#time to defend the Arnold Clark cup
pernillecfcw · 2 years
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katelynnwrites · 1 year
We’ll Be A Fine Line (We’ll Be Alright) | Felicitas Rauch
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warnings: descriptions of blood, injury and general angst along with mentions of smut
word count: 4612
summary: feli accidentally injures you during an international game
a/n: happy monday. i’ve actually always wanted to write this prompt so i’m pretty excited about this. also i couldn’t resist adding that last part, i’m not sorry 😂
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You love international breaks. The chance to represent your country on the world’s stage is not something you would ever take for granted.
After you made the move to Germany, to play for VfL Wolfsburg, international breaks become even more special.
They become one of the few times you’re able to be in the country of your birth, with the friends you have grown up with.
This time, you’ve been given an even more special chance, a rare opportunity to play against your German, Wolfsburg teammates.
You’re especially looking forward to playing against one particular teammate.
She’s a defender and you’re a striker. It’s a cliche really.
Ahead of the upcoming Arnold Clark Cup, your girlfriend had bet you that you wouldn’t be able to score against her and you had countered her bet with your own, that she wouldn’t be able to prevent you from scoring.
The reward of the bet is interesting, that the winner will be able to do anything she likes with the other.
And you really really want to win. The thought of being able to have your way with a certain Felicitas Rauch being more than enough incentive for you.
England playing against Germany is the last fixture of the tournament so playing against Feli isn’t really on your mind yet.
You do however, text her frequently and in return, receive a constant stream of TikToks that she has found funny.
You’re laughing at one of them when Georgia plonks down in the seat next to you.
‘What’s so funny?’
‘Nothing Georgie.’
‘Aw come on! You’re never here anymore and now that you are, you won’t even tell me what you’re laughing about.’ Georgia pouts.
You soften at her words and quickly unlock your phone, showing her the video Feli had sent you.
The Manchester City player chuckles.
‘That is funny.’ She says and you laugh again.
‘I didn’t know you had a dog though.’
‘Yes you? Your lockscreen is a brown poodle.’ Georgia says in confusion.
‘Oh! She’s not exactly my dog.’
‘Okay…’ Georgia’s confusion only increases and she makes to ask more questions only to be unable to do so because Sarina starts giving instructions.
As you listen to your coach, you glance down at your lockscreen of Cinnamon before unlocking your phone once more, this time to look at your wallpaper.
It’s a good thing Georgia had only seen your lockscreen because your wallpaper, a photo of Felicitas kissing you would have been a lot harder to explain.
It had completely slipped your mind to tell your England teammates about Feli.
There had just been so many things going on, your recent move to Germany, a new apartment for you to settle, a new style of play for you to adapt to and your struggle to learn a new language.
Your relationship with Feli had started amongst all that and before you knew it, months had passed by.
How could you tell them about your German girlfriend now?
On the contrary, Feli’s national teammates know all about you.
So many of them played at Wolfsburg with you and the rest have heard all about how head over heels Felicitas is for you.
They would never miss an opportunity to tease Feli who is usually reserved and a tad shy.
The perfect opportunity lies in whenever she calls you.
Somehow even when you are countries apart, you always manage to make your girlfriend blush.
Her German teammates love you for that and you frequently get sent photos of Feli’s red cheeks during the international breaks.
Having headed up to your hotel room early, you make the most of your roommate’s absence to call Felicitas.
She answers almost immediately, her smile being the first thing you see.
‘Hi my love.’
‘Hello.’ She greets, cheeks already dusted with pink from the term of endearment.
You grin, ‘How’s England treating you?’
‘Good but I miss you.’
‘I miss you too Feli but we’ll see each other tomorrow.’
‘I can’t wait.’ Your girlfriend murmurs.
She adjusts her phone, giving you a glimpse of her surroundings. It looks like she’s out on her hotel room’s balcony.
Having finished propping her phone up, she cheekily asks, ‘Ready to lose?’
You laugh, ‘You wish.’
‘Liebling, being able to do whatever I want to you is pretty good motivation. There’s no way that I am losing.’ Feli states.
Confidently, she adds, ‘I’m sure you’ll like what I have planned.’
‘Well as nice as that sounds, I think that both you and I will prefer what I have in mind for when I win.’
There’s no mistaking the tone in your voice.
Feli swallows hard, her blush intensifying as she stammers, ‘S-Sorry liebling. No can do.’
You giggle and your girlfriend looks away in embarrassment, clearing her throat.
‘I love you but I won’t be losing. You’ll see.’
‘We’ll see.’ You agree.
You’re content to just look at her but you hear the door of your hotel room opening.
‘I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you Felicitas.’
Feli nods, having heard your roommate from her end of the call.
‘Ich liebe dich. I’m really excited to see you.’
She ends the call, just as your roommate enters the room fully.
‘Who were you talking to?’ Leah asks curiously.
‘A teammate from Wolfsburg.’ You answer honestly.
‘She speaks German to you?’
‘She’s trying to teach me to pick it up faster. I’ve not been too good at it so far.’ You laugh self deprecatingly and your roommate giggles.
‘Are you feeling okay about playing against your club teammates tomorrow? It must be a little weird for you.’ Leah asks, unintentionally slipping into her role as captain.
‘It is but I’ll be okay Lee. We had a conversation about it before I left Germany. We promised that there would be no hard feelings and we’re actually quite looking forward to it.’
Sarina and the other coaching staff had asked you about how your German teammates at Wolfsburg played. You had given them as much as you could, telling them about your personal experiences with their playing styles.
They have also come up with their predictions for Germany’s starting lineup.
It’s no surprise to you that they think Feli will be playing.
Your girlfriend had gone from being left out of the 2019 World Cup to being Germany’s starting leftback and you could not be any prouder of her.
You see the work she puts in day in and day out and you know that she deserves to be there.
When you arrive at the stadium, you see that Sarina is right. Feli is starting for Germany and as you line up near her in the tunnel, you give her a brief hug that lets her know that you are proud of her.
You know that the extra tight squeeze she gives you in return means that she understands and is proud of you too.
Ellen White scores first, with you assisting her goal.
You can’t help but smirk at Feli as you walk back to your position.
She rolls her eyes at you and later when you’re within earshot, reminds you that you haven’t won the bet yet as you weren’t the one who scored.
The rest of the game goes as expected, with Germany playing physically and England playing the ball forward as much as possible.
Your Wolfsburg teammates have landed quite a few tackles on you but have helped you up each time.
You don’t take it to heart, having expected it already. It’s not like you have not done your fair share.
Playing in Germany has rubbed off on you and you now have a tendency of being a little more physical.
You haven’t had any direct contact with Felicitas though, the defender being kept occupied by your English teammates.
By the 94th minute, you know you’re going to win. While you yourself have not scored, Millie and Fran have added to England’s goal tally.
Lina Magull scoring in the 41st minute is not enough for Germany.
You’re thinking about ways to somehow convince your girlfriend that you’ve won the bet anyway as you begin lining up for a corner.
It’s in Germany’s favour but you’re not particularly worried, knowing that Mary has the safest hands around and that this corner will probably be one of the last actions of the game.
Feli’s taking the corner and you focus back on the game just in time to see the ball fly.
You jump up, along with everyone else but Leah is the one who gets her head on the ball.
She clears it and then you’re off, sprinting clear of the other players. Maybe you would be able to win your bet properly.
The ball gets passed to you and you make a run for the goal, only to be taken out a fraction of a second later.
You scream.
There’s no other way to express the horrific pain you are in.
You’re not even aware of the way your body curls in on itself or the way your hand blindly clutches at your injured ankle.
Sobbing into the grass, you cry out again as gentle hands turn you over.
If your eyes weren’t squeezed shut, you would see that your girlfriend looks like she’s about to throw up.
‘I didn’t mean to. Oh my god I never meant to hurt her.’ She repeats, over and over again.
Feli is inconsolable, shaking all over as she looks at you on the ground.
Your English teammates push her away, in their rush to get to you.
She doesn’t register Keira shouting at her or Lucy holding the ginger back.
Laura grabs her and moves her aside, just enough so that she can still see you but not be in the way of the worried England team.
‘She’s going to hate m-me.’ Felicitas stutters.
‘Hey Feli she won’t. It was an accident.’ Laura tries but Feli isn’t hearing any of it. She trembles harder when Laura hugs her tightly, the Eintracht Frankfurt player doing her best to keep her friend’s breakdown from the cameras.
The German players gather around Felicitas, helping Laura to block her.
Your English teammates are trying to do the same for you.
You’re still crying, unable to answer any of the questions the medical staff are asking you.
‘Feli.’ You whimper.
‘Felicitas.’ You plead again.
Leah squeezes your hand. You hadn’t even realised that she’s holding your hand.
‘Yes. It’s Felicitas Rauch that tackled you.’ Leah tells you, thinking that it’s what you want to know.
It isn’t.
‘I want Felicitas. I want my girlfriend.’ You beg.
Leah blinks but doesn’t question you, knowing that you are in no shape to properly answer anything.
She just gets you your girlfriend.
‘She didn’t mean it.’ Alex Popp states, as Leah approaches.
‘I hope not. Rauch needs to go to her girlfriend now.’
‘No. I can’t be near her. She won’t want me there.’ Feli cries, furiously shaking her head.
Leah glances at you and then back towards her before firmly saying, ‘Look I don’t know you. But she’s in a lot of pain and asking for you so I’m bringing you to her whether you like it or not.’
‘Liebling, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I should never have gone in for that tackle.’ Felicitas rushes out.
‘Feli…’ You gasp and your girlfriend chokes back a sob, taking your hand in hers.
‘I’m sorry.’
‘It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean to but Feli it really really hurts.’
You’re trying your hardest not to cry more but a few tears slip free anyway.
The expression on your girlfriend’s face looks like heartbreak but she whispers, ‘I know. I know. You’ve got to let the medics take you off the pitch now okay?
Trying to be brave, you nod and the medical staff takes it as their cue to put you on the stretcher.
‘Please don’t leave me.’ You beg and Felicitas scrubs her tears off her face. She angrily thinks to herself that she doesn’t have to right to cry.
‘I promise. I’m right here liebling.’
Her gaze remains on your face but the briefest glance at your bloodied and bruised ankle, now visible thanks to the medical staff who had removed your boot and rolled down your sock makes her want to be sick again.
Feli’s face is pale and tear stained but she never lets go of your hand.
She’s right beside you, holding your hand and walking off the pitch with you.
The referee decides to end the match there but that doesn’t matter to your girlfriend who would have walked off the pitch anyway, regardless of what the referee and coaches had to say.
Your girlfriend is carefully stroking your hair, doing her best to soothe the pain she had unintentionally caused you.
The bed you are sitting up on is cold but Feli’s hands are warm. You try to focus on that, letting her familiar touch give you some comfort.
The medical staff are examining your ankle now but by just looking at it, you think that there’s little chance you would escape with a mild injury. You are sure you would be on the sidelines for a while.
When your team doctor looks up at you and gives you a little head shake, you know your suspicions have been proven.
‘I’m really sorry but you’re definitely going to have to go to the hospital now. We’ll contact your club and let them know.’
‘How bad is it?’
‘A few months out at least. Your ankle is badly sprained and the hospital will give you a more thorough x-ray but from what I can tell, it’s been fractured.’
Your face crumples and you bury your face in Feli’s shoulder. Her arms wrap around you, holding you close.
‘I’ll give you a moment.’ The doctor murmurs before leaving.
‘I’m so sorry.’ Felicitas breathes.
You cry even harder, the throbbing pain in your ankle doing you no favours.
Your girlfriend inhales shakily, kissing the side of your head before beginning to pull away.
You stiffen the instant you feel her loosening her grip on you.
Your eyes widen in fear and you panickedly ask, ‘Feli w-where are you going?
‘Don’t you want me to go? I’m the reason you can’t play let alone walk. I hurt you liebling.’
‘No. You didn’t mean to. Stay please. I need you. Please Felicitas, don’t go.’
‘I won’t.’ She whispers, her heart breaking all over again as she realises exactly how vulnerable you are.
‘You promise?’
Your girlfriend hugs you close, ‘I promise. As long as you want me here, I’m here.’
You don’t want Felicitas to leave your side. You think she understands as well because she’s still sitting by the side of your bed and holding your hand when you wake up.
Her Germany kit has been replaced by a hoodie and shorts so you think that one of her teammates must have helped her out.
The German player’s eyebags have always been pronounced but the sleepless night she has had have made them so much darker, like bruises under her eyes.
‘You’re awake.’ She mumbles, when she feels you moving around.
You frown, trying to wiggle your toes only to fail. The new cast on your leg sees to that.
You don’t remember it being there so you assume that the doctors at the hospital must have done it after you had taken the painkillers which knocked you right out.
‘Felicitas? Does this mean I’ve won my bet?’
‘The bet? Liebling, that’s what you want to talk about right now?’ Feli’s tone is incredulous and surprising to you.
‘Why not Feli?’
‘Because I hurt you. My mistimed tackle broke your ankle.’
‘Fractured.’ You correct but your girlfriend winces all the same.
‘You are here because of me. You won’t be playing for three months. Can you please yell at me? Be angry at me liebling.’ Felicitas insists.
‘No.’ You answer simply.
‘I’m not mad at you. I know that it was an accident. You would never hurt me intentionally.’
‘I would never and it was an accident but please be angry at me. I deserve to have you hate me.’ Your girlfriend begs.
‘No. I will never hate you Felicitas. I love you. You’re the love of my life.’ You easily say.
The words come naturally to you because it’s all true. You know it in your heart.
Felicitas bites back a sob, ‘I love you so much. You’re the love of my life too.’
‘Don’t hate yourself Feli. It really was an accident. An unfortunate one but an accident nevertheless.’ You softly plead.
Your girlfriend exhales shakily, leaning in close and pressing a kiss onto your forehead.
You shiver, closing your eyes and soaking in the feel of her lips on your skin.
‘Feli?’ You breathe.
‘What is it?’
Your request is barely audible, ‘Can you kiss me please?’
Felicitas kisses your cheek carefully in response.
‘A proper kiss Felicitas. I-I haven’t had one of those for weeks and I miss it. I’ve missed you.’
You’re so shy that prior to the events of the last twenty four hours, Feli would have teased you before showering you in as many kisses as possible.
But now she quietly checks, ‘Are you sure? I have missed you so incredibly much but I don’t want to cause you more pain.’
‘You won’t. Felicitas I know you won’t.’ You swear fervently and your girlfriend gives in.
Her lips brush against yours gently and so tentatively that it makes you want to cry.
‘More. Please Feli please.’
Felicitas can’t deny you. She has never been good at doing so but now she finds herself completely unable to even try.
Her hands cradle your face tenderly and she gives you the most loving kiss she can.
You would have cried if the door of your hospital room didn’t open. As it is, Feli pulls away from you with a sharp jerk.
‘Okay then…Is this a bad time?’ Leah asks.
Behind her, Alessia and Tooney’s faces are tomato red from the display of affection. It makes you giggle.
‘No. I’d say come in but you’re already inside.’ You joke.
Leah laughs and places the bouquet of flowers she had been holding on your bedside table.
‘They’re beautiful, thanks Lee.’ You genuinely tell her.
The England captain smiles at you, ruffling your hair in the manner that only an older sister does.
Alessia and Ella settle themselves onto the couch along the side of your hospital room and you give them a warm smile.
Felicitas stands awkwardly beside you and as Leah starts telling you about how the other England girls will be along any minute, she murmurs, ‘I’ll give you a moment liebling.’
‘No don’t go. Stay. I’d like you to meet my national teammates.’
Your girlfriend hesitates and you add, ‘They’ll be nice to you, I promise. You can tell them what the doctor said because I was asleep for most of it.’
‘Okay…’ Feli sits back down by your bed and you grin, reaching out to intertwine your fingers with hers.
Leah looks at you expectantly and you sheepishly grin at her.
‘I’m sorry for not telling you earlier but this is my girlfriend. I always meant to introduce you guys to her but I guess she made her own introduction.’
All three of your national teammates chuckle at your sense of humor.
‘Nice to meet you.’ Feli cautiously says.
‘It’s nice to meet you too Rauch. Next time have a less dramatic introduction okay?’ Leah teases.
You laugh and Feli has a tiny smile on her face when she agrees.
You think your hospital room must be the noisiest one around. You’re actually worried that the nurses would kick all of your fellow players out.
When Laura Freigang arrives, bringing a pack of Sharpies along with a couple of other German players, the noise level gets even higher.
Your friends argue over who gets to sign your cast first but you put a stop to it.
‘My girlfriend gets to go first.’
Laura hands the Sharpies over without protest.
Felicitas takes it and after a reassuring nod from you, goes over to the end of your bed, where your injured foot is propped up on a pillow.
Gingerly, Feli begins to draw.
She sticks her tongue out in concentration and everyone in the room can see your obvious heart eyes.
Kathy takes a photo subtly.
Felicitas finishes soon after, pressing a kiss onto your forehead before sitting back down at your side.
There’s a small grin on her face and you look at your cast to see a brown dog.
‘Is that meant to be Cinny?’
‘Yeah.’ Feli’s smile widens and you laugh.
‘Thank you.’
There’s a moment where it’s just the two of you in your little bubble before Tooney loudly says, ‘My turn now!’
As your fellow players continue to talk, you can see that your girlfriend is exhausted. She rests her head on top of her folded arms that are on your bed.
The dark circles under her eyes are worrying you.
You know she hasn’t slept since before the match so you decide that despite how well meaning your England teammates and Feli’s national teammates are, visiting hours for you are over.
It doesn’t take much convincing on your part. All you had to do was tell a half truth and say that you are tired.
Leah wrangles the English players out and Sara Doorsoun shepherds the German players out so that you’re left alone with your love.
Feli anxiously smooths loose strands of your hair out of your face.
‘You’re tired? Do you want to sleep more liebling?’
‘Only a little and I wouldn’t mind another nap but that’s not why I asked them to leave. I asked them to leave because you need to sleep.’
‘Yes you. Now get in with me.’ You insist.
The hospital staff had informed you that you wouldn’t be discharged till later in the day so you could let your girlfriend get some rest first.
Felicitas hesitates, eyes flicking down to your injured foot. Your friends have seen to your cast, ensuring that it is now thoroughly decorated.
‘You won’t hurt me. There’s a pillow propping it up so I’ll be okay.’ You assure her, already shifting to the side of your hospital bed to make space for her.
It takes you lifting the covers and staring at her expectantly for her to tentatively settle down beside you.
‘I missed you.’ You mumble into her shoulder.
‘Ich liebe dich.’ Feli promises and you give a contented sigh once you bury your face into her neck.
Inhaling deeply, you begin leaving little kisses on her tanned skin.
Your girlfriend lets out a soft moan.
‘Liebling…now’s not the time or the place.’ She breathily says.
Drawing back slightly, you sheepishly mumble, ‘Sorry.’
Felicitas carefully scoots closer to you, so that your back is pressed against her.
She kisses your shoulder, pushing your hospital gown to the side so that she has access to a larger expanse of skin.
‘Feli this isn’t fair.’
Your voice is tight and it’s taking every ounce of your self control not to turn around and kiss her silly.
‘I thought you said that this isn’t the time or the place?’
‘I’m sorry.’ Your girlfriend apologises but you can feel her smile against your shoulder so you know that she isn’t sorry at all.
Felicitas presses another kiss onto your skin and you audibly groan, ‘My love you’re supposed to be sleeping.’
‘Soon. But first I need you to know.’
‘Know what?’
‘You win the bet. I’m yours.’
You smile, turning to face her with some difficulty.
Your girlfriend’s smile matches yours and you can’t resist tracing her dimple with your finger. It makes Feli smile wider.
‘I had a plan but it’s got to wait a while.’
‘What did you have in mind?’ Feli asks curiously.
You blush furiously and quietly admit, ‘I wanted to fuck you in the shower.’
Your girlfriend giggles.
‘Shower sex? Liebling, that's what you want?’
‘You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Don’t feel like you owe me anything, especially sex.’ You quickly tell her.
‘Liebling no. I want to. I just- You didn’t have to make a bet to have sex with me. In the shower or anywhere else. It’s actually kind of hot.’ Feli murmurs.
She brushes a feather light kiss against your nose.
‘You’re really hot and I kinda sorta am always at least a little turned on by you.’ Your girlfriend happily confesses.
Your eyes widen and your blush that you don’t think can get any darker, does.
‘How about this? When your ankle heals, you can fuck me in the shower as many times as you’d like. But when we get back home, as your ankle is healing, I’ll give you the shower sex that you want.’
‘I promise liebling.’
‘Okay. Now I’m really looking forward to getting home.’ You breathe.
‘Me too.’ Feli agrees.
You can’t resist kissing her affectionately.
Her eyes shine a little and you find yourself kissing her again, whispering against her lips, ‘Felicitas it wasn’t your fault okay? It was an accident.’
‘Okay.’ Feli quietly answers.
‘I mean it.’ You emphasise, wanting your girlfriend to know that she doesn’t have to blame herself.
She gives you a tiny nod in response, ‘I know you do.’
‘Are you gonna sleep okay? I’ll be here if you have nightmares…’
Your girlfriend exhales in surprise. There’s no way you could know that unless Sara had told you.
And her friend had.
When Feli had been distracted earlier, Sara had taken full advantage and confided in you that when she brought a change of clothes for your girlfriend, Feli had admitted that she could not sleep without hearing your scream of pain.
Her guilt ridden nightmares are the main reason for the dark circles under her eyes and you needed to help her see that she had absolutely no reason to feel guilty.
Feli takes your hand in hers, ‘I won’t. I know I didn’t mean to injure you and I know that you aren’t angry at me. It wasn’t my fault but I will definitely be working on my slide tackles from now on.’
‘Good.’ You whisper, giving her another kiss.
You try to pour all your love for her into it, needing her to know how much she means to you.
Felicitas must feel it because she sighs into your mouth, her entire body relaxing.
She wraps her strong arms around you, letting you find comfort in her embrace and in her effortless ability to make you feel safe.
And loved. So incredibly loved.
The painkillers have eased the throbbing pain in your injured ankle but it’s Feli’s presence that helps you get through the remaining ache.
Your girlfriend takes in a deep breath, soaking in the moment.
It’s brought to an end by her yawning loudly.
She tries to stifle it but fails, the resulting tinge of pink on her cheekbones making you giggle.
‘Love, get some sleep please.’ You instruct and Feli huffs a laugh, kissing your forehead protectively before finally, finally letting her eyes slip close.
If she spends the flight home thinking about how best to pin you against the bathroom wall and fuck you gently with her fingers, all while making sure that you keep your weight off your injured ankle and are in no danger of slipping, well she would just say that she’s being thorough with her preparation.
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German Translation:
liebling - love
ich liebe dich - i love you
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kloppool · 7 months
essay - the kids (and 30 year olds) are alright; how the carabao cup final embodies klopp's vision
There are certain games that serve as an encapsulation of a manager’s vision and influence and last Sunday’s Carabao Cup Final was certainly one of them. While the circumstances of the match were far, far, from perfect, it resulted in a perfect microcosm of Klopp’s vision and what legacy he leaves. Needless to say, the main thing on people’s minds was Liverpool’s massive list of injuries. Alisson, Alexander-Arnold, Szoboszlai, Jones, Nunez, Salah, Jota. Everytime you thought the list was over, there was another name. And so, Klopp and Liverpool had to adapt.
While the “Klopp’s Kids” narrative is certainly true and worthy of all the praise in the world, so are those opposite the youngsters. A group of children were thrown into the deep end that is the Carabao Cup Final, the names of which were unknown to people outside of Liverpool circles. Amongst the youngsters, Jarell Quansah has the most appearances at a whopping 8. Bobby Clark has 5, James McConnell has 3 and Jayden Danns was playing in his second ever game. When you throw children in the deep end, you need people to guide them. That came in the form of the two perfect encapsulations of Klopp’s tenure and transfers: Virgil van Dijk and Waturu Endo.
Under Klopp, Liverpool have mainly made 2 types of transfer deals. The first is splashing big money on proven players that generally operate within the spine of the team. The second is buying under the radar talent for cheap. Virgil van Dijk embodies the first better then anyway else, aside from possibly Alisson. Bought for 75 million, he arrived in the winter of 2018, as Liverpool waved farewell to Barca-bound Phil Coutinho. He was desperately needed, as Liverpool was a goal-scoring machine, but leakey defensively. A world record fee for a defender (at the time), he made his debut in the FA Cup against Everton and scored the winner (obviously a header) late on. The rest is history. Van Dijk has proved to be worth more then every single cent paid for him, and not just because of his defensive abilities. Even before he became captain, he was clearly a leader on the team and had good relationships with everyone, especially his defensive mates. That kind of leadership is what makes him truly invaluable.
Endo, despite having just arrived, has already been a success and has the makings of a legend. The Japan captain was signed in the aftermath of failed attempts to get Brighton’s Moises Caicedo and Southampton’s Romeo Lavia. In the end, both went to Chelsea for absurd sums, and Liverpool were left without a DM. With the Premier League season alreacy underway, Liverpool bought Waturu Endo from Stuttgart for 16 million. The move was met with skeptcism. It’s probably fair to say most Liverpool fans aren’t well versed with Stuttgart and people were frustrated after the failure to sign Caicedo and Lavia. Endo was not as flashy as they were and he was much older, sitting at 30. In his arrival video, Jurgen Klopp greets him by telling him “...we really need you. We need you and your heart and your legs and your football ability and your football brain.” It’s safe to say, Endo has delivered on everything asked of him, plus some extra. A lot of extra. In a season where Liverpool’s incoming midfield signings included Brighton star and World Cup winner Alexis Mac Allister, and Hungary captain and highly rated Red Bull graduate Dominik Szoboszlai, Endo’s performance is all the more impressive. And he’s doing it at a fraction of what was paid for Mac Allister and Szoboszlai, who have both justified their own transfer fees. 
Back to the original point, van Dijk and Endo were tasked with providing defensive stability, to allow the kids to have more freedom. Indeed, both gave Man of the Match performances, even well into extra time. Their grit and steadfastness allowed the younger players to go forward without fear. This confidence caught Chelsea off-guard, and rightly so. You may have seen Chelsea fans (and certain other fanbases) point out that Chelsea’s squad had a younger average age by the end of the match than Liverpool. This is being used in an attempt to dismiss the impact of Liverpool’s youngsters. This is also a stupid argument. Firstly, Liverpool’s average age was raised by the aforementioned Virgil van Dijk and Waturu Endo, along with Andy Robertson. Secondly, this ignores the true meaning behind the praise of Klop’s Kids. They aren’t praised solely for being young; rather, they’re academy graduates making their mark in a team full of stars. While there are also debates and arguments about how truly homegrown these kids are, the undeniable truth is that Liverpool has become one of the best clubs to be a young player in. 
It’s hard to pick one, singular best thing that Klopp will leave behind, but after Sunday’s final, I’m tempted to declare that it’s his impact on Liverpool’s academy. It all started with Trent Alexander-Arnold and his eventual promotion to the first team. Alexander-Arnold has played nearly his entire senior career at Liverpool under Klopp, and it shows. The marriage of his natural footballing talent, namely his passing and vision with Klopp’s tactics and mentality has made Alexander-Arnold a star. And he’s been like this for a while. Despite losing the 2018 Champions League Final, he kept Ronaldo in his pocket that whole night, at age 19. Over the next few seasons, he continued to shine brighter. However, the 2022-2023 season saw many difficulties for him, compounded by Liverpool being nothing short of miserable. 
But there are almost no signs of his struggles last season. In fact, Trent has stood out this season, both as a Liverpool and England player. His new role as a hybrid rightback/midfielder has paid off. He rescued a point against Manchester City in November and proceeded to score the winner against Fulham not long after.
Trent’s rise was likely a message to Liverpool academy kids that “Yes, you can do it. There is a way. It’s hard, but it’s possible.” For many years, Liverpool’s academy was mocked and derided. There were occasional sparks of talent, but nothing consistent. Now, however, everytime Liverpool play a new 17 year old appears on the bench. When he comes on, people think, “OK, they’re injured and desperate. He’ll be overwhelmed.” And then the kid precedes to score a goal or make a game-saving tackle. 
But the best part of it all is how these kids are treated. Whether they score a brace or misplace a pass, the older players offer nothing but encouragement and love. When Jarell Quansah started against Bournemouth in the Carabao Cup, Virgil van Dijk traveled with them to support the team, despite the terrible weather. He wasn’t even in the squad. Guidance, comfort, praise, encouragement, are constant. And it comes from some of the best in the world at their positions. Players, such as Alisson, van Dijk and Salah, who will go down as legends, not just for Liverpool, but as all-timers in their respective positions. It comes from the likes of Curtis Jones and Trent Alexander-Arnold, Liverpool boys who understand the academy kids, perhaps better then anyone. It comes from World Cup winner, Alexis Mac Allister and chaos king Darwin Nunez.
Klopp’s influence will live in every one of the players he has coached, especially the ones who are young. While some things will change when the new manager arrives, the Klopp mentality has become synonymous with Liverpool and will live on in the young players who will, one day, become stars,
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zellanews · 3 years
'The referees were not at their best' - Germany coach Voss Tecklenburg bemoans officiating in Arnold Clark Cup defeat to Canada-ZellaNews
‘The referees were not at their best’ – Germany coach Voss Tecklenburg bemoans officiating in Arnold Clark Cup defeat to Canada-ZellaNews
Germany head coach Martin Voss-Tecklenburg wasn’t impressed with the officiating in her side’s 1-0 defeat to Canada on Sunday, with two penalty shouts for the eight-time European champions waved away in their second game of the Arnold Clark Cup. Canada, Olympic gold medallists last summer, took the lead early on through Vanessa Gilles but the defender – named Player of the Match – was also at the…
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vidadepsicopata · 3 years
Arsenal's Lotte Wubben-Moy ruled out of Arnold Clark Cup with England
Arsenal’s Lotte Wubben-Moy ruled out of Arnold Clark Cup with England
Arsenal defender Lotte Wubben-Moy will not link up with the England squad for the Arnold Clark Cup as hoped and will instead focus on rehabilitation with her club. Wubben-Moy was named in the original squad chosen by Lionesses boss Sarina Wiegman for the inaugural edition of the eagerly awaited invitational tournament. But she was given additional time for her fitness and did not join the rest of…
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Sheffield United 0-1 Liverpool: Wijnaldum goal keeps Reds' flawless start going
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Sheffield United 0-1 Liverpool: Wijnaldum goal keeps Reds' flawless start going
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Georginio Wijnaldum’s winner was his 22nd Premier League goal – but just his third away from home
Georginio Wijnaldum scored the only goal as Liverpool continued their perfect start to the Premier League season with victory over Sheffield United at a raucous Bramall Lane.
But the winner was a moment to forget for otherwise faultless Blades goalkeeper Dean Henderson, who spilled the Dutchman’s tame effort before it squirmed agonisingly over the line.
It meant relief for Jurgen Klopp’s side, who were far from their best in South Yorkshire – and left thankful that the hosts could not find a way through in a game where they matched the European champions in many respects.
Substitute Leon Clarke, making his Premier League debut at the age of 34, should have levelled it late on, but blazed over.
Liverpool have won their first seven league games of the season, and before Saturday’s 15:00 BST matches, they have an eight-point lead at the top of the early season table.
Reaction to Sheffield United v Liverpool, plus the rest of Saturday’s Premier League action
Lawro’s predictions v former Tour de France winner Geraint Thomas
Klopp’s Reds were rightly expected to win this game – and ultimately did. But when the story of the 2019-20 season is told, this may be looked back on as one of Liverpool’s most crucial but most fortunate victories.
The first half, though goalless, was thrilling. For all of the visitors’ early pressure, it was Chris Wilder’s side who had the first sight of goal when Ollie McBurnie stung the palms of Adrian.
Liverpool’s first clear chance came as a result of a long ball over the top from Virgil van Dijk, but Sadio Mane’s finish when through on goal was wild and wayward, while the Senegal forward later struck the post.
After the break, United may have hit the front, but for alert defending from Joel Matip and Andrew Robertson to frustrate the enthusiastic John Lundstram.
At the other end, when a penalty appeal for Lundstram’s challenge on Mane was denied, it seemed that Liverpool may have to settle for a point.
With time running out, the Merseysiders withdrew Jordan Henderson for Divock Origi, and the move to a 4-2-3-1 formation ultimately paid off with Wijnaldum’s fortunate finish.
Reds ride their luck
Earlier this week, the Champions League winners were told they had failed in their attempt to copyright the word Liverpool. This performance lacked their usual trademarks too.
Indeed, they were lucky not to be punished when Matip and Trent Alexander-Arnold coughed up possession early on.
There’s no questioning the relentless force that is this Liverpool side, but for the second weekend in a row they rode their luck to notch up a league win on the road. But where the Reds were clinical in the 2-1 win at Chelsea, they were wasteful in the Steel City.
Sadio Mane endured a frustrating afternoon in front of goal at Bramall Lane
Whether it was Mane blazing over or against the post in the first 45 minutes, or Mohamed Salah’s spurned effort one-on-one with Henderson after they had taken the lead, they were not at their flowing best.
However, few if any of their supporters will now lose sleep over the fact Wijnaldum’s goal on 70 minutes was their first shot on target at last season’s Championship runners-up.
They arrived for this match amid news that they could be kicked out of the Carabao Cup for allegedly fielding an ineligible player in the 2-0 win at MK Dons on Wednesday.
As far as their quest for that elusive first Premier League title goes, it remains full steam ahead – although ex-boss Brendan Rodgers and his Leicester City side will provide another stern test in their next league game.
Wilder’s side show their worth
Ahead of kick-off, the sides emerged to the sound of a near 32,000 crowd that shook the very foundations of what is one of the oldest stadiums in the country.
And although they were cruelly denied a deserved point for their efforts in this match, there’s much to hearten the Blades. The legacy of this performance should be that lazy stereotyping of Sheffield United as being tactically basic from some pundits must end.
In this game, they not only matched Liverpool’s passing style, but took the game to their revered opponents, pressing high and chasing everything – with the Reds often forced to pass back to goalkeeper Adrian.
Unfortunately, there are no points for effort.
Henderson’s decisive mistake will prompt grimaced faces, and perhaps the hosts could and should have scored… but this defeat does not necessarily need to be attributed to a villain.
In his pre-match press call, Wilder said “the long-term challenge” was for this kind of game to become a regular fixture at Bramall Lane. The way they have started life back in the top flight suggests they’re more than capable of fulfilling that aim.
Man of the match – John Fleck (Sheffield United)
Fleck was a force for the hosts in both boxes and was unfortunate not to come away from this match without a goal or an assist to match his effort
‘Not overly happy’ – what they said
Sheffield United manager Chris Wilder:“I am not bothered about pride, I am bothered about the result. Liverpool had an off day and I think we missed an opportunity. In pressurised situations we need to remain composed. We were delighted with the shape but their chances came from our mistakes.
“We have had big moments in the game but we did not take them. We had to jump all over it and we didn’t. We had enough to get something out of this game but we did not take our opportunities. Points are the most important thing and we did not get the points we deserved today.”
On Dean Henderson: “If he wants to be a professional footballer, these things are going to happen. But if he wants to play for the top teams, he wants to play for England, then he needs to do better, he needs to concentrate more. It’s a disappointing day for him. I am not going to put my arms around him, simply he needs to do better.”
Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp, speaking to BT Sport:“For us it was important to win. We had unbelievably big chances. In the first half we had two big chances and in the second one which we scored from. These games, they are not all beauties and you have to work hard for the results.
“You have to respect the opponent. We had good moments and it was one of these games you have to win but not think too much about it. One team deserved to win, which was us, but all respect to Sheffield United, they were tough.
“I am fine with the game – not overly happy, but it happens. We were concentrated at set pieces. For 95 minutes the boys were spot on. We didn’t play our best football but there we are.”
Reds closing in on top flight records – stats
Liverpool have won their first seven games of a league season for only the second time, after 1990-91.
Sheffield United have lost three consecutive home games in the top-flight for the first time since October 1990.
Klopp’s side have won their last 16 Premier League games, their best ever top-flight winning streak and one bettered only by Manchester City in the Premier League (18 between August and December 2017).
Liverpool are also unbeaten in their last 24 Premier League games. Only between May 1987 and March 1988 have they had a longer unbeaten run in the top flight (31 games).
Wijnaldum’s goal on 70 minutes was Liverpool’s first shot on target of the game, the longest the Reds have had to wait for a shot on target in the Premier League since 6 December 2015, courtesy of Dejan Lovren’s effort against Newcastle on 89 minutes.
Sheffield United’s Leon Clarke (34 years and 230 days) became the oldest Englishman to make his Premier League debut since Chris Lucketti (35 years 107 days), also for Sheffield United, against Portsmouth in January 2007.
What’s next?
Liverpool resume their Champions League campaign against Austria’s Red Bull Salzburg at Anfield on Wednesday, 2 October (20:00 BST). Klopp’s side then return to league action at home against Leicester City on Saturday, 5 October (15:00 BST).
On the same day, Sheffield United travel to Watford (also 15:00) in the final round of matches before October’s international break.
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Premier League transfer review: Where did your club fail to buy?
The Premier League transfer window is closed again for the rest of the year, but how did your team do? Did they leave any gaps?
Our correspondents assess how the top clubs failed to address their weaknesses this summer.
Jump to: Liverpool | Tottenham  | Man United | Arsenal | Chelsea
MAN CITY: No replacement for Kompany
Pep Guardiola started the summer looking for a holding midfielder and a central defender. He got one, but not the other, while also upgrading his full-back options with Joao Cancelo and Angelino.
After missing out on Jorginho last summer — the Italian moved to Chelsea instead — City finally found their long-term replacement for Fernandinho in Atletico Madrid’s Rodri. At around €70m, the 23-year-old is the club’s record buy and, judging by early performances against Liverpool and West Ham, it already looks like money well spent.
However, the search for a centre-back wasn’t so successful. Leicester’s Harry Maguire was on the list of possible replacements for captain Vincent Kompany — who left for a player-manager role at former club Anderlecht — but ultimately City would not match Man United’s £80m offer.
Kompany was a huge character in the dressing room and almost impossible to replace, but one positive for Guardiola is that he will not have to squeeze too many extra games out of his other options. Kompany hasn’t made more than 20 Premier League appearances since 2014-15 — also the last time he played more than 30 games in all competitions — and Aymeric Laporte, John Stones and Nicolas Otamendi will take on most of the extra workload now Eliaquim Mangala has been allowed to leave for Valencia.
It seems they are thin at the back, but Guardiola has also hinted that midfielder Fernandinho could also find himself at centre-back at times this season. City managed without an extra holding midfielder last season and it’s unlikely their title defence will be dented too much after missing out on a centre-back. Still, expect the search for a new one to restart in 12 months’ time. — Rob Dawson
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LIVERPOOL: A gamble on the future, especially at full-back
If anyone was surprised by Liverpool’s minimal business in the market, they clearly haven’t being paying attention to Jurgen Klopp’s words or methodology. Stretching back to his days as manager of Borussia Dortmund, the German has craved squad continuity and while the Bundesliga side weren’t equipped to fend off interest from the likes of Bayern Munich and Manchester United, a policy of player retention has been core at Anfield.
He believes in the power of collective development and generating improvement from within, so sporting director Michael Edwards’ main responsibilities this summer have been to trim the squad and recruit gifted young players with lots of potential. Dutch defender Sepp van den Berg, 17, and Harvey Elliott, who became the youngest player to feature in the Premier League at 16 years and 30 days while at Fulham, have been drafted in as Liverpool consider the club’s future.
– Liverpool vs. Chelsea: When is the UEFA Super Cup? – ESPN Premier League fantasy: Sign up now! – All Premier League summer transfers
The only first-team addition came in the form of goalkeeper Adrian on a free, who replaces Simon Mignolet as Alisson’s deputy. The club were never going to go back in for Lyon’s Nabil Fekir as they are well-stocked in central midfield but they did have designs on getting cover for Andy Robertson at left-back, before their first-choice target Lloyd Kelly joined Bournemouth instead.
The performances of youngster Yasser Larouci in preseason convinced Klopp not to spend on a position where James Milner and Joe Gomez can also deputise in — though it is not ideal for either to start on that flank. On the other side, Ki-Jana Hoever — one of the Academy’s brightest prospects — will develop into cover for Trent Alexander-Arnold, but Jordan Henderson, Fabinho, Milner and Joel Matip could also be used as a temporary fix at right-back.
All in all, the Merseysiders are confident their transfer policy will allow them to bring in game-changers in future and while it is a risk not to add greater quality in depth, it is a gamble Klopp is quite comfortable in taking.  — Melissa Reddy
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TOTTENHAM: An Eriksen mess, defensive questions and a backup to Kane
Mauricio Pochettino has spoken of the “big mistake” made by the Premier League in enforcing the Aug. 8 transfer deadline which, the Spurs manager claims, places England’s top clubs at a disadvantage against most of their European counterparts, who can continue to sign players until Sept. 2.
Pochettino’s comments hinted at a realisation that his own rebuilding programme was incomplete, despite chairman Daniel Levy signing off the club’s first purchases since January 2018.
The failure to push through a deal for Juventus forward Paulo Dybala saw Spurs fail to secure a replacement for Christian Eriksen, whose ongoing refusal to sign a new contract could see him leave on a free transfer next summer. And with Juan Foyth ruled out for at least a month with an ankle injury, amid doubts over Pochettino’s faith in both Toby Alderweireld and Jan Vertonghen, Spurs have gone into the season with question marks over the centre of their defence.
Youngsters Jack Clarke (loaned back to Leeds) and Ryan Sessegnon have been signed for the long term, while Tanguy Ndombele and Giovani Lo Celso have added ready-made quality in midfield.
But having offloaded Vincent Janssen and Fernando Llorente since the end of last season, Spurs could once again find themselves short on attacking options if Harry Kane is sidelined through injury.
Allowing two centre-forwards to leave without replacing either of them is a risky strategy, even though the likes of Lucas Moura, Son Heung-Min and Dele Alli have all shown their ability to find the back of the net whenever Kane is absent. — Mark Ogden
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MAN UNITED: Midfield depth and a Lukaku replacement
United made significant improvements to their defence over the summer with the arrivals for Aaron Wan-Bissaka and Harry Maguire for a combined fee of £130m. But when the transfer window closed last week, there were still gaps in Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s squad and one in particular was emphasised during the 4-0 win over Chelsea on the opening weekend of the season.
Marouane Fellaini left Old Trafford in January, while Ander Herrera followed him at the end of last season, and it has left United short in midfield. Solskjaer will expect Andreas Pereira and Scott McTominay to play more games but it is still an area of the squad that looks short both on numbers and quality.
It will not have escaped United fans that even during a positive afternoon against Chelsea, there were significant chunks of the first half that were dominated by Frank Lampard‘s side and the scoreline at half-time would have been different had the visitors been more clinical.
After the departure of Romelu Lukaku to Inter Milan for €80m, there are also still question marks up front. Marcus Rashford and Anthony Martial have made a good start in trying to fill the void in terms of goals, with young Mason Greenwood ready to step up from the academy, but failing to replace the Belgian striker is still a risk for Solskjaer.
Rashford and Martial have both averaged close to a goal every four games during their United careers and Solskjaer is asking both to reach levels they have never managed before. Solskjaer has put his faith in young players in both midfield and up front and in the absence of new arrivals, United’s success this season depends on it being repaid. — Rob Dawson
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ARSENAL: Defensive depth and consistency
While the £72m acquisition of Nicolas Pepe was the headline business for Arsenal this summer, their most vital trading occurred on deadline day with the signings of Kieran Tierney and David Luiz for less than half the Frenchmen’s fee combined.
Over the past two league seasons, only Manchester City and Liverpool have outscored the Gunners, with their failings coming at the opposite end of the pitch. Arsenal shipped 51 goals in consecutive campaigns, rendering the addition of the experienced Luiz from rivals Chelsea for £8m at centre-back and Celtic’s Tierney at £25m to solidify the left flank as imperative.
– Transfer grades: Tracking every big club’s deals
The loan move for Real Madrid’s Dani Ceballos was inspired, as was the recruitment of highly rated young defender William Saliba, who will remain at Saint-Etienne on loan for 2019-20. The common thread with all these players is their stylistic suitability under manager Unai Emery and while there are lingering doubts as to whether Arsenal will have enough consistency and resolve without the ball to secure a Champions League spot, the team will not be short of goals or a fear factor for plenty of opposition managers.
The exit of Aaron Ramsey to Juventus on a free transfer early in the summer was a mess, while the drama surrounding former captain Laurent Koscielny‘s forced £4.6m move to Bordeaux was a shock they could have done without.
There is still a feeling that the defence’s depth will struggle against the elite teams, with Ainsley Maitland-Niles still deputising for the injured Hector Bellerin at right-back and Calum Chambers thrown in at the deep end to prove himself as a centre-back. Any injury to No. 1 goalkeeper Bernd Leno would leave them with the inexperienced Emiliano Martinez, too. But on paper, and especially with their financial restrictions, Arsenal navigated the window as best they could. — Melissa Reddy
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CHELSEA: Transfer ban woes, but centre-back depth Chelsea’s own doing
Having been hit with a two-window transfer ban by FIFA following an investigation into the signing of foreign players under the age of 18, Chelsea went into the summer knowing that they would not be able to add to their squad.
And with the realisation that Eden Hazard would be leaving for Real Madrid, the biggest challenge for the club was always going to be ensuring that Maurizio Sarri’s successor as manager, Frank Lampard, would still have a competitive squad to take into the new campaign.
By striking a £57.6m deal for U.S. international Christian Pulisic in January — with the Borussia Dortmund forward immediately loaned back to the German club for the remainder of the season — Chelsea ensured they had a replacement for Hazard secured.
Mateo Kovacic‘s loan from Real Madrid also became a permanent deal in the summer and youngsters such as Tammy Abraham, Mason Mount and Fikayo Tomori returned from loan duty to bolster Lampard’s options.
However, the departures of David Luiz to Arsenal (for £8m) and Gary Cahill to Crystal Palace (after being released) have left Chelsea without two experienced centre-backs, and that could become a problem during the campaign if the back four is hit by injuries. Kurt Zouma already highlighted the lack of depth with his poor performance in the 4-0 defeat to Man United this weekend.
Still, considering the restrictions placed upon the club by their transfer ban, Chelsea have emerged from the summer window in a healthier shape than their supporters may have feared.
Hazard is irreplaceable, despite Pulisic’s potential, but the youngsters who have now been promoted to the first-team squad have the opportunity to stake their claim and save Chelsea more money in the market next summer. — Mark Ogden
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Scotland captain Andy Robertson admits he still doesn’t really know how the Nations League works
Andy Robertson continues to scale new heights. [Yesterday nominated for the FIFPro WorldTeam of the Year is the captain of Scotland now officially recognized by his colleague & # 39; ] Real Madrid & Marcelo, Alex Sandro of Juventus and Barcelona loyal Jordi Alba is a formidable collection of rivals for Robertson. But did one of those world-class artists have the same impact last season as the boy from Renfrewshire?
Scotland is now officially recognized by his colleagues as one of the very best players
His lead role in the Liverpool Champions League triumph and painfully close miss in the English Premier League – was rightly recognized in a vote of more than 23,000 professional soccer players. No eyebrows will be raised if Robertson is chosen in his usual position when the last XI is mentioned later this month.
It is the first time that a Scot has ever been nominated in the 15-year history of the prize. And it further emphasizes the climb from Robertson to the elite.
He now wants to repeat that rise in his efforts with the national side of Steve Clarke. Helping to boost the bidding qualification for Euro 2020 is a source of immense motivation for a player who gets used to keeping the most valued type of business.
& # 39; I joked and said that I am one of the 55 – probably the largest team I have ever been involved in – & # 39 ;, Robertson laughed when asked about his FIFPro – nomination.
& # 39; It's clearly something huge for me, but let's see if I get into the XI or not. Even to be mentioned alongside the players, there is a special feeling.
& # 39; Let's see how many of us join the team – and many of the other Liverpool guys could probably have been there. That shows how good a season we had last year. & # 39;
Four left behind are on the 55-man list announced by the global players' association
Yet those achievements have already been forgotten – parked until retirement brings time for reflection. For Robertson it is about making the future even more successful. With club and country.
He has been closely involved in attempts by the SFA to make a new blueprint for progression, including the best practice learned in Liverpool in the preparations for the national side.
That is all important and worthy. Still, Robertson is well aware that only the players can deliver when it comes to crunch points on the field.
Scotland has just arrived in the field of automatic qualification for Euro 2020. Loss to Russia in Hampden Tonight and hope for a finish in the top two in group I would definitely disappear.
& # 39; Everyone on the team wants Scotland to be successful & # 39 ;, Robertson insisted. "We are all pushing in the right direction.
" I am the captain and a leader and if people look at me, I will try to push that direction.
& # 39; We need to try to get the results that we think we deserve after the efforts we have made.
& # 39; It is a crucial game. We know that if we have aspirations to finish second and qualify – no matter what we do – it will be realistic between ourselves and Russia. They are our rivals for this group.
"It is the first time we have met them and it is home. We have to produce great results again. We didn't do it for too long. Why not start now? If we can, the group will look a lot better.
No eyebrows would be raised if Robertson was chosen on the left when the last XI is mentioned
& # 39; We know how big it is and that's how they do it. We have to show up, perform like we did at club level and all come together.
I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe we could achieve things. It is an enormous honor to play for your country, but we must try to return to major tournaments. It has been too long.
"Probably too many players have sat here and said we will be back. And it didn't happen. We have to make sure that we are the group of guys that make it happen. & # 39;
Scotland already wiped out the back-up option of a play-off as early as March after winning their Nations League group, emphasizing that this is not equivalent to any sense of comfort.
& # 39; I didn't even think about it, & # 39; he said. Yet I still don't really know how the Nations League works! I know we won the group and we have a play-off, but I don't know who will be against it or whatever. We are in a qualifying campaign and I prefer to qualify in this way. & # 39;
Russia offers a positive example of what success could mean for Scotland. Written off by most pre-tournament observers, they were driven by a home crowd to make the quarter-finals of last summer's World Cup.
Hampden organizes three competitions in the multi-national staging of Euro 2020, an extra incentive to end a 22-year absence of major competitions.
& I looked at the World Cup and I saw Russia & # 39 ;, said Robertson. "They have a huge result against Spain. As a homeland there would have been a lot of pressure on them and they have done very well.
"They form a very good team. It will be difficult, but we believe we can also cause team problems.
& # 39; We must show resilience in the defense, but we must also pose an attacking threat.
& # 39; They come here to imagine. We must ensure that our game plan is correct and that they do not start with three points. & # 39;
[1945902] Goalkeepers (1945) 5):
Alisson Becker (Brazil) , Liverpool FC) David de Gea (Spain, Manchester United) Ederson Moraes (Brazil, Manchester City) Jan Oblak (Slovenia, Atletico Madrid) Marc-Andre ter Stegen (Germany, FC Barcelona)
Defenders (20):
Jordi Alba (Spain, FC Barcelona) Trent Alexander-Arnold (England, Liverpool FC) Daniel Alves (Brazil, Paris Saint-Germain / Sao Paulo) Joao Cancelo (Portugal, Juventus / Manchester City) Daniel Carvajal (Spain, Real Madrid) Giorgio Chiellini (Italy, Juventus) Virgil van Dijk (Holland, FC Liverpool) Diego Godin (Uruguay, Atletico Madrid / Inter) Joshua Kimmich (Germany, Bayern Munich) Kalidou Koulibaly (Senegal , Napoli) Aymeric Laporte (France, Manchester City) Matthijs van Ligt (the Netherlands, Ajax Amsterdam / Juventus) Ge rard Pique (Spain, FC Barcelona) Sergio Ramos (Spain, Real Madrid) Andrew Robertson (Scotland, Liverpool FC) Alex Sandro (Brazil, Juventus) Thiago Silva (Brazil, Paris Saint-Germain) Raphael Varane (France, Real Madrid) Marcelo (Brazil, Real Madrid) Kyle Walker (England, Manchester City)
Midfielders (15):
Sergio Busquets (Spain, FC Barcelona) Casemiro (Brazil, Real Madrid) Kevin De Bruyne (Belgium, Manchester City) Christian Eriksen (Denmark, Tottenham Hotspur) Frenkie de Jong (the Netherlands, Ajax Amsterdam / FC Barcelona) Eden Hazard (Belgium, Chelsea / Real Madrid) N & # 39; Golo Kante (France, Chelsea) Toni Kroos (Germany, Real Madrid) Arthur Melo (Brazil, FC Barcelona) Luka Modric (Croatia, Real Madrid) Paul Pogba (France, Manchester United) Ivan Rakitic (Croatia, FC Barcelona) Bernardo Silva (Portugal), Manchester City ) Dusan Tadic (Serbia, Ajax Amsterdam) Arturo Vidal (Chile, FC Ba rcelona)
Forwards (15):
Sergio Aguero (Argentina, Manchester City) Karim Benzema (France, Real Madrid) Roberto Firmino (Brazil, Liverpool FC) Antoine Griezmann (France, Atletico Madrid / FC Barcelona) Harry Kane (England, Tottenham Hotspur) Robert Lewandowski (Poland, Bayern Munich) Sadio Mane (Senegal, Liverpool) Kylian Mbappe (France, Paris Saint-Germain) Lionel Messi (Argentina, FC Barcelona) ) Neymar (Brazil, Paris Saint-Germany) Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal, Juventus) Mohamed Salah (Egypt, Liverpool) Heung-Min Son (South Korea, Tottenham Hotspur) Raheem Sterling (England, Manchester City) Luis Suarez (Uruguay, FC Barcelona)
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Francesco Molinari is happy to chase a major repeat in a minor key at the Open Championship
After a few years of the strange and beautiful, when it is tied to a jet ski courtesy of Henrik Stenson, Francesco Molinari.
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Of course, there are one or two barolos of drunk, and perhaps a bottle or two of the tignanello that Boris Johnson pays out. But nothing but the original purpose of the jar this time. Molinari is a man who likes to visit museums, and he enjoyed watching the piece of sports treasure that has adorned his house in London in the past year.
And what a year. Some Champion Golfers have to deal with the aftermath of that moment on the 18th green when they are announced this way. Molinari went from Carnoustie to Paris without a break in his imperious step, and became a Ryder Cup popular hero as the first European ever to win five of the five games. In March he won the Arnold Palmer tournament in Bay Hill with one of the big final rounds of the year.
<img id = "i-6da0b2d1ccf8a0af" src = "https://ift.tt/2LMVd4C -0-image-a-4_1563136771171.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-6da0b2d1ccf8a0af" src = "https://ift.tt/2Y6ClkB 2019/07/14/21 / 16044066-0-image-a-4_1563136771171.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Francesco Molinari from Italy kisses the Bordeaux jug after the Open in Carnoustie in 2018
Francesco Molinari from Italy kisses the Bordeaux jug after winning the Open in Carnoustie in 2018
In April it seemed that a green jacket would hang next to the Claret Jug until a late collapse at Augusta Tiger Woods to write the sports story of the year.
Molinari did it all without becoming too high-profile, still able to walk through the streets of the capital without attracting attention.
& # 39; Perhaps part of it is my personality, and it doesn't matter to be in the spotlight, & # 39; he said. & # 39; Partly being Italian. An American or British player who wins the Open gets more attention.
& # 39; Of course I had my moments. I loved it when I walked through the station in Paris after the Ryder Cup and everyone stopped what they did to applaud. Those things that you cherish and never forget. But it can be good if there is less external pressure. I don't mind at all. "It is in line with that belief that instead of playing in Ireland and Scotland for the last two weeks in the final round of honor, he practiced at the Wisley club in Surrey
Francesco Molinari is on July 8, 2019 in the Royal Box at Wimbledon "
Francesco Molinari sits in the Royal Box at Wimbledon on July 8, 2019 Francesco Molinari sits in the Royal Box at Wimbledon on July 8, 2019
& # 39; I know it will go to the Open if the defending champion will be a different experience and I wanted to save as much energy as possible, & # 39; he explained.
I played with Darren Clarke at the Irish Open in Portrush in 2012, and the atmosphere was incredible. This time I want to use the energy of the crowd, like I did last year at the Open and the Ryder Cup.
Molinari & # 39; s has disappeared since the disappointment about missing the Masters.
Had the fact. It was a tournament that belonged to him to win or lose, and it proved the latter when he found the water twice in the backseat nine in Augusta, after having been virtually flawless until then. he still had the Claret Jug to watch to reduce the pain? Interestingly, Molinari thinks the opposite. & # 39; I had proven myself that I could win a major, so I made the disappointment a bit bigger than not being able to close it, & # 39; I confessed. & # 39; In sports it is never easy to take this way and it did not linger. But we have analyzed it sufficiently, it's time to move on and put myself in a position to do better. "
& # 39; Wow, what an experience that was! & # 39 ;, said the 36-year-old. & # 39; It was a huge shock from Italy. Turin is one of the most protected places against the wind surrounded by the Alps, so I was not exposed to that side of the game growing up. Suddenly you are at Home of Golf and you are dealing with 25 mph wind. It was difficult in the beginning, but I learned it. I certainly showed what he learned last year, under the tutelage of his three English coaches – Denis Pugh (long race), Phil Kenyon (putting) and Dave Alred (mental approach)
When I was the last 36 holes in Carnoustie complete without a bogey, I distanced myself from Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy and Justin Rose. & # 39; To be honest, things are not as good as that week, & # 39; he said. & # 39; But improvement is not a straight line. I come there. So let's see what happens. I enjoyed being the face of the Open and maybe it's not over yet.
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torentialtribute · 5 years
How have England’s U20 World Cup winners progressed and will they be the stars of 2022?
Two years ago the English lions won the Under 20 World Cup with a 1-0 win over Venezuela in South Korea
Gareth Southgate & # 39; s party tried and failed to match that performance in Sportsmail takes a look at all 21 members of the Paul Simpson team to see if they will
<img id = "i-4ef71854a2ba3260" src = "https://dailym.ai/2Xkalt9 11/17 / 14654704-7127967-image-a-1_1560269848136.jpg "height =" 429 "width =" 634 "alt =" Two years ago, the Young Lions of England won the U20 World Cup with a 1-0 win over Venezuela " blkBorder img-share "
Two years ago the English Young Lions won the U20 World Cup with a 1-0 victory over V enezuela"
Two years yellow the English Young Lions won the U20 World Cup with a 1-0 victory over Venezuela
Freddie Woodman
Since winning the Golden Globe in the 2017 tournament, the goalkeeper has made his first team
Woodman & debut camera against Luton Town in the third round of the FA Cup last year, but he has only since made three other performances for the Eksters.
Future potential
Woodman saved a penalty in the U20 World Cup Final against Venezuela and was named in the U21 team for Euro 2019 last month.
Woodman also has the right mentors to guide him through his career while his father is the former North stopping place Andy Woodman and his godfather is none other than the English boss Gareth Southgate.
Qatar-bound in 2022?
The 22-year-old needs a regular first-team football this season to show what he has been doing for England since U16 level and has gained experience with four loan periods that he could be a future England keeper but 2022 may be too early.
<img id = "i-3da75ee24d80b802" src = "https://dailym.ai/2F3u2yo image-a-3_1560269910949.jpg "height =" 417 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-3da75ee24d80b802" src = "https://dailym.ai/2WgE5KP /11/17/14654730-7127967-image-a-3_1560269910949.jpg "height =" 417 "width =" 634 "alt =" Since winning the Golden Glove in 2017, Freddie Woodman made his debut for Newcastle "Freddie Woodman his debut for Newcastle
Since winning the Golden Globe in 2017, Freddie Woodman made his debut for Newcastle
The Manchester United goalkeeper has enjoyed two successful loan periods at Shrewsbury Town and Sheffield United since the summer of 2017.
Henderson particularly impressed between the sticks then the Leaf es last season the promotion to the Premier League ended.
Earlier this year he reportedly attracted interest from Bayern Munich, Juventus, Arsenal and Tottenham.
Future potential
He managed to exclude his opponents 21 times in the course of the 2018-19 campaign, giving him a clean slate of 45, Saw 3 each earn a cent.
United & # 39; s current number 1 David de Gea managed to manage only seven clear rounds and allowed 13 extra goals than Henderson.
The Premier League club is very close to the 22-year-old and he gets a new contract with Old Trafford before returning to Bramall Lane next season.
Henderson was selected for the English U21 euro later this month and if it continues to produce as it did and United & # 39; s first is
I want to go to Qatar,
<img id = "i-e1f65a396a98c37f" src = "https://i.dailymail.co. uk / 1s / 2019/06/11/17 / 14654734-7127967-image-a-5_1560269948838.jpg "height =" 431 "width =" 634 "alt =" Man United goalkeeper Dean Henderson enjoyed a successful spelling at Sheffield United loan spell on Sheffield United
Man United goalkeeper Dean Henderson had a successful play on Sheffield United
Luke Southwood
[21459002] The 21-year-old goalkeeper is currently paying his profession with Reading U23 & # 39; s and spent the second half of last season on loan to Natio nal League side Eastleigh.
Sportsmail reported in March that Hull prepared a summer promotion for Southwood. Qatar-bound in 2022?
] Southwood is far below the pecking order of the goalkeeper and it is very unlikely that he will invade the English team within three years.
Twenty-one-year-old Luke Southwood is currently trading with Reading U23s "
Twenty-one-year-old Luke Southwood-old Luke Southwood is currently paying for his exchange with Reading U23s"
Twenty-one-year-old Luke Southwood is currently paying for his exchange with Reading U23s
this week .
After joining the Toffees Academy, at the age of nine, Kenny played 40 times for the first team, including 13 games from the previous campaign.
The 22-year-old played every minute when England U20s it WK in South Korea lifted and has every chance to become a major player for Everton and England.
If he was the first choice at Goodison Park, Kenny would have a chance to join England for the World Cup in 2022. However, he has strong backs ahead in Kyle Walker and Trent Alexander-Arnold.
<img id = "i-4b2b70e3644cf48d" src = "https://dailym.ai/2ZnxnQy image-m-9_1560270104977.jpg "height =" 518 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-4b2b70e3644cf48d" src = "https://dailym.ai/2WgE5KP /11/17/14654838-7127967-image-m-9_1560270104977.jpg "height =" 518 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-4b2b70e3644cf48d" src = "https: //i.dailymail. co.uk/1s/2019/06/11/17/14654838-7127967-image-m-9_1560270104977.jpg "height =" 518 "width =" 634 "alt =" Jonjoe Kenny joined Bundesliga outfit Schalke for a season-long loan from Everton this week
Jonjoe Kenny joined the Scheske Bundesliga outfit on a long-term loan from Everton this week
Callum Connolly
True is he now?
Ever since success with U21 of England in 2017, the Everton defender has enjoyed loan games at Ipswich, Wigan and Bolton.
Connolly is a flexible player because he can play completely on the back and middle but also offers an option as a defensive midfielder.
Qatar-bound in 2022?
Everton & # 39; s Callum Connolly made 33 Bolton appearances in the championship last season.
Everton & # 39; s Callum Connolly made 33 contests for Bolton in the championship last season
His temporary period with Derby under manager Frank Lampard previous campaign was a crucial season in his development.
He made 55 appearances when the Rams narrowly missed out on Premier League promotion after losing to Aston Villa in the final play-off championship.
Last month: & # 39; He has always been a really athletic boy who would not fail in that, m You certainly had to work technically to get to the level that it is now.
& # 39; It's hard to be a young central defender, but his reading of the game and athletism to get out of trouble is fantastic. & # 39;
Qatar-bound in 2022?
Tomori was called up for the U21 for the euro this summer and if the 21-year-old continues to develop and manages to break into Chelsea for the first time, he may be on Southgate's radar
Fikayo Tomori was called up this summer for the U21 team for the euro "class =" blkBorder img-share "/>
up to the English U21 squadron for the euro this summer "
This summer, Fikayo Tomori was called up for the euro to the English U21 squadron
Jake Clarke-Salter
Where is he now?
Another Chelsea player who has been on loan for the past two years.
Clarke-Salter joined Leonid Slutsky, who worked with several of the Blues academics when he was in charge of Hull Future Potential
Clarke-Salter is a fast back center that does not panic and has long been recognized as one of the young players at Stamford Bridge able to put it into the Premier League
Like Tomori, the 21-year-old has been called up for the U21 team for the euro this summer and as he continues to move forward, he makes the move to the first Chelsea team that he may be in Southgate & # 39; s spirit.
<img id = "i-6b1e861372584a9c" src = "https://dailym.ai/2F4MlD2 -7127967-image-m-13_1560270289244.jpg "height =" 502 "width =" 634 "alt =" Jake Clarke-Salter from Chelsea is a fast middle back that doesn't panic. Salter is a fast middle back that doesn't panic "
Chelsea & Jake Clarke-Salter is a fast middle ridge that does not panic
Ezri Konsa
Where is he now? after success with the Young Lions.
The defender came through the Charlton rankings alongside Joe Gomez from Liverpool and Ademola Lookman from Everton.
He played 47 games when Brentford won eleventh place in the championship last season.
Both Liverpool and Everton were enthusiastic about the highly valued middle half before moving to Brentford. Qatar-bound in 2022?
The 21-year-old was named in the U21 squadron for the tournament this summer, but other players will lead him in when it comes to the World Cup in 2022.
<img id = "i-92323e0624931f22" src = "https://dailym.ai/2ZlDXXy" height = "423" width = "634" alt = "Ezri Konsa (C) made the switch from Charlton to Brentford a year after success with Young Lions
Ezri Konsa (C) made the switch a year after success with Young Lions Charlton to Brentford "
from Charlton to Brentford a year after success with young lions
Where is he now?
The 22-year-old made 19 appearances in the Premier League's debut against Newcastle, just a few months after the elimination of the World Championship with the young lions. total for Spurs including two Champions League outings.
He made a mistake
He made a mistake. which led to Ousmane Dembele opening the score but admitting that he & # 39; had learned a lot about myself & # 39 ;.
The experience of playing for a top club in the Premier League and Champions League will be useful to him.
Qatar-bound in 2022?
Although he has played in Europe again, it will be difficult for him to go further than Alexander-Arnold and Walker. Kyle Walker-Peters made his first start in the Champions League against Barcelona in December "
Kyle Walker-Peters made his first start in the Champions League against Barcelona in December"
Kyle Walker-Peters made his first start in the Champions League against Barcelona in December Fry featured in 39 games for Middlesbrough's previous campaign,
The middle ridge has attracted interest this summer from the Premier League division Burnley.
Ben Gibson & # 39; s move to Turf Moor in 2018 gave Fry the chance to impress. push for the playoffs last season until he sustained an injury in April that condemned him from the rest of the campaign.
He will have to continue to grow and the development of the World Championship in 2022 is likely to come too soon.
Featured in 39 games for Middlesbrough
<img id = "i-a873e6b0c8aab896" src = "https://dailym.ai/2I9yFsG 17 / 14655020-7127967-image-a-16_1560270400389.jpg "height =" 463 "width =" 634 "alt =" Dael Fry (L) played in 39 games for the last Middlesbrough campaign and delivered four assists) in 39 games for Middlesbrough
Dael Fry (L) in 39 games for the last campaign in Middlesbrough and four assistants
2017 triumph – first to Aston Villa and then to Sheffield Wednesday.
He is fast
He is quick and awkward and impressed when he got his first Spurs start four years ago, but his career seems to be stuck and I have to return to regular football.
Qatar-bound in 2022?
With the will of young people like Callum Hudson-Odoi and Jadon Sancho, Onomah is far below the pecking order.
<img id = "i-1daecb685271ae01" src = "https://dailym.ai/2ZnxoUC image-a-30_1560270809120.jpg "height =" 421 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-1daecb685271ae01" src = "https://dailym.ai/2WgE5KP /11/17/14655196-7127967-image-a-30_1560270809120.jpg "height =" 421 "width =" 634 "alt =" Joshua Onomah was quick and impressed when he first handed him Spurs starting four years ago
Joshua Onomah is quick and impressed when he first handed him the Spurs start four years ago
Ainsley Maitland-Niles
The 19-year-old played for Arsenal as a right back towards the end of last season.
He made 31 appearances for Unai Emery & # 39; s latest campaign when they reached the final Europa League.
Future potential
Maitland-Niles is pacey and offers a good option on the right-hand side in the event of an attack.
He has the potential to become an important player for the Gunners in the coming years.
Qatar-bound in 2022?
He has a tough job in his hands with Alexander-Arnold and Walker already in front of him in the right back position. Aaron Wan-Bissaka of Crystal Palace is also a promising full support. Ainsley Maitland-Niles made 31 appearances for the latest Unai Emery & # 39; s Arsenal campaign.
Maitland-Niles made 31 appearances for Unai Emery & # 39; s Arsenal- silk last campaign
Ainsley Maitland-Niles made 31 appearances for Unai Emery & # 39; s Arsenal silk last campaign
since two years ago with England.
The 21-year-old made 17 appearances for the magazines during a half-season at the club.
Future potential
Dowell is talented but has found it difficult to break into the first team of the Toffees, playing for the club five times in five years.
Qatar-bound in 2022?
Probably not in Sout's plans hgate in three years due to the players in front of him and his lack of experience.
<img id = "i-49bc8d698bdca5f8" src = "https://dailym.ai/2F7vgZv -7127967-image-a-20_1560270552443.jpg "height =" 439 "width =" 634 "alt =" Midfielder Kieran Dowell is a talented but has found it difficult to break into the first team of the Toffees.
Midfielder Kieran Dowell is talented but has found it difficult to break into the Toffees.
at Fulham and Reims since winning the World Cup in 2017.
Ojo scored one goal and provided one assist in 18 appearances for the final match of League 1 outfit
Sportsmail earlier this week reported that Ojo this summer is a target for the Rangers of Steven Gerrard.
Future potential
[1 9459013] Bound in Qatar in 2022?
The position is very competitive and currently Eye is not in the picture.
<img id = "i-339043b2fca2ab4c" src = "https://dailym.ai/2I9yFsG 17 / 14655252-7127967-image-a-21_1560270608246.jpg "height =" 429 "width =" 634 "alt =" Sheyi Ojo in Liverpool has enjoyed loan games at Fulham and Reims since winning a World Championship spells at Fulham and Reims since winning the World Cup
Sheyi Ojo in Liverpool has enjoyed loan games at Fulham and Reims since winning the World Cup
The 21-year-old seemed to be making progress.
The 21-year-old seemed to be making progress on Sunderland, Rangers and most recently at Reading under Gerrard in Ibrox before returning to the Reds in December when he made 28.
Future potential
[1 9459013]
Central midfield is a very competitive position with Anfield and so Ejaria has to go somewhere else to continue.
Back to Reds in December "
<img id =" i-4ff0f5b32276d33f "src "https://dailym.ai/2ZnxprE" height = "413" width = "634" alt = "Ovie Ejari seemed to make progress at Ibrox before returning to Reds in December "class =" blkBorder img-share "
Cook covered the young lions until two years ago, Cook is a player who has continued to improve. The 2018 World Cup and Southgate identified him as a future member of his side and he was also named on England's standby list for the tournament last summer.
In December the midfielder of Bournemouth was excluded from the he rest of the season after breaking his previous cruciate ligament against Huddersfield.
Future potential
Cook experienced an impressive season until the last campaign, playing in 13 of the 15 games of the Premier League of Cherries.
He could become a key figure for the Cherries as soon as he returns from an injury.
Qatar-bound in 2022?
Cook has a very good chance of being included in the England squad for the World Cup of Qatar
<img id = "i -ceea400418b68a2e "src =" https://dailym.ai/2F8pDtM "height =" 420 "width =" 634 " alt = "Lewis Cook (R) has a good chance of being included in the Team of England for World Cup Qatar (R) has a good chance of being part of the team of England for the World Cup of Qatar"
Lewis Cook (R) has a good chance of being included in
The attacker made the World Cup of Qatar
After a successful loan period in 2018 he switches to Blackburn from Newcastle.
Last season, he achieved nine goals and delivered five assists at Ewood Park.
After reaching his youth through the youth at Newcastle, the 22-year-old played only 21 times for the Magpies.
Armstrong was an unused substitute
in the U20 final and it is extremely unlikely that he will enter into the plans of the Three Lions. After a successful loan period, Adam Armstrong made the switch to Blackburn from Newcastle.
[1945905] Adam Armstrong made a move to Blackburn from Newcastle after a successful loan period
Adam Armstrong made a move to Blackburn from Newcastle after a successful loan period
Adam Armstrong made a move to Blackburn from Newcastle after a successful loan period
followed by a move from the Reds to Bournemouth.
He made only 10 appearances for Cherries' latest campaign with Callum Wilson and Joshua King for the 21-year-old pecking order.
The batter is fast, can keep the ball up and defend defenders in the air. He showed signs of promise with the Reds, but had to play more often.
Qatar-bound in 2022?
Solanke has been included in Aidy Boothroyd's U21 squadron for the euro and has three years in Southgate for a striker to defend his case
Dominic Solanke is included in the U21 squadron of Aidy Boothroyd for the euro this summer "class =" blkBorder img-share "Aidy Boothroyd & # 39; s U21 squadron for the euro this summer"
Dominic Solanke is included in Aidy Boothroyd & # 39; s U21 squadron for the euro this summer
He scored on his debut for the club after coming off the bench against Borussia Monchengladbach.
In just half a season, Lookman made an impression when he settled five times and delivered four assists in 11
He scored one goal and contributed two assists in 24 appearances for the Toffees last season.
Kijkman is quick and direct, but has not been effective since he returned to Goodison Park.
Southampton reportedly focuses on a £ 20 million summer move for Lookman.
Qatar-bound in 2022?
Kijkman has the potential to be a huge threat, but he has yet to reach it and is likely to be overlooked in 2022.
Ademola Lookman is fast and directly, but he has not been effective since he returned to Everton "
<img id =" i-162803b2abdb01f3 "src =" https://dailym.ai/2Xkalt9 11/17 / 14655290-7127967-image-a-26_1560270712793.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Ademola Lookman is fast and direct but has not been effective
developed into Everton & # 39 ; s main striker.
Marco Silva, the boss of Toffees, gave the 22-year-old the opportunity to become the club's No. 1 last season.
Future potential
Calvert-Lewin linked the best recurring goalscorer of his career to eight last campaigns and also contributed three assists in 38 games. ] He has a basis to be a striker who scores nearly 20 goals every season.
As Solanke is included in the U21 squadron for the euro and with potential room in the Southgate team for a striker, he has three years to make a claim.
England's competition winner Dominic Calvert-Lewin has evolved into Everton & # 39; s main striker "Lewin has evolved into Everton & # 39; s main striker
English competition winner Dominic Calvert-Lewin has evolved into Everton & # 39; s head striker Chapman has helped Blackburn get promoted from League One during the 2017-18 season and reunited with the club Harry Chapman
on a permanent deal from Middlesbrough in January 2019.
However, I only made two replacement appearances in the championship last season.
The 21-year-old fought for playing time and was not present in England in the tournament two years ago.
He will start looking for more opportunities at Ewood Park next season .
Qatar-bound in 2022?
Chapman has earned only 10 caps for the English youth teams. It is very unlikely that it will be close to England in three years. Harry Chapman (L) helped Blackburn get promotion from League One in the 2017-18 season
Harry Chapman (L) helped Blackburn gain promotion from League One during 2017-18 season
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