abysstrail-blog · 7 years
“If anyone tries to talk me out of this, I won’t hear them. I promise.”
eyes were zoomed onto the hand that held his arm. the blackness that tainted his skin grew like a vine around him, wrapping him in a veil of poison that could never leave. ever since natsu had been unconscious, his guilt grew like a flower that came from soiled ground. with all he had done, gray wondered if he deserved to go out of this war unharmed. while natsu’s sanity was cracked thanks to years of influence, gray’s were only recent. what had been his own will, and what were those of the demons?
‘ don’t, ’ he’d state, wriggling his arm away from the armor-clad woman, eyes averting to where screams where heard. ‘ i deserved that. ’
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rxdemptixn-blog1 · 8 years
send me a [ x ] and I  will bold the things my muse would do if asked to by your muse:
quit their job/ drop out of school | punch someone in the face | give them a lot of money | buy them a drink | take them out on a date | give them oral | let them give my muse oral | have sex with them | have rough sex with them | dominate them | submit to them | commit a misdemeanor for them | commit a felony for them | lie under oath for them | go to jail in their place | drastically change their appearance | break up with their significant other | start a business with them | marry them | kill someone for them | die for them |
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calamitouscyan · 8 years
≻ @titaniaprincess
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 —She was rather intimidating, the lady with the long and bright scarlet hair that he happened to stumble upon. Wary cyan eyes stared up to her, avoiding eye contact the best he could, as to not be detected. Even if he tried to reassure himself of the “fact” that he was absolutely not afraid of her. Nope.
 He was a god, he was not intimidated by this human.
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Underestimated leaders(closed)
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He had been sent to a place Mid West of Magnolia to meet the other guild masters for a meeting. Sting assumed he would be once again with everyone who were much older in him and expected the same treatment of being looked down upon due to his lack of experience of heading up a guild. “Well here goes nothing?” He pushed open the doors of the hidden building. Inside were solemn stares and some soft mumors. “What's going on? None of you are teasing me yet?
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freedthedark · 7 years
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                                  "So, what exactly is it that we are supposed to retrieve?"
This wasn't the first 'undercover' mission Freed accepted though the first he was going to accomplish with Erza as his partner. Dressed up in neat suit and tie the rune magician stepped to her side in order to get the last relevant pieces of information before they would enter the hall and mingle with the crowd inside.
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skydragxn · 8 years
titaniaprincess replied to your post:I’m slowly redoing my icons since I never have...
Wifey… ash sweetie… you best not forget your darling wifu who misses you greatly <3
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una-copa-mas · 8 years
She came up behind the man, carefully sliding her arms around him , her chest pressed up against his back, her voice was soft as she was leaning her head against her arm close to his ear. "I see you decided to do some stargazing huh? Waiting for someone special?"
One thing remained present and ever familiar about her, that steadfast spiritual signature, even before she had made contact with him, he knew it could be no one else but her on the approach. 
But what he doesn’t expect is the exceedingly welcoming gesture, what he finds himself wearing a genuine smile over is nothing more than how endearing she comes across, and if ever he would consider any moment in time, a moment he could spend an eternity within, it would be this one. 
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“Well, she is exceptional in more than a few ways~” 
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altairiiis · 8 years
Modern AU
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
Works as a meteorologist because Weather is Fun.
Lives off of Starbucks.  Entire salary, gone.
Plays WoW now and then when he can afford it / has interest.  Not into PvP, but one of the best raiders on his server.
Is interested in EVERYTHING and actually switched majors like 10 times.  Is good at lots of things because of it.
Cries over Game of Thrones.
Grew up in foster care and never really stayed with any family for long.
Forgets things easily, especially when point 2 is not in play.
Doesn’t know what a dutch oven is.
Would Never Touch Alcohol.
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