#tl;dr? 'lol good luck you're going to need it.'
prentissluvr · 2 months
OKAY. it’s morning. it’s time to dissect. clear mind (4 hours of sleep. it’s okay.)
TO START. i love all of your fics ESP those that really have an overarching story, but these smaller ones you do really have my heart because they’re so comforting to read. like yeah!! nothing bad is ever going to happen!! wdym?? i’m just sitting in a stolen car with sam winchester rn, nothing bad ever happens!!
i also love LOVED the casual type of description style you went with with this chapter. your writings are always a meal, and i love angst and stuff you’re gonna get me crying with, but the occasional strictly fluff, mutual pining work is so nice to read. like you’ve got me BLUSHING at work reading this a second time to write this.
“”thanks,” you mumble, trying to sound as casual as possible as you feel his strong thighs under your own.” CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS. RQ. LIKE. you got me SMILING HARDCORE AT MY PHONE. PUPILS ARE DILATED RN!!! hello. i’m freaking out??? this sentence is so incredibly simple but it speaks so much truth bc YES!! that’s what you do when you pine! like please. make marí’s sam winchester real and in love with me.
THIS TOO: “you’re not helping yourself. or maybe you are. you can’t really tell, because it’s sort of hard to breathe with his muscled forearm pressed up against your stomach.” this drove me insane, and not just bc it’s so INCREDIBLY SEXY AND HOT TO READ, but because of the internal monologue. i love first person because i feel like you connect with the internal monologue with the character, but i prefer second & third. now, having an internal monologue in second and third person, really just sets that precedent that’s gonna ruin every other writing for me. i love feeling this connection with the reader’s character by feeling their (very realistic) thoughts and feelings.
AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE FINAL PARAGRAPH. i always struggle with not making endings cheesy or too short, and you have the perfect balance. every single work of yours (in my opinion) ends with a perfect mix of poetry and prose to leave the reader satisfied, but also with an ability to control the narrative of the ending (in my opinion, sam and reader defo got together after. i don’t make the rules. that sexual tension needs to be relieved your honour!!!)
TL;DR, another amazing and brilliant work, marí! can’t wait to see what’s next 🧡
(P.S., also listened to guilty as sin? while reading this. took me to a whole other celestial dimension.)
oh grace you seriously are just too good to me IM CRYINGGGG I LOVE YOU SO BADDDD <333333
(feel you on the 4 hours of sleep!! i think i got exactly that much as well LMAO)
first of all, i'm just so grateful that you like all of my fics, no matter what kind. and i'm so so so grateful that you'd take all the time to tell me all of this!!! it really makes me feel so happy and good about myself and make me wanna keep writing more and more and more!!! so thank you so so so much for that.
and you're so right!! nothing bad ever happens!! ever ever ever!! heh...
and honestly i ended up liking the angst and all that, but fluff is where my heart lies!! it's my happy place i think, and it's what i've always been most comfortable writing tbh. so i'm really glad that you enjoy my pure fluff works like this one hehe (good luck at work!! don't get in trouble for sending asks and being the nicest human to me on earth ilysm)
it makes me crazy happy that something so simple would speak volumes to you like this!! it means so much!!! it makes me feel like "omg! it's working! the words thingy that i've been trying to do! it's working! yayayayay!!!" and i'm so so glad you enjoy the way i use second person in my writing and that it successfully connects you to the reader's character!!! <33
and i can't tell you how flattered i am that you think my endings are nice and balanced! honestly, i worry about them being a little cheesy too, but i actually kinda like cheesy endings so i try not to sweat it LOL but i'm seriously screaming at how you described how you feel about my endings with the prose and poetry, and you saying that i have a control over the narrative that you can actually sense is just amazing to me. thank you so so so dearly <33 (and i agree!! they absolutely got together, especially because dean leaves them alone in the motel room and you're forced to acknowledge your feelings because you might actually implode if you don't HAHA)
not the tl;dr HAHA I READ IT ALL FIVE TIMES OVER AGAIN !!! thank you so so so so so so so much for your kind words and support ilysm <3
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elle-oquence · 1 year
Hi dear friend. I'm not a bot. lol. I'm sage. and I'd love to show to you some of my paintings. I'm looking to commission some of the paintings with the hope to fund my "Moving out of an abusive home" campaign. incase you don't know the backstory - I've been an object abuse in the hand of my uncle-in-law for more than a year and it's about to get out of control as my aunt is not helping but rather making it worse. all I need to do is move out! please check my pinned post for the whole story, the pictures of my paintings and the scar i got from escaping my uncle-in-law on his first trial. i really don't want to be like those begging bot, but the possibility of my post not getting traction is high as some big blogs has decided not to help "because its a commissioning and not a fundraiser". please donate to by ko-fi and check for the painting you want in return. and if you don't like or want a painting, please just help me move out by giving whatever you can. i really just want to move out. also a reblog will mean heaven to me(I've been struggling traction for days..lol) pleasing consider helping out. thank you for reading
hello, stranger. I'm going to be honest with you, I debated deleting this immediately because (as you're well aware) you do come off as a bot but decided not to.
I don't know your story (I don't know why I would, to my knowledge we've never interacted and on any of my accounts) and while I have sympathy for hard situations, I'm going to do the frustrating thing and give you my most honest response: I know you need money, but help from internet strangers will always, always run dry. Unfortunately for you, a younger me has donated to tumblr strangers before, and with one single exception, they come back harassing me almost immediately for more. more more more elle, I was never doing enough - and I was a selfish bitch (like I'm being right now, I'm sure) if I didn't reblog more, send more money, beg my friends on their behalf. it's never enough, and you deserve enough.
maybe your methods are good, pure of heart. I hope they are - but if you're a real person with real problems I'm begging you to seek real help. if you were my client or someone I met on the street, I'd direct you to resources outright - but I don't know you, I have no way of knowing what town you're in, what organizations or churches or facilities or professionals would best be able to meet you're needs. it takes effort to comb through them, or to find people who will help you do that, but it takes effort to do this, too. I'm not saying 'money is not the answer I'm saying money from internet strangers runs out, and when it's all said and done I want you safe and people here are not qualified (and should not have to put themselves at risk or responsibility) to get you there. I'm sorry, and best of luck
tl;dr if you're real, seek long-term resources in your community, and if you're not, let this be a warming to my friends who are too nice and might get caught up
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cielsosinfel · 1 year
FFXII has a lot of hidden OP items that are so extremely exhausting to get... and it's honestly making me nostalgic for when this was the norm in JRPGs, for there to be ultra-rare but extremely OP weapons and armor and whatever, or hidden bosses with quadruple the stats of any other in the game, that you need to jump through hoops to unlock.
I actually really miss these kinds of gameplay elements, because even though they're usually too tedious for me to go through, they add this like... mystery to the game? Some excitement over discovering something so gamebreaking and outside the bounds of the base game? The accomplished feeling of finally getting a rare item or beating a ultra-difficult boss after hours of life spent suffering through the steps and the Game Overs. Wondering at how the HELL anyone worked out the steps to unlock the damn things. IDK how to describe it lol it's the kind of thing I feel has been lost in the era of DLC.
Right now I am struggling through hoops to get a Nihopalaoa, an accessory that reverses effects of items used on a target. This leads to the potential to throw a Remedy (status condition cure-all) at an enemy, and inflict them with every single negative status they're susceptible to (so some enemies you can toss it on and they'll get Sap/Disease/Doom/Poison/etc all at once.)
this is TL;DR and absolutely uninteresting to anyone else probably
To get this item in the Zodiac Age remaster, you have several options:
-Play through the optional Trial Mode, where you defeat waves of enemies to get to the next Trial, and after every 10 trials you get a rewrd. This accessory is stealable from the mobs on Trial 70 (out of 100)
-A chest in Henne Mines Phase 2 Dig. The chest only has a 25% chest of spawning. To access Phase 2 Dig, you first collect 10 espers (basically optional bosses that you defeat to unlock summons), and defeat a VERY difficult Hunt quest. This is actually the location for Zodiark, the most difficult esper boss to defeat, and the area is packed with over-powered mobs.
-A chest with a 5% spawn chance at Subterra, which is basically near the very end of the game
-A Bazaar purchase. The Bazaar is a way of purchasing items that only unlock as you sell Loot; different combinations of loot will unlock different bazaar goods. Nihopalaoa is unlocked by selling: Blood-stained Necklace x3, Death's Head x2, Leo Gem x3.
Leo Gems are a rare loot drop that can only be stolen from Diresaurs (basically big T-rex mobs.) They have a 3% steal rate. For the other two, you can't get them as Steal loot until you unlock the Warmage Monograph, which requires opening the Hunt Board 30 times so you can purchase the monograph form the bazaar. Blood-stained Necklace can only be stolen from Shambling Corpses, which only spawn in the area where you find the esper/boss Adrammelech. They are also continuously spawning and you are easily overwhelmed fighting them, especially if you're unable to take down Adrammelech. Death's heads are a 10% steal loot from Dark Skeletons. Dark Skeletons are in two places: Paramine Rift, where they randomly spawn in a couple zones; and Golmore Jungle, where they spawn in one specific zone only if you destroy every other mob on the map and defeat the Rare Elite Mob that spawns.
So which one of these is the easiest, most accessible option? The fourth one that involves hours upon hours of grinding in the hopes of stealing some rare drops from mobs in very annoying locations????
Yes. Yes that's the easiest one.
Anyway it took me 2 hours across a couple days to steal 2 Death's Heads and I now must go and attempt to steal 3 Blood-Stained Necklaces (thankfully I have Thief's Cuffs so the drop rate is doubled to a whopping 6%.)
Wish me fucking luck. I don't even need this accessory. I just want boss fights to be as easy as possible without losing my mind getting the ultra ultra ultra OP but extremely tedious arms.
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beevean · 2 years
Relating to your fear of WIPs post: I think (or rather I HOPE) it's something many writers go through. Just starting something is always the hardest step to any project, but when you have a WIP it's like... always taking that first step again and again, which maybe is where the fear comes from (at least for me).
In terms of dialogue vs narration, I'm the opposite and have no confidence in writing dialogue lol. I've sorta been forcing myself lately to write stories/scenes that focus primarily on dialogue, so maybe you can write little things that focus solely on narration? Maybe just a character on their own, reflecting on something, just a scenario where there is little to no chance for talking. Even if it's not exceptionally amazing, it'll help the task get a little easier.
I'm glad to hear that someone relates 😂 you're right, it does feel like taking the first step all over again. It's also that I know that there is a lot to add and to fix, and I tend to overthink, to do research to be 100% sure I'm getting details right, and then I get tired, and sometimes my brain cannot be bothered to do that and blocks me in advance. tl;dr: i need to relax lol
I'm trying to push myself outside the comfort zone! And one of the fics I managed to finish, Remember, revolves mainly around Shadow having a bad mental breakdown, with not much dialogue lol. That one had the advantage of being made of largely disconnected segments and lacking in environmental descriptions to create the feeling of a nightmare. Yeah, on top of everything else, I write out of order, scenes pop into my head and I jot them down, and then the struggle is connecting them. In at least one case I wrote the ending first, and then I kept adding context onto context until I pretty much wrote the thing in reverse lmao.
Thoughts are still easy to convey for me: it's actual actions and descriptions that stump me. I'm trying to add more metaphors to not make my narration dull, for example. I'm also, as a non-native English speaker, stuck in a weird place where if I write in English, I feel like I lack a polished vocabulary, but if I write in Italian, I still think in English and I can't find proper equivalents for certain concepts - it's frustrating, let me tell you. Sooo I guess I'll have to practice describing a scenario and flex my poetic imagination? And also read more in both languages :P
Anyway, thank you for the advice :) and good luck with writing dialogue, you can do it <3
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keikakudori · 2 years
Captain Aizen! Good thing I found you! Captain Ichimaru's birthday is a month away and the men and I are already planning an abduction plan. Want to join us?
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❝ oh, i'm well aware it's coming up. ❞ he might already have gin's present for this year picked out -- or he might not. he's very evasive when it comes to answering those kinds of questions. ❝ but i think i'll sit back and watch the attempt play out, if you don't mind. ❞ after all, gin can be quite slippery when he wants to be -- aizen would know, particularly when it comes to medicine or taking gin to the fourth. if he doesn't want to be caught? then he won't be caught. but aizen will just enjoy sipping at his tea when the day comes and beholding the chaos. it'll be very entertaining.
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op-sheepy · 3 years
One Piece Manga spoilers ahead...
Got a message from someone expressing disappointment that the recent OP manga chapters dashes their headcanons that the Heart Pirates are medically trained... or at least competent enough at it... I can see how the latest chapters could somehow change this perception which is a totally valid interpretation. (Likely to be canon too though it could all be interpreted some other way with our favorite headcanons intact.. :D)
Of course, bringing my attention to this could only mean that they wanted to be convinced otherwise. Using my favorite fandom tools of some recontextualization, selective interpretation, and some basic relevant medical tidbits (my friend preferred calling it me 'bulsh*tting' my headcanons into the realm of possibility, which fair) I did manage to convince them (it helps that they really wanted it to be true lol) and they've convinced me to share here. Remember to take the following with a grain of salt and to not take anything mentioned that's medically related seriously or as an absolute fact that would automatically reflect in real life. I mean, it's a manga and we're definitely stretching things here... Anyways, here goes...
Let me start off with this panel:
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Now it's been years since I've had any use for BLS but still the first thing that struck me when I saw this was, 'That is not how one does chest compressions...'
You can do a quick search for proper hand placement for CPR and it will tell you that the heel of one hand is at the center of the chest with the other hand on top of the first hand, fingers interlocked. Now, I'm not really that good at making out details from manga panels but the hand placement does not look correct at all.
My first instinct was to make another WIP fic where their captain drills them and they review this (which I did do lol). And then made my assumptions if I go with the premise that the crew is doing their best to their knowledge.
This would bring up the following points:
As mentioned, the hands do not look correct for chest compressions.
Water is spouting from Luffy's mouth like a fountain suggesting that the pressure being exerted on the chest is pushing the water out.
The purpose of chest compressions in CPR is not to expel water but to emulate the heart beating and maintain circulation. (so the Oxygen can get to your brain continuously)
The incorrect hand placement would then suggest that Bolero Hat guy is not trying to maintain circulation but instead trying to expel the liquid from the lungs. Sort of like a lung massage. This is somewhat confirmed in a succeeding panel with them with someone trying to affirm whether they've gotten rid of all the water.
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Basically, they are clearing the airway. Which they would only do if they've established that Luffy's circulation is fine and that the obstruction is the immediate issue that needs to be addressed.
Now, during drowning, generally, aspirated water should end up in the stomach because of laryngospasm (vocal cords spasming). For some reason, maybe force of will (because he did look like he was still screaming while he was drowning) or his strange anatomy (because he is rubber), the water somehow ended up in his lungs. We assume this because Luffy with water in his stomach looks like this:
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Not as relevant but we can also assume that his rubber powers affect the displacement of liquids within the different membranes inside his body.. because otherwise, the next image wouldn't be possible (Bolero hat guy would have had better luck performing some modified thoracentesis with a spigot)
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If you're still following my rambling, what we've pretty much established is that whatever the Hearts were doing it wasn't necessarily the chest compressions done in CPR or rather, it has maybe passed that (also note the lack of defibrillator use which should be available in that submarine).
Right after clearing his lungs of water, they move on to the next thing they need to address which is his lack of consciousness ('Open your eyes, man!') because from the image above the 'sh---h' sound coming from Luffy suggests that he is already breathing.
For alteration of consciousness, the treatment would depend on the underlying cause. Here the presumption was the lack of Oxygen (or whatever gas is being breathed in One Piece).
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This is pretty much the scene that shows them seemingly not knowing what to do but given the circumstances, I thought it was understandable. Also, Luffy's physiology is pretty unique. I doubt squeezing the lungs would have been viable as a method of removing the fluid (it would have been postural drainage, some modified Heimlich, or straight up inserting a tube) had he not been made of stretchy rubber. Any further intervention without the accompanying knowledge could be more detrimental. Here is a picture of our other resident genius doctor saying as much regarding administering medication he doesn't know enough about.
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Since no return to consciousness was imminent and there was no doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the team is left to determine the next step by themselves. (Look at them looking for their captain who happens to be their doctor...)
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'I don't know what more to do for him,' suggests that they've already performed all necessary procedures based on the circumstance and Luffy's unique anatomy.
If we dissect the scene further, their panicked suggestions could only come from people who have some passing medical knowledge.
Someone suggests giving him some pills and someone quickly rebuffs by suggesting giving him an injection instead. Between the oral route and intravenous injection for drug administration after drowning, the latter should be the preference (to maintain the airway and because of possible injury to any part of the airway). But they probably have prior experience on the difficulty of getting a normal needle through Luffy's rubber skin.
It also suggests that they have a specific medication in mind to give him as they are arguing route.
Someone notes that Luffy is pale. As we are assuming that they've established the lack of a possible cardiac arrest, they should be looking into addressing any other possible underlying cause. It could be blood loss, poor peripheral circulation, anemia, hypoglycemia, hypotension, etc.
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Ultimately, though, the team was successful in reviving him. Given that Luffy pretty much recovers from eating excessive amounts of food, he'll be fine and will probably be rejoining the battle good as new. The same could not be said for the Polar Tang's food supply.
TL;DR: The Hearts did a good enough job. Their captain would still drill them but he'd still be proud. And now they really need to win that battle because they'll be out of food.
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ashanddreams · 5 years
Back in Time Glitch: Twilight Princess Wii (IDK about GameCube cause I don't have one and not for HD because IDK how to get back in time started)
So this is really me tracking down my progress with doing the back in time glitch with Twilight Princess. I'm doing this because no one else really has cause I think they get stuck at one part. So, here we go:
So starting this glitch is pretty easy; all we have to do is go to Arbiter's Grounds and die (fun amirite). We have to make sure that when we die, we only see the tip of Link's gauntlet (or fingers, since it's different than how I remember it). Now, there are two things we can do while performing the glitch: either take damage or get it on the first try. Getting it on the first try is good, but we can't push the a or b buttons (all other buttons are fine, the other two will crash the game and we will need to unplug the Wii). Taking damage (any amount is fine) will allow us to push a and b, which will bring up the title screen where we can push a and b together to go to the menu and select any file. Whether it's new or not will not change anything from normal.
(Here is the title screen without crashing the game)
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The first thing that will happen when we perform the glitch is we will be taken to the title screen area with no map, health, music, or item/action abilities. Don't push a or b if we didn't take damage before (damage will not be saved between resets, only if we perform the glitch right). This is where we need to die again. Responding from this will give us the normal screen, but we will be at one heart. Now here is where things get kinda weird. We can save and quit here and we will be brought to Faron woods (this is the right way). However, dying again will result in a game over. If we continue, we will be brought to the King Bokoblin fight (IDK). Skipping the cutscene will allow us to fight him while letting play will get us stuck on the bridge. If we defeat him and save Colin, we’ll be taken to Kakariko. No matter what we do here, either skipping the cutscene or not will softlock us there and we cannot leave or do anything (side note: after having done this, I had a nightmare about twilight Kakariko and Barns' Bomb Shop, so now I don't like it there lol).
Going the Faron route, we will be in the save Talo sequence. Do what we’d normally do, save him and go to the next day. (Now this part is very fuzzy since I did this part a few months ago, so I'll come back later). Go through the day, heard the goats, leave and DO NOT SKIP THE CUTSCENE AS YOU WILL BE STUCK. Go about, go to the house, and if my memory is right there we can give the kids the sword (keep in mind we won't get the first bottle, fishing rod, sword, or slingshot- but we can still give them a sword). Before we continue, go into the mayor's house since the door is now open and get the iron boots. This will save us time later. Now, do everything as normal until we come back to the world of light. This is where people give up I think, as there is "no way to progress."
We cannot get the sword and shield as there are logs blocking the hole to get the sword, the area to get to the shield is closed, and there are no characters around. However, this can be skipped using the sword and shield skip (there are youtube videos showing how to do this on GameCube and Wii). We’ll need a Bokoblin from the are and DO NOT KILL IT AND SAVE OR YOU ARE SCREWED. We’ll need to bring it to the wall of twilight, align it with a black mark on the wall and do a really big double attack on it. If we do it right we’ll bypass the area where Midna will tell us to go back and she'll let us into the twilight. Please note: this glitch is the hardest thing to do (in my experience). It took me over a year to do this, as I rage quit a lot from doing it over and over and over again, and I got it cause I was very lucky.
So, after that long intro, it's all good. Progress as normal, get to the forest temple and prepare to think you're stuck. Everything was great and normal until the first room with the spiders on the vines. Remember: we don't have the slingshot. But, the solution is easy: find some Boko Baba seed things and throw it at the spiders. Easy peasy. Now before we leave, there is one thing to note: beating the mini-boss of this dungeon with jump attacks is a no-go, cause that will hard crash the game with a very fun sound playing. Beat him (and the boss) slowly and it'll be good.
Go to the Eldin province and we'll be at the glitchy part of the run (twilight and light). Go through normally until we get to the gate to Kakariko. Go through it and we'll be taken into a cutscene. Remember the King Bokoblin fight? Yeah, that's here now, just will no voices for the NPCs. Watch the cutscene. Now the world is weird cause it's the world of light with a twilight filter. Midna will tell us to help Colin and there will be no shadow monsters or dying spirit of light. To fix this, just leave the area (side note: this is where we go if we fight King Bokoblin right after doing the glitch and we'll be softlocked cause we're human, but now we're a wolf and can do things now). Going to a new area puts everything back to where it should, but we can go back to the gate and start the same cutscene as many times as we want, as there's no limit to this or the number of times we can fix it. When we're done, go on as normal, get the bugs, and save the land. Once we are done talking to the spirit, another cutscene will play, the one where we get our horse. The game most likely triggers this because we have the iron boots (remember?), and it has to play it for later, which starts the Epona scene. Get her and save Colin. Do that and go to death mountain.
(if we wish, we can go to Ordon spring to get the hidden skill from the stone we probably activated in the twilight, but we’ll be unable to do it because we need a shield. We can buy a shield, but we either lose the nice metal shield for a cheap wooden one that burns or we pay 200 rupees to tell the game "Hey, I have the shield now, even though I've had it the entire time," which is something I didn't want to do, so I'm not getting any of the hidden skills, which pains me cause I want the back slice)
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(This is in the Arbiter's Ground area but it's the same thing) (Also grandpa Time is blind cause I GOT A SHEILD) (ok boomer)
Back on point, go up to death mountain and realize that we don't have to take damage from that Goron because we got the boots (we won't be softlocked so it's good).
Now play through the area normally. Actually, play through the game normally, as everything from here on out is just a normal playthrough. We just do get the slingshot, the Ordon sword or shield, fishing rod, two bottles (one from the shop in Ordon and the other in the fishing area since we need the fishing rod to get it), and six hidden skills (if we don't want to part with a FREE metal shield).
So, I bet someones thinking about a problem in the future part of the gameplay. Right now I am it Arbiter's Grounds. (I found out it is possible to perform back in time again (but I think the point of restarting is just a bit later than I remember, since past of Link's gauntlet had to be seen then, and now it's the tips of his fingers). I think everything will go fine until we get to Snowpeak, or rather, not get to Snowpeak. We need the fishing rod to get the reekfish, and guess what we don't have: the reekfish. I believe one of three things will happen-
1) The game will hard crash (or just regular crash) cause we don't have the fishing rod, and the game will get really confused and die.
2) Nothing will happen. What I mean by this is that we won't be able to accept the earing addition and either Ralis will keep the earing or it will vanish and we never see it again.
3) The game spawns a fishing rod for the player to have and we go on as normal. With this, we'd be able to get a third bottle.
With the first two points, we will be softlocked, as the game will put us back at the start if we go into the blizzard.
I'm not sure what will happen at that point, but no matter what happens, whether we get the rod or not, I'm going to keep exploring with this glitch; I'll find the do's, don'ts, and mega don'ts. When I find something new I'll add it here later. Hope someone has fun with this and wish me luck! 🤞
Edit: So there's actually a fourth option: the fish hook is a new item in your inventory and now we're stuck.
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So.....not what I was hoping for but that's what we get for trying to kill the game. The sad thing is that if we go to Colin's house we can see a fishing rod on the wall. I even found out that we cannot buy the slingshot because it's not in the shop in Ordon and the wooden sword doesnt appear in our house. Another new piece of info: we dont have the Ordon Spring warp since we never got the sword and shield in the beginning of the game.
So I'm going to see if there's a way to skip snowpeak. However, this will definitely be a problem later on during the Zant fight since we need the ball and chain. Wish me luck on that!
TL, DR: go back in time and save Hyrule on hard mode.
UPDATE: So I saw a video on YouTube talking about having all of our items in the king bulblin fight. What we need to do is do back in time and take damage before doing so. I did it in Arbiter's Grounds and got there fine. Then we need to pull up the title screen and fall into a void. Right before Link starts screaming, we push a+b (or start since this works on the gamecube). If done correctly we should here Link screaming on the file select. Now we have to choose a game file. If we choose a new file, we go through naming Link and Epona and when we start this happens:
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(I sat here for 10 minutes. We can't do anything except power off and press home, but pushing reset still keeps us at this screen and now we can't use the home button).
If we select a file that already has data, then we go to the bulblin fight with all the items we had before the glitch, including the master sword (I'm doing this on a file where I already did the back in time glitch so I still dont have the fishing rod).
So, I was watching YouTube and looked up Twilight Princess glitches and saw a glitch for early City In The Sky. By doing this glitch, we can skip all of Snowpeak Ruins and the Temple Of Time. Seeing as how the ball and chain is not needed to finish the game after Snowpeak and the dominon rod is only needed for the search for the sky quest (which we can skip while doing this glitch), we will be able to progress without the fishing rod and skip three hours of gameplay. I was hoping we could find a way to get the fishing rod so we could 100% the game, but now we definitely can't do that.
Early City In The Sky glitch:
Requirements: Master Sword and visited the desert at least once (completion of of Arbiter's Grounds recommended)
As soon as we have access to the Master Sword, we need to head to Lake Hylia. We need to go to the desert. Once at the desert, I recommend completing the Arbiter's Grounds, but that's not necessary right now. Now we warp to Kakariko village and go to Renado's basement. By sliding with z-targeting into the space between the statue and the wall (right on wii, left on gamecube). The angle is kinda precise so finding a YouTube video is recommended for finding a good angle. Once we're positioned right, we need to turn into wolf Link. If everything is correct we will clip past the statue. Now, as wolf link, go up to the cannon and say you'd like to warp. Midna will say Shad is still standing there (even though he's not). We can still warp the cannon as long as we open the map right after Midna is done talking (spam the button it has to be right after she's done). Turn on portals and warp to Lake Hylia and Midna will warp Link and the cannon there (we have to be in wolf form. Also, DO NOT AND QUIT IN THE ROOM. Apparently doing this on the wii will trap us as Midna won't let us warp)
Now at Lake Hylia we talk to the cannon guy and cough up 300 rupees. Here we can do some side quests. I finally caved and bought the Hylian shield and got the four hidden skills I had yet to get. (Note: apparently if you dony visit the desert before asking the guy to fix the cannon the game might crash). I have yet to to to the sky so I will see how that goes later.
End of the game stuff: We will be able to beat the game with a max of 16 hearts, 43 poe souls, 23 bugs, 2 bottles, five hidden skills, no Ordon sword/shield, no fishing rod, slingshot, no ball and chain, and no dominon rod. This is the max amount of items we can get. I will attempt this run again but try and see what the least amount of weapons required to beat the game is.
Edit: oof speedrunners use this to go fast in the game. This is just a way if you want practice doing speedruns of this game so you can get gud
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imanes · 7 years
I love you... and it's not just bc im biased towards people who love cats!! you inspire me so much, imane MashAllahYou know five languages, & you read so much, & you're always learning! I hope you keep growing and one day achieve all your dreams! I want to be that kind of person who can balance learning a language, reading, school stuff and just daily chores but i'm very prone to procrastination and i sleep a lot (like 11 hrs/day on weekends ik it's bad & totally my fault) do you have any tips?
hi angel i love u too thank you for thinking all those things about me truth be told sometimes im a mess too but aren’t we all?? for example this morning i wanted to go to the gym but i didn’t because sleep was more important and sometimes it is what it is, u have to prioritise ur good physical and mental health over getting shit done, and i don’t see the point in beating urself up for being kind to urself so imo u sleep 11 hours a day on weekends bc ur body NEEDS it, ur probably still growing, and it’s fine! 
what u can do to balance ur life is stick to a schedule but not a strict one. it’s impossible to parameter ur day to the minute so instead of allocating a strict timeframe to each task u have to perform, create blocks of time during ur day where u will perform certain tasks. for example, in the four hours following the moment u woke up, do ur chores (like i woke up at 10 today and by 2pm i ran all of my errands but i still had time for breaks and i wasn’t stressed about getting shit done). as far as language is concerned i study between 15 minutes and 1h30 every day, it’s mostly 15min lol but sometimes i get carried away. what motivates me to keep myself on track is the fact that on duolingo i have a streak and i would HATE to lose it so i try my best to stick to my schedule and when i have a lull in my day i’ll keep myself busy.
growing up i was a huge procrastinator and it’s only now that i find it more easy to do things when i need to do them, only because slowly but surely i’ve learned how worthwhile it is to get shit done on time and then rest and be at peace with urself afterwards! and as far as reading is concerned, when i watch myself wasting too much time literally doing nothing that helps me develop as a person, like for example browse tumblr or youtube for hours, i’ll just put a stop to it and force myself to read. losing that connection with literature is literally a nightmare of mine, i don’t want to be one of those ppl who cannot make time for a bit of daily reading even if it’s just 10 pages. reading is so good for ur brain!! im also driven by the will to keep my brain active as i grow old lol im relatively young still (probably not in comparison to most of u guys tho) but i’m scared of being forgetful and of just losing more and more neuronal connections in my brain. 
so tl;dr get an agenda, not one of those shitty cluttered ones by erin conrad or w/e tf her name is, just a plain and simple notebook that helps u visualise what u need to get done and how much time u have for everything. internalise the fact that the sooner u get shit done, the sooner u can go back to doing things u wanna to do unwind in ur spare time. and finally, the more often u repeat those steps in ur days, the easier it will be to create a routine. and as an extra, creating comfortable spaces (i love reading with a burning candle for example) or putting in place reward systems whenever u have completed a task will create positive reinforcement mechanisms in ur brain that will make u feel better. basically it’s just pavlovian conditioning at this point akjflkjg but yeah practice makes perfect and repetition induces discipline. i wish u the best of luck and GET UR REST u deserve it
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