#title taken from dinner sweet love by sooogood!
Dinner, Sweet Love
Word: Dinner. Pairing: Akira/Hayami. Request: @ginkashino
Hayami, in the middle of cutting bell peppers for the meal he was making, stiffened as someone put their arms around his waist. 
“I’m home,”Akira said cheekily, his chin on Hayami’s shoulder. “Blech. Bell peppers? Really?” 
“Welcome back,” Hayami said, trying to shrug Akira off, who grinned and held on tighter. “And yes, bell peppers. You should eat vegetables every once in a while.” 
From the corner of Hayami’s eye, he could see Akira pout. 
“I’m still alive, aren’t I?” 
“And why do you think that is?” Hayami said, exasperated. “I can’t let you die of malnutrition, can I?” 
“Banana parfaits have fruit, dairy, and carbs,” Akira pointed out. 
“They also have a lot of sugar,” Hayami said, still cutting the bell peppers. 
“No fun,” Akira said, letting go and sitting on the counter, grabbing a stick of celery from the pile next to him that was to be cut up and biting into it with a crunch. 
“Don’t sit on the counter,” Hayami sighed. “And the celery is for the stew, why are you eating it now?” 
In response, Akira grabbed another stick and bit into that one. Hayami considered arguing before realizing that Akira was actually eating vegetables and maybe it was better to let him eat the things than make a fuss. 
“Anybody call with any interesting cases?” Akira asked. 
“No, no calls today,” Hayami said. 
“Darn,” Akira grumbled, pouting. Hayami wanted to kiss it off him, but there was a strict no kissing in the kitchen rule that he had to reinforce if they didn’t want a repeat of the curry incident. 
“Did your case go okay today?” Hayami asked, grabbing the carrots to cut. Akira would just have to deal, and Hayami was planning to put a lot of potatoes in it to make up the difference. 
Akira made a face. “You would not believe where dachshunds are capable of getting! You’d think their long bodies would keep them from getting in trouble!” 
Hayami listened to the story of the case as he kept cutting vegetables. 
“Help me peel these potatoes,” Hayami interrupted once Akira took a much needed pause. 
“What? After my looooooooooong day?” 
Hayami gave him a Look. 
“Fineeeeeeeeeee,” Akira said, accepting the peeler from Hayami. For all his grumbling, Akira was pretty good at peeling, but he tried to get out of it like he tried to get out of most everything. 
“I bought those anko pastries you like for dessert,” Hayami said as motivation. Akira immediately brightened. “But you can’t have them until after dinner.” 
“What am I, six?” Akira asked, crossing his arms and nearly dropping the potato he was peeling. 
Hayami didn’t answer that, which resulted in Akira poking him and asking how old Hayami thought he was. 
“The faster you peel, the faster we can get this stew started and then you can get dessert.” 
Akira focused, making Hayami wonder, not for the first time, if Akira could really survive on his own. 
“Itadakimasu,” the two of them said in unison. There had been a slight scare of having burned the stew, since Akira had pulled Hayami to the couch the second he was done making the stew, and they had both lost track of time, but thankfully the timer had registered to Hayami just in time. 
“Why do you ruin perfectly good salad with bell peppers?” Akira asked. His salad didn’t even have bell peppers, it had celery, but Hayami was starting with his cold food first. 
“They’re good for you,” Hayami said. “Not sure why you’re complaining, I didn’t give you any.” 
Akira shrugged, giving Hayami his winning smile. “Because I have to kiss you later?” 
Hayami nearly choked, making Akira laugh. “You’re so easy to fluster, Hayami-chan!” 
When it came to the stew, Akira ate a few carrots before putting the rest on Hayami’s plate. Hayami briefly thought about asking Akira about that but decided Akira would just do something that would end in disaster. 
Once they finished dinner, Akira, who got bored if Hayami wasn’t there at all times, helped dry dishes, saying that Hayami looked cuter in the apron (untrue) and that he was more likely to break the dishes by accident if he was the one washing them (true). Akira had put on a record on, and was moving a bit to the beat. Hayami wanted to put Akira back on the counter and kiss him senseless, but that was a good way to have the sink overflow, like it had in the bathroom the one time they had done it there. 
Still, with two of them, it wasn’t long before they were done, and Hayami could kiss Akira’s anko-flavored lips to his heart’s content, far away from the dangers of the kitchen. 
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