and Trump ran with that ball and began raising the specter that the results of our next election could be in limbo for months or years!
Blatantly attempting to soften the ground for a claim to stay in office past the election... seemingly unaware that his term constitutionally ends on January 20th, 2021, election or no... and also that the Post Office is a constitutionally established entity, overseen by Congress.
And Congress reconvened early from their August Recess solely for the purpose of calling in this new Postmaster General for questioning... which has not yet happened, but was enough to weaken his knees and have him roll back all the draconian changes he’d made... saying he’ll do those budget cuts later after the election.
Score another one for Pelosi.  And hopefully they will grill the fuck out of the new PMG, under oath, facing criminal charges... and make his backpedalling stick until after November... if he doesn’t go straight to prison.
And in today’s news, a different branch of the post office we did not know existed... which investigates crimes, and can arrest people... arrested Steve Bannon on mail fraud charges, for defrauding idiot Trump supporters who donated to a fraudulent, “build the wall,” fund.
That, and an appeal Judge also said today that Trump must turn over his tax returns.
It’s all coming up lemons for Trump right now, on the old slot machine... just before the RNC convention... and just as Biden is about to get a huge bump from the DNC convention.
September and October are the gauntlet and the crucible for this, most critical Presidential election in American history.
We’ll see how it plays out.
But at the moment, things are looking up.
And with that... it is most definitely time for bed.
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