b4didea · 8 months
   ❛            look , can you stand ? what's your name then , ey ?            ❜
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ears ring with a sharpness that's almost debilitating , it wasn't just the sudden jump in time that had her dazed but the fact that @timedten had given her a title - a title she'd heard a thousand times before - but it wasn't him , not her doctor. ❛ you're th - the doctor? ❜ words are mumbled as she tries to find her footing , eyes narrowed. ❛ no . . . no . . . this isn't right. ❜ hues blink a few times as mind battles to clear her groggy thoughts , shaking her head ever so slightly.
stumbling back onto her hands , in a sitting position now as she looks up at the doctor , no , no ! not HER doctor !
features are suddenly lit with rage , ❛ yo- you're not him . . . y- you can't be ! ❜ though there was a mixture of confusion & rage building within her chest , the words come out in an exhausted whisper.
she was aware that the doctor had been alive longer than she could comprehend & he'd explained this to her before - regeneration - but her brain didn't want to believe it , he didn't recognize her. she wanted her raggedy man back. this wasn't him. although , she knew being stubborn wasn't the right response here , so playing along would have to do. that was her only option right now.
❛ my name's- . . . amy - amy pond. amelia. ❜
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ob4yme · 7 months
it was a tricky thing, flying a twice-stolen tardis, and trickier still when you were dying. fortunately, the master was not only a world-class pilot, but an especially adept liar - she had a touch just deft enough to carry it off, with minimal stumbling and only mild manipulation. if there was one thing she and her former self could agree on, it was that precision was key in this, and he was currently bleeding out whereas she had ... hours, perhaps, to get her affairs in order. she could stand, she retained her find motor skills, and so this job fell to her. [ that made it sound like a negotiation had taken place. rather, he had fallen unconscious some minutes back, and she had rolled her eyes, rolled up her sleeves, and gotten to work. ] she left him on the deck, getting on with the nasty business of becoming her; she had no memory of this but she did have fits and starts of what came before, the wreckage of gallifrey, those terrible first days of quiet in their head, and she couldn't help but feel badly for him. [ he mocked her for that; it was still so new to him, the idea that anything else could fill the space left behind by the drums. there was that obsession, still, but other things also, things that bloomed slow and sweet when she wasn't looking. they weren't consigned only to anger. their violence could also be love. ] it felt poetic, nostalgic, leaving him there to die while she paid a visit to the past his face evoked; one last go before she, too, was done for good. regeneration energy gathered in her fingertips, swirling gold, and damn it all, but she needed - in such a revoltingly human way - something familiar, to temper this yawning unknown. something of his. something of the fire.
@timedten was on the phone. it wouldn't do to interrupt him; she remembered that particular conversation with clarity, and so already knew that she wouldn't. what she could do, and did, was to come up alongside when he took off running - just like she remembered hoping he would, that uniquely manic delight in getting the doctor to dance. " ach, come on, you know he's just trying to get a rise out of you - they're so in their own heads, they won't notice you unless you give them a reason to, running 'round like chickens with your heads cut off ... seriously, can you slow down, i'm in heels for godsake! "
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krakensmaw · 8 months
❛ you can kiss me, you know. ❜ @timedten
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𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐏𝐓 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘, caught in the rolling tides and pulled out into the blue. had he even stopped to breathe since their chance meeting at sea? today felt like the first : no danger, no lives on the line. just the two of them ... and the giant stuffed shark edward had won in a carnival shooting game. he'd stayed at the booth long enough to secure THREE more prizes for delighted, bouncing children tugging at his leathers ( the first good thing they'd ever accomplished with a gun in hand ). they had ridden a rotating, metal wheel toward the sky, tasted colourful cotton, and there were moving pictures playing out before them.
they were splayed out in somewhere called a PARK, edward's jacket between them and the damp, trimmed grass below. hair pulled up, beard shaved, a once hard face now open with childlike wonder : he felt a new man. " hm? " eyes torn from the couple on screen to level 'pon the doctor. he was suddenly aware of their knees pressed close, the gentle brush of their fingertips, the knock of their shoulders as his torso angled in. " that so ? " brows shot up, pupils blown wide with that same wonder. a beat of silence ere the slow spread of a ROGUEISH grin graced their face. " aw, not gettin' impatient are you, doc? "
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diablries · 7 months
@timedten | liked for a lil one - liner !
" let's say , a gut pull dragged me here . " though they had long controlled the slipping , the pain of it never lessened . flesh too tight over bone & sinew , eyes blinking against the change of scenery . with a shimmer , glasses appear upon pale features . " certainly didn't expect to run into you . "
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b4dwulf · 8 months
abrupt . kiss my muse out of the blue .
this was a feeling you had felt many times, at least . . with your own doctor. you had kissed tentoo many times, under many different circumstances. but this? you hadn’t expected this at all. your ten. your doctor. his lips upon your own, unexpectedly, abruptly . . the action drew the air from your lungs. like you were a fish out of water and he was the one thing keeping you from dying.
there was a soft gasp against ten’s own lips, yet you wasted no time in wrapping your arms around his neck. trying to pull him closer and closer, till your bodies melded into one. in truth, technically you two had kissed once many years ago . . but your consciousness was not your own. it didn’t count.
reluctantly you had to pull away, the need of air in your lungs evident as your face flushed. hazel eyes looked up at the doctor as rose smiled gently, searching his own eyes for an answer. some kind of sign as to what warranted the kiss.
‘ what was that for? ‘ you asked softly, your fingers gently messing with the hair on the nape of the doctor’s neck. ‘ i certainly enjoyed it, but- doctor . . ‘ rose’s voice got quiet as your train of thought faded, free hand moving up to cup the doctor’s cheek. you missed him. ‘ after all this time? you finally got the courage, huh? ‘
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yes7erdays-a1 · 8 months
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❛⠀⠀doctor,⠀ ❜⠀his name is a little more than a groan, as if she’s hoping this little smidge of attention will be enough to satisfy him. when he doesn’t budge. when he actually takes another step toward her, she lifts her gaze from the page, large brown eyes pleading as they peer up at him from above the pages of her book.⠀ ❛⠀⠀it hasn’t been five minutes! please!! wait one more minute, i’m almost done with the chapter. pretty please?⠀ ❜
in truth, she's been making him wait for almost half an hour. one chapter turned into two, which turned into three, and now she's almost done with her book, and she needs to know how it ends. paris is a big city, it can deal with the disappointment of waiting five more minutes for her arrival. or, until she knows if joanna is going to save her family by marrying a man she doesn't love, or follow her heart and run away with the stable hand who nursed her back to health at the risk of his own life.
it'd be cruel to make her go without knowing.
the city of lights, the city of love, can't expect her to enjoy herself with this question hanging over her head.
❛⠀⠀go play with my toaster, or something.⠀ ❜
@timedten ( starter call. )
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b4didea · 7 months
 ❛            nng .. hurts .. h - how bad is it ?            ❜
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there's a wince at the mere sight of @timedten , ❛ alright , take it easy. ❜ she warns gently , finger tips stroking his hairline as hues examine the wound. it was a lot of blood , she's almost surprised at how much.
she's hesitant to allow him to sit himself up but realizes that even if she tried , it would be unlikely to stop him. ❛ it's - well - ❜ a pause , another wince. ❛ -bloody . . . ❜ admitting before teeth chew on the inside of cheek.
her body shakes a bit in an attempt to rid the unease , he clearly needed her help here , even if he wouldn't admit it. a sigh escapes , ❛ sit still. i wanna talk another look. ❜ stating , hands reaching up to separate the hair , careful not to irritate the wound too much. ❛ what did they hit you with? ❜ eyeing him worriedly , fighting a frown.
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ob4yme · 6 months
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* incorrect quotes ft. @timedten !
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krakensmaw · 8 months
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𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐀𝐍 otherwise hardened gaze. some frantic wanderlust that blossomed betwixt his ribs recognized a kindred spirit. the stranger was hypnotizing, from that odd tailored getup to the distinct aura of otherness about him ... all sorts coming out of nassau these days. " an adventurer? hm. i s'pose i am. " but there had been precious little of that in these barren days. no adventure left to be had, when the THRILLING became routine and the routine monotonous. only one great mystery remained the end.
" nah man, can't say i meet lots'a new folk ... well, for a minute, maybe. before i stab 'em. so 'm not really sure if that counts. " another day would surely have seen pistol or blade drawn on this man, as it was 'pon so many before him. but edward was a captain of whims, and izzy's voice of reason had long since failed to belay their flights of fancy. " we're all the fuckin' same out here, anyhow ... nothin' new on the horizon. " they draped 'cross the wheel, head canted against a folded forearm and a wistful gaze upon the sunset.
" you're welcome aboard my ship, as my guest ; long as you're interesting. " tension bled from his shoulders as the sea air caught wayward strands of black and gray. " been some odd shipwrecks 'round these waters lately, so ... keep a lookout, hm? "
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@timedten / cont.
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rosewolfin · 8 months
Teeth biting down on her lower lip, hazel eyes are turned to one of the screens above the TARDIS’ console. A seriousness painted onto her brow, she is concentrating on the pattern. Moving. Shifting. Reminding her of the screensaver Mickey had had on his computer that just felt like it was trying to hypnotise you with ever repeating patterns, and failed because it just got boring.
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“ – I –“ The single word uttered into the silence between them; the low humming of the control room the only thing else she could hear. “ – NAH, I don’t see it.” Change of demeanour; snapping out of it and back into the CASUAL position by simply SHRUGGING HER SHOULDERS.
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“You’re not just tryin’ to mess with me, Doctor, are ya? HIDDEN MESSAGES on the planet’s surface?!” | @timedten ♥'ed.
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nursc · 8 months
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❛⠀ right, ⠀ ❜ ⠀ ⠀laughter runs through her tone as she waves for him to sit on the chair instead of hovering above her. disbelief doesn’t cloud her voice as it did earlier today when they met, her and ortegas trading twin grins of amusement at his unusual get-up, half-professor, half madman, and altogether strangely pleasing to the eye. ⠀ ⠀❛⠀ what sorta doctor? i forgot to ask, or just forgot. something about biology, yeah? ⠀ ❜ ⠀
to be honest, she'd been itching for someone to stop by. for half-an-hour now, her mind had been more consumed with trying to manifest joseph in front of her than the impossible problem she was supposed to be solving.
❛⠀ it's your unlucky day. 'cause i never say no to another pair of eyes. ⠀ ❜ ⠀
@timedten / continued from here
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timedthirteen · 7 months
oh, she knew she shouldn't be enjoying this as much as she was, but it was such fun to see him; to run with him from improbable things, borrowing trouble. it hadn't felt like this for so long, and she missed it - she ached for missing it. yasmin had such potential, all of them did, but they weren't here yet, and it felt ... on some level, it felt like cheating. [ the tension snapped: things that were currently pretending to be metal clawed at the door of the control room they found themselves in. he made the choice he often did, and she warmed with a soft, familial affection. ]
" let me handle it, " @timedten said, " just go! "
" not a chance, " she bit, and laid a hand briefly over his, giving a firm squeeze. " 'm not leaving you. "
there was a spark of a moment between them: she held his gaze heavily, allowing exactly how serious she was to play across these oft-joking features. she couldn't remember this - contaminated timelines, a timestream crossed once too many, but she knew this wasn't how he died. [ it was too painful to touch, even still, even now. she found she shrunk from the thought, but it needed preserving. too much was predicated upon that day, even if he deserved so much better ... her flashbright self, her in supernova, gone too soon. ]
she broke contact in a flurry of movement; switches flipped, dials turned, commands typed frantic into the computer before them. " so - legions of automata ... don't even blink at an emp that'd cripple the planet ... oh, come on, think! i've seen this before, but where? "
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betterwith2a · 7 months
rose smiled in devilish delight at the cloying sweetness dripping from the doctors sensuous voice , those dark eyes of his hooded with the kindling of desire - her pulse quickens and her tongue darts out to wet her lips in anticipation . her want for the doctor is a vast thing , like the inexorable thrust of entropy expanding the universe indefinitely , her piety for him follows that same guiding force . a blanket of silence fell across the flat much like the heavy dark of nights shadow broken only but the softness of their breathing and the husky rustle of their voices - rose abruptly acutely aware the doctor must be able to hear the uptick in her heartbeat - smell the shift in her hormones , now her breathing stutters too .
the edge of her mouth quirks up and she rolls her eyes affectionately , “ you’re a terrible liar , breakin’ the rules is what you do best , docta’ . “ rose’s voice is husky and rich , there is something palpable in the depth of its tenderness , @timedten holds her gaze while his fingers drift down to the buttons of his suit jacket , he sheds it unceremoniously . her mouth dries because seeing the doctor in just his white undershirt feels a bit like seeing him naked , the anticipation swelters like rain on the air in summer , sweat prickles at the fine hairs on the back of rose’s neck and the doctors long body glides up along hers - between her legs and she lets out a long satisfied sigh .
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the doctors mouth presses languorous , open mouthed kisses along the marble of her bared throat and her hands slide up into his hair , tangling in it , pulling on it gently . rose hitches one leg up to wrap it around the sharp press of his hip - pulling him closer to her body because she’s greedy and starved for more . impatiently her trembling fingers work at the buttons of his shirt , her hands sinking beneath the fabric in eager pursuit of more skin .
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ch0sene · 3 months
there's nothing the matter with your heart. it's not broken. (for karlach)
" well, you say that, doc, but thing is, it really feels like it's about to blow? " and smart as the doctor is, dammon's probably more experienced with this sort of thing, you carefully do not say. sweat beads on your brow, lungs surging with hellfire, and you bottle the agony of it into a single harsh pant, clutching the table beneath you with such force that it begins to splinter.
technically, he is right: your heart, your engine, is designed to do this. even so, you can't help but hold onto the foolish hope that if anyone were to have another, better answer, it would be him.
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b4didea · 8 months
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we were doing what we normally do , time & space & whatever . . . & then . . . i swear- . . . i heard this whispering. but you couldn't hear it. but i swore- . . . you lied. you were lying to me. / ( @timedten )
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ob4yme · 7 months
🍒 for ibring1ife and timedten /anonymous clearly pfft
send me 🍒 (or cherry)  +  a url and i will write some positivity for them.
i put this under a cut because it's very long, some might say stupidly long, and extremely emotional. don't worry about it. @ibring1ife @timedten
look. i started getting properly close with you two when i was going through a really hard time. i won't go into it too much but i was in the miserable place of figuring out how to move forward after looking a lot of really difficult, uncomfortable truths straight in the eye. i felt very much unworthy of any care at all, but you both showed me so much kindness and understanding anyway. you listened, you offered your support, you watched shows with me and played games with me and made me laugh when i felt, the dramatic bitch that i am, like i would struggle to ever find a reason to smile again. i know it hasn't been too long since we all started talking, but you both mean a lot to me. you really did get me through, and i'll be forever grateful for that. (i know i come on a little strong, i know i'm a little too affectionate sometimes... that's kinda why. sorry lol)
seren, you are a treasure. i have such admiration for your artistic skill, for the creative's approach you take to the world and to the media you consume. i love reading your analysis, the quotes you send me from the books you're currently reading - i love your passion for literature and for women who are allowed to be complicated and angry and something more than human. i respect your boundless kindness, the love you always have to give, and your strong moral fibre. i love your deliberate use of metaphor and envy your keen aesthetic eye. know, today and everyday, that you are valued, cared for, and this tardis team would be worse off without you.
darian, you are BRILLIANT! god, i admired you so much for the longest time before we ever got to really talking and that opinion has only strengthened now that we've gotten to know each other properly. you're always so much fun to hang with, whether it's stardew or farscape or literally just sitting on the phone shit talking steven moffat for an hour. your edits are gorgeous, too, and you positively channel the doctor in your writing, which is itself so unique, unlike anything i've seen in all my years in the rpc. your laughter is infectious, your excitement a joy to be around - you genuinely brighten my days, and your adventurous willingness to go with me on the wildest tangents is so appreciated.
one of my favourite things about rp is weaving interconnected stories, and what we've all developed is a prime example of exactly why. i feel so deeply invested in our plotting because it's so rich and expansive and thoughtful, because the arc of it is so satisfying, because you both bring such insightful takes on your muses every time. it feels like taking this medium to its extreme, and i'm always pushed to do my best writing with you.
i've been rambling entirely too long but to close i just want to say that i hope you both know how special you are. seriously. this world is better for having you in it, and if ever you forget that or are struggling to believe it, you know where to find me. <3
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