#minor lambert/aiden
inexplicifics · 2 months
Oh man so many WIPs to choose from! Feel free to choose the next closest number in any of these or to skip if they've already been shared!
G/J #13
G2/S post tournament
L/A/M #13 (yes 13 is my favorite number 😂)
L/A/V/M Dealer's choice
Vexart tournament (the angst of the tournament is just... so compelling)
Worth the Wyvern barmaid (this was the first fic of yours I read and I still regularly go back to reread it and am STILL wholly delighted by it)
Cats Among Wolves #2
Tbh your WIP list looks a lot like mine, except all of my WIPs are spread across different fandoms but I have.... so many 🙈
Have some Geralt/Jaskier with part-elf Jaskier and angst and hurt/comfort!
Jaskier had not realized that his life could actually get worse than it already has. First he ends up in the back end of nowhere because he thought it was a shortcut and it most certainly wasn’t, then these vicious yokels decide that his ears are excuse enough to ambush him, beat him bloody, and collar him like a slave, then they gag him when he won’t stop talking or fighting, and worst of all they smashed his lute - all of that is miserable enough, and he is nearer despair with every day that passes without some form of rescue. But this - He is lying at the feet of a white-haired man who, given the way Jaskier’s luck has been going since he left Oxenfurt, can only be the most notorious Wolf witcher on the Continent: the Butcher of Blaviken, in the flesh. The monster who slaughtered half a town for no reason at all. And Jaskier has just been turned over to him as - As a toy, Jaskier thinks bleakly. As a disposable body, flimsy and replaceable as a broadsheet, to be used up and discarded and left in a ditch beside the road. The Butcher bends and picks Jaskier up, heaving him over one broad shoulder without any apparent effort, and whistles; Jaskier, his head hanging down, can see nothing but the witcher’s dark armor. It’s not actually all one shade, he discovers; it has been stained so often that the stains overlap, mottled blacks and browns making the leather as ominous as its wearer. He smells of blood and horse and onion.
And as long as we're doing #13s - have some Lambert/Aiden/Milena with minor goddess Milena:
Lambert makes a horrible wheezing sound, and his eyelids flutter briefly before falling shut again. Aiden finds a second wind somehow - or fourth, or fifth, gods, he doesn’t even know how long it’s been - and staggers forward a little faster, his own broken ribs grating as he cradles his Wolf close. There’s a light ahead. Aiden stumbles across a grassy clearing, up a set of slick stone steps, and into a tiny, candle-lit temple. “Please,” he rasps, as loud as he can. “Please, someone help!” There’s the rustle of fabric and the sudden smell of roses, and a young woman appears out of the shadows off to one side. “Oh!” she says. “Oh dear - put him down there, let me see what I can do.” Aiden places Lambert down on the altar with the last of his strength and collapses beside it. “Please,” he begs. “Don’t let him die.”
I wish you the best of luck with your own WIP list!
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meepthemeeping · 1 year
Lambert's Wonderful Day! Modern AU
Lambert looked in the rearview mirror for the passage seat. He could see the client they were supposed to protect, downing more wine. She was a minor noble in need of security. She thought it was a good idea to run her mouth behind an up-and-coming goddamned gang.
"Looking sunny as ever, Lambert," Eskel hums from the passenger seat.
"Fuck you," Lambert says as he enters the parking lot. The noble wanted to meet up with some friends at a club named The Caravan.
"Hm, how ya like your new place?"
"It's a place, nothing too special." Lambert rolled his eyes.
"Ever since you moved there, you've been acting like someone shit in your mailbox," Eskel said as he readjusted the vest hidden under his shirt.
"Just an annoying neighbor," Lambert said, stepping out of the car. He wasn't sure why this Aiden guy bothered him so much. Yeah, his neighbor kicked his ass, but not on purpose.
"Hold on, I need to fix my eyeliner!" The noble slurred from the back. Lambert held in his groan as he sat right back down.
Eskel snorts and says, "An annoying neighbor? I'm not buying it. Now what is it?"
"I'm doing fucking dandy."
"Dandy people don't drink as much as you."
"Fuck-," Lambert bites his lip. It's none of his gods-damned business. He turns to the noble in the back, and she uses a credit card to stencil her eyeliner. "Are you done yet?"
"Yeah, let's fuckin' go!" She fumbles with the door handle a few times before nearly falling out of the car.
Eskel sighed. The noble had stammered into the club after she threw a fit like a toddler because a bouncer checked her ID.
The club was dim, with numerous lights flashing along to the beat of the music. Sweaty bodies pressed against each other drunkenly, grinding and dancing. The scent was a blend of expensive liquor and a mix of colognes and perfumes that attempted to cover body odor. Geralt, the lucky fuck, gets to skip out on their merry adventure since it’s his week with Ciri. It was purely at the mercy of some unfamiliar god that the girl decided to cram herself into a booth near the back. There were seven exits: one in the front, two on each side, one on the roof, and one in the back.
This place had enough people around that it was easy to blend into the crowd. Hiding among intoxicated dancers and vanishing into the shadowy back area was far too easy.
He could already feel the monster of a headache he was going to have later form on the side of his head.
If the noble was telling the truth about that gang, chances are they're tracking her. He needed to keep an eye out for some weasley fuck named Jad and his members.
He got elbowed at least five times as he went to get water for the client. It took a grand total of 20 minutes for the bartender to actually give him the water.
"It took you long enough,” Eskel said when he finally returned. Lambert fought the urge to dump the water in his lap and handed it to his brother. "I didn't notice anyone that looked like they were from the gang."
"Good. Today might not suck balls."
"Her friends haven't shown up either," Eskel says as he looks back at the noble, face down on the table.
"And I get to go home earlier, fuckin' score."
Eskel made a pitiful attempt to get water into her system. She just slurred something incomprehensible before pushing the water away. After awkwardly crawling over Eskel, she decides to fumble her way to the dance floor.
"I'mma go- hiccup- dance." She doesn't wait for a reply as she pushes past Lambert.
"Lambert, go follow her; I'll call Geralt." Eskel pulls out his phone.
"Why do I have to fucking do it?" Lambert whines, already tired of the noble's bullshit.
Eskel just makes a waving motion at him. With a groan, Lambert tracks the client as he attempts to stay a few feet away.
Amidst the neon glow and thumping bass of the club, Lambert trailed the client through the sea of dancing bodies. As if sensing his frustration, the crowd seemed to conspire against him, pushing and bumping into him at every turn.
Despite his best efforts, he struggled to keep up with her. Every time he closed the gap, someone would stumble into him, forcing him to lose precious seconds. His jaw clenched with frustration, he continued to weave through the crowd, his eyes never leaving her.
Suddenly, a particularly aggressive shove sent him stumbling. He regained his balance just in time to see the client start dancing with an equally drunk girl. Determined not to lose her, he pushed through the crowd with renewed vigor, his frustration fueling his determination.
Annoyed, he tried to look casual. All seemed fine until a man started dancing far too close to her. He assumed it was some creepy asshat, but something was off. His eyes kept shifting around as he inched closer to the girl. That was when he spotted the gun slowly being removed from the area between his jacket and back.
The tackle Lambert had to deliver was painful. They pounded the glass dance floor hard, no doubt cracking it. There was a scream, and people began clearing a circle for the fight to unfold. Lambert had managed to get the man in a headlock to hold him far away from the pistol.
"Get the fuck off." The man says this while violently head-butting Lambert.
"Oh, you motherfucker!" Lambert shrieks, grabbing his sore jaw.
The man stands quickly on his feet before running towards the exit near the back. Pissed off and now bleeding, Lambert charged forth again, crashing both himself and the attacker onto the corner of the bar. With a disgusting crack, he could register his nose turning against the firm wood. Lambert could hear his brother sprinting to the scene, pinning the dazed man.
"Fuck, Lambert!" Eskel exclaimed, holding the attacker face-down on the broken floor.
Lambert could handle pain; he did enough idiotic shit in his childhood to prove that. He could worry about his nose later; he had to call the police while his brother handled the situation.
The night ended with a shittastic array of red and blue lights as the attacker was carried off. It turns out the client's so-called friends were plotting with the people she pissed off. Outside the club, he knelt and, without grace, lifted his nose and snapped it back in its proper place. When the wave of agony spread across Lambert's face, making his eyes water, he clenched his teeth.
"Damn," Eskel hisses at the sound, his brother's pain palpable. It wasn't until now he noticed the vomit staining his shirt; he had a pretty good idea who it was from. Grabbing painkillers from a backpack, he hands them to Lambert, who grumbles. "Are you sure you don't need to sit back?"
"Fuck no, my nose looks like it's made out with a brick. Shit like this only happens because all these dipshits believe they're bulletproof. Now, you enjoy dealing with that noble's bullshit; I'm going the fuck home," Lambert spits, marching off to call a ride. He wanted to go back and finish that series and forget about the whole night. Maybe get shitfaced in the process?
"Okay, Lambert! See ya," Eskel calls.
He teeters back to his apartment, finally sensing the weariness in his bones. The shower was nothing remarkable, but it felt incredible washing over his head. After managing to get a buzz, he lies on the couch. The only sound in the apartment was the documentary and the wind outside. He should be used to the quietness by now; he should appreciate it. Even after a few weeks here, it felt more and more noticeable. It was a festering, hollow silence that never went away.
Just another fabulous day in the life of Lambert.
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gaygayaurel · 1 year
As game Lambert #1 fan 5ever the Nerflix Lambert sucks but not bcs of what people think? (I didnt read book of elves I love and respect myself sometimes )
As in game Lambert is kinda fun in that he got actually defined compared to Novels and Hexer where he did not exist ad character proper. He is deeply mean and sarcasric person, being willing to chew out his closest friends and enemies alike. He isnt as morally concerned abt stuff as geralt and when someone asks him to kill a monster he'd do it. Fuck he'd even go as far as use Axii to make two bandits die in horrific way. This is after all his lot in his shitty miserable life. He hates witchery and witchers and the very concept of this much suffering ("But you kept the table" he says furious to Vesemir as they stand above screaming Uma). His attitude is just such a complete 360° from Geralt' silent acceptance of what was done to them. It truly becomes the only voice of like hey fuck what happened to us, fuck it all to hell. Hes an utter fucking dickhead and hell provoke people for no reason (talkinf abt geralt and triss in front of phillipa for no reason) (i deadass dont think he would fuck up yens stuff on purpose tho #;#&#&)
His main core personal element is revenge. In his short appearence in w1 he proclaims desire to slaughter salamandra for killing Leo. In W3 he goes on massive revenge rampage spanning CONTINENTS for a guy we dont know (and thats pretty cool to me, implying he has adventures outside geralt, both him and eskel). He says his first action after he left Kaer Morhen was to find and kill his dad ( and him being sad he couldnt save his mother his life is all just empty revenges that will never fill the holes of people hell miss).
But also main Core element of Lambert is also love as cheesy as it sounds. He cared deeply for Leo and Aiden and even his own mom. After Triss. Got conked out by a mage guy in witcher 1 he cared for her and watched over her (they were hardcore inplying shipping which is funnt but whatever). He literally puts his life on line dor Ciri and Geralt. The thing is he is dickhead but he will do Everythinf for those few peoples he has left in his life.
The Point is games being games and larger allowed Lambert to have depth and nuance. He is imo one of the most interesting and coolest game characters. Netflix Lambert however did not have the time for variety of reasons to get that.
One is Lambert is very minor person in books. Second is that the show didnt...realy care abt witchers past vesemir maybe. So he wasnt a focus. In the end what we get is disappoitninf character not helped by the fact most witchers in netflix are cannon fodders for baba yaga.
ONE issue that I have is people saying Lambert was a dick to Ciri and thats OOC. While I cant speak from the POV of books (altho my friend who did read them say he is sexist), from POV of game thats untrue. In fact I believe game Lambert would VERY much be a fucking dick to Ciri fron a start. It doesnt even need to have sexist colouring to it. This dude HATES witchering. He hates the mutagenesis and the pain of it all, the destiny in it. I firmly believe he wouldnt be OK with a bew trainee and guess what? While he didnt live through instructors not giving fucks abt new witchers because like 1/20 live to become witchers he LIVED through it. On his skin. I firmly believe Lambert being DICKHEAD to ciri at first is nit only a whiff of the complex game!Lambert but a decent start of its own standalone character.
In witcher 1 also wheb tou tell him Leo died he laments he "was not ready". Leo. Just like ciri never got his mutagens (take this with grain of salt because leos whole character is weird tm). So him being an miserable instructor who will push you until you cry is in character ingame. This guys has ten layers of issue.
What Netflix misses is the fact we dont SEE lambert getting to his relationship Ciri where we see rhem albeit briefly in game (willing to fight to death for her). We just have this awkward jump from utter hostility to them beinf kinda pals after baba yaga fight. In the end netflix lambert is just. Boring.
Also hes not a balding fuck and i cant forgive that
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tumbleweedtech · 1 year
First Lines
well Alright. I was tagged by @jayofolympus-writes, so here we go.
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
Consequences of your Hatred Witcher3 - Iorveth x Roche, Rated E Roche stood on the battlement, looking out upon the blue mountains.
you gotta let the whole song play out Witcher 3 - Aiden x Lambert, Rated T Aidan's worst scar, the most prominent one that ached in the cold.
a whole lot of trouble in a itty-bitty shirt Witcher 3- Auckes x Ciri x Serrit, Rated E The room was hot, muggy with the sweat and salt of fucking.
Birds of a Feather Witcher TTRPG - Erland & Keldar, Rated G The knock was a soft beat that made Keldar smile even with the minor interruption.
when the lion caught the mockingbird Witcher TTRPG/W3 -Gezras & Lambert, Rated G The night was loud.
from the rubble, what remains Critical Role - Yeza Brenatto, Rated T 98 platinum were currently buried in the cellar below the carrots.
Mulberry Critical Role - Ashton x Orym, Rated E The fight had been ugly, too close for comfort and yet not difficult enough to quell the jangling nerves from unfulfilled aggression that left Ashton unsettled.
And There's No Moving On Thronebreaker (a sad attempt at a song fic, idk)- Gascon x Reynard, Rated G It was clear Gascon had not expected to see her.
Ruidus is Flaring Critical Role Filk (songs don't really have sentences, so you can have the first stanza.) Nightmare King, Sit and Spin, Eshteross bakin’ again, Sky Wardens, Syndicate, Corsair’s killin’ it Skyships, Shadecreepers, Conspiracy’s gettin’ deeper Jiana Hexum, Fownsee Hollow, Anni and Milo
Forfeiture  Critical Role (EXU:C) - Laerryn x Loquatius, Rated T Everything in the Feywild has a price.
Apparently the pattern is: Short. Let's see.... who didn't you tag, Jay. Tagging @winter-fir, @anonymousblueberry, @thirstyforred, @skaldingrayne, and... hm. hey, @widogaspmauk, want to play a tag game? I need more CR up in here. lol
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thebestworstidea · 2 years
Witcher Fic Recommendations
Presented in no particular order, some of my favorite Witcher Fics; Links are to Ao3. They are also mostly Explicit, but cute, if you get me? I tend to forget the porn when remembering them because it's about the character interactions not the fucking.
Pretty much anything @inexplicifics has written (I started hearing about the Accidental Warlord Series (E, Geralt/Jaskier, Geralt/Eskel, Geralt/Jaskier/Eskel and assorted minor ships. In which a terrified bard stops being terrified and helps reshape the world with his music and his heart.) when I started going through the Witcher tag and somehow it was even BETTER than I assumed) but in particular I am crazy about their Lambert/Aiden. Your Kind of Heaven (M, in which Lambert is smarter than Orpheus), Three Bells each with a Separate Sound (E, in which timefuckery makes for the best fuckert)and Out of the Night That Covers Me (M, in which a single good deed does multiple people a shit ton of good)are all fics I've read multiple times already.
@jackironsides is also a go to favorite writer, with Kaer Morhen Book Club (T in which fanfic changes people's perspectives, and the Kaer Morons love romance novels.)being a unclosed tab on my phone in case I need a pick me up. But honestly, any of their works are worth a read. I went through their entire library with no regrets.
@spielzeugkaiser does this amazing art to tell stories with; while it can take me most of a fic to tear up, they can do it in a handful of sketches so there's that. But there's plenty more that's cute and sweet. Love their Shifter!Jaskier and bearwitcher!Jaskier
A Beginners Guide to Exploiting the Kaedweni Tax Code For Fun and Profit by Heronfem- more Lambert/Aiden, modern-with-magic college au, it's just ... so good. (In which a demisexual, genderfluid Lambert gets accidentally married to a theatre kid and it fucking rocks.)
Cabinet of Curiosities (E) by aleatory_fox, round_robin was one of the first fics I read in the fandom and it stuck with me a great deal. (in Which Witchers are Objectified(like, pets.), and Jaskier's plots run deep.)
round_robin also wrote an Exhalation of Wolves, (E)scenes from which also pop into my head when I'm not thinking of other things. (In which Jaskier makes soap, and is beloved by the Wolves of Kaer Morhen- and loves them back just as hard)
Mating Call (E) by TAFKAmayle gets a reminder about the explicitness, because it is blatant monsterfucking. Cute somehow though. (in Which Jaskier is an adorable pervert; and Willow stares at pictures on the Witcher-Wiki and goes 'yeah, I can see that')
really enjoying the Cutagen Verse stories by artistsfuneral, if only because they agree with me that there need to be just a couple more surviving wolf Witchers. (G-M, with one E. What it says on the tin)
Beasts In Fields of Flowers by @sheepishwolfy (series M/E) has very good banter in my opinion. (in which there are both Cuteagens and Feral Jaskier so that's the appeal)
The Courting Jewlery ABO (E)series by suzukiblu has definitely done things to my brain in regard to ABO. Good things. (In which Geralt is an Omega who deserves all the nice things Jaskier can give him, and Jaskier is going to do it whether he likes it or not)
Curse of Chamomile by chamomiletea (E) by (In Which Geralt gets a very specific curse, which leads him to Jaskier, an apology, and several new experiences. Raunchy and sweet and cute in turns)
Being Roach by @senashenta a delightful crossover that I adore. And cute, not explicit, for a change. (Witcher- Heralds of Valdemar crossover)
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dat-carovieh · 2 years
So long to the Person you begged me to be
Ship: Geraskier
Rating: T
Wordcount: 24.3k
Chapters: 20
Tags: Trans Jaskier, Trans Geralt, misgendering , transphobia, winter at Kaer Morhen, balls, wedding, minor Lambert/Aiden, Kaer Morhen’s hot springs, pining, mutual pining, fake marriage, miscommunication, it’s requited they’re just dumb
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Chapter 1
Geralt had always been a little confused by Jaskier, but he didn’t question it too much. Humans usually didn’t like him. Sure, there were exceptions, but no one had been trailing behind him, before, refusing to leave even in the face of danger or monster guts. It was dangerous just to be associated with a Witcher. Actually, walking the path with one was much worse and he didn’t understand why Jaskier would do it. Just for the adventure? There were better ways to find this. For inspiration? Seemed to dangerous.
For Witchers gender was different than it was for humans. Sure, they only took in boys, because the mutations only worked on boys, but while the rest of the world was dividing girls and boys by the genitals they were born with, Witchers knew this wasn’t actually true. Gender was rooted much deeper in a person. Geralt’s parents had treated him as a girl for this exact reason and hadn’t understood when Geralt had disagreed as soon as he had been old enough to somewhat grasp the concept. He didn’t really remember anything from this time, Witcher trials usually remove most memories of your former life. During the trials their bodies were changed to look like what was usually expected from a male body. Geralt was thankful for at least that part of the trials. He had always felt wrong with his body and he had no idea if he would have managed to go through puberty otherwise.
He hadn’t thought a lot about this since he’s been on the path. Leaving the trials behind, trying to forget the pain he had to go through had felt good. Until he had met Jaskier. He didn’t really fit into the typical categories of male and female humans assigned to people, another thing that had confused him at first. His face was too soft, the voice too high and sometimes Geralt thought he saw small breasts under the doublet. It wasn’t any of his business but he kept wondering if Jaskier could be similar to him in this regard. Just without the trials his body hadn’t gone through the changes Geralt’s had.
They had been traveling for a couple of months now. At first Geralt had been very reluctant about letting the bard come with him and had tried to drive him off. He was not proud about his decision to punch him on their first day together. It had been in the spur of the moment and he felt incredibly bad about it. He had pretended it had been because he was annoyed, but actually he had been scared. Either the human trailing after him would get hurt, it had happened before, or he would see that witchering wasn’t glorious, but a foul business and start hating Geralt, this also had happened before. So, he had been mean to him over the first couple of days. He really regretted his behaviour and the punch in particular. Even though Jaskier had not said anything about this. He had sworn to himself to never do it again.
Nothing he had done had driven Jaskier off and so Geralt had accepted the bard trailing after him. Waiting to be left by him at any moment. Maybe with an especially cruel contract, maybe when Geralt would make a wrong decision at some point, where the outcome would be much different from what he expected. Or maybe just when they wouldn’t get a room for the night again, he would decide it was not worth it. But nothing that had happened had done it yet.
Or maybe he would decide, traveling for a bit is nice, but now he has enough and he needs to get back home. Wherever that was. Jaskier never talked about where he came from. Never told him his full name, Geralt was certain that Jaskier was a stage name, he had never even mentioned a family. Geralt had asked him once, but the bard clearly didn’t want to talk about it so Geralt had dropped it.
Geralt just hoped he wouldn’t get too attached so it wouldn’t hurt when the bard would inevitably drop him.
It probably already was too late.
When Jaskier had met Geralt for the first time, he hadn’t even thought about what he was doing when he had gone over to the Witcher. He had seen him brooding in the corner, staring into his ale. The white hair had stood out to Jaskier immediately and the brooding aura he had been emitting had been fascinating. Jaskier had immediately been intrigued by the presence of the man. He had hoped to maybe sit with him, drink something, get to know him a bit. And then he had realized who he had run into. The Witcher Geralt of Rivia, the Butcher of Blaviken. This had explained why no one had wanted to come close to him. He had heard a lot about the Witcher, mostly bad things. But he hadn’t believed it and the past months had shown him how wrong all the rumours had been.
He had started to follow Geralt, thinking he would accompany him on one contract, to learn about how he works and maybe finding some inspiration and getting a little excitement out of it. But he had been so fascinated by everything that happened and by how Geralt had handled the situation. While Geralt tried to seem gruff on the outside, deep inside he just wanted to help everyone. He had been so shocked to learn what had actually happened to the elves and he wondered what else from his Oxenfurt education was wrong. This and the way Geralt had empathized with the elves had made Jaskier want to spend more time with the Witcher. At first Geralt had been kind of an asshole to him and especially after the punch in the gut he had planned to leave as soon as they were back in the tavern. But after they’d returned, Geralt had changed his behaviour toward him and they had actually gotten along pretty well when they had gotten a drink together. And Jaskier had decided to stay with him longer, since Geralt didn’t seem to mind.
By now they had been traveling together for about half a year and Geralt didn’t seem to mind him being there.
Jaskier was sure Geralt had realized something was different about him, he had looked at him a little confused sometimes but he had never questioned anything. He absolutely feared the day Geralt would realize he wasn’t like other men, because he knew it would happen some day. Maybe Geralt would see him naked and realize what was going on. He would probably then insist that Jaskier was a woman or just straight up leave him behind wherever they were. Or even worse, call him a freak and if he would become violent, well it would not be the first time that would have happened to Jaskier. He had learned this was how it usually went with people. This had been the reason he had run away after his time in Oxenfurt, when his parents had attempted to marry him off. He should probably be thankful he had been allowed to even go to the university.
Often, he thought maybe he should leave on his own accord to spare him from future heartbreak. But then he looked at Geralt and he just didn’t have it in him. He knew it was already too late, he had already fallen very hard for the Witcher. It had already started on the first day they had spent together and it had only gotten worse with every passing day. But right now, he was happy. Even though they would sleep at the side of a road or in a stable more often than not and eat what they found in the woods, he was happy right now with his Witcher. But he could be his true self, he could play his music to crowds in taverns or just for Geralt when they were alone. And he could play what he wanted.
Jaskier loved the more rowdy songs, the drinking songs, the dirty songs and the songs people could dance to. When he had been at home, he had only been allowed to play for a special occasion, maybe a song or two. Just for his parents to show how talented their daughter was. The mere mention of the word daughter made his stomach flip. And he was only allowed to play ballads because that was behaviour befitting for a lady of noble birth.
People could probably argue it was stupid of him to leave behind a life like this, comfortable and full of luxury. But for him it had never been a question. There was no way he could live like this, pretending to be someone he was not for the rest of his life. Getting married to some nobleman, probably being forced to be some obedient housewife. He could never do that. That was why he had run away after he had finished his studies in Oxenfurt.
“You alright?” Geralt asked, pulling him from his thoughts. He looked up and saw a concerned look on the Witcher’s face.
“Yes, I’m fine,” he answered with a smile. He had actually never been better than in the last six months. “Was just thinking.” Geralt grinned at him.
“Don’t hurt yourself,” he answered. Jaskier gasped, offended and swatted Geralt’s arm.
“I’ve graduated from Oxenfurt as master of the seven liberal arts. I am highly intelligent,” he explained.
“And still, you’re one of the biggest idiots I know.”
“And what makes you think that?”
“You’re traveling with a dangerous Witcher,” Geralt answered and pointed to himself. Jaskier rolled his eyes.
“You’re not dangerous,” he scolded him. “You’ve just earned yourself a night of me playing nothing but songs about how great you are,” Jaskier decided and got up to fetch his lute.
When he sat down again, Geralt was looking at him, head cocked and a soft smile on his face. There had been times when Geralt had pretended to hate his singing but he’d given this up months ago. But he was still not a fan of the songs Jaskier had written about him. He could not see himself like this. He wasn’t a hero, a saviour. He had been made to slay monsters, have no emotions and stay away from humans. Jaskier didn’t care as he played and sang and Geralt felt uncomfortably flustered.
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The Witcher fanfic masterlist
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Fighting to get to you
Gen fics
What my heart just yearns to say
Geraskier. 1,996 words. Fluff, first kiss.
Geralt wants to tell Jaskier how he feels, but battles with his inner belief witchers shouldn't want the comfort of another. He cares for his bard the only way he thinks he's allowed until Jaskier forces a conversation between them.
Teen fics
Geraskefer. 2,600 words. Kidnapping, rescue, danger, peril.
Geralt and Yennefer fight tooth and nail to rescue Jaskier, held against his will in a castle on top of a perilous peak.
Geraskier. Emotional hurt
Minor Blood Origin spoilers. Jaskier thinks it's unfair that his witcher doesn't love him back.
What He Deserves (1/2)
Geraskier. Angst, regret, emotional hurt
Geralt sees a dandelion poking out proudly from the ice and guilt eats at his heart. Jaskier didn't deserve the words he said on the dragon hunt. If destiny will lead him to Jaskier, he deserves the bard screaming at him. He deserves Jaskier telling him to leave.
Mature fics
All tied up
Geraskier. Bondage
Geralt ties Jaskier to a chair.
Geraskier. Edging
Jaskier begs Geralt to let him come after hours of being edged.
Dancing Around His Feelings
Jaskier x Countess da Stael. Sex work, oral sex, emotional hurt, unhealthy coping mechanisms, hint at polyamory
Jaskier is still feeling hurt by what Geralt said on the Caingorn mountain when he takes up the Countess' offer of staying with her for the winter.
Geraskier. Apology kink, dub con, dacryphilia
Jaskier seeks to make amends the only way he can.
Lessons in Self Discovery
Multi, Jaskier, Aiden, Lambert, Geralt. 1,679 words. Open relationships, voyeurism, spanking, caning, bdsm, kink discovery
Geralt watches Jaskier get spanked by Aiden, then Lambert caned. It makes him realise something about his own desires to submit.
Lovely bottom
Geraskier. Implied rimming
A massage turns into something spicier.
The real treasure
Geraskier, Geralt and family. Implied/referenced chastity and sex, no smut, family feels
Jaskier sends Geralt on a treasure hunt. It may take all day, but Geralt manages to find the real treasure in the end.
Explicit fics
A Nice Afternoon
Geraskier. 1,921 words. Modern AU, oral sex, Himbo!Geralt.
Jaskier wants to 69 with Geralt, but he can't just tell him. Instead, he uses a cake to get the message across.
Bring your hunger
Geraskier. Sexual attraction, wet dreams, eventual getting together, sex
When Jaskier gets propositioned by a man after one of his shows, it causes Geralt to start thinking about his own desires for the bard. The witcher resists his temptations, but destiny seems to have other ideas because Jaskier is in his thoughts all the time. What will it take for Geralt to finally fall into Jaskier’s arms and kiss him?
Geraskier. Anal sex
Vampire!Geralt shows Jaskier a really good time with his endlessly hard cock.
Jaskier sandwich
Multi, Jaskier, Aiden, Lambert, Geralt. Open relationships, bondage, threesome, blow jobs, anal sex, modern AU.
Jaskier is a switch and likes to get dicked down every now and then. Luckily, Aiden is more than happy to open up his bed to Jaskier.
One Special Night
Jaskier x Elihal. Trans character, oral sex.
Dandelion knew the earrings would look perfect on Elihal.
Petals In A Storm (16/16)
Saskier, Jaskel, one-sided Geraskier. Casual sex, open relationships, oral sex, anal sex, face sitting, vaginal fingering, shaming language, emotional hurt, grief, angst, canon typical violence, kidnapping, asexual character
Since the mountain, Jaskier has been grieving Geralt and funnelling all his emotions into sleeping around, unable to believe the love he has within his grasp with Sam the Baker. It takes being plucked out of his life and meeting another witcher, Eskel, to realise that maybe his views on love have been misguided.
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fingons-rad-harp · 2 years
oh right this is a thing i did
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game), Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Relationships: Aiden/Lambert (The Witcher), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Lambert
Characters: Lambert (The Witcher), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Aiden (The Witcher), Bertram Tauler | Jad Karadin
Additional Tags: Quest: Following the Thread (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt), Alive Aiden (The Witcher), Revenge, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Minor Character Death, Angry Lambert (The Witcher), Feral Lambert (The Witcher), Lambert Needs a Hug (The Witcher), Hurt Aiden (The Witcher), Hurt/Comfort
Language: English
Part 2 of hope strings eternal
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continentcakeshop · 2 years
Cake Shop Winter Gift Exchange
Today's fic was written by @jaskiersvalley, a gift for @trickstermoose67! The fic is
Once Upon the South
Rated: M Pairings: Aiden/Lambert (The Witcher) Minor or Background Relationship(s)Eskel/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of RiviaGaetan/Letho z Gulety | Letho of Gulet
On one of his annual visits to Corvo Bianco, Lambert hears about someone who might be able to swear better than him. With nothing better to do, he embarks on a journey to prove he is the best at swearing on all of the continent.
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by Bronzi
Fifteen years after Kaer Morhen became an independent city state and refuge for non-humans, Geralt— who somehow got elected its leader, despite his best intentions— is bewildered when King Vizimir of Redania suggests an arranged marriage between Geralt and his nephew.
Eskel is a simple witcher who just wants to live out his retirement from the Path with Geralt. So when his lover gets betrothed to some Redanian viscount, Eskel dons a human disguise and decides to get away from Kaer Morhen for a while.
Jaskier has no interest in becoming the husband of the infamous White Wolf; he just wants to be a bard. When he flees the guards escorting him to Kaer Morhen, he’s lucky enough to run into Eskel, a hunter who agrees to escort him to safety. But after only a few days in Eskel’s company, he’s half in love.
When Jaskier is forced to go to Kaer Morhen to escape a bounty on his head, he finds the city nothing like the nest of monsters he expected. Meanwhile, Jaskier is nothing like what Geralt and Eskel expected.
[Podfic Version]
Words: 41, Chapters: 1/15, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Eskel (The Witcher), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Triss Merigold, Coën (The Witcher), Aiden (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Other Wiedźmin | The Witcher Character(s)
Relationships: Eskel/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Eskel/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia
Additional Tags: Podfic & Podficced Works, Podfic, Podfic Length: 1-1.5 Hours, Inspired by The Accidental Warlord and His Pack Series - inexplicifics, Established Relationship, for Eskel/Geralt, Arranged Marriage, for Geralt/Jaskier, Falling In Love, Identity Porn, Mutual Pining, Minor Aiden/Lambert (The Witcher), Minor Coën/Triss Merigold, Smut, Threesome - M/M/M, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Requited Unrequited Love, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Masturbation, Audio Format: Streaming
Listen on AO3
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inexplicifics · 1 month
More snippet requests: Minor goddess Milena, Little MerLambert, Gargoyles
Minor goddess Milena:
Lambert watches Aiden and the griffin go over the edge of the cliff together, and his frantic lunge is just too slow to catch them. He makes it down to the bottom of the cliff in a panicked, too-fast scramble, skinning his knees and his palms and wrenching a shoulder and not caring about any of it as he hauls the griffin’s carcass away from his lover and falls to his knees next to Aiden’s broken body. Aiden is, horribly, still conscious: he blinks so-green eyes up at Lambert and smiles even as blood wells between his lips. “Lamb,” he whispers. Swallow’s not gonna fix this, nor Kiss, nor anything short of - Well, of divine intervention.
Little MerLambert:
Lambert brings the dead man’s body to shore, since it isn’t that far away as the mackerel swims, and leaves it high enough up the beach that maybe someone will find it before whatever the land equivalent of sharks are gets to it. The incident gives him a certain amount of respect for humans, though. They can’t swim even a little, and yet they get in their flimsy wooden boats and go out across the ocean, while Lambert and his kin have never even thought of trying to go on land. On land, they probably have even more interesting objects. On land, he could learn the proper words for all the stuff they use.
Cleaning the kitchen is, frankly, miserable; neither of them has ever cleaned anything before, and they make the beginner’s error of mopping the floor and then wiping down the counter, which covers the newly-mopped floor in a new layer of dust. Milena sighs and puts a hand over her eyes, and Jaskier flops dramatically over the counter. “Alas! Woe! Misery!” “Now we know, and we won’t make that mistake again tomorrow,” Milena says, refusing to let herself have the tiny nervous breakdown she absolutely wants to have, this last little inconvenience being, if not the last straw, then something very close to it. It has been three weeks of moving from motel to motel before they could get here and she is, quite frankly, done.
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by heebeegeebee, OldandKinky
"I feel..." He thinks for the right word. "Safe. Yeah. I feel safe now. Eskel has everyone in prison awaiting trial or shipped away to never return. And I'm excited about school... I'm excited to see Miss Yen's house..." Geralt chuckles and keeps petting him. "You'll love it. I'm glad you get along." He kisses Jaskier's forehead, and the boy nuzzles him sweetly. "And I'm glad you'll get to go back to school. You need friends who aren't me or Lambert and Aiden." He grimaces, and Jaskier giggles. "Don't forget Aiden Jr." "How could I." Jaskier giggles again, and Geralt smiles.
Words: 64914, Chapters: 13/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of A Handful of Petals
Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Eskel (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Vesemir (The Witcher), Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Pavetta (The Witcher), Essi Daven, Priscilla (The Witcher), Zoltan Chivay, Aiden (The Witcher), Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Pedophilia, Past Rape/Non-con, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Wet & Messy, Consensual Underage Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, Deepthroating, Rough Sex, Enthusiastic Consent, Rimming, Size Difference, Age Difference, Statutory Rape, Subspace, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Foot Fetish, Panic Attacks, Angst, Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Has a Big Dick, Feminization, Daddy Kink, Past Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Bisexual Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Gay Disaster Jaskier | Dandelion, Felching, Creampie, Bathing/Washing, Masturbation, Jaskier | Dandelion in Lingerie, sexually aggressive minor, made up law proceedings, Gender Fuckery, Breeding Kink, POV Multiple, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Effeminate Jaskier, Bottom Jaskier | Dandelion, Top Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Protective Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Light Dom/sub, Pseudo-Incest, Deep insertions, Belly Bulge, Sexual Roleplay, Consensual Non-Consent, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, workplace harrassment, Homophobia
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ao3yennaia · 2 years
a whisper in your ear
by MysticalMayham
A spoiled, royal Jaskier meets Geralt who is undercover. They quickly get attached but things get bad fast. Jaskier has to learn the truth about the world and Geralt and he is forced to pick a side in the never-ending war. If he can't then who can?
Words: 2205, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Eskel (The Witcher), Vesemir (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Aiden (The Witcher), Coën (The Witcher), Other Wiedźmin | The Witcher Character(s), Essi Daven
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Tissaia de Vries/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Aiden/Lambert (The Witcher), Eskel/Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Jaskier | Dandelion, Alpha Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Intersex Omegas, Omega Aiden, Omega Tissaia, Alpha Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Alpha Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Renfri is there eventually, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia and Jaskier | Dandelion Are Soulmates, Jaskier | Dandelion & Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg are in Cahoots, Minor Eskel/Jaskier | Dandelion, Eskel Loves Jaskier | Dandelion, Essi is Jaskiers sister, And a bad bitch
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44702380
0 notes
yennskier-feed-ao3 · 2 years
a bezoar is not a fruit
a bezoar is not a fruit
by limerental
It's a less than peaceful morning at Kaer Morhen with Triss and Lambert up to their usual bickering. Except not everything is as it seems.
Words: 1285, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Lambert (The Witcher), Eskel (The Witcher), Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Triss Merigold, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Vesemir (The Witcher), Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
Relationships: Lambert/Triss Merigold, Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Eskel/Geralt z Rivii/Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu
Additional Tags: Ambigous Canon, Winter at Kaer Morhen (The Witcher), Everyone Lives at Kaer Morhen like it's 2020, Relationship Reveal, Humor, Banter, Fruit Semantics, Polyamory, Minor Philippa Eilhart/Triss Merigold, Minor Aiden/Lambert (The Witcher)
0 notes
jaskiersvalley · 3 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼 xoxo toss a coin to your bard
You are far too sweet to send this, and my apologies for sitting on this so long without replying! I will definitely be continuing the game and appearing as a loving anon in ask boxes soon. In the meantime, here's a little ficlet of thank you.
As a bit of background, I've been watching Centaurworld recently and this song (Rider's Lullaby) has been stuck in my head for days. So I thought I'd give it a bit of a twist and let the horses of Kaer Morhen have it.
Lullaby of the Wolf
Winters weren't a time of rest for just Witchers. Their trusted companions on the perilous Path were also granted some much needed rest. Roach and Scorpion went years back, familiar enough with each other that Roach's disdain and Scorpion's less desirable personality traits no longer caused problems. They could even be housed in neighbouring stalls which was a major breakthrough on an especially cold winter. All the same, it was a welcome surprise when a bay gelding separated them.
"You're not the prickly bastard's," Roach sniffed daintily.
"My rider travels with him. They call me Nettle. Because I'm a pain in the butt."
There was a snort from Roach and Scorpion laughed heartily at that.
"Bossman called me Scorpion because I stung his pride. He really hoped for a nice juicy steak as his surprise."
Roach dryly cut in, "He should have eaten you anyway, probably would if he could understand you."
Nettle, rather wisely, decided not to comment on that. Or the colourful swearing Scorpion went off on about how a full blooded stallion like him was...actually, Nettle tuned it out in favour of watching a goat trot into the stable and give him a hard stare.
"Prickly's mate is staying, teach him."
Which was how Nettle spent the rest of winter learning the way of a Wolf Witcher's horse. Though he was a Cat Witcher's steed, he was deemed worthy of being brought into the fold. Namely, the lullaby. While horses' singing wasn't audible to humans, Witcher or not, it still seemed to help. Not only did it seem to soothe the Witchers, it helped the horses too, gave them something to focus on outside the wild panic of the situation at hand.
Despite none of them being exceptionally gifted in the way of singing, they all joined in, their soft voices joining to make a chorus.
"Where did the song come from?"
"The old one's mule taught us. Who was taught by the mule before," Roach explained.
The goat, Lil Bleater, chipped in. "It's been passed down generations. Sometimes the old one still hums it. Especially when he's been left by his pups each spring."
That wasn't something Nettle ever heard. But he dutifully memorised the song and even sang it softly under his breath on the way down the mountain, where his human and his mate were tense, as worried as they were on the way up. The others had been right, though they couldn't hear the song, they both relaxed whenever Nettle sang.
It was pure luck that the prickly one's payment for a contract was a horse. She was black, had a tendency to be lame when she didn't want to do something and was, inevitably, named Bitch. Even if she was the nicest horse Nettle had ever met.
"You're a Wolf Witcher's horse now," he told her in the evening as they were left to graze on the sparse grass. "There's some things you need to learn."
Travelling together, Nettle taught Bitch the song. She was definitely suspicious at first.
"Just go lame, they won't pull you in the direction of danger. It's much easier."
Nettle laughed at that. "Their job is to go into danger. And ours is to follow. This is what we can do for them. Carry them, be there for them when nobody else wants to be. It's not much but sometimes we're the only thing they have. It's an honour."
So together they sang and Bitch learned to be brave. She appreciated not being coerced into things, no forceful shoving, no smacks. A lot of cursing and name calling, even a threat of being eaten if she didn't get with the programme but it was all empty words. The underlying impression she got from her prickly owner was that he cared and that was his problem. Because his fragile heart couldn't bear the idea of more senseless loss. Everyone knew the fate of those who got close to a Witcher, human, horse, goat, they all eventually died. But Bitch grew fond of him, she sang the song Nettle had taught her the first night they were alone. Nettle and his Witcher had to head off, she didn't pay much attention to the reason, her main concern was her prickly one and his sudden sullen coldness. It seemed Nettle had been right, Witcher sometimes only had their horses.
They'd been alone together for weeks. Human settlements came and went, monsters too. Her job was to make sure her human got from one place to the next and, sometimes, she kicked up a fuss still, limping in an effort to get him to rest. Despite her best efforts he was still miserable, obviously missing the company of his mate even when he vehemently denied the need for anything but solitude.
Trust was an easy thing to earn. Bitch was content to follow her new owner, following after him obediently. Though his job was as odds with her nature, he had yet to lead her wrong. And she no longer gave him grief either, only insisting on breaks when he needed them too. At least, that was what she told herself until she heard a soft baritone shakily singing.
"You're okay, you're alright, I'll never ever leave your side."
The voice buckled, a soft "I'm sorry" that most certainly wasn't part of the song whispered before continuing, "I will stay and I will fight with you."
Stomping her feet, Bitch pulled at her reins. It had her prickly owner cursing and pulling back, trying to get her to follow along. However, they weren't moving towards the song and Bitch wasn't going to let this go. Rearing up, the yanked her reins free and started off at a canter towards the voice. She ignored the cursing and yelling from behind, trusting her Witcher to follow. Off the path, she crashed into a clearing where a dark horse was curled around a large body. As she clattered to a halt, the horse snorted defensively, ears pinned back.
"If you know what's good for you, you fuck off right now," he snarled. The smell of blood made Bitch shift uncomfortably.
"The song! I know it!" As she approached, the other horse snorted in warning and slowly got to his feet, standing protectively over the barely conscious Witcher.
Though Bitch tried to sing the song, the other horse pawed at the ground. He would have no trouble running her down, they both knew it. Before he could charge though, Bitch's Witcher tumbled into the clearing and blinked once.
"Fucking hell Eskel, what the bloody tits have you done?" There was no hesitation as he barged up to the body and gave the large horse a two handed shove with a growled "move it".
"He's mine," Bitch said, plain and simple. "I've not had him long but he's a good man."
"I know, Prickly is part of Bossman's herd. Didn't think Prickly ever really wanted a steed."
"He didn't. But he got me anyway. Calls me Bitch."
"Nice. I go by Scorpion." The dark horse trotted closer, turning to look at his human with sadness. "I wouldn't do anything to help. I'm glad you brought Prickly here."
They watched together as a camp was quickly set up, potions poured in the fallen Witcher's mouth and wounds tended to with gruff efficiency.
"We might as well settle in," Scorpion announced. "It'll be a couple of days at least before we get moving. And knowing these two, we'll stay in close quarters for a while yet. Welcome to the herd."
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dapandapod · 3 years
36 with lambden 🥺 after Aiden isn't actually killed by karadin, but Lambert thinks he is
36. I thought you were dead hug
So this one became so much sadder than I intended! (and let me tell you, it almost got sadder!!) If you don't want witcher 3 spoilers, or have strong feelings about what happens in this specific quest, this fic might not be for you D: This is I am barely mentioning it, since it is seen from an outside point of view, but please be aware. <3 But i would never end on a (truly) happy note, I swear!
Please enjoy this Lambden hurt comfort fic <3
Warnings: Briefly mentioned "minor" character death, misunderstanding, The witcher 3, the wild hunt, The battle of Kaer Morhen, stupid stupid pining
On Ao3 Hug prompt collection
It is not as if Aiden faked his own death. More like staged it, framed a certain slave trader asshole, and watched his doom unfold from the shadows.
Doom, meaning one angry Lambert and his brother.
Truly, Aiden didn’t mean to. He didn’t. Karadin just played his part slightly too well, and Aiden wears the proof of his cruelty carved into his skin.
On a bad day, he finds that he limps slightly. On a good day, he tries to find his way to Kaer Morhen.
The continent is a strange place right now, with the Wild Hunt racing through the lands. It’s all Aiden can do to keep out of trouble. It takes him the better part of summer and well into the fall before he finally picks up the trail of another Wolf Witcher.
That is how Aiden meets Eskel, and, in a very roundabout way, learns how to make it to the keep. There is something big and bad happening and they need every set of arms they can trust. How Aiden deserves that trust, he doesn’t know.
“Lambert will be happy to see you,” Eskel assures him.
Aiden hopes so. Thinks so. After he is done yelling, probably. And by finding him, finally tell him the things he held back.
Eskel leaves before Aiden, bidding him farewell with a big clap over his back.
It’s more comfort than Aiden has felt in a long time, and he finds himself smiling as he turns towards the mountains of the north.
It’s cold as balls, but he is warm with anticipation.
The trek is treacherous; he gets lost twice before he finds one of the landmarks that Eskel talked about.
It takes him long, too long, to find the first safe spot. Somewhere up high, he can hear wyverns calling, their voices echoing between the mountains.
It is beautiful and haunting. He understands why so many lose their way and life in these parts.
He was making good progress when suddenly snow hits.
The Wild Hunt.
Before the coating of ice becomes too thick, and before they can see him, Aiden finds cover up a tree. It’s not ideal, but he plasters himself against the thick trunk, pulling the furs of his coat down over his head.
The last time he crossed their path he almost lost a toe to the cold and he still isn’t sure he has properly regained feeling to his nose and cheeks.
It would seem like the Big Bad is about to happen.
Below him, he can hear the light steps of winter hounds and the clanking armour of at least two people.
Had Aiden thought ahead, thought of anything other than reuniting with Lambert, he would have been prepared for the fight.
But he did think only about reuniting with Lambert, about his receding hairline, his idiotic sense of humour, how protective he is of kids when he thinks no one is looking.
So Aiden stays put in the tree. No need to die for real, when he faked well enough for Lambert to believe it the first time.
Time passes, but the winter soldiers stay in the area, and Aiden has no choice but to stay still. He listens to them speak to each other, their language foreign to his ears but their voices smooth.
Not until morning does he realizes they were waiting for someone.
A scout, it would seem, as a figure sneaks between the trees. They converse briefly, and then Aiden feels his medallion hum against his chest- a portal opens up and then he is alone.
But not for long.
His trek up the path is lined with encounters of the same nature. Only once did he have to fight, two winter hounds tearing at his cloak. It is torn, but thankfully still useful..
The day he actually can see the old keep in the distance, a snow storm quickly rises.
It is no natural storm, he knows, his medallion vibrating hard enough to hurt. Temperature is dropping fast and in the distance he can hear portals opening.
Portals, as in multiple. The Big Bad is here and Aiden is in trouble.
Taking great care to retrace his steps, Aiden finds an old crumpled tower. He has to fight again, this time one of the Wild Hunt’s soldiers, but they don't seem to expect him, so the fight is relatively easy.
Easy, only taking a slash to the ribs, trashing his cloak further, but the soldier’s head tumbles to the ground with a sickening thud.
He never gets tired of hearing it.
The snowstorm lasts almost the entire day. In the far distance he hears explosions and screaming.
The explosions make him think of Lambert and his fondness for experimenting. He hopes he is safe. Which is idiotic, really, he knows he is not. They never will be, not in this life they have.
But home is supposed to be safe, is it not?
Lambert always talked about the long, silent winters.
It was always a combination of complaining and secret longing, and how he was wondering what Vesemir had been up to during the summer.
How the keep was falling apart, how his brothers were doing, and how Aiden wasn’t allowed to come.
Would he be welcome now? If they both survive this assault of the Wild Hunt, would Lambert forgive him?
The storm rages on. Aiden only realizes he has fallen asleep when he startles awake to an eerie silence. The storm has stilled, the forest and lake are quiet, too quiet.
The sun is looking down at him from high above, and it’s still cold enough for his breath to fog when he sighs.
His body protests when he finally stretches out his stiff limbs. A few quick exercises to warm up and fight that stupid limp of his and Aiden is ready to go.
The woods are a mess. Craters everywhere, ash and burned trees. The path to the keep is clear now, the faint smell of ozone still hanging in the air where the battles had been.
Aiden looks around, careful not to disturb anything. From the looks of it, there were exploding traps waiting for the Wild Hunt, and Aiden would loathe to lose his legs when he has come this far.
There is a stillness in the air, heavy and stale. How outdoor air can be stale, but it is not unusual for battlefields. But he expected the keep he is approaching to be more alive. Something tightens around his heart.
As darkness falls, he smells burning smoke.
That is when he finally finds them. Or rather, dares to come closer.
There is a body in the fire.
Dark silhouettes outline the pyre, and Aiden barely dares to breathe. Who is it? Who… lost the fight?
Creeping forward, Aidne now sees the faces around the fire. Some of them he knows, some of them are new.
A redhead sorceress, some humans.
Geralt with a woman who must be Ciri, and the infamous Yennefer. Eskel, who stares straight ahead with a haunted look.
He breathes a sigh of relief, despite the angry lines of pain around Lambert’s eyes. He takes three steps forward, thinking maybe now is the time to finally step out of the shadows.
But midstep, everything crumbles.
A woman, a blond with a white revealing dress puts a gentle hand on Lambert’s shoulder. And it stays. Is allowed. Lambert even leans into it.
Maybe he was too late after all…
As he steps back into the shadows, Eskel’s eyes lock with his.
Maybe he will get answers one day about the Big Bad. Maybe he will know who they lost, and if Lambert is happy... happier…
Aiden returns to his tower, walking all night with a numbness in his bones.
Curling up on the stone floor, the cold seeping through his fucking cloak.
There is no one to blame but himself.
He wasn’t there.
It makes sense that Lambert moved on. Of course he would. Aiden would have wished he would, were he really gone.
But fuck does it suck.
He should get back before the pass closes or he’ll be stuck in this fucking hellscape winterland. South, maybe.
But Aiden can’t make himself get up.
For two days, he lingers in the tower. Hunts birds and hares, making up a fire when the night gets too cold. Maybe he is hoping Lambert will find him.
It is Geralt who finds him, spots him as he sits leaning against the tower wall, freezing his balls off.
“Aiden, I presume.”
“You presume correctly.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be dead?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be with your bard?”
Stony silence.
“Why are you here?”
“But why here? Lambert is… He could use a friend.”
“I saw that pretty blond, looks to me like he has a friend.”
Geralt is silent.
Then he turns around and leaves.
Aiden doesn’t blame him. Aiden should leave too.
But he doesn’t.
He hears the muttering first.
“We don’t need to hunt two days in a fucking row. Why do I need to do it? Fucking bastard.”
Aiden scrabbles to get up, to get out of sight, to... something.
Before today, he had always prided himself on being sneaky. Today, not so much.
He was resting behind one of the stonewalls. Resting, or moping, depending on who you ask. Trying to run away, he manages to make rubble fall, completely ruining his chances of being unnoticed.
In the blink of an eye, Lambert is pushing him down against the ground, sword at his throat. Until recognition hits.
“You,” he breathes. “How?”
So many things flash across his face as he backs away, standing up.
“Are you… wait…”
Lambert raises his sword again, rage now filling his entire being.
“No. No more. Fuck this. Fucking foglets, stop fucking mess with my head. I can’t take any more.”
Lambert lunges, slashing, and Aiden barely has time to roll out of the way.
“No, Lambert, please, it’s me. It’s me!”
“Stop! Talking!” Lambert roars, slashing wide, and once again Aiden has to duck. But he is not fast enough, his bad leg making his entire body jolt, and finally his trashed cloak meets its end when the sword catches his shoulder.
He grunts in pain, grabbing the wound. Warm blood seeps through his fingers.
Finally, Lambert stops, eyebrows furrowed.
“What are you?” Lambert asks, voice breaking.
“I’m… I’m sorry,” Aiden whispers.
“Are you… are you…”
“I am…”
Lambert’s sword drops to the ground with a clang, and Aiden can’t hold it back any longer. He dives forward, clinging to Lambert’s shoulders, who clings right back.
“I avenged you.”
“I know. Thank you.”
“There was so much blood.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“Where were you?”
“I.. Too far away.”
“Damn right. Fuck you, asshole.”
This entire conversation is held against shoulders, fingers gripping so hard it hurts. They are shaking with adrenaline and pain and hurt and relief and all kinds of feelings witchers aren’t supposed to have.
“Vesemir is gone.”
Aiden holds him tighter, pushes his nose into Lambert’s throat.
“I saw the pyre,” Aiden whispers. And he saw the blonde woman.
And that is fine. It’s alright.
Aiden will be alright, if he knows Lambert will be happy.
“Why didn’t you join us?”
“I… tried. I really did. Why the fuck were you fighting the Wild Hunt anyway?”
Lambert is still holding him. Keeping him close.
“Long story. Gonna stay here, or wanna come to the keep? I have a big bottle of white gull.”
“Bribery? Already?” Aiden chuckles, nuzzling closer. His shoulder stings, but it doesn’t matter. Not one bit.
“I’d be an idiot to let you go now,” Lambert says, letting go, taking a step back. Traitor. The air is cold without him, but the shiver is not only from the cold.
“So don’t,” Aiden breathes, aches, wishes, hopes.
It’s barely audible, but Lambert leans in again and knocks their heads together.
“Idiot,” he mutters. “I’m so fucking glad you are alive.”
“Me too. I think we both have some talking to do.”
And maybe, just maybe, Aiden will dare tell him about that thing that he has been carrying inside of him for so, so long.
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