#timothy is a pun from a song i like and jonesie is bc of the cat in alien 🥰
modpoppy · 5 months
havent figured out if i wanna always be called either Timothy and Jonesie interchangeably or only when Gender
like irt my pronouns, i always like they/them, when im An agirl she/her is awesome but when im not it kinda sucks, with most of my self representative characters i just stick to they/them tbh, the pronouns are sorta solved by having em in that order instead of she/they bc if i did that i KNOW most people would use she 95% of the time, so reversing it is best
with names tho… i never figured that out. i dont have a good easy way to indicate what my gender presentation is at that moment, especially irl where im not out yet so i cant so easily just use like pins or something
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