#tim lived a whole life. many lives even. he was a politician an activist a soldier a pillar of his community by the end
dykecadence · 5 months
you literally made me start tearing up with your tags about hawk, like for some reason I had never thought about how in the end he got what he always wanted working abroad and for what? He’s completely alone
LITERALLY he spent his whole life pursuing this empty dream only to finally get it and have it mean NOTHING. he got what he wanted. hes alone now he can fuck whoever he wants and its just as empty as its always been. he could never commit to anything in his life except for this dream; not to tim and certainly not to his family. he lived a half-life expecting he would one day get to do whatever the hell he wants but instead he ended up old, friendless, and depressed beyond belief like i cant help but feel bad for him despite EVERYTHING hes done to make me feel otherwise because. idk the hubris of it all. expecting the things that satisfied you in your 20s to still be what you want when youre 70. something about spending 30 years on one dream, staying still while everyone keeps moving and keeps changing. hawk got the life he always wanted and, like always, only realized what he really wanted when it was too late
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drainthedcswamp · 3 years
How would you feel if a business you worked your whole life to own was completely destroyed in the course of an hour? How would you feel to watch the nightly news and see your city in flames, destruction and violence flooding the street? Many people had this experience over the summer, when Black Lives Matter protests filled the streets of cities all over the country. Black Lives Matter is a group that is not as peaceful as they may claim. The activities of the Black Lives Matter organization are responsible for as much, if not more, violence as those who they are protesting against. The reason people are not educated on the true mission and actions of Black Lives Matter is because they are given protection by prominent liberal politicians and the media.
The activities of the Black Lives Matter organization are responsible for as much, if not more, violence as those who they are protesting against. In the article “Black Lives Matter: Behind the Facade”, the author Alex Newman details some of the instances of violence. In St. Louis, Missouri, "a 24-year-old involved in the chaos has been charged with murder for shooting and killing retired St. Louis Police Captain David Dorn, a black man who was helping to defend his community" (Newman), as well as a "black power" activist who "shot 12 police officers, killing five, after a BLM rally" (Newman). These protests are not only violent towards police officers. Civilians have fallen victim as well. In Provo, Utah, BLM activist Jesse Taggart began shooting at passers-by. "[Taggart] was charged with attempted aggravated murder, aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury, rioting, and more" (Newman). A young mother named Jessica Doty Whitaker responded "All Lives Matter" to the protestors, and "[BLM protestors] shot her in the head and killed her. BLM activists then taunted her family on social media" (Newman). BLM activists also use violent threats in their rhetoric. “Bullies, Looters, Mobs: The Anti-American Essence of BLM” by Aaron Briley details some of these threats. BLM protestors at a restaurant "assaulted patrons... and screamed in their faces '[expletive] white people!'" (Briley). Hank Newsome, the head of BLM Greater New York even said, "If this system doesn't give us what we want, we will burn it down and replace it" (Briley). Imagine if Jessica Doty Whitaker had been your mother. She was somebody’s mother, whose child will never get to see her again, simply because she refused to comply with protestors demands. To make matters worse, they taunted her grieving family online afterwards. David Dorn did not do anything, in fact he himself was black, but because he was seen as an enemy, he was killed. What if your mom or dad had been walking down the street in Provo, Utah when Jessie Taggart decided to start shooting at random people? These are realities for some people, because of BLM protests. The constitution guarantees your right to protest peacefully, but not violently. Nobody has any right to take another's life simply for disagreeing with you. Jessica Doty Whitaker, David Dorn, five police officers and passers-by. And these are only a few instances I have outlined. Nothing about murder is peaceful. If Black Lives Matter truly cared about black lives, why would they shoot a black police officer? Why would they engage in the same acts the people they are protesting against are allegedly partaking in?
The organization Black Lives Matter is built on conflicting beliefs. According to the article “To Black Lives Matter, No Lives Matter” by Tim White, two of the founders of Black Lives Matter, Patrisse Cullors and Alicia Garza, are "trained Marxists" and "embrace a specific ideological frame" (White). They said so themselves. Marxism is "...advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned, and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs" according to the Oxford Dictionary. They have also admitted that their inspiration for the organization was Assata Shakur, who was convicted of murdering a New Jersey State Trooper. However, their mission statement on their website says, "By combating and countering acts of violence... we are winning immediate improvements of our lives." How can you say you combat and counter acts of violence, when you embrace a violent political structure, and say your inspiration for your organization is someone who was convicted of murder? There is a major contradiction between their mission statement and their actions. Two wrongs don't make a right is something we were told as kids. How does using violence to combat acts of violence you are protesting against help your cause?
Prominent liberal politicians and prominent media outlets have given protection and have even condoned this behavior exhibited by Black Lives Matter. Massachusetts' own Rep. Ayanna Pressley has been quoted as saying "There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives" (Tiernan). Another article published in Fox News by Ronn Blitzer discusses how a bail fund backed by now Vice President Kamala Harris bailed out a rioter who was arrested twice and was then charged again. "According to the Hennepin County Attorney's office, Thomas Moseley, 29, had been arrested and released in cases involving allegations that include damaging a police precinct in August and rioting in December. He was arrested again on Jan. 27, just 22 days after his latest release" (Blitzer). In addition, an article by Joseph Wolfsohn from Fox News details a headline that was run by CNN during BLM protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin saying "Fiery but mostly peaceful protests after police shootings" (Wolfsohn), while cars and dumpsters are on fire behind the reporter. What kind of message does it send when our elected officials are condoning this violent behavior? We have politicians saying there needs to be violence and "unrest" in our streets, which we know is leading to deaths and destruction of private property. And a network who boasts that more people get their news from them than anyone else saying this kind of behavior is "mostly peaceful." Our own vice president, the second highest official in the country, is backing a bail fund that bails out these violent people from jail, and bailing them out again after they repeat the same offense.
Black Lives Matter does not truly care about black lives. Black Lives Matter commits acts of violence, equivalent and even greater than those they protest against. The founders say one thing, while their mission statement says another that directly contradicts their statements and beliefs. The violent actions and beliefs are embraced and condoned by liberal politicians, such as the Vice President, and the media, specifically CNN, who boasts in their intro that more people get their news from them than any other network. The condoning and supporting of these actions by our elected officials and our news sources are scary, and quite frankly dangerous. These are people who represent us, and who some younger kids look up to as role models, especially the Vice President, who is the first female to hold the position, and the first black and Indian American to hold the office as well. If we don't come together as a country and condone these acts of violence, they will continue to happen and maybe escalate. Peaceful protests are what makes America great, countries like China and North Korea don't allow their citizens to protest, and we need to re-instill the fact that peaceful protests are ok, but violent ones are not. These protests are taking our loved ones and our small businesses, which are already struggling due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We cannot sit back and allow violence to fill our streets. I fully support peaceful protests, as that is one of the principles the country was built on, but do not kill our family members and destroy our businesses in the process.
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go-redgirl · 4 years
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Exclusive – Don Jr. on RNC Message: ‘Hope, American Dream’ with Trump, ‘Doom and Gloom’ with Biden
Donald Trump Jr. told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview Tuesday morning, after his Republican National Convention (RNC) speech on opening night, his message is that if his father, President Donald Trump, wins reelection, the country has “hope” for the “American dream,” but if Democrat Joe Biden wins it will be “doom and gloom” in America.
“They’re doom and gloom,” Trump Jr. said of the Democrats after their Democrat National Convention (DNC) last week. “They’re painting a picture of misery and it shows you, basically, anyone watching the DNC last week knows that none of the people actually partook in or like anything about America. They want to bring Venezuela and Cuba to America, and that’s their opinion, but I don’t think the average American agrees with that. It was very clear.”
While the left pushes a dark message—an abandonment of the promise of “hope and change” from now former President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign—Trump Jr. said the GOP is offering a brighter path back to prosperity from the coronavirus pandemic’s worst effects. His convention speech captured this choice facing voters in November.
“Policies that are raising incomes for low income earners, policies that are making and creating unprecedented levels of low unemployment for African Americans and allowing them to live the American Dream or for Hispanic Americans, for the unprecedented number of startup businesses or for women and all the other demographics,” Trump Jr. told Breitbart News. “That’s the hope. That’s the American dream—to be able to have that equal opportunity for a chance at succeeding. It’s not a guaranteed outcome of success. It’s a chance to do it. That is the American Dream and that’s what this party wants to enable. The Democrats are in a race for mediocrity at the absolute bottom. You see it in their socialist Communist platform. They want everyone to have exactly the same regardless of what they contribute, regardless of what they do, regardless of opportunity. Again, as someone whose mother escaped from a Communist country and spent his summers growing up there I know a little bit about these things. I’ve witnessed them, I’ve experienced them for myself.”
What’s more, Trump Jr. added that, under a Biden presidency, the whole country will look like Portland, Oregon, with leftist rioters and mobs engaging in looting and violence across the country, whereas under Trump the country will rebound from the pandemic.
“The country under Joe Biden will look like Portland,” Trump Jr. said. “The country under Donald Trump will look like the country did before the pandemic, with unprecedented job growth, unprecedented new number of startup businesses, because you have a guy who’s actually done these things. 
You have a guy that’s done it in the past. I called Joe Biden yesterday the ‘Loch Ness Monster of the Swamp’ because it’s true, he’s been in D.C. lurking around for 50 years—50 years—and now he’s going to be the guy who gets it done? Now, finally, after half a century he’s going to make something happen? I don’t know that anyone can actually believe that with a straight face, but they got the mainstream media doing their damndest to sell it for the Democrat Party because that’s what they are. They are no longer journalists, they are activists. 
So you have to function from that deficit, but the reality is, let’s compare Donald Trump’s three years in politics, four years in politics, to Joe Biden’s almost 50—it’s not even close. So that’s the advantage we have this year. In 2016, Donald Trump was like every other politician. 
He told you what you wanted to hear, and you asked if he’s really going to get it done—who knows? Now, he’s actually done it. He’s actually done it, and he did it under unprecedented incoming that no president has ever had to take. You compare Joe Biden, who’s literally—I would say this, go to Joe Biden supporters and ask them to name a single accomplishment in his nearly 50 years in office. I bet you they can’t name a single one. 
I bet you you could actually go out and make a pretty viral video going to Democratic conventions or Democrat rallies and say ‘name a single Joe Biden political win, something that he’s done for the American people that’s positive, unlike TPP or NAFTA et cetera, et cet
Trump Jr. pointed to Kenosha, Wisconsin, the latest place where riots and violence perpetrated by leftists is breaking out just this week, as proof that no community anywhere is safe from this if Democrats win in November.
“Name a single mainstream Democrat politician who has even denounced the rioting and looting. I literally can’t. I can’t do it,” Trump Jr. said. “I’ve seen them denounce people for going to church. I’ve seen them denounce people for opening their business and trying to put food on their table. Don’t even get me started on schools. But they don’t even denounce literally burning down buildings and businesses, many of them minority-owned. It is just total anarchy and the Democrats aren’t even saying anything about it, because I guess they believe it plays well to their base.”
Trump Jr.’s convention speech also had a reference to immigration, where he discussed limiting the inflow of foreigners who compete with American workers for jobs. Trump Jr. told Breitbart News that his father’s policies of putting American workers first by slashing immigration rates to the U.S. have increased wages, and that Democrats and their globalist pals in places like Hollywood and Silicon Valley and Wall Street want to reverse these policies and drive wages back down for millions of Americans.
“As it relates to immigration, the open borders policies of the left would literally destroy our economy,” Trump Jr. said. “I said it, just when low income earners in the economy, this was like the holy grail of American politics—getting wages to go up for low income earners—that was actually starting to happen under the Trump administration. 
Flooding that market with illegal immigrants, people who aren’t paying taxes, who are working under the system and paying cash, they are going to hurt that demographic much more than they do the upper echelons and maybe that’s why Hollywood pushes for more so much because they want cheap maintenance in their house but it’s not what’s good for Americans getting a start in life and getting a start in their careers so we have to put them first. 
That in and of itself to me could do more damage than anything. Top that with the Democrats wanting to give those same illegals free healthcare, free education, all of those things you have to pay for but you have the privilege of paying twice because you have to pay for yourself as well as illegal immigrants. You’re welcome, you’re welcome, you should thank the Democrat Party for being so generous with your money for others who aren’t paying into a system. I
t’s truly asinine and would destroy the middle class of this country and it would destroy our economy.”
Trump Jr. also praised the rest of the night one RNC lineup, saying it showed a deep bench of talent inside the party and a range of voices the establishment media never shows from the GOP under President Trump. He said it will continue throughout the week as the RNC hits night two on Tuesday night and continues through Thursday.
“I think that’s definitely going to continue, and I think you saw incredible diversity but also people who aren’t just stuck up there like props,” Trump Jr. said. “These are people who have lived these things, who have experienced these things, who have done it, who have experienced socialism and escaped it. When you talk about Max Alvarez, living the American dream and building businesses, this guy understands what’s at stake. Again, if he came out as a Democrat and gave the same speech but as a Democrat, he’d be the number one trending story for three weeks. But because he’s for Trump and he understands that Trump policies allowed him to do that stuff as an immigrant coming from—he’ll get nothing. He’ll probably be vilified at the end of the day. 
They’ll stick to their usual M.O., and so I do think we saw some incredible speakers. I think Tim Scott was incredible. Herschel Walker was amazing. It was a great testament for someone who’s not political and doesn’t have to get involved in this, but he’s been watching, and for the first time ever in his career Herschel Walker was on the sidelines, he was watching and saying, ‘this is ridiculous.
 I’ve known Donald Trump for 37 years. He’s been a friend of mine for 37 years. This is insane. It needs to stop.’ But I think it’s just reflective of the lens and the bias of the media and what we see is not necessarily what we get, but they’ll spend a lot of money getting that message and that’s why I think it’s so important for our people to come out and be vocal and to donate and to help and volunteer, whatever it may be, because the other side is starting with a billion-dollar infusion in free media courtesy of the mainstream media.”
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