#tk6 talks a/b/o
tommykinard6 · 4 months
"But then Tommy becomes pregnant first and he doesn’t know what to do with that. Eddie was supposed to have this and he feels guilty for taking it away"
Lets make it angsty just a bit.
He doesn't want to take this from Eddie, so he decides to leave them and raise his pup alone so Buck and Eddie can have their own. BUT Eddie is like "where do you think you're going? You realized this is also my pup? Our pup! You're going anywhere! We are a family! You're not just Buck's, you're mine too!"
Ooooo now that’s an idea! Idk about him getting ready to leave in the dead of night or whatever, I don’t think that’s a mature move on his part, but I do feel like he would try to stick it out without telling them at first, but he loses his nerve to tell them. And they don’t know so they’re talking about Eddie’s attempts and Tommy just feels overwhelmingly guilty. He’s got the tests hidden away and he starts to believe he’s truly messed everything up. He starts thinking they’d be better off without him and he starts pulling away. He is planning to leave, to give them a chance to be together without him messing it up, but his heart is breaking because they may not have bitten each other yet but they’re his mates in all senses of the word except bite and he doesn’t know what to do about the baby.
He knows it wouldn’t be right to keep it from them, but he can’t do it.
And then Buck finds the tests and he thinks they’re Eddie’s, but when he asks Eddie about them when they’re all fixing dinner one night, the omega doesn’t know anything about them. And Tommy doesn’t even know what he’s doing before the door is closing behind him and he’s running, because he wasn’t ready for it to end and he can’t stop it. He can’t breathe and tears are running down his face.
He runs for a couple blocks until he can’t anymore and then Buck catches up to him, Eddie at his side. They pick him up from where he’d fallen and take him home, drying him off (ironically it was raining) and tucking him into their nest. He expects it to be Buck that talks to him but it’s Eddie. And it essentially goes how you said, and then Buck joins them both.
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tommykinard6 · 3 months
Oh yeah, now that I’m back from work:
Which is essentially omega Tommy, omega Eddie, and omega Buck have all left/lost their alphas. Tommy left an abusive relationship in the dead of night. Eddie’s alpha died. Buck’s alpha left. They all find each other accidentally but team up for safety and so none of them are alone.
Because they’re all pregnant. Eddie has Chris too.
They form an omegan bond with each other to keep from bonding sickness or pining, but they all start to fall in love with each other.
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tommykinard6 · 4 months
Hello everyone! I’ve now written another fic, even though my brain is so tired.
And I write this as a gift for two people. First, @babygirl-diaz . They’ve been holding up the omega Tommy tag almost single handedly. Second, the nonnie in my ask box who has been asking about my a/b/o headcanons but I haven’t had a coherent thought to type them out, so I wrote a fic instead. Stay patient with me, nonnie.
Mind the tags! It’s only rated teen and up and no archive warnings apply, but check additional tags for squicks.
Love you guys!
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tommykinard6 · 4 months
Could we please hear more about omega Eddie, alpha Buck and omega Tommy headcanons? Specifically if you want to share any nsfw headcanons?
Secrets, Broken and Fragile is one of my favorite omegaverse 911 series. I had no idea you wrote it. I wanted to let you know, it is amazing :). Hope you're having a lovely weekend :)
You’re so sweet, nonnie! Thank you for your kind words about my series! Sorry this took so long to get back to you, but I’ll have you know that I’ve been thinking hard about a good response to this.
Putting a cut here for anyone who needs to scroll!
Let’s start off the bat: all of them want a family.
Eddie wants more kids (my headcanon here actually follows my Secrets, Broken and Fragile one, that he birthed Christopher). He always wanted a big family, wanted Christopher to have siblings. He loved the feeling of being pregnant, despite the stresses he and Shannon were facing the whole time. He wants to experience that again.
Buck wants a big family too. He wants his children to never be alone, to know that they’ll always be loved. He knows that any pup produced by either of his omegas will be the luckiest in the world, adored by their three loving fathers.
Tommy stifled a want for kids long ago, thinking it was impossible for him. No alpha looked at him and wanted him to carry their child. They were too intimidated by him. But he loves children. In a relationship with Eddie and Buck, he feels safe for the first time to admit that he might be open to having kids.
They’re trying for kids. They all live together. Buck and Eddie are trying for a baby and Tommy is there, encouraging them and stifling the tiny voice in his head that tells him he doesn’t belong there.
He loves his partners. He wants them as his mates. But his insecurities run deep.
Just like Buck’s fear of abandonment.
Like Eddie’s fear of failure.
But then Tommy becomes pregnant first and he doesn’t know what to do with that. Eddie was supposed to have this and he feels guilty for taking it away.
But Eddie is ecstatic at the news and Buck picks him up (even though they’re about the same size) and spins him around in happiness.
When Buck is cooking dinner in the kitchen later and he and Eddie are cuddling in their nest, he gets up the courage to ask Eddie, timidly, if it’s ok.
Because this feels like it’s supposed to be Eddie’s moment.
And Eddie kisses him and reassures him. He’s not upset. He couldn’t love this child more if they were his own. Yes, he and Buck were trying but Eddie’s thinking it worked out as it should.
As a bonus, since you asked for specifically NSFW headcanons!
They do have individual sexy times, but a lot of the fun is had when they’re all together. One of these said times is when Buck is balls deeps inside of Tommy, working a growing knot in and out. Tommy, moving with every thrust, is deep inside of Eddie, who’s moaning unabashedly below him. Buck finally works his almost full knot inside Tommy’s sore and greedy hole. Tommy jerks and comes almost immediately, spilling deep inside Eddie, who moans filthily. But they’re not done. Buck flips Tommy over and slides in several fingers next to his own knot, driving Tommy wild at the stretch. Eddie has pulled off at this point and resettles with his knees on either side of Tommy’s head, presenting Tommy with an offering he couldn’t refuse. Eddie almost screams when Tommy’s talented tongue finds its way home.
Enjoy! (P.S. I’m tipsy so ignore any peculiarities)
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tommykinard6 · 5 months
Invading your inbox, like you asked :) <3 I would love to hear more about your omega Eddie, alpha Buck and omega Tommy headcanons? If you want to share them. 🧯🚒.
Nonnie, this ask makes me very happy, thank you 🥹
First off! This here is my Buddie a/b/o fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/24914782/chapters/60292255
I haven’t updated in a long time and I’m not sure when I will; my writing style has changed. But that’s something!
Omega Eddie is very much house husband, stay-at-home dad vibe. Not that I personally think he’d leave firefighting, but it’s the vibe, ya know? He’s been in control and struggling and trying to do everything alone for all his life. He needs to be pampered and taken care of. He definitely wants more kids, but is hesitant to commit to having more without knowing they won’t be abandoned again.
Buck is a gentle alpha. All he wants is a family and to provide the life, love, and stability he didn’t have growing up. Protective mode goes hard with him. Any threat to his mate(s) and he’s gone.
Tommy is commonly mistaken for an alpha. He’s not built like a stereotypical omega, all muscle and bulk. It’s partially a shield, against his family and the world around him, and partially just who he is. He finds it hard to be an omega, convinced that he’s always doing it wrong. He’s primarily attracted to alphas, but no alpha has ever felt secure standing side by side with him. Not to mention the fear he had working at the 118. He hid his secondary gender, pretended to be an alpha, but the captain was aware of all of his mens’ designations. And as we know, Captain Gerrard was a fossil, out of his time and not one for omega rights.
Indulge me in a little polyfire for a moment.
Buck doesn’t know what he’s doing, courting two omegas at the same time. Both of them have walls up, wary eyes and reluctance to be truly themselves. He knows both of their pasts. He knows that Eddie was abandoned by his alpha (after a long and tenuous relationship where neither were innocent) and lives with a constant fear of it happening again. He knows that Tommy’s been failed by every alpha figure in his life save one army mentor and has been rejected too many times, always too much for his previous partners. They’re both haunted, and so is he. The idea of courting both at the same time is ludicrous.
But then he watches them as they open up towards each other, accepting each other as prospective mates and partner omegas. Nothing quite stops the rumble when he comes home to find them both asleep in the nest, curled around each other.
And he watches as they both open up to him, the wariness leaving their eyes. And he thinks it could actually work, the three of them together.
Now when the discussion of pups comes up, that’s a doozy.
If you want to hear my NSFW headcanons for the a/b/o 911 verse, feel free to ask further!
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tommykinard6 · 3 months
Guys guys guys I might have had an actual stroke of genius for a story but I’m at work and can’t type it out AHHHHHH
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tommykinard6 · 4 months
anymore buddietommy a/b/o thoughts? i'm living vicariously through your replies lol
Hey nonnie!
Hmmmmm what have I got for you?
Let’s talk about them finding their equilibrium.
In my mind, Buck and Eddie got together first. They both fell for Tommy and started courting him together.
And Tommy falls for both of them. But he’s consistently aware that he’s the latecomer to Buck and Eddie’s relationship. It’s an adjustment for everyone in their lives, though most are supportive. Tommy hasn’t had much luck in relationships, consistently abandoned. So he can’t help the horrible feelings that he’s intruding, that he doesn’t belong there and that this is only a phase for Eddie and Buck. But he’s attached and so he can only wait.
But eventually Buck and Eddie start to figure out what’s going on and they’re both determined to make sure Tommy knows they’re committed.
They all go on dates 1v1 as well as together. They have movie nights and game nights with Chris. They start to trust their relationship and learn what each of them needs from each other.
And they start to realize that this could actually work long term.
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tommykinard6 · 4 months
I like playing around with a/b/o dynamics a lot and I've had this idea for an omeaverse I think fits Alpha Buck so well. So omegas heats happen on a hormonal cycle-it can fluctuate a little and stress and illness can impact it- but mostly its fairly regular and predictable. Alphas only fall into rut around an in heat omega, so it's unpredictable. A rutting Alpha can be dangerous and even a mated Alpha is susceptible to rut from a strange omega, so to prevent their Alphas from unwittingly mating additional omegas (without permission) it's common for omegas to lock their Alphas in chastity and hold the key when out in public. It might be a little outdated with all the modern suppressants but Buck really really likes the physical reminder of who his knot belongs to. (Eddie and/or Tommy).
Like Eddie would feel a little guilty for wanting something so traditional, but he was surprised at the way Buck lit up when he suggested it. Tommy wouldn't even think to bring it up- he doesn't care much either way but then Buck blushes and stammers when he mentions he'd like to go off suppressents and dances around what he really wants to say and suddenly it's all Tommy can think about.
Course once they're at home and the cage comes off, Buck goes full Alpha on his very willing and happy omegas.
(Let's also pretend this world has cock cage technology that would be safe for a firefighter to wear one at work)
I’ll be honest with you nonnie, I’m not into this idea personally. Mostly just because I’m rarely into chastity (very specifically and def not on Buck).
However! I’m putting this out there for anyone who might like it! Thanks for the submission nonnie!!
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tommykinard6 · 4 months
Than you and babygirl-diaz for giving omega tommy kinard content🫡
@babygirl-diaz we’re in this together! (And you’re welcome nonnie, thanks for the encouragement!)
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tommykinard6 · 4 months
To my fellow a/b/o fans for 9-1-1, I’m dying to talk a/b/o. Send me asks! Send me headcanons!
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tommykinard6 · 5 months
could you explain briefly how the omegaverse work and why is eddie one? thank you :)
Gladly! I shall break it down as much as possible.
Omegaverse is a take on wolf pack dynamics. This can be literal, with wolf characters or werewolves. It can also be when the characters are fully human or have very distant wolf ancestry.
There’s Alpha, Beta, Omega, and sometimes non presenters, though not all authors write with non presenters. These are called secondary genders. Primary genders, such as male or female, have no impact on secondary genders in most verses. Non presenters never take a secondary gender or present much later in life. Presentation usually happens in the teen years or the person is born already presented. Presented is another term for secondary puberty, when the secondary gender matures and becomes obvious.
Now I shall keep this post SFW, but I can do an explanation on NSFW too if it’s wanted! Just let me know!
The alpha is generally the protective leader, the dominant one, sometimes literally the pack leader. In most fics, they are the partner with most societal pull and authority.
Betas are the neutrals. They make great peacekeepers, healers, advisors. Alphas and omegas are generally affected more by scents and emotions than betas.
Omegas are the caretakers and the heart of the “pack”. They’re the quiet engine that make the world go round.
Now, traditionally, alphas seem to take more stereotypical male roles and omegas take more stereotypically female roles, regardless of primary gender. That isn’t always true! But is a common theme.
Let me explain scents real quick. Basically every presented alpha/omega has a distinctive scent. Betas might too, but that varies. Betas also might not be able to smell scents as well as alphas and omegas. These scents can be vague, like smoky, or detailed, like apple pie with a hint of lemon.
((Warning for mention of mpreg: I’ll mark when it ends))
Each dynamic can be any primary gender. It’s up to the author how they want that gender to cross over. Are female alphas able to get omegas pregnant? Can female alphas get pregnant? Can male omegas get pregnant or get someone else pregnant?
((Ends here))
Betas tend to follow the biological rules of primary genders.
((Brief mention of dub-con/non-con as a theme. No graphic description within))
Now, it’s worth knowing before anyone non-experienced in A/B/O goes looking that sometimes, dub-con and non-con are themes in fics. That’s because alphas experience ruts and omegas experience heats and in a rut or a heat, the person can’t consent unless they already established consent beforehand. They’re not technically in their right mind.
((Finishes here))
That’s part of why omegaverse gets a bad rap.
I pride myself in writing fully consensual and enthusiastic A/B/O content, at least between the main ship. It’s absolutely possible to do. Tagging is important! Be sure to utilize filters if you want to avoid stuff when you go looking.
Now, for why I see Eddie as an omega.
It started partially because I don’t see Buck as an omega and I was and still am a Buddie shipper. I definitely saw him as an alpha figure. It’s also partially because of the top/bottom dynamic. Stereotypically, alphas are tops and omegas are bottoms. THIS IS NOT ALWAYS TRUE. You can write it however you want! That’s how I prefer to write, though.
I see Buck as a top/dom and Eddie as a bottom/sub. That man just needs to let go and get out of his head. He needs to be taken care of and pampered. Buck loves to take care of people and spoil them. Besides, I’m a bit of a slut for a size difference.
I don’t do well in explaining how or why a character is a bottom/omega to me; it’s sort of just a feeling. But hopefully, that explains it well enough!
Quick note to add that any dynamic can have any relationship. Alpha/alpha, alpha/beta, beta/beta, beta/omega, omega/omega are all alternatives to the classic alpha/omega pairing.
I did the best I could, but please let me know if you have further questions!
Edit to add: he’s canonically a nester and while that means something different in A/B/O…VINDICATION
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tommykinard6 · 5 months
Also yes, to put it out there and wear some pride, I was one of the OG omega! Eddie authors. We’re talking 2021, four fics under the tag, OG.
It’s not something I talk about all that much. Lots of people have opinions about omegaverse and can be quite nasty. But all it takes is looking through a few of my recent works to see I write A/B/O, so I shall simply utilize the block button if it comes to it.
I haven’t thought about the story in a while, but if anyone has any questions on my ideas for omegaverse 9-1-1 characters and ships, or any questions about the AU in general, I’d love to answer. However! Since some people don’t like to see it, feel free to block the tag of #tk6 talks A/B/O
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tommykinard6 · 4 months
Can I ask about what was like growing up as a male omega in Texas for Eddie? Did Eddie carry Christopher and was Shannon an alpha? Hope you’re having a nice weekend :) <3
Oooooh yes you can nonnie!
I tackled this in my a/b/o Buddie story, but I wrote that a while ago and so I’ll say what I think now.
Growing up as a male omega in Texas was difficult for Eddie. It’s rare and his parents boasted about what their alpha son would be like, because to them there was no other option. Surely Eddie would be an alpha. Male omegas were rare and always someone else. Someone not close to their family.
Then Eddie presented and his parents didn’t know what to do with him. They put on an outward appearance of loving him anyway, and in their own way they did, but Eddie always knew he had disappointed them. They largely left him alone after that and Eddie found himself neglected emotionally. Omegas, male and female, need their pack more than any other designation and he didn’t have one.
He met Shannon, a vibrant Alpha woman who showed interest in him and he fell for her. Shannon wasn’t ready to commit to a full relationship, they were taking that part slow, but they slept together. And they were dumb kids that didn’t think about protection, that thought that pulling out was a good method, and Eddie became pregnant.
They tried to do the right thing. They mated and married. Christopher was born. But they weren’t good for each other. Eddie’s being in the military and Shannon resenting being away from her pack left a strain on them. Christopher’s cerebral palsy was a source of tension between them. Eddie blamed himself and when they were arguing, Shannon blamed him too. Eddie reenlisting nearly broke them completely.
When he was injured and discharged, their bond was irreparable, though they tried. But they had stayed together for their son, not because they were in love and they both knew it. So Shannon left in the night to go back to her old pack and left Chris with Eddie.
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tommykinard6 · 4 months
I’m in an A/B/O mood today, so I’m down to answer some asks about it! If you have any questions about omega verse in general and how it works or specifically 9-1-1, or even about other fandoms/ships and omegaverse, I’m down to chat about it!
Not a requirement, but the more specific the better, broad questions make me over think 🤣🤣
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tommykinard6 · 5 months
re: the omegaverse thing … well. sometimes it’s nice to read about dynamics you don’t necessarily see otherwise; sometimes there’s something about the feeling of, idk. i can’t put it into words. the interpersonal dynamics can be really interesting.
(… also some of us have a breeding kink, okay)
I definitely agree! It’s hard to describe, but there’s just something about it!
(And that too)
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tommykinard6 · 5 months
Honest question: What is the appeal in omegaverse fics? How do you get into that?
A while ago I read one on accident and I found it so bizarre. I understand that different folks enjoy different things, but the whole A/B/O dynamic is so weird to me.
No hate on anyone who writes and/or reads it. Just wondering why some people love it so much.
No worries nonnie, your question was super nice and absolutely understandable.
I don’t know that I have an answer for you, though! I think it’s different for everyone and I think omegaverse is very much a particular taste. I don’t even remember how I got into it, only that I’ve enjoyed it for several years and I enjoy writing for. It absolutely can be weird (especially depending on the quality or content of the fic; I’ve read amazing ones and ones that have me throwing my phone out the window) but it’s also got some gems. It’s worth noting that there’s themes of A/B/O I don’t find to my taste either, so not everything is for everybody.
I also tend to find that writing wise, I find with some stories it’s easier to write caretaking and vulnerability. Smut is also surprisingly easy to write, but that’s probably just because I’ve been into the AU for a while.
It’s one of those headcanons/AUs/tropes that you really only utilize when you want to. I don’t write every character I love with an A/B/O dynamic, though I could if I wanted to. I have MANY stories without it. It’s not even a driving thought on analyzing a show/movie/book. And in case any is worried, I doubt anyone writing A/B/O is walking around thinking about it in context of irl.
Not sure my answer was helpful, nonnie, but I hope so! If you have any further questions, I’d love to answer. And if anyone has further answers for our nonnie, then feel free to drop them in a reblog or comment.
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