#tincho's like 'ah yes i can get used to this'
zu-art · 8 months
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Personal hc that Luciano can lift any of the latinos. Also that Manu and Sebi are both very light ♥
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rosesandalfazemas · 1 year
Hi Rosa! Can I suggest a prompt?
Martín and Luciano have a huge fight, they end up needing to be pulled apart by Antonio and Port. Since they're still so angry, and Luci doesn't want to talk to Port while Martín doesn't listen to Antonio, the two brothers do a switch: Antonio takes Luciano aside, while Port pulls Martín to his car so they can go on a ride and clear his head a little.
Hi my dear! Everytime you send me a message is an honor to me~ I'll try my best!
Upside down
Spanish version
"And what was it this time? " Martin got into the car and slammed the door, obfuscated " My car is a week old, please " the blond didn't answer him and crossed his belt almost cutting it " ; including the belt.
"I'm shitting on your car, Gabriel! ¡La concha de la lora!"
"… Then get out."
Martin noticed how Portugal suddenly stared at him, with that seriousness that only Europeans had; that imperial coldness so… uncomfortable. In that tone of aquamarine eyes, it seemed creepy.
"… excuse me. " the blond suddenly said in anguish. The older man sighed, resigned and amused deep down, for he still felt the Latinos were like children fighting over their toys.
"Don't worry. That's what I came for.
"No, no, really. Soy un pelotudo, I apologize uncle, it's not with you " Argentina grabbed his forehead " . It's just that I'm insane when he gets on his nerves.
"Luciano has that quality " he added with a hint of acidity, starting the car " . But tell me on the way, you need to get out of the building.
"Yes… thank you. " he said pityingly, barely blushing and looking straight ahead, like a (huge) obfuscated child.
"Do you want to go eat? This old soul is in the mood for some good codfish and an old wine; that way the words come out of the chest better when they should."
Martin smiled with embarrassment, for his attitude seconds before. Portugal was not a great conversationalist, unlike his father; and he would not give him the comfort of words for hours, or kisses and hugs to which he was get used to. No. The older Iberian was more peaceful, silent and reflective; his actions did much more than his speeches or his judgments, which, though beautiful and eloquent, were brief and select.
In that wisdom of the old empires, Gabriel knew that such an emotional creature did not need a sermon, but to change the air and do something else.
"Yes, I'd love it."
And while Hernandez thought how much more nuanced the Iberian's voice was speaking in Spanish, lilting like Brazil's but deeper, Dos Anjos smiled briefly without taking his eyes off the road, and stepped out onto the path.
"… and that's what happened."
Brazil lowered his arms after recounting the whole episode by circling around Spain, who looked at him seated with attention and his (strange) seriousness.
"Okay. Look Luciano, the problem is that you two are like Gabo and me; similar in the annoying points, and different enough to confront each other. Add to that the fact that you are the references of Latin America; too much pressure on your shoulders. You explode at the slightest thing."
"It wasn't the slightest thing, uncle, he questioned the veracity of my desire to be free like all the others, in front of my other brothers! How dare he, someone like him!!!"
Antonio laughed and drank the wine at his side, shrugging his shoulders.
"What a dilemma to tell that to me, my dear."
Luciano stood still and blinked, realizing.
"Ah… " Antonio laughed, making a gesture.
"Don't worry, I get the point, I don't take it personally. But yes, that difference you have with all my kids feels harder sometimes. And they make you feel left out."
"… Yes."
"Well, it's not your fault, and it's not Martin's fault. If you ask me, I think you should talk again. I know how much you love each other, and that's why you fight like that " he pointed out, finishing his drink " . Let a few days go by, you know Tincho goes off when he feels attacked, and he thought you doubted his manhood with the joke after the meeting."
"It was a joke! Everyone makes him bad jokes and worse and he doesn't react like that!"
"Well, maybe he feels that with you he must show himself different, unbeatable at heart, since he considers you as the only rival worthy. That's not a bad thing."
"It is when he says such horrible things."
Spain sighed, looking at the golden cross on his breast and touching it, melancholy; searching for the words."
"Look, Lu; I didn't raise you, okay? But I do know something: I treated your father very badly for a long time. My children felt, I felt, that he was an inferior being, despite being my eldest and having been born by the same mother. That constant contradiction in my head made me very unstable in our bond, for I love him as I love few things in the land of the Lord. As I matured over the centuries I realized that, deep down, I wanted him to stop looking at others and look only at me. I was… I am, jealous, wow. Especially of the relationship he has with Albion. I want his attention, it's a reflex; and I did it in the worst way many times, until I understood how his space was shaped and that I should respect it. I think it's the same case."
"Why would Martin want my attention? " Da Silva suddenly blushed.
"Well, because he wants exclusivity with you… as far as beings like us can understand it, of course. Not like humans, not in that obsessive and monogamous way; but that you dedicate something of yours only to him. It can be the rivalry or the energy of confrontation. That's enough for him; it's just that he's young and with that hot blood he's got he's going off the deep end, like I'm telling you. That's all."
Brazil lowered his gaze and looked out the window of that private office, scratching his curls.
"I hadn't thought about it like that… " I look at Antonio " And what is the solution?"
"In my experience, a good gift and an apology. Martin will eventually realize his overreaction and do it on his own; I've seen that way with his kids too, so it comes naturally to him. If you don't conform, you ask him for distance."
The young nation nodded, twisting his mouth and looking at the European.
"… And you get along… well with Pai now?"
"That's a story for another day, kid" he smiled, enigmatic. "Try to solve your problems first."
Luciano half-smiled, nodding.
"Obrigado, tio Tonho."
It could have been many things, but Antonio certainly had the gift of healing with words.
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