plushmon · 6 months
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picking up bad habits
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averysexyleon · 2 years
Chapter 9 of Karl's Backstory (by meee)
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"Give her back her fucking doll," Karl snarled at the first moment of silence, not waiting on the other two to speak.  This aggression only seemed to strengthen their resolve to look tough.
"Or what, freak?" Freddie, the eldest, snarled.  "You'll accidentally shock us?  You can't control anything you do, but you want to control us?"
A few of the older children laughed, but the effort was measly, and Karl's stormy eyes flickered away from the two bullies and toward those who had giggled.  For a moment he looked rattled, and then his glare returned.  Now the co-conspirator, Kenny, laughed louder and added, "Watch out, accidents hurt, just ask old Professor Selvik."  
And the pair roared together, leading the group in some inside joke that apparently, Karl was meant to get.  The expression of anger didn't budge, but his eyes scanned the pair in mild confusion.  
Then Freddie mimicked an old voice with a Norwegian accent.  "Oahhh, got mih arum that timmh, Kahhhl," while stumbling and grabbing his own wrist.  Karl's jaw set as he realized the asshole had probably been spying on him during his private teachings.  Selvik, though maybe senile, was one of the world's top engineers who had retired at wartime, and had been brought in (and paid for) by Miranda.  This happened recently, after news of just how competent and intelligent Karl was begrudgingly made its way out of the school.  No doubt due to Hughes, the year prior.  But the special treatment had no fans among the other pupils.  
Freddie changed his voice to Karl's acquired trans-Atlantic drawl, complete with stutter.  "Suh-suh-sorry, suh-suh-sir!"  This got a heartier laugh from the choir of children, and Karl's jaw began ticking.  Freddie didn't pause.  "Supposed to be the smartest in the school and he can't even tuh-tuh-talk right!" Finally got this posted...keep reading here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34197043/chapters/107759022
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nylwnder · 1 year
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jetoyak-blog · 5 years
MH Tim headcanons (AU in which MH never happened)
Read part two here
Tim always gets RLS, (Restless leg syndrome) at night, so he usually spends his time pacing back and forth around his room until his legs will cooperate.
He seems like a guy that would be very silent, but he usually tries to start up a conversation. He also cracks a few jokes here and there.
Secret fuzzy socks
Cracked his phone once, it broke, Jay gave him his spare old one
Clumsy, but always covers up by immediately getting back up/fixing the problem before anyone could say anything about it.
His favorite food is watermelon
Plays the acoustic guitar and harmonica
Enjoys catching fireflies
He is always careful to catch them though, if they don’t fly away, he carefully puts them on the tree next to his house.
One time a firefly didn’t want to get off his wrist, so he took him in and called him Jerry
He talked to Jerry about his problems, and grew a connection with Jerry
Jerry didn’t last that long
He cried
Amazing singer, doesn’t realize it
His voice is very deep while singing and humming
Has a brown tabby cat named Ditsy
Ditsy likes bringing Tim old socks from.. somewhere
Also has a robin that lives in the tree behind his house
Her name is Helen, he named her babies Yelen and Kelen (very creative, Tim)
Loves hugs, wont pass one up for anything
Tight hugger, usually is the one with his arms around the other persons neck.
Very emotional, hides it around his friends
Alex and Brian are his neighbors
There is a separate part of his house upstairs where he rents it to Jay.
They all usually sit outside with eachother in front of Tim and Jay’s house and have coffee in the morning, except on Tuesdays because Tuesdays suck, according to Alex.
Brian and Jay got extremely mad at Tim once because he shaved his sideburns, so he never shaves them anymore.
Smokes a quarter pack of cigarettes a day, It used to be a full pack, but ever since the other three ransacked his house, stoke his cigarettes, and left a note saying ‘Stop smoking, Its bad for you, you oaf.’ He gave in and cut it out a bit.
(Leave a note if you want more, or ask me if you want to see another persons headcanons and which AU :D)
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elzifelzi · 2 years
You know if i had a nickel for everytime we got live action fairly odd parents media with an oddly casted Timmy Turner I'd have 2 nickels which isn’t alot but it's weird that it's happened twice.
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So this new show is the official cannonical sequel to Fairly oddparents which essentially means that the Fairly odd movies are no longer Canon which is kind of a shame cuz while those movies are terribly cringey i did like how how they essentially didn't shy away from making it as similar to the cartoons as possible. I think that's what this show is going for with stuff like the Tad and Chad poster in yhe background.
Also did like Drake Bells Timmh Turner to some degree though i get that they couldn't cast him again for ...."obvious reasons".
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thinkingismymainhobby · 12 years
The Thinking Seumas
Hi, my name is Seumas, and I've been a thinker for 7,285 days. More or less.
I'm a student of design who's a writer at heart... Or something. That sounds a bit pretentious, so we'll go with : "I like writing and I'm a design student." 
"Thinking is my main hobby", sums me up more than any description of me tends to do. I like thinking, and activities that involve thinking, or imagining. Like writing, and drawing, and reading, and making little sculpture-y things, and science. And talking to myself, which I'm technically doing just now, as I have no followers.
*Okay, I'm stopping that... (I think) ...now.
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