#tldr: the horses of kaer morhen have a song
jaskiersvalley · 3 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼 xoxo toss a coin to your bard
You are far too sweet to send this, and my apologies for sitting on this so long without replying! I will definitely be continuing the game and appearing as a loving anon in ask boxes soon. In the meantime, here's a little ficlet of thank you.
As a bit of background, I've been watching Centaurworld recently and this song (Rider's Lullaby) has been stuck in my head for days. So I thought I'd give it a bit of a twist and let the horses of Kaer Morhen have it.
Lullaby of the Wolf
Winters weren't a time of rest for just Witchers. Their trusted companions on the perilous Path were also granted some much needed rest. Roach and Scorpion went years back, familiar enough with each other that Roach's disdain and Scorpion's less desirable personality traits no longer caused problems. They could even be housed in neighbouring stalls which was a major breakthrough on an especially cold winter. All the same, it was a welcome surprise when a bay gelding separated them.
"You're not the prickly bastard's," Roach sniffed daintily.
"My rider travels with him. They call me Nettle. Because I'm a pain in the butt."
There was a snort from Roach and Scorpion laughed heartily at that.
"Bossman called me Scorpion because I stung his pride. He really hoped for a nice juicy steak as his surprise."
Roach dryly cut in, "He should have eaten you anyway, probably would if he could understand you."
Nettle, rather wisely, decided not to comment on that. Or the colourful swearing Scorpion went off on about how a full blooded stallion like him was...actually, Nettle tuned it out in favour of watching a goat trot into the stable and give him a hard stare.
"Prickly's mate is staying, teach him."
Which was how Nettle spent the rest of winter learning the way of a Wolf Witcher's horse. Though he was a Cat Witcher's steed, he was deemed worthy of being brought into the fold. Namely, the lullaby. While horses' singing wasn't audible to humans, Witcher or not, it still seemed to help. Not only did it seem to soothe the Witchers, it helped the horses too, gave them something to focus on outside the wild panic of the situation at hand.
Despite none of them being exceptionally gifted in the way of singing, they all joined in, their soft voices joining to make a chorus.
"Where did the song come from?"
"The old one's mule taught us. Who was taught by the mule before," Roach explained.
The goat, Lil Bleater, chipped in. "It's been passed down generations. Sometimes the old one still hums it. Especially when he's been left by his pups each spring."
That wasn't something Nettle ever heard. But he dutifully memorised the song and even sang it softly under his breath on the way down the mountain, where his human and his mate were tense, as worried as they were on the way up. The others had been right, though they couldn't hear the song, they both relaxed whenever Nettle sang.
It was pure luck that the prickly one's payment for a contract was a horse. She was black, had a tendency to be lame when she didn't want to do something and was, inevitably, named Bitch. Even if she was the nicest horse Nettle had ever met.
"You're a Wolf Witcher's horse now," he told her in the evening as they were left to graze on the sparse grass. "There's some things you need to learn."
Travelling together, Nettle taught Bitch the song. She was definitely suspicious at first.
"Just go lame, they won't pull you in the direction of danger. It's much easier."
Nettle laughed at that. "Their job is to go into danger. And ours is to follow. This is what we can do for them. Carry them, be there for them when nobody else wants to be. It's not much but sometimes we're the only thing they have. It's an honour."
So together they sang and Bitch learned to be brave. She appreciated not being coerced into things, no forceful shoving, no smacks. A lot of cursing and name calling, even a threat of being eaten if she didn't get with the programme but it was all empty words. The underlying impression she got from her prickly owner was that he cared and that was his problem. Because his fragile heart couldn't bear the idea of more senseless loss. Everyone knew the fate of those who got close to a Witcher, human, horse, goat, they all eventually died. But Bitch grew fond of him, she sang the song Nettle had taught her the first night they were alone. Nettle and his Witcher had to head off, she didn't pay much attention to the reason, her main concern was her prickly one and his sudden sullen coldness. It seemed Nettle had been right, Witcher sometimes only had their horses.
They'd been alone together for weeks. Human settlements came and went, monsters too. Her job was to make sure her human got from one place to the next and, sometimes, she kicked up a fuss still, limping in an effort to get him to rest. Despite her best efforts he was still miserable, obviously missing the company of his mate even when he vehemently denied the need for anything but solitude.
Trust was an easy thing to earn. Bitch was content to follow her new owner, following after him obediently. Though his job was as odds with her nature, he had yet to lead her wrong. And she no longer gave him grief either, only insisting on breaks when he needed them too. At least, that was what she told herself until she heard a soft baritone shakily singing.
"You're okay, you're alright, I'll never ever leave your side."
The voice buckled, a soft "I'm sorry" that most certainly wasn't part of the song whispered before continuing, "I will stay and I will fight with you."
Stomping her feet, Bitch pulled at her reins. It had her prickly owner cursing and pulling back, trying to get her to follow along. However, they weren't moving towards the song and Bitch wasn't going to let this go. Rearing up, the yanked her reins free and started off at a canter towards the voice. She ignored the cursing and yelling from behind, trusting her Witcher to follow. Off the path, she crashed into a clearing where a dark horse was curled around a large body. As she clattered to a halt, the horse snorted defensively, ears pinned back.
"If you know what's good for you, you fuck off right now," he snarled. The smell of blood made Bitch shift uncomfortably.
"The song! I know it!" As she approached, the other horse snorted in warning and slowly got to his feet, standing protectively over the barely conscious Witcher.
Though Bitch tried to sing the song, the other horse pawed at the ground. He would have no trouble running her down, they both knew it. Before he could charge though, Bitch's Witcher tumbled into the clearing and blinked once.
"Fucking hell Eskel, what the bloody tits have you done?" There was no hesitation as he barged up to the body and gave the large horse a two handed shove with a growled "move it".
"He's mine," Bitch said, plain and simple. "I've not had him long but he's a good man."
"I know, Prickly is part of Bossman's herd. Didn't think Prickly ever really wanted a steed."
"He didn't. But he got me anyway. Calls me Bitch."
"Nice. I go by Scorpion." The dark horse trotted closer, turning to look at his human with sadness. "I wouldn't do anything to help. I'm glad you brought Prickly here."
They watched together as a camp was quickly set up, potions poured in the fallen Witcher's mouth and wounds tended to with gruff efficiency.
"We might as well settle in," Scorpion announced. "It'll be a couple of days at least before we get moving. And knowing these two, we'll stay in close quarters for a while yet. Welcome to the herd."
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gayregis · 5 years
went to watch the hexer because i was like hmm i just want to see how it is and ITS SO MUCH BETTER THAN NETFLIX* (see note). WOW. this just goes to show that you don’t need a high budget and good cgi to make a better show. you need good writing and to follow through on the themes of the original that you’re adapting from 😳
i watched episodes 7 & 13 (adaptations of eternal flame + edge of the world and something more) and while much got cut from eternal flame it was pretty true to message... that people fear dopplers because they think that they are unique individuals, are scared that dopplers know their thoughts... also i love the scene with vespula 😭. also basically edge of the world was perfect except that the timeline was messed up so that it isn’t geralt & jaskier’s first adventure, and also if this was made today with a large budget cgi could have helped (but that’s not smth they had control over so im not complaining abt it, i think they did really super well for what they had (like with lille and her scene at the end). jaskier being in something more got cut but tbh his role in that is so unimportant and it’s really just a scene for geralt to learn that cintra was razed and to say his thoughts. yurga also wasn’t travelling in ygsith, but like, they have a limited budget and amount of sets, and it didn’t hurt the overall message. the scene where geralt and ciri reunite literally did kill me though and i cried. the actress playing ciri is really cute and small and zebrowski just picks her up and holds her like omg 😭😭
also roach dances so much, and it’s funny because it’s accurate to the story, but i think the horse that zebrowski was on was just flighty...
there are some kinda weird things the hexer did, like they kinda pulled some geralt/toruviel and jaskier/dudu lines and actions (which is just kinda confusing imo) but it wasn’t like, overbearing? idk what was going on so i just ignored that in view of the positive light. also there are some just non-canon things they added in (like geralt meets toruviel and another elf again) but it’s all really in-character (geralt doesn’t crave violence and just wants peace with them, jaskier also goes off and buys a stylin’ outfit), so i didn’t mind.
also geralt in the hexer dislikes kaer morhen because they changed it so that he was taken as a boy and not given up by visenna willingly, so geralt thus hates KM and loves visenna (instead of the opposite in the books where geralt is happy to be with his wolf brothers and is bitter towards his mother for abandoning him). so at the end when he takes ciri it’s a bit unclear as to where he’s taking her, but it makes for more of a better ending for the hexer specifically, since they didn’t make any more episodes and thus can’t go forth into the Saga Proper — at the end of the hexer, i got the implication that they’re just going to live and geralt will raise ciri as a normal child and not a witcher. geralt also mentioned his friends being dwarves, elves, and “jaskier who writes songs and sings wonderfully,” so i also am guessing that they would just travel as ciri grows up and spend time with geralt’s friends ... which is a very happy concept to consider. is kind of awkward though of course because they never got to the saga, that yennefer doesn’t have a place as her mom yet.
also i havent seen the whole thing (ive seen eps. 1, 2, and 11 besides the two i just watched) idk if they adapted sword of destiny in a good way. i know they adapted a question of price but i havent seen that ep yet. so im still thinking but just the way that they adapted most of these scenes by just taking the books and making them scripts really helped like... everything. i just enjoyed it way more because it felt like they respected what was written by taking it word for word mostly. they just changed some things to make it more appropriate for the television format (like the thing abt geralt not liking KM, etc) but they did it in a way i enjoyed (like the backstory for geralt is pretty well done, it has tension and stuff. it does change who geralt is as a character an imperceptable bit though). i know some people may hate that they just basically took the books exactly for what they are and then formatted it to fit their time frame of 13 episodes, but to me that’s the kind of adaptation i wish for.
TLDR: why does everyone hate on the hexer this shit slaps. fuck netflix lmao* (see note).
* except joey i like him he has my complete favor. even if he is a little too much of a scene-stealer and makes everyone else on screen look bad bc he does so well lol.
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