#tim hawk and marcus are all fellow travelers in that sense
b3y0ndm3asur3 · 9 months
so i’ve been thinking recently about the term “fellow traveler” and what it means both politically and in the context of the show.
from wikipedia:
“In U.S. politics, during the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, the term fellow traveler was a term for a person who was philosophically sympathetic to Communism, yet was not a formal, “card-carrying member” of the Communist Party USA. In political discourse, the term fellow traveler was applied to intellectuals, academics, and politicians who lent their names and prestige to Communist front organizations.”
obviously this definition works within the context of show; however, i think an obvious link can be made towards the notion of “agreeing with a group/ideology but not publicly supporting it” and our characters when it comes to their queer identities.
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs | March Recap
♦️ More fic recs can be found at the fic register, here. Not quite what you're looking for? Tell us what you had in mind, here! -> 💌
✍️ In addition to the fics highlighted below, there were a few new additions and updated chapters to the Promise You WILL Write collection. Check them out here! If you're feeling inspired, please visit the collection to leave a prompt for someone to write or take one for yourself… All are welcome! You can check out their page @promiseyouwillwrite for more info.
🛠️ March was a celebration of fix-its! Check out our recap for the March Fix-It event hosted by @fellow-travelers-events 📣 The Features of the Month posts can be found here: Fic of the Month for March is: A Patchwork Life by likerealpeopledo | @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3 Author of the Month for March is: @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) WIPs of the Month
🍀 do these teeth still match the wound  by brokendrums [E, 21K] It’s natural. There’s no sin in it. That’s all Hawk keeps saying. Whispers it to him as he pulls on Tim’s shirt, says it again when he tugs down his zipper, scrapes it across his jaw on the end of a kiss. There's no sin in taking what is gratefully given, no sin in the purest of heart. Not when you're praying at the altar of Hawkins Fuller.
What if it took a little longer for Tim to gather the courage to do the right thing and give himself up. His time in the cabin stretched out for a few extra weeks.
🍀 A Disaster, Beyond Measure  by drabbleswabbles [NR, 20K] Hawkins Fuller is a campaign manager with a PR disaster on his hands. The solution involves pretending to date none other than Timothy Laughlin.
Featuring: unrealistic portrayals of the life and job of a campaign manager for the sake of the fake dating trope.
🍀 Only The Lucky Ones Come Home  by @jesterlesbian | captainquint [M, 1K] It didn’t make sense. Kenny wasn’t in Italy, he wasn’t in Europe. He was sent somewhere in the Pacific, Hawk wasn’t quite sure. That was the last he had heard. So how could Kenneth Willard be bleeding out at his feet in Velletri?
“You did this.”
The blood in Hawk’s veins turned to ice at Kenny’s words.
Hawk has a nightmare about his time in the war.
🍀 In Sickness or In Health by Joycee [M, 12K] Instead of Tim, it’s Hawk who has AIDS.
🍀 we'll be on the road like Jack Kerouac  by @jesterlesbian | captainquint [M, 4K] He tried to think of what Tim would do or say. The man who had only spoken to his son a handful of times over one weekend in 1968, but had seemed to understand him far better than Hawk ever had.
The business card felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket.
An idea burst to life in Hawk’s mind. This was an emergency if he’d ever seen one.
“What would you say to coming with me to San Francisco?”
Hawk and Jackson go on a cross-country road trip to San Francisco.
🍀 🪴His great consuming lovage*🪴  by @carnivalrow | nightfall_in_winter [G, 2K] Tim's potted plant has a story to tell…
🍀 Dreams Enfold You  by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 1K] Tim is sick but won't sleep. Hawk finds a way to make him.
🍀 Sands of Time (Turn Backwards)  by @brouill3r | brouiller [NR, 22K] 1987 Hawkins Fuller is full of regrets for the life he's lived, though Tim once told him he regrets nothing. Hawk so wishes he could say the same.
In the still night air of a hotel room, clutching a cracked paperweight to his chest like it's carved of the finest gold, Hawk gets his wish.
Or, a time-travel fix-it fic that nobody asked for.
🍀 this time imperfect  by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [T, 13K] 1986. Marcus arrives at Hawk's house and gives him a box. Marcus doesn't know that paperweight in the box is a time traveling device. Will Hawk change anything, given the chance? We'll see.
🍀 Sometimes it's worth the pain  by @timothydavidlaughlin | mauralabingi [NR, 1K] Hawk wakes up in the morning in Tim's arms.
🍀 At the End of a Long Day  by @carrotcakecrumble | LuxLox [T, 1K] The words, which were just that, words, were too distilled and clean to have any association with Tim in his mind.
He’s passed. Yesterday. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m only just calling now.
(Mary rings Hawk to tell him that Tim has died.)
🍀 I Sing the Body Electric  by telescape8 [M, 28K] Modern AU. It all starts on Election Night 2016. Tim falls hard. Hawk falls harder.
🍀 If it's magic...  by @redmyeyes | redmyeyes [M, 1K] It’s just fondness. It’s not love.
🍀 Here We Are In Heaven  by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 1K] Though it happened hours before, Hawk could see it so clearly now. That green space, lined in flowers. Marcus's proud smile. Jackson's hand, so steady as it placed that simple band of silver in Hawk's palm. And Tim.
A snippet of Hawk and Tim's reception.
🍀 With all due respect, fuck congestion  by @timothydavidlaughlin | mauralabingi [T, 2K] Tim and Hawk are going through their closet to find some clothes to donate, but Tim isn't feeling great.
🍀 where are lies (when no words are spoken)  by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [G, 480]
“So,” Marcus starts with a smirk. “Tim.”
They’ve known each other for years, and Marcus really doesn’t need to ask questions for Hawk to understand him. Why him? What is special about him?
But the thing is, it works well the other way around. Hawk gives him a meaningful look. I don’t know what you are talking about.
Or a conversation between Marcus and Hawk set not long after Hawk took Tim at Cozy Corner in episode 1
🍀 Cutting this short would be most logical option  by @timothydavidlaughlin | mauralabingi [T, 4K] It's a lovely day in 1980 and Tim's enjoying a quiet day off. Then there's a knock on his door.
🍀 Lights go down, and I hear you calling to me, yeah  by @behindthesefangirleyes | SilverShadow1 [M, 512] There was intrigue. There was wonder. Hawk’s damn heart literally skipped a beat. Skippy.
Or, the real answer to: “Who’s Skippy?”
🍀 Of Snuggles and Waffles  by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 2K] It's a beautiful Saturday morning and Tim should be sleeping in. Unfortunately, Hawk has other plans.
🍀 The Fixer  by drabbleswabbles [NR, 3K] Instead of Leonard, Hawk is the one arrested in a park bathroom.
🍀 You might not wear blue often, but it's still your color  by @timothydavidlaughlin | mauralabingi [G, 2K] Hawk is struggling. Then he gets a package in the mail.
🍀 All Dressed Up To Go Dreaming  by @bluebellsinburbank |  ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [T, 4K] Naples, 1955. Hawk and Tim's first vacation together.
🍀 She's the lady of the house, a blind believer in all I dare to be by @behindthesefangirleyes | SilverShadow1 [M, 5K] “A boy needs his mother’s respect. Not only her love, but also her respect.” – Emerson Eggerichs
Or, 5 times Estelle Fuller is there for Hawk, 1 time Hawk is there for himself.
🍀 To Millions of Smiles  by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 1K] Hawk comes home to a surprise.
🍀 Fetch  by @deputy-buck | Deputy_Buck [T, 1K] Hawk was consumed in drafting a small speech for a function Senator Smith had organized —something about acknowledging McCarthy's threat to the State Department but encouraging diplomacy— when Tim showed up on his doorstep looking like a kicked puppy. His boy promised that he would be quiet and that all he needed was to be somewhere safe while he felt this way.
🍀 gold-skinned, eager baby  by @lispenard-street | lispenardstreet [E, 10K] Tim sets out for Fire Island with a single goal: to dig Hawk out of his pit of self-destruction.
As it turns out, Hawk is after something else entirely.
A 1979 fix-it… of sorts.
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in-our-special-place · 9 months
4 15 and 17 for ft asks ! :)
4. What is your favorite scene(s), and why?
I love them all, but my favorite is EP at the cabin. The scene when Tim asks
"And where would you be?"
And Hawk says
"Here, if you want me to be."
It's such a strong scene, more than the sexual tension between them, showing that even after Tims leaving for the army, and the scene we see in the final EP when he returns home, they still feel for each other, and Hawk still loves Tim and is there for him when he needs him, but only if he wants him.
15. What is your favorite relationship from the show (could it be romantic or platonic)?
The obvious favorite is, of course, Hawk x Tim, but I do like Hawk and Marcus's relationship as well; they can really talk, and Marcus isn't afraid to call Hawk out, especially as we see in the scene about forgetting Tim's birthday.
17. Do you have recommendations of books, series, films, or other media similar to those of Fellow Travelers?
Two movies I'd recommend are
The normal heart (which ironically has Matt Bomer as well)—it's a heartbreaking piece but so beautiful at the same time.
Moonlight, the acting is amazing, and the cinematography is gorgeous!! And the story is so sad and so beautiful, yet it ends with an ending that feels fit for the film, if that makes sense.
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