#tilly pls lost is lost
thegracioustm · 2 years
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. royal edits .   * 8/??
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all-things-fic · 1 year
Girly we’re gonna need the Ross fic mood board and a snippet pls 💜
To Have and To Hold // RM (sneak peek)
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When he was close enough, his hand slid so easily over your satin covered waist, effortlessly lifting you to him and making you feel weightless. Now drawn and pressed against him, Ross dropped the faintest kiss to the skin where your neck and shoulder met. He knew to avoid your lips, at least until after pictures, knowing Tilly would be the first to comment if anything were out of place.
“Thought I’d lost you to the girls for a second,” he murmured, nose pressed to your skin. You smelt sensuously delicate to him, a gratification he would never tire of gaining.
You leant back wanting to see him, to take in the glittering of his eyes as they roamed over you. “All crises were averted,” you breezily replied, watching his eyes look over your face, the most enamoured expression flirting over his features. “Decided against the white then?”
“Do you think I should’ve gone white?”
Hearing his question, you pondered on it and let your fingers gently smooth over the lapel of his jacket. Ross’ shirt choices were simple, not wanting to over complicate his wardrobe for the celebration. When you had left him in bed that morning, slipping away to join the bridal party for breakfast, you’d glanced at both shirts as they hung on the outside of the wardrobe and wondered which choice he would make.
Your eyes followed your nude lacquered nails, before they dropped from your vision when your hand fell to sit between his chest and abdomen. The rise and fall of his breath was easily felt underneath your palm, in a rhythm that displayed how at ease he was.
“I think this suits you.”
“Also hides the fact I’m actually sweating my tits off,” he dropped his tone, keeping his comment between you both. You closed your eyes as you laughed breathily at his honesty, chin lifting up slightly when your head tilted back.
He was never going to learn how to take a compliment.
“You look fucking gorgeous,” he paused. “I’m buggered.”
Your laugh was more jovial this time, his confession one delivered with such monotone it was almost like he had given up fighting his desire for you.
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ntls-24722 · 1 year
hello lgbtq community its ur (almost) daily music man content
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Scopophobia and general body horror beware!
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WD Gaster DJMM!
Honestly, this was literally just based off the fact I saw WD gaster artwork. For a guy with multiple hands Gaster just makes sense to be my latest victim of Music Man'ification. He was going to be a centipede because centipedes are terrifying but I opted for a snake because i was too lazy to draw a kajillion little hands (even though i've made millipede music men... two)
Buuuut the snake aspect also helps with another little detail - as a focus on Gaster's experience on being yote across time and space, his body extends infinitely, across the cosmos, different realities, different timelines. His body is likely to be found as a black line across space but as he gets more lost his face remains almost never seen.
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@linxprime's Space Guard DJMM!
I notice more details that I missed the more i look at this. I missed two whole arms! and i wish i could've shown his freaky two-thumbed hands, but these were all done in school and i had limited references. I'm probably redrawing your guy tomorrow because there's just simply TOO MANY mistakes.
Though I seriously have to ask you how you came up with the pant contraption. I feel like spiders are one of the the most ridiculous creatures on Earth you could attempt putting pants on and somehow you figured it out.
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Pink Legacy! One of the few music men in my roster whose story i can actually explain in a single post.
They're not Music Man - They don't take the role or name of him. But they did take his head and are now wearing it like a trophy!
Way back before Pizzeria Simulator, before Music Man was even auctioned, someone noticed his suspicious demeanor and began to work at the company that created him to be able to secretly inspect him. They cracked him open one night and realized in classic FNAF fashion, "oh shit, there's bodies in this robot" and said robot proceeded to smash their skull between his cymbals before they could squeal about it to anyone, leaving their body to rot in secret.
The insects that aided in their decomposition, for some weird reason, ate them and received their memories. Memories of how to move, how to think like a person, and the very last thing they remember - getting totally murdered. Taking over the rest of their corpse they became this horrific bug colony and turned Music Man into scrap metal and wore his head as a trophy like the freak bug colony they are.
However, while they had their revenge, now as this new being they were haunted by the memories of not what was within him but the person they used to be, with attempts to come back to the friends and family ending in said friends and family being horrified of what just arrived at their doorstep. Eventually they had to flee to the wilderness and leave their humanity behind, though this bug colony began to embrace their new existence (Despite their appearance, Pink Legacy is just a creepy ass hippie).
But eventually humanity finds them again with a high schooler named Tillie finding Pink Legacy in the wilderness, and, despite the creepy haunted atmosphere constantly oozing out of PL, Tillie is admittedly too fascinated by them to not try and fuck around a little.
Despite PL's creepy vocabulary and... everything about them, somehow Tillie is able to discover that PL is harmless and the worst they will do is accidentally cause an ant infestation in your home.
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UPDATE 1: Episodes 1-4
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Honestly I never expected to actually check any of these bingo squares but here we are. Thanks @aleksandrachaev and @justanalto for helping and screaming with me! :)
I'll explain why I checked those squares and give some predictions, let's gooo
They get a fucking break
There is a time jump between seasons 3 and 4. Saru mentions spending 5 months on Kaminar. I don’t remember exactly what the discovery was doing, but the crew looked so happy??? They were delivering dilithium, having fun in missions and flirting on the bridge (pls give me more jola I’m begging you writers). They must've had enough time to process the events of last season. Also no one was going to therapy yet, so all that counts as a break, right? right?!?!!
Grudge is Actually A Queen
We all knew this but, even if she doesn't rule anything (other than our hearts), the cool butterfly people also said she's a monarch. That's enough for me :))
Emily played us all (about jola subtext)
Omfg where do I even start, I've been screaming about this for weeks-
In DST London, Emily said they were playing jola like a romance. Emily and Oyin have been doing lots of character work since season 1 with those side looks, basically deciding that they are dating or have a very strong friendship. She also said that, even if they are just friends, “there's definitely sex involved” or something like that. [incoherent gay screaming]
BUT THEN, in an interview for Trek Central, she said that they are each other’s rocks and each other’s families, and that she looks to her as a best friend and as a sister. She could be talking about Joann or about Oyin, idk it’s confusing. I just want them to kiss 😭
Michael has another mom
Okay okay let me expLAIN
In episode 3, Choose to Live, Michael asks her mother who J’Vini is to her to know who she’s dealing with. Gabrielle says J’Vini found her when she arrived to the future and took care of her. The line “I was once her lost cause” makes it sound like a romance, so… Michael might have another mom? 👀 idk it's kinda gay
They save another endangered alien species
Also in episode 3, J’Vini is trying to save the aliens in cocoons from grave robbers because their biomatter has high concentrations of latinum. She explains that they are called Abronians and that they are the last of their kind. So yeah, they saved another endangered alien species!
Saru/President of Ni'var (T'Rina, I finally learned her name lmao)
I’ll admit this is the only bingo square I thought could happen in season 4, but I didn’t expect it to be sO FAST. Also Michael SHIPS IT kjdshfkjds. That tension and those looks??? “Will you join me for tea?” Yeah, tea, of course. It’s like what I want from jola lmao (I still have hope). What do y’all think about it? Is there a ship name?
Looking forward, which other squares could be checked in future episodes? I have some theories:
Reno is in one (1) episode: Jett Reno will be back for episode 5 and I really hope it’s not the only one, but it’s a possibility.
Someone gets high again: At least one person has gotten high every season: Tilly in season 1, Stamets and Reno in season 2, and Michael in season 3. This season could be no exception. Michael’s log mentions that the Qwowat Milat has days-long sessions drinking hallucinogenic tea (??) and that she wants to share it with her mom (???). Normal mother-daughter bonging activities, amirite?
I cri: Tilly leaving did make me cry because I can relate a lot to her situation, but it didn’t make me cry while I was watching the episode. I have no doubts the show will find other ways to destroy me though.
Unsanctioned missions, mutiny and getting demoted are also possible, but I lack evidence and reasons for them to happen rn, so let’s wait and see.
Do you have any ideas, theories or other bingo cards? What would your free space be? Let me know what you think! :D
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Hi! Can I pls request Inarizaki shiratorizawa and fukurodani having a female chaotic/crackhead manager that has heterochromia where her eyes really pretty and she has two eye colors, one blue one green and how they would simp and react on it
Oh myyy this is an adorable request!! Some of my favourite characters have Heterochromia, this is just perfect hahaha (this stayed in my drafts for soooo long)
Heterochromia; a condition in which a person has two different coloured eyes.
Examples of characters with heterochromia (aaahh I just wanted to attach a few pictures of my favourite babies)
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Aaah alright let's get started then.
With a manager who has heterochromia.
Characters: Fukurodani, Shiratorizawa
Warnings: none.
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Our little owl babies CANNOT stop staring at your eyes. They think it's the prettiest things they've ever seen, and the moment they look at you, they low-key just cannot look away.
Bokuto calls your eyes "pretty gems" and staring at them effectively pulls him out of an emo mood.
He just holds your shoulders on both sides, leans down to look at you, and stares. And suddenly he's all happy again :D
Akaashi is ready to marry you like ten times a day. When you look at him while you're talking, he's barely listening because he's just drinking in your pretty appearance and gentle features.
Y/n: Akaashi-kun, the coach has asked us to practice hard, because we might be having a practice match later—
Akaashi, internally: pretty 🤩🤩
I also think he writes random small poems about you, which started at first, with how intrigued he was by your pretty bi-coloured eyes.
But now these poems are just plainly about you, not just your eyes, he's whipped for you through and through.
Konoha really like bragging to the other teams they practice with, and sometimes even bets with them. He's cute like that ;-;
Konoha: bet you guys don't have a manager with two different coloured eyes.
Other team dude: stop kidding dude. 50 bucks if you do.
Konoha whilst, smirking at you: you'll never fucking believe this ;)
But in general, they just really think you're gorgeous, especially when you smile.
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Ooh the owl babies 🥺🥺 they'd be a bit more chill and low-key than Fukurodani, but don't be fooled, they're still so mesmerized by your pretty eyes.
Toshi really just wants to know as much about heterochromia as he can. Loves hearing you talk about genetics, and all those sciency stuff :3
I truly do think Tendō would be a PRECIOUS photographer, because he knows all the best shots to make your eyes sparkle and posts them on his Instagram feed.
Tendō: manager-chan!! smile for me !!
You: :D
And he comes up with the corniest captions too. Like “my little Todoroki” (because Tendō is definitely an otaku u can FIGHT ME ON THIS BRO)
Semi, much like Akaashi, writes songs about you, and a lot of the lyrics are focused on your eyes.
He's often just pulling your chin up so you're facing him and he just stares owo. like how can one person be so damn beautiful??
Definitely helps you experiment with eye-makeup!!
Goshiki, aaa our flustered little smol bean. He's usually soft when it comes to you, but since he's pretty clumsy and forgetful, he's learned to beware of your gaze.
Knows how to read it perfectly. Tiny squint? you're mad. Eyebrows raised? amused. Eyes hooded? upset and probably hiding something. Eyes twitching?? RUN.
Goshiki: uh— y/n-senpai, are you okay?
You, eyes twitching: what the fuck did you say? :D
Shirabu would probably be the most unbothered out of the bunch, and would most probably tease you about it.
Has a bunch of cute nicknames, like "halfie" or "miss matched" because he's cute like that 🙄
He's trying his best to flirt, leave him alone 😭
In general, the boys have their special quirks with you and it gets better because of the pretty genetic quirk you have!!
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From the professor: AHHH I know I've been so so inactive these past month (year??) idk bro xD but I seriously thank u for sticking around <3 I'm hopefully planning an event for when I reach a milestone, so please look forward xx
Also: Atsumu anon come home I miss you 🥺🥺 or if anyone would wanna be my Tooru anon that'd be rly cute too uwu
Taglist: @k-sakusa-old @dai-tsukki-desu @tilli-san (I kinda lost most of my taglist so please tell me if you want to be included!!)
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Javier Escuella x GN!Reader in: (Home is) Wherever I’m With You
Reader Requests || Immy’s 200 Follower Event 🎊 🎉 🎊
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|| ao3 version | event tag | rdr tag | m.lists | main blog ||
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↠ Requested By: @team-baku-is-blasting-off-again ((for my 200 Follower Event)) ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: Angst-y H/C vibes that get NSFW at the end ((minors kindly fuck off, pls and thank)) ↠ CWs/TWs: Javier’s being over-protective like to a very uncool degree, as well as insecure in himself/his relationship with Reader. Likewise Reader has their own baggage/insecurities that don’t help matters at all. It all gets worked on and rectified by the story’s end, but feelings are indeed Hurt. ↠ Check below the cut for a more comprehensive list of tags. ↠ No betas—we die like damn near everyone you’ve ever dared to love in this damned series lol. ↠ Total WC: 14k~ ((my b, my uhh, my hand slipped??))
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↠ Prompts:
“I’ll never be good enough.”
“Tell me to stop, tell me or I won’t be able to.” / “Then don’t.”
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“‘No’, what?”
“No, you’re not goin’.”
“I’m sorry,” you start, your own awakening anger transforming the words into sharp and dangerous things, “somethin’ must be gettin’ lost here because that didn’t sound like a question.”
The smoldering embers that had been in his gaze before are fully alight now with a flame that’s just barely checked as he regards you. “That’s because it wasn’t, mi amor…”
↠ In which what should be little more than a simple misunderstanding turns into something quite other. But no matter the storm, the pair of you are always willing to weather it so long as you can come home.
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In which OP not-so-subtly simps for Arthur in the background lol. Let me love you, Mister Morgan, pls 😭
Sorry for the wait, dear requester. Between non-fun adult type stuff and my need to reboot in between fills this took far longer to write than what either of us wanted lol. Doesn’t help that there’s angst involved (which always induces a certain amount of metal strain); add to that the fact that three out of the four fills I got for this event were angst-y H/C type deals and you get an even slower turn around.
But anyways!
This is long—way longer than anything I intended on writing for this event, but tbh this is a work I already had partially done. It’s a short story that’s been hanging around in my drafts since January of 2019 (yeah, I know -_-), but despite how long it’s been since last I touched it, reading the prompts put me in mind of it right away. Here’s to hoping it was worth the wait!
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Translations ((As always, if any of the Spanish in this is wrong feel free to take it up with Google Translate lol)):
No gracias, Tilly, estoy bien—No thank you, Tilly, I’m fine
Mi amor—My love
Dios, soy un jodido idiota—God, I’m a fucking idiot
Nunca seré lo suficientemente bueno—I’ll never be good enough
Mi corazon—My Sweetheart
Siempre me tomas tan bien—You always take me so good
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General Tags: Arthur Morgan + Reader (platonic, affectionate) | Arthur and Reader have a close, sibling-type relationship | Arthur Morgan being a Good Man™ as well as a good brother | Relationship strife | Public arguments (and the embarrassment that comes with that lol) | Various insecurities on both Reader and Javier’s part | Javier gets over-protective/insecure, arguments ensue | Mildly toxic behavior (unintentional, but still; see aforementioned tag) that is worked on/rectified | Also Reader’s own insecurities/baggage leads to an overreaction on their part as well | ((I hate writing all this angst, but it needed to happen for ✨~plot~✨ lol)) | Light Micah bashing lol (tho no shade intended towards his fans) | Hosea and Charles giving good advice
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General Tags: Arthur Morgan + Reader (platonic, affectionate) | Arthur and Reader have a close, sibling-type relationship | Arthur Morgan being a Good Man™ as well as a good brother | Relationship strife | Public arguments (and the embarrassment that comes with that lol) | Various insecurities on both Reader and Javier’s part | Javier gets over-protective/insecure, arguments ensue | Mildly toxic behavior (unintentional, but still; see aforementioned tag) that is worked on/rectified | Also Reader’s own insecurities/baggage leads to an overreaction on their part as well | ((I hate writing all this angst, but it needed to happen for ✨~plot~✨ lol)) | Light Micah bashing lol (tho no shade intended towards his fans) | Hosea and Charles giving good advice
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“So are you in or out?” Arthur asks as he reaches the end of his spiel.
The stagecoach robbery seems straight forward enough, but given the fact that everything the gang has put its collective hand to since the infamous Riverboat Incident back in Blackwater has gone tits up he knows you have a right to be wary. And you are, just a touch, though you hate to admit it. This string of bad luck has been hard on everyone and many bear the scars—both inside and out—to prove it, yourself included.
But you trust Arthur and you know that if this is a job he’s sniffed out himself that it’s probably solid; the fact that Charles and Lenny will also be tagging along means that the chances of success are just that much higher. The three of them usually make wise enough choices, last month’s misadventures in Valentine’s bar notwithstanding. You quickly agree before you can think better of it, and the smile that it pulls from the bearded man makes the potential risks more than worth it.
It had taken Arthur a bit to warm up to you when you’d first joined the gang, but once he did the pair of you fell into a close-knit, sibling-type relationship. A few people around camp—namely Sean, Bill, and damn near all the girls—had insisted that there had to be something more there in the time since, and it was only once you and Javier became an item that the rumors were (mostly) put to rest. The close nature of your relationship was actually the reason that it took Javi so long to ask you out. He’d been thoroughly convinced by the others that you and Arthur were sneaking around behind the gang’s collective back, and it wasn’t until you explained to him that firstly, you were adults who wouldn’t have to stoop to such a juvenile level, and secondly that you’d adored him from nearly the moment you’d met that he finally got past that foolishness.
Though it was annoying at the time you can’t say that you blame anyone for thinking you and your best friend had something going. Despite all his posturing to the contrary, Arthur Morgan is and always will be a far better man than what your lifestyle allows for, and a damned handsome one to boot, and well, you ain’t too bad yourself. You complement each other in a way that just seems ‘right’, apparently, but even if Javi hadn’t come into the picture your relationship’s always been destined to be a platonic one.
Arthur’s hurts are old things that run deep and jagged, tainting his perception of everything—himself especially. Both life and love have never looked on him kindly, and so he’s stopped expecting to receive the latter. Of course this has never stopped you from extending the sentiment to him after a fashion, but years passed and experiences gained have taught you that trying to force feelings when they just aren’t there will only ever end in heartbreak. Because of this you’ve never pushed for anything more and the pair of you are all the closer for it. Having him in your life has definitely made it fuller in so many ways, and it’s a blessing that you’re always striving to return, so whenever you get him to smiling like this you always feel as if you’re one step closer to your goal.
“Great,” he drawls, pushing off of his knees as he rises from the milk crate-turned-chair. “We ride out at the end of the hour so be ready. And make sure your gun’s actually loaded this time.”
His comment earns a few snickers from the others that share the space with you, though most of them quiet down when they feel the weight of your stare. The only one who doesn’t is Tilly, but then again the woman knows that you’d sooner kick a dog before ever doing anything more scathing to her than glaring.
“Wasn’t. My. Fault,” you grit out as you chuck an abandoned tobacco tin at his back.
A drunken prank compliments of Sean had led to a mildly embarrassing incident involving a bet and some bottle shooting, and nearly a year later you’ve still yet to live it down. Though he teases you about it now, Arthur had nearly taken the Irishman’s head off at the time; had the blond not challenged you, you could’ve easily found yourself unknowingly unarmed in a situation far more dire than a simple test of skill.
For his part the man just chuckles as he tosses a sarcastic “Sure” over his shoulder.
“Jerk,” you mutter, though there’s no real heat behind it.
“Want me to kick his ass?”
Had the voice not been so familiar you might’ve been startled by its sudden nearness, but the dulcet cadence is one that you know better than even your own. Unfortunately you’ve not been hearing it nearly as often as you’d like these past few days. Between duties to the camp and following leads in town, you and your man haven’t occupied the same space for any extended amount of time outside of sleeping together—done in the most literal sense, sadly—and even that’s been choppy as a you’d both been assigned guard shifts that made your overlap damn near nonexistent.
Javi’s just finished one such shift and it shows. His usually warm eyes are dull with fatigue and his posture’s a bit stiff from the strain that comes with making rounds of the area for the better part of the last several hours, but despite it all he’s just as handsome as ever and your pulse quickens as it always does whenever he’s near.
“Mmm, maybe later,” you say with half a laugh as he plops down on the log next to you. Depending on how this job goes down you just might take him up on that offer—if the law doesn’t beat you to it, that is.
For his part the man just snorts before pressing a sweet, lingering kiss to your temple. He wraps his arms around you then and hoists you over into his lap, heedless of the scalding contents of your tin mug. A few moments of careful shuffling—and an unnecessary amount of cooing from Tilly and Sean—later sees you comfortable in your new seat. Javier had told you once that holding you like this feels like home, and sitting here with his head resting heavily against your shoulder and his hum of contentment warm against your ear, the statement rings especially true. Your free hand smooths over the pair of his where they rest against your thighs in a loose clasp, your fingers mapping out the ever increasing expanse of nicks and scars that mar the skin there; one scab feels especially fresh under your touch and you know that it’s compliments of yet another five-finger match, though who his opponent was you couldn’t say.
“You want something to eat, Javier?” Tilly asks from where she sits next to you—or rather next to your previous spot. Her thin, nimble fingers are making quick work of the trousers she’s mending with a level of skill that could put many-a seamstresses to shame.
“No gracias, Tilly, estoy bien.” (No thank you, Tilly, I’m fine.)
The young woman giggles at that. “Poor thing. You must really be tired because I didn’t understand half of what you just said. Sure sounded pretty though.”
“It always does,” you agree. Hearing Javi speak in his native language is truly a thing of beauty and, in your opinion, there isn’t much out there that can rival it.
He chuckles a bit at that, but makes no further comment. When you ask if he’d like a cup of coffee or even a sip of your own he turns this down too. “I’ll eat before I go to sleep,” he promises before you can get on him about looking after himself. “I just want to stay like this for a bit, mi amor. I’ve been missin’ you.”
His words leave your heart aching in the best of ways, but before you can reply a commanding bellow of “Miss Jones!” rings out across the camp. To Javier’s credit he doesn’t jump like the rest of you, but this is probably due him being far too tired to react in time. Everyone, from Dutch on down to Kieran, respects—and in some cases, fears—Ms. Grimshaw, and with good reason. The woman’s mouth can put any military official to shame, and her right hook is the stuff of legends. Anything with even the smallest amount of self-preservation knows not to get in her way when she’s scented her prey; the way the material of her skirt flutters out and away from her as if attempting to not further impeded her stride only serves to punctuate this point.
“Why ain’t you helpin’ out Mister Pearson?” she continues on as she comes to stand directly in front of the woman in question. “You’re not a goddamn workin’ girl, we don’t pay you to sit around on that ass of yours an’ look pretty.”
The blonde snorts loudly into her mug. “You don’t pay me at all.”
“Oh, love—no.” Sean’s plea is little more than a breath from where he sits beside her. Reckless though the young man may be, even he knows that there are some fights you just don’t pick.
“That girl’s really gotta learn when to keep her fool mouth shut,” Tilly comments under her breath.
“Is she drunk?” Javi asks. “‘Cause she sounds drunk. And it’s not even eight yet.”
You shrug as much as your position will allow. “I haven’t seen her drinkin’ anything other than coffee, but that don’t mean nothin’. She was goin’ at it pretty hard last night, though—she could still be drunk from yesterday.”
As the three of you converse the other two women continue to go back and forth, with volume and tempers both steadily rising all the while. Ms. Grimshaw might be a pill, but she’s a fair and caring woman in her own way. She never assigns anyone more than their due, and is always willing to work with anybody that’s suffering from an illness or injury severe enough to keep them from performing their duties properly. So long as a person’s able to provide for the camp in some major way—be that via money, labor, or acquiring much needed provisions—she generally leaves them alone.
Unfortunately for Karen she’s been bringing very little to the table as of late, well besides that lead on Valentine’s bank. Despite the fact that she’d pitched it well over a week ago she’s quick to bring it back up yet again for what little good it’ll do her. Even if Dutch does okay the job it’ll still take at least another couple of weeks of reconnaissance and planning before he’ll even think of making a move on the place which means that the blonde’s “–got one iron in the fire, but no damn legs to stand on”, as the older woman puts it.
“Well they’re not workin’!” Karen yells lamely, gesturing towards where you’re currently all hugged up with your boyfriend.
“That’s because I’m getting ready for a job!” you quickly call out. The last thing you want or need is one of Susan’s lectures on ‘pulling your own damn weight.’
“Sure don’t look it,” she shoots back in yet another blatant attempt to get the attention off of her. “Not unless you’re chargin’ your man by the hour these days.”
Her words leave Javier quaking with near silent laughter and he earns a sharp elbow to the ribs for his troubles. His apology comes in the form of a kiss placed just behind your ear, and though it’s a chaste thing you still feel a shudder run up the length of your spine. It’s been damn near a week since the two of you have had the combination of time, energy, and the minimum amount of needed privacy to do much more than some heavy petting, and given the state of your libidos, a week’s more akin to a month.
Of course he notices the way his kiss affects you, and of fucking course the jerk decides that now would be a good time to pepper more of them along the column of your neck. Knowing that telling him to stop will only lead to him doing something far less innocuous you decide that ignoring him to the best of your ability is the better course of action. If anyone else takes issue with his amorous display they keep it behind their teeth; whether this is because they’re too used to seeing shit like this by now, or out of fear of what the man’ll do to them if he thinks they’ve offended and-or embarrassed you, you cannot say—though if you’re being honest you know it’s probably mostly due to the latter.
“Fuck you Karen, I’m helping Arthur ‘n’ ‘nem rob that stagecoach outside of Valentine.” Your voice only catches once as you speak and you count that as a victory.
“You hear that, Miss Jones? They have an actual task to tend to, but you? You’re just sittin’ around–”
The rest of Ms. Grimshaw’s tirade is lost to you when Javi breathes a quiet “Qué?” into your ear.
“Oh, right, guess you wouldn’t ‘ve heard yet. Arthur’s got a lead on some rich fucks that’re passin’ through the area on their way to Golden Planes so me, him, Lenny, and Charles are gonna hit ‘em up. Should be a pretty decent sized haul from what I gathered. Apparently the feller’s some actor preparing for a role by ‘roughing it’ like us common folk, ‘cept not really since he’s got himself a nice little caravan-type-deal goin’ on complete with all the comforts that he’s so accustomed to.”
You roll your eyes hard at the absurdity of it all. You remember hearing a traveling preacher once say something about a fool and his money being easily parted, and while you’re pretty sure that armed robbery’s normally considered to be a sin in this case you just might be doing the Lord’s work. The thought leaves you snorting out half a laugh as you continue on.
“The man sounds like a asshole, and a dumb one at that. Hell, given why he’s on this fool’s quest we just might be helpin’ him out—ya know, lettin’ him experience the true grit of America’s untamed land and the hounding terror of the roguish gangs that rove its planes, or, yanno, some equally flowery bullshit. Anyway, it’s pretty poorly guarded, relatively speaking, and sure to be full of loot if Arthur’s contact is to be believed—and I’m sure she is. Barmaids hear everything and she’s sweet on Arthur besides. She’s been doin’ everything she can to help ‘em in hopes that he’ll take more of an interest in her, the poor girl. She’s so hung up on him she can hardly see straight. Kinda wish I could tell her better, but she probably wouldn’t believe me anyways.”
You aren’t expecting too much in the way of reply aside from a snort of amusement, or maybe even an offer to come along, really anything but the growled “No” that you get.
“Excuse me?”
You couldn’t have heard him right, you think, but then he says it again.
You lean off to the side so that you can get a better look at him. His expression is just as straight forward as the uttered word and twice as hard. You arch a brow as you look from the pursed set of his lips to the banked fire in his eyes. He’s clearly upset, though for the life of you, you cannot understand why.
“‘No’, what?”
“No, you’re not goin’.”
“I’m sorry,” you start, your own awakening anger transforming the words into sharp and dangerous things, “somethin’ must be gettin’ lost here because that didn’t sound like a question.”
The smoldering embers that had been in his gaze before are fully alight now with a flame that’s just barely checked as he regards you. “That’s because it wasn’t, mi amor. I don’t want you anywhere near something that risky.”
You scoff loudly at that. Who does he think he is? That you are? There have only ever been a few people in your life that could ever even begin to think of forbidding you to do anything, and they’ve all long since died, so needless to say Javier Escuella is not among their number. And that’s not even touching on his blatant disregard of the skills that you’ve earned through the literal shedding of your blood, sweat, and tears. You can handle yourself just fine, and had been doing so for literal years before you even knew he existed. You’re not some goddamn damsel from out of one of Mary-Beth’s books, and you’re definitely not looking for someone to save you. When you tell him as much he just sighs.
“I never said you were. I know you can take care of yourself.”
“Well you’re sure as shit not actin’ like it,” you give back. He sighs again before muttering something under his breath in Spanish and for some reason that makes you even angrier. “If you’ve got somethin’ to say, Javier, then say it. And at a volume that I can actually hear, if you goddamn please.”
“I said, you’re acting like a child,” he bites off.
“I’m acting like a child? Me? Are you fuckin’ serious right now? You’re the one that started all of this!”
“I didn’t start anythi–”
“Oh so the whole ‘you’re not going’ bit—that wasn’t you startin’ it?” The sound you let out is a bitter shadow of a laugh. “I lost my father a long time ago, Escuella, and I’m not lookin’ to replace him, least of all with my goddamn boyfriend.”
He pinches his eyes shut in frustration. “I’m not trying to replace anybody! Fuckin’– I just want you to be safe.”
“I can take care of myself.”
“I never said that you couldn’t.”
“Then what are you sayin’?” you demand with a toss of your hand. “‘Cause from where I’m sittin’ it sounds a whole damn lot like you think I’m too fuckin’ incompetent to get the job done.”
When the only reply you get is a hard, agitated breath you just nod your head. “And there it is. Hm. Well, regardless of your estimation of my skills, Mister Escuella, I’m more than capable of handlin’ a simple robbery. Now if you’ll kindly excuse me, I’ve a few things that need doin’ before I go and I don’t want Arthur and the rest waitin’ on my account.”
You give him a look when the arm that bars you in doesn’t immediately fall away. Javier meets your stare then and the tumultuous mix of emotions that you find in those warm brown irises leaves your indignation faltering, but before you can even begin to make an attempt at deciphering any of it he’s dropping both his eyes and his arms.
No further words are exchanged, though the small part of you that’s not currently pissed the fuck off feels as if you should say something. Leaving things like this is hardly wise, especially since there is a possibility—relatively slim though it is—that you may not come back, but you just can’t bring yourself to open your mouth. Javier has stepped squarely on a rather sensitive nerve, and that he can’t see that, that he won’t make the first move to apologize…
It hurts more than you care to admit, even to yourself.
You’re both adults and should be able to talk about this like the reasonable people you usually are, but you can’t be the bigger person right now. For a long time people had put you down and made you feel as if you and your abilities had no real worth and you believed them. It had taken years for you to realize that they were wrong, that you’ve always had value beyond anything they—and even you yourself—could ever know. Your self-confidence is a thing hard earned and you’ll die before you ever allow anyone to strip you of it again. Having one of the people closest to you threatening it, unintentional though it may have been, hits you hard and you just can’t.
Don’t. Won’t.
As you go you feel more than just Javier’s eyes on you. It seems as if you gave the gang a show to go with their morning meal and the thought leaves your face uncomfortably warm. Where’s Abbi and John when you need ‘em? you think as you make your way back to your tent. When compared to the screaming matches that the pair of them frequently engage in what you and your man had done can hardly even be called a proper fight.
Abandoning the mug that you hadn’t even realized you were still carrying, you grab everything you’ll need from the little box that sits tucked away in the shared space of your makeshift shelter; afterwards you head over to the medicine wagon and collect a few items, just in case worst comes to worst. Now fully kitted out, the only thing left to do is join Arthur and the rest over by the horses—which means cutting through the middle of the camp. Eyes forward, shoulders squared, and face set in a way that says ‘stay the fuck away’ you head towards your destination. Thankfully the pointedly unwelcoming combination works as intended and the short trip is blessedly uneventful.
Arthur and Charles are both in the process of loading up their horses, but Lenny is nowhere to be found. You breathe out a sigh of relief at that as it would’ve been beyond mortifying if your argument had caused you to be the last one to arrive.
“Gents,” you greet as you approach your horse. The cheer that you infuse the word with sounds fake, even to your own ears, but if the men pick up on this they don’t mention it.
You’re sure that your spat with Javier hadn’t been loud enough to reach them all the way over here, but gossip in the camp spreads faster and easier than legs in a cathouse so they’ve probably gotten an embellished account by now. Thankfully the pair of them are some of the most kindhearted men you’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing, and they won’t pry or shame you for your actions regardless of what they’ve been told.
True to form, they greet you in kind before asking if you’ve seen the youngest of your little party, and you shake your head. “Thought he’d be over here by now,” you say with a shrug.
“I swear to god if that boah’s still sleepin’,” Arthur mutters as he turns his eyes back towards the camp proper. Charles is already one step ahead of him, however. Sitting atop Taima gives him a better vantage and he easily spots the teen over by Strauss’s wagon. The older man doesn’t even bother with looking himself, instead choosing to scream, “Lenny! Get the molasses outta yer ass, boah!” across the expanse.
Lenny picks up the pace at the beckoning. Long legs carry him across the distance at a decent clip and within a minute he’s sliding up next to you. He gives Arthur a sheepish grin as he shrugs helplessly. “I uhh, I had a hole in my pants, man; had to get that seen to first.”
Remembering the trousers that you’d seen Tilly with before you look him over and—yup. Same ones. The sight leaves you huffing in amusement, but the feeling is quickly shadowed by everything that came afterwards.
We were okay, fine ‘n’ fuckin’ dandy—how the hell did that change so fast? You quickly shake the melancholy away. Now’s not the time or place to deal with your personal shit; distracted minds only ever lead to people getting hurt or worse.
Unaware of you inner turmoil, the men share a laugh before moving on to talking about the plan.
“Alright,” Arthur starts, “Charles is gonna ride on ahead and look for a good ambush spot outside of town, and I want one of you to go with ‘em.”
“I’ll go,” Lenny offers, as eager to help as ever.
His older flashes him a smile as he claps him on the shoulder. “Good man. That means me and you,” he nods his head in your direction, “are heading into town. Ruth says that they’re not supposed to be leaving out until sometime after ten, but I’d rather keep eyes on them all the same.”
“Fair enough,” you concede with a shrug.
“I already have a couple of places in mind,” Charles says as he gives his horse a few loving pats to the neck, “so it shouldn’t take too long. Want us to meet you back in Valentine after?”
Arthur nods. “It’s better if we’re not all seen in one place, so you two should head on over to Keane’s. I’ll linger around Smithfield’s, and ____ can take the hotel. Sound good?” When he gets answers in the affirmative he gives a gruff hum of approval. “Good. Alright folks, this should be an easy one, and if everything goes accordin’ to plan we’ll be done well before noon.”
“Aw come on Arthur, don’t say that,” Lenny moans as he swings himself up into Maggie’s saddle. “You’ll jinx us for sure.”
“Never took you for the superstitious type,” Charles comments.
“Never was, not before all this. I’m not usually one for all that ‘curses and bad juju’ stuff, but with everything that’s been goin’ on lately–”
The rest of their conversation is lost to you under the sound of their steeds’ combined hoof-falls. You and Arthur both mount up yourselves then before following after them at a more leisurely pace. A comfortable silence lingers as you steadily make your way towards Valentine and not for the first time you find yourself being distinctly grateful that Arthur is who he is. He’s not one to meddle, but he’s always there to offer an ear or a shoulder to cry on when you need it.
And he thinks he isn’t a good man. The musing leaves your lips twisting wryly.
“It’s nice to see Charles opening up more,” you comment after several long moments have passed. And it really is. You liked the man from the moment you met him, and more often than not you found yourself seeking out his quiet presence when things around camp got too rowdy. Charles has mastered the fine art of being and you can only hope that one day you’re as at peace with yourself as he so often appears to be.
Arthur hums his agreement. “Yeah. He’s a good one, that Charles—one of the best Dutch has brought into the fold in a long while.”
Unlike Micah, the unspoken subtext reads. You, like most people in the camp (and probably the world at large) can’t stand the rat bastard, but you also don’t feel like talking about him either. That man exhausts you to no end, and you’re fairly certain that just saying his name aloud has the potential to shave several hours off of your lifespan. Thankfully Arthur doesn’t seem too keen on bitching about him at the moment—odd given that it’s one of his favorite pastimes, but ‘gift horses’ and all that.
“You should’ve seen what he did to Uncle last night, nearly drove the old lush crazy,” he tells you around a laugh before laying out the scene.
Apparently the man had tried to strike up a conversation with his younger over supper only to have every starter shot down with one word answers. By the end of it all Uncle had walked away red faced, frustrated, and in dire need of something stronger than the beer he’d been drinking.
“And-and Charles, he just–” a hard spurt of laughter, “he just looks over at me and the rest of the boahs and he’s got the sliest little smirk on his face and we just lost it. He knew what he was doin’.” Though the retelling leaves much to be desired, the mirth in your brother’s voice is contagious and you find yourself laughing as well.
“That is funny. Wish I could’ve seen it for myself.”
“Mmm. Guard duty’s a bitch, huh?”
“Who you tellin’? I know why we have to do it, but dammit if it doesn’t get up my ass. At least I got one of the better shifts this time around. I was barely able to stay awake long enough to finish my stew, but at least I got a full night’s rest. Plus I didn’t have to worry about waking up Javi, so…” His name is out of your mouth before you realize it and just like that your mood loses what little levity it had managed to gain.
The man at your side sighs, though the sound isn’t one born of impatience or long-suffering; he’s always hated to see anyone within the gang at odds with one another, but especially people that are as close to him as you and Javier.
He flicks up the brim of his hat so that his eyes are fully visible when he looks over at you. “If you wanna talk about it…”
“I… I do,” you admit with a sigh of your own, “but I also don’t, not right now at least. Work first, emotional bullshit second—yeah?”
“If you’d like,” he drawls back.
You smile at him then, small and grateful, before reaching over the gap and giving his arm a squeeze. “Thanks.”
No more words are exchanged after that, none are needed. He gets it, gets you—so how is it that the man whose affections are supposed stretch far beyond that of a brother’s doesn’t?
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They aren’t coming back.
Clink. Thud.
Not that they should.
Clink. Thud.
They can do better than you. Already have, really.
Clink. Thud.
He is perfect for them, has known ‘em longer, understands them in a way that you probably never will. They have history; no matter how hard you try, there’s no competing with that.
Clink. Thud.
They’re perfect together—they should be together.
Clink. Thud.
And what else did you expect? You already had your shot at love, how could you possibly think that you’d get another?
Clink. Thud.
And on the off chance that you did—have—how do you know it won’t all be snatched away from you again?
Clink. Thud. THWACK!
Javier embeds the axe into the stump with enough force to send large splinters of wood flying out from around the heavy metal head. An especially wayward piece nicks him just under his left eye, but he’s too numb—both inside and out—to notice the sting of it. His thoughts have been relentlessly following the same misery-fueled loop of self-degradation since he’d watched his amor ride out of the camp this morning.
Things had gotten awkward fast around the firepit, but he couldn’t bring himself to move. It was as if his body and mind both ceased all higher functions once he let you out of his arms, leaving him with only the capacity to hollowly stare after you as you went about readying yourself to go. Your movements were hard and jerky as you checked over your weapons and filled your pouches with tonics and salves, as clear a sign of your anger—your rage—as you were willing to show. And when you had walked past him to get to the horses… It was like he was air to you, no less than that. Some useless thing that was undeserving of even a scrap of your time or attention. Your expression was hard and your eyes blank as you passed him by without so much as even a parting glare and that’s when he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he had fucked up bad.
His amor is done. Their relationship is done. And it’s all his fault.
“Joder!” He hisses out the curse as he sends one of the newly quartered logs flying with a hard kick. It’s mildly satisfying, seeing the chunk of wood sail through the air, so he kicks another one. And another, and another. It’s only when the last one lands some several feet away that he pulls the axe from its resting place to start in on the pile of lumber once more.
“Dios, soy un jodido idiota,” he all but growls as the tool’s metal head embeds itself in the wood’s pale center. “Nunca seré lo suficientemente bueno–” (God, I’m a fucking idiot. / I’ll never be good enough.)
“I’ll admit my Spanish isn’t the best, but I know the sound of a man beratin’ himself when I hear it.”
Of course Hosea would be the one to come find him. He’s the only one with enough balls to approach him when he’s this pissed and welding an axe, but also enough heart to actually care—the bowl of stew and bottle of beer he holds are both further testament to the latter.
“If I said that I was fine, would you believe me and go away?” the younger man asks between chops.
Hosea chuckles a bit. “Given that you were mumblin’ to yourself somethin’ fierce just a few seconds ago—no. Look, if you don’t want to talk about it I’m not gonna make you,” he assures him. “But what I am gonna ask you to do is to sit down for a bit.”
“Because workin’ yourself half to death won’t help anything.”
“What if I don’t care?”
“You do.”
“I don’t.”
“Well then I do, and I can guarantee you it’s more than enough to carry the both of us ‘til you come back to your senses.”
He cuts his eyes over to the conman. “My ‘senses’ rode out of here this morning  without so much as a backwards glance.”
“So I saw,” Hosea starts as he moves to sit on the repurposed barrel. “Does this mean that you want to talk about it then?”
Javier groans loudly as he embeds the axe into the stump once again. “No. Dios mío, Hosea, please—just drop it.”
“Fine,” the man concedes with a shrug. “I’ll drop the subject, you’ll drop that axe, and we’ll both go about the rest of our day.”
“Is that an order?”
“Don’t get your hackles up, Mister Escuella—givin’ orders is more of Dutch’s thing than mine. I’d much rather lay out your options and hope that you’ll make the best choice.”
“Yes, because clearly I’ve been makin’ quality decisions all day.”
Eyes nearly as dark as his own pin him with a pointed look. “While your sarcasm isn’t appreciated, it is telling. There’s no point in cryin’ over spilled milk, my boy—all you can do is clean up the mess and try to move on. Stewin’ over what you should’ve done or said isn’t helpin’ anything. Calm yourself, get some food in your belly, sleep if you can; you’ll need a clear head if you want to fix things between the two of you.”
“How can you sound so sure?”
“Well I was married for nearly fifteen years,” Hosea reminds him. The smile that accompanies his words is as bittersweet as it always is whenever the topic is broached, though as he looks the younger man over it softens. He nods for Javier to take the seat next to him and after a few seconds of hesitation he does; when offered the bowl and bottle he accepts them without further prodding. The patriarch waits until he’s got a few good spoonfuls in him before speaking again.
“You know, the pair of your remind me a lot of me and my Bessie. We had our fair share of rough patches, especially when I couldn’t settle into the humdrum of domestic bliss she seemed so intent on—but that’s a story for another time,” he says with a wave of his hand. “The point I’m tryin’ to make is this: if you both want to make this work, you will.
“Some people think that being in love means never havin’ to say you’re sorry, but that’s the biggest crock of shit I’ve ever heard. Love is all about sayin’ you’re sorry and forgivin’ in turn. It’s reachin’ consensuses and occasionally conceding, but never compromisin’. And above all else it’s all about how much work you’re willin’ to put in. The sentiment alone won’t keep you afloat—you have to choose to stay together.”
Javier has to admit that that all makes sense—even if it takes him several long, thoughtful moments to do so—but–
“What if they don’t want to? What if they don’t come back?”
“Oh they’ll definitely come back.”
“How do you know that?”
“Well it’s actually quite simple, Mister Escuella,” Hosea starts with a chuckle, “it’s because their home is here.”
The sound he makes in reply is equal parts rude and dismissive. “This place isn’t home to any of us, Hosea.”
“Not here, as in the ground we’re standing on, dear boy—their home is you.”
His first instinct is to argue, but there’s so much confidence in the old man’s voice that he finds himself faltering. If someone who’s on the outside looking in can believe it so emphatically, why can’t he? His amor completes him in so many ways, and they’ve told him countless times now that he does the same for them… Surely they wouldn’t throw all of that away—their love away—over one stupid little fight?
They wouldn’t. Couldn’t.
Not so long as he has some say in it.
If, once all is said and done, they still wants to part ways he’ll let them go, but he’ll be damned if he’ll let what they have die without a fight.
“Ahh, now there’s the right kind of fire!” Hosea stops just short of clapping him on the shoulder, having long since learned that his younger isn’t overly fond of undue contact. Instead he gives him a broad smile before using his knees as a push off point to rise to his feet. “I know it all feels like a bit much, bein’ your first major spat and all, but when you sit down and think on it rationally, nine times outta ten you’ll find that it’s not such a big thing.”
Javier’s reply comes in the form of a noncommittal huff followed by a long pull from the dark tinted bottle. His continued sullenness only serves to make the old man smile.
“You’re a tough nut to crack, Mister Escuella, but I’ll get there yet. In the meantime please try and get some sleep. None of us want to see you passin’ out from exhaustion, and that’s to say nothin’ of the tongue lashin’ you’ll get from Susan if she thinks you’re making a burden of yourself.”
“With all the wood I just chopped, both she and Pearson should stay off my case for a while yet.”
“True. Which is why you shouldn’t bother with any further tasks. Take a rest–”
“I’d rather take a bath,” he admits. Thanks to the tight schedule he’s been forced to keep it’s been damn near a day and a half since he’s had an opportunity to do more than a cursory rubdown and he’s long since started to feel grimy.
Hosea hunches up a shoulder. “Fine then. Bath first, sleep after, yeah?”
The older man gives him a smile and a nod before leaving him to finish the rest of his meal in peace. Now that his mind isn’t so weighed down with sorrow he’s able to enjoy the freshness of the rabbit meat and the fine blend of herbs that accompany it—compliments of Charles’ snares and one of Mary-Beth’s ‘acquisition jobs’ in town respectively. Within a few minutes the bowl is empty and the bottle soon follows suit. Not looking to make more work for the ladies than necessary, he takes both over to the washing station and cleans up his mess before gathering up what he needs and heading down to the river.
The bath does wonders for his mood, with every swipe of the rough cloth over his skin rubbing away a portion of his self-loathing and doubts, and by the time he’s dressed in a fresh set of clothes he has mostly come back to himself. Taking advantage of the noonday sun he doesn’t gather his hair up as he usually does but instead leaves it to hang loose. Though the feeling of the heavy, damp locks against his neck is unpleasant he knows it’ll be dry soon enough. As he plops down onto his makeshift bed, his lover’s scent wafts up to greet him; it leaves his heart twisting with longing and just a little bit of dread, though he’s quick to push the latter away.
Soon, he promises himself. Soon they’ll come back to this place—back to his arms, back to their home—and when they do the pair of them will talk this thing out and reach an understanding, he’s sure of it.
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“Now I do want to thank you all so very kindly for your cooperation,” Arthur starts as he swings himself up into his saddle and you have to resist the urge to roll your eyes.
It seems as if spending the better part of his life under Dutch’s tutelage has endowed him with the same grandiose flair that plagues your illustrious leader, and you can only thank the Almighty that he doesn’t indulge in it overmuch.
“Now remember: going back towards Valentine will get you nowhere—well, nowhere you’ll want to be, anyway. The only place there’s a future for you is out there, across the Dakota at Wallace Station on the train that waits for you. Right?”
A dozen-plus voices, shrill with fear and just a touch frantic, rise up in agreement; the owners of said voices are tied to the wheels of the ransacked wagons that sit before your little group of outlaws. Though they’re all more or less in the state in which you’d found them, they’re a bunch of gentle folk; all it took to cow them were a few well-placed shots and some rather colorful language.
Arthur and Lenny had walked them through tying themselves up while you and Charles had made sure that there weren’t any enterprising guards among them lying in wait. In the end it hadn’t taken you more than a solid twenty minutes to get them squared away and their valuables stashed on your respective horses. All the while the captives behaved as they were expected to. Crying, cursing, praying—all typical responses to being held at gunpoint and relieved of all your worldly possessions–
“Thank you for this, sir! I won’t soon forget the lesson you and your compatriots taught me here today!”
–and then there’s Slias Spatchcock.
Apparently the man’s some type of up-and-coming actor known for his portrayal of outlaws like yourselves. You can only shudder to think what that says about the state of the industry as a whole because this jackass can barely tell the business end of a pistol from his goddamn elbow.
Arthur had entertained a few of his questions—mostly just as a way to get the idiot to shut up—and in exchange the man had promised to model his next performance after the “–rough ‘n’ tumble gunslinger, whose eyes are as green as jade, but as hard as flint.” You’re pretty sure that nobody besides you had noticed the slight flush that had crept up the older man’s neck at the words, but you’re enough, really. You’d never tease him about it, he gets enough shit from everyone about everything as is, but you like to think of it as further proof of his allure.
Everywhere he goes just about every one of every gender finds their eyes trailing after Mister Morgan for one reason or another, though he’s loathed to notice this, let alone admit it. Hell, even now, with several of the women (as well as Silas) looking up at him with a curious combination of lust, fear, and anger he still doesn’t see it.
“See that you don’t, Mister Spatchcock,” the man of the hour replies with a tip of his hat.
“Here.” Charles’ voice is much louder than usual in deference to the distance between him and the captives; the dull thud of a knife embedding itself into the ground just a few scant feet away from one of the men’s boots punctuates the extremely short sentence. “Remember—if you try to give chase we will shoot to kill.”
It’s with this last grim reminder that the four of you set off back towards Valentine. Once you’re a good ways away you find a nice secluded spot to divvy up the loot. Surprisingly there isn’t too much of note in the haul; a decent amount of jewelry, some actual cash, and a few books whose value is found in their ability to entertain. Of course the camp gets its due right off the top, but you’re all still left with nearly sixty dollars and a few trinkets apiece. With that last bit of business taken care of you all go your separate ways.
Charles turns back the way you came, citing a need to make sure your victims don’t get any cute ideas. Lenny’s heading back to the camp to drop off the offering as well as to catch some sleep before his shift on guard duty, and you can only assume that Arthur will be joining him; this leaves the three of you to fall into step as you headed back towards civilization.
The men chat as you go—mostly about the heist itself, with Arthur giving his younger a few pointers—and you’re content enough to let them talk around you. Though the mildly euphoric feeling of a job well done rests warm in your chest, you can’t quite shake the melancholy that still shrouds you. You rather enjoy this particular aspect of your life, being a Robin Hood for a new generation, and the only thing that makes it better is having the people you love best at your side as you partake in it. You’ve always loved pulling off jobs with Javi, and you had thought he felt the same, but the way he acted this morning…
You sigh heavily as you mentally push the thought, and the anger that follows it, away; you’re not going to let him ruin the rest of this day for you. In fact, you’re going to treat yourself. You’ve already rented a room at Saints as part of your cover, and you don’t see any reason why you should let it go to waste. Yes, a nice hot bath will do you a world of good, as will a decent meal–
And the camp’s doing pretty well for itself. Between all of us workin’ and Charles and Arthur’s huntin’ skills we aren’t exactly wantin’ for too much. I could get myself something nice, maybe look into getting a new part for my pistol…
Lenny’s farewell snaps you back into the present and you return it with a nod of your head, as well as a warning for him to look after himself. The young man huffs a bit at your words, but doesn’t brush them off completely—can’t, not with the manner of luck you’ve all had lately. After one last tip of his hat he’s spurring Maggie on as they speed back towards the Overlook.
“You’re not going with him?” you ask your brother. He’s been running himself especially ragged these past couple of weeks and you’d thought that he would jump at the chance to sleep in his own bed.
“Much rather sleep in an actual bed,” he replies when you say as much. “Besides there’re a few things I want to do in town before we inevitably get run out of it.”
You laugh a bit. “Fair enough. Would you… care for some company?”
Despite your bond the question is posed tentatively. Arthur doesn’t take nearly enough time for himself and you feel no small amount of self-loathing for impeding on his rare allowance, but you’re not exactly thrilled with the idea of being left alone with your thoughts right now. Thankfully the “Sure” you get is quick and genuine.
“Feels like forever since we’ve done anything, just you ‘n’ me. But first I’d like to take a bath, if you don’t mind. I’ve got to smell like a goat’s ass by now and can’t look much better.”
“You’re not alone there. Meet you at Smithfield’s in a couple of hours then?”
He tosses you a wink that leaves you scoffing. “It’s a date.”
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Freshly scrubbed and donned in the clean clothes you always leave stored on your horse’s pack, you meet a rather dapper Arthur in Smithfield’s Saloon at a quarter past three. Apparently he hadn’t spent quite as long soaking his cares away as you did; his hair and beard both have been seen to, with the former being a good several inches shorter and well tapered on the sides, and the latter not nearly so shaggy as last you seen him. You let out an appreciative whistle when you slide into the chair across from him at the table for two.
“Lookin’ sharp, Mister Morgan.”
“I–” He stops short when he sees the look on your face. You’d already told him to lay off that self-depreciating bull, and while you’re sure he still gets up to it when you’re not around, when you are he knows it’s a no-go. “Thanks,” he starts again. “You’re lookin’ mighty nice yourself.”
There’s nothing special about the plain ensemble you’ve thrown on, but you don’t feel the need to contradict the statement. “Well thank ya kindly, sir. Now what’s a fine specimen such as myself gotta do to get a drink ‘round these parts?”
Arthur rolls his eyes even as he chuckles before heading over to the bar. A few minutes later he returns with two glasses and a bottle of mid-shelf whiskey. “I took the liberty of putting in our lunch order,” he tells you as he pours you both a measure. “They said it should be out shortly.”
You hum your thanks as you accept your glass. You have no idea what’s on the menu today, nor does it rightly matter; the place serves what it serves and either you eat it or you don’t. Luckily their house chef is a good cook, much better than Pearson these days—though to be fair to the man, up until very recently he didn’t exactly have the best environment or ingredients to work with.
The pair of you chat about everything and nothing, mostly just catching one another up on what you’ve been getting into since settling in at the Overlook. By the time the barmaid is bringing out your meal you’ve fallen into reminiscing about the members of your cobbled family that you’ve lost. You share a toast in their honor before digging in.
“So, what do you want to do with the rest of the day?” Arthur asks once your plates have been taken away.
You shrug. “I was thinking about investing in a new pair of boots since these have certainly seen better days, maybe a part or two for my pistol too. If there’s anything left after that I’ll pick up a few things for the ladies just ‘cause.”
He hums in that way he does as he leans more fully back in his chair, a truly contented smile playing at his lips. “Lookin’ to treat yourself then?”
“You sayin’ I don’t deserve it?”
“Not at all. Well if that’s what you wanna get into, then that’s what we’ll do.”
“I never intended to monopolize your time, Arthur. I’m sure the absolute last thing you wanna do is putter around from shop to shop with me.”
“Nah, it’s fine,” he assures you as he rises from his seat. You give him a skeptical look as he nods expectantly towards the door, looking for any sign that he’s being overly selfless again, but for a wonder he doesn’t seem to be putting on airs.
“Well far be it from me to turn down such a strapping escort.” Ignoring his scoffing laugh you finally rise as well and head out into the town proper.
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Javier awakes to the smell of coffee, much to his confusion.
It’s far too late in the day for anyone to be brewing the stuff, and the sleeping area is purposefully situated far away from the ‘kitchen’ besides. It isn’t until sleep-bleary eyes land on the little crate-slash-bedside table that he finds the culprit: the mug that you had been nursing this morning.
His brain stalls hard as memories of the harsh words and heated glares you’d exchanged come flooding back.
“God, I’m such a jackass,” he mutters under his breath as he pinches at the space between his brows.
Had he been less sleep deprived then maybe things wouldn’t have veered off so badly. He hadn’t meant to insult you or try to assert some control over you that he most certainly knew he didn’t have—he just wanted to keep you safe. That’s not so unreasonable, is it? He doesn’t think so, not with the way things have been going since the Massacre. In the time since the pair of you haven’t been apart too often, his brief trip into Valentine aside. And even then he hadn’t been too keen on the idea of leaving you alone, even if you were within the relative safety of the camp.
Logically he knows that you cannot be tucked under each other’s arms twenty-four seven—your responsibilities, as well as your sanity, won’t allow for that, but… Javier Escuella has always been a man who often times puts heart before head. It’s a habit that has gotten him into more than a few scrapes, but what went down between the pair of you may be his biggest blunder to date. Still, he has to believe that he can fix things. Even the darkest of nights have a dawn, he knows—I just need to find my sunlight.
To that end he quickly scrambles to get dressed before checking the time. It’s just a little past three in the afternoon. He has no idea when you all were set to hit up that caravan, but with any luck you’re already back and cooled down enough to tolerate his presence again.
People extend him more grace than what he probably deserves when he exits his tent, treating him as they normally would despite him showing his ass earlier. Unfortunately nobody has seen hide or hair of you, which is strange given the fact that half of the crew you set out with returned over an hour ago.
Charles and Lenny had rode in separately, with the former having broken away from the group early on. He had assumed that the others were heading back to camp, but clearly that wasn’t the case. What’s more the only one that would more than likely know where you are is fast asleep and Javier doesn’t want to wake him. That would be a dick move and a display of desperation that—well, he’s not exactly above, but not quite at the point of just yet.
“If they aren’t here they’re more than likely still in Valentine,” Charles tells him. “That would make the most sense as ____ rented a room there.”
The outlaw can feel his face harden with this new bit of information. While he knows there’s nothing more to it—to you and the man that is your brother in everything but blood—that treacherous little part of his brain that never fails to remind him just how inadequate he is when compared to the likes of Arthur Morgan rears its cruel head. Though he stays quiet it’s very obvious to the other man exactly what roads his mind have traveled down.
Charles gives him a disapproving look as he shakes his head. “Don’t do that, Javier. It’s a disservice to yourself as well as the both of them. Neither of them would ever betray your trust like that, and ____ would certainly never disrespect themselves or your relationship in such a way. I don’t know what you’ve gone through to make you think otherwise, but you’d be better off putting those issues to rest sooner rather than later.”
Though the unsolicited advice grates, Javier hears the wisdom in it. Old betrayals and past hurts have left their mark in mind and heart both, but if wants to have any hope of recovering and moving on—if he’s ever to have a real and solid future with you—then he has to move past it all.
From character to aptitude, never once in all the time that he’s known you have you ever given him any reason to doubt you in any capacity. You’ve only ever been good to him; radiating a kindness that warmed him from the inside out to melt away the ice around his heart so that love could blossom once more. How could something as inane as insecurities, ones that he’d convinced himself that he’d come to terms with long ago, come between that? Why was there ever even any room within him for that to take root and fester in the first place?
He knows the answer to this of course, and it’s a simple thing: because he let it. Had he at least tried to deal with his inner demons sooner instead of just sweeping them under the rug then maybe the pair of you wouldn’t be in this mess.
You really are a jackass, his brain silently reminds him yet again, as if it had no parts in this disaster once so ever.
Aloud, he breathes deeply before saying—admitting—“You’re right. I, uh… Thanks, Charles.”
The man nods before turning his attention back to the knife he’d been sharpening. Taking the sign of dismissal for what it is Javier heads over to the stables. He knows that fixing things won’t be so easy as uttering a simple two word apology, but as he preps Boaz for travel he’s positive that it’s definitely the perfect place to start.
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“So, about that ‘emotional bullshit’…?”
You can’t help but to snort a laugh at that. “As tactful as ever.”
Arthur shrugs, chuckling a bit himself. “Never claimed to be anything other than what I am, you know that.”
“Fair enough,” you concede with a shrug. “As for the ‘bullshit’, I… I don’t even know what went wrong, honestly.”
As you proceed to lay out the whole of the situation to him, Arthur mostly keeps quiet aside from the occasional hum of acknowledgement. Once you’ve gotten it all out he goes quiet for a long moment as he considers all that has been said. When he finally does speak again he isn’t saying anything that you don’t already know, but hearing it from an outside source gives it more weight than what your thoughts alone could provide. He speaks of context and meaning, inferences and biases, and how at the end of the day you shouldn’t allow what’s little more than a simple misunderstanding to impede on what it is that you and Javier share–
“–but that’s just my thoughts on the matter. I’m nobody’s Romeo, as you well know–”
“That’s probably for the best, given the way that particular story ended.”
“Smartass. You know what I mean. But in all seriousness, I think things’ll work out in the end so long as you’re willin’ to let ‘em…” He lets the sentence trail off with a resolute nod as he takes a cigarette from an intricately engraved tin—an actual present from an admiring actor, overly-eager to please. He offers you one, shrugging again when you decline, before lighting up.
“You make it all sound so easy,” you reply as you fiddle with your bracelet. The simple gold number’s a gift from Javier for your birthday just passed, one made all the more special by the fact that he had gotten himself one to match.
“I know it’s probably not the best time to be thinking about rings and the like, but…” His words had left you both blushing at the implications as he secured the thing around your wrist with uncharacteristically shaky hands. “I still like the idea of letting the world know you’re mine, just as much as I’m yours, even in this small way…”
“That’s because it is easy,” Arthur assures you, snapping you out of the brief reverie. “Just because I’ve got shit luck with love don’t mean I don’t know it when it’s sittin’ squarely in front of me. The two of you are made for each other, and no doubt about it, but your being perfect for each other doesn’t mean that you’re actually perfect. You’re bound to make just as many mistakes as the rest of us, especially with you being so close to one another.
“Toes get stepped on, feelings get hurt—it’s only natural. The only time you need to worry is when you feel like there’s no coming back from it. You don’t feel like that, do ya? And before you answer, I’m gonna need you to push all of the dramatics aside and think on it logically.”
The look that you give him says that you can do without the sass, but you do as you’re told all the same, not that it takes much prompting. You’re hurt, sure, but even that isn’t as prominent as it had been this morning. Now you mostly just feel sad over the fact that you’re at odds with the man you love; sad and a touch embarrassed at your very public altercation. This isn’t going to be the end for the pair of you, of this you are sure, but it does shed some light on areas that you both need to work on if your relationship is to be a long and healthy one.
After letting out a drawn out breath you say, “I– No, I don’t think that at all. Clearly there are some issues that need to be addressed, but it’s nothin’ so dire as all that. I know that Javier would never purposefully hurt me in any manner any more than I’d do so to him. We both just let our emotions get the better of us this mornin’, but that ain’t exactly surprisin’, all things considered.”
Your brother hums his agreement. Though things have been markedly better this past month that isn’t saying much. The gang has only just begun to fish itself out of the mire, but there’s no saying when fate’ll decide to throw you right back into the shit. You’ve collectively got the temperament of a beaten cat, and honestly thinking on it now it’s a miracle that you and Javier managed to go this long without really snapping at each other. When you say as much Arthur laughs hardily as he gives your shoulder a fond pat.
“And just like that you’re finally able to see the forest for the trees. You’ve pretty much solved your own problem there, not that I’m surprised. You’ve always been a smart one, ____; I knew you didn’t need me telling you what you already know. All there is left to do now is kiss and make up.”
There’s an amused tilt to his lips as he jerks his chin at some unseen point behind you. You arch your brow at him, but when all he does is grin wider you turn around to find–
“Javier.” He’s here. He’s come to you.
Seeing him standing outside of Saints loosens the last bit of tension in your chest. Your feet carry you forwards without any conscious thought on your part just as Javier’s seemingly do the same. Ignoring your brother’s quip about him “–actually wanting to get some sleep tonight, so try to keep it down, alright?”, you pick up your pace until you’re standing face to face with your man.
Javier breathes out your name like a prayer to some higher power, eyes traveling over the whole of you almost as if he cannot believe that you’re actually right here in front of him. Tentative hands reach out for you, stopping just an inch short of touching, though you’re quick to bridge the gap. Despite the fact that it hasn’t even been a full half a day since last you saw one another, those interim hours felt like they ran longer, colder—and how could they not, with the way you’d left things?
An apology is slipping from between both of your lips at nearly the same time, a thing that leaves Javi taken aback.
“No-no-no,” he starts, head shaking hard, “you’ve got no reason to be sorry, amor. It doesn’t matter how worried I was, I never should’ve said what I did—or, at least, not the way that I said it.”
“But I do need to apologize,” you insist. “I know you would never belittle me like that. The way you said it definitely could’ve been better, but… I shouldn’t ‘ve, I dunno, come out swingin’ like that. I’m better than that, we both are, even if we didn’t exactly show it.”
“I… Alright then. This, uhh… This went down a lot smoother than I was expecting it to, honestly.”
You laugh a bit a that. “Yeah, well, I guess us both being at fault make it easier to forgive and be forgiven.”
“Yeah,” he replies, voice a touch sheepish, “guess so.”
You smile then, soft and sweet, as you cup his cheek with your palm. Javier is quick to lean into your touch, his own lips curling up as well before he turns to cuddle them against your hand. The tickle of his mustache against the sensitive skin causes your fingers to twitch against him, but his own hand comes up to cover yours and hold it in place; he trails his ministrations down the length of your arm, heedless of your shirt, until he’s able to kiss you properly.
Javier licks hotly into your mouth, greedily swallowing up the least little sound you make even as he strives to draw more from your throat. His hands drift down to your hips to pull you in closer as he continues to stake his claim on your lips with teasing nips and soothing swipes of his tongue that you succumb to with a sigh that is content, if laced through with longing. Your hands curl feebly against the silky brocade of his vest, needing something—anything, really—to help keep you grounded. But for all your efforts, you’re sure that the only thing keeping you upright is the arms that have since coiled around your middle.
You know that your not-so-little display of affection has to be scandalizing the good people of this small town, but neither of you have a mind to care overmuch. It isn’t until a familiar voice tells you that “You’ve already got a room, goddammit, so kindly go and use it” that you finally decide to make the short trek into the hotel’s interior. Either the receptionist recognizes you, despite the man that’s all but affixed to your face, or he wisely chooses not to confront you—again, due to the man that’s all but affixed to your face. In any event you make it to your room without incident, with Javier only pulling away long enough for you to open and then quickly close the door behind you.
When he kisses you this time it isn’t nearly as frantic as before. He’s thorough, taking his time as he remaps the whole of your form with eyes and lips and hands, as if he were actually able to forget the look and feel of you in such a short span of time. Or maybe his touch is more reverent than that, an act of worship for the body that he thought he might never be able to touch again—it would certainly explain the promises to do better for you and by you that he’s been steadily murmuring in between kisses.
There’s a ceremony to the way he removes your clothes, and it turns the simple act into a supplicant’s display of devotion. The hesitancy that he’d shown earlier is nowhere to be found as he traces over the lines of you now with calloused fingers and heated breath. There is no part of you that goes untouched, no bit left unseen, and by the time the last article is removed you’re left naked in more ways than the obvious.
Still on his knees from where he helped you out of your pants, Javier looks up at you with an expression that can only be described as awestruck, though as he kisses his way back up your body it changes into something a bit more love drunk.
“Mi corazon,” he sighs as he cradles your face between his work-rough palms, “so beautiful. How did I ever get so lucky, huh?”
You’re sure that he can feel the heat that creeps into your cheeks at that, and you’re quick to cover up your flustered state with another kiss. What starts off as an innocuous little peck soon turns into something that has you writhing against one another. Javier captures your bottom lip between his teeth, giving the plush flesh a little suckle before slipping his tongue into your mouth. He owns the kiss, owns you—body, heart, mind, soul—and all you can really do is receive this outpouring of affection and lust.
When he finally pulls away some long moments later he doesn’t go far. His forehead leans heavily against your own as his hands pull you tighter against the bulge that has been growing impossibly harder this whole time.
“Tell me to stop, amor,” he says, the words breathed directly against your parted lips, “tell me right now, or I won’t be able to.”
You regard him through half lidded eyes that flutter close as you sigh out your simple reply of, “Mm, then don’t.”
And he doesn’t.
Slow ministrations are replaced by harried breaths and eager fingers and the all-consuming need to touch, claim—to feel and be felt in turn. It transforms the removal of his clothes into a nearly feral affair, one that sees seams ripping and buttons popping. Later you’ll both come to regret the fruits of your impatience, but in the now your only real concern is the more-more-more your bodies are crying out for.
Javier backs you up until you’re tumbling backwards onto the bed with a startled squawk. He follows you down with a chuckle, a dark and deep roll of a sound that would’ve surely turned your knees to smoke had you not already been lying down. Of course your man knows the effect he has on you, and ever as always he’s quick to take advantage of it, telling you to lie back so that he can “–love on you a bit, yeah?”
He leans back just enough for you to make yourself comfortable and then he’s on you again. Hot, opened mouth kisses are slurred from jaw to neck—where he stops to leave a few bites and sucks that are sure to blossom into bruises come nightfall—and beyond. His trek stops just past your bellybutton, with him nosing at the skin there. He looks up at you then, eyes impish as he takes in your mussed state and annoyed pout.
When you whine out his name he responds with a cheeky “Yes, amor?” that leaves you gritting out a sound that’s caught somewhere between a groan and a laugh.
“Your eagerness is cute, baby, but you’re gonna have to use your words.”
“Ugh, fine! Fuckin’– Touch me, please.”
You realize your mistake a moment too late. And when he’s laving over your nipple, its twin caught between teasing calloused pads, you know that you have no one but yourself to blame.
“Patience is a virtue, cariño,” he reminds you when you start to whine, his thumbnail giving your nipple a pointed flick. “Now be good, and let me have my fun. It’s been too long since last I had you writhing all pretty-like underneath me, and I’m gonna take my time with you…”
When he puts it like that how can you do anything but lay back and receive his care?
Suckles that leave you sighing out his name are punctuated by nips that see the appellation scaling up into a whine. Tugs and pinches and the scrape of blunted nails—the roughness is always followed by something to soothe, and the dichotomy leaves you writhing with anticipation.
“Ja-vi~” the second syllable sticks in your throat as the pleasure-pain of an especially vicious pinch shoots through you, “ahhh, fuck! Please. I-I need…”
The desperation in your plea sees him finally pulling his attention away from your chest. You have no idea what it is he sees when he finally looks at you properly, but it softens his gaze. His expression goes gooey as he comes to hover over you; the position that he takes up is familiar, but one that long hours and disparate schedules have lent a level of elusiveness. Having it—him—back leaves you almost delirious with several types of longing. You want everything, from him and with him, and you want it all at once. The whole of your desire is laid out on display, you’re sure, but there’s no shame in it—and how could there be, in a love so pure?
Needy hands reach out and are instantly quelled by a warm body that is more than willing to oblige. The heated press of lips is accompanied by wandering hands that drag themselves along your torso. With experience guiding him, he alternates between feather-light caresses and purposeful strokes, always choosing the one that will leave you gasping out your pleasure into your shared kiss.
By the time he finally reaches your center you’re soaked, a thing that comes as no great surprise to either of you. Javier runs playful fingers through the proof of your arousal, gathering up a portion and smearing it across their pads before popping them into his mouth. You swallow thickly as you watch the near hypnotic way his tongue laves over the digits’ length, damn near cum on the spot when he slides the whole of them past his lips with a satisfied groan. You both know exactly what it is he’s doing to you, but that knowledge does little to detract from the provocative display.
When he releases his fingers some long seconds later they’re still glistening, albeit for another reason entirely, and you find yourself biting your lip at the sight. For his part Javier just smirks at you as he comes to lean into your space once more.
“Fuck, you always taste so damn good, baby.” As if to prove his point further he kisses you hard and deep, his tongue dragging heavily along yours to make sure you’re able to savor the fullness of your tangy musk.
His laugh is breathy when he finally pulls away with a little smack of lips—lips that he licks soon after, almost as if he cannot bear to waste even a smidge of your flavor.
“I gotta get a little bit more of that– You don’t mind, do you?”
“Fuck no.”
“Heh. Didn’t think so…”
His tongue is molten when it finally drags along the length of you. He groans deeply as he laps up the fluids that all but coat your twitching sex, and the vibrations leave your hips bucking wildly against his hold. It’s a practice in futility as every pass of the slick muscle against your heated flesh creates a bigger mess for him to clean—not that either of you are complaining.
Pursed lips suckle at your weak spot in a move that leaves you keening while long, calloused fingers prod at your entrance. The sheer amount of pre alone would probably be more than enough for him to slip comfortably inside, but he spits anyway—the hot, viscous glob allowing him to slip two fingers inside in one go. Pain and pleasure briefly mingle at the stretch, though the discomfort soon fades out leaving only a burning want that has you bearing down. Javier curses hotly at the added pressure against his digits, his movements’ efforts redoubling as he strokes and prods at your fluttering walls, focusing in on that spot that always leaves you seeing stars.
“‘M close,” you tell him, the words so slurred that you barely recognize them, “‘M close, so damn close, baby—fuck!”
“Mmm, then do it, amor, cum. I wanna feel it, taste it– Give it to me.”
With how wound up you are it doesn’t take much more than a few rolls of your hips to send you careening over the edge. A week’s worth of denial sees your orgasm washing over you with all the force of a tidal wave, overwhelming you completely as it drags you into an abyss of pleasure. The gasping of your man’s name is prayer and plea both—for just as he is the only one that could ever lead you to this beautiful ruin, he’s likewise the only one who can see you through to calmer shores.
“So good for me, pretty baby, cumming like that. God, you’re beautiful.”
Though he has been steadily murmuring such words of praise since you first fell apart, you’re just now lucid enough to fully comprehend them. You feel your face flush even as your core gives a nearly painful throb. You know it’s greedy of you, wanting more when you’ve only just come down from your high, but that’s what this man does to you—and thankfully for you as well.
If your eyes are alight with flames then Javier’s are a roaring inferno from where he hovers over you. He kisses you deeply, easily stealing what little air you’ve managed to take in before asking, “Think you can give me one more?”
The question is rhetorical, of course, but you give him a shaky nod anyway. He slots his hips in against your then, and the fit is as perfect as ever. Having him so close to where you need him most is too enticing a thing, and you find yourself rutting against him without thought. The drag of his heavy cock over your heat is exquisite, pulling whimpers and whines from you as you continue to grind yourself against him. You man humors you for a few moments, allowing you to wet his cock with your arousal—all the while a decadent little smirk pulls at his lips despite the light pant he keeps up—though once he thinks your efforts are sufficient he’s lining himself up and sinking slowly in.
“Fucking tight” he growls at the same moment you groan out something about the stretch. Were you any less wrapped up in your pleasure you might’ve laughed a bit, but as it stands you only cling to the body above you as he sets up a steady pace.
Javier takes you deep and slow, with the sinuous roll of his hips only interrupted by the little snap that punctuates them. You can’t help the breathy whimpers and choked moans that push their way out of your throat any more than you can keep your fingers from digging into his shoulders, scalp, arms, and any other bits of him that your restless hands can get ahold of. Javi is just as bad off as you, having dropped his head back into the cubby between your cheek and shoulder long ago to nose at your sweat-slicked neck, the hot, wet drag of his tongue against the overly-sensitive skin there oftentimes turning into a nip or suck. His moans are almost deafening from this close, the feeling of them breaking hot and moist against you making you shiver.
“Dios, ____, baby, amor—fuck, I’m–” The rest of his sentence devolves into a growl that originates somewhere deep in his gut. “Ooooh just like that, baby, siempre me tomas tan bien. (You always take me so good.)
“I’m close,” he starts again, “so fuckin’ close, I can—hah! I can tell you are too. You wanna cum with me, yeah? You gonna do that for me, amor?”
Your replying nod is frantic as you pull him impossibly closer. “Yes, yes—please, I wanna…”
Javier promises to give you what you want—what you both need—and he delivers with hips angled just so and calloused fingers furiously rubbing against your most sensitive area.
Thoughts turned hazy from your mounting bliss whiteout completely before fireworks erupt throughout the whole of your being. You arch hard against Javi’s hold on you, hips bucking in spastic little thrusts that you could never hope to contain. Your shuddering sob of a moan holds for an impressively long time before petering out into something weaker as you finally collapse back onto the bed.
For his part you man rides the wave of your body, somehow managing to match your jerky movements enough to see himself through to his own end, shuddering his way through his release. With his eyes pinched shut and your name falling from his lips like a litany you’d almost swear that he was petitioning some exalted being. You cannot help but to admire his beauty in this moment, pushing his hair away from his sweat-slicked face before running your thumbs over the apples of his cheeks as you wait for him to come back to himself.
Once he finally settles, Javier presses a sloppy kiss to the corner of your mouth before maneuvering you both so that you’re tucked in against his side. His fingers skitter back and forth over your ribs as he presses a few more kisses against your dewy skin in between declarations of love and praise. The moment is tender and perfect, everything you want and need, so why do you feel like you’re on the verge of tears?
You push back against the prickling heat that stings your eyes and tightens your throat, burrowing in deeper against Javier’s side in hopes of comforting yourself as well as to keep the sudden burst of melancholy hidden away. It’s not something you want to deal with right now, not when your emotions have been all over the place for the better part of a day, but Javier has always been able to read you like an especially well-loved book. He urges you from your hiding spot with gentle hands and soft pleas for you to “–look at me, please, baby?”
When you finally gather up enough courage to meet his gaze your heart stalls for a beat or two. There’s just so much love there—raw and unfiltered—that you almost cannot bear to hold his stare, but something within you, perhaps that selfsame unadulterated love, won’t allow you to turn away.
“No tears, sweetheart,” he murmurs despite the fact that any have yet to fall. “I’m here, and I’ll always be here. Always. For as long as you’ll have me.”
Your voice is small, and your smile laced through with something vulnerable when you ask, “You promise?”
“I promise. There’s nowhere else for me. My heart, my home, my whole entire life—it’s all in you, amor. Wherever you go, I swear I’ll always be right there, by your side.”
His words are simple, deceptively so, but they’re your shared truth and they’re more than enough.
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© notepadsandtealeaves, 2021 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol…
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132 notes · View notes
eveenstar · 4 years
We won’t feel pain anymore. (Arthur Morgan x reader)
Tags/Warnings: Chapter 6 spoilers, mentions of blood and injuries. Characters' death, overall sadness, and angst. The reader is gender neutral and Arthur’s S/O.
Note: I’m not over Arthur’s death so I decided to write a sad fic. I legit cried while writing this, more than once so I hope you enjoy it! :D Someone pls get me a box of tissues.
Summary: The last thing you would do in this life was watching the sun rising together with your husband, as you both take your last breath.
Word Count: 538 words
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(gif not mine!)
“You’re a goddamn traitor! We gave you everything, Dutch! Everything!” You said, a flow of tears running down your cheeks. Micah had shot you when you, Arthur, and John arrived at the camp, you lost conscience for a bit but you weren’t giving up just yet. The man, the man you considered a father, a mentor, looked at you and you saw the regret on his eyes. “You…you betrayed your family for this rat?! How…how could you?” But he wasn’t listening to you, as he kept walking down the mountain. You knew your husband was still there, and you hoped still alive.
You didn’t know where Dutch was planning on going, but after you saw him disappear behind the trees, you didn’t care anymore. The man could just fall off a cliff and it would be just fine for you. You gave him everything you had and he just decides to betray everyone by a man he met months ago.
You placed a hand on your wound, groaning in pain. Your body was getting weaker and weaker by every step you took up the hill, by now you were covered in blood and your shirt was no longer white.
Everything was silent, but somehow, you could hear the voices of the past crawling back to you; Hosea, Sean, Kieran, John…And the rest of the gang. Back when everything was good when everyone was happy. Back when…nobody was dead. Your heart broke every time someone died, or leave because they knew what was going to happen in the end. Maybe if you and Arthur had listened to Tilly and Mary-Beth, you wouldn’t be here now and perhaps your husband would die peacefully.
You fell to your knees beside Arthur, before laying on his side. Slowly yet in a loving way, you caressed his cheek.
“(Y/N)…” His voice was so faint, so weak. Something you’d never heard from him before.
“Shh, don’t speak, my love.” A single tear fell from his blue eyes. The most beautiful eyes you’ve ever seen before, and the first thing you’d see every time you woke up. You weakly smiled at him, knowing this was the end for both of you. “It’s going to be alright…We won’t feel pain anymore…” Arthur’s breathing was slowing down and so was yours. In a final act of love, you embraced your lover and gave him a last kiss before resting on top of his chest.
Both facing the sunrise, (Y/N) and Arthur gave their last breath.
A few years later…
John looked at the graves in front of him. They were filled with flowers of all colors, especially (Y/N)’s favorite ones. Somewhere, somehow, he wished deep inside Arthur and (Y/N) were happy wherever they may be now. Happy and at peace, together.
Looking behind him, John saw two deers approaching him. A female and a male, but in its eyes, he saw something familiar. The two animals watched him curiously for a few seconds.
“Hello (Y/N), hello Arthur.”
At a slow pace, the two animals gave their “goodbyes” and walked together to the forest again. John watched them leave, before getting back on his path once more.
Yes, perhaps he was right and they were happy now. 
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bxdcubes · 4 years
Charthur prompt: Dutch sends Arthur and Charles on a long, brutal, exhausting scouting mission. They're desperate to take their minds off all the constant stress, confusion, and back-breaking toil of the last few months and end up enjoying a beautiful moonlit stroll along the beach, hand-in-hand.
set somewhere in chap 4. canon char death.
It’s more of the same with every mission, Arthur thinks, ever since Bronte went and put ideas into Dutch’s head. It’s scouting after scouting, sneaking about, double-crossing, dirty rats skirting dirty streets.
Arthur barely gets a moment to sit in his cursed room in Shady Belle these days, has little chance to catch up with Tilly or Mary Beth or Javier, any of the others. Has to count on them to keep themselves safe and happy. Has to stop the niggling feeling at the back of his mind that he could be doing more, that he’s letting them down somehow.
Usually, he can at least trust that Charles is picking up his slack, doing what Arthur can’t in his absence, but not this time.
Arthur can’t make up his mind if it’s better or worse to have Charles with him on this mission. He knows Charles can take care of himself and always keeps a calm head, but it’s never easy to drag the man you love into danger, is it?
They’re out of Saint Denis, having made a successful and blood-less escape when Charles who is riding slightly ahead of Arthur doesn’t let Taima turn towards Shady Belle. Arthur turns around at that in his saddle but doesn’t see any indication that they’re being followed, but Charles has always been the more observant of the two of them. 
So Arthur rides a bit faster until their horses are side by side.
“Is something wrong?” 
Charles shakes his head and he’s smiling, gentle but evidently tired, “No, but I thought we could use a bit of a detour.”
“Fine with me,” Arthur replies and they continue on in silence, too tired for chatter.
But the very idea of not heading back straight to camp, having to face Dutch to report what they found out only to be sent out on another chase within the hour... The idea that instead, he could spend a moment longer with Charles riding to who knows where, had his shoulders sagging in relief, all the tension he carried lifted just like that for a moment. 
It takes hours, but Arthur doesn’t mind it at all, losing himself to the thrill of riding horseback side by side like this, not even hiding it when he looks to Charles, watching the wind sweep his dark hair around, the mesmerizing play of muscles as the man moved together with Taima, the smile that somehow kept getting brighter every time Arthur looked.
In moments like these Arthur just wished he could pull his journal out and sketch, putting this memory down on paper so he could go back to it on cold, awful nights. For now, though, he does his best to etch everything into memory to put it down later on the worn pages as best as he can.
He’s so taken with Charles that he doesn’t realize where they are until Charles stops his horse, Arthur following suite without a second thought.
He’s surprised, but not in a bad way, to have returned to Clemens Point.
It was a good place, they made some good memories here, despite it all. He spares a glance into the direction of Sean’s grave and lets himself mourn what they lost for a moment, but he shakes it off soon enough.
This life isn’t easy and never was and he misses Sean, but all Arthur can do is do the best he can with what time he has left and made sure to look after Karen when he can.
He’s pulled out of his thoughts by Charles coming to his side and nudging Arthur’s leg.
“You gonna get down here or do you plan to stay in the saddle the rest of the night?”
Arthur huffs, doesn’t comment on how it’s actually moments before sunrise, and just joins Charles on the ground.
He takes a moment to take the bridle of his horse, as had Charles, and they leave the horses to graze the grass as they walk to the lakeshore. 
Their hands find each other, fingers lacing as they walk along the beach enjoying the breeze and each other.
All too soon they’ll have to get back on their horses and head for camp, but Arthur doesn’t feel in need to rush at the moment. He just puts one foot in front of the other, lets his shoulder brush Charles’ every now and again, lets the sounds of the world waking up around them wash over them.
The moon is still visible, the sun close to making an appearance and when Arthur looks at Charles once again, eyes drawn to him no matter where they are and what they’re doing, he finds Charles looking back at him.
They stop, lean towards each other.
“This is nice,” Charles says and Arthur hums in agreement, too busy slanting their lips together to reply.
It’s really nice.
rblg pls
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marginslost · 4 years
                 hello  hello   !        i  am  red  and  i  legit  had  fckin  days  to  write  these  intros  and  yet ,  we  are  here  today  puttin  them  together .  first  up  is  my  love ,  matilda  ruano ,  but  she  goes  by  her  middle  name  so  pls  refer  to  her  as  bronwyn .  honestly  shoutout  to  jack  for  the  frankenstein  idea  on  the  main  bc  we . . .     we  ran  w  that  real  hard .  so  here  we  go :  dr .  frankenstein  jr ,,,,  but  then  make  it  daphne  blake  bc  danger - prone :    bronwyn .  you  know  that  tiktok  that  is  like  ‘  im  immortal  until  proven  otherwise  ’   ??   that’s  it .  that’s  the  character .
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full  name ,        matilda  bronwyn  ruano
age ,         twenty  two
gender ,         demi girl
pronouns ,         she / her   (  they / them ,  although  with  less  frequency  )
year ,         fourth  year  undergrad
concentration ,         bioengineering 
traits ,         overzealous ,  egocentric ,  clever ,  decisive
aesthetic ,        child  that  was  once  like  an  overripe  fruit ,  sickeningly  saccharine ,  has  gone  the  only  way  one  with  so  much  life  could :  something  powerful ,  unyielding ,  with  death  on  her  heels ;  unlike  pascal ,  she  will  wager  on  herself ,  believe  in  herself  more  than  heaven  or  hell ;   ‘ cut  is  the  branch  that  might  have  grown  full ’   /   first  faust ,  then  chatterton ,  but  she’s  avoided  such  a  fate  despite  striking  up  a  friendship with  it
activities ,        in  curie ,   taking   careful ,   perfectly   lettered ,   notes   on   the   laboratory   mice ;   at  byron   castle ,   locked   in   her   room ,   the   sound   of   music   from   a   cassette   player   and   the   faint   smell   of   chemicals   coming   from   the   door
song ,       rebels  by  tom  petty  and  the  heartbreakers
rumor ,         either   cats   really   have   nine   lives   or   something   else   brought   their   pet,   ascher,   back   to   life
headcanons .
                      tw .   maternal  death ,  near  death  experiences ,  car  accident   /  drunk  driving
bronwyn  lost  her  mother  at  a  very  young  age  to  a  drunk  driving  accident .  they  were  both  in  the  car  but  only  she  survived .  her  father  never  remarried ,  instead  spending  the  time  he  was  not  managing  his  law  firm  caring  for  his  little  sunshine ,     tilly :    a  nickname  that  never  really  felt  like  her .  however ,  the  lack  of  stepmother    (  evil  or  otherwise  )   was  not  the  reason  the  ruano  family  strayed  from  the  fairytale  life  they  had  before  the  accident .  no ,  that  had  more  to  do  with  tilly  herself ,  who  had  a  terrible  habit  of  finding  herself  in  danger’s  path .
luck  of  any  kind  relies  on  absolutely  perfect  timing .  whether  bronwyn’s  luck  is  good  or  bad  is  debatable ,  but  she  is  always       fantastically      punctual ;   always  there  to  catch  the  wrong  moment ,  but  always  pulled  back  from  the  edge  in  the  nick  of  time .  broken  bones ,  accidents  that  require  stitches ,  strange  illnesses . . .    she’s  a  soul  quite  familiar  with  the  feeling  of  being  close  to  death ,  of  being  able  to  reach  out  and  press  her  fingers  against  the  unknown  but  manage  to  stay  on  the  side  of  the  living .  it  is  a  strange  and  familiar  friend .  she  has      almost  died       an  alarming  number  of  times  by  the  time  she  reached  villon’s  halls ,  but  to  her  that  was  simply  how  she  lived .
once  upon  a  time  there  was  a  little  thing  name  tilly  who  tripped  over  her  own  feet  and  into  hospital  beds ,  but  now  ,  bronwyn  stood  in  her  place .  an  upbeat ,  if  not  obsessive ,  student  who  is  well  put  together  and  feels  powerful  for  she  believes  death  cannot  take  her .     they  are  friends  aren’t  they  ?       and  it  has  tried  so  many  times  only  to  fail .  based  on  logic  and  reason  and  observation  and  all  the  things  the  scientific  community  hold  dear ,  her  hypothesis  is  that  she  cannot  be  killed .  she won't speak it in so many words , but the thought exists in her .
that’s  why  she  picked  bioengineering  as  her  concentration .   she  knows  she  cannot  just  pass  on  her  luck  to  others ,  the  timing  needed  for  such  things  being  fickle  and  unrepeatable     (   scientific  procedure  says  that  all  experiments  must  be  repeatable  ) .      what  she  could  do  instead ,  was  create  ways  for  that  timing  to  be  less  precise ,  give  people  more  time  to  get  it  right .  it  is  unfortunate  not  everyone  could  be  like  her ,  but  she  could  do  her  best  to  get  them  as  close  as  she  could .
the  death  of  the  deans  showed  her  the  importance  of  her  work ,  but  it  also  prompted  her  to  think  bigger .  up  until  then  she  believed  saving  someone  meant  giving  them  more  time  to  stabilize  themselves ,  find  their  balance ,  and  thus  keep  them  from  falling  into  the  abyss  of  death ,  but  really  that  was  not  the  only  solution .  saving  someone ,  she  realized ,  did  not  have  to  mean  keeping  them  from  falling ,  but  could  mean  pulling  them  back .
fragments .
okay  so  she  did  not  bring  her  cat  back  to  life .  it  was ,  however ,  an  eldery  stray  when  she  adopted  two  years  ago  it  so  fellow  students  could  be  forgiven  for  thinking  it  strange  that  it’s  still  around .
the  cat  is  a  tortoisehell  and  it’s  named  after  one  of  the  contributors  to  the  creation  of  the  intra - aortic  balloon  pump  bc  of  course  it  is.
inherited  a  love  of  music  from  her  father ,  and  she  absolutely  needs  something  playing  to  work .  if  you  stand  outside  her  door  at  odd  hours ,  you  might  catch  her  cassette  playing  going  as  she  works  on  her  latest  project .
a  surprisingly  good  cook  but  that’s  bc  she  views  it  as  just  a  different  kind  of  science .  will  make  a  full  meal  at  2  am  in  the  dormitory  kitchens  to  clear  her  mind  and  might  give  you  a  plate  if  you  ask  nicely .
god  complex  ???   if  that  was  not  obvious .  she  thinks  she’s  immortal  and  while  she  doesn’t  say  it  you  can  tell  from  the  way  she  carries  herself .
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shredofhumanity · 6 years
emma rigby, cisfem ( she/her ), bi. did you hear ? ANASTASIA SCARLET, a ( canon ) character in ( ONCE UPON A TIME ), went deviant 2 YEARS ago ! now they’re a 26 y/o undertaker & thief. people either think they’re [ CALCULATED & AMBITIOUS ] or [ FLIGHTY & SELFISH ] but associate them w/ chess pieces, starry night skies, red lace, golden crowns, blood on rose petals, high heels, fearful eyes and wildflowers either way. they DO remember being resurrected by jafar. 
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Hello! I’m playing Anastasia/the Red Queen from Once Upon a Time. I’m not gonna be on all the time (I’m graduating from college this spring and there’s a lot to do), but I’m excited to RP with you all! Pls don’t hesitate to hit me up if you wanna plot. :)
Ok so here’s a little summary of her loop before she went deviant -- Ana grew up in Sherwood Forest & fell in love with a thief named Will. Her mother wouldn’t let them be together, so they ran off to Wonderland to start their own life. But they were poor and miserable, and eventually Ana left him for the Red King. She regretted her choice but at that point she figured it was too late. She learned dark magic, killed the king and ruled Wonderland on her own for years. 
Eventually she met Jafar, a sorcerer who basically gave her the opportunity to change the past and get back the love she lost. They became allies, but their distrust of each other eventually drove them apart. Ana found Will and actually came clean and apologized (wow, communication?? Ridiculous). She also resolved to become a better queen and help Alice 1.0 et al. to get rid of Jafar cause she’d been a relatively Bad Person up until this point. Things didn’t go exactly as planned and Jafar ended up killing Ana, shortly after she and Will revived their relationship. 
Anastasia’s last memory of her story is waking up in a glass coffin, having just been resurrected by Jafar. Then, she was in Blue Creek. 
She got a job as an undertaker because ever since her own murder she’s had this weird connection and fascination with death. But it doesn’t pay as well as the lifestyle she’s used to, so she is also an occasional thief and steals whatever else she needs. She’s really careful about that though - the last place she wants to end up is prison. 
Oh, and to avoid confusion I should probably mention the OUAT universe is pretty complicated and there are two versions of Alice -- the Alice Kingsley that Ana knows from her storyline is different from the Alice Jones/Tilly we already have, so they wouldn’t know each other until Blue Creek. There are also two versions of Anastasia, so if we end up getting any season 7 Tremaines here, know that they’re a different family than the Tremaines Ana grew up with. 
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enixamyram · 6 years
Tilly and Margot first kiss!! (Wait, they have been kissed other people before. Sure it must feel different when it’s someone you really like but this feeling they have... this is not the first kiss felt like. This connection... it’s something either of them understand yet. But still it’s not something neither of them ever want to stop. If it’s always feel like this, they sure can spend their rest of their lifes kissing each other.Wait,that idea is not that new either!) a CA short about it,pls🙏
   Margot had been building the courage to give Tilly a kiss since date number three. Date number one was simply getting to know one another, and it hadn’t ended great - even if it had been fixed later on - so Margot used date number two to get comfortable with each other. Date number three continued to go well and so Margot had planned to kiss her goodbye, only to chicken out at the last minute. Date number four had been interrupted by Roni calling Margot for an emergency cover on a late shift and date number five had ended with Tilly getting into one of her bad days and asking if Margot minded if she cut it short. Margot had walked her home but it felt wrong kissing her while she was still suffering so she let it go.
   So now Margot was aiming for date number six. And Margot was determined to get her kiss this time.
   When Tilly swung around to pick her up from her shift at Roni’s, Margot paused to order two drinks for them before they left, hoping that the alcohol would settle some of her nerves and make it easier for later. She had downed her glass in seconds and ignored the puzzled look on Tilly’s face, smiling as she watched and waiting for the other girl to take her time finishing her own drink.
   After that they stood and left the bar, making their way down the streets side by side. It was Tilly’s turn to plan this date and so Margot followed her willingly as she led them quickly towards the town centre. It was late so there wasn’t much open but Tilly seemed confident as she took Margot towards the local cinema, except instead of leading them through the front doors, she took the around the back towards a fire exit.
   “Where are we going?” Margot said, an unsure smile on her lips even as she frowned at her.
   “To see a movie,” Tilly said lightly.
   “And we can’t go through the front doors because…?”
   Tilly looked back at her and grinned cheekily. “Cause that wouldn’t be any fun.”
   With that, Tilly knocked hard the backdoor in three certain places before pulling it open with only a slight struggle and led Margot inside. It was dark and Margot trusted Tilly to lead the way, following as she slipped through another door before they stepped out into a brightly lit hallway. It was mostly empty but still Tilly rushed them through into the first room where a film was just beginning to officially start.
   “You do this a lot?” Margot smirked as the sat down on the floor at the back, out of the way but still with a clear view of the screen.
   “Only every now and then,” Tilly said innocently.
   Margot smothered a laugh and - without thinking about it - leaned over and kissed her.
   The whole world seemed to fade away in an instant. The blur of the sound from the movie screen was nothing but a light buzz, the light that flashed as the scenes changed seemed non existence, and the occasional mutter and gasp from the watching audience might as well have been happening on mute. There was nothing left in the world but Tilly and Margot and their moment.
   This was their first kiss. Or rather, it was their first kiss with each other. And it hadn’t gone as Margot had planned (she had wanted to do it at the end of the night like in movies) yet it was so familiar. It started out just as a quick peck but somehow in seconds it had evolved into something deeper and Robin reached up, sliding a hand over Tilly’s cheek at the same time as Tilly shuffled slightly closer to her, reaching her hands to cradled the back of Margot’s neck and pull her close. It was so warm and soft and comfortable and just... Wonderful.
   They were so lost in just how perfectly they fit together like this, how amazing the feeling of each other was, so comfortable that they felt like they could have done it for the entirety of the film and even long after the final credit had rolled. In fact, they had no idea how far things would have gone for them if a sudden light hadn’t been flashed into their faces, causing them to pull apart and look up at the man shining a torch down on them both.
   “Hello ladies. May I see your tickets?”
   “Uh…” Margot said dumbly.
   “We… Lost… Them…” Tilly said slowly.
   “Uh huh,” The man said, rolling his eyes. “On your feet. Now.”
   “Run.” Tilly said quietly, then jumped up and slammed her hands against the mans chest, knocking him off his feet and onto the floor between the back seats.
   Despite her surprise at the unexpected assault, Margot didn’t hesitate to do as she was told. She jumped up and ran for the door, Tilly following closely behind while the man shouted after them and scrambled back up. They burst into giggles as they dashed down the bright hallway and out the main entrance, ducking and diving the few people who stumbled into their way, while everyone else was too taken by surprise to do anything to stop them, even when they heard the shouts from their colleague demanding someone do something.
   Once they had broke through the doors and were back outside, the reached towards one another, grabbing each other’s hand and dashing down the street with their fingers entwined. They ran onward without pause, their laughter growing as their escape became assured and never stopped holding on as they did. There was once again a similar feeling of being the only ones left in the world. With an excited adrenaline rush, it was easy to forget the familiarity of the kiss, but they would never forget the growing feelings that seemed escalated by their sudden get away tonight.
   Almost like they had done something similar in another life… Just like their first kiss...
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kclenhartnovels · 7 years
Fir the headcanon thing, can u do tilly? Pls n thank?
Headcanon A:  realistic
As much as Tilly is sunshine and butterflies now, when she was a young horsemen, her creativity came out in ways that were not so great for the human race. New plagues swept the lands under her fingertips, but what she loved best was what survived and what grew out of the devastation.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Tilly decides, after a dozen or so visits to earth, that she could run and manage her own coffee shop. Because she could totally do this, not inflict any (serious) diseases, and get as much coffee as she can drink all day long? Score! Maybe Than will do the tax papers for her.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Tilly and Thistle used to be the closest of the four ponies. When it was decided the Horsemen must be separated, and Thistle was sent to Hell, it changed both of them. Tilly lost a lot of her focus, and Thistle lost whatever gentle nature she had and became angry and hungry for what she had lost. Arie tries to rein her in as substitute, but it doesn’t quite work.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
All four Horsemen buy a ranch and live in happy polyamorous harmony without accidentally causing the apocalypse. Than tries desperately to garden, and fails. Tilly only poisons the well once. Flowers only bloom in winter. Everyone treats this as perfectly normal.
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stusaph · 5 years
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Today is Rainbowbridge Remembrance Day - August 28th #rainbowbridgeremembranceday . Many of our frens left us for a care free world this past year, here are the ones I was honored enough to witness. If I missed any pls DM me and I’ll record you here. I spent much less time on IG this past 365 days so I apologise in advance. I may list you more than once if you have sadly lost more than 1 fren...🙏🌈 (Pt 1) . . Tagged. Arlo the opposum , Jinxy the squirrel , Petunia the opossum, and MrSpots the squirrel... 🌈🙏💔 . @janicables . Shortail 🐠 @mariadaluzpayton Bruce the Orphan🐿 @jessikahjane63 Saturday🐿 @saturdaysquirrel Charlie🐿 @baby__charlie__ Jake🐿 @carter_the_squirrel Westly🐿 Pidge🐦 @pidge_the_pigeon Chester🐿 @clark_t_squirrel Daisy🐿 @mariadaluzpayton Petunia👽 @gilbertopossum Harley🐿 @fourwandswildlife Pepe🐿 @taratlk4239 Mel👽 @trustyourvibes Marcelo🐿 @ma_rcelo3 Obi🦎 @desis_critters Carree🐿 @bartlebysquirrel Tilly🐭 @trisarahtops1228 Fluffy🐿 @karebearucla Mishka🐿 @milly_n_me Mikey 🦇🐿 @trisarahtops1228 Bonnie🐿 @bartlebysquirrel Sophie-Allen🐶 @squirrelcensus Flöckchen🦜 @sternflocke_1 Ziggy🐿 @ziggythesquirrel Gordo🐶 @jmcverry Jeanny🐿 @jeanny_the_pompomgirl_ SillyOnion🐿 @serahphina Fluffy🐿 @karebearucla Journey🐿 @squirreltopia Poppy🐿 @poppy_is_a_squirrel_w_friends Mac🐿 @mi.amor.mac Poe👽 @coleenlerae 🐦🐦🐦🐦 @elisei_the_pigeon Penny🐿 @mish.chippy Nemo🐹 @loveofsquirrels Radar🐿 @riverwest_squizzicals Mathew🐱 @trustyourvibes Uey🐿 @zombiemamaof3 Mousie🐿 @mousie_the_black_squirrel Marshall👽 @squirrels_at_iu Prima🐿 @fourwandswildlife Peanut🐿 @joannamorganpioneer Bear🐿 @squirrels_at_iu One of my wilds🐿FishyFish🐠🐠🐠, Holly🐿 @stusaph (at Ghost Donkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1uhG-9g8Hw/?igshid=5tn0qwr89gn3
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star-gaxing · 7 years
tagged by @untouchabyeolman​ ^^
1. drink: beef and vegetable soup 2. phone call: dad 3. text message: Finished work now :D 4. song you listened to: KARD- Hola Hola 5. time you cried: Last month during my week of night shift 6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: n/a 8. been cheated on: n/a 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: I’ve been sad but not depressed 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12-14. black, red, pink
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: yes 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: I hope not 19. met someone who changed you: no 20. found out who your friends are: idk 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: no
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life:  maybe 1/4 of them 23. do you have any pets: no 24. do you want to change your name: no 25. what did you do for your last birthday: had lunch with friends and then ice cream! 26. what time did you wake up: 9 am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: I was on tumblr/youtube 28. name something you can’t wait for: my birthday 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: just then lol 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my shitty health 31. what are you listening to right now: watching eat your sushi 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes 33. something that is getting on your nerves: rude people in hospitals 34. most visited website: this site 35. mole/s: none 36. mark/s: I have a lot of freckles  37. childhood dream: nurse 38. hair colour: dark brown 39. long or short hair: i want medium length but I want to try short 40. do you have a crush on someone: no 41. what do you like about yourself: I’m nice I guess 42. piercings: ears 43. blood type: A 44. nickname: suzie 45. relationship status: single 46. zodiac: Sagittarius  47. pronouns: ??? 48. favourite tv show: the Chicago series (med, p.d, fire), madam secretary, bobs burgers, sherlock 49. tattoos: 0 50. right or left handed: right 51. surgery: many 52. piercing: ears 53. sport: no 55. vacation: hong kong pls 56. pair of trainers: I have many
MORE GENERAL: 57. eating: raspberry shortcake biscuits and cadbury oreo mil chocolate 58. drinking: nothing 59. i’m about to: sneeze 61. waiting for: an electric bug zapper racket from ebay for mum 62. want: happiness 63. get married: gotta find a dude 64. career: Nurse (at least I achieved my childhood dream woo~) 65. hugs or kisses: hugs 66. lips or eyes: eyes 67. shorter or taller: taller  68. older or younger: older 70. nice arms or nice stomach: arms 71. sensitive or loud:  a good in between 72. hook up or relationship: relationship 73. troublemaker or hesitant: has common sense
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: no 75. drank hard liquor: no 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: no 77. turned someone down: yep 78. sex on the first date: no 79. broken someone’s heart: ...maybe 80. had your heart broken: no 81. been arrested: no 82. cried when someone died: yes 83. fallen for a friend: no
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: no 85. miracles: eh 86. love at first sight: eh 87. santa claus: no 88. kiss on the first date: eh 89. angels: eh
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: tilly, steph, jade 91. eye colour: brown 92. favourite movie: howl’s moving castle
tagging @laylienn @1lu @tipannies
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proudcatgirl · 7 years
tag thingi
Tagged by the best person ever and my favorite son @shealezz
THE LAST: 1. drink: iced peppermint soy latte :p 2. phone call: doctor 3. text message: “Distasteful”  4. song you listened to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cXjcKTRWcg&list=PL-WLCXyC_cLw4uz-Y84y6bQSerFNk7XlJ&index=4 5. time you cried: idk I dont cry a lot kek 6. dated someone twice: nah 7. kissed someone and regretted it: dont think so :p 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: i dont think so?? Are we talking about death or just cutting someone off. cause theres people I love that I dont talk to very often anymore but I didnt lose them or anything 10. been depressed: bro 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: ,,,, ,, ,yes
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: 12-14. Green, pink, dark blue
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: Yeah! 16. fallen out of love: a lot of times lul 17. laughed until you cried: at leasst once 18. found out someone was talking about you: I dont remember :p  19. met someone who changed you: Yes 20. found out who your friends are: yes <3 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: Ya
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: oh man, like. 75-80% I think 23. do you have any pets: I have 2 cats (Cal and Caesar) and 3 rats (Posey, Bella, Maizy) that live in my apartment with me. My mom has 2 cats and a dog that I still consider mine tho 24. do you want to change your name: no i like my name 25. what did you do for your last birthday: I went and saw wonder woman with my friends and then we all got drunk, it was LIT 26. what time did you wake up: haha I got up early today like 1:30 pm 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: I was awake watching twitch streams 28. name something you can’t wait for: I wanna see my overwatch friends in cali!!! 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 2 days ago 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: wish I had more energy and could be more productive 31. what are you listening to right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQmEERvqq70&list=PL-WLCXyC_cLw4uz-Y84y6bQSerFNk7XlJ&index=6 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: ????? no i dont think so 33. something that is getting on your nerves: people that never learned how to respect others and r rude for no goddamn reason 34. most visited website: twitch, youtube, tumblr, facebook are all equal probably 35. mole/s: a few 36. mark/s: i dont think i got any of those 37. childhood dream: I think I wanted to be an environmental scientist but I dont remember
38. hair colour: its black rn
39. long or short hair: long 40. do you have a crush on someone: nahh 41. what do you like about yourself: like. nothin lol 42. piercings: I have gauges but thats it 43. blood type: no clue lmfao 44. nickname: tilly 45. relationship status: single 46. zodiac: gemini 47. pronouns: she 48. favourite tv show: idk i dont watch a whole lotta tv 49. tattoos: none 50. right or left handed: right 52. piercing: none unless u count gauges 53. sport: fuck sports 55. vacation: I just wanna go to California and chill there at the beach and see family n friends 56. pair of trainers: is this talking about shoes bc literally nobody calls shoes “trainers” and this is pissing me off
57. eating: I havent eaten today lol oops 58. drinking: water 59. i’m about to: I’m legit doing nothing and I’m probably not gonna be doing anything 61. waiting for: my computer to be fixed so I can play overwatch 62. want: a job and money 63. get married: no 64. career: man idk 65. hugs or kisses: kisses 66. lips or eyes: thighs 67. shorter or taller: i dont care as long as yr cute 68. older or younger: Older for guys, younger for girls but u still gotta be over 18 70. nice arms or nice stomach: thighs (stomach tho probably)  71. sensitive or loud: loud 72. hook up or relationship: hook up 73. troublemaker or hesitant: idk
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: no :( 75. drank hard liquor: haha ye 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: ONE TIME AT SAKURACON ONE OF MY CONTACTS FELL OUT AND I DIDNT BRING MY GLASSES AND I WAS WALKING AROUND HALF BLIND IT WAS AWFUL always bring an extra pair of contacts or ur glasses kids 77. turned someone down: a lot of times :( 78. sex on the first date: Ive never done it but sure 79. broken someone’s heart: yes :(((( 80. had your heart broken: yes :(((((((((((((((( 81. been arrested: no 82. cried when someone died: no 83. fallen for a friend: :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: no lmfao 85. miracles: yes 86. love at first sight: sure 87. santa claus: no 88. kiss on the first date: yes 89. angels: idk
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: I have too many. like 20 best friends 91. eye colour: brown 92. favourite movie: Idk i like scary movies
I tag @patorikkuuu :^)
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