yeyayeya · 6 months
Thracia 776, but Ayra hid in Leonster (because she did get along with Quan), and therefore, Leif was raised alongside the twins. Seliph was raised with both Nordions. Thots?
(Sorry I was a bit busy earlier so apologies for not answering earlier)
Wait a sec, I am listening
I somehow forgot that convo between Ayra and Quan. So basically, Ayra and Lachesis switch places. This would add some more character development for the Nordion siblings and the Isaachian twins. Shannan thinking that his younger cousins were dead or gone, but wanting to search for them being his main goal. Larcei and Scáthach meeting their other relatives Mareeta and Galzus, and meeting Shannam and thinking he was their royal cousin.
It would definitely change some things, but I am lowkey interested in this now.
Wait now I am going to think about this for a while thanks bestie
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seraphiam · 2 years
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In canon, Tirnanog is an abbey, so I propose that in a modern AU the Tirnanog kids just hang out in a church basement instead. They're probably got soda, popcorn, and chips to snack on, as well as a used Xbox 360 and Wii with lots of donated games. If it's more strict to canon and the kids are being hunted down, they probably live there instead. Either way Lana probably has a tamagotchi she takes care of
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charmblooded · 5 months
—𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞.
Initial Class: Free Knight
Birthday: November 23rd
Basic Info: A member of the Liberation Army and one of the princes of Nordion, carrying minor Hodr blood.. A big brother figure to those who grew up in Tirnanog. Loyal and openhearted, but sharp with a sword.
—𝐂 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤.
Likes: idealistic knighthood, his family, horse care, riding on boats, winter sunsets, hair gel
Dislikes: bonfires, cold soups, being misunderstood, loneliness, feeling powerless, corrupt nobility
—𝐁 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤.
Hobbies: equestrian, reading farming almanacs
Talents: charming others, even-tempered strategy
Background: Raised in Tirnanog alongside many others, like Larcei and Scathach. Became an older brother figure, and got used to caring for them. After the war, he became Ares' right hand man.
—𝐀 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤.
Height: 5'6" | 5'4"
Ring Size: 7.5 | O 1/2
Personality: Reliable and sunny. Focuses more on supporting others than on himself, to a the point of a fault. Passionate and dreams of emulating his father, who he imagines as an ideal knight. The best ally at imitating bird calls.
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gascon-en-exil · 6 months
Seeing how so many Tellius character end up in the orienta- I mean, desert banner, I wouldn't want to imagine a PoR or RD remake. At this rate, the only game that somehow managed to escape fanservice were the Jugrals
Judgral's lack of seasonal presence is very much a mixed blessing. On the one hand there's a sort of pride in it being the one FE setting that IS seems to treat with some degree of dignity, at least in the sense that we've never had any Jugdral characters in bunny outfits or Halloween costumes or whatever. On the other, restricting them almost completely to the most conservative seasonal themes (formal dancing, teatime) or to banners tailor-made for Jugdral (the Crusader festival) both restricts the number of alts the characters get as well as keeps them from all the fun, goofy designs seen elsewhere. Pirate Brigid and Lifis are about as silly as Jugdral has ever been allowed to be. I'd really like to see either game feature on the child banner, one of which is coming up in a few weeks. There's plenty of material to work with - the Gen 1 Lord trio at the academy, the Tirnanog kids, Leif and friends on the run pre-FE5 - and that banner theme is relatively serious as far as seasonals go.
As for Tellius remakes, IS may get around to them eventually, though it may be 5-10+ years from now. Who knows what the state of FEH will be by then, or if it'll have a successor gacha so IS can take everyone's money a second time?
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toon-kirby · 8 months
(apologies for potentially double-posting)
any headcanons pertaining to the first gen trio and the way they parent their sons?
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Alright, I finally got this done... because I did all the first gen parents! Surprise!
Siggy/Dee - Deirdre, having grown up in the woods, ended up opting for a very natural parenting style. Organic and home grown foods, minimal/reused plastic, lots of outdoor time, etc. Sigurd makes enough money for that kind of lifestyle, though Deirdre knows how to do it on a budget. She's not extreme about it, though. Sigurd's introduced her to lots of cool things she didn't have growing up (like video games that aren't hand me downs from people at church). With his encouragement, she's also working on her degree at the local college. Not sure what she's going for, but probably something Earth Science related. Deirdre tries to schedule her classes while Seliph is at school, but when she can't, she has Oifey babysit him.
Quan/Ethlyn - Quan is very into good grades, so both Leif and Altena are in tutoring and private school. They're also both in sports as soon as they're old enough. Altena is really good at soccer, and by goodness does Quan make sure to brag about it to Travant. Ethlyn isn't very happy about this. Travant's a widower, he doesn't need someone bullying him! Quan just needs to let this stupid rivalry go. Plus, Altena seems to be friends with Arion! Quan shouldn't ruin that!
Eldie/Granhye - Very classy parents. I mean, it's Eldigan and Granhye. Ares began music lessons at a very young age, just like his father. These paid off, though not in the way anyone expected. Ares ended up being into punk and metal music rather than classical. Instead of getting mad, Eldigan and Granhye decided to embrace it (granted Ares keeps his grades and behevior good). His electric bass is his favorite present ever. He nicknamed it Missiletainn.
Midir/Edain - Edain found out early on that she really liked to read books to her kids. She ended up volunteering at the local library to read more books, and that's how the little Tirnanog friend group came to be. She and Midir take turns staying at home since neither of them have a standard monday-friday schedule. They make sure to spend a lot of time together when they're both off. Family board game nights are a regular occurence in their house.
Lex/Ayra - The sporty parents. As soon as Larcei and Schatach were old enough they enrolled them in soccer. Then came martial arts, swimming, you name it. The kids' diet probably consists of Issachian home cooking, granola bars, and gatorade. Shannan has stepped in multiple times to babysit or get the kids to practice. He's the super cool older cousin, after all!
Azelle/Tailtiu - Super nerdy parents. I'm talking DND and cosplay type nerdy. Tine was born premature, so they spent a lot of time in the hospital. The nurses absolutely adored Arthur. They were all so happy when he started to walk and say his first words. Hilda, however, was jealous of all the attention Tailitu and Tine got when they finally came home.
Finn/Lachesis - I think your headcanons about Finn and Lachesis being Malewife and Girlboss are pretty spot on. Lachesis has some sort of high ranking office job, while Finn stays at home. Diarmuid sometimes spends time with Beowulf (his bio dad), but lives with Finn and Lach. Beo's very chill about the entire thing and even gives Nanna gifts for her birthday and christmas. (Slightly off topic, but in an AU where all the games exist at the same time, I can see Finn being really good friends with Dedue since they're so similar. I mean, their leiges are even both voiced by Chris Hackney!)
Alec/Sylvia - I actually headcanon Lene and Coirpre to have different fathers in canon, as Coirpre was young enough to get the attention of the cult and that wouldn't be possible if Coirpre was born pre-Belhalla (though he does have severe baby face). Anyways, since this is a modern au with no cults or political scheming (hopefully), I'll go with them both being Alec's kid. Neither Alec nor Sylvia ended up with a high paying job, so money was tight. Then Alec got a job under Hannibal. He became close to the family and agreed to become the children's godfather. He likes to spoil the kids since he could never have any kids of his own. I'm thinking of Uncle Drosselmeyer from the Nutcracker from some reason. Speaking of Ballet, Lene's lessons are free since Sylvia works at the studio. Coirpre… well I'll be honest, I don't know what he'd be doing.
Lewyn/Erinys - Not a day goes by where these two can't figure out how Ced ended up being a straight a student. Erinys was a good student, but she wasn't super into it. And Lewyn… well, Lewyn is Lewyn. Fee ended up more free-spirited and laid back like her dad, though to a more responsible degree. She credits this to having her dad's love for life mixed with her mom's responsibility.
Jamke/Brigid - Somewhere inbetween Ayra/Lex and Edain/Midir on the parenting style spectrum. Patty ended up really enjoying gymnastics, so they kept her enrolled in it. She also took up magic tricks, including (to Jamke and Brigid's dismay) lock picking. Super cool cousin Dew totally didn't teach her that. Febail took up archery like his father.
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fang-emblem · 22 days
25 and 27!!
Sorry for taking so long to answer this, completely forgot about it!
I'll have Seliph answer these
26. What's something you remember that seems pretty mundane/ordinary?
I remember that as kids, Lana and I would play together a lot in Tirnanog! We always liked to play in and around gardens and farms.
27. What's a memory you always wanted to share but havent gotten the chance to?
Seeing my parents spirits on that beach after we had defeated Lord Arvis was strange. I had never met my mother, at least in my memory. I was very small when she disappeared, and I barely remembered my father. I had only known them from what I had been told by Oifey, Shannan, and Lady Edain.
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louvay · 11 months
We're asking Jugdral questions? Oh cool! Let's see...
-Who wins in a girlboss competition: Lachesis or Hilda?
-Speaking of Hilda, how would she react to being locked in a room with Deirdre (since they likely interacted in canon and no one ever seems to talk about this?)
-Who is most likely to be mistaken for a Disney prince and/or princess?
-Which of the Tirnanog kids would be the most competitive at Mario kart?
Yup, glad to answer any question!
-Interesting match up because they’re both in classes with A rank in alot of weapons and have Charisma but i’ll give it to Lachesis because she’s the first ever female character in FE to use an axe. Also she can get sweet revenge on Chagall while Hilda tends to be on the receiving end of these types of things.
-Hilda will try to strike up a conversation with Deirdre and be pushy about it in order to garner her favor since she is the empress but will soon realize Deirdre is alot like her niece and will then, in her irritation, try to excuse herself from the room. Also she will have a pen and notebook ready to list the things Deirdre says Julius likes.
-For likely to be mistaken for a Disney prince, absolutely Diarmuid. Dude is practically prince charming and people underrate his dialogue with Leif in Fe5 if Nanna is dead. Genuinely a stand up guy in the midst of tragedy. As for Disney princess, I think of Ethyln and how she’s as stubborn as her brother yet that stubbornness comes from a place of compassion. She convinces Quan to join with Sigurd in saving Edain and when she gets the Lighbrand from Deirdre after checking up on her sister-in-law, you’ll start to use her more for combat with it.
-Lester would be devilish in Mario Kart, like the type of guy who doesn’t even show mercy to Lana or Seliph while playing against them. Knows when to drift perfectly as well as the perfect timing to use Koopa shells & Bob-ombs. Still loses to Oifey tho.
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swiftscion · 10 months
A meta focused on the parts of Larcei that she shares with her parents, and those that are uniquely hers.
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Hair & eye color
Body type. Follows her streamlined and lithe muscle development
Isaachian culture
Facial structure. Is cited as being similarly beautiful to her mother
Weapons & items
Minor Odo holy blood
Keen eyesight & fast reflexes. In reference to Nihil, the ability to avoid critical hits--interpreted as hits to vitals
Astra. More specifically, the ability for descendants of Od to enter the super-speed "Astra State"
Speed. In reference to Pursuit. While not technically an inherited skill, both start in the myrmidon class, which happens to be a similarity
Defiance. Neither women are known to take shit lying down
Stubborn loyalty, especially to house Chalphy. Larcei was similarly born into a kind of "knighthood"
Protection of the weak. Like Naoise, Larcei wills to stand up for those who cannot stand for themselves
Combat style. In reference to Critical, Larcei will often aim for massive hits on enemy weak points, trying to fell someone bigger than her in a single strike
Relentlessness. In reference to Charge, Larcei continues fighting until her target is eradicated. Doesn't believe in training rounds or second chances--something that extends to a long-term mindset with regards to the Loptyr Sect
Strength. Based on str growths Larcei is closer to Naoise in her ability to hit things hard
Hair texture. Soft and thin, but plentiful strands lend to pronounced bangs and a full head of hair
Voice. Larcei has high tones and nasally speech in the same way Naoise does. The way they differentiate is only in tone and pronunciation
Sword skills
Dedication to cause & repaying debts
Protective lover. Like both her parents, Larcei makes it her mission to keep someone safe when they are special to her
Early bird. Used to have to get up at the crack of dawn to check if she and the others in Tirnanog have been found out
Bound by honor. All three follow a strict moral code in combat, even if Larcei expresses some of it via an open disdain for ranged attackers
Meat enjoyer
Strong reaction to romance & flowers. Both stem from following a Iucharba recruitment route and unpaired ending, wherein she saw Iuchar mistake talking to his brother to mean he lost her affection, and got himself killed by charging straight for her army
Hatred of the Empire & magic. Larcei does not yet know the whole truth behind the Loptyr Sect, and even if she did, she would be too enraged by their treatment of innocent people to grant them any pardon. The experiences she witnessed and were nearly part of (thanks Shannan) in her childhood are entirely her own, and have shaped her somewhat-spiteful worldview
Short fuse. Refer to the above
Secret sweet tooth
Impulsiveness. Thinks things through considerably less than either of her parents
Low stamina. Partly due to her nature, partly due to being on the run and up at arms at an early age. Had to condense a lot of her training instead of learning how to last the long haul in combat
Alcohol tolerance. Is lightweight and gets doubled over by this sort of thing. Semi-related to her low stamina
Personal Astra form. While somewhat reminiscent of Ayra's, Larcei was taught by Shannan, and mimics his style while incorporating some aspects of her own. She has also learned to apply it in other creative ways in TOA canon
Height. No one knows where she got the short gene. Maybe Scathach stole a few inches
Country slang. Wasn't raised in House Isaach's court or a knightly order, and talks & acts more like a commoner. Most people (in universe, and ooc) don't even know she's technically a princess
Desperation. In reference to Adept, which she learns upon promotion. Biting back against oppression has taught her to fight every battle like it's her last
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Muirne / マナ, Deimne / ディムナ and Corrine / カレン
Muirne is an Isaachian cleric and a member of the imperial resistance in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. She is named after Muirne (also called Muireann Muncháem), the mother of Fionn mac Cumhaill in Irish mythology. Her father - a druid - foresaw her marriage leading to the loss of his home and thus prevented her from being with any of her countless suitors. Cumhall, however, stole her away from home. By the time he was found and killed in battle, Muirne was already with child. Her father, disgusted, ordered her to be burned to death. Only by the grace of the High King was she spared and went into hiding to give birth to her son. After leaving the child in the care of Cumhall's sister Bodhmall, she returns to society and married a king. Muireann's refuge with Bodhmall and Finn being born in hiding may relate to Muirne's part in the resistance movement, their base hidden in the town of Tirnanog. The mythological figure marrying into royalty may also relate to Murine's crush on Seliph.
In Japanese, Muirne's name is マナ (rōmaji: mana), romanized as Mana. Despite the romanization, the name is likely derived from マーナ, the common rendering of Muirne.
Deimne is an Isaachian bow knight in the imperial resistance and Muirne's brother. In Irish mythology, Deimne is the birthname of Finn mac Cumhaill, who came to lead the Fianna like his father once did. Under this name, Deimne came to serve anonymously under various lords and kings, but would be dismissed when his parentage was realized, as Cumhall's rival Goll mac Morna and his family were seeking to kill the boy. In most tales of his youth, Deimne found himself studying under the poet Finnegas, who was fishing for the Salmon of Knowledge, a fish that, when consumed, granted understanding of all things. When the salmon was finally hooked, Finnegas gave it to Deimne to cook; it was while the meat was searing that the boy burnt his thumb. He reactively put the finger to his mouth, and the salmon's wisdom was bestowed. Learning of what had happened, Finnegas gave the boy both the fish and the name Fionn.
In Japanese, Deimne's name is ディムナ(rōmaji: dimuna), romanized as Dimna. This uses one of the common renderings of Deimne in the language, the other being デムナ.
Corrine is a girl from the Isaachian capital and a suggested love interest of Deimne. This fan-localized name was likely to help differentiate her from Thracia 776's Karin, as their names are similar in Japanese. In the native language, her name is カレン (rōmaji: karen); while this is typically used for the name Karen, it can also be used for the Irish name Cullen. In The Boyhood Deeds of Fionn mac Cumhaill, the boy briefly stayed in a village called Cullen. Here he met Cruithne - daughter of the smith Lóchán - who quickly fell for the young hero. Despite not knowing each other long, Lóchán gave his daughter to Fionn and forged two spears at the youth’s request. After being told to avoid a certain road in Munster known for an aggressive boar was found, Fionn sought out and slayed the beast. He then returned to Cullen with the boar’s head gifted to the smith in exchange for taking Cruithne for a bride. This episode with Fionn and Cruithne serves as inspiration for the romantic nature of Deimne and Corrine's relationship.
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skelezomperman · 8 months
How would you go about rewriting Deirdre's kidnapping? I know that's a weird question, but your last ask made me realize how that's the only moment in Gen 1 that doesn't feel very well written
This is a very difficult one to be honest. I suppose I like that the Oosawa Mitsuki adaptation wrote it so that Deirdre was kidnapped directly from Agusti. That said, I am guessing the problem is Deirdre not having agency, and I'm not sure how that can be changed without fundamentally changing the plot. The plot as it stands currently makes the kidnapping/brainwashing necessary in order for Deirdre to marry Arvis.
You could cut out the marriage with Arvis part, which I personally wouldn't mind but it would also mean that there must be some other way for the Loptrians to get into power and create the fundamental conflict of gen 2. Or the fundamental conflict is just Arvis vs. Seliph and the Resistance, which would be interesting in of itself but strips much of the supernatural elements from FE4.
You could also cut out the marriage with Sigurd and have it so that Deirdre falls in love with Arvis "naturally," but then who leads the Resistance? Maybe Shannan? Ced?
Actually I almost want to see the first scenario now. Maybe Deirdre ends up fleeing to Tirnanog and raises Seliph there, taking the position that Edain has in our version of FE4. Maybe even Seliph and a sibling, I see no reason why she and Sigurd couldn't have more children if they had been together for longer.
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yeyayeya · 1 year
@astra-blade-13 I accidentally deleted your ask while trying to answer it, but I at least copied it
astra-blade-13 asked: Please tell me about your Scáthach headcanons, this guy deserves more love
I apologize for the delay, as I was on a trip and didn’t have time to answer it before. Thank you so much tho! I really wasn’t expecting anyone to even reach out and ask my opinion on Scáthach as I said that on a whim, but I really appreciate!
This post might be a bit long, and these are just purely headcanons on my part, so none of this is exactly canon as I am just trying to fill in the gaps (also this is me talking a bit about other characters that I have headcanons for)
Scáthach, I’m pretty sure, is the more tame of the Ayra twins, so majority of the time he’s trying to get Larcei out of trouble because of how impulsive she is
I know it’s canon that Iuchar and Iucharba are head-over-heels for Larcei, but to me, they’re both bi and are ALSO head-over-heels for Scáthach. Tho they’re both really difficult to flirty with, as Larcei would probably yell and fight them as a rejection, while Scáthach would either ignore them or try to be nice on a rejection
I made a post a while back about Scáthach having a crush on Oifey, and that was his gay awakening
I actually don’t have a headcanon for his sexuality (although I do lean a bit more on him being bisexual) and to me it feels right for him to be unlabeled. Tbh i don’t think he would care
Other side ships for me would be Lana and Julia, aka childhood friends to lovers/princess & bodyguard
He has relationship experience, and has dated Lana before and dated Julia for a while, and still treats them as close friends even after their breakups
He is a BIG Lana/Julia shipper, and once he realizes that they have mutual feelings, he makes it his personal mission to get them together
Larcei to me feels like she’s very expressive, and wears her emotions very clearly on her face. Scá, on the other hand, tries his best to hide them and doesn’t want anyone to know what he’s feeling, especially when he’s either feeling depressed or is showing emotions that he’s not used to. This occurred a lot as he was more and more active on the battlefield
He especially tries to hide his troubles thoughts from Larcei and Shannan, as he feels they have more pressing matters than him
Relationship wise, I like to think he’s very smooth, and actually knows how to properly flirt. It’s not anything dramatic or over-the-top, but his flirting is genuine and it’s only to those he’s close enough to want a relationship with
He’s definitely more comfortable around women, and he finds it easier to be friends with them
He knows how to use a bow (somewhat) from Lester since they grew up together, and he and Diarmuid frequently spar together. He also somehow managed to be their wingman since he was always in the middle of those two, and he’s happy to see that his efforts payed off.
He crochés. Idk why but to me it’s just something that he would do? It’s just a calming hobby of his and he likes giving his works to those close to him
He’s a romantic at heart, and a sucker for romance novels.
He’s just very calm and patient? Out of the Tirnanog gang, he’s the one that doesn’t panic much in a stressful situation. You would believe it would be either Seliph or Lana, but in reality, it’s him
He’s a very hard person to anger and rile up, and it takes a LOT to do so. Unless you threaten to hurt his friends, and that’s when you’re dead
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solmarillion · 2 years
Edain Fire Emblem?
Sexuality Headcanon: biromantic, gray-ace
Gender Headcanon: transfemme, nonbinary
A ship I have with said character: I like shipping her with Jamke usually but I think she’d also be really cute with Ethlyn
A BROTP I have with said character: Deirdre! I think these two would have to be best friends. :>
A NOTP I have with said character: Don’t really have one but I personally can’t see her with Azel, that’s just me though
A random headcanon: She sews a quilt together with the Tirnanog kids so she’ll always remember them <3
General Opinion over said character: Underrated and deserves way more attention, she’s such a sweetheart and I am VERY grateful that she survives Belhalla lmao
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inkymari · 1 year
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Raika went from hating Yu-yu & calling him a coward to going out his way to visit Yu-yu's classroom and bring him to the Tirnanog Youth place so that he could confront Yu-yu about his troubles, letting Yu-yu reflect and move on HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO BE OKAY.
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charmblooded · 6 months
@swiftscion asked:
He'd block it, right? Strong-old, reliable-old, rock-hearted-old Diarmuid would see her coming and raise his arms to intercept her blows--right? And if she kicks him in the face? Well, better to ask for forgiveness than for permission... WHAM! WHAM, WHAM, WHAM, WHAM!!!! A flurry of astral kicks aimed for his upper body collide with the free knight. Each is like a spear of sunshine in its own right, but together they form a deluge of stars crashing against a cracked earth--more than the sum of their parts. Behind the blur of white boots and raven streaks is a smirking Larcei, clearly amused by the sound of her attacks. She wastes no time straightening out to face him. "Diarmuid! That's what you get for not tellin' me you were coming here!" She isn't actually mad, of course, but elated that her old friend has entered her orbit again. It's just that they were all eachother's whetstone back in Tirnanog; one child sharpened their sword off another. They trained and butted heads until each was strong enough to bite back against the horizon. And old habits die hard. She's bouncing on her toes now, one hand a half-fist guarding her nose, and the other outstretched to challenge him. "You can make it up to me by sparring, right here, right now. We've been apart for a good while, and it's time to show eachother what we've learned!"
Arms raise before Diarmuid has time to think.
They cross before his face, shielding his upper body, but his smile still radiates from behind them, unable to be eclipsed. Larcei's voice is a song, her blows a dance. A familiar tune, a nostalgia gathering, the sound of home.
"I'm sorry!" his voice is tinged with laughter, honey-sweet molten gold. "I would've told you if it hadn't been such a quick decision! I promise."
Hands lower to observe Larcei's stance - prepared as always, an anticipatory pose, awaiting a tussle just like old times. It's been a long while since they were kids in Tirnanog. They've both changed. And yet, somehow, here and now, it's as if they haven't changed at all.
Bare-handed combat is not his forte - nor does he want to rough-and-tumble somewhere that could get in someone's way. So he instead offers his own hand to her.
"Take me to the training grounds here, and we can spar. How's that?"
Not quite right here-and-now, but he hopes it's good enough. It's an apology, of sorts. The best he has for now.
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dithorba · 1 year
I'm tempted in my Lachzeltiu poly to make Nanna the eldest sibling but I'm too lazy to rewrite Nanna living in Tirnanog and Diarmuid possibly living with Arthur.
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