#tldr - imagine a lone so fucked up and evil
hoshizoralone · 9 months
You like vocaloid stuff, so have you ever played Project Sekai? Curious what you'd think of it/its characters.
during its first launch i played it pretty religiously for like 2 months. i really liked the musical theatre guys theyre funny (in general i love boy + girl combos in things that usually are girl centric (this is why idolmaster crossbranch content rules), musical theatre guys edge out the other group for being funny)
i have no substantial thoughts on anyone else EXCEPT i cannot stand anyone in 25ji or whatever theyre called. except mizuki theyre chill but everyone else in it annoys me so bad like damn … every time i see someone say a story update they have its always some insane shit like if this was actually going down on vocatwit half the group would have the craziest callouts. mizuki get out of there
crypton vocaloidwise my interest goes kaito = meiko > luka > rin > [MASSIVE POWERGAP] len = miku
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
Resident Evil Science: Temperature
In which I look into the biology factors of the Dimitrescu daughters being made out of insects and create headcanons for them that are so deep and in-depth that they couldn't be any farther from canon.
This episode: the girls and temperature!
They are quite literally cold-blooded and unable to generate their own body heat. Because of this, they would be ectotherms.
We all know they are weak to temperatures under 50°F, but they are also vulnerable to temperatures over 100°F, similar to how flies are.
Because they can't thermoregulate, their normal body temperature tends to fluctuate with their environment, but the usual for them is around 70°F. So their skin is very cold to the touch.
Their ideal temperature is 85°F.
They sleep more in winter. Alcina calls this "diapause" and she has dubbed it as a form of hibernation in her notes on her girls, though they don't actually do a long-term hibernation--not normally, at least.
During diapause, their metabolic activity decreases. Because of this, their appetite goes down as well, as they don't really have the energy to digest their food.
Because, despite being inside, I imagine it's still quite cold for them while in the middle of a Romania winter. Again: they can't regulate their body temperature. It won't be the same for them as it is for us. I don't think being in a house, out of the wind and snow, will instantly make them have a comfortable temperature.
But they usually eat very little at this time. Sometimes they go a full day without eating anything, though they'll still drink blood, which they get most of their energy from.
Winter is also where they use their acid vomit the most because sometimes they're just too tired to chew. They rather regurgitate, drink, then go back to sleep.
They can sometimes sleep for eighteen hours a day.
Winter can be very lonely for Alcina at times. It's also eerily quiet.
Cassandra once slept for four days in a row without waking up and Alcina thought she fucking died.
It's really hard to wake them up during diapause. They go into this state of deep sleep in a way. Like, during the Comatose Cassandra incident, Alcina was full-on shaking Cassandra and screaming in her face in a panic, but Cassandra just snoozed on.
Moderately low temperatures make them sleepy.
Very low temperatures cause physical pain, as we see in the game.
Being in extreme cold can make them shiver, but it's not the same way we shiver.
Instead of their muscles contracting to generate thermal energy, it's their fly bodies violently gyrating and buzzing in a vain attempt to get warm, thus causing tremors throughout the body. Unlike normal shivering, however, they get nothing out of this and are unable to produce proper heat.
Whereas in the winter they slow down and eat less, during the summer they speed up and eat more.
Sleeping hours reduce down to the normal amount, but they can sometimes become fidgety and sleep even less due to a build-up of energy.
In the mornings, they often have a period of sunbathing at their windows to reach a desired thermal optimum, which will give them energy for the rest of the day.
The first few days after winter ends are usually characterized by constant zoomies around the castle because their metabolism suddenly shoots back up and they're full of all this vigor.
They also eat. A lot.
The girls gorge themselves on literally anything they can find to make up for all that time spent without eating.
The maids call this the "feeding frenzy" and it is a very scary time for them because at any moment they could be grabbed and devoured while still alive.
Even when this "feeding frenzy" eventually goes down, they still eat a lot more during the summer months.
Unfortunately, the heat isn't always their safe place.
Similar to the cold, too much heat can be damaging to their bodies, as it won't be able to regulate itself when comfortable becomes uncomfortable.
And even more similar to the cold, they become sluggish when they get too hot.
Fatigue sets in at around 90°F, which is when their metabolism will begin to lower. They will start to eat less and become slower and lethargic rather than just sleepy like in the cold. Moving becomes like a chore and their body gets heavy.
95°F is when discomfort really comes into play. Their breathing shallows and their muscles begin to ache with the exertion of moving. Their body is heavy and slow to respond to movements. Dizziness starts, usually accompanied by ear ringing and double vision.
Anything over 100°F is painful, like how the cold hurts them. Their skin will begin to dry out and flake off, as though they were shedding their exoskeleton. They feel like they're burning from the inside.
They will also begin to "sweat," which doesn't actually cool them down like it would for a human. It just makes them dehydrated and sticky.
Obviously because they can't produce excessive body heat, the girls are unable to get fevers on normal occasions. They can, however, get them in two different ways.
One: Behavioral fever.
Despite the actual symptom, they still feel the effects it causes, like dizziness, weakness, fatigue, body aches, trembling, and chills.
Chills usually come up when whatever sickness they have is Really Bad because something like that isn't usual for them. Chills is the feeling of being cold even when it isn't necessarily cold--but they shouldn't be able to make their bodies feel something like that without an actual external source. So it's pretty worrying.
But without the actual heat from a fever, the bacteria inside of them is free to run rampant.
Additionally, their immune system won't do anything, as it isn't stimulated by the fever.
So when they get this feeling, they know something is most likely wrong with them, so they have to do a behavioral fever, which is what cold-blooded creatures do when unwell.
They crawl into a scalding hot bath to wake up their immune system to actually start fighting the infection.
The heat from the water will essentially mimic the effects of a fever and then induce one inside of them, heating up their core.
The second way is through their flies.
Basically, their flies will realize something is wrong and essentially be like "don't worry, Boss, we gotchu."
They will then begin to furiously generate heat through excessive flying and buzzing, as flight does create thermal energy. This is actually the response used in the cold, which causes the “shivering,” but in a moderate climate, it actually works, heating up the body.
This then filters into their human bodies in the form of a fever, warming them up like coals in a furnace. They can even slightly feel the flies doing their work, usually from tingling in their fingers, toes, and orifices.
This process can only be done in certain climates, which is why it doesn’t work in the cold.
And because it is supposed to be a response for something different, the “shivering” symptom of a fever will occur.
However, if either created fever becomes to high, then the girls will start to hurt, especially if it goes over the 100°F mark.
So it's honestly a double-edged sword.
Temperature Regulation
They have to rely on their environment to warm up or cool down since their bodies cannot do so themselves.
For both the cold and the heat, the best go-to solution is a bath. It's the quickest, easiest, and most effective way to help. It's relaxing, too!
However, there are other options, of course.
For the cold, one of their favorite options is to snuggle with their mother. Unlike them, Alcina still produces body heat, so curling up in her side or lap will warm them right up. Plus, sharing body heat is the most effective solution to defrosting.
They will also spend a lot of time by the fireplaces or wrapped in blankets. It isn't uncommon for them to have dozens of covers on their beds and still be chilly.
They wear more layers (i see you, Capcom, stupidly making them wear a dress with their tits hanging out just to get in some more fan service even though it was fucking winter time and they should be more covered up)
They will huddle together for warmth.
They may try to fly more often to get their muscles working, as insects can create a tiny amount of thermal energy while in flight.
And for the heat, there isn't too much they can do, really. It isn't the same. The best thing to do is stay adequately moisturized.
They wear looser clothes. It helps some.
Alcina makes sure they're hydrated. It's very easy for them to become thirsty because their version of hot is literally a human's regular body temperature--even below it.
They like to stay in the cooler areas of the castle, so the basement.
They will sometimes become nocturnal, sleeping through the hotter hours of the day and staying awake during the cooler ones.
Just being in moisture, like lukewarm baths, will usually be enough for them--unless their temperature raises too high.
TLDR: no weather is suitable for these poor girls
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pardy-dardy · 3 years
some thoughts on Kris
TLDR: Kris is a lonely second-child who has lived in the shadow of their brother their entire life, causing them to act out on occasion to get attention. They somehow gain the power to create the Dark Worlds (which allows them to become as important and loved as they feel they should be), alongside the curse of us, the “Player,” which can influence their decision-making to a certain extent.
    Depending on how you, the “Player”, choose to proceed, you are either working against Kris’ natural inclination toward mischief and cold-heartedness (pacifist), or working with and actively feeding it (genocide thru the manipulation of others).
        It’s not hard to see that Kris has some problems. When playing thru Deltarune, it’s told to us that Kris is known to pull some pretty mean-spirited pranks on folks (eggnog/mayonnaise swap, for instance). Some of the dialogue options given to us are mean as shit as well, and I have a feeling that if the “Player” wasn’t there to push them toward better choices, they’d be meaner than Susie, easily. Also, they carry a fucking knife with them everywhere, and Chapter straight up starts out with a fake-out slasher scene. C’mon now.
    But they’re not all evil! After all, they’re shown to deeply care for their brother (going as far as googling when Asriel will be home on summer break), as they seem to be one of the few people in their life who treated them like someone normal. I would not doubt it being the situation that Kris was given the “oh, you’re Asriel’s sibling, right?” treatment all their life.
    They love Asriel so much that I’d bet you Ralsei is a manifestation of the goodness he impressed upon them. After all, Ralsei mysteriously isn’t affected by the same worldly rules as other Darkners (with the turning to stone thing), and physically appears just like the Boss Monsters we know from Undertale. Ralsei is always pushing Kris toward the path of light if he can, and I’d say that’s a reflection of the love they have for their absent brother.
    In light of their parents’ messy-sounding divorce, a town full of people entirely physically unlike them (right up to the fact that they cannot use magic while everyone else seems to be able to), a natural difficulty making friends, and a massive hole in their heart where Asriel used to be, Kris has become a bitter, cold teen who finds themself lapsing into their own imagination just to escape their melancholy reality.
    Somehow, this imagination turns into real, tangible power. Kris finds out one day that the worlds they create are just as real as anything else, and that they can be brought into existence anywhere they please, so long as they strike the earth with their knife. In these worlds, Kris is able to live the ultimate escapist fantasy-- they are the one true protagonist, the unequivocal hero of every story they would ever want to tell (no matter how nasty their actions during said story). They are important, they are at the center of it all, and they will save every world they create without fail.
    And you know what? Everyone else who is able to be pulled into Kris’ Dark Worlds agrees! Being a hero and saving a crazy, wacky world is far better than the bitter realities they live with. Berdly says it, Noelle says it, Susie says it-- and though Kris doesn’t appear to say anything, it’s pretty apparent that they agree (dialogue options point toward Kris being in the same boat). The only person who doesn’t agree at all is Ralsei, and that’s because he understand something more about the nature of the Dark Worlds than we, the “Players”, do (but perhaps not Kris).
    But by the end of Chapter 2, we are given in-game confirmation that it’s Kris who is making the fountains. Why would they do this, given that there’s a good chance they know everything Ralsei seems to know?
    It’s as I said-- Kris wants to make their fantasy real, however twisted that might be. They get the attention they feel they deserve, and as we play through the story, Kris also realizes that they can make friends that way, too. It becomes the strongest social tool they have, to a point where if you go Pacifist, you even befriend BERDLY of all people. And, as icing on the cake, everyone agrees with Kris that the Dark Worlds are a better alternative to the real world. They are going to continue the cycle as both creator and savior at the very least, so that every day can scratch that psychological/emotional itch for them.
    Even if you go the new Genocide Path, the “Player” validates and feeds the nastier part of Kris’ nature. It, again, makes sense that Kris would want to floor the world in Darkness. They can continue to act out their nasty fantasies, hurting who they please and turning worlds to ruin because in the end, they will be the master of the world.
    And when they forcefully rip us from their body, Kris is reminding us of who is ultimately in control. No matter what we do, what direction we help push Kris toward, it all feeds into their end goal. 
In the Pacifist route, it can be interpreted as something they have to do, something they do in opposition to the “Player” so that they can keep feeling important. Hence why they let us back into their body once they’ve done the deed, instead of leaving us out to dry.
In the Genocide route, it can be interpreted as them asserting dominance over us, since we clearly also want more worlds to decimate. Even though we’re willing to aid them in their plan, they want us to know, again, who ultimately decides what happens. Again, they let us back into their body once they’re done (and can make sure that there’s no risk of interference) to show that we’re in on it together, but that they see us as a variable they can’t fully trust.
God, this story is getting so fucking interesting. Toby Fox you god damn fuck head let me pay you for these chapters already bastard dog
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