#tm: 6x04
robntunney · 2 years
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the mentalist: 6x04 red listed ➔ Look at me blab. I... you're not my therapist. I didn't bring you here to talk. Please tell me who the suspects are.
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glorious-spoon · 4 months
5 & 8 for the 9-1-1 asks!
5. Favorite song played during a scene.
either 'season of the witch' in 4x14, just because i adore the song and i think it's a fantastically off-beat choice for that whole sequence, or 'bicycle race' in 6x04, for a hilariously apt song choice for a bisexual idiot on a bike
8. Favorite season of the show and why
probably season 4, considering that it contains both The Shooting (tm) and both 'jinx' and 'treasure hunt', which are for sure some of my favorite episodes of the show
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ryder616 · 2 years
I don't really like either scene, but the contrast between the two Fantasy!Daisy of S6 is very amusing.
Deke's NPC (6x04) is a catty, vapid damsel waiting to be saved and cast as a prize for beating the game/level (😡😤)
A gross imitation, notable only for its shallowness.
Nobody who knows her could ever recognize her in it.
And then there's Jemma's Daisy (6x06).
Bursting through the door, quaking goons with ease, rushing to her rescue.
Half knight in a shining armor and half avenging angel (one of the goons is Fitzler).
Confident, strong, heroic.
And fabulous. That hair toss, while she flips a guy? The day shampoo commercials start including hand-to-hand fighting (yes, please), they will be like that.
The Real Deal(TM), at her best.
So, tell me again, which one of them is supposed to be in love with Daisy?🤭
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clarkgriffon · 4 years
1/2 When the plot of season 5 hinged on the onscreen character dynamics of the first four seasons becoming overridden by these new dynamics we were told are important by virtue of an offscreen six year time jump, were we not supposed to be salty? I certainly was. In truth, I didn’t initially resent Space/kru and Clarke & Madi on principle. That only happened when they were used as tools to further isolate Clarke from her people following a six-year absence. And after all the wreckage post-s5?
2/2 They say actions speak louder than words and maybe that’s true, but actions don’t negate the necessity for words. So I’m going to need more than an unearned hug, a 1/16th of a smirk and a 30-second conversation with 4 incomplete sentences before switching gears to the SuperImportantMatterAtHand^TM to feel like Clarke’s relationships are mended and she’s part of a family again. That is, of the characters who are still alive for her to be able to actually converse with.
I’m totally with you. They butchered all the characters they had in S5, and I was looking to S6 to resolve all of that, but... it didn’t. As amazing as S6 was, I think that hinged a lot on the intriguing plot (well, the plot from 6x01-6x10 at least...) and solely the character dynamics between Bellamy and Clarke and separately Murphy’s arc. It was character-driven in a sense, Season 6, but very specific characters only. We get a lot of Bellamy. We get a lot of Clarke. We get a lot of Murphy. But we don’t get a lot of interpersonal dynamics.
Would I like more developing of the Bellarke forgiveness arc? Yeah, honestly, I would. But I’m comfortable with what we have now. Even though it was unspoken, I feel like Bellamy proved how much he loves Clarke and Clarke expressed it verbally in 6x04. They catered to each other’s love languages (Bellamy’s being words of affirmation and Clarke’s being Acts of Service/Physical Touch). I’d love something more explicit on Bellamy’s part where he apologizes for what he does for Madi, but I doubt we’re going to get it and I’m not too upset about that. They’re mended in my opinion.
With Raven and Murphy, I’m 100% with you. That was something done in that last two episodes and completely nonverbal. That was not a solution. That was a band-aid, slapped on two relationships that are profusely bleeding. It’s not going to fix it. If they expect me to believe that those are fixed relationships, I’m going to be very salty about it in Season 7. Clarke deserves so much more and so much better. At this point, with no information at all from the cast on S7 relationships, I have no clue if those relationships will be mended more or if this will be considered their fix. It really could go either way. I’d like to say I have faith in the writers, but based on how they fked up the characters in S5 and how they suddenly sprung E.cho and Clarke being friendly with zero backup or context, I’m not too confident. They don’t understand the characters they’ve written very well, or at least not all the time...
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alina-aleksanders · 7 years
Okay but DINAH Laurel Lance sometimes does That Head Bob(TM) when she talks! Like, when she says “that’s cute” in 6x04 and a few other times, it’s like The Villain Thing to do and I am living for it and I fully support it
Haha yeah I’ve noticed her little head tilt! I’m living for everything about Dinah Laurel Lance tbh lol. Honestly it’s amazing how much work Katie Cassidy put into creating Black Siren, she gave her such a distinctive way of walking, talking, the look in her eyes, the little head tilt she does.
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